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Friday & Saturday were quite poor days due to really shit sleep. Last night, however, I slept just fine. And feel quite good. Good enough to be productive and focused.

Fri & Sat were both scattered and poor days. I sucked. I was sleep deprived, yes, but I did my best to get things done. At best, I got some meagre level of work done.

Sex drive has been nuts lately.

I am recovering from my HT, but couldn't help but jump on the online dating apps Friday night I ran 3 boosts on Tinder, 2 on Bumble, and did a lot of swipes on Hinge. All in some sort of lustful fervour, a red mist of desire floating over me which seldom, if ever, have I seen since my early 20s. This is good, it's indicative of some positive results from my wellness work, but should have been controlled. I attribute the lack of impulse control to sleep deprivation.

Anyway, message one of the matches. She exchanges. Try to get her out Friday night, she seems receptive, but claims it's too late (930/10pm). She says another time. I suggest tomorrow. She agrees.

Wake up Sat, after another night of terrible sleep, waking up several times. I am feeling so scattered and terrible. Having surgery is a major trauma to the body, it needs about 30 days to feel 'normal'. There are weird stress responses happening. My heart is racing like september's when the Slavs were at the door. It's just a bit of a stressful thing. Nonetheless, I do my best.

Anyway, I am still dealing with an absurd sex drive. This has just sprang on me out of nowhere. I've not been like this for years.....

I text the chick mentioned above - let the records show, she was a chubber, but looked passable. Barely. But passable. A 4.5, maybe a 5 on a particular good day.


My scale is a bit different from most. I am transparent about the poor quality I tend to attract. I deal with it and get on with my life. The gym isn't going anywhere, and in a year my hair will look banging.

She wants to see me today. We bat back and fourth around the time, she agrees to 9. Straight to crib. Tell her to text me when she's leaving. She agrees. That gives me time to get my work done, and relax in the evening.

A few hours pass, and she wants to move it to 8. I tease a little, but agree. Fine.

It's now 7. I haven't heard anything from her telling me she's left. 8 Rolls by. Nothing.

"Just checking you're OK?"

She goes online, then nada.

Nothing. She doesn't turn up of course, but I could sense it. I sit down with a copy of Street Hustle and just spend the evening educating myself.

Been here many, many times. It's simply the game. I shake it off. You can't be half a gangster, If you're in this game, you accept all the emotional turbulence that comes and play it anyway. Girls flake. Girls stand you up. Girls seem interested, then ghost. You hook up, and get ONSd. FWBs can be tight, then just go weird on you and fade away. Nothing is constant. It's all up in the air, fleeting, effervescent. Ethereal, like a spiders web, as intricately as you may spin the web of your game life, a disinterested infant running their their parent's garden can render it all null and void.

But through this comes armour building, resilience, and mental fortitude.

In addition to the above, the leads I have generated in the 8 days post-HT have been very weak. Upon asking them to grab a drink with me, they skirt the question, switch topics, and talk about something else entirely. Quality wise, they are all chubbers. A 4.5, or perhaps less at a cursory glance. Which is not, of course, great. I am stoic about the prospect of having to continue to seek the affection of women I do not find physically attractive. Frankly, this is a strange experience. But nonetheless, it is what it is. I am fine with it. What is the alternative? There isn't one.

My FWB has been very quiet since my HT, and seldom texts. Her responses are now very low effort. I propose we hang out in 2 weeks time, and she tells me something has come up and she can't do that week. I think she is now on her way out, and has possibly just become bored, or may have found another prospect. So be it, wish her all the best either way. I have a kind of respect for her, and am grateful she did spend time with me. A few months of being with her was more effective than all the person centred therapy, energy healing, cranial sacral therapy, reiki, among other things that I did. If I don't see her again or hear from her, I will be a bit sad. But this has been the truth I have learned in my own journey.

Women really are fleeting. There is no permanence in the world of woman. There is no solution, there is no hope for a brighter day. There is no use putting your time into thinking about a way to make it better. You have these experiences to grow, evolve your mindset.

The journey must point inwards to you. At the centre of the journey, is you, and the man you become. Period.

Man is made to toil. As a man, you must work. We are born to till the fields, harvest the crops, hunt and gather. To sustain the tribe. That is what flips our reward circuits.

It is about becoming successful. I see this clearly now, and it has done a lot for my psychological health.

Masculine order. Female chaos. The two foundational forces. We must learn to live in our own masculine reality IMO, and ground ourselves within it.

That's enough of that.


For whatever reason, this did bring up feelings of melancholia. The clear time-wasting and seeking of ego validation, whilst a bit annoying, is normal. But also witnessing the dying embers of a FWB relationship is a bit sad. I won't lie.

I sat in an ice bath for 20 mins and just thought about this year. How I was so lost in Jan, and lost my virginity anyway. I thought about how I ran through the streets exploring the really great city. The highs, which were amazing, as well as the infernal lows. It felt as if I had lived many lifetimes, in just one year.

I was able to drive so much data through my brain. And I did evolve.

That's good. I like that. The development of better overall capacity and competence will trump everything else.

Working on your mission, trying to make money, travelling, having positive experiences, all this matters the most.

Back to work. That is where I do best. Focusing and moving the needle toward.

MakingAComeback said:
she was a chubber, but looked passable. Barely. But passable. A 4.5, maybe a 5 on a particular good day.

Every time you describe the girls i can't help but laugh compulsively🤣🤣🤣 you do it in a bitter but funny way like David Brent from The Office🤣
Hahahah FUCK! That isn't good, though. It's a bit cringe - don't get bitter, get better and all that.

I will say, I can appreciate how far I've come. I used to legit psychologically shatter when I'd have adverse circumstances like this, the double whammy of the ghost, very frustrating leads giving me the run around, and possibly losing my lovely and sweet FWB. I used to be really stressed out about this sort of thing in Jan. It made me behave in an eratic and on edge manner. I would move through life really fretting, feeling enormously stressed constantly. My brain was racing tirelessly. It was hard to get through that. Every day I was just getting through it man.

Now, I have a solidness and resilience I didn't have back then.

I almost look at the Ravi of just January 2022 as a guy who was only just a boy. He'd not even been with a woman properly yet. Had never pulled. Had been on a total of 8 dates.

Had a great convo with my pal Carl for a couple of hours, and I did reflect on my own progress. It felt good.

Whilst I will admit to still feeling a bit of pain when I do have adverse experiences with women, it is, overall, releasing and getting weaker. I can tell.

I would also like to add, having to lower your standards is part of this.

I am not myself very physically attractive, and this is a massive source of frustration as you know I work hard!

Blokes will tell me, dude, you look fine, it's not your looks.

Then you see who actually matches with me: the obese and the undesirables.

See if that's the women you're attracting, that's what you are!

It's true and obviously, I am sad about that, but I literally cannot do anything about it. Nothing. Just gotta keep working, get leaner, then build muscle, give the HT 6-9 months. I am also leaving the UK - I will basically never find anyone worthwhile here.

I am totally OK with all of this, and am not really that embittered or apt to complain. All of this is just reality, brute fact. I have come a long way in coming to terms with this.

I still think it's not looks, can i ask of question, what kind of girls do guys from your background bang?
Thrice said:
I still think it's not looks, can i ask of question, what kind of girls do guys from your background bang?

I respect your opinion, but I do disagree. It's cool.

Online dating is very cutthroat. Women are absurdly selective on there. It's an insight into how superficial they are, and this reflects poorly on them.

The good news, is that a man can max himself. Cut all the way down to abs. Be shredded! Bring out the best features in one's face, have style on point. And all of these things are good for us to do for ourselves.

I'll be doing a 3-5 day water fast once my lab tests are submitted. Royal Mail are on strike and my kit hasn't come yet.....

Sure, so I'm from a Punjabi Sikh background. A small minority. But brown guys in general find themselves at the bottom of the SMV pool in this world. Typically, they're not really banging much at all. There are rare exceptions. I think most get a looksmatched or slightly worse girlfriend early on, and just cope. SMP for a regular brown dude is just a very slow, steady grind of composure and mental fortitude. And for those who don't have the right look, at best, you'll gain some traction with complete uggos. It also depends on geography. In the UK, I'd say it's basically over. Nothing will happen. It's done. Abroad, you have a shot to live a relatively normal life and be a normal person.

Take an equally decent looking chap, inject them with pigment, and they'll be an incel tomorrow. They can have all the game in the world, but their reality will be fundamentally different and their pool will be so small it will shock them, Few will be able to handle it. It's a truly brutal blackpill. But it is also life. And it is also woman. This is not a good thing and is why one must have a well-rounded life and look far beyond sex, relationships, and all that. If you run with pigs for too long, you'll find yourself unclean. Much of my activity is oriented towards my own development and building of competence and capacity.

I understand this sounds a bit doom & gloom. The gazelle having it's jugular vein split by the unstoppable lion of the Serengeti also has to face the dark truth of reality. To stay in a blue pill reality is to be a child. An infant. This is useless. To enter into objective reality may sting, and the medicine may be bitter, but it is the right one. And you'll take it if you stand any chance of being anyone, or doing anything of note.

It is still possible to get some form of results even if you're brown and at the bottom of the SMV hierarchy. It will just take a lot more than one may even have any concept for. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, because you know in your heart you did what many who are given a fair run in the SMP can't do, you grinded it out in impossible circumstances.

Big picture, the answer for brown guys IMO is to make money, travel the world, have good experiences and try to make a positive & enduring contribution to the human species somehow. I am not of the opinion that there is a sustainable solution to the relationship domain of life for people whose SMV is simply too low. That's my opinion and something I keep to myself.

MAC, how often do you go out to bars and clubs? How do you feel there? Are you making approaches?
Are you genuinely interested in the girls you talk to? You seemed to say girls are superficial etc

What are your logistics like? Where do you currently live, how much time does it take for you to go to a nice, crowded bar?

Do you have good wingmen you have fun with? How often do you see them?

How many cool places do you know in your city? How many trendy bars?
What are the activities you do purely for fun and entertainment?
hush said:
MAC, how often do you go out to bars and clubs? How do you feel there? Are you making approaches?
Are you genuinely interested in the girls you talk to? You seemed to say girls are superficial etc

What are your logistics like? Where do you currently live, how much time does it take for you to go to a nice, crowded bar?

Do you have good wingmen you have fun with? How often do you see them?

How many cool places do you know in your city? How many trendy bars?
What are the activities you do purely for fun and entertainment?

Hey man,

Think I've done over 3k approaches at bars & clubs. I approach like a machine there, and outside the UK, I am able to have conversations with girls in the night scene. In the Uk, they simply will not interact with you. You can approach all you like, they will just not engage with you or enter into dialogue. It is clear as day, they simply do not give a shit - LOL!

How interested I am in girls I talk to: you have to work with what you're getting. You can be as interested as the situation allows.

Logistics: I live in London, it's about a 10/15 min walk to a few bars. I've tried all this, plenty. Tried many different venues here. I will keep going, but not because I think there is no hope in night game (there is legit 0), but I'd like to be able to create positive memories with the men who are around me because one day these guys will be serious killers and successes in this world.

I do have great wingmen, and I am frankly more interested in them and their process than many of the women you can meet in the UK.

I can tell you, I've done the night scene extensively. It's pretty much impenetrable. Tried and field tested, THOUSANDS of times. ;-)

I don't bother unless I am interested in spending time with my boys. Remember, I have done this for 12 years. Day game is good, and I will stick with it for a few years. I do not like clubs, they're loud and you can't talk. This sucks.

I do have an interesting life, play guitar, make content, enjoy nature, I could go on but I am a fairly solid and upcoming guy well on his way to success. If you read the first post, you'll see I tried all these things to meet women. It doesn't work, and is IMO poor advice. Field tested for 4 years solid (24-28).

I appreciate the questions. These are endearing and I understand you're trying to help. This game requires one to go far deeper than this, I can assure you, I have been at this for a long time and have a more acute and objective take on the SMP than many.

Many will simply not see the darker side of it. Not because it's not there, but because their SMV will shield them from it.

I appreciate well-intentioned and well-meaning commentators, obviously, I have addressed these things many times, but someone who has not read the log will not know. I thank you for taking the time and it is appreciated.

Day #9 post hair transplant I can actually sleep in a normal position tomorrow

Video called my brother he is happy with my hairline

Was my Mum's birthday yesterday bless her, I can't get on a train and see her due to the HT. I will go see her soon. Looking forward to it. In 4-6 months I'll be smug with my new hair. :-)

Heres what it's looking like post scabbing

I like the way it is shaping up. Come a long way man. It does hurt that I get very shitty quality. I won't lie. It does hurt man. Let me tell you the truth and be somewhat vulnerable, it does bother me. I won't hide that. I am OK with being in a low position, I am not where I want to be as a man. But I am not happy with myself at present.

View attachment 1

At least I have made this investment in myself, given myself the gift of weight loss, and seen value in myself and my own happiness.

It's better than how I used to be man. Very sad person, workaholic, working 100hrs a week just to escape. That was all I ever knew. 5 paper rounds at 11 years old, 2 jobs at 16, put myself through University. Just a dog. Fighting for everything.

But at least I have fought for myself man. And continue to fight every day. My life is better now. The people in my life are amazing and the future is bright.

I face many challenges in life and hunger for more. The life of a dog.

But maybe this dog will one day know peace.

Back to work,
MakingAComeback said:
It's better than how I used to be man.

lol no way that is you, man :D you went from like a 3 (sorry but that's my opinion) to a 7 (though in the video you look like a 6 which still better looking than me)
Haha, thanks bros!

Takes a whole lotta time. Brick by brick, you can build a house. I have another year of work on my looks before it gets better. It's an investment I am willing to make. Thats the game we have chosen to play.

MON 30/08/2022

(1) COPYWRITING: Study 8hrs / Practice run for info product copy
(2) GAME: 2hrs Reading Street Hustle
Others: Cold Thermogenesis, Stretch, Postural Work, Life admin


Will drive as much marketing know how into my head. It’s going to be a blend of massive action with learning, and practical execution. I will practice with C's project: sales letters, email sequences, the lot. Internet marketing project in the ether will be a fantastic opportunity to do something potentially quite big: will need to learn a lot and get total clarity in Kajabi, email list building, FB ads.

Life will come together, I’ll get where I need to be financially. 5-10 years extreme grinding. It’ll come.

I am now 10 days post op with the hair transplant so I can sleep in a normal position! It’ll begin to get easier now.

610 Sunrise & Visualise Day
620 Tongue
640 Core
7 BAB / Supps
730 Stretch: ATG Zero
8 Posture: McKenzie / D Pull
830 YT Growth Blast: WT Schedule for the week / Mewwing: Chew Mastic Gum
930 Copy / Myobrace
1030 Copy / Myobrace
1130 Copy / Myobrace
1230 CT (20m) / Lunch
130 Life Admin: (1) Admiral, (2) Call re. screening, (3) Chase mens clinic
230 Copy / Myobrace
330 Copy / Myobrace
430 Copy / Myobrace
530 Dinner / Supps
630 Copy / Myobrace
730 Copy / Myobrace
830 Game
930 Game &Tongue
1030 Core
1045 Bed, D Pull / Visualise Day Tomorrow


just had to link this because i think your project name is so cool and it resonates with me when i listen to this song from my favorite band. i'll always think of MAC when i listen to this song.

We're rising again
....uuh, like phoenix from the ashes
we will go where no man's gone before
Rise like phoenix from the ashes
let us boldly go where no man's gone before
we don't need your tomorrow
we will do it our own way
and the world belongs to us forevermore
We'll rise,
we will go where no man's gone before
to hell with your tomorrow
we'll do it our own way
and our spirit will remain forevermore
so keep your dreams of progress
you cannot win at all
the spirit will remain forevermore
Rising again
MakingAComeback said:
working 100hrs a week just to escape. That was all I ever knew. 5 paper rounds at 11 years old, 2 jobs at 16, put myself through University. Just a dog. Fighting for everything.
why this guy is the MAX hustler on the forums

Thanks for the posts bros!

I gotta say, I love the buzzed down look. I think it's great. I will let it grow for 6-9 months, hell a yeah if need be, then I am gonna buzz it the fuck down once more :-D

I think it's a good look for me. It gives me edge. I am quite soft spoken and mild mannered. This look is positive for my sex appeal in my opinion.

Still working. Day is going fairly well.

MakingAComeback said:
But maybe this dog will one day know peace.

Will he?
War it's not good but it's necessary.

It's a constant of humans as we have been in a warfare for most of our lifetime, we are just lucky that our ancestors gave us such a relative peaceful period.
But inside of us, we are tuned to be at war, whatever the foe is, and in this particular case, COMFORT is the enemy...
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
But maybe this dog will one day know peace.

Will he?
War it's not good but it's necessary.

It's a constant of humans as we have been in a warfare for most of our lifetime, we are just lucky that our ancestors gave us such a relative peaceful period.
But inside of us, we are tuned to be at war, whatever the foe is, and in this particular case, COMFORT is the enemy...

Strongly resonate with this bro.

I agree.

Would rather life a warrior than take the easy path.

Today was not bad, working through Lucas' course. Almost completed it now. Lieutenant Lucid I will then move onto the AWAI course and run through that, then read the recommended books. I have copy to practice with and pending a successful result, a testimonial to come.

Tomorrow, back at it.

Sex drive is up lately. Like a lot! I was meant to fully rest due to the HT but I can't help it. Did some online hustle, got 3 dates lined up (Wed, Thur, Fri). First two are chubbers yes (lol), final one is not that bad.

Flakes permitting, lets see....

Back tomorrow & grinding. Here's the plan:


THUR 31/08/2022

(1) COPY: 8.5RHS
(2) GAME: Date
Others: YT growth, Mewwing, Life admin, Date

610 Sunrise / Vis
620 Tongue / Dick Pull
640 Core
7 BAB / Supps / Peat Supps
730 Zero / Text Date to confirm for tonight / Ping R
815 Posture / YT WT Scheduling
9 Copy / Chew (1)
10 Copy / Myobrace (2)
11 Copy / Myobrace (3)
12 Copy / Ping H (4)
1 CT
130 Light
2 Lunch & Supps / Call Admiral
3 Copy / Mybrace (5)
4 Copy / Myobrace (6)
5 Copy / Myobrace (7)
6 Copy / Myobrace (8)
645 Hot shower
7 Colin Theriot Live Training / Drink & Chill (8.5)
8 Date

MakingAComeback said:
AskTheDom said:
Will he?
War it's not good but it's necessary.

It's a constant of humans as we have been in a warfare for most of our lifetime, we are just lucky that our ancestors gave us such a relative peaceful period.
But inside of us, we are tuned to be at war, whatever the foe is, and in this particular case, COMFORT is the enemy...

Strongly resonate with this bro.

I agree.

Would rather life a warrior than take the easy path.


It's Chadistan or bust!
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