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Hey, I'm sorry that girl wasted your time man. I guess it's still a little win as you got her number and got your first date from cold approach.

But I really don't understand her : she knows the game and followed us to check if you're a pick-up artist or not...

...accepts the date and the pull and goes to your place, sits on your fucking bed and finally tells you that she's not even comfortable with making out !? WTF was this girl expecting ? To chat like with a friend and play chess ?

I mean, even a girl without knowledge of the game knows that when she accepts the pull there will be at least a make out.

Also she's bi but doesn't find men attractive ? Bullshit.

Anyway, it was cool to see you in action and get that little win. Maybe one day I'll do some cold approach, but I have my approach anxiety to beat. Besides, I still find it very inefficient and don't think Poland is a good place for day game overall. It works well for The Dom, but as you already know, he's in another league.

Keep working bro !
Lord Rey said:
Hey, I'm sorry that girl wasted your time man. I guess it's still a little win as you got her number and got your first date from cold approach.

But I really don't understand her : she knows the game and followed us to check if you're a pick-up artist or not...

...accepts the date and the pull and goes to your place, sits on your fucking bed and finally tells you that she's not even comfortable with making out !? WTF was this girl expecting ? To chat like with a friend and play chess ?

I mean, even a girl without knowledge of the game knows that when she accepts the pull there will be at least a make out.

Also she's bi but doesn't find men attractive ? Bullshit.

Anyway, it was cool to see you in action and get that little win. Maybe one day I'll do some cold approach, but I have my approach anxiety to beat. Besides, I still find it very inefficient and don't think Poland is a good place for day game overall. It works well for The Dom, but as you already know, he's in another league.

Keep working bro !

The game is the game! ;-)

Woman be woman.

It's just the way it is.

Attention is the female currency, it's like oxygen to them, literal cocaine.

I am glad I kick them them fuck out now. I have a long way to go in developing more of an asshole persona and more dominance, but these experiences all help.


THURSDAY 29/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Dating Apps
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Sauna
(3) Biz: Biz offer dev / Copywriting

twonightstander said:
MakingAComeback said:
This fucker has done some crazy shit, 50+ nightgame lays in 90 days, wild shit
This is the most legendary thing I have ever read in my life. WOW


Women respond to dominance.

Many of us with nice guy tendencies are fucking ourselves and unless they're removed, we wont win.

MakingAComeback said:
twonightstander said:
This is the most legendary thing I have ever read in my life. WOW


Women respond to dominance.

Many of us with nice guy tendencies are fucking ourselves and unless they're removed, we wont win.


I'd like to know the opinion of some of our master women seducers to which extent you need to lose your "nice" guy tendencies.

I'm not an expert but I've always had this belief that in some shape or form, we have to stay true to ourselves. Yes, we should work on improving, adapting, and doing the things that are proven to win, but should we really go so far that we change who we are?

I'll take myself as an example:
I feel empathy for people that have a hard time surviving in this energy crisis
I have a way stronger bond with my mother than with my father (common for nice guys), although I deeply respect my dad
I don't enjoy intimacy unless both of us are satisfied
I like letting the shy person speak when he finally feels comfortable instead of leading the conversation 24/7
I enjoy walking into a place where people (of all ages and genders) approach me because I treat everyone with kindness and respect
And so many more things

Don't get me wrong, if I have to sacrifice these things to reach the ultimate form, I will. I understand that many of us have grown up with beliefs that are suboptimal but they are difficult to change because in some way this is the reality we believe in.

I've been having struggling with creating the winning belief that works for me for quite some time. I feel like lots of us could benefit from some experts opinion on this matter.
Bros........you cannot make this shit up.

The chick I kicked out last night trains in the same gym as me.

I was in the middle of doing some single hand farmers walks and she rocks up and says hi.

I'm like, hi!

FInish the set and dip to another room lol.

kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:

Women respond to dominance.

Many of us with nice guy tendencies are fucking ourselves and unless they're removed, we wont win.


I'd like to know the opinion of some of our master women seducers to which extent you need to lose your "nice" guy tendencies.

I'm not an expert but I've always had this belief that in some shape or form, we have to stay true to ourselves. Yes, we should work on improving, adapting, and doing the things that are proven to win, but should we really go so far that we change who we are?

I'll take myself as an example:
I feel empathy for people that have a hard time surviving in this energy crisis
I have a way stronger bond with my mother than with my father (common for nice guys), although I deeply respect my dad
I don't enjoy intimacy unless both of us are satisfied
I like letting the shy person speak when he finally feels comfortable instead of leading the conversation 24/7
I enjoy walking into a place where people (of all ages and genders) approach me because I treat everyone with kindness and respect
And so many more things

Don't get me wrong, if I have to sacrifice these things to reach the ultimate form, I will. I understand that many of us have grown up with beliefs that are suboptimal but they are difficult to change because in some way this is the reality we believe in.

I've been having struggling with creating the winning belief that works for me for quite some time. I feel like lots of us could benefit from some experts opinion on this matter.

Simply as put: you are not the person you think you are, and you are not who you are supposed to be.
Who you are most of the times is the result of external forces and internal coping.

Most of your beliefs, behaviours and tendencies are installed from others that don't have your REAL best interest at heart.
Most of nice guys operate in an "excuse/please" feminine behaviour because that's what society needs.
Can you imagine if 80% of men instead of submissive/non aggressive were a bunch of blood thirsty high testosterone angry warriors? Jumping on a wooden boat crossing the nordic sea to raid England doesn't sound a bad idea after all in that context isn't it?
You have to tear to pieces yourself because you can't "improve" a wrong direction, it's like a drawing with bad proportions, thinking that the shading and pencil details will make it better, it will always look and feel "wrong".

"they are difficult to change because in some way this is the reality we believe in" - But you know reality bend to your will, so like Neo believed he could bend the rules of the Matrix, once you believe you can achieve something, you will do it

"I've been having struggling with creating the winning belief that works for me for quite some time." - Life is made of struggles, a Man doesn't become a man until he struggles, Time and Pain shapes a Man, but only being uncomfortable will push you there.

MakingAComeback said:
I got a spanking from The Dom this morning, he was clear and firm that my negative self talk must be ripped out root and stem.

"The Dom told me the next time I do so I am going to get a throwing axe shoved up my ass and I do NOT like the sound of that lol."

You can bet your big boy ass I will do it.

Lord Rey "Besides, I still find it very inefficient and don't think Poland is a good place for day game overall"

Dude if I had 1 $ everytime I heard that, I would't need to work to become multi millionaire
twonightstander said:
MakingAComeback said:
This fucker has done some crazy shit, 50+ nightgame lays in 90 days, wild shit
This is the most legendary thing I have ever read in my life. WOW

It was a legendary summer indeed.
I got kicked out of school because I couldn't stand being bullied by shitty professors ( plot twist I had to repeat the year) and it was my "real" promoting year in club.
You mix a lot of free time and repressed anger knowing that next winter will suck, tourist girls wanting to have fun, a handsome club promoter tanned and jacked, alcohol, logistics that not even FedEx can beat, you get these results.
Which BTW MakingAComeback knows couple of my best friends that have done even better than me.
8 in 7 it's nothing, try 13 in 7 TWICE
Today was positive. I need to get more work done. I need to focus a bit better tomorrow.

Myofunctonal therapy
Cold Approach: 1/5 - exchanged with this girl, and she was rampantly looking around during the approach. Following this, text her. I receive an image of a teenage boy in return with the tag line "don't write my gf". I burst out laughing because he was trying to look tough. He's only a boy, and it's understandable, but him sending his image and identifying he lives around here (you see the buildings) was dumb so I did make a little fun. I have no ill-will towards the young man. I blocked the number and moved on. I was also dumb at 18, but I wouldn't send images of my face and location to a stranger like this. The emotions of male-female dynamics can make us behave in unproductive ways.

Came home.

Hustling on the dating apps: 2 boosts a day on Bumble and Tinder. No leads, but fuck it, I'll push we're on a boys trip.

Thereafter, had dinner.

Spent some time talking to the bros. We had a laugh.

I was NOT productive after that. I sent emails and did some accountability. But there was no biz offer development, no copywriting, and I didn't even use my downtime well.

I did take action of course, and still did productive things, kept diet on point, etc. Still. I am not happy when I am not truly grinding and I know when I didn't work hard enough.

Tomorrow, I will be better. It's as simple as that.

To live as a man is to work. If you do not work, you will be punished. It is an unspeakable sin to not grind.

This world was built by industrious men. That is the greatness of our species. We cannot dishonour ourselves with weak levels of output.

What I tell myself is this: if I truly gave all I can give, and I mean EVERYTHING, I know I can accomplish my goals.



FRIDAY 30/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Dating Apps
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Biz: Biz offer dev / Copywriting
Others: Myofunctional therapy, Photos


Yesterday was weak. Must work harder today.

Spent several hours this morning in Andy’s coaching group, going back and fourth. I value Andy’s thoughts as well as those of the other guys. There is a lot to figure out and grasp. My views have evolved a lot at this stage. I will never share details on this. Entire discretion and confidentiality.

Putting in work, and we shall see what happens in Krakow. Have had a good time, and I will go back to London Monday, somehow get 2 more lays and focus on biz and money for a while.

I will keep cold approaching just as part of my life, like going to the gym, and I will do some hustle on the dating apps. But I am looking forward to not being all in with dating anymore. You can only progress so fast. Only so much can be crammed into a year because your physique takes time. I will do a lot of work on mindset and studying game.

And, importantly, a lot of work in the gym.

The g crew hustling. Paw, 2 dates yesterday, closed one. I told you he will get something. The Dom, 9 girls in 8 days right now, absolutely crushing. The girl he helped me get on a date Sunday, he had a date with her yesterday, pulled and smashed. Important point: remember, all she would do with be was fleeting 30 second, barely interested make-outs before hopping off me and peeling away. She declined my 2nd date attempts, and instead, asked me to take her out to ‘fun activities’, she wanted me to invite her to social gatherings and stuff like that. Pushed for a date, nada. Told The Dom to punish her for me, which he did.

Let the beta males (which includes me – I am also weak) understand that you have to be rock solid to survive in the SMP. Look at the differentials in outcomes: same girl, two different guys. One with weak game, weak looks/archetype, one with solid game, solid looks/archetype. This is a competitive arena. One will win, one will lose. Understand that. We all have this happen, seen it a lot with myself. You must simply make yourself into the best product you can be.

The SMP will simply not be kind to many. Better to just accept that. I have a lot of thoughts on people who mislead, who give false hope, who sell a dream. While this will happen, because humans are irrational and are prone to externalising their experience to that of others, at least I am here telling the raw truth, so other men can know the truth.

Because I tell you exactly how it is, you can adapt and overcome, and make the decision that will best serve you. I know how I will move forward: focus on money, dating is just like going to the gym. Focus on levelling up. Being the best person I can be.

Back to work.


Today, I felt shit. I have been getting my ass kicked in Poland. Online dating is dead for me here, 2 boosts a day, Tinder and Bumble, I received 2 matches. One unmatched right away. Online dating is dead for me. So the only option is cold approach.

I felt shit because I am putting in huge work, and getting sweet fuck-all. Thats the game we chose bros.

My last two destinations, Istanbul and Budapest, I was treated like a normal person. Polish women obviously have their preferences, and that is OK. Nations ARE allowed to preserve their identity and all people are allowed to date who they wish. I am in no way offended and can respect the preferences of the Polish people. I have been treated well by the men, I have found them very professional and respectful. The women are palpably unreceptive. Nothing new under the sun. London is also not much better, even though I am fucking English. The difference is, online dating in London, I can get SOMETHING with 50hrs of work a week. Here, I will be unable to get anything, which leaves only cold approach, where I have to come up against failing pre-selection and being very undesirable to these women.

But, with a very well executed cold approach, I have a shot at presenting myself in a way that may let me win.

I have done almost 100 approaches here now, have ran 14 boosts on Tinder and 14 on Bumble (28 total). Net result is 2 matches. I won’t bother Sat and Sun. I fly home Monday.

I’ll write up the summary at the end including lessons learned.

Started the session feeling horrible. I felt bad about my shit results here and look forward to grinding it out in London. That said, when the chips are down, and there is no option left, what can I do? RAGE APPROACH



1 Claimed she didn’t have time
2 I felt very beta and couldn’t really turn it on but she stopped. She claimed she had to go.
3 Exchange, but I felt so beta and nice guy as fuck, felt awkward, my vibe is awful today. This number will go nowhere and she didn’t seem interested at all.
4 Had a bf.

At this point, I started getting momentum.

5 Exchanged again, touched her face at the end. There was a bit of sexual energy. When I mentioned I have YouTube, she practically begged me for it and pulled out her phone. I refused. Pushed a few times for the number. She declined several times, I whipped my phone out and she enters it. Not a solid number.
6 She was claimed she was super busy and had to study. I guess I sabotaged myself the right thing would have been let’s have a drink, I fucked up. I then saw her later, she wasnt studying, she was wandering around the mall.
7 Poor stop and rightly darted away
8 Great stop, solid set! She is going back to Russia in one hour. I can’t work with those logistics lol.
9 Exchanged, refused number two times, then I whipped my phone out
10 she had a boyfriend but she was hot as fuck
11 she had a bf
12 she had a bf but again HOT
13 When I approached her, she was just crushed, she audibly exhalled, rolled her eyes, and just statted at me. She was totally not happy about it. I let her go
14 She was a nice person, but she tried super hard to eject. I could have pressed to exchange. She ran off.
15 She had a husband
16 She informed me she has to go
17 Exchanged! Good set.
18 Bit of an ambush tbh
19 Hard blowout, she took one look at me, screwed up her face in disgust, and blew smoke in my face.
20 Great stop, really had to hammer her. She had a bf

Final thoughts:

Good session. Solid work.

I will just keep ploughing.



Best I ever went was 3/22 but that was with a wing, Paw, in BP.

Today 4/20.


SAT 01/101/2022
(1) DATING: Day Game / MAYBE Night Game? I think I’d prefer for us to go for dinner and have a drink.
(2) BODY: Core / Stretch
(3) WORK: Biz / Copywriting
Others: Myofunctional therapy, Accountability


I feel GREAT today. There is nothing I like better than pushing to the fucking limits, Set a cold approach record yesterday when I was undergoing some psychological distress. That’s how you kill em. When the chips are down, when life has punched you in the fucking mouth, you stay hard and keep hammering.

How can that spirit continue to be denied? A win is on the horizon. Eventually, it will come. Patience.

Every failure is one step closer to success. Every tough experience strengthens the psyche. Every dark night of the soul cleanses the spirit and allows integration of the psyche.

The war is won in the mind. Yesterday built my mind positively.

Back today.

The hustle is relentless.

That's what it takes.


This morning, got up, did my myofunctional work (mewwing), core work, drank coffee with The Dom and chatted. Timmy asked what we’re up to, Paw wasn’t up, Dom getting his beard trimmed, and me doing core work. T went off to do some tourist activity with folks from the hostel.

Paw gets up, him and The Dom are chatting.

I finish core work and go over to chill with the bros for a bit.

I then raise the question of feedback. So, The Dom had a date with a gal I went on a date with. She didn’t like me, and his date with her went well (closed). He probed her a little and got feedback, but also, as he does know me, was able to make the judgement that it does in fact check out.

So anyway, we’re just hanging out, chilling. We’re talking about Paw’s spine actually, lol, and I pop a question.

MAC: Hey man, let’s talk feedback. How about you give me the feedback that P gave you about our date?”

The Dom: OK, Ravi, we can do that, but it might be good if that’s something we do 1-1, it might be something we do in privacy which you may not want Paw standing right there for.

MAC: No, I am OK with it, we can do it here and now.

For me, success is a team sport, you find your tribe, you win together. Paw already knows so much about me, The Dom already knows so much about me, they’re both men I respect, my friends and part of the G crew, we push forward and fuck anybodies reservations.

Same applies to YOU – if you read this log, you must understand that success is the only option. No one wants it more badly than me. No one will sacrifice more. You are witnessing a man on a mission. My day in the sun will come. My golden era will come.

The Dom: So, Ravi, take a seat.

I know this is going to be a bit of a gut punch.

The Dom: So, her feedback, and having spent a lot of time with you, I think it’s accurate, was that you’re too heavy. You’re too logical, too dry, and honestly, she said she didn’t have a good time. She was bored, she said she just tagged along with you because you were a nice guy. Yeah, you are a nice guy, and I’m not telling you to be a son of a bitch, but it’s your vibe that is a problem in this game, man.

I pause for a moment.

The Dom: We’ve had many conversations, and we communicate man to man, and that’s good. I have time for a man who is consistent and truthful, and when he says he is going to do something, it gets done, no excuses. To be honest, this is the one of the things I respect most in men. That is a sign of someone I am willing to invest in. Why would I invest in a man who is not absolutely truthful with his word? That is a waste of time for me.

I thanked him for his praise, but as ever in life, with a teaspoon of sugar, comes the medicine. And the medicine is a bitter one today.

The Dom: Ravi, the journey you have ahead is going to be the most challenging of this entire process, man. I will tell you the truth about your situation: you have a mountain to climb, man. And the only person who can climb it is you. We can work on this together, and when I say we, I mean all of us. I am happy to listen to your audios and help you with technique, brother, of course. But the work that will get YOU personally ahead in this game isn’t about technique, isn’t about getting very good at the stop, and isn’t about gimmicks. It’s about your vibe, man. That’s game.

Your execution and technique will improve, and I want you to keep pushing and working. Do 600 more cold approaches, of course. But Ravi, once you’ve mastered the stop, once you’ve squared up, once your posture is where it needs to be and your holding laser eye-contact, thereafter, you will need vibe. It is vibe that will unlock this game for you, and it is the dragon you will have to slay.

Ravi, women do not respond to logic or to reason. Women respond to RAW MASCULINITY. Your tendencies when you talk to us are very telling – your tonality, your expressions, your thought process, it is a super power when it comes to work, but you convey no emotion, your energy is always stable, and there is no peak, no low, just flat-line.

When you are logical with a woman, it’s like you have lured Count Dracula out of his den. The light has pierced, and the moment it touches skin, it eviscerates. It is absolutely repellent, man. Women do not like in the world of logic and reason. They live in the world of emotions.

Guys like you make the world go round. But strong men, with true masculinity, built this world. And that is what women respond to. They do now, they will tomorrow, and they will until the end of time. It’s how they’re built.

MAC: I understand, and have a concept for what you’re outlining. But, these traits of focus, consistency, and also reliability, being solid and professional, are also the reason why many men like me, and I have usually had a lot of friends and connected with men easily.

The Dom: Sure, and I can see why. Man to man, your tendencies are great, for the man’s world of work. Man has to work, that is true. But Ravi, what I am talking about is attraction, and this is far removed from the world of work. This will involve you doing a lot of work on yourself, peeling away layers of your personality, and going deep. You may need to find a psychologist or hypnotherapist, and have them help you pull this out. I will be honest with you, when I did this myself, a lot of emotions that were trapped came up, and there were times I cried, man. It is hard, and it is going to be the hardest thing you will ever do in this game. But this is what will allow you to succeed. There is nothing else that is as important in this game for you. I want you to focus on this, and find a way to make it work.

So, let’s do something for a moment Ravi. You will have to destroy yourself entirely, Ravi. You will have to break yourself down, absolutely and entirely, and build yourself up again. Think about that. Really think about it. How does it make you feel? Pause on it. How do you feel right now?

MAC: Honestly, I feel anger. I feel a sense of injustice, that a man has to completely re-engineer himself to connect with woman. A man has to totally destroy himself and build himself again, climb mount Everest, and woman can simply exist. That angers me.

The Dom talked about the differences between man and woman, the different roles we play in the world, and how when a man works EXTREMELY HARD, he can totally, and he meant totally, transform his destiny. Women only win in the SMP. Outside of that, unless they’re 7s and 8s, they aren’t winning. Being born as a 5 as a woman is a tough card to have been dealt. Their options are limited, and often culminate in resentment, anger, cat ownership and feminism. The Dom emphasised that it is actually a gift to be a man, because if we truly, truly grind, and do so effectively, strategically, we have a shot at greatness, and a great experience of life.

The Dom: See, follow those emotions Ravi. How does it make you FEEL?

MAC: To be honest, I feel a bit of rage-

The Dom: But WHERE do you feel it? Where is the sensation? Where do you feel the rage?

MAC: …..I am processing it, I am thinking about it

The Dom: SEE?

A smile stretched across his face.

The Dom: Ravi, you have emotional blocks. Your expression, your tone, your entire being hasn’t changed at all. Do you think this is how a person experiences the emotion of rage? THIS IS RAGE

He slams his fists into the table and is palpably enraged, like Emporer Augustus when Varus was ambushed in the Teutoburg Forrest, when the impossible happened, the invincible Roman legion lay massacred, the betrayal of Arminius. Empires fall from within.

The Dom: This entire week, your communication, your energies, were logical. You can fuck around sometimes, sure. But you will need to learn how to be man to woman, and to convey emotion and stimulate attraction. When you are logical with a woman, there is nothing stimulated in her. I listened to your date when you kicked the girl out the other day. You are too diplomatic. And diplomatic is good for society, but it is not good for this. Why do the Disney films do so well? There is a reason. They have utterly nailed the male – female archetype. Beauty and The Beast, Jasmin and Aladin the street vagabond. Why is woman’s porn erotic literature? They need to FEEL, Ravi.

The work for you will be about bringing up your emotions that you have repressed and sent underneath.

If you do that, you will climb this mountain. But I do not want you wasting your time doing another 1000 approaches and still being a diplomatic nice guy. If you nail your vibe, when we do our trips next year, you will be a completely different animal, dude. But this is one mountain you are going to have to climb yourself. So get ready to peel yourself down.

Paw agreed, and we all chatted for a while.


-The Dom outlined that this is actually what game is. Game is 80% vibe. Attraction is emotions. Game is not logic, reason, diplomacy. Game is about letting the beast out, becoming a masculine man, allowing your wild nature to come to the fore. Killing the beta, the nice guy, but getting out of your own way and connecting with your own masculine essence and emotions. Robots need not apply. This is not for such men. This is for men who can feel, and convey their feelings to woman, and hence stimulate them and create intimacy and sex.
-Why do you think Patrice O’Neal got so much pussy? He’s big, he’s fat, but he has a million dollar mouthpiece. Every time he opens his mouth, emotions, colour, texture, hues, and feelings came out. You don’t even need to be watching his standup, we can listen to an audio of a joke and it will paint such a colourful picture he doesn’t even need visuals. That’s game.

I am sharing this with you, and when I do my project report for The Phoenix Project (.pdf to come), I will consolidate all of this, because the only way I can become one of the best guys on planet fucking earth is if I take my journey dead, dead ass serious.

Feedback can be harsh.

But if you DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT, you can unlock levels.

I will make this work.

Believe me, I will.

Glad you shared this. I relate a lot and must go through the same procces.
MakingAComeback said:

But strong men, with true masculinity, built this world. And that is what women respond to. They do now, they will tomorrow, and they will until the end of time. It’s how they’re built.

This quote gave me chills, seriously. This entire post is super insightful, powerful. I hope this quote, and other things in this post resonates in other men, as it did for me.

Thank you for sharing such a vulnerable moment, true value.

Rooting for you in your corner as always, Phoenix will soar high in due time, and you will look back and it will be a mere memory.

“Difficulty shows what men are. Therefore when a difficulty falls upon you, remember that God, like a trainer of wrestlers, has matched you with a rough young man. Why? So that you may become an Olympic conqueror; but it is not accomplished without sweat.”

Let's show this fucking world, what MEN can do.
Dude I barely know you but it is really impossible to not root for you. You are truly setting the standard for what hard work is and you are making me realize that I need to grind way harder than I am right now. I am on the same journey as you but you have been through a lot more stuff and it is really inspiring to see how much fire you have despite all the adversity and crap that has been thrown your way. This is part of the hero's journey and I am positive that you will get to where you want to be.

MakingAComeback said:
Same applies to YOU – if you read this log, you must understand that success is the only option. No one wants it more badly than me. No one will sacrifice more. You are witnessing a man on a mission. My day in the sun will come. My golden era will come.
The entire post is pure gold but this one hit home the hardest. Next time I see myself slacking off I will think about you grinding and I will kick my gears back into action. I want this very very bad and I can't have you outworking us all for much longer ;).

All the best.
The sheer amount of work that this Man putted and puts in is simply elite.

Any new subscriber that say "i'm serious about change" should red this and I'd like to see if they are serious after that.
AskTheDom big respect, absolute masterful description of the process.

MakingAComeback great transcribing of convo, this is the type of knowledge that goes in books
Thank you MakingAComeback for sharing the detailed feedback from AskTheDom. Mad respect to both of you.

For a man, emotion is not something to be overwhelmed by and caught up in. It's to be your under control, deployed exactly when you want and how you want. Take the Stoics for example. Stoicism is not about being cold to emotion. It's about having complete control, harnessing its energy, and wielding it like a weapon for your bidding.

This does not only apply to Game. You're currently studying copywriting. The best sales copy conveys and speaks largely to emotion first, then logic to justify the emotional decision. People buy things because they want to feel a certain way. Women buy you because you make them feel a certain way.

Your vibe was something I tried pointing out back in July: https://killyourinnerloser.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=38408#p38408

I know you're a man of action, and because The Dom pointed out this should be your #1 priority, it would be beneficial for you and us if you stated here the concrete steps you are going to take to work on this and updating us regularly like you do with your other work.

Connecting with and conveying my emotions in a controlled and purposeful manner has been something I have worked on (and continue to do so as I develop my own vibe. Here a few things that helped me:

  • Therapy: The Dom's advice to work with a therapist is excellent. I've worked with a therapist in the past. They will stop you in your "logical" reasoning and make you dive deeper into your emotions around those thoughts. They will do just as The Dom did, and ask you how those things feel, in that moment, to help you build the muscle of awareness. Then they can help you to express that emotion.

  • Mindfullness: I don't know if you practice meditation, but it will help this. When you sit down for meditation, do a body scan and notice what sensations you feel in your body. Then check in with what emotions you feel in that moment. Where do you feel those emotions in your body? The current developing scientific theories are pointing to a deep connection between the body and emotions (check out Lisa Feldman Barrett's How Emotions are Made), but of course eastern traditions have contemplated this for centuries. As you get better at this, do it periodically throughout the day. Set an alarm if you must to just check in every hour. What am I feeling now? Where is it in my body? As you do this you will get better at recognizing your emotions and how they feel. THEN, when you are gaming, if you want to portray an emotion, you can remember where you felt that in your body and use it as an anchor.

  • Men's Group: It's helpful to see and hear how other men express their emotions and wield them for their advantage. It's also helpful to have other men who are all working to better themselves be deeply vulnerable. There are organization's like Evryman who help facilitate these, but you can easily get your own started if you learn a good set of protocols. The important part is the consistency because it will help train your ability to convey emotion. I have been doing one with 6-9 guys for 3 years now.

MakingAComeback said:
I will be honest with you, when I did this myself, a lot of emotions that were trapped came up, and there were times I cried, man. It is hard, and it is going to be the hardest thing you will ever do in this game.

AskTheDom would you mind sharing the steps or resources that help you? It will greatly help the rest of us to know what actionable steps we can all take to work on this that will actually get us to an elite level.
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