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Hey Bman

Can't really point out a method or "this is exactly how i did it"..most of the times i was just sitting observing the pain i was feeling (so a form of meditation) and asking myself why.
Why i was feeling this, why I was feeling that, why I behave this way

It was a painful, slow and kinda self destructing process.

^ MakingAComeback

This is my life anthem. I feel it's rightfully yours as well. If you start up a men's group, count me in.

AskTheDom After reading this thread, I can tell you've done some serious inner work and I'll have to put my hat in the ring with everyone else who wants to hear more about your journey and the wisdom you've gained along the way. You seem like one of the 'big brothers' in this forum.

I've followed you for a bit and your mental is inspirational.
Hey natedawg thank you, I would consider yes, I did work on myselfbut I'm just a lucky guy that started this journey earlier so "time under pressure" principle applies.
It's a bit hard to write down things for me because I'm clearly a vocal guy (not talented as Mac Daddy here) who can speak for hours, so perhaps with MakingAComeback we were thinking to have a AMA session ( especially BDSM for you kinky lurkers)
For what it's worth, here's some resources that have helped restore my faith and hope in life, in women and in my masculinity:

1) Reading logs like Andy's from Good Looking Loser
where a guy who was obviously just as bad as me went from being a neurotic cowardly mess to a confident, dominant man - this gave me the courage and faith that I could do it too.

2) Reading the Sex God Method and trying it out with a few different women - taught me what women really respond to and gave me a deep respect for just how attractive my primal masculinity is.

3) Getting really fit and strong in the gym - no need to explain why this one helped.

4) Doing psychedelics (psylocybin) - helped my empathy with women, and helped me replace my weak body image and loser self image with a stronger more confident one.

5) Reading Casanova's memoirs - main take away is to savor life, that there is always reason for hope, and that with faith life is far more bliss than suffering, because faith and hope remove the worst part of suffering's sting, which is hopelessness.

6) Reading and putting into practice the wisdom of You Can't Afford the Luxury of a Negative Thought - negative thoughts aren't just luxuries, they are the biggest prison in existence and they keep most people from enjoying what they have and from getting what they want.

Really, really excited about your shift to positive self-talk, MAC.

Add in some gratitude and mindfulness practice and begin to tap into your natural, confident, powerful, unapologetic masculinity and you will see a quantum leap in your sex appeal, because at this point the main (and honestly maybe only) thing holding you back is self-doubt.
That vibe post is epic.

I had the EXACT same shit. Complete lack of vibe. Intellectualizing away emotions, or at least a big part of them. I still do this, and I think it's fine. Some people are just more "rational", nothing wrong with that.

But as Bman said you can learn to express emotion when it's needed. And turn it on & off:

- +1 for Sex God Method, parts of it & the general idea
- Charisma Myth book (& practicing the shit)
- Awareness by Anthony De Mello book

What helped me the most was actually just fucking imitating people that I found charismatic. Non-verbal language, intonation, general tone of voice, choice of words, choice of conversation topics, facial expressions etc.

After reading the charisma book & following the advice there. That book gave me the necessary tools to start analyzing other people's vibe/presence/charisma/aura. And modifying/upgrading my own. Just practicing in front of the mirror or whatever. Filming would be better.

This is just to add to the advice that others have given.
AskTheDom said:
Hey @natedawg thank you, I would consider yes, I did work on myselfbut I'm just a lucky guy that started this journey earlier so "time under pressure" principle applies.
It's a bit hard to write down things for me because I'm clearly a vocal guy (not talented as Mac Daddy here) who can speak for hours, so perhaps with @MakingAComeback we were thinking to have a AMA session ( especially BDSM for you kinky lurkers)

Im in - Fire it up!

I still think it would be awesome to hear your thoughts in these different realms of life, even if it's in an audio series.

TUE 04/10/2022

I’m sick. Feverish, a little beaten down. Nothing major. A common cold, it seems. I am going to rest & recover. Lots of water, electrolytes. Rest. All that hammering, grinding like a warrior, and God has taken me out of commission today. He needs me to rest. Low sleep for days on end and pushing yourself so hard will take it out of you.

I got back yesterday morning, and everything just seemed just great. I wore my hustle as a badge of honour.

I got in, and just lay on my bed for a while in gratitude.

Thank you to my brothers: TimmyTurner , Paw , AskTheDom for a really life-changing trip in Krakow. No one will know how hard we went, how deep we went into our own psyche and masculinity, and the drive, ambition, and sheer force of will we have. Just being around you, I was so inspired. It is a privilege to know you, and I am grateful for our friendship.

But a dog is never satisfied. When his bowl is empty, he wants more.

Let me get my 2 more lays. Then, we will make a DETAILED, GRANULAR game plan for the next project. The hustle will NEVER stop. Together, we will get money, build indestructible mindsets, and find quality women. I will consult you all and we will enact this epic battle plan. I will unveil the next project once I get the final 2 lays. It will blow the roof off my development, and I will become something else entirely.

There is work to be done, and it takes many different forms. Let us now waste any more time.

Check-in from yesterday:

I got in, and lay down for a bit. All of a sudden, it caught up with me.

I have been really hammering, and rest was needed. I’m wiped out.

I wake up a few hours later and feel the beginnings of sickness coming on. I stay hydrated, bang a bunch of electrolytes & sea salt, and just focus on MINDSET.

Crisis_Overcomer resonated with the post deeply and we’ve been talking about inner work. I reviewed the materials he sent me. This will be an area for development for me – inner healing and finding my masculine core.

I watched the video he sent me 4 times. I am reading the book he sent me, and I will complete this book today. I will then start doing the exercises. I will also jump on the call with Andy today and get him to coach me with improving my mindset and beliefs.

I will solve this problem by taking action, being strategic, calculated, and smart.

This work begins now.

Bros, I am also going to have to hustle and start bringing money in. I’m now going off savings, and that can only go until Jan 2023. The Phoenix Project was VERY expensive, guys. This is me going off sheer force of will. But even savages are limited by the almighty dolla!

There’s a lot going on for me, and a lot to process. I can’t take everything you’ve written in right now, but I will print out your posts today, highlight them, and file them in my self development folder which I review once a week.

Longer term, I envisage the following:

-Getting these 2 out the fookin way
-Making MONEY………..which I will invest in:
-Psychotherapy and inner healing work
-Working with Andy weekly (his call is late for me hence I didn’t often attend, it’s like 1am, but it needs to be done now)
-Joining a men’s group
-Fundamentally learning how to be a charismatic, dominant, masculine man with strong boundaries, and who has a frame that exudes a manly essence. That is what I must find. I KNOW IT IS THERE. How can a man with a warrior spirit like me not have a lion inside? I know it is there. I will find it.

In the interim, I will keep working with the resources Crisis sent me, I will read You Can’t Afford The Luxury of A Negative Thought & Letting Go, and I will do the exercises outlined in the book Crisis sent, as well as those in YCATLOANT.

I need to find my emotion and creativity again. I need to get my guitar back out and get infront of my camera and shoot vlogs. I ENJOY creativity and making things. Wait til you see my vlog of the Krakow trip. We had a blast.

As ever, I remain a determined motherfucker, and no amount of sickness in this world can take out my warrior spirit.

Thank you to everyone who has posted following my recent insight facilitated by The Dom during our trip to Krakow.

It is so humbling to read your replies, and to see the thought, reflection, empathy, and understanding of other men who take time out of their day to help support their fellow man.

Just this alone is actually a success for me. To see other men putting time and energy into pushing me forward is a big big win.

I am a humble man and I am coming from nothing. To see other men want me to succeed, well, all I can say is it means the world to me. It means more to me than you could ever know and moves me deeply. Really.

Manly Cockfellow

Thank you my brothers in arms for always helping me to find the strength to raise my sword again.

After unprecedented demand, and also people sending me questions to Ask The Dom to get his opinion, I am going to start a thread where you can ASK THE DOM. Me and The Dom agreed that if you ask him questions, and if your questions require an in-depth answer, The Dom is more of a speaker than a writer so he can send me a message on whatsapp with an audio, and I can transcribe the answer and post responses.

This helps with my copywriting & content creation, and also transcribing The Dom’s thoughts really helps me internalise, crystallise, and embed his thinking. I also have other uses for this and it can go in my copywriting portfolio/file. Helps me, helps The Dom, and also brings EPIC value to the forum.

We can be a place of true success if we model proven examples, work extremely hard, work smart, and we all raise our game together.

Radical , Crisis_Overcomer , Manganiello ganeilo: Which section should I put an AMA? I’ll start the thread and provide a bit of background, and the people can pick his brain and learn a thing or two like I do all the time.

My day schedule to come…………

I am going to put my old sign-off into semi retirement atm, my autistic tendencies of doing the same thing over and over must end.

KEEP HAMMERING will have to be put back in the armoury for now. When times are tough and I need to pull the hammer back out, I will. But for the road ahead, I will need something else……...

MakingAComeback said:
Which section should I put an AMA? I

Don't think it really matters much. Most people don't seem to browse sections. If anything I would put in "general self improvement."
Since Mon I've been absolutely MOGGED / cucked by some fever.

I spent yesterday trying hard to work, but being absolutely destroyed, so I did a biz meeting and spent the rest of the time in bed reading mindset stuff while my heart was pounding.

Damn it felt awful.

Now, I feel a lil better. I still have something, so I am not going to go home to see my parents like I planned. No use giving it to them. I'm also going to get a Covid test done.

This is the first time I've been unwell in years. I am glad I am bouncing back. Today, I should be able to hustle.

In gratitude.

Well....I was able to make it out my bed today, and out of my place.

Went to the pharmacy to pick up a covid test.

Tested positive.

Now I will just recover from this. I will do a little biz work, but I am obv a bit screwed up. I will take a small level of action on my accountability biz, and also copywriting.

Will message my current matches, which is like 2 people, and then just leave the apps alone for a while.

What I will do is work on my mindset.

I am going to fast for a few days.

I'll drink lots of water, and also have tea with honey and colustrum.

Supplements as follows:

Vit C
Vit D

Fasting. Lots of water w/ lemon.

And rest.

Mostly the next 5 days will be me in my room, doing some small amount of work on biz and copy, and using most of my day to do mindset work:

Exercises / Releaes

Exactly how it went for Holden , I went through some deep turmoil and a crisis, and it manifested in the Universe taking me out of comission for a while to do deeper inner work.

I knew it was going to happen one day.

I did some work on my accountability biz idea today:


One step at a time.

Need to test it with some folks for free for a while, learn, and then start blasting some marketing, brand building, and so on.

I will now work on copywriting for the rest of the eve.

When I get the next 2 lays, all I am going to do is: (a) make money, (b) work hardcore on my body, style, and product. Just 2hrs a day will be approaching and hustling on the apps, studying game.

Gotta become a high value man.

Need to make money, and a lot of it.

I have no income since I left my job. Going off savings. Hence, this idea allows me to use skills I've sharpened for 7 years and am elite at.

Copywriting will take me a bit longer to monetise. I'm going through the "shameless whore phase" as John Carlton called it, working for free in exchange for testimonials.

But it will come together.

I will do a 3 day water fast from tomorrow. I didnt fast properly today. Covid is a bitch.


Well. I haven’t posted in 6 days. That’s unlike me, right?

What happened?

Went to Krakow. Really, really push my game. This was one of the best experiences for learning success and success with women I’ve had. I cannot explain it to you, because you won’t be able to discern the depth, the sheer excruciating depth of what we did.

Only the strong can survive these types of experiences. They open you up, carve you up man, and everywhere you are weak, everywhere you are scared and insecure, gets exposed to the light.

I had one MASSIVE breakthrough. I learn the sticking point at the absolute core of the current version of me: vibe.

Krakow, in general, hard work but an environment of greatness. I am grateful to be around other savages and also ENJOY our lives together. Socialise, laugh, have a good time.

With the ladies, it was hard work. But a great education. And a great motivator.

More gym, more archetype tweaks. I will gain some solid ass mucle, put an inch or two on my arms, chest, back. Get a large piece of tattoo work done on my upper arm. And my hair transplant will look banging in 6-8 month. By the time I am 32, in July 2023, I will have added maybe as much as half a point to my level of attractiveness. Going from 6 to 6.5 will be life-changing.

So, time to just stay focused, be grateful for what I have achieved, and keep moving towards success.


I came back to London, and after an initial high for an hour or two, my mind and body just shut down. Sat down on my bed, and was just gone. Passed out.

Woke up incredibly sick. I’m in bed unable to move AT ALL for 3 days. I get a Covid test. Yep. I came down with Covid-19.

In bed for 6 days, processing so much, unable to even move, I had one of the toughest weeks of my journey.

My mind was ablaze with so much fear, limiting beliefs. My insecurities, my failures, they compounded and my mind was a cauldron of suffering the entire time. For the duration of the week, I did mindset work, which I think really opened up the dungeon. And out came the blackest and most gruesome thought and memory imaginable.

It was the heart of darkness, man. It was so tough.

A sense of bleakness, of sheer suffering, of the difficulties of the path. So many of my own failings came to the fore. The endless rejections, ghosting, the lack of investment from women. Having such a tough time finding someone worthwhile.

NONE of this is productive. This is the anti-thesis of what Andy has taught me about mindset.
I was kinda unable to hold back the stream, man. I think in Krakow we really uncorked something that had been laying dormant. And it finally came spilling out.

As I lay there doing mindset work for hours each day, my brain became a battleground.

The chaos that abound was brutal. And all the while, this really acute sense of loneliness, isolation, and a sense of time slipping away and getting away from me.

Much of this was my system just being so destroyed. There’s little sleep going on during this time and my heart is racing for days on end.

Fears of aging. Fears of this not working out. This feeling weighing upon me, this sense that something is missing. It’s a horrible feeling.

It goes on like this for 6 fucking days. I can’t even move and I can’t stop the flow of this insane bullshit.

I am just sat there with a journal, a notepad, breaking down all these thoughts and following them to the core. It’s all in childhood. The first times I experienced these things and the walls I put up, the boundaries and barriers I erected, and the things I told myself about myself.

I persist with my mindset work, visualisations, reprogramming the subconscious and having deeper and deeper realisations.

At the root, much of what hits me is the importance of being happy. This shit is meant to make your life better!

If you’re feeling raw, you have work to do on your head man.


And then I wake up, and I’m feeling a little better. And my mind is clearer and happier. I’m laughing again.

After doing fuck all for so long, I fell out of momentum and now have to build it back.

The hustle, the grind, the bitter push CAN be useful and important.

But when we become miserable, something has to change. It’s what is going on in my mind. Internally, I have huge limiting beliefs, low self esteem, and struggle to see how any chick would want to be with me.


This is so fucking retarded. So many dudes wanna be friends with me, like hanging out with me, this has always been my experience in life. People fuck with me and I am a good dude. That’s great.

Does it make sense that if someone is female, they just won’t see anything positive in me / wanna know me?

Nah, it ISN’T true man. With me being a work in progress and all, I still smashed 8 chicks this year LOL.


That is bad ass dude. I am still living a good ass life and my potential is damn near limitless.

I just need to value myself way higher as a man, and know that there definitely are chicks who will like me. I just have to find ‘em.


There’s blocks when it comes to expressing myself authentically and especially around chicks. I second guess myself a lot and don’t flow like I need to, and as such, don’t often enjoy dates and don’t allow positive emotions to arise like they should.

This, externally, manifests in the scarcity and also behaviours and energy which are not conducive with success.

I should be stoked about life. I should be blasting it in the gym, doing body progress shots every month, and be genuinely excited about building a slayer bod.

I should be stoked about the prospect of building a great bod, letting my newly implanted hair grow out, and getting a killer piece of tattoo work done.

All the while, man, I can work on being happier, more and more socially free, and reprogramming my brain and value system.

Time to ENJOY the process of doing the work and letting what comes, come.

Seeing myself as the best person I can be and being genuinely happy about that process is where this psyche needs to be. Not fretting about the following:

-Why am I getting so few leads?
-Why do I get very little returns in day game?
-Why do I practically always get ghosted from dates?
-Why have I only had 2 2nd dates?
-Why do so many of my dates suck and feature little attraction?
-What if I can’t actually physically make myself meet the looks threshold, then wtf am I gonna do, just cope?

Blah blah blah

Worrying about this shit does 0. You still have to show up and do the work regardless.

And more than not help, it makes your vibe and results worse!

So, fuck it, man.

So much of the mindset work I did during my week of sickness was about resolving internal barriers and allowing myself to be a happier human being.

It’s going to matter a lot, man.

If I was a happier human being, my vibe would be a lot better and I’d do better with women.

I could keep improving myself, train hard in the gym, let me hair grow out, get a tattoo, do some new pictures, make a lot of money and just be easy and peaceful inside.

HAPPINESS will come from abundance in: health, money, joyful experiences, and connection with the right sort of women who value me (and I value them).

I struggle to see how I COULDN’T find a gal if I was able to be attractive and come across really well. Why wouldn’t that happen? If I am killing it in life and internally, all is well, why would I be such a bad fit that the current bullshit of my dating and sex life would just continue?

Pain is often the best teacher.

I must heal, and increase my value, man. This is going to be a major piece of this transformation.

I will have to really get bodied up. Me with my current looks aint cutting it. I’ll need the boost a great body can give, and the boost a happy, peaceful mind adds to someone.

But before any of that, I just need to enjoy my life and take the pressure off. Learn a new way of seeing and being and allow myself to heal internally.


I am way better, now. I am able to work more, go to the gym, and function more like normal. It’s going to be a while before I’m back to normal. Weights in the gym were WAY down, for example. But I trained hard.


Work resumes and we enjoy this shit man.


(1) Dating: Online Hustle – 15 mins swiping Tinder & Bumble / 500 Profiles liked Hinge
(2) Body: Core, Stretch, Run (45m), Posture, Fasting
(3) Biz/Finance: Work on my accountability offer and talk to V, Copywriting 3hrs, jump on a call with The Dom.
Others: Mindset & Vis, Dentist, Andy coaching call


Mindset work done from 6-7am. Core work done. Went for a run and did my glute activation work beforehand. Came back and recalibrated. I am taking action with the dating apps, it’s SLOW, I’ll like 500 hinge profiles each day and I may get one or two girls who match with me. Tinder is kinda meh rn. Bumble legit died a death. Nothing happening there right now.

Here’s my hinge profile rn. Any thoughts:

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MakingAComeback said:
Pain is often the best teacher.

There are so many things I wanted to add in this post, like also for my mindset there was a huge battle: You know the guy called V once told me "you have a war inside, when it finish and you win, you'll be unstoppable"

But I wanted to underline that. Pain is an honest friend.

If something makes you feel pain or any branch of it
If someone says or writes you something that makes you feel it.

It only means Pain is showing you the way
MakingAComeback said:
when we become miserable, something has to change. It’s what is going on in my mind. Internally, I have huge limiting beliefs, low self esteem, and struggle to see how any chick would want to be with me.


This is so fucking retarded. So many dudes wanna be friends with me, like hanging out with me, this has always been my experience in life. People fuck with me and I am a good dude. That’s great.

Does it make sense that if someone is female, they just won’t see anything positive in me / wanna know me?

Nah, it ISN’T true man. With me being a work in progress and all, I still smashed 8 chicks this year LOL.


That is bad ass dude. I am still living a good ass life and my potential is damn near limitless.

I just need to value myself way higher as a man, and know that there definitely are chicks who will like me. I just have to find ‘em.

MAC, this is such a 180° from how you used to talk about yourself that I actually choked up while reading it.

Feels like you've finally turned a corner and started to believe what the rest of us already do: that you are an attractive, intelligent, unstoppable man with enormous potential who is on the cusp of the dating and sex life you dream of.

And just to add some context to your impressive progress, the majority of men (60%) in human history did not reproduce, let alone have sex with 8 women in one year. This makes you elite.

Now that we've established you are one of the elites, let's see how high you can climb!
MakingAComeback said:
Here’s my hinge profile rn. Any thoughts:


- Great posture, smile and outfit in stairs pic
- Great outfit, expression and pose in the camera pic
- Love your expression and pose and the dog's expression and crazy tongue 😆 in the dog pic
- Love your outfit and expression in the ladies pic
- Love your outfit and the background in the guitar pic
- Background and outfit in the guy pic are really good
- I like the open and adventurous girls line
- I love the shoulder to rest your legs on line

Potential improvements
- I know it might seem insignificant, but in the stair pic the stairs leading down, the sign saying lower, and that big arrow pointing down all bug me, because somehow they imply low status and going down instead of high status and still rising like you actually are

- camera pic could be even better with a more interesting but blurred background like a city street with people walking by (would show you're socially confident and care more about chasing your dreams than what people think)

- Guy pic would be massively improved without the sunglasses and the smoking (I know for myself and for most women, smoking is a deal breaker, so only keep it if smoking is a core part of your life and you really want girls who are ok with it)

- dog pic could be slightly improved with a lighter color outfit (the black kinda clashes with the dogs happy expression and the bright colors in the background)

- under the looking for prompt you talk about yourself, so an "about me" prompt would probably be less confusing, and since hinge includes a section for your actual height I would just say very tall (and put I'd put "very tall" at the end of that section so it doesn't seem like it's your only positive trait)

- for the "this year, I really want to" prompt I would be more specific: examples could be your goals of getting jacked in the gym; becoming an elite copywriter; travel plans; building your accountability business

- along the same lines I'd drop entrepreneur from your job title and use something more specific, because so many guys claim to be entrepreneurs when they are really just bums that girls will assume you're a bum too unless you put something more specific like accountability coach or copywriter

- you have a good profile that can become a great one once you make it less generic and more polarizing, especially by including more specific details about your life
(as an example, I started getting a lot more numbers and having WAAAAY more interesting dates after I added "open-relationship", BDSM (I imply it by saying "Big Dominant Strong Man", 🍃 and 🍄 to my profile, because it super screens for casual, very sexual, open-minded women who are either experienced with BDSM, weed and psychedelics or curious about them)
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
Pain is often the best teacher.

There are so many things I wanted to add in this post, like also for my mindset there was a huge battle: You know the guy called V once told me "you have a war inside, when it finish and you win, you'll be unstoppable"

But I wanted to underline that. Pain is an honest friend.

If something makes you feel pain or any branch of it
If someone says or writes you something that makes you feel it.

It only means Pain is showing you the way

Agreed - the underlying triggers associated with feelings of mental/emotional pain are often sources of adverse experience, times we conditioned ourselves into limiting belief, and the like. Doing work on these areas, unlearning and unwiring, and finding healing can only be good things.

If one feels pain, they will take action to create a situation where they can avoid further pain. This for self improvement is good and productive.

If we feel very little at all, and are in something of an apathetic and comatose state, that's where there's even bigger problems imo.

I'd rather feel the pain and do something about it so I can heal it at it's core, than carry on blissfully ignorant.

This is one where I'll also have to 'work smart' in as much as, there will be work on mindset and beliefs to be done here.

Appreciate the useful thoughts as ever bro.

Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
when we become miserable, something has to change. It’s what is going on in my mind. Internally, I have huge limiting beliefs, low self esteem, and struggle to see how any chick would want to be with me.


This is so fucking retarded. So many dudes wanna be friends with me, like hanging out with me, this has always been my experience in life. People fuck with me and I am a good dude. That’s great.

Does it make sense that if someone is female, they just won’t see anything positive in me / wanna know me?

Nah, it ISN’T true man. With me being a work in progress and all, I still smashed 8 chicks this year LOL.


That is bad ass dude. I am still living a good ass life and my potential is damn near limitless.

I just need to value myself way higher as a man, and know that there definitely are chicks who will like me. I just have to find ‘em.

MAC, this is such a 180° from how you used to talk about yourself that I actually choked up while reading it.

Feels like you've finally turned a corner and started to believe what the rest of us already do: that you are an attractive, intelligent, unstoppable man with enormous potential who is on the cusp of the dating and sex life you dream of.

And just to add some context to your impressive progress, the majority of men (60%) in human history did not reproduce, let alone have sex with 8 women in one year. This makes you elite.

Now that we've established you are one of the elites, let's see how high you can climb!

Ahh Manly, thank you for this man.

It is definitely possible, why would it not be? I see that now. It will just take a bit more time, work in the gym, and on my happiness / mindset.

I am definitely feeling better since starting the inner work. It has allowed me to also see how far I have come. It's great that I have achieved a sex life of sorts from a situation which was looking so unfavourable. I should give myself more credit on that one. It will also get better for me, I am sure of it.

Manly Cockfellow said:
MakingAComeback said:
Here’s my hinge profile rn. Any thoughts:


- Great posture, smile and outfit in stairs pic
- Great outfit, expression and pose in the camera pic
- Love your expression and pose and the dog's expression and crazy tongue 😆 in the dog pic
- Love your outfit and expression in the ladies pic
- Love your outfit and the background in the guitar pic
- Background and outfit in the guy pic are really good
- I like the open and adventurous girls line
- I love the shoulder to rest your legs on line

Potential improvements
- I know it might seem insignificant, but in the stair pic the stairs leading down, the sign saying lower, and that big arrow pointing down all bug me, because somehow they imply low status and going down instead of high status and still rising like you actually are

- camera pic could be even better with a more interesting but blurred background like a city street with people walking by (would show you're socially confident and care more about chasing your dreams than what people think)

- Guy pic would be massively improved without the sunglasses and the smoking (I know for myself and for most women, smoking is a deal breaker, so only keep it if smoking is a core part of your life and you really want girls who are ok with it)

- dog pic could be slightly improved with a lighter color outfit (the black kinda clashes with the dogs happy expression and the bright colors in the background)

- under the looking for prompt you talk about yourself, so an "about me" prompt would probably be less confusing, and since hinge includes a section for your actual height I would just say very tall (and put I'd put "very tall" at the end of that section so it doesn't seem like it's your only positive trait)

- for the "this year, I really want to" prompt I would be more specific: examples could be your goals of getting jacked in the gym; becoming an elite copywriter; travel plans; building your accountability business

- along the same lines I'd drop entrepreneur from your job title and use something more specific, because so many guys claim to be entrepreneurs when they are really just bums that girls will assume you're a bum too unless you put something more specific like accountability coach or copywriter

- you have a good profile that can become a great one once you make it less generic and more polarizing, especially by including more specific details about your life
(as an example, I started getting a lot more numbers and having WAAAAY more interesting dates after I added "open-relationship", BDSM (I imply it by saying "Big Dominant Strong Man", 🍃 and 🍄 to my profile, because it super screens for casual, very sexual, open-minded women who are either experienced with weed and psychedelics or curious about them)

Great feedback here Manly and I do appreciate it.

I think my Hinge was guilty of being a bit too generic. I've went ahead and revised some of the prompts. I think this is a positive move for my profile generally, even if it can be improved further. I've screenshotted the tweaks. Let me know if I got it right. Thanks!


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