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Date Writeup:

Date last night. Gal from Hinge. Bit of a chubber, and was a bit heavier in person. But interesting chick, convo was great! First date for her in a long while, and we enjoyed it. Went for the pull, she wasn't game, but was game for a walk. So we did that. After about 5 mins, went for the pull again. 2nd strike, she's not down. She wants to continue the walk, I tell her I'm heading back. Hug,, kiss on the cheek and depart. She continues to the bus and thanks me for a good evening.

Date ended at around 1hr/1hr10.

Good that I valued my time.

The convo was good, but there was some rust here. Good I practised on her. I am not sure I could have had sex with her because she didn't seem game, but equally, I simply would not want to. I do not want to be too superficial here, but when fat is in excess, it makes a person so unattractive. The facial features melt away, body looks like an amorphous blob. It's so unattractive.

What I did well:
-Asked probing questions, went deeper, cold reads, got her really opening up
-Teasing & Disagreement, made fun of her a little, disagreed also

What I need to improve:
-Tiny bit of physical touch, not a whole lot, just a little here and there. I don't like it when you're sat directly across the other person on a date, sat next to each other works better IMO. Must make a point of doing a lot more physical touch next time. This gal, whilst I was NOT into her at all, was fine with touch.
-Sexual tension: I didn't compliment her, tell her she looks good, or otherwise take this date into the zone of possible sexual threat.

Next Steps:
-Ensure more physical touch, try to do some every 10-15 mins
-Sexual tension: Need to compliment, inject some type of sexual energy. Must be done upon seeing the chick, and then compliment her again during the date, perhaps a feature you like - her eyes, smile, whatever.

Side-Note: I am unsure of how my vibe was on this date. I may opt to record the next one. My energy is a bit different lately. I am a lot calmer, more composed, and more grounded/stoic. I am unsure of what exactly happened, but post-Budapest, I have found myself less reactive and, for lack of a better term, firmer as a man.

I have another date tonight, whilst she's also carrying a little around with her, she looks better than this chick did. She's also from NY (Staten Island). That's amusing for our international forum.

Back to work!

Have a date tonight, Friday, and Sat. That'll be 4 in a week, flakes permitting. Really good for the psyche, calibration, and getting where we need to be. The girl on Friday looks OK, and Saturday's chick is really attractive to me. I find her gorgeous. We'll see. Very rare is it that I can get dates with girls I feel attraction for. Very rare indeed!


THUR 01/08/2022

(1) Copy: 6hrs study
(2) Game: Go on date, work through yesterday’s sticking points. Work on physical touch, creating sexual vibe
Others: Body work, Mewwing, CT

613 Sunrise
7 Tongue
730 Core
8 BAB / Supps / Peat / Confirm with Dana for tonight
830 Stretch: ATG Zero
9 Posture: McKenzie Extension work / WT Schedule
930 Copy / Mewwing: Chew 1hr (1)
1030 Copy / Myobrace (2)
1130 Copy / Myobrace (3)
1230 Lunch / Online Hustle
130 Copy / Myobrace (4)
230 Copy / Myobrace (5)
330 Copy / Myobrace (6)
430 Vlogging: Mewwing Update / Send ND Lib Rep Training
530 Dinner & Pre-date Supplements / Online Hustle – Lean into Hinge
630 Cold Thermogenesis
7 Hot shower / Go to date
730 Date

Time to execute...........

Date last night: she totally flaked. All good ;-)

Confirmed for Thursday a few days ago. Send her a text in the morning to confirm, she replies at like 130pm saying "hey work was wild", I tease her a little and call her wild, and say I'll see you later. She replies saying she might not get off until 7. I say cool, I'll see you at 8. She texts about finishing up etc.

It's a grey area, she hasn't confirmed as such, and she's very poor with her comms.

She doesn't show.

Unmatched, removed and moving on.

...And yes, she was a total porker. To add insult to injury, so to speak.

I legit got stood up on Sat. Date on Wed, didn't pull, and she sent the 'no connection text' - fine, I made errors. Thurs, flake. Let's see what happens tonight. This chick is also about average looking - a massive step up from my usual.

Furthermore, it appears as if I may be getting some long overdue luck. I have a date Sat, and the chick is really cute (~6). I also got a lead last night, and have a date Sunday, and again, this girl is pretty (~6). In their texting, they are also pleasant, warm, and comparably quite sweet.

This is great and gives me hope. I am at 197.2lbs now. When I get to 180lbs, I should be ripped. Totally ripped. If I need to go down further, so be it. This will do wonders for my face, jaw, and overall structure. I will have to get some very solid professional photos, on the calibre of what people like Joe take, hell if I need to fly to the states to shoot with him, so be it. Thereafter, the quality I want will come.....

I will get these 3 lays some how brothers. Some fucking way. Thereafter, I have to get this money. I am happy to focus on finances, pursue quality (day game 3-4x a week), and just work on becoming more attractive through many many months in the gym with a solid diet. Once this project ends, if I am going on a date once every 2 months or something, but the chick is actually a worthwhile girl, so be it.

The world of dating is woman's world. It's hard for a man to win! The world of biz and finance, however, we actually have a shot.....That may be my PRIMARY goal whilst I continue to build myself up as a man. Cold approach simply won't stop for the next 5 years and I need to crack online dating to enable real quality.....I have a plan.

ANYWAY: back to the hustle.

Last night was weird AF, my heart was racing a tonne and I was having stress responses. Also do not know WTF was up with my gut. My geuss: I think my body may be keto adapting, which is great, but can be uncomfortable in the interim. It this is the case, then it's good.

Texted the chick for tonight: she may flake, I have a weird feeling I'm in a wave of some bullshit.

I don't even care.

No shows like that are crazy. When in doubt, just text them "hey can you confirm" and if they ignore it, just assume she's not gonna show and make other plans.
Holden said:
No shows like that are crazy. When in doubt, just text them "hey can you confirm" and if they ignore it, just assume she's not gonna show and make other plans.

Fr bro this one was weird tho because it was a grey area.

I was texting, and she was like "I finish soon" - implying she'll still come.

Women crave attention and perversely get-off on being chased. Men getting the run around is normal and there's 20-50 other dudes on her phone going through the same thin right now.

What pushing and going for the jugular does is give you the option to do this: block, delete, and move on.

Numbers game ad infiitum.

Guess what? Chick for tonight just flaked too ;-)

I have dates Sat and Sun.

So far:
5 dates scheduled this week
1 show - no pull, no connection text
2 flakes - 1 shameless, 1 re-arranged for Monday

2 remaining (Sat & Sun)


Shoutout to Colgate Tha King:






OK so given the flake today, that means I have time to hustle.

I mean, I can't RAGE APPROACH. What else am I supposed to go?

1 Postural work
115 Copy / Chew (1)
215 Copy / Myobrace (2)
3 Leave
330 Appointment: Sexual Health Clinic tests (Note: I have no symptoms and have always used a condom, this is simply precautionary)
430 CT (20m) / Sperti (15m) / Earthing & Online Hustle
530 Dinner
6 Copy / Myobrace (3)
7 Copy / Myobrace (4)
8 Copy / Myobrace (5)
9 Copy / Myobrace (6)
10 Copy / Myobrace (7)
11 Copy / Myobrace (8)
12 BED



I'M A VIRGIN!!!!!!!!!!!!


Yesterday the sexual health screen was a personal violation, lady doctor STOLE my blood, SQUEEZED my bollocks, and then stuck a swab inside my actual penis!! It was so uncomfortable I nearly vomited, and she took pleasure in watching me squirm - JUST because I am a CHAD!!!

Grrrrrr WoMeN!11!!!!!!!!!!!!

There can be no peace, no rest, until the human female is absolutely destroyed. And by destroyed, I mean BULLDOGGED to the absolute core, to such that they do not even know where they fucking any anymore, 8 rounds of sheer destruction administered by a gram a test a week Bulldog smashing these hoes into literal outer space, into alternate dimensions and galaxies

My FWB has ghosted, thanks for that NG! Will miss her sweetness and kindness, my stupid brain has had the odd dream about her, for some reason I do get close to people and begin to really like 'em. Bless her, wish her the best. I am shocked by how women consistently just discard you in life. Why do they teach boys straight lies about women? That they're nurturing, that they get attached, that guys want sex and ghost these girls and hurt them. All of this total fabricated bullshit, but probably necessary for the stability of civilisation. If men know women were just as bad as them, what would be the value and utility of women, and what would incentivise us to continue the species?

But I am guided by one thing: did we leave each other better off? HELL YEAH. We had a fuckin blast these past 4 months.

I'll probably be discarded many more times, dropped like a bad habbit. I will get used to it. Woman's nature is clear to me: they are actually pretty gross and IMO are a darker and more selfish, manipulative creature than the male. My opinion, respect it. I respect yours.


SAT 03/09/2022

(1) Copywriting: 2hrs
(2) Game: 2hrs Study / Date
Others: YT Growth process, Wellness work, Body work

Notes: Good prospect for date tonight, she’s actually cute (~6) which is a massive step up from my usual quality (circa 4/4.5). Must bring my A-game, and remember the fundamentals. Physicality, eye contact, tonality, complimenting, building sexual tension.

10 Myofunctional Therapy
1015 Core
1030 BAB / Supps
11 YT Growth: Schedule WellnessTips
1115 Copywritng / Chewwing
1215 Copywriting / Myobrace
115 Game: Study – Watch videos / Review current sticking points / Myobrace
215 CT (20m) / Lunch / Sperti (15m)
315 Game: Study – Study Terero / Review current sticking points / Myobrace
415 Stretch: ATG Zero
445 Posture: McKenzie Extension
515 Dinner / Pre-Date supplements
6 Hot shower & Relax / Watch some standup comedy
730 Date – Make solid attempt at pulling
-Either get laid, or write date report for review and analysis.



MakingAComeback said:
I'll probably be discarded many more times, dropped like a bad habbit.
told you this earlier but i think you need to reframe this lol. because i have never seen myself as being "discarded" or "disposed of" by girls.

it's like one of three possibilities
1. the girl respects you and stays
2. the girl is a BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and leaves
3. you fucked up so she leaves

most of the time i've had girls leave because of 3 or a combo of 2 and 3, probably as experience increases that will slowly converge on more possibility 2s

with NG it's probably just 2 lol.
Without knowing any details, being ghosted by an FWB either means you did something huge to fuck up, or she's not emotionally healthy/mature.

Usually I don't subscribe to the "the girl is just a bitch" philosophy because it's easy to avoid action or introspection if you think everything going wrong is out of your own control.

Still though, being ghosted by a girl you've seen a while (months?) is not something emotionally healthy people do, so unless you did something big wrong (which I doubt) I'd just cut my losses. These things happen.
Holden said:
Usually I don't subscribe to the "the girl is just a bitch" philosophy because it's easy to avoid action or introspection if you think everything going wrong is out of your own control.

i did say
colgate said:
3. you fucked up so she leaves
Agree with Holden this stuff happens. Focus on what you can control

This is the new world of struggles compared to yourself of last year

'mo money mo problems'

You went to being completely invisible and unsuccessful with women to being able to get them

Now you have to learn to deal with losing women

I was heartbroken and emotionally crippled for literally 4 years after one girl.

I still get the occasional dreams and bad emotional moments thinking about her.

But we move on, because thats what we have to do
MakingAComeback said:
Woman's nature is clear to me: they are actually pretty gross and IMO are a darker and more selfish, manipulative creature than the male. My opinion, respect it. I respect yours.

Hey MAC, I respect your opinion, I'm just worried about the damage it could be doing to your ability to connect with all the lovely women out there who would be lucky to know the extremely impressive man that you are.

I understand your anger and bitterness and low opinion of women, because I used to feel the same way, back when I felt like they had all the power.

What changed and made me more empathetic and understanding towards them was when I realized how weak much smaller and weaker (physically) and more frightened of everything women are than men.

Everyone knows women scream when they see a mouse or a bug or something gross or dangerous, and that they want a man to deal with it, but I actually think that fear and being easily startled/grossed out/overwhelmed is a much bigger part of their lives than men realize.

Knowing that makes me feel grateful to be a man, and like I would never in a million years want trade my place with a woman.

It also makes me feel protective toward them, because being small and weak (compared to men) makes the world a scary fucking place, and it helps me understand why overly sensitive, angry or desperate men are so scary to women - unlike my default reaction, which is an instinct to help these men, often because I see so much of my past (and often current) self in them.

Probably the best way I know of to sum it up is the opposite ways a woman I was dating and I reacted to Jordan Peterson: when he got choked up talking about trying to encourage men or when he got really angry talking about patriarchy and toxic masculinity, I saw a compassionate, intelligent, sensitive-but-well-meaning man who is doing his best to make the world a better place...

But she got nervous, because she saw something more like this:

Manly Cockfellow said:
We had a pretty simple dinner date, with only two parts worth mentioning:

The first part was regarding how women see men.
She had just told me about a night where she and a girlfriend were walking to their car after dinner, when a guy who had been walking on the other side of the street with his head down looked up, saw them and basically started sprinting their way from across the block... needless to say they were scared and asked a few nearby guys to stand with them till he left (he asked them for change or something). Even though this young woman is almost 6 feet tall, and does motocross, she was still fully aware that this average guy had the strength to overpower her if he chose to.

The best way I've heard of for men to understand what this must be like is to imagine yourself in a gay bar full of nothing but NBA and NFL players, all of which could easily hold you down and do whatever they wanted to you and your body if they chose to. Even though most of them will probably be pretty nice, all it takes is one creep who doesn't care about you and just wants to use your body for his pleasure... and he's so much bigger and stronger than you there's nothing you can do to stop him.

So that was a long way of getting to the reason this first part is worth mentioning. After telling me that story, she said something I thought was a brilliant summary of what it's like to be a woman interacting with a man, "Imagine if every once in a while when you opened a cereal box it exploded in your face. Even though you know most cereal boxes are fine, you'd still be very wary of them, because you could be dealing with one of the exploding ones".

Combine this with the gay bar full of potentially volatile NBA/NFL players, and you can understand why men make women nervous at first (before they get to know you!), and why women get anxious when a man gets too emotional (oh God, if he loses control and turns on me there's nothing I could do to stop him).

Last thing I'll say is this:
when women are selfish and manipulative, it's most likely coming from a place of fear, not power, and probably deserves more pity than resentment.
Guys I'll respond shortly to your posts. Thank you.

Game is testing me rn, been an awful week. Lost my plate who just ghosted 3 weeks ago, got stood up, flaked on a few times and got the no connection text from the date who showed up.

Then tonight got totally shut down on a date with a chick I was very excited about who just wasn't there on the date at all.

I am not totally bummed or anything. I kinda have a good concept of how the dating market for the low SMV male is at this stage. There is basically little you can do about it so you just accept it. Just a question of how much you can endure before quitting for good: I give myself 5 years before just pulling the plug. I am OK with that and honestly really, really looking forward to that day. That's personally how I feel. Wish I wasn't so stubborn sometimes I'd be a lot happier.

She arrives. She looks great, and I let her know this.

We take a seat, and compliment her eyes. She's nice and seems kinda and receptive.

She isn't much of a talker. I am trying to get her to open up, and it's not really happening. I am touching her plenty and she's totally OK with it.

She just isn't talking a whole lot. I am talking, trying to get her to open up. She doesn't seem into it.

I ask her questions, but nada. But it's still kinda OK at this stage, she is mainly just asking me questions. And she's asking a bunch which is positive - there's then some silence because she just isn't into it, or there.

I do a bit of future projection. She just isn't vibing.

Move topics a few times. Get onto the topic of music. There's a band we both really like. I tell her we should listen to them together sometime, and she just totally cringes. It was so uncomfortable. This felt terrible.


I kinda look away for a sec to compose myself, then just prattle on for a bit.

Ask her if she wants to go for a walk.

She's just like: "I'm going to say no, not because of you, but I think this is just too soon for me to be dating. I just got out of a relationship and you're my first date".

She really did not like me at all. I say, that's fine, I'll pay for my half and I'll be off. She says OK. I pay, and just leave.

That's that.

Just going to bed now.

Another date tomorrow.

To win in this game, you need to have been wired a certain way and also have the right look. The signs one has this are that in life, you will get some form of positive attention at some point in your life. A guy who got to 30 who basically was invisible is not created for this type of activity and is not wired in the correct way, or endowed with the correct look. Whilst I know this, I remain curious about the possibility of finding some type of workaround and fix. I think it may be possible to improve whatever is fucked up about me and I'll keep trying.

At least I know I am trying my best.

MakingAComeback said:
She's just like: "I'm going to say no, not because of you, but I think this is just too soon for me to be dating. I just got out of a relationship and you're my first date".

Sounds like you don't believe this, and that you feel it actually was about you...

I'm gonna read more of your log, and try to get a feel for what you've been through before I say anything else about this date, but for now I just wanted to say hang in there man and that I've really liked the supportive, insightful and inspiring comments I've seen you make on other guys logs.
Yeah I would tend to believe the girl. I had a somewhat similar situation where I was on a date that lasted 10 mins. Girl was just super anxious and shut down completely. She muttered that I was her first date in awhile and that she wasn’t ready yet.

Sometimes it’s just bad luck and there’s really nothing you did wrong.
Was a bit shattered last night from the cumulative effects of a lot of BS, but that really was such an uncomfortable experience and a real bad date.

She was giving really weak, almost one word responses. Simply not trying at all. I gave it a solid, solid effort but she was giving me absolutely nothing and just rocked up out of curiosity.

Many women do actually do this. They just show up because they're perhaps a bit bored and would like the attention.

Grim. But there is no reason to be rude when someone is trying. Her totally cringing was simply unnecessary and that did bother me a little.

Part of this, I maintain, is sheer endurance. Just sticking at it through the endless, endless bullshit that many of us are likely to get.

The lower SMV male just has to find a way to be very resilient and stoic, and become anti-fragile somehow to the chaos this will bring when you simply do not fit the mould.

I am working on that.

Another date today. I am totally thrown off now and seriously don't even want to go. But I will.

Again, I will respond bros. But I have to get some work in first.

Date for this afternoon at 12 has not confirmed, she still might, or she may flake. And that is alright.

I can only plan for the next few hours as I may, or may not, have a date:

9 Myofunctional Therapy & Robert’s videos
930 Core & Fearless Man
19 Game: Read Terero / Chew
11 CT & Audio breakdown of coaching session
1130 Music, relax, chill………Hot shower & LEAVE
12 Date: Maybe?

If she flakes, I'll respond to your posts bros.

Thank you all for the help, it means a lot. Seriously. Look how good this is: other dudes actually pull you up and push you forward. That is so commendable and an amazing thing. I am grateful for that and it really affirms my faith in the fundamental goodness and decency of the male. I have total faith in the male and always have had. Appreciate every one of you for taking the time, you do a lot of good for other people when you engage in these small gestures of solidarity and brotherhood.

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