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Just noticed this. I am often that baffled people read my log, as there are far more interesting people who have their shit together.

Your log is one of my favorites because of how it’s written. Lots of raw emotion. You have the makings of an excellent writer. Also, your accomplishments are especially impressive because of where you started from.

I have a couple Indian friends. One guy ( long time friend my age) is into the healing arts - Yoga, meditation, Ayurveda. Young white girls love this stuff. He has a certain charisma about him.

There is this other guy, a business associate, older than me. In the 1990s we traveled around Europe together chasing women. I was late 20s at the time and he was late 40s. He was tall but slightly overweight and had lost most of his hair (he had money though). Anyway I had met this 19 year old blonde blue eved Latvian girl. She was cute but I thought a bit plain, not really my type (but my friend was totally hot for her) so I suggested that she and my friend go on a date. Long story short, they did and she became his mistress for several years. When they finally broke up, he started going to Riga, Latvia by himself every summer and had short flings with a bunch of other girls. Latvia became his playground.

I’m impressed that your hair transplant already healed up already to the point where it doesn’t really look like you had surgery and you are comfortable going out and dating. I am guessing this is a combination of the surgical technique - and your darker skin tone is probably helping. you.

Looking forward to reading about your Poland experience!
We're working!!!!!!!

Blasting boosts on Tinder and Bumble. Maybe around 1-2 matches per boost. Nothing nuts. Quality is OK. I generated 1 lead, who may or may not come for a drink next week, we'll see.

COLD APPROACH: Yesterday 0/10

1 in a rush to go to work
2 nice Ukrainian I stumbled a bit and she didn’t exchange
3 didn’t speak English
4 she was in a rush
5 nice but in a rush said have a nice stay
6 in a rush to go to work but super hot
7 ambush (terrible approach)
8 going to work but nice
9 off to work
10 she was going somewhere

Cold approach, just getting into the flow.

Night Game

We went around, the club promotors are a sea of locusts they descend upon you and persist aggressively, walking with you for ages! We got endlessly collared by then and I was getting impatient, Paw didn't really care. We found a way to short-circuit them eventually, Paw told one "I have a boyfriend" and the dude just stopped in his tracks, stunned. LOL.

Found a club. It was weak as fuck. We did a few sets, no traction at all, and then there were no good sets left. We bounced. We'll find better places.

Back hustling today and going to an event in the evening.

In other news, The Dom has fucked 3 girls in 24 hours LOL.

NeverSayNeverAgain said:
Just noticed this. I am often that baffled people read my log, as there are far more interesting people who have their shit together.

Your log is one of my favorites because of how it’s written. Lots of raw emotion. You have the makings of an excellent writer. Also, your accomplishments are especially impressive because of where you started from.

I have a couple Indian friends. One guy ( long time friend my age) is into the healing arts - Yoga, meditation, Ayurveda. Young white girls love this stuff. He has a certain charisma about him.

There is this other guy, a business associate, older than me. In the 1990s we traveled around Europe together chasing women. I was late 20s at the time and he was late 40s. He was tall but slightly overweight and had lost most of his hair (he had money though). Anyway I had met this 19 year old blonde blue eved Latvian girl. She was cute but I thought a bit plain, not really my type (but my friend was totally hot for her) so I suggested that she and my friend go on a date. Long story short, they did and she became his mistress for several years. When they finally broke up, he started going to Riga, Latvia by himself every summer and had short flings with a bunch of other girls. Latvia became his playground.

I’m impressed that your hair transplant already healed up already to the point where it doesn’t really look like you had surgery and you are comfortable going out and dating. I am guessing this is a combination of the surgical technique - and your darker skin tone is probably helping. you.

Looking forward to reading about your Poland experience!

Hey thank you very much for your post, NeverSayNeverAgain!

It's great when people of all stripes can find success with women. When it's the goal and you can make it work, it's a great feeling. The brown experience in dating is a true gauntlet, people have their own reasons for why they gloss over such disparities and choose to retreat into their own world-view: I prefer to be objective and the data/my lived experience speaks volumes. But, as you highlight, it can be made to work - it just takes innovation, thinking outside the box, and oftentimes a level of persistence and work ethic that can border on extreme. I am happy the men you knew in the past found some sort of solution. I may be there one day, I may not. What matters is I am giving it a go, and also am enjoying my time.

Your friends had to do what we call 'geo-maxxing' to get onto a more level playing field with their SMV. This was smart and something I've also learned is important, low SMV guys should pull out all the stops to win IMO.

These days, often I just find myself thinking, this is my life, and I will just enjoy it. It's the only one I've got, will ever have, and I just won't allow anything to stop me from having the best experience I can have. This life thing is pretty cool and being caught up in the struggle becomes a bit of a bore. Better just to enjoy and allow it to unfold.

The hair transplant went into it's shedding phase just now, so I'm back to hat wearing mode! It looks a bit dreadful right now, but give it another month, and I'll be right as rain. I am also going to focus almost entirely on making money once I've had the 10 lays, as it's really time to travel and get myself around the world and see how I fare.

Appreciate your kind words, thanks once more. I started from absolutely nothing. I have accomplished a lot. For that, I am proud eternally.

Good luck bro ! You still have time to get these last two lays !

MakingAComeback said:
We went around, the club promotors are a sea of locusts they descend upon you and persist aggressively, walking with you for ages! We got endlessly collared by then and I was getting impatient, Paw didn't really care. We found a way to short-circuit them eventually, Paw told one "I have a boyfriend" and the dude just stopped in his tracks, stunned. LOL.

Yeah, that's a negative point in this city. Besides, as I already warned AskTheDom, there are a lot of shady clubs here. So be careful to not fall in a tourist trap as you can be charged a big amount of money for a couple of drinks. Even worse, you can be drugged and robbed. I've met a French guy here who ended up at the hospital after partying in one of those shady clubs in the city center, he got beaten and robbed and couldn't remember what happened after entering that club.

That said, I'm really looking forward to meeting you in person bro !
This log is everything self-improvement stands for. I have the utmost respect for you and how you've turned your entire life around. You started rock bottom and unlike 99,99% of the world population you sucked it up and decided that you wanted more and started working relentlessly.

I'm amazed how enthousiastic you are for your friend's success. Whilst you're struggling and he's getting laid, you're still rooting for him and are deep down happy for him that he's having such a good time. No envy at all, that's wonderfull. I bet everyone that reads this log wants to have a friend like you. You inspire me everytime to take action, become better, stay hustling, be humble, ... That's something almost noone has ever been able to do.

I wish you the best of luck here in Krakow. Really rooting for you to reach those 10 lays so you can shift your focus on the financial side. I'm sure that you'll be able to reach massive financial success in a rather small amount of time. You just have the right attitude and desire for it, nobody is gonna stop you.

Looking forward to keep reading this log. Now go slay out there.
kratjeuh said:
This log is everything self-improvement stands for. I have the utmost respect for you and how you've turned your entire life around. You started rock bottom and unlike 99,99% of the world population you sucked it up and decided that you wanted more and started working relentlessly.

I'm amazed how enthousiastic you are for your friend's success. Whilst you're struggling and he's getting laid, you're still rooting for him and are deep down happy for him that he's having such a good time. No envy at all, that's wonderfull. I bet everyone that reads this log wants to have a friend like you. You inspire me everytime to take action, become better, stay hustling, be humble, ... That's something almost noone has ever been able to do.

I wish you the best of luck here in Krakow. Really rooting for you to reach those 10 lays so you can shift your focus on the financial side. I'm sure that you'll be able to reach massive financial success in a rather small amount of time. You just have the right attitude and desire for it, nobody is gonna stop you.

Looking forward to keep reading this log. Now go slay out there.

Damn bro, I am really honoured by your kind words here, thank you so much for this, I appreciate it.

I try my ass off and have fully, fully committed to making myself into a man I respect and admire. It is hard work every single day, every day I get up and know I just have to do it again, it is a tough game and brings many challenges, and also much growth. There is pain that is real and raw and some of the deepest you can imagine, and there is some joy, even if it is often fleeting. You seem to become more mature and gain a deeper appreciation for life. It's as if I burned so many layers of myself down and build myself up anew, I appreciate life and also understand this experience of being human a bit more than many.

The work and dedication I put into every day of my life is real, bro. It is very strenuous. I have gotten used to it at this stage and I just live it.

That said, I am proud of how far I've come, and regardless of what happens and whether I get my happy ending and find a gal who will be worth all this grinding, I know the hell I once lived in, I know the mind torture that I once lived and how I walked down the street totally removed from the social body and human experience, wandering the streets as God's lonely man. Every day I told myself, despite how fucked I am, and make no mistake, I was truly fucked up and destroyed as a human being - one day I will make a come back, and all these people who laughed at me, who rejected me, who told me I was going to amount to nothing and that I was a joke, will one day be proven wrong.

Because what they do not understand about the underdog's in this world, the people who were told they can't, is that they will never understand how hungry, how determined, and downright brutal our work ethic is and the relentless drive we have to better ourselves.

Of course, I have my tribe, and I have found the best men I could find to connect with and come up together - the game of success is a team sport, you must invest your time and energy into finding and connecting with the best people you can find. This is your life. Your life is on the line. It's like having surgery, you need to find the absolute BEST person you can find to perform surgery on you, because in that time, your future is in their hands. I have built a great brotherhood and I am happy about their success as I would be about my own, I feel the same joy and enthusiasm, because they are good men who have contributed to the world in a positive way, and they deserve the good that comes to them.

The story is just beginning, and there is a lot of work to do, but I am learning, tweaking, course correcting, and I am feeling happier about life and my journey.

Right now man, I am in a beautiful city, with some excellent men, we are applying ourselves and I am learning more and more about game, dating, and success.

We're off to a party tonight, we did cold approach earlier, and tomorrow I am just going to wander around and enjoy this historic city, learn more about this place and the people, shoot some vlogs and just enjoy my life.

Monday - Sat next week full hustle, cold approach, trying to source dates, a bit of nigthgame here and there and just making it happen man.


Woken up at 6am but some chap absolutely wretching his guts out outside our apartment, after an all-night bender no doubt.

Went back to sleep until 9, got up.

Myofuntional therapy. Core work.

Chatted with The Dom for a while.

Went to get a coffee. Drank it in the street and people watched for a while.

Shaved, showered. Paw gets up.

We head out to pick up supplies for the party tonight. It's a sex positive kink party, me and Paw have never done anything like this, but we acquired the services of The Dom who gave us the full concierge service, with in-person client omboarding, we went on a shopping trip, picked up some leathers that were tailored to the look The Dom wanted to create. We make the look happen, and then go cold approach. My session was as follows:

1 Really hot woman. She was married with kids.
2 Stop was good, but a no go. She chatted a tiny bit and told me she had to go.
3 Poor stop, chatted a tiny bit, then had to go.
4 Poor stop, startled her, she gave a curt and rude response.
5 Good stop, she was fairly pleasant, but no English.

What I did well: Sprang into action with little AA
What I did poorly: Terrible front stops, it is such a habit, and one I must break.
What I must do better next session: Keep working on solid front stops, and improve your tonality, vibe, posture and stop being so validation chasing. They smell that you want them to like you. Be more disagreeable. More of a cocky asshole.

MAC Thoughts: Too much nice guy vibe, too much validation seeking, need more groundedness. Stop needs work. I still have improved my stop a tonne from the 500 approaches where no one stopped LOL.

OK bros, I am gonna do some posture work, shower, and then maybe just 45 mins copywriting study. We will then maybe have a drink and go to the party.

OK. Last night was the best night out of my journey so far.

We agreed as bros that we are not going to write a field report about last night, as it is against the spirit of sex-positive parties to break discretion.

All I will say, is that it was the first time me and Paw had ever been to a kinky sex positive party, and we are enormously grateful that we had our main man The Dom to initiate us and take us through the rite of passage. The Dom did everything for us, took us to the right stores, built our outfits for the specific look he wanted to create, gave us the full intro, laid out the ground rules, and gave us commentary and insight throughout the night.

It was fucking epic. I have a lot of thoughts on why it was so good, but I am not going to talk about any of this.

All I'll say is this: I got in, and I was just a kid on Christmas, I stayed until the end which was 3am but I could have been there all night. I was WAY too excited, spastic with energy almost.

Got into some great conversations, 1 random makeout with a crazy chick who was getting a tattoo and who just grabbed me and started making out, and 2 exchanges with chicks I had conversations with. They were a bit rough, so I shall not text, they didnt pass the boner test but they were GREAT people to talk to and I really enjoyed it.

There were some really beautiful girls in this event, and everyone was chill and cool AF.

Here's to many more great nights for the gang. Memories were made for a lifetime, and nights like this as an up and comer are really great. I am grateful.

Shout-out to The Dom: me and Paw did thank him for arranging the party, taking us through the process, and making it an incredible experience. But also want to publicly acknowledge a brilliant man, The Dom, who has slayed 4 chicks in like 3 days. ;-)



I got in at 3am, we all debriefed, and I hit the hay 330am. I got up at 830am and went to explore Krakow for a few hours. A great city, for sure. I am enjoying my time here. No cold approaching today, just relaxing, restoring, and getting prepared for A LOT of hustle the upcoming week.

MakingAComeback said:
The Dom has been here 2 days and has fucked 2 girls LMAO.

MakingAComeback said:
We head out to pick up supplies for the party tonight. It's a sex positive kink party, me and Paw have never done anything like this, but we acquired the services of The Dom who gave us the full concierge service, with in-person client omboarding, we went on a shopping trip, picked up some leathers that were tailored to the look The Dom wanted to create.

MakingAComeback said:
The Dom, who has slayed 4 chicks in like 3 days

Legend. AskTheDom Thanks for dropping in to give me advice when you do.

MakingAComeback , rooting for you for nailing you last 2 lays on your trip.
Bman said:
MakingAComeback said:
The Dom has been here 2 days and has fucked 2 girls LMAO.

MakingAComeback said:
We head out to pick up supplies for the party tonight. It's a sex positive kink party, me and Paw have never done anything like this, but we acquired the services of The Dom who gave us the full concierge service, with in-person client omboarding, we went on a shopping trip, picked up some leathers that were tailored to the look The Dom wanted to create.

MakingAComeback said:
The Dom, who has slayed 4 chicks in like 3 days

Legend. @AskTheDom Thanks for dropping in to give me advice when you do.

@MakingAComeback , rooting for you for nailing you last 2 lays on your trip.

Anytime amigo, if you have any question for your night out at BDSM events, shoot me or tag me and I will do my best :)

MakingAComeback you will become really MacDaddy sooner or later, i'm very glad you and Paw enjoyed, it was the perfect event to get your feet wet

Sunday, we decided to just take a bro day. Spend time with the crew, just chilling and being men on our journey in life. We explored Krakow, saw some cool sights, had great conversation, exchanged ideas, discussed game, women, success, finance, travel - the usual for the most motivated and blood thirsty men in the game.

I told the bros I am not doing any sets today. QUALITY is the focus when AA has become manageable. Just 1 day off when you're grinding ALL DAY like we do helps man, and also gets me out of autistic robot mode where I do the same thing over and over like a retard. GRRRR. Working on it, and getting serious about it. Dead serious.

So we're just chilling. The Dom has smashed 4 chicks and is enjoying the life of a G. If you read The Dom's log, his strategy for the next move in his life is to go absolute beastmode in his biz. You can follow his log for more details. Anyway, he is getting tired of fucking these hoes all day and all night and is in two minds about his date tonight, he actually told us he cancelled it, so me and Paw thought the three of us could go to dinner.

The Dom set up another one instead, which he was going to do as a sit down, tea date. He wanted to get to bed early and seal the date on a 2nd date instead.

We're just casually swiping, and I get a match from a boost I ran. I text her a little and she is replying. We're chatting back and fourth. I show The Dom. He sees it's the girl he has planned a date with tonight, and immediately tells me to take this one. He pulls out his phone, cancels on her, and pushes me to get her out.

Once I knew The Dom had a date with her, I went to unmatch her immediately. He told me that isn't how it works, and that I need to get this one. Ask The Dom, and you will get the answers you find.

This is a grey area in the game: the standard my crew usually has is bros before hoes, and we typically really push to help each other. Consider the fucking BULLDOG and OG @colgate helping arcade_fireee seal the deal, like Rags2Bitches tried to do for the Bulldog before, and like we should always do for each other. I see it like war: we are soldiers in battle, the only thing we have is the man next to us, if we lose one man, we have weakened the whole unit. Every fighting man is so important, we need every savage we can get who will fight until the last drop of blood for our army. But there are times you can't be so rigid, you can be flexible in this game: The Dom and Paw were both adamant, so I got her to agree to a date.

The strategy was great because we knew she would be free.

DATE: 830.

Starts off with me wandering around for 3-4 mins, I kinda didn't realise the bar was somewhat inside, so that meant I was a lil late. The chick called me out on this as the first thing she said. My goal on this date was to be more dominant. And be FAR less nice guy. So I didn't take any of her shit, was ignoring her shit tests, and just kept a focused grounded gaze, and was disagreeable where I wanted to be.

I must say, this girl was so pretty. She was so much better looking than the girls I get in London. She was levels above them. No offence to the girls of London and the UK, but the women of Europe are simply far more beautiful. There is no comparison, the UK is not even close.

She has some kinda combative mannerisms and is giving me a bit of shit. But she is flowing, talking lots, I am asking probing questions, and use my approach of 'solving her puzzle' - this is where I just move the topics and conversation around until I can get to a point where there's something we can pitch to do together, that night. She was a bit hip hop fan, and is off to see 50 cent next month. I enjoy 50 plenty and love his hustler energy and relentless work ethic. I pitch that we grab some wine and listen to 50 cent tonight. She's down.


Get some wine, bring her to mine. Pour a glass. Go to my room. Listen to music, talk, and slowly escalate.

She's totally cool with touch, and I'm touching her ass, her legs, etc.

Kinda almost go for the makeout at one point, gets declined. We're talking about sex openly and it's fun.

Escalate slowly, have my had on her ass the whole time. Getting closer, talking slow.

Takes about an hour but I get the makeout. It's nice. Short, she breaks it. We keep chatting.

She goes to pee. I have experience with more conservative girls and I am not sure she is gonna lay with me. She comes back, make out again, neck kissing, she's a little more turned on this time. Grab her and sit her on me. Making out while grabbing her ass, a position I like. Pull her close, it's a lot of fun, kissing her neck and rubbing her pussy.

She peels off after a while, we chat, and then she tells me she has to go.

I tell her she's boring, and pitch that we get up early and I can call her an uber. She's like, no I gotta go. I'm like, sure, so lets hang out again. She's cool with it and I pitch Tuesday, She says that will work.

She goes for the makeout this time. At this stage, I know I'm not getting laid and she is gearing up to leave, and I just enjoy her company. She is a really great girl, attractive, easy to talk to, and this was a great date - this has BLOWN AWAY my dates in Budapest, where I didn't even get anywhere fucking close to this. The crew is working hard in Krakow, and there is real, real potential for this city. A great place. I am convinced by it, and also, the city itself is freakin beautiful. The Poles should be proud of Krakow, this is a beautiful place and I am deeply impressed by how clean it is, and I enjoy the nature and mannerisms of the Polish people.

The women of Budapest were, however, absolutely drop dead gorgeous. I must say, I preferred the women of Budapest for their beauty. I enjoyed the darker sun kissed complexion, and the diversity of black girls, Asian girls, some Indian. Krakow is a bit homogenous. All locations have strengths and weaknesses. The strengths of Krakow are very favourable and after a week, I will understand it better.

We just chat for a bit more. I am just relaxed and easy at this point, just appreciating this girl, her quirks and mannerisms. She is 29, turning 30, and still totally beautiful IMO. It's a good deal for a man to have a girl who is able to just stay so lean, full of life and attractive.

She heads out, she goes in for a makeout just as she's leaving the door.

I text to line up a 2nd date, she agrees right away, I send a funny text in response, she finds it funny.

Next one is on Tuesday with her I think. I will try to seal the deal next time. TimmyTurner, looks like I'm going to use the 2 date model you used for your last lay, and see you here in Poland tomorrow. Timmy will be joining us and will be enjoying this city and the possibilities it brings for him to strengthen his game. He will day game, he will hustle on the apps, he will put in real work in approaching girls in the day with no excuses, and he will make improvements to his dating skillset.

Thanks once more to AskTheDom for setting me up with this date. Karma owes you, and I hope you get many more positive experiences from this trip. The first of many for the G crew.

Hey man, I'm really glad you're enjoying your stay in this city and appreciate its qualities !

I guess you understand why I chose Kraków as my new home : it's a very beautiful and clean city, the heart of Polish civilization, with great food, very affordable cost of living, and of course a ton of gorgeous girls to date !

I'm glad that you almost got a lay bro ! Let's go, you'll get your two lays ! ;)

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow tho !
Lord Rey said:
Hey man, I'm really glad you're enjoying your stay in this city and appreciate its qualities !

I guess you understand why I chose Kraków as my new home : it's a very beautiful and clean city, the heart of Polish civilization, with great food, very affordable cost of living, and of course a ton of gorgeous girls to date !

I'm glad that you almost got a lay bro ! Let's go, you'll get your two lays ! ;)

Looking forward to meeting you tomorrow tho !

It was a good move for you man, it's good here! Cost of living is great, lovely women around. Krakow is solid. I need more data and need a full week to see.

Yep, I'll text you now, let's move towards some plans.

Congrats MAC. Krakow is beautiful indeed, I was there 10 years ago on a school trip.

Props to AskTheDom for being cool.

MONDAY 26/09/2022

(1) Dating: Day Game / Online Dating
(2) Body: Recovery workout / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz: Work on offer development, work on copywriting study.
Others: Shops, Myofunctional therapy



Girl from yesterday removed me from Tinder the little minx, we shall see. ;-) Doesn't necessarily mean she's ghosted, could just be how she manages all the dicks she's working with.

Post surgery recovery, did a training session last week, and my left shoulder is cucked rn. I am gonna lift SUPER light this week on upper stuff and get blood flowing through. Recover and then blast hard AF, get this body right.

UPDATE: She did actually whatsapp me, confirms she is just trying to manage her insane volume of Tinder leads. She shuffled me into her Whatsapp, removing me from her Tinder funnel which is the equivalent of a 2-3 million strong email list, and moved me a little down her funnel into the 'warm leads' section. Worryingly, she ended the date by saying 'lEtS dO sOmEtHiNg fUn" so she may have assigned me beta status in that brain of hers. No disrespect to her, this will be my 3rd 2nd date of all time - Danish Girl went on 5 dates total with me, NG when she was a thing banged me the 1st date and did the same every week after that for 4 months. Let's see what happens with this gal. I respect that she actually texted me, this is a different type of woman here in Poland. They seem like excellent humans. I like them.

Pushing for a date Tuesday, and I'm gonna try to straight to crib man.

Training session was simple, as I have a bit of a shoulder inpingement going on, which is often transient.

-5 x 20 incline db press (light as fuck, think I used 7kg, I normally am pressing 22-25kg on incline for 12 reps. Weak, long way to get back to where I used to be. Oh well)
-3 x 20 flat flyes
-5 x 20 cable facepulls (rotator cuff rehab)
-5 x 20 tricep extensions
-3 x 15 preacher curls
-3 x 15 hammer curls
-3 x 15 back extension
-3 x 10 ab wheel rollouts (from knees)

Just to pump blood into the upper body, help recovery, get the shoulder issue taken care of, and move towards being strong again.

Tomorrow, training will be:

5 x 15 Back Extension
3 x 10 Ab Wheel from knees)
BB Hip Thrust 3 x 15
BW Glute Bridges / Band X Walks / Banded Clams 3 x 20
Cardio - 60 Min Run (Listen to Audiobook - JAWS: An Epidemic, a book on craniofacial development)

Going to message my Online Dating leads on Tinder and see what's what.

Now, time to work, focus for a while. Euro Gang call later.

MakingAComeback said:
Worryingly, she ended the date by saying 'lEtS dO sOmEtHiNg fUn" so she may have assigned me beta status in that brain of hers.

Or it's Womenese for "let's fuck like animals next time" ? why not doubting her instead of doubting you ? :)
So far, getting into flow.

-Myofunctional therapy (DONE)
-Get coffee & Water (DONE)
-Breakfast, Supps (DONE)
- Core (DONE)
- Gym: Light / Recovery (DONE)
- Stretch: ATG Zero (DONE)
- Posture: McKenzie Ext (15m) + 3 x 10 McKenzie Pushup (DONE)

I have spent almost 1.5/2hrs doing posture work, getting my body aligned, mobile, stretched out and enabling full breathing. Has to be done.

I am now going to squeeze in like 30 mins of work on biz, then we go cold approach, dinner, try to pick up some bags of ice (also salmon lol) for ice baths this week. Euro Gang call at 8.

We need to wish the son of Odin, Paw, happy birthday tomorrow, he turns 27 :-)

AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
Worryingly, she ended the date by saying 'lEtS dO sOmEtHiNg fUn" so she may have assigned me beta status in that brain of hers.

Or it's Womenese for "let's fuck like animals next time" ? why not doubting her instead of doubting you ? :)

A far better framing. I did my best on the date, now we shall see what the blood god has in store for me.


(1) Dating: Day Game / Online Dating (DONE)
(2) Body: Recovery workout / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE)
(3) Biz: Work on offer development, work on copywriting study. (PART DONE, did offer dev, no copywriting)
Others: Shops, Myofunctional therapy (DONE)


Day Game
1 - She takes off her headphones and chats, she is warm and super nice, an absolute beauty - she tells me she is in a rush. As ever, the very pretty women are simply lovely.
2 - Stops and chats, she refuses the number exchange and tells me she will give me her LinkedIn ONLY. She refuses social media exchange, I push, she only offers LinkedIn. I say have a great day and wish her all the best.
3 BAD stop.
4 No English
5 Nice chat, had to go home to her boyfriend. My stop SUCKED but she was super receptive. Ukranian chick. Both girls who have been 'receptive' approaches so far were Ukranians.
6 "No time " -didn’t stop
7 Didn’t have time
8 She rejected aggressively, HARSH blowout. I didnt care.

WHAT I DID WELL: I hit OK volume.
WHAT I DID POORLY: I am still sloppy with the stop. It must be focused upon.
LESSONS LEARNED: NICE GUY VIBES FUUUUUUUUUUU. I am not giving off the right sexual energy and the second chick wanted my LinkedIn, the set was honestly going so bad I was so beta and nice as hell. Simply put, I needed a warm up, because MAN I felt nervous and edgy.

I applied myself, did the best I could.

No leads, the girl I went on a date with hasn't responded to me asking for a 2nd date, though she texted this morning, she hasn't got back to me about tomorrow and she has been online. We'll see.





He is currently whipping the absolute fucking shit out of this girl, the Universe is not so unfair it will allow transgressions and violations to go unpunished, order has been restored tonight courtesy of The Dom who has spanked this chick like a Roman centurian disciplining the stragglers.

This one is for the blowouts, this one is for the flakes, the pointless matches that are always 67miles out, for the shit tests, and the nonsense we as men have to put up with. Spare the rod, you spoil te child. The Russian Eagle, Khabib, once said that he was glad his father was a cast iron disciplinarian, and that his father taught him with his fists.

Had he taught me with his words, Khabib said, I would have listened.

Because womankind does not listen when I approach and when I message on dating apps, the Blood God created The Dom. And now, as the sounds of whips roaring through the air travel throughout the apartment, justice has been served,

I think that's 5 for The Dom in 5 days.

Me and Paw still grinding. Paw has a few leads, I think he will get a lay.






See ya tomorrow bros.
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