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OK, so rough week of course. Lots of negative events and further compounded by an inability to engage in the actions that maintain order and stability for me. I can't exercise due to HT recovery, and I have been unable to really leave my room for ages. This is a very challenging thing, as when adverse experiences happen and we have adrenaline dumps, I cannot engage in the exercise and physical activity I use to essentially work through that adrenaline and go back to baseline. Hence, I have actually been kinda stuck, couped up in my room for weeks now, just having to ride the wave of quite a few difficult things.

My plate ghosting bothered me a lot. I'll disclose that I did like her a lot and she made a profoundly positive contribution to my life. We have left each other better off, and that will be that. No more of that now.

I woke up twice at 4am heart just pounding. Furthermore, post-surgery, there is a lot of trauma to the body, the 10 days of basically little to no sleep. None of this is good for your psyche and compounding it with a very tough week in the game, I cracked.

Following that really bad date, I came home and I was just floored. I went to sleep it off, but again, woke up at 4am heart just pounding. This is a sign of too much adrenaline in the body and what brings this down is 'using it up' through hard exercise. That's how we're evolved: when fight or flight hits, we're supposed to attack and either survive or be killed. Adrenaline isn't supposed to kee circulating in the system and if it does, the brain detects it and tries to find what the problem is. What is the risk in this situation? Me continuing to go on the downward spiral I found myself in. Hence, I psychologically shattered for a bit.

But through sheer persistence, I was given a bit of a break.

Date on Sunday was awesome. Me and this girl have been bantering back and fourth quite a lot, she's a funny chick and fairly cute too. I'd say about 5.5.

She arrives. I do compliment her right off the bat, which she appreciates. Hug, kiss both cheeks. We have a coffee and hang out. It's a lot of fun.

Vibe was definitely a bit trash my end, I didn't want to be there, I've been navigating a lot of negative emotion, but she is cracking me up. She is super easy to talk to and it's fun.

Leave the cafe, go to the park. It's a very beautiful park which is a good situation for dates.

We have a good time here, and my energy and vibe also kinda improve a little. I am still a little edgy but being outdoors and moving/walking a lot bring some clarity and settle me down a bit.

I pitch a second date idea, a drink in Chelsea. She's down.

I then say we should go to mine for a glass of rose. She says maybe, but I can tell this is actually a yes. My heart was racing when I asked this. Something is not right. I a rusty as FUCK.

Talk more, chill. I then tell her we're going to buy some rose, and she's game. Off we go.

Back to mine. We watch an episode of First Dates and drink rose. She's a big time party gal, she drinks several days a week and goes out partying pretty hard too. She just got back from Ibiza, ffs. We blast through a bottle of rose and start on a bottle of chardonay my friend left from our last party. Damn.

Go to my room, listen to music, and make out. Make outs aren't long and passionate, they're kinda short, 20-30 secs, and she retracts, but she is letting me touch her all over, ass, legs, etc, no probs.

I try to escalate a bit and go for the lay, but she is meeting friends for a meal. Time is against us. I don't manage to make it happen but she gets her phone out and tries to figure out a time for a 2nd date. She suggests Friday day time (lol) so again, I am not sure how I could make that lay happen, but I could do a drink locally and see what I can do.

She leaves, a brief makeout, and we'll see if I get a 2nd date.

I feel fuckin fantastic and the experience is deeply psychologically restorative.

You already know how I feel about this game: I am a big believer in grinding and getting up and doing the work, regardless of how you feel. Even when you feel TERRIBLE, like I did the last 48hrs, you just push and push and take action. Let God sort it out when you're dead. While you're alive, you must work. I think of the times when I was smoked, literally unable to even move sometimes, and I'd haul my ass up and death march my way to cold approach for like 1hr, often not even having the volume to get a single approach in, but it's time on the front lines.

This persistence gets rewarded and you get the reference experinces you need.

Yesterday was AWESOME. She was def. fatter than her pics, she knows her angles well. From front on, she looks like a total doll, pretty face and eyes. Side profile, she is carrying a fair bit of bodyfat and she has that hardcore party animal body. You know what I mean. Drinking like that all the time does the body no favours.

Final thoughts on venting when this game makes you crack:

I believe in community, and I do not like to psychologically shatter like this and then write about it. I feel bad not because it makes me look bad: I don't give a shit about that, I am a humble man simply trying my best to improve my life. I have never said I am anything other than a rank beginner. Making this shit work was such a struggle. I've come a long way and will go all the way if it kills me. You already know I am FUCKED in the head and cannot quit, simply there is no quit in my. This is brutal for my brain and body because I will push myself until it is simply disgusting and a total disgrace, I treat myself in ways in which no human being should be treated. I am a sick fuck and will never stop working until something greater than myself makes me do so. But for the sustainability of positive community spirit, it is not useful to impose negativity. Nonetheless, for whatever reason, venting and writing it up DOES help me. It helps, a lot. I will do more of this but perhaps just in a written document which I can delete after.


Date. No pull.

Some chonker from Hinge, she rocks up, passable. 4.5.

Hug, kiss on the cheek. Compliment her, she likes this.

Sit down, really close to her. Touching her a lot throughout.

Following the last date, I wanted this one to actually speak, so I did work quite hard to chat, vibe, tease a lot. I ended up talking quite a lot, I'd say it was 70/30.

She is asking me questions, in particular about dating. She is asking about relationships, if I've met previous girlfriend's off Hinge.

Brought up sex,.

Ask her if she wants to have a drink round mine, she declines and says she just wants to stay at the bar.

She then says she hasn't eaten all day and insists on ordering something small. She suggests an order of a starter and some snacks. I decline. She pushes for some snacks, I kinda give in as she goes on about how she hasn't eaten all day. She says we should go for another round of wine. I decline. She says she'll go for a water.

For some reason, I tried this date like it was a cold approach and prattled on a fair bit. This isn't good. You need to get her investing.

I kinda listened to a cold approach breakdown this morning and tried a bunch of teasing and stuff, which was fun, but it set up this weird jester dynamic where she seemingly just wanted to be entertained.

Snack and her water come through.

We keep talking.

When she's finished with the snack, she says she's popping to the loo.

She gets back, and tells me she'll be going soon. She called herself an Uber in the bathroom.

She gets up and starts walking and says, is it OK if you get the bill. I say sure.

Hug, kiss on the cheek, good bye.

Not good.

I pitched a second date and she was cool with it, she even suggested a day. However, I've been her many, many times. What inevitably happens is, girls will send a text a day or two later saying they didn't feel any connection and that's kinda that.

This will likely be the last of her.

Oh well.

Onto the next.

MakingAComeback said:
I pitched a second date and she was cool with it, she even suggested a day.

Me from a few years ago would gladly go on a second date with her, order a ton of stuff, call myself an Uber while in the toilet, and then ask her to get the bill.

But seriously bro, I wouldn't wanna see her again. Crappy behavior.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
I pitched a second date and she was cool with it, she even suggested a day.

Me from a few years ago would gladly go on a second date with her, order a ton of stuff, call myself an Uber while in the toilet, and then ask her to get the bill.

But seriously bro, I wouldn't wanna see her again. Crappy behavior.



Yeah, I won't lose sleep over not seeing this troll again LOL ;-) Fuck it, onto the next.

I have only gotten a 2nd date twice, ever. Just doesn't tend to happen for me. So we don't need to dig into this one too much, it's basically done.

Back at it, day plan to follow....


We’re back bros………..TIME TO BLEED.

(1) DATING: Day Game 3hrs / Online Hustle 2hrs / Study Game 2hrs (7hrs total)
(2) COPY: 4hrs
Others: Stretch, Core, Myofunctional Therapy, Posture, Mewwing, Cold Thermogenesis.
Still need to reply to people. I'll get around to it!

Today was solid.


Cold approach – today was shown as thunder storms. Given I want to day game 2-3x in the week, and then on Sat, I opted to catch up with copywriting work today. I will day game Wed, Thur, Fri, Sat. 4 sessions, 25-30 total sets for the week. 7-8 quality approaches 4 x a week. Focus on QUALITY.

Style: Purchased 2 new pairs of trousers (cargo, ripped jeans), bunch of rings, new hat. Think this will be a good move. Throwing a black tee out for being a bit worn down and warped. Will swing by Zara when I’m doing approaches and pick up a new set of white and black tees.



622 Sunrise & Vis
630 Myofunctional Therapy
645 Core
7 BAB / Supps
730 sTRETCH: atg Zero
815 Posture
845 Copy: Mewwing - Chew (1)
945 Copy / Myobrace (2)
1045 Copy / Myobrace (3)
1145 Copy / Myobrace (4)
1245 Lunch / Online Hustle
145 Copy: Review notes
245 Game: Read Terrero
345 Leave – Relax & Get Grounded
430 Day Game – 5-8 sets
530 Day Game
630 Leave – Relax & Get Grounded
730 Sunset / CT (20m) / Light (15m)
830 Game: Read Terero
930 Myofunctional Therapy & Review Copy notes
10 Read
1030 Bed
MakingAComeback said:
She gets up and starts walking and says, is it OK if you get the bill. I say sure.

I (newbie) would be pretty angry with that behavior, perfect that you knew how to handle it, it was noticed and made presence the experience you have.

The attitude of don't stress about it. Obviously the problem is hers not yours, but there is something inside me like it was your fault that she did that. But it wasn't, that's just the way it is.

What does make me a little angry is that you invested in her, you dressed well, you spent time. So that out of the blue she leaves.
Such is the nightmare of dating women my friend hahaha.

Each one brings their own crock of utter bullshit.

You have to really come correct, any small chink in the armour, it's done. Hustle to get the date. The date is usually pretty meh with her not really bothered about being there either way, and they just ghost after. Tried and tested many, many times at this stage. Some dudes went 150 dates with nothing, not a 2nd date, not a lay - just nada.

It's a gross situation. And that's modern woman. We are the ones who chose to play the game of trying to meet one bro.

If you want to connect with something pleasant, buy a dog lol.

Chicks in 2022 do not give a flying fuck ;-)

Now back to it.
I'm gonna retract the above post as being very out of line and fucked up.

That shows I have not done the work yet and still hold deep anger towards women for doing the kid like dirt for 3 decades.

That is not an indictment on them, rather, my own failing as a man.

It is not good for me to post this sort of stuff and it poison the community and makes us look bad.

I care deeply about this place and if I am fucking up, you have to tell me. I am an autistic dummy I just know one thing, to work lol. So you gotta slap me down sometimes otherwise I will not get better.

And if I can't be good enough for myself, how the hell am I gonna bring value to anybody else?

MakingAComeback said:
I'm gonna retract the above post as being very out of line and fucked up.

I think it's good.

Guys like you and I develop some hate towards people or situations when we try to overcome obstacles.

For example, right now I fucking hate some of the Americans who work in my industry. I hear stories of how they got amazing job opportunities by simply going to events. They weren't complete morons when chatting with business owners and they got great opportunities. Those are people I can confidently say got 1/10 of my skills and knowledge.

Meanwhile, I have to send cold emails with Loom videos trying to position myself as someone who knows his shit, see people open the emails (got a plugin for this), get ignored, and still follow up while trying another angle. And that's one of the many things I do.

Then I also have to remind myself that life ain't fair, nobody cares about my struggles, and, if I flip things enough times in my mind, I always bear responsibility for not being where I want to be. Maybe I should have behaved a different way in the past and now I'm paying the price.

Just get feedback, implement it, and you'll eventually hit your goals. When you do, you'll be an indestructible motherfucker who will make people think "I was so wrong about this dude." I personally like imagining a future where business owners who ignored me go "The biggest mistake I made in my life was not hiring Crisis when he was still unknown in the industry" and girls who flaked on me cry "I was such a dumb ho for not fucking his brains when I got a chance"
Gotta disagree here Crisis_Overcomer

Theres a limit to anger and hate as drivers, and definitely a limit in terms of usefulness

His ultimate goal is wife and children. I think he needs to work on this stuff as a priority. At least thats my call as one of his coaches and Andy’s call too
Bros, appreciate your thoughts. I am still catching up so will reply to everyone individually.


Back in the damn arena!!!!!!!!!

Haven't approached since my surgery, back grinding the streets.

1 - Pretty German lady, stops, is super nice. She is on her way to see Harry Potter and she is leaving that night. Just bid her farewell. Lovely person. She did actually hook but it was a no go. Still, need to enjoy the ladies who actually talk round here!
2 - She doesn't stop
3 - Stops, but really trying to edge out. French chick but I thought she was Indian, she looked very interesting and looked Indian to me. French chicks tend to hate me so I was immediately turned off when I heard that's where she's from. She was not receptive, Bye.
4 - Nice lady, Albanian chick. Stopped, but says shes in a rush.

That's alll. Was going for 5.

What I did well:
-I actually stopped chicks using the Yad stop, the only way to stop these chicks in London. I had this sticking point for a long ass time. My stop still SUCKS. It's a serious skill.
-I pushed through my reticence. I was rusty after time off (2.5weeks)

Areas for development:
-I was stifled, ungrounded, body language was not squared off
-I was nervous and flustered, couldn't flow verbally

Lessons learned
-N/A. This was just getting back in the game.

Back tomorrow. Will try again.

Now, I will do the following:

Cold Theremogenesis (15m)
Life admin
Copy practice
Review the day's copy notes
Online Dating (500 profiles on Hinge, 100 Tinder, 100 Bumble, Boost on Tinder, Boost on Bumble - my daily process.......)
Core & Bed

I have been applying myself and did all my actions, all day.

Such is the grind.

MakingAComeback said:
Bros, appreciate your thoughts. I am still catching up so will reply to everyone individually.


Back in the damn arena!!!!!!!!!

Haven't approached since my surgery, back grinding the streets.

1 - Pretty German lady, stops, is super nice. She is on her way to see Harry Potter and she is leaving that night. Just bid her farewell. Lovely person. She did actually hook but it was a no go. Still, need to enjoy the ladies who actually talk round here!
2 - She doesn't stop
3 - Stops, but really trying to edge out. French chick but I thought she was Indian, she looked very interesting and looked Indian to me. French chicks tend to hate me so I was immediately turned off when I heard that's where she's from. She was not receptive, Bye.
4 - Nice lady, Albanian chick. Stopped, but says shes in a rush.

That's alll. Was going for 5.

What I did well:
-I actually stopped chicks using the Yad stop, the only way to stop these chicks in London. I had this sticking point for a long ass time. My stop still SUCKS. It's a serious skill.
-I pushed through my reticence. I was rusty after time off (2.5weeks)

Areas for development:
-I was stifled, ungrounded, body language was not squared off
-I was nervous and flustered, couldn't flow verbally

Lessons learned
-N/A. This was just getting back in the game.

Back tomorrow. Will try again.

Now, I will do the following:

Cold Theremogenesis (15m)
Life admin
Copy practice
Review the day's copy notes
Online Dating (500 profiles on Hinge, 100 Tinder, 100 Bumble, Boost on Tinder, Boost on Bumble - my daily process.......)
Core & Bed

I have been applying myself and did all my actions, all day.

Such is the grind.


Mac is back on the frontlines! I gotta start cold approaching again as well.
Crimson said:
MakingAComeback said:
Bros, appreciate your thoughts. I am still catching up so will reply to everyone individually.


Back in the damn arena!!!!!!!!!

Haven't approached since my surgery, back grinding the streets.

1 - Pretty German lady, stops, is super nice. She is on her way to see Harry Potter and she is leaving that night. Just bid her farewell. Lovely person. She did actually hook but it was a no go. Still, need to enjoy the ladies who actually talk round here!
2 - She doesn't stop
3 - Stops, but really trying to edge out. French chick but I thought she was Indian, she looked very interesting and looked Indian to me. French chicks tend to hate me so I was immediately turned off when I heard that's where she's from. She was not receptive, Bye.
4 - Nice lady, Albanian chick. Stopped, but says shes in a rush.

That's alll. Was going for 5.

What I did well:
-I actually stopped chicks using the Yad stop, the only way to stop these chicks in London. I had this sticking point for a long ass time. My stop still SUCKS. It's a serious skill.
-I pushed through my reticence. I was rusty after time off (2.5weeks)

Areas for development:
-I was stifled, ungrounded, body language was not squared off
-I was nervous and flustered, couldn't flow verbally

Lessons learned
-N/A. This was just getting back in the game.

Back tomorrow. Will try again.

Now, I will do the following:

Cold Theremogenesis (15m)
Life admin
Copy practice
Review the day's copy notes
Online Dating (500 profiles on Hinge, 100 Tinder, 100 Bumble, Boost on Tinder, Boost on Bumble - my daily process.......)
Core & Bed

I have been applying myself and did all my actions, all day.

Such is the grind.


Mac is back on the frontlines! I gotta start cold approaching again as well.

Back like cooked crack!!! ;-)

They don't know he lengths I am willing to go.

I'll be out here grinding until I'm dead.


08/09/2022 THUR

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Dating / Study Game
(2) Copy: 4hrs
Others: Core, Stretch, Posture, Myofunctional therapy, Cold thermogenesis.

624 Sunrise
630 Myofunctional
645 Core
715 BAB / Supps
745 Zero
815 Posture
9 Copy
10 Copy
11 Copy
12 Copy
1 Lunch / Life Admin: Get another pair of cargos (34 is a bit loose, try 32), sign up for electoral register, email handymen for quotes around the damage to the bathroom door
2 Online Dating
3 Game: Read Terrero
4 Leave / Review Tom’s notes
5 Cold Approach
6 Cold Approach
7 Go home
8 CT
830 Online Dating
930 Review copy notes
10 Myofunctional
1015 Core
1030 Bed






09/09/2022 FRI

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Dating / Study Game
(2) Copy: 5hrs
Others: Core, Stretch, Posture, Myofunctional therapy, Cold thermogenesis.


Feeling bad today, had 0 sleep all night, laying in bed with music going and some girls over with the main man Timmy. No judgement, this is the game, and it can bring chaos. It can be hard when this happens in the week, so from midnight to 7am on a Thursday night when I have to work all day now is challenging.

We all have goals and it is going to happen from time to time. I will make the most of the day today. Feeling spaced out. Noone likes this, still have to work man.


624 Sunrise (Done)
630 Mytofuntional therapy
645 Core (Done
730 Go walk & Relax (Done)
845 WellnessTips (Done)
9 Copy: Reading – Colin, Mike Shreeve / Mewwing: Chew
930 Read: Ian Stanley / Mewwing: Chew
10 Copy: Lesson #3 / Myobrace
11 Copy: Lesson #3 / Myobrace
12 Copy: Lesson #3 / #4 / Myobrace
1 Copy: Practice – Draft v2 for Cam / Myobrace
2 Lunch / Mail 5 more handymen for quotes/ Talk to Timmy about after parties
3 Game: Read Terero
4 Leave
5 Day Game: 7 sets
630 Leave
730 CT & Dr Courtney (20m)
8 Copy: Review notes
9 Dating: Online Dating
10 Myofunctional
1015 Core
1030 Bed

MakingAComeback said:
We all have goals and it is going to happen from time to time. I will make the most of the day today. Feeling spaced out. Noone likes this, still have to work man.
If only we could make shit happen by doing the work when we FEEL like it :-)
Discipline and hard work beat feelings and talent
Hey man, I've been checking in to your thread, haven't read most of it so not super informed about your situation. To me, it's extremely strange how bad your dates are going. The chicks not talking, etc.

So my first question:

Maybe you could post some sample conversation here from one of the dates, just from memory? Because I think there might be an issue there, maybe the tone of the conversation was too tense. Or quirky. I'm just guessing here.

I usually have no problem making girls talk, finding out what they're passionate about, etc. I think it's necessary to give them space to open up before anything else can happen. I mean even them talking about astrology bullshit is interesting sometimes, just because I don't know anything about it myself.

If she's strangely silent, I'd make that a conversation topic. Like asking her about it, if she's usually like a silent kind of person, see what she says. And if that's really the case, then ask her what's dating like as a silent person, doesn't it get boring etc. That could be enough to crack open a genuinely silent girl and get her talking.

Second question:

Why do you refer to yourself as a low SMV man? Maybe you have good reasons, but if you could list some then that'd be helpful.

EDIT: When I was starting out with all the dating stuff, the first ones ended up going strange, as they always do. I treated each one of those dates as a learning opportunity and wrote up a log of (0) summary, (1) what was good, (2) what was bad, (3) improvements for the next time. I kept doing the log after each one of the dates,

Those improvements included stuff like:

- good/bad conversation topics
- good/bad jokes
- small things like sitting 90-degrees and not across each other,
- going for a kiss in the end,
- topics that I would talk about myself, the way I presented myself and told my "story",
- better understanding of her dating app profile (if she ended up looking different, or not the personality I was looking for),
- choice of venue
- moments where I lost frame due to anxiety

I kept doing the log when I started seeing a girl repeatedly that I ended up being in a relationship with for about 2 years. I have documented the lessons from the first 5-6-7 or something dates with her, and more whenever there were challenges that I wasn't prepared for.
Hey bros,

I will address it in full.

For now, 0 sleep MAC has done his best today.


09/09/2022 FRI

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Online Dating / Study Game (DONE)
(2) Copy: 5hrs (DONE)
Others: Core, Stretch, Posture, Myofunctional therapy, Cold thermogenesis. (Most DONE)



I was literally dead, brain dead, couldn’t speak. I’m out there on 0 hours sleep. Just barely able to think. Anxiety is dialed up 10 fold. I just make myself approach after being in a daze for like 45mins. I do an approach, she stops, she kinda smiles and gives an IOI, but the set is so weak I am just not there and can’t process what’s going on.

I stay out for 1.5hrs and go home. I am totally smoked. I like 250 profiles on Hinge on the way home.

I’m going to bed now, I need sleep. I will be back tomorrow, a bit more rested, and ready to take action.


Today was a kick ass day. Worked had and got a lot done.

We are hustling here. Yes it was a sleepless night. That happens in this game. I gotta hunker up and get my work done or I will never get this money right. I have a few leads, I am approaching, I am doing all I can do so no stressing it. Gotta nail down STYLE (super important), let the hair grow, and get lean as fuck. I have seen positive gains with the new main, until I get a new lay out of it, I won’t share the details.

SO there you go – I was dead ass tired today but worked solidly all day and had a good day. I am FUCKED now I am dying. Time for bed.

I will attack hard tomorrow. Approaching. Copywriting hustle. Even a low key nightgame session.

you know this but i found the dates i went on when i was exhausted after a day of work or a night of sex were some of the most important in my development. by not succumbing to excuses in those moments and pushing your boundary, 1) it proves that you can handle your business even in the "worst" circumstances and 2) approaching/dating isn't scary nor hard at all.

btw, sick in bed, can anyone send me a pdf of the golden eagle project? netflix is getting boring.
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