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SAT 10/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (5 Approaches) / Online Hustle & Message Leads / Night Game w/ Timmy & Carl
(2) Copy: Write email sequence, revise draft of webinar splash page, review the week’s lessons from the course
Others: Shop, Myofunctional therapy, Core, Posture, YT growth process.


Feeling good AF. Early night last night recharged my battery. Will have a good day today, then tomorrow I am gonna maybe go chill out somewhere cool in London and take the morning/afternoon to myself. I’ll then come back, watch a Ketosis seminar from a fantastic teacher Dr Hunt, learn some anti-aging stuff from Dr Ettinger, clean my flat and get an early night.

Moving forward, I am gonna use Sundays to explore London a bit more and really chill.

Lieutenant Lucid I am working through the AWAI course, joined their private FB group, and luckily had an information product through my network which needed copy. I can now build a sales letter for said product and submit this as my assignment for the AWAI course. I completed Lucas' course first. It was advanced, yes, but it convinced me there is money in this gig when you can position yourself as an expert in a niche and win some good biz.

Astronaut said:
Hey man, I've been checking in to your thread, haven't read most of it so not super informed about your situation. To me, it's extremely strange how bad your dates are going. The chicks not talking, etc.

So my first question:

Maybe you could post some sample conversation here from one of the dates, just from memory? Because I think there might be an issue there, maybe the tone of the conversation was too tense. Or quirky. I'm just guessing here.

I usually have no problem making girls talk, finding out what they're passionate about, etc. I think it's necessary to give them space to open up before anything else can happen. I mean even them talking about astrology bullshit is interesting sometimes, just because I don't know anything about it myself.

If she's strangely silent, I'd make that a conversation topic. Like asking her about it, if she's usually like a silent kind of person, see what she says. And if that's really the case, then ask her what's dating like as a silent person, doesn't it get boring etc. That could be enough to crack open a genuinely silent girl and get her talking.

Second question:

Why do you refer to yourself as a low SMV man? Maybe you have good reasons, but if you could list some then that'd be helpful.

EDIT: When I was starting out with all the dating stuff, the first ones ended up going strange, as they always do. I treated each one of those dates as a learning opportunity and wrote up a log of (0) summary, (1) what was good, (2) what was bad, (3) improvements for the next time. I kept doing the log after each one of the dates,

Those improvements included stuff like:

- good/bad conversation topics
- good/bad jokes
- small things like sitting 90-degrees and not across each other,
- going for a kiss in the end,
- topics that I would talk about myself, the way I presented myself and told my "story",
- better understanding of her dating app profile (if she ended up looking different, or not the personality I was looking for),
- choice of venue
- moments where I lost frame due to anxiety

I kept doing the log when I started seeing a girl repeatedly that I ended up being in a relationship with for about 2 years. I have documented the lessons from the first 5-6-7 or something dates with her, and more whenever there were challenges that I wasn't prepared for.

Hey man,

Thanks for your post. Might we agree that there is some skimming going on here? ;-) Context gets lost, and it's understandable. Thanks for sharing but I can't really engage with this post as it is ground I have already covered

Bad dates, whilst uncomfortable, do happen. That was my first totally bad date in a while - I do go on quite a few, and often. Mostly I try to go on a few a week. Doesn't always happen, but I push harder than most. I am not closing recently, and I have a persistent issue with being ghosted. These, I would say, are slightly deeper matters and require more action and inner work.

I am a bit further down the line, but still, need to learn and relearn lessons ALL the time, so I thank you for your post it's useful. I am a beginner (been on about 50-60 dates, done around 600 day game approaches, 7 lays and did have 1 FWB for 4 months). I don't count stats or log anything numbers wise so these are ballpars. I've been ALL IN since Nov 2021.

I am unsure of your experience level but I'd love to see a log, see daily posts, and see if you really know your shit. Maybe we can see you post up and achieve your goals. I'm sure you'll understand a solid individual who will succeed is rare, and many men are weak sacks of shit who will amount to nothing. Perhaps we can agree that neither of us have any use for such people. Better to be around people who are serious anout their goals, and actually execute and achieve. If you ever wanna start a log, I'll read it man.

Going to say, however, going for the kiss at the end of dates was a big mistake for me and was a lesson I had to learn. I respect this may work for you, but it is a killer of outcomes for so many and I'd urge someone to test and find out if it works for them. People like Caleb Jones strongly advise against it. I also would never do it again, it as a terrible idea and killed so many dates for me.

Again, I thank you for your post, thoughtful commentators are always appreciated and it means a lot. You should start a log and let us know about your goals.

seanconneryfan_ said:
you know this but i found the dates i went on when i was exhausted after a day of work or a night of sex were some of the most important in my development. by not succumbing to excuses in those moments and pushing your boundary, 1) it proves that you can handle your business even in the "worst" circumstances and 2) approaching/dating isn't scary nor hard at all.

btw, sick in bed, can anyone send me a pdf of the golden eagle project? netflix is getting boring.

Great post.

I have approached on 2hrs sleep before, which was a death march and I did 0 approaches. That was a while ago.

Yesterday, I was on ZERO sleep and could barely cross the road. Daddy still approached a cutie, hit her with the front stop, and had her smiling. I then lost my train of thought and she was like, ummmmm I've gotta meet my brother.

Some concepts:

-Engaging in below average behaviours consistently will result in below average outcomes in life.
-Engaging in above average behaviours consistently will result in an above average life
-Engaging in elite level bahiours consistently will result in elite outcomes

A cunt who cannot get up early and grind every day will amount to shit. What use is such a weasel to me? None. I respect them, but they will not like to be around a person like me - we will offend each other so badly there's no point. My tribe laugh at people who don't grind every day. We laugh at people who aren't willing to jump on a plane and move across the world to take action, to fly by the seat of their pants, to take risks and put it all on themselves and the gods of game.

To get excellence in life, especially when you're an underdog, you have to do some extreme shit man. Many of us are behind man. We aren;t there with money, women, or clout/brand presence. That means we've got a LOT of work to do.

To get elite, you may have to act on no sleep, you may have to forgo meals because you've gotta work. To make friends with a top tier dude I used to have to shoot content for him ALL day and survive off a cup of coffee until midnight. He didn't give a fuck. I was there to learn lessons and be around a rich guy/baller just to know how it feels.

The path to greatness requires endurance, resilience, ability to take pain, to suffer, and in that, there's growth.

I took a bit of time to help a bro out with understanding mewwing, I want all my readers to benefit, so check it out:



Was out cold approaching. Spent 3hrs on the front line simply unable to do an approach. The game is ruthless, take a 2.5 week and you are shit again.

So what. The way to deal with AA and fear is grit your teeth and grind through it. I'll be back 7 days a week until I have reduced my AA to 'normal' levels, where I was pre break. I know this game.

Back tomorrow and will try again. Night game with the main man TimmyTurner tonight and I am looking forward to it.

It’s ok to suck, it’s ok to struggle. It ain’t ok to not try. Not if your heart is still beating.

I’ll have to approach daily for a while until I’m good again, like I said.


Spent 3hrs walking up and down the same street. Very packed area in Chelsea. Saw many beauties, my heart hurt so bad. I felt true, true psychological and emotional pain. I would love to have a woman like this in my life. It would be an absolute pleasure and privilege. I simply couldn't approach. My limbs felt heavy, the adrenaline dump wiped me out physically and spiritually. I was like a zombie with limbs of lead. Wrapped up in concrete. I pushed and pushed. I did one approach where the girl was stood checking her phone.

"Excuse me"

She happened to be very receptive, she lights up and steps into me.

"Sorry, wrong person"

I then ran off.

This happens to me, it's like involuntary. I think the brain does this self-sabotage as a defense mechanism to deal with past trauma. I assure you it is involuntary and happens when I have a lot of AA.

None of this really bothers me. I have been here so many times I don't even care. I hurt, felt the pain, and have known this pain very well. So what. I am a fucking warrior man. period.

I'll be back again tomorrow grinding. I will try to do five approaches tomorrow. And the next day. I will blast this for 5 years.


My look probably is getting better: the new hairline, the buzz cut. I got approached by a gay dude. Crazy man. His approach was so weak I didn’t stop, he was like ‘hi there yoi alright?’ And I aired him. I then realised and stopped, turned around, and couldn’t believe it. He was halfway up the stret and I watched for a while to ensure he wasn’t some charity fund raiser. He was really a man who approached me.

I also got quite a few kinda weird looks from different chicks.

It didn't make me feel good, my belief that I am a fuckin troll is so deeply lodged in my brain that I basically just struggle with it every day. I can't get over it and I am done struggling with it. I just get on with my life. Nonetheless, this is progress. With my old hairline girls didn't check me out at all. I was very much struggling.

Here’s my look today (see attached)

Not yet fully approved. I went for 32 inch waist and it is a bit loose. I’ve lost so much weight man. I used to wear 38inch pants when I joined here.

I’ll be back into the flow.

For success, you have to grind every day, you have to face your fears and work hard every day. You have to be willing to be bored, to do menial bullshit tasks, every day.

I do not do anything apart from work. I take Sundays off to recharge my body and brain. But right now, I am going to have to sneak in approaches Sunday morning. Usually 45mins on the bus to get into Central. 2hrs. Then 45-60mins back. I'll do this from 9-12 tomorrow.

That’s the nature of having a hardcase brain. You have to do it constantly. If you take time off, it really fucks uou. You’re back to square one and have to climb the mountain again. But you start from way further up. You never really 'go backwards' in this game, the neural pathways are built, it's just the process.

Day has been solid so far. Just ate dinner. I will rest for 30 mins, then do copywriting. I will have a drink with my boys at around 930/10, just one or two drinks (vodka, very low carb mixer, and that'll be that).




MakingAComeback said:
Thanks for your post. Might we agree that there is some skimming going on here? ;-) Context gets lost, and it's understandable. Thanks for sharing but I can't really engage with this post as it is ground I have already covered
You're right, that's fair

MakingAComeback said:
I am a bit further down the line, but still, need to learn and relearn lessons ALL the time, so I thank you for your post it's useful. I am a beginner (been on about 50-60 dates, done around 600 day game approaches, 7 lays and did have 1 FWB for 4 months). I don't count stats or log anything numbers wise so these are ballpars. I've been ALL IN since Nov 2021.

No idea about the dates, but you've done a good ~570 day approaches more than me haha. Never been a fan of those after discovering the dating apps. Tinder for me is very location-dependent though, I'm sure I'd be struggling in London big time.

MakingAComeback said:
I am unsure of your experience level but I'd love to see a log, see daily posts, and see if you really know your shit. Maybe we can see you post up and achieve your goals. I'm sure you'll understand a solid individual who will succeed is rare, and many men are weak sacks of shit who will amount to nothing. Perhaps we can agree that neither of us have any use for such people. Better to be around people who are serious anout their goals, and actually execute and achieve. If you ever wanna start a log, I'll read it man.

Yeah I tried making a thread here, but... I don't know, something keeps me from posting every day. My thread needs to be about business and in a different forum. The focus of this forum is on other things. For habits & quitting porn, running a thread is a little bit of an overkill, for me at least. But I'm glad that I tried, wanted to do it for a long time since finding Andy's shit.

About experience, I think I've just found what works for me when it comes to sex & dating. I have my own style of humor, do things that I'm comfortable with on dates. I mean, after having 4-5 relationships and banging ~40-50 chicks... sex becomes kind of like money. A problem only when you're not getting any. Still a ton of fun, but the main focus of life lies elsewhere.

And it's not like I've been successful from beginning, I had my incel/TRP phase as well with all the mental turmoil caused by it.

You know, it's the kind of "I'm the prize" mindset I guess. I think approaching on the street conflicts with that. At least the systematic kind of approaching. When I see someone interesting I wanna talk to, I usually do it. But most of the time, I'm too busy for that.

It's one of the reasons why I feel out of place on this forum, as well. With all the focus on sex and dating, I've been there, so I'm just trying to help out with my advice whenever possible.

But, your post made me realize how personal my style actually is. And while it works for me, my advice won't actually apply to everyone. So thanks for that.

MakingAComeback said:
Going to say, however, going for the kiss at the end of dates was a big mistake for me and was a lesson I had to learn. I respect this may work for you, but it is a killer of outcomes for so many and I'd urge someone to test and find out if it works for them. People like Caleb Jones strongly advise against it. I also would never do it again, it as a terrible idea and killed so many dates for me.

Interesting! I watched his video, was never aware of that.

I guess the difference is that I do less kino on the actual first date, like not touching and not building up that sexual tension too much. A little touching, but not really going out of my way to kino. I mean, she's a new fucking person after all, and I need to get comfortable with her as well lol. And then going for the kiss in the end of that "low-kino" date, if the conversation was good and I like her.

I'm really comfortable doing it that way, especially that little moment of silence/tension that builds up when you're walking out of the venue and getting ready to say goodbye. Priceless.

But I can totally see that point with the sexual tension dissipation through the kiss. With low-kino, kissing in the end is actually the opposite. It builds up sexual tension right at the end of the date, leaving her wanting more for the 2nd one. Because there's nothing to dissipate.

Bonus: If she's a shit kisser (happened only once, but it was really shit), then I'm not gonna want to see her again, because shit kissing = shit sex. So a filter as well in that sense.

Sometimes there's lotta kino and kissing happening during the first date, it ends up being a one-night stand anyway. Sometimes they just go like that, like when I see that the girl wants it, I just go along with it.
Astronaut said:
MakingAComeback said:
Thanks for your post. Might we agree that there is some skimming going on here? ;-) Context gets lost, and it's understandable. Thanks for sharing but I can't really engage with this post as it is ground I have already covered
You're right, that's fair

MakingAComeback said:
I am a bit further down the line, but still, need to learn and relearn lessons ALL the time, so I thank you for your post it's useful. I am a beginner (been on about 50-60 dates, done around 600 day game approaches, 7 lays and did have 1 FWB for 4 months). I don't count stats or log anything numbers wise so these are ballpars. I've been ALL IN since Nov 2021.

No idea about the dates, but you've done a good ~570 day approaches more than me haha. Never been a fan of those after discovering the dating apps. Tinder for me is very location-dependent though, I'm sure I'd be struggling in London big time.

MakingAComeback said:
I am unsure of your experience level but I'd love to see a log, see daily posts, and see if you really know your shit. Maybe we can see you post up and achieve your goals. I'm sure you'll understand a solid individual who will succeed is rare, and many men are weak sacks of shit who will amount to nothing. Perhaps we can agree that neither of us have any use for such people. Better to be around people who are serious anout their goals, and actually execute and achieve. If you ever wanna start a log, I'll read it man.

Yeah I tried making a thread here, but... I don't know, something keeps me from posting every day. My thread needs to be about business and in a different forum. The focus of this forum is on other things. For habits & quitting porn, running a thread is a little bit of an overkill, for me at least. But I'm glad that I tried, wanted to do it for a long time since finding Andy's shit.

About experience, I think I've just found what works for me when it comes to sex & dating. I have my own style of humor, do things that I'm comfortable with on dates. I mean, after having 4-5 relationships and banging ~40-50 chicks... sex becomes kind of like money. A problem only when you're not getting any. Still a ton of fun, but the main focus of life lies elsewhere.

And it's not like I've been successful from beginning, I had my incel/TRP phase as well with all the mental turmoil caused by it.

You know, it's the kind of "I'm the prize" mindset I guess. I think approaching on the street conflicts with that. At least the systematic kind of approaching. When I see someone interesting I wanna talk to, I usually do it. But most of the time, I'm too busy for that.

It's one of the reasons why I feel out of place on this forum, as well. With all the focus on sex and dating, I've been there, so I'm just trying to help out with my advice whenever possible.

But, your post made me realize how personal my style actually is. And while it works for me, my advice won't actually apply to everyone. So thanks for that.

MakingAComeback said:
Going to say, however, going for the kiss at the end of dates was a big mistake for me and was a lesson I had to learn. I respect this may work for you, but it is a killer of outcomes for so many and I'd urge someone to test and find out if it works for them. People like Caleb Jones strongly advise against it. I also would never do it again, it as a terrible idea and killed so many dates for me.

Interesting! I watched his video, was never aware of that.

I guess the difference is that I do less kino on the actual first date, like not touching and not building up that sexual tension too much. A little touching, but not really going out of my way to kino. I mean, she's a new fucking person after all, and I need to get comfortable with her as well lol. And then going for the kiss in the end of that "low-kino" date, if the conversation was good and I like her.

I'm really comfortable doing it that way, especially that little moment of silence/tension that builds up when you're walking out of the venue and getting ready to say goodbye. Priceless.

But I can totally see that point with the sexual tension dissipation through the kiss. With low-kino, kissing in the end is actually the opposite. It builds up sexual tension right at the end of the date, leaving her wanting more for the 2nd one. Because there's nothing to dissipate.

Bonus: If she's a shit kisser (happened only once, but it was really shit), then I'm not gonna want to see her again, because shit kissing = shit sex. So a filter as well in that sense.

Sometimes there's lotta kino and kissing happening during the first date, it ends up being a one-night stand anyway. Sometimes they just go like that, like when I see that the girl wants it, I just go along with it.

Sounds great man!

Business focus: most here are ambitious, trying to win big, fuck stunners and make bank. It's not a space which is just about getting laid, and Andy will be making a lot more biz content I think. I myself work on dating hardcore 6/7 days a week, and also hustle with trying to get myself rich with the same fervour.

Sounds like you cracked your own puzzle, really solved your own getting laid problem, and made it work. I am happy for you, and you did well here - clearly, you did the work, and had to go through a process. This is awesome, man. I like reading things like this - appreciate you sharing.

Yes, these things are very complex, and each individual has to figure out their own puzzle, which is looks dependent, vibe, location, and position in the SMP & SMV. I have read your post and do appreciate your thoughts, but would like to add, that generating attraction and creating sparks and connection is something that is in the largest part influenced by the way you look IMO. Hence, yes it's an individual thing as you say, but beyond that, we still have room to move and infuence. You rightly elude to this in your post and you figured out a style that works for you. I am interested in what a guy who is low in SMV can do to overcome this: we still need to find a way to get a guy laid who is otherwise not going to be in with much of a shot.

Thats where we have the saving grace of GAME.

Why can some can go on dates, do seemingly little, and still pull/get the lay? Their (a) SMV is high enough, (b) Their frame is solid. When these aren't necessarily present, there's what I call chinks in the armour - to plug that, it's game. A solid action plan and ability to execute and internalise.

Thank you once more for sharing, I appreciate it, but as I did state, I've done this a while and have gotten past level 1.

You should start that log man.

NIGHTGAME W/ TimmyTurner & Carl


First night out since Budapest with Paw and my Euro bros.

I had a bad day game session earlier on in the day where I had AA like crazy, had to go to a cafe to sit down after 2/3hrs and my heart was going. 2.5 week break and it will hurt you. It's just the stress response, nothing major.

Anyway, I go home. The stress response has left me wiped out. I go to bed for an hour and a half and listen to this great talk by this amazing dude Richard Grannon on healing your trauma.

Our boy Carl rocks up.

We chill, have a drink, and head out.

First venue, we rock up, talk to a few girls in the queue. One chick is just really vibing with us, we're having a great laugh, she's trying to dance on me and Timmy but we're trolling her hard. It's fun AF.

Go in. Start approaching.

One right off the bat, very cute chick, but she doesn't open.

Next one, fat chick, she struggles to hear, and then she asks "are you going to buy me a drink?" - I have my giant hands on her shoulder, and I just fucking laugh out loud and go "Absolutely fucking not" and she is like "Yayyy, ok!". Damn, where did that come from? I think. That was a bit savage. But also shows how far I have come in my frame, dude. I am a lot firmer than I used to be and do value myself more than I used to, whilst I would say I've only come from 0 self-esteem to about 3 out of 100, this was still positive for me and I kinda liked it.....Sign of my trauma tbh. Acceptance. Not fighting this.

Bunch more, and the thing is, post hair transplant and new style, I noticed how the very first second of the approach, the girls are a bit different from how they used to be. I have always instantly been blown out. Now, that isn't as powerfully the case. The first second is like, they kinda listen. Great progress.

I am wading through the club with my boys and we're loosening up more and more, and really beginning to enjoy this sick night.

Interesting set:

Approach a chick, she's kinda nice but a bit hesitant. Get physical, hands on her shoulders, trying to engage with her. Chat a little, she's laughing and smiling, her friend comes in, I talk to her like "HEY" super friendly, and she's like "HIII, BYEEEE" and I am totally unphased, "She's the mean one, am I right", "I'm not mean, blah blah blah". I carry on talking to the girl, her friend is on the side, I chat to her friend "I know you hate me, it's ok", "I don't hate you, I just strongly dislike you" - again, I give no fucks, like I legit simply don't care my frame is pretty tough in night game I am a tank out there and have always able to approach like an animal in nightgame. "You hate tall men in cargos, I get it", "No, it's not that, blah blah blah", "Sure, I'm good with that" and carry on talking with her friend. I am totally relentless and not giving an inch, her friend is just smiling and laughing. Eventually, these chicks cannot fucking get me out of there so three dudes come in and whisk them away and I am still there yelling at these dudes "WTF LETS BE SOCIAL AND MEET PEOPLE". They can't deal with me and just have to dip, lmfao!


Keep blasting, but so many of the girls have boyfriends. When they tell me that, I am often responding "so do I" with a smirk. They laugh their head off. I won't do this again it's trolling to the max.

Approach a bunch of sets in the smoking area. Smoking area game is the GOAT. We did superbly well here.

Approach 3 lots of 2 sets.

1st: two hotties, I am blowing smoke in their face, one girl is a right bitch, but I am ploughing like a mofo, Carl comes in and talks to the other girl. He's talking and doing his best. It's not really getting anywhere and they're not investing/complying. Carls girl then turns around and starts talking to me, so this is a sign this one's dead. We dip onto the next. These chicks were hot and the one Carl was talking to then would go on to give me the odd IOI on the dancefloor but she was way over on the other side.

2nd: Two chicks, one Indian, one European chick. I am trying to get the Indian girl to open up, bantering with them both. They're shit testing me like hell I give no fucks. Timmy comes in and is talking to the other girl. Indian girl is seriously a right dickhead, so I switch to comfort mode. She is defensive AF and when I touch her physically, she starts to rant about assumptions, boundaries, all this nonsense. Indian girls shittest Indian guys like CRAZY dude and hit you with all this nonsense. I used to only approach Indian chicks for the first few years of my journey so believe me I grew so tired of this. She was still hot and I would fookin demolish. She starts ranting like a total bitch and I am like, "No, you put your energy out there and see what resonates, I've been dating for a while, and your energy is one I don't go for so goodbye". MAC ejects. You can never be angry or logical with these chicks, they're just emotional creatures, but we can eject at any time if the set is a dead duck.

3rd: I think this set just blewout, I can't remember.

Back in the venue, blast a few more approaches.

There is one small, thin, very effeminate-looking man stealing glances at me. We lock eyes for a moment and I think, wtf, did I spill this dudes drink or something, is he mad? I look away, and notice he just can't stop staring at me. Then I realise, OMG dude, that's a gay guy - he is just eye fucking me. DAMN.

Bless the land of Turkey and their buzzing my head down. BALD HEAD GANG.

I am 100% straight so this was a lil uncomfortable but I am not about judging folks for them doing their thing so I can't be say much on the matter.

We head out & do some GUTTER GAME.

Timmy makes me legit RUN after some bitch who deflected me, "you need to get properly rejected", sprint up and the 2nd time she does atleast reject me well. I run back like thank fuck for that.

We open a few sets in the GUTTER.

We then go to venue 2, which is round the corner.


Stroll in, right off the bat, a chick is in the doorway trying to leave "Was it that bad?" I say. She laughs and banters with me. She's engaged.

2nd set, two chicks, I tell Timmy we'll do thus one together. I approach the chonker, have her laughing and joking, we're vibing, Timmy takes the better looking one. The chonker has a BF, but I stay in set to see if Timmy can get traction. His chick doesn't hook, so I bounce.

3rd: I head over to this separate area, it's like a VIP, there's this group of 5 girls and a guy. It's one girls birthday. The guy may possibly be gay, I dunno, but he yells at me like "IT'S HER BIRTHDAY" so I start talking to her. We chat for a while, she's nice as hell, cute little mixed race girl. she has a bf. I still chat to her because she was nice as fuck and I want her to enjoy her birthday. A girl in their group was giving me some IOIs but this was a hard set to work. I bounce.

There are basically few girls left in this venue, and I approach a chick who is coming back from the loo.

"You have a suspiciously wholesome vibe"

She laughs, and right off the bat, she's into it.

Pull each other in close.

Start talking I'm teasing like hell, she's a primary school teacher, she's asking me questions and I'm pushing back like you're going teacher mode on me, I'm not a five year old. We're laughing and vibing. I go for the makeout. We makeout. FINALLY a chick with some god damn lips, every damn chick I've kissed so far had thin ass lips and no passion. She also didn't have much passion. I swear chicks need to up their game. Lol. Anyway, I'm all over her, hands around the waist, and she's into me. Her friend group is over her shoulder and she's looking back at them over and over. But it's on man. I isolate her, pull her to a nearby table. We chat for a while, makeout again.

"What are you doing later?"
"Going home"
"OK, I'm going to be having a drink round mine, you should join"
"OK, take my number, and text me later on"

Kiss, and she leaves.

See text exchange below. Learning point from the GOAT Rags2Bitches: the 2nd push was way too early, should have pinged that at like 3am. The number is now dead as she's blocked. Learning point for next time. Ideally bro, you legit PULL and take the girl home. My logistics are crazy good 7 min walk from the club, which is why we got this place ffs....

She blocked me after the 2nd push lol.

But a killer night. I'll be hitting nightgame once a week with Timmy and Carl for the rest of the year. This was just an amazing time.

Timmy then hit the gutter, me and Carl dipped at 130am, but Timmy is just warming up at that time. That's called love of nightgame. He hits the clubs and the gutter and I text him to update him on the situation with the chick.

Wake up today at like 11 which is way later than usual lol but lifes good.

Today I'm gonna chill I worked hard yesterday bro, day game, night game, I did all I could.

Today, rest and focus on healing.

Lifes good man.

A thing I am going to commit to on Sundays is, post night out, to get up early and do a fuckin day trip every week.

I'll work my way through this list:


This will be self therapy on Sundays.

I hustle hard but also need to take time to myself.

MakingAComeback said:
This will be self therapy on Sundays.

I hustle hard but also need to take time to myself.

I always try to take Sunday just for myself. No dates, no work. I still hit the gym, but that's because I love going to the gym. Usually try to do recovery type activities like sauna and Wim Hof breathwork and stuff I really enjoy doing like reading, writing, and watching movies.

You hustle hard man. Everyone needs a day off.
Bman said:
MakingAComeback said:
This will be self therapy on Sundays.

I hustle hard but also need to take time to myself.

I always try to take Sunday just for myself. No dates, no work. I still hit the gym, but that's because I love going to the gym. Usually try to do recovery type activities like sauna and Wim Hof breathwork and stuff I really enjoy doing like reading, writing, and watching movies.

You hustle hard man. Everyone needs a day off.

Honestly sounds so fuckin great.

I need it man.

Gonna chill today and heal.

A wise man once told me

we are going to show the world what heads of steel can do.

Nice makeout/night game sesh with the boys


Take your deserved rest today, enjoy

THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS COMING 🔥🦅🔥🔥🦅🔥🔥🦅🔥🟤 🟤 🟤 🟤 🟤 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫
MakingAComeback said:
Business focus: most here are ambitious, trying to win big, fuck stunners and make bank. It's not a space which is just about getting laid, and Andy will be making a lot more biz content I think. I myself work on dating hardcore 6/7 days a week, and also hustle with trying to get myself rich with the same fervour.
Defzo, for biz specifically I can recommend the fastlane forums (all kinds of stuff, local/online) and buildersociety (more online oriented, building websites mostly, but also agencies/freelancing and whatever else you can do online).

MakingAComeback said:
I have read your post and do appreciate your thoughts, but would like to add, that generating attraction and creating sparks and connection is something that is in the largest part influenced by the way you look IMO. Hence, yes it's an individual thing as you say, but beyond that, we still have room to move and infuence. You rightly elude to this in your post and you figured out a style that works for you. I am interested in what a guy who is low in SMV can do to overcome this: we still need to find a way to get a guy laid who is otherwise not going to be in with much of a shot.

Yeah agreed, I've put on some muscle, got lucky with the height as well at 190. Not the fuckboy vibe that most of you guys are going for here, with the chains and tats. But you're also gunning for younger chicks, so I guess the style has to match.

But man, you're by no means ugly or anything like that. I mean, you're tall as fuck. Average face - sure - but let's be honest the cards you've been dealt are a lot better than many other guys out there. I mean imagine doing dates/pickup being 150-160-170cm tall when most women are your height or taller than you.

I'm aware of the fact that you're brown-skinned and whatnot, and that probably knocks your attractiveness down a few notches for some girls. There's that and your average face. That's it. I don't think you're that massively handicapped in the physiology department when it comes to dating. With proper work, muscles, posture, etc. it's rather the opposite - you come out way above average.

So, you know, psychological & anxiety issues aside, on the genetics side of things it's really not that bad for you.

Your height can be intimidating for the girls, especially with cold approaches. Which means you'll have to be more careful with the more aggressive jokes & pick-up lines and the general tone of the conversation. Because even a hint of aggressiveness in a conversation with a tall guy will be instantly off-putting to many girls and they will not feel safe around you. Us tall guys, we have to be careful with that. But I'm sure you're aware.

Buuuuut yeah, keep slaying man :) I think you'll be out of this mess sooner than you know it. Also if you go online you can try living in Thailand, literally impossible not to get laid there, especially with your level of effort.
Bros I have been bad at replying lately I will try to do better.

Mimbe393939 said:
A wise man once told me

we are going to show the world what heads of steel can do.

Nice makeout/night game sesh with the boys


Take your deserved rest today, enjoy

THEY DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS COMING 🔥🦅🔥🔥🦅🔥🔥🦅🔥🟤 🟤 🟤 🟤 🟤 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫


Thanks bro, LMFAO! We will homie, this freshly buzzed dome is changing my fricken life rn LOL

Enjoyed that makeout, but damn bro just being with your team and on your mission, running through the streets trying to achieve a mission, strategising and debriefing through the night, shit is hilarious and so much fun.

Here's to many more top nights for the boys.

Phoenix will rise from the ashes one day bro, someway, somehow.

Astronaut said:
MakingAComeback said:
Business focus: most here are ambitious, trying to win big, fuck stunners and make bank. It's not a space which is just about getting laid, and Andy will be making a lot more biz content I think. I myself work on dating hardcore 6/7 days a week, and also hustle with trying to get myself rich with the same fervour.
Defzo, for biz specifically I can recommend the fastlane forums (all kinds of stuff, local/online) and buildersociety (more online oriented, building websites mostly, but also agencies/freelancing and whatever else you can do online).

MakingAComeback said:
I have read your post and do appreciate your thoughts, but would like to add, that generating attraction and creating sparks and connection is something that is in the largest part influenced by the way you look IMO. Hence, yes it's an individual thing as you say, but beyond that, we still have room to move and infuence. You rightly elude to this in your post and you figured out a style that works for you. I am interested in what a guy who is low in SMV can do to overcome this: we still need to find a way to get a guy laid who is otherwise not going to be in with much of a shot.

Yeah agreed, I've put on some muscle, got lucky with the height as well at 190. Not the fuckboy vibe that most of you guys are going for here, with the chains and tats. But you're also gunning for younger chicks, so I guess the style has to match.

But man, you're by no means ugly or anything like that. I mean, you're tall as fuck. Average face - sure - but let's be honest the cards you've been dealt are a lot better than many other guys out there. I mean imagine doing dates/pickup being 150-160-170cm tall when most women are your height or taller than you.

I'm aware of the fact that you're brown-skinned and whatnot, and that probably knocks your attractiveness down a few notches for some girls. There's that and your average face. That's it. I don't think you're that massively handicapped in the physiology department when it comes to dating. With proper work, muscles, posture, etc. it's rather the opposite - you come out way above average.

So, you know, psychological & anxiety issues aside, on the genetics side of things it's really not that bad for you.

Your height can be intimidating for the girls, especially with cold approaches. Which means you'll have to be more careful with the more aggressive jokes & pick-up lines and the general tone of the conversation. Because even a hint of aggressiveness in a conversation with a tall guy will be instantly off-putting to many girls and they will not feel safe around you. Us tall guys, we have to be careful with that. But I'm sure you're aware.

Buuuuut yeah, keep slaying man :) I think you'll be out of this mess sooner than you know it. Also if you go online you can try living in Thailand, literally impossible not to get laid there, especially with your level of effort.

Fastlane is a good space, haven't heard the other, but many of us are going to go ALL IN on biz soon and make enough money to live well & have access to quality.

Lookswise, we've found something that really does work wonders. I have been blown away by the consistent life-changing impacts style upgrades have on people. The chains and tats, the latter of which I don't have myself yet. are fantastic additions for adding edge,

I appreciate the breakdown: Yes, I have good height (6ft5/195cm), face is decidedly average but MAY improve if I lose 30lbs, which I am working on, and the big unlock for me IMO will be my hair transplant growing to full length & bodymaxxing. This will take a year but will pay dividends.

The good news is, I am improving, things ARE getting better.

Also, thank you for being honest and transparent enough to acknowledge that brown skin is a big DLV: IMO it knocks off 2 points from your attractiveness level. Hence, for me to get to 'above average' I will have to truly make a monumental effort in the gym all throughout 2023 and by the end, I may be in a position where the rest of this journey (I am only going to 36/37) may be fairly solid.

Regarding going for younger girls - no, man. We are not. I am trying to get a wife, dude. I want to start a family. I hence need to be able to be in the position where I can get a girl to fricken text me back - right now thats a bit of a stretch lol.

I am open minded to the possibility that I could be out of this very tricky predicant one day. I am learning to accept and let go and not worry too much about this, as this does not help me and actually makes me quite annoyed and generates a lot of bitterness and resentment.

I will just keep working, as I do........EVERY DAY :-)

I am quite happy right now from a great night last night.

Off to clean my flat, relax for a while, have a chat with TigOlBitties if he's around later and listen to a seminar.

Astronaut said:


MakingAComeback said:
There is one small, thin, very effeminate-looking man stealing glances at me. We lock eyes for a moment and I think, wtf, did I spill this dudes drink or something, is he mad? I look away, and notice he just can't stop staring at me. Then I realise, OMG dude, that's a gay guy - he is just eye fucking me. DAMN.

Gay men hitting on you/eye-fucking you is extremely strong evidence that you are succeeding in your goal of becoming an attractive man, because if multiple gay men think you are attractive then it is a certainty that many women do too, gay men are just much more open about their attraction, so you notice it first.

(of course your club make-out is even stronger evidence!)

Good to see having fun too, MAC!

If anyone deserves to have some fun after working their ass off it's you!
Manly Cockfellow said:
Gay men hitting on you/eye-fucking you is extremely strong evidence that you are succeeding in your goal of becoming an attractive man, because if multiple gay men think you are attractive then it is a certainty that many women do too, gay men are just much more open about their attraction, so you notice it first.
Is that true? I always thought that gay men and women had a different sort of attraction. I've been hit on by like 2 gay guys before lol. Some guy let me skip him in line at H&M, and proceeded to call me cute.
Squilliam said:
Is that true? I always thought that gay men and women had a different sort of attraction.

Maybe, but in MAC's case I think he's attractive to gay men for the same reasons he's attractive to women, especially his height and recently shaved head, and the inherent masculinity that comes with both.

Height and hair aren't everything of course, but they are definitely masculine traits that many, many women and gay men are extremely attracted to, in the same way that men are extremely attracted to the femininity of big, perky breasts and large, nicely shaped asses.
Manly Cockfellow said:
Astronaut said:


MakingAComeback said:
There is one small, thin, very effeminate-looking man stealing glances at me. We lock eyes for a moment and I think, wtf, did I spill this dudes drink or something, is he mad? I look away, and notice he just can't stop staring at me. Then I realise, OMG dude, that's a gay guy - he is just eye fucking me. DAMN.

Gay men hitting on you/eye-fucking you is extremely strong evidence that you are succeeding in your goal of becoming an attractive man, because if multiple gay men think you are attractive then it is a certainty that many women do too, gay men are just much more open about their attraction, so you notice it first.

(of course your club make-out is even stronger evidence!)

Good to see having fun too, MAC!

If anyone deserves to have some fun after working their ass off it's you!

Thanks man! It was really surprising that that happened, and made me feel as if my hard work will pay off sooner or later. The makeout was great - I told Timmy that was my first club makeout in 10 years! He just laughed lol. It has actually been that long.

Will keep working man and hell once I've got a CHAD body like yours maybe it'll be AUTISM 2 NORMIES NIL!


MON 12/09/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle / Message leads
(2) Body: Stretch / Core
(3) Copy: Draft emails
Others: Hang out w/ The Dom, Float tank, Photoshoot session, Euro Gang call (only brief check-in)


Another day, another opportunity to succeed. Get to see the homie @AskTheDom which I’ve been looking forward to, ahead of our trip to Poland next week with Paw, Timmy and hopefully another one of our bros W (if his situation permits).

Life’s good right now, I am looking forward to being back in the gym next week, and I am itching to train as 30 days post hair transplant you can’t do strenuous physical activity – my clinic really had high standards and they want the body to fully accept the transplant and minimise all stress on the system the first 30 days. I can respect it.

Float tank session today and will ponder what Andy wrote to me on the coaching group.

Possibly have a date tomorrow, she’s investing a fair bit and seems chill. Chick is, again, a bit of a fatty – but she is still cute and passes the boner test. We’ll see what happens. Key thing is to enjoy it. I have two other leads who are what I’d describe as a bit higher quality. Getting slightly higher quality girls out is a different ballgame, have to ping them daily and these two have been putting off meeting me for weeks. One’s mum has been in hospital, which I empathise with ofcourse, the other has been on holiday. They do ping me pictures and this all checks out. We’ll see, eh?

Just need 3 more bros, and then I hustle hard to make money, work hard to improve my damn body, let my hair transplant grow and get some more photoshoots done while I keep cold approaching in the day (3-4x a week) and doing nightgame 1-2 a week.

We’ll be good.

631 Sunrise
7 Myofunctional therapy
715 Core
745 BAB / Supps
815 Stretch: ATG Zero
9 Posture: McKenzie Ext / Read The Boron Letters
930 Life Admin / Review D’s coaching sesh audio
1030 Copywriting: Draft emails
1230 Meet The Dom / Dom tries outfits
[Free time: Copywriting ]
330 Go to Float Tank session / Bring camera for photo shoots
5/530 Dinner
Possible locations: Tower Bridge, Picadilly Circus, Covent Garden (Neal’s Yard), St Paul’s Cathedral, The London Eye, inside London Bridge tube station, Westminster Bridge

7 Euro Gang Call on my phone!

Continue photo-shoots until all outfits & locations are done.

-Myofunctional therapy / Core
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