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Spider Jerusalem said:

Nice one MAC!

Awesome work dude đź‘Ź

Just 3 more to go! You got this!


Thanks bro!

3 more to have the championship belt!

Got my first Jan 2022 at 30 years young, didnt let life limit me and my horrible background. Gutted up and got this far. I will get 3 more. I know I came from an extreme hardcase incel background. I will know I defied the odds. I will know I did what I thought was truly impossible. I will achieve this bro.

I will know how low I came from. It was decades of severe and chronic anxiety. It was 5-6 years of serious health problems. It was years being housebound and unable to work. I was 275lbs of total obese anxious wreck unable to think straight, function and was on a few occasions quite close to death.

I came from lower than any motherfucker, I came from hell itself .

......And if I achieve my goal, if I actually pull off the phoenix project, in my own mind for the rest of my days I will be the underground king. The guy who made the impossible happen.

Fucked a new girl Friday, fucked Nerd Girl Sat, and had a blissful day at Brighton beach with her all day today man.

Hours of sun, walking around topless on the beach absorbing the sun. NG is cracking me up the whole time she is absolute sweetness and funny as hell.

Lifes good man.

Today, day trips like this on Sundays, my day off, are the rewards for my effort.

I feel good. Going to bed now. A blissful day.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
For example, she was in front of the dude and started running away. And she was so fast that she lost him for long enough to have a convo about what happened with the bouncer? So a girl with pounds to lose outrun a tall dude who, I guess, was of normal weight? Yeah, something's missing here.

Yeah while I was reading that I was: how a girl dressed for a date can outrun a fit and taller man :D ?

Usually for me when they trash previous experiences they had it's a red flag in the making
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Nowadays, when girls share stories like those, my B.S. detector goes off. I've heard lots of stories from girls I knew and even from my mom. They always present themselves as completely innocent victims that did nothing wrong.
To be fair, everyone does this while telling stories. Not just girls.

AskTheDom said:
Usually for me when they trash previous experiences they had it's a red flag in the making
Not necessarily imo. I have a few "bad date" stories to tell that are actually meant to show I don't take shit from people (like a story about how a girl was on her phone all the time on our date and I just got up and left without saying a word)

When girls tell me bad date stories of their own I like to spin them into a conversation about men/women dating dynamics in general. It's actually a great way to pivot a surface-level conversation into something deeper.
Thanks for the bros above sharing their thoughts, this is valuable for the forum when guys with the experience can weigh in and give us all something to think about.

Bros, I have a hair transplant on Wednesday. This will require a few tasks my end. I am basically going into surgery mode and will keep things ticking over until Wed.

I cant exercise for 30 days post transplant. So I will have to train HARD today, tomorrow and Wednesday. Thereafter I will keep myself in shape for the next 30 days with diet and fasting.

I will say that a day trip with my FWB yesterday was one of my best days of the whole year. I have never been on a day trip with a girl. I really liked it. Travelling and spending time with a pleasant chick is a wonderful thing. NG is not gonna catch feelings for shit. She isn't looking for anything serious and neither am I. I am going to maybe go on a day trip with her once a month, because I want to. In Jan, I won't be in LDN anymore, and that'll likely mean I will barely see her. Which will be a bit sad, but we'll get over it. I will stay in touch. But life happens.


MON 15/08/2022

(1) Dating: Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Gym / 45 Min Run / Core
(3) Biz/Finance: Copywriting applications / Proposals / Study
Others: Work, complete reports, send them through, and move on. Euro Gang Call. Cold Thermogensis & Light therapy. Tongue work.


I have a few admin type tasks to ahead of the surgery. I can't really day game. Tomorrow, same thing. I also need to shoot a bunch of vlogs and take pics PRE Transplant.

Wednesday I'm off to Turkey. Will be there until Sunday.

The following two weeks will be recovery, I will barely leave the house and am not allowed to even have 30 mins of direct light on my head. I can't even wear a hat. So I'll be indoors HUSTLING HARD for 2 weeks.

Thereafter, I can wear a hat. And I can hence day game again. 2 weeks post surgery will be copywriting and content focused tbh. Then Sept & Oct are FULL ON Phoenix Project man. I will break myself off to get 3 more lays.

By Nov, I will have completed it and will wrap it up.

The next project will be very different from this. I will build an unbreakable foundation for elite success.

Yeah man
A bit of rest and focus on other categories IMHO will only be beneficial!
You have done a tremendous amount of work so far and a bit of rest from there is only beneficial (perhaps this is the moment where you go more theory focus instead of action focused)
Holden said:
Crisis_Overcomer said:
Nowadays, when girls share stories like those, my B.S. detector goes off. I've heard lots of stories from girls I knew and even from my mom. They always present themselves as completely innocent victims that did nothing wrong.
To be fair, everyone does this while telling stories. Not just girls.

AskTheDom said:
Usually for me when they trash previous experiences they had it's a red flag in the making
Not necessarily imo. I have a few "bad date" stories to tell that are actually meant to show I don't take shit from people (like a story about how a girl was on her phone all the time on our date and I just got up and left without saying a word)

When girls tell me bad date stories of their own I like to spin them into a conversation about men/women dating dynamics in general. It's actually a great way to pivot a surface-level conversation into something deeper.

That's why i said in the making, we all have/had shitty dates that make up for a fun story ( this one though it's beyond the level) but again) but if i catch it's a recurring theme, then i get suspicious
AskTheDom said:
Yeah man
A bit of rest and focus on other categories IMHO will only be beneficial!
You have done a tremendous amount of work so far and a bit of rest from there is only beneficial (perhaps this is the moment where you go more theory focus instead of action focused)

Absolutely bro. I will get back from Turkey and those 2 weeks, I will watch Robert's playlist, read Street Hustle (prolly multiple times that book is LIFE CHANGING) and I will show you the overall day structure so you can see.

But after those 2 weeks, I am allowed to wear a hat. And at that moment the war will begin again.

It will be 12 weeks of sheer grind. Focus on getting these lays. Day game like crazy, online, night here and there. The lot.
Been applying myself. Yesterday was mostly admin for the transplant, getting cash out, getting things printed. Solving a few issues with having to get additional baggage.

I'm flying to Turley today @ 15:40.

I will shoot vlogs of the experience and also catch up on vlogs I need to shoot. I will shoot them in the hotel on the other side.

The surgery is tomorrow.

This is for my long-term self-improvement. It'll take a few months to come to full effect, but there is a lot this will do for my appearance.

I am now going to the gym. And I will depart soon after.

I'll be away until Sunday night.

Mon 22nd - Sun 28th: copywriting 8hrs a day / study game 2.5hrs a day. 3 day water fast.

No gym, no leaving the house much tbh.

The week after, same thing.

Sept 5th: I can hear a hat. And then commences the 12 week push for the project. I will day game 3hrs a day, do online dating 2hrs a day, gym, run, all that, and truly focus on geting these lays. When that 12 weeks is up, it's time for the next project, which will take me into my 3rd year of self improvement.

Year 3 you'll see me make money, get an elite bod, continue to get laid and improve my day & night game, nurture the hair transplant, and continue the journey towards elite.

In the airport.

Chilling out, about to get lunch.

I shot a vlog this morning about the hair transplant. After lunch, I'll shoot another vlog in the airport. I'll vlog the transfer from the airport to my hotel, and also the transfer from the hotel to the hospital, where they will run tests on me to ensure it's safe for surgery to proceed tomorrow.

I'll take pics of my head etc. The procedure involves before pics also btw.

Friday is post-op, they monitor it. I am expected to just recover.

Sat, I think they remove the bandages. Sunday, I fly home. They will give me a special shampoo and lotion to apply for the healing process.

Please understand that when I get back, Monday onwards, the first 2 weeks will be recovery and I am not even allowed to get 30 mins light on my head outside.

So I will be here putting in 8-10hs copywriting daily, 2.5hrs studying game.

I will do a 5 day water fast to really clean my system and do internal work. Fat will be lost and hormones balanced. Autophagy will take place and clean my brain, body, and importantly, break down any excess skin and latent protein to ensure when I have gotten lean as possible, there will be limited to no loose skin.

Those who have lost a lot of weight and have not done fasts will not break down the skin and excess protein that accumulates and will have stretchier, looser skin. I don't need that and also understand this can be avoided. Dr Jason Fung explores this well on YT, as well as Dr Pradip Jamnadas.

While I won't be able to approach, grind in the gym, and get my body right for 2 weeks which is annoying - I will really study hard, learn, build my mind up and push my mind hard as FUCK.

2 weeks will soon pass and I'll be able to wear a hat again. My head will look terrible for a few months, it's often not until month 4 it looks OK. But by month 6, the hair will start coming through. This will be Feb 2023.

You'll see me push for these final 3 lays like a man posessed, and then we will come together and set goals for next year.

Once I am successful with The Phoenix Project, you'll see me take about a week off to just sit and write the whole project report up in 150-200 page pdf. I'll send this to Radicall & Andy and Andy said he'll have me on the podcast again. I want this to be a document which will be this forum's answer to the LEGEND's hardcore, ground-breaking self improvement project - The Golden Eagle Project by The Bastard From Glasgow (Thebastard ) who is in a league of his own.

MakingAComeback said:
The surgery is tomorrow.

This is for my long-term self-improvement. It'll take a few months to come to full effect, but there is a lot this will do for my appearance.

everyone needs to read this

spend your thousands of dollars on cosmetic surgery

get your eternal ego boost

take your life seriously

wheatwaffles, redditors, and 4channers BTFO
There's a real cost of this shit

Therapy (Person Centred Therapy sessions) cost a whack

Wellness work (took years) cost a good chunk

Orthotropic work (getting the Upper ALF Expander fitted, getting monthly adjustments, working with a myofunctional therapist, doing Myobrace therapy, consulting with Mike Mew) cost many thousands

Hair transplant, as well as the the the meds I'll take over the years will cost man thousands

Moving to the most expensive city in Europe, one of the most expensive in the whole world, London....lets not even go there

Coaching with Andy & Radical - I pay for these guys monthly, and it's what gives me my network, my ongoing support

Refusing promotion that would have more than doubled my salary, but would have required 50hrs a week of worth and hence the opportunity cost would stop my self improvement DEAD in its tracks

All the other shit I do - wellness stuff, float tanks, head work, blood tests, all this shit costs

Training in the gym 3 x a week, running 2 x a week

The travel, the immersive experiences with my friends and the network of high level men I've built, getting together and fucking blasting reaching levels of development which are impossible solo

All this requires a sacrifice, risk, and very serious commitment and dedication every day. You put your goal 1st and FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE.

That's what it takes.

I will be blowing through my savings. I will fight to the last drop of blood and stop at nothing.

My mewwing journey will come to the fore in about a year, the monthly adjustments and continous expansion are doing miracles for my jaw and facial aesthetics. The hair transplant will come to the fore in 6-12 months, going miracles for my appearance. The whole time I will be G-G-G-G-GRINDING in the gym. And I'll get a massive sleeve, really excellent artwork, done on my right arm

You already know what my tattoo will be of. It will be of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Because that is what I am going to do.

You can out work any excuse. You can fix any problem. It may take you 5-10 years. That's what it takes.

The person who is willing to put in the work for years and remain consistent, who will sacrifice it all, will suceed.

In a year from now, there is a Ravi who gets really excellent quality. Who has a crazy physique, full head of hair, great facial aesthetics. And has rock solid confidence and game forged through grinding the streets and dating scene endlessly.

Self improvement has a cost.






MakingAComeback said:
There's a real cost of this shit

Therapy (Person Centred Therapy sessions) cost a whack

Wellness work (took years) cost a good chunk

Orthotropic work (getting the Upper ALF Expander fitted, getting monthly adjustments, working with a myofunctional therapist, doing Myobrace therapy, consulting with Mike Mew) cost many thousands

Hair transplant, as well as the the the meds I'll take over the years will cost man thousands

Moving to the most expensive city in Europe, one of the most expensive in the whole world, London....lets not even go there

Coaching with Andy & Radical - I pay for these guys monthly, and it's what gives me my network, my ongoing support

Refusing promotion that would have more than doubled my salary, but would have required 50hrs a week of worth and hence the opportunity cost would stop my self improvement DEAD in its tracks

All the other shit I do - wellness stuff, float tanks, head work, blood tests, all this shit costs

Training in the gym 3 x a week, running 2 x a week

The travel, the immersive experiences with my friends and the network of high level men I've built, getting together and fucking blasting reaching levels of development which are impossible solo

All this requires a sacrifice, risk, and very serious commitment and dedication every day. You put your goal 1st and FUCK EVERYTHING ELSE.

That's what it takes.

I will be blowing through my savings. I will fight to the last drop of blood and stop at nothing.

My mewwing journey will come to the fore in about a year, the monthly adjustments and continous expansion are doing miracles for my jaw and facial aesthetics. The hair transplant will come to the fore in 6-12 months, going miracles for my appearance. The whole time I will be G-G-G-G-GRINDING in the gym. And I'll get a massive sleeve, really excellent artwork, done on my right arm

You already know what my tattoo will be of. It will be of the Phoenix rising from the ashes.

Because that is what I am going to do.

You can out work any excuse. You can fix any problem. It may take you 5-10 years. That's what it takes.

The person who is willing to put in the work for years and remain consistent, who will sacrifice it all, will suceed.

In a year from now, there is a Ravi who gets really excellent quality. Who has a crazy physique, full head of hair, great facial aesthetics. And has rock solid confidence and game forged through grinding the streets and dating scene endlessly.

Self improvement has a cost.







This is one of my favorite things you've ever written. Really resonates with me. I see no reason not to pull out every stop to achieve one's goal.
Hair transplant DONE

Vlog to follow.

Next steps:
(A) Complete full and comprehensive lab tests.
(B) Discuss with my wellness advisors
(C) Put together a plan to get the most out of my hair transplant, whether it's:

-Low dose topical fin & min
-Other non-medication based DHT reducers (saw palmetto, pumpkin oil, rapeseed oil)

My experience with topical dutasteride was horrible. But fin isn't as intense as dut. Nonetheless, all this must be managed effectively.

Fly back home Sunday.

Monday on, 2 weeks of sheer grinding on copywriting/biz. 60hrs both weeks. 120hrs total.

Then, I will be back at completing my goal. I can wear a hat after 2 weeks. I can't exercise until 20th September. But I will do a 5 day water fast on the 30th of August to clean my body out. A good move and will put me in good stead.

Brick by brick



Congrats on the hair transplant, you are one of the few people i know who said would do it and actually did it! I see you're putting in huge amount of work, can't believe you're not getting attractive girls yet after all you did... It makes me pissed off. The average girl is fucking left and right, all they have to do is just breathe and exist lol

You're building a new man, a man of steel, I'm proud of you
I'm so happy for you man, this is huge!

Wishing you a healthy recovery

Can't wait to see the PHONEIX FLY in the next few months-years to come
Thrice said:
Congrats on the hair transplant, you are one of the few people i know who said would do it and actually did it! I see you're putting in huge amount of work, can't believe you're not getting attractive girls yet after all you did... It makes me pissed off. The average girl is fucking left and right, all they have to do is just breathe and exist lol

You're building a new man, a man of steel, I'm proud of you

Yo Mohammad. Thanks for checking in. It makes me happy to hear from you.

I hope you are doing well in mind and body, because this is the most important thing in life. To be well and to enjoy your time in this world.

How have you been doing? Last time we talked, I understand you had made some inroads in reconnecting with your family, and also seeking treatment for depression. Perhaps a post in your log would be useful for people like me who have followed your journey. No pressure, I am still happy to hear from you and wish you the best regardless.

There is no use in anger brother. Life is not fair. Some are dealt bad cards, and must play them. Perhaps what makes my story interesting is that I come from a horrible background and had a very, very rough life. Adverse childhood circumstances, the spiral began early. Only through my own fortitude did I survive. In something that started so low, trying to get himself high, there is a glory to be found. I came from hell and was destined to be absolutely fucking nothing. Yet I am here. Not because I have the ability or talent. I don't. I have fuck all and am nothing, apart from one thing: work ethic. I just get up and fight every day, and will fight until my dying breath. I will not go down easy, and life will either have to just become so tired me of that it just gives me what I want, or it will deal with my fury for the rest of my days and I will go to my grave fighting tooth and nail. In that, there is a story, and there is at least some empowerment for other men who can relate to me and my journey. I am moving forward despite the odds, and I am enjoying my life, no matter how negative the past was, or how positive the future may be, I am a humble man in this world who simply wants to make something of himself and become somebody I can look at in the mirror and say, god damn man, I am proud of you.

Quality is what I use to describe a woman I feel attraction for. So far, I have only been able to spend 1 evening with a woman I felt attraction for. The rest, whilst I thoroughly enjoyed being with them, were obese, very overweight, or otherwise quite seriously undesirable women.

Yet they still took the time to be with me, and we enjoyed each other. That my friend is a good thing and we both made our lives better. I can rest easy knowing that I am better for knowing them, and I truly feel they are better for knowing me. I am a man who treats women well, despite what you may read in my low moments, I am still a person with integrity and you will never seen me behaving unethically or in a way I would be ashamed to discuss in public. I can disclose my decisions and actions to people and can say I am pleased with my conduct.

Anger, disappointment, resentment, all of these are useless and will always put you in the dungeon. I have known these feelings for a very long time.

They kept coming up over and over. Until I had a really important insight, which I will have to thank AskTheDom for. This was an important moment in my journey.


I stopped feeling bad about the outcomes I've received because I realised the outcomes are actually a fleeting thing. We do not own them, they are ethereal. Like the seasons, they come and go. There is no permanence, no solace, no nourishment of the soul to be found in contemplating outcomes and things like quality. Thinking about results full stop. I began to let go and just stop the worry and frustration. Once you have made a commitment, there is no giving up. This is my life now.

There is permanence and solace to be found in DOING THE WORK. In pushing the boulder up the hill. To rise up, in my case from the very sewer of life where no one wants to be, because it is dark and ugly, there are rats down there, there is a certain pride to be felt about the fortitude of the human spirit. To get up from having been in the sewer for so long and to say, I am a person too, I also am in the world, and I also have a chance. No one can take my chance away from me because that was given to me by my creator and no one on this earth can touch that. I am the only one who is able to control that. And I will roll the dice for myself. I am willing to go to the black jack table, sit down with my life savings, and say, yeah I know none of you mother fuckers would bet on a dog like me. FUCK YOU. I will bet the entire house on myself, and I will put in a level of work that is absolutely unimaginable to most. Not because I need the results, my friend. Not at all. But because I need to know when it was my turn in life, when it was my turn to enter the area and raise my sword, I fought with my entire heart, my entire soul and spirit, and if I fail, so be it. My spirit will come back to this world and do it all over again. On the field of battle, it is where there is absolution. 99 men are simply targets, but the 1 is a warrior.....so cast iron in his will, he will bring the entire 100 home victorious. I just need to feel that feeling 1 time in this life and I will be able to live in that moment for the rest of my days, to grow old and no longer able to even move anymore, while knowing deep in my heart, my god I was a motherfuckin badass.

The Phoenix will rise from the ashes....mark my words, what some considered impossible for me will come to fruition. What some people thought was utterly beyond me is going to happen. And what I myself thought was truly humanly impossible for me will take place. This will be a lesson to many who doubt people like me: they do not understand the iron will we have.

MakingAComeback said:

I'm so honoured and proud to see you writing these words and fully internalise the philosophy behind them. Pushing that boulder over the hill every day is gonna be fun!
Flying back tonight.

The study hustle begins tomorrow, 8hrs copywriting, 2.5hrs game, Mon-Fri. Sat & Sun, youtube growth process & 5hr copywriting. 2hrs game Sat & sun.

50hrs copywriting study week 1 / 16.5hrs game
50hrs copywriing study week 2 / 16.5hrs game

Total: 100hrs copywriting study in 2 weeks / 33hrs game study



Facebook Groups: Comb Through:

(1) Group Files, (2) Pinned Posts, (3) Media
Cult of Copy beginner training wheels
Cult of Copy
Cult of copy collosseum
Copywriting jobs
Copywriting unleashed


(1) Colin Theriot
(2) Carlos Reidich

Comb through their info on copywriting & building your biz. Take their free webinars.

READ: Top posts on
r/ Entrepreneur
r/ Copywriting


Lukas Resheshe’s Copywriting Mentorship program

Take notes. Study notes nightly.


Dot Com Secrets
The Freelancer’s Manifesto
Think & Grow Rich
Breakthrough Advertising


AWAI.Com Beginner Copywriter Program

I will shoot a vlog tomorrow, and then Sunday. I will repeat for the next week.


Street Hustle - Tom Terrero
Robert's Video Series
Saul Tee Technical Game Manifesto
(Make notes of above, condense into flashcards & audios, study daily)



555 Watch
6 Daily Stoic
610 Tongue
630 Core
7 Breakfast: Keto / Supps
730 McKenzie Extension & 3 x 10 McKenzie Pushup
8 ATG Zero Program
845 Copywriting (1hr) (Mewwing chewwing 1hr)
945 Copywriting (2hr) (Mewwing: wear myobrace 3hrs)
1045 Copywriting (3hr)
1145 Copywriting (4hr)
1245 Lunch: Keto / Supps
145 Copywriting (5hr) (Mewwing chewwing 1hr)
245 Copywriting (6hr) (Mewwing wear myobrace 2hrs)
345 Copywriting (7hr)
445 Copywriting (8hr)
545 CT / Light / OLD
645 Game: Study & Notes
745 Game: Study & Notes
945 Game: Review notes
10 Mewwing: Tongue Exercises / Visualise / Bed

That is what it takes.

Working hard, day in, day out.

After 2 weeks, I am allowed to wear a hat. The hair transplant situation shits into just nurturing it and playing the waiting game. And making a decision based on lab tests on how I will move forward with DHT reduction if any at all. May just use minox.

Once I can wear a hat, back to the Phoenix project. Hammering daily for 3 more lays. Copywriting will be done 2hrs daily Mon-Fri, and Biz development on Sat & sun alongside YouTube growth.

Once I have the final lays, and have reached 185lbs bodyweight, I will have completed the project.

I will then sit down with my coaches, mentors, and trusted advisors and set the goals for the next phase of my self improvement. The primary goal will be financial. And then I will keep blasting with girls, aproaching, and also building an elite body and improving myself enough to ger QUALITY.






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