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Bro not being able to go to the gym post transplant has got be tweaking. I am gonna do a 4 day water fast I can't be looking sloppy. My weight has been solid because my diet is ON POINT. I've remained 196.4lbs this whole time.

I'll do this date tomorrow, and then I am fasting Wed - Sat (4 Day Water Fast).

My advisor said 5 days isn't necessary.

Lets go.........

We must get lean AF and then build muscle up.

I am going to be in Poland for 13 days with 3 fucking CHADS AskTheDom Paw TimmyTurner I can't let my month off the gym because of the transplant healing make me fall way behind them.



TUE 13/09/2022

Yesterday was great hung out with Top G AskTheDom, float tank, photos, hung out and had a blast.

Missed the Euro Gang call for this reason, apologies to the bros Paw Rene Heisenberg E and K. Back on the call next week.

8 Myofunctional therapy
815 Core
830 BAB / Supps
9 Zero
930 Posture & The Boron Letters / Dick Pull
10 Copywriting Practice: Nail email sequence
11 Copywriting Practice: Other tasks
12 Copywriting Practice: Revise training signup page, submit for scrutiny
1: See Top G Vin
2 Lunch / Handyman emails / British Gas bill paid
3 CT / Light
330 Copywriting: Lesson
430 Shower & Leave --> On the bus, online dating hustle (45mins)
530 Day Game: 5 Sets
645 Go home! --> On the bus, online dating hustle (45mins)
8 Date – Physical escalation, her talking 80% of the time, teasing, breaking rapport, push for pull 3 x
(See what happens)
If no lay, myofunctional therapy, core work & bed. Back to hustle tomorrow.

Date was meant to be tomorrow, I messed that one up. Confirmed for tomorrow, but she sent a voice message saying she has been travelling a lot and been super busy so she'd like to delay our meeting for a few weeks. LOL.

I'll be in Poland so yeah whatever.

Weak ass bitches ;-)

Onto the next.

Might have a date scheduled for Thursday, if she doesn't flake, and I am excited to meet her. She seems fricken awesome.

Today bros, had a day I didn't expect.

Went to see one of my best mates and my mentor in biz.

He had a long, frank discussion with me about my approach to biz. He pointed out some really uncomfortable truths, and persistent weak areas for me.

He pointed out how I have a persistent problem with iteration, and refusing to tweak. He called me out for wasting time many times in my life by taking on one action and doing it over and over without making adjustments.

....He also told me that given that I decided to quit my job and sink or swim with biz, I had to think deeply about the money I am leaving on the table.

"You're not a copywriter right now, but you are an excellent accountability coach"

We're close and talk daily. We've worked on things together, I've done project management for his events as a friend, and importantly, he knows a lot about me and my behaviours. We talk daily. He knows my goals, what I want in life, and he himself has accomplished a lot (millionaire). We are friends beyond that though and we are trying to help each other in life. I won't go into our relationship as it's personal and private.

He really challenged me on why I am not pushing forward with internet marketing and funnel work. I explained how that is a longer term goal, and how I opted to do copywriting work in the interim to pay my bills whilst I worked on developing a product and biz.

He called me out.

"With the right business model you could pay your bills within a month or two"

He outlined how he launched a small coaching biz for those wanting to grow their socials when he was just starting out in biz, charged a few hundred a month for 2 phone calls a month, and was making paying his rent within the first month.

He also outlined how he feels as if copywriting can be a slow burn, can take time to find good clients, and though it can be a winner, he said that for me, there is no excuse for me to not launch a biz similar to what he did when he was starting, as he is confident I already have the skills and knowledge.

We talked for hours and he laid out a really good model.

I was enjoying copywriting. But I don't know how long it'll be before I am making money. I definitely believe I can get a bunch of testimonials and start making it work. But what bothered me was how one of my best mates and biz mentor really did call me out for not using the skills and abilities I already have.

I couldn't deny him and we had one of those conversations a man can only have with one of his close friends. It hurt, yes. It hurt a lot.

But he wants me to win. Just like I want him to win.

I am committed to my success and I will execute and find money in this world.

I will be course correcting, adjusting, and executing this plan me and my friend have developed. He will coach me through it, and this is an opportunity to work with an extremely sharp business mind with 10 years of experience in internet biz and millions made............

He is a totally monstrous grinder BTW and works even harder than me. My dude is fucking NAILS.

I'm honestly super excited and feel amazing now.

Tomorrow, I'll fast and hustle all day.

We'll see what this old dog can pull out the bag.

MakingAComeback said:
He outlined how he launched a small coaching biz for those wanting to grow their socials when he was just starting out in biz, charged a few hundred a month for 2 phone calls a month, and was making paying his rent within the first month

What he did is B2B. What he suggests you do is B2C.

You can generate B2B leads with cold outreach, but I'm not sure how you'll do that with B2C (unless you got a decent-sized audience)

If he shared a plan for you to generate leads, great. I hope he proves me wrong.

But if his plan is for you to build a social media account like TikTok, dunno. Would be curious to see how it goes for you.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
there is no excuse for me to not launch a biz similar to what he did when he was starting, as he is confident I already have the skills and knowledge.
MakingAComeback said:
what bothered me was how one of my best mates and biz mentor really did call me out for not using the skills and abilities I already have.

Man this really hit home for me...

I feel like so many of us already have everything we need to succeed, be it in business or in dating, and all we lack is the confidence to recognize our dream, the courage to take the first step, and the faith and patience to see it through...

Also makes me think of my favorite page from You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought:

As always, thank you for your thoughtful posts, MAC.

You freely provide a lot of value to the world (especially to the men on this forum) and I for one would be very happy to see you well compensated for it.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
He outlined how he launched a small coaching biz for those wanting to grow their socials when he was just starting out in biz, charged a few hundred a month for 2 phone calls a month, and was making paying his rent within the first month

What he did is B2B. What he suggests you do is B2C.

You can generate B2B leads with cold outreach, but I'm not sure how you'll do that with B2C (unless you got a decent-sized audience)

If he shared a plan for you to generate leads, great. I hope he proves me wrong.

But if his plan is for you to build a social media account like TikTok, dunno. Would be curious to see how it goes for you.

Mmmm, I really lack clarity at the moment.

Knowing his psychology, he'll throw tid bits at me and I'll piece it together.

We'll see.

Manly Cockfellow said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
there is no excuse for me to not launch a biz similar to what he did when he was starting, as he is confident I already have the skills and knowledge.
MakingAComeback said:
what bothered me was how one of my best mates and biz mentor really did call me out for not using the skills and abilities I already have.

Man this really hit home for me...

I feel like so many of us already have everything we need to succeed, be it in business or in dating, and all we lack is the confidence to recognize our dream, the courage to take the first step, and the faith and patience to see it through...

Also makes me think of my favorite page from You Can't Afford The Luxury of a Negative Thought:


As always, thank you for your thoughtful posts, MAC.

You freely provide a lot of value to the world (especially to the men on this forum) and I for one would be very happy to see you well compensated for it.

Thanks for the post man!

I've noticed it's a common behaviour with so many of us. We limit ourselves and make things harder than they need to be. I am the king of this I swear, lol.

Appreciate that Manly ;-)


WED 14/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Hustle
(2) Biz: Work on offer / Copywriting
(3) Others: Fasting, CT, Mewwing, Deep work, Stretch, Posture, Core.

MakingAComeback said:
He pointed out how I have a persistent problem with iteration, and refusing to tweak. He called me out for wasting time many times in my life by taking on one action and doing it over and over without making adjustments.

This is what I call a hologram: a personality quirk that appears in many different areas of one's life.

Unsurprising that I have told you the same thing about cold approach as well :)
pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
He pointed out how I have a persistent problem with iteration, and refusing to tweak. He called me out for wasting time many times in my life by taking on one action and doing it over and over without making adjustments.

This is what I call a hologram: a personality quirk that appears in many different areas of one's life.

Unsurprising that I have told you the same thing about cold approach as well :)

"You're not Alpha Calibrated, it's like you're Alpha Brute"
"Ahhhhhhhhhh thats a hologram I have in my game"

Ravi like...........WUT this motherfucker is gaming in multiple dimensions


Was just going for 5 sets but I was truly being immobilised by approach anxiety, I had such insane AA for the first hour it was like I was made of lead. I was so bummed walking around London, like MAC you've been doing this since November 2021, you've done HUNDREDS of approaches (I'll finish this year on 1.5/2k day time approaches if not more) and barely get numbers in London, have only ever had 1 date from CA here. I was just being pummelled by my own mind and some really insidious shit. I was like WTF where is this coming from all of a sudden lol.

See if I take a break for a week, I get enormous AA again. In this case, I took a break for almost 3 weeks due to surgery and then it comes back.

I was there like, dude, you have done this for a while now, and you're still fuckking god awful. Maybe you really are genetic trash. Maybe you really are destined to fail at this shit.

All that talk is going on but bros I have been here so many times man, so so many times, I have been battling this every day of my life since I was 18 and I will stare it down every day of my life - I will not be broken and I will never be made to stop. Nothing can stop me.

I pushed through for an hour unable to approach and then after the first approach, the anxiety simmered down a bit, and then a bit more, and then I got into my stride and blasted them out.

You never really go backwards. All the memories, references, and interactions build up in your brain. I call this armour building. I used to be out here weak and exposed, and the emotions used to kill me. I still can fear fear and negativity out there, but the difference is, I have been grinding this so much man like every week, I have built armour.

1 standing there she was texting, just approached. She was not wanting to talk and I was hella anxious. Dipped.
2 Weak approach, straight blowout. In London weakness is punished.
3 Very anxious and deeply uncomfortable, she stopped, but she was actively edging away, she did cross her legs and tell me her name but I was crazy nervous. I bailed.
4 she wouldn’t stop she was edging away but she was kinda nice lol
5 on the way to meet her boyfriend
6 on the way to meet her fiancé for dinner
7 turn around she’s right behind me sorry I’m late
8 EXCHANGED. Pretty 5 ft 2 girl.
9 I was feeling myself and did the most aggressive and sexual approach I've ever done. Held her hand for like the whole set, stroking her hand, she was fine with it. I then grabbed her other hand and then she got a lil weird. She escaped soon after but I felt like I was pushing far too hard. Switch back to conform next time.
10 She was on a date.
11 stopped her but she was a bit edgy and not really into it tho did strongly cross her legs . She was a bit of an asshole tbh.


Haven't had a cold approach number in London since fricken June I think!

This gal also texted me. I have only had a cold approach number text twice in the UK.

I personally see the changes I've made and how my game has improved slightly. I have a LONG way to go man. A loooooooooooooong way.

It remains a struggle but day game is atleast fun. Day game is the equaliser IMO and even a joker like me has a punches chance out there on the streets!


(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Hustle (DONE)
(2) Biz: Work on offer / Copywriting (DONE)
(3) Others: Fasting, CT, Mewwing, Deep work, Stretch, Posture, Core.

hey guise I got rele busy and just didn’t have time I couldn’t make myself work today and I couldn’t resist my phone and distractions. I ended up watching a lotta netflix and just called my friends and drank some beer lolololol



You thought you had me didn’t you? ;-)

Remember whose log this is.

I smashed 6hrs of work on offer development, 3hrs copywriting, cold approach (1/11), core, stretching, mewwing, totally smashed it.

Listened to my day game recording. I made errors and didn’t allow the girl who exchanged to get a word in edgeways. But she was super receptive. She has texted a few times, we’ll see.

I tried to fast today, I fasted until 230pm and gave in. I stuck to my keto diet. I will have still done my body a lot of good. Onwards. I will try fasting again man. It needs to be done once a week for you to be able to execute it effectively. If you take long breaks from it, it gets hard AF.

Discipline and consistency. 1 day off per week. Otherwise, grind all day.

Date tomorrow. Let’s get this lovely lady pulled. Jordan Peterson talk on Friday. Saturday, girl from Hinge asked me out – but she wants to meet halfway. I never meet halfway, come to my winebar, or fuck off. My sticking point of persistent ghosting post first date is real and I am not travelling for the luxury of them to ghost lol. Sunday, trying to get this girl I’ve been pinging for weeks out. We’ll see.

Poland next week.

The life of a hustler.

Hustle 8 days a week.

BW: 193.8lbs this morning. Lowest since we started. Gotta keep working and get it to 185lbs. That's still goal (3) see signature. If that doesn't do it for abs, I'll get to 170lbs.


THUR 15/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Hustle / Date
(2) Biz: Work on offer / Copywriting
(3) Others: CT, Mewwing, Deep work, Life admin. Stretch, Posture, Core, Ask Timmy to take pics of my outfits

710 Core
730 BAB / Supps
8 Biz
9 Biz
10 Biz

11 Life Admin: Ralph, Dom photo edit, Radical interview, ND email, Read the bros discord, Dentist app clarify.

12 Biz
1 Biz
2 Online Dating: 500 profiles Hinge, 100 swipes Tinder & Bumble.
3 Dinner / Supps
4 Cold Approach
5 Cold Approach
6 Cold Approach
7 CT
730 Chill / Hot Shower
8 Date? If she flakes, Zero, Posture & copywriting, and ask Timmy to take pictures of my outfits.





Learn about Radical, one of my coaches/mentors, and understand the story that made him.

Radical is a stone cold g, take it from me, he has killed the game, had elite level success with women, and will be making a whole lotta impact in the fashion & image space.

Side Note:

Video is from July. We shot this before heading out drinking for my 31st birthday, the bastard was also in the room at the time lol. I was 206lbs in this video and hadn’t had my hair transplant yet. I am now 193lbs and have a hairline due to the hair transplant inserting 2753 folicies into the areas where there was nothing.

I will shoot some vlogs for my channel and to update you, my readers, on my relentless journey.

Extra sidenote, it was fucking hot as balls hence why i lazily threw some gym shorts on for this

Good shit man

This was an interesting experience, there’s highs, there’s lows. A real complicated insight into the human experience. Raw, painful, at times so beautiful, but human, all too human all the while….

We match on Hinge the week prior. Her comms are fairly good, and she looks cute. 20 year old University student, we’re having a good conversation, and she’s promising. She seems quite quirky, and is saving up for a 22 string harp.

I ask to exchange, and she sends me her number, also telling me the days she’s at work. We schedule the date for Thurs 15/09/2022.

Text her morning of to confirm, and she’s down. I go out to cold approach in Chelsea. I have a bit of a tough session, unable to approach much, and push myself to go 0/3. Changing locations can also throw up AA. London, with it’s blistering pace, is just plain difficult to approach, the endless paranoia and psychosis of the people endures.

I get home, shower up, slug a drink to unwind before the date. Listen to music, and head out to meet her at our agreed time of 8pm.

She texts to let me know she’s going to be 10 mins later as she got into an argument with her manager, who was expecting her to be in today, and that she’ll tell me all about it.

I chill in the bar, and she arrives.

Physically, she’s cute. Nice dark hair, green eyes, piercings. She has an almost alt look, with her dress and style. Body is good. Let’s go.

Right off the bat, she lets me know she is a chatterbox. I can’t really get a word in edgeways, she is going a mile a minute and just doesn’t stop. We’re vibing and talking about her life, travel, things like that. I lean into things I can tell she likes. It’s going well.

She’s fine with physical touch, all good signs.

I refer back to a conversation we had on Hinge, and ask her about True Crime. I tell her, we should watch some together tonight. She’s down. I ask her for her recommendation, and then say, let’s go for a drink at mine and we’ll watch it.

She’s down, no hesitation.

We finish our glass of wine and we go to mine. It’s easy, she’s endlessly talkative, the energy doesn’t change one ioata as I lead her to mine.


We head in. Quick tour. Pour her a drink, which she makes light work of. Show her the balcony. And then go to my room for Netflix and chill.

She is very domineering and also her energy changes when she gets in my room. She is examining the room and sees my wall of goals and affirmations, which she reads out loud and laughs at. She callls it the red flag wall and she begins trolling. Shit tests, standard stuff. I just laugh and roll with it.
We’re pulling up Netflix, and it seems like my brother changed his login details. So it’s not happening. She then rifles through my books. She’s reading them and laughing at me, and unfortunately I own a copy of The Forward Male by a now totally discredited pick up instructor who had a short-lived, fleeting influence on our thinking, before many of us realised he was a total fantasist and psychopath with nothing of value to contribute. She laughs her head off.

She goes on this rant about how men who read books like this are trying to be Alpha Males, because they didn’t have many friends growing up, and how she is more of an Alpha Male than anyone who would read this sort of thing.

I am sat next to her on the floor giving no fucks.

“Let’s have a drink and listen to music”

Put on my standard go to, Cigarettes After Sex

“Oh not Cigarettes, this is standard man whore music”

Again, I just laugh.

When you deal with women and have shit tests thrown your way so often it just becomes second nature, this is how frame is developed, learning occurs in your brain and is reinforced behaviourally again and again.

She sits on my computer chair and we chat and drink, I am sat on my bed.

I need to go pee. “I’m listening, I just need to go pee, but I’ll be back in a sec” I tell her and them lean down and make out with her.

Come back into my room.

Sit on my bed, and tell her to come over. She does right away. We’re sat on my bed cross legged facing each other. I tell her to get closer. She says how can I get closer and kinda laughs, and she gets super close and sits on top of me, wrapping her legs around me. My hands go under her skirt and feel her ass. Her ass feels great. This is a hot position.

We makeout for a bit.

Take my top off. She trolls me a little for being hairy. Note that I shave down so there’s just like black specs/dots. Nothing I care about.

I then go to take her dress off. It comes off. Struggle with her bra strap a little, but it goes off.

Lay her on the bed, makeout, lick her tits.

Go to put a condom on. Let’s get lay 8!


This chick has been drinking with me and I am struggling to keep up with her pace, and dammit, my dick is not getting fully hard!

I try to put it in, and we’re not hard enough.

“Haven’t you seen the size of my boobs? Get hard!”

I tell her I need some water, and I’m going to punish her for this.

She laughs, and calls our my poor tolerance. It’s not that my tolerance is poor, shes just a hard drinker.

I go chug a bunch of water.

Come back and continue making out, go down on her which she loves. Dick is perking back up. At one point during giving her oral, she aggressively grabs me and pulls me up and passionately makes out with me. “Are you hard yet?” “Yeah”

She puts me in and we start fucking missionary. She’s loving it. We switch to doggy, she is wild and loving it.

…..and then all of a sudden, she stops, leaps up, and tells me she has to go pee.

I’m like…..OK?


She comes back from the bathroom in floods of tears.

“I’m sorry, but the last time I had sex, I was raped”

My heart broke for her.

She comes and lays down on my bed, leans into me and begins to cry a lot.

She tells me what happened to her a few weeks prior. She was actually raped on a night out. It’s shocking, shocking stuff. She got blackout drunk, left with a dude, ended up in a field or wooded area somewhere, and told me she just woke up with mud over her and not having any recollection of what happened. She realised she was slipped a date rape drug, she got roofied. It is a truly vile experience, and men who do this are the scum of the earth. Simply monsters. There are people in this world who are evil, bad actors. They will destroy anyone and anything to get what they want, and if it’s sordid sexual pleasure, so be it. Scum, pure and simple, may they rot.

She tells me how she went to the Police, and it wasn’t taken seriously. How a rape kit was used, and seemed to be fuddled through and not properly executed, culminating in the Police not being able to do anything other than a ‘wellness check’ a few days later. It left her totally destroyed. She is a strong minded and very confident, dominant girl, but she has had a tonne of trauma in her life which I’d go on to learn.

I just go into therapist mode, listening, ensuring her she is safe, and she vents for about 45 minutes.

She was in an abusive relationship with a guy who sexually assaulted her many times from the age of 16-18, while they were both in school. He seemed to be an unfeeling psycopath.

Her Dad, a CEO of an investment bank, seemed to have narcissistic and sociopathic tendencies and was something of a tyrant since her early childhood.

She was a boarding school girl, she attended one of England's most expensive and prestigious schools in Oxford. In the all girls dorm, they seemed to engage in some rather libertine and free spirited sexual behaviour.

All in all, she has her share of trauma. I’m just listening and just giving her space.

I am quite fearful at this stage, because she is touching on such volatile subject matter that I have to tread so carefully it’s unreal, and cannot trigger or make a wrong move here.

I’m kinda stroking her, hugging her, and tell her she does need to get herself into therapy. She says she’s been in it 3 times. I tell her she’ll figure it out.

We’re both in close, and she starts to just go back to normal. She’s over the emotional response. She starts chatting normally, like she was before. We’re making out again. I didn’t think we’d have sex after all that. I ask if I can go down on her again, she nods her head and smiles.

Eat her out, and she’s loving it. She does what she did last night, aggressively rips me up and starts making out with me.


So this was unexpected, but she is just insanely horny now. Like, insane. She is demon possessed and just wants her brains fucked out. She grabs my dick, which has no condom on, and forces it in her. I have never in my whole life fucked a girl with no condom. I am shocked, a bit hurt, and also really fearful – she has been so emotionally volatile, and has expressed deep trauma, if I trigger her, I will be at her mercy and in her unstable state of mind and clear built up toxicity, there is scope for me to find myself in a difficult situation.

I just roll with it. Before we had sex, we talked about sexual health tests, and she assured me she always uses condoms, has a sexual health screen every 6 months, and was taken through a rape kit a few weeks prior which does test for STIs. She had not had sex since then. And she also was clear she has been on birthcontrol since she was 16.

Either way, this is just a messy situation and I just want to get out of it unscathed.

She has her legs wrapped tightly around me and wants to be fucked silly. She is getting off life crazy. We go into doggy and she is moaning quite loud. She is really going for it and my bed is moving all the way across the room. Crazy.

We go back into missionary, and I pull out a few of my tricks.

“You’re good”

She is having a good time, and the sex is honestly really fun.

I then am about to cum and I try to pull out. She literally wraps her legs around me and makes me cum inside her. I am fucking shocked. This person is crazy and this whole scenario is chaos.

I cum hard and can barely move and she is immediately wanting round 3.

“I didn’t cum! I need to cum! It’s not fair, men have orgasms and women take longer, I was close. Put it back in NOW”

She is really pressuring me and then grabs my soft dick and starts jerking me off hard.

“Get hard NOW, you’re a man, just look at my boobs”

I am just stunned by this behaviour but I kinda collapse on her to contain her for a while. Makeout a little.

“Are you hard now?”

She grabs it and sticks it in.

We go again. Missionary, doggy, this time doggy is kinda interesting she basically just lays down flat and I’m hitting it from the back which is fun and I also like the view. But she is demanding I make her cum, so I get her back into missionary, and get really deep by putting my hands under her ass/hips and lifting her up a little and pounding her hard for a while.

She tells me she’s close. She’s about to cum. She’s cumming.

“I’m good”

The second she says that, I pull out. I don’t want to take this any further.

It’s 230am. We fucked for 2-3hours. A good marathon sprint.

“Well your goals wall says you’re trying to lose weight, I’ve helped”

I couldn’t help but feel a little violated that she made me not only go raw, but cum inside her. I was very vulnerable to her as she unloaded so much of her trauma on me, outlined her experience with dealings with the police, and put me on a knife edge where I couldn’t trigger her. Getting up and saying, look, no, this is not OK, could have potentially triggered her to totally lose it and she could have said or done anything. This could have put me in a very difficult position.

Men in the UK only need to put a finger out of place, and they’re done. Reputation destruction is immediate. You lose all employability within a day. It’s a fucked up society, and the West is truly in such decline it is tragic.

We go to bed. She can’t sleep without a night cap and her medications. She just opts to watch a documentary. She asks me if I want to watch it with her, I tell her I’m going to bed. She takes the right side, my normal side, and I leave her to it.

“I can’t believe you just let me stay on the right”
“I’m not bothered”

We do some small talk, bit of pillow talk. She doesn’t really want to cuddle, a tell tale red flag of a psycho.

Ask her a few Qs:
Q:What did you think when you first saw me?
A: Is this a Bi man?
(Interesting, she thought I see both sides like Chanel. I’m straight as an arrow, I’ve had guys express interest, I simply am very straight)
Q: At what point did you think we were gonna have sex?
A: I didn’t know, for me until we’re having sex, I don’t know it’s going to happen. I use Hinge to find people to sleep with. Plenty of times I’ve gone to someone’s house and just fallen asleep in their bed without even having sex.
Q: What type of guys are you attracted to?
A: Erm, I don’t know. Tall, with earnings.
(I have a quite large gold hoop)

We chat a little, and she tells me she’s a sociopath. I suspected as much. I ramble a little. She lets me know she won’t ghost me, she’ll probably sleep with me again. I don’t really care. I don’t think I’d see her again, even though we fucked like wild animals, I feel violated by her and do not like domineering women.


I didn’t get any sleep. I kinda roll in close to her at 9am to test the waters. Some physical touch. She’s not receptive. I go in to cuddle. She pushes my face away. I just laugh. My priority is to ensure she is balanced, stable, feels positive about the encounter and feels as if she was treated with respect and dignity. That will be enough for her to move on and move forward.

I informed her I had a business meeting at 12. Plan was, we go for a coffee the morning after, and she makes her way home.

She isn’t getting out of bed.

930 hits.

“I will need to get moving and work. I can call you an Uber?”
“OK, you can call me an Uber, as long as it’s for free”

Sure. Just need her out of here and feeling normal.

She begins to get up, sort herself out. She’s not making eye contact and is grumpy. She seems a bit awkward.

“Sorry, I’m really not a morning person”

She works in a bar until 2am, gets home at 3-4, and sleeps until 4pm using medications, booze and whatever else. This is deeply unhealthy and will wreck your brain.

I’m bright and perky despite no sleep and just banter away.

She gets herself together, and we begin chatting. She is not making eye contact. I am a bit concerned.

She is also expressing an array of ticks and mannerisms indicative of experiencing negative emotion. She is itching her nose, rubbing under her nose, and otherwise showing the classic signs of a brain that is experiencing stress and negative emotion.

I use my management skills as ever, and just listen, maintain eye contact and groundedness, and let her calibrate and find centre.

She starts making eye contact again. She talks more and more and opens up. And she goes back to normal and is maintaining eye contact and not exhibiting ticks. She has understood I am safe and no harm and she is aware the Uber is coming. I make her a coffee, she sorts herself out.

Brief kiss as she’s heading out the door. She’s off!

Clean my place up. Biz meeting at 12. Crash in bed, cannot relax or sleep. Get up at 4 and do some menial tasks. Head out the door at 430 and make it to Wembley Stadium for a Jordan Peterson talk.

She removed me from hinge an hour or so after she left. That’ll be another ONS, another ghost.

You see it all living the life I live.

That’s the dating game.

Date, ghost.

Date, lay, ghost.

You see the madness of it all, the trials, tribulations. Drama. Deep pain, trauma. The game is lunacy. Epic highs, crashing lows, and an insight into the truth of human nature. Humans are a complex animal. There’s good, bad, mad, and everything inbetween.

We as men seeking excellence want as much positive, healthy, vibrant, loving, affirmative expressions of the human spirit we can find.

And we want to minimise the negative.

IMO, that can be done for a man in the setting of an elite level relationship with a quality woman, in a thriving family unit of people who have dealt with their shit and are healthy grounded people.

But current MAC can’t really get a girl to text him back, invest or form any sort of bond. So what the hell will I do?

I will have to become Top G.

I will have to become one of the greatest men in the world

Otherwise, this will be my life. I will leave no legacy. My blood line will end with me.

I can’t allow that.

8/10 for the year DONE.

2 more, and we set the next goal: Get money, travel, build myself into an elite male, and find the quality I seek.

Cross the ocean for a heart of gold.


-Radical honesty
-I end our casual relationship
-She opens up and clarifies things: she was going through a lot, but also did become less sexually interested. She's kinky, I'm not. She wants to be choked unconscious and beaten, I am a man who refused to put his hands on a woman. My principles bend for no one - death before dishonour.
-She expresses she does like me. I like this girl more than I'd care to admit. She was the first girl in my life who actually did nice things for me. She made me a small painting for my 31st birthday. As pathetic as it sounds, that meant the world to me. I have it on my wall.
-I kept my boundaries and told her we can talk about plans in 2 weeks. This gives me time to go to Poland, have a good time, and come back and see her.


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Moving forward with her, even if we never had sex again and I just got to see her and hang out with her, that would be amazing for me. I don't even care. i just like her as a person. Realistically, we'll just see what happens.

This happened Saturday morning after she drunk texted me at 1:37am like nothing ever happened.

That morning was us going back and fourth, her typing for ages and just glued to her phone the whole time, and me checking constantly. It was so emotional and draining.

That, and lay 8, left me with SO MUCH to process psychologically. Head was all over the place and I was not OK yesterday.

Fortunately, my bro Carl came over and had a drink with me, and we chilled out and had a good time.

He's left now and I am going to do a recharge day and just walk around London and do some self care.

MakingAComeback said:
She made me a small painting for my 31st birthday. As pathetic as it sounds, that meant the world to me. I have it on my wall.
Nah man that's cool. My heart melted when a girl brought food on a date once, in a bag with a nice handwritten note on it. Still have the picture I took of that.

The stuff with the lay the other day is crazy. It's legitimately a no-win scenario when a girl like that ends up at your place. Fucking without a condom in that semi-forced way is absolutely nuts to me, I don't know how I would've reacted in that situation. I totally feel you on the "walking a thin line" feeling and not trying to upset or trigger her. Just get her gone asap, and did she ghost you completely? If not, try to get a "I had fun" text from her and screenshot it.
MAC fucks a sociopath? What the fuck is going on?

Congrats on the lay though, 2 more to go, keep hammering!

Holden said:
MakingAComeback said:
She made me a small painting for my 31st birthday. As pathetic as it sounds, that meant the world to me. I have it on my wall.
Nah man that's cool. My heart melted when a girl brought food on a date once, in a bag with a nice handwritten note on it. Still have the picture I took of that.

The stuff with the lay the other day is crazy. It's legitimately a no-win scenario when a girl like that ends up at your place. Fucking without a condom in that semi-forced way is absolutely nuts to me, I don't know how I would've reacted in that situation. I totally feel you on the "walking a thin line" feeling and not trying to upset or trigger her. Just get her gone asap, and did she ghost you completely? If not, try to get a "I had fun" text from her and screenshot it.

It was a beautiful moment and a memory I will cherish. In this game, which is often so meaningless, pointless and simply a rollercoaster of emotions, the raw humanness of genuine affection which one can taste in fleeting moments is precious and to be savoured. She is an angel. I am grateful I met her, had I not, I would have never even known it would be possible for a woman to actually behave with kindness towards me. She helped me heal a lot.

The other girl, really was such an emotionally explosive scenario where had I faltered, I could be in a world of hurt. 7 years of management experience and dealing with people's bullshit taught me a lot about how to navigate tough situations.

Men in the UK are in an incredibly tough position, we are generally perceived poorly and are considered tyrannical monsters. The media and our culture pumps this into women's heads constantly, and our University system trains them to exude pathological hatred for all things male. It would take very little for someone who is traumatised to the bone to act out monstrously. I did several things to try to ensure a positive framing of the evening: texted her telling her I had fun and we should do it again (albeit no response), got her transport home and did a bit of problem-solving back and fourth via text when she couldn't find it. All in all, these things demonstrate acting in good faith.

She ghosted completely.

I think it'll be the last I ever hear. And for that, I am glad.

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