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I'm just curious, what if your thought process when doing these approaches. Are you thinking of just getting them done, are you thinking of how you will build attraction, something els?
Post-fast I was 198lbs this morning. Really good shit. I need that weight down to 185lbs to have truly leanmaxxed.

I don't have hate in me, this is a process of extreme work. There are highs, there are lows. I was grinding after a 44hr fast. And experiencing some negative emotion from not achieving what I had set out to achieve.

But today I am good.

When you are working as hard as I am, you leave it all on the battlefield every day.

This is what it takes to find greatness within yourself. It ain't always pretty. Welcome to life.

True grinders will know, they will have been in my shoes many times, I don't have to explain anything to them. They just get it.

MattsCrib said:
That's what I still struggle to understand - you still literally hate women.

Have you talked w/ Andy about this? Or the people from the close group? Is there a solution for this?

Because I personally feel that going through years and years of hatred isn't a solution.. And I know you'll answer probably sonething like "that's how it is" or "just keep grinding"..

I just want to find a "normal" human being who has come to terms with these things, gotten rid of the hatred etc.

Like what is the literal step for guys to get rid of the hatred? Going through it over and over again doesn't fix it, it makes it worse. It's like saying that a kid who gets beaten up every day doesn't feel pain anymore, which is just not true...

No he doesn't hate women, actually he is a golden guy.

He just hates the dating market in the UK (and I think 95% of people won't blame him) and what the actual society is.

The solution to all the dooms of this is to work hard and smart, our big guy here went through the 9 rings of hell without a guide or a map, it's normal to have scars
Check in:

Yesterday was SOLID. 20 copywriting proposals, lots of street hustle, broke a 48hr fast, hung out with the bros. GRINDING.


“...if you wrote a field report up for every single approach session, recorded every single date had it reviewed by someone, then divided into what you did well and what could be improved, then took notes on what you learned, you could get better without actually spending that much time "working"”

COLD APPROACH 28/07/2022

Mental state was positive. A sharp contrast to Wednesday morning. Yet another sexless date transpired on Tuesday. The girl was beautiful, and very sweet, this is undeniable. The outcome I would have preferred involves me taking her back to my place and making sweet love to her. The outcome I got was a warm hug and a good bye. The locals will date foreign travellers for a variety of nonsexual reasons: curiosity, English practice, and the extraction of resources, be it drinks, attention and time, or whatever else.

It is the job of the male to lead the date towards sex. It’s why we do what we do, to achieve the life outcomes we desire. And something I’ve been unashamedly committed to for approaching a year now.

I failed to do my job on yet another occasion. A trickle of self-doubt had re-emerged to taunt me, just to see how badly I want it. And with this date, the trickle had become a stream. A stream which would eventually open up the dam and cause the floodgates of hell to open once more.

Enormous doubt, fear, frustration, anger, and worry emerged and wrapped around my mind like a boa constrictor, tightening it’s death grip. Another night in the grit of life, the cauldrons of hell stirring in my mind.

How the hell am I going to make this work?
Why do these dates devolve into platonic back and fourth?
Why can’t I evoke any sexual energy here?
Why is this SUCH a struggle?
How on earth will I struggle on doing this for years?
…..and if I don’t get good, how the hell am I ever going to find a worthwhile woman to be with?

When the demon of doubt visits you, it likes to torture you for a while. This is one of the hard things about this game. The experiences we have can really bring out your insecurities and open up old wounds. You have to endure in these episodes and it is nightmarish.


Wednesday morning comes by, I am still quite defeated. I debrief with Paw and AskTheDom

This game is a process of re-wiring your brain, installing new mental models, writing over old ones, and engaging in new behaviours, which you repeat, again and again, until the brain accepts them as the norm.

The competence ladder.

You move from unconscious incompetence, to unconscious competence.

We had a great conversation, the bros traded stories, and just kicking back for a while with these guys, I understood that I am just a beginner and in time I will become way more solid as a man. I will get my shit together way more, develop the psychological fortitude needed to win, and I will succeed.

I began to laugh again in a few hours and my personality came back.


BTW, I fasted from 3pm Tuesday all the way to 3pm Thursday. Leanmaxxing. Get laid or die trying!

Wednesday I go out and approach solo and get blown out for the first 8 approaches.

I come home, rest for a while, and go out with @AskTheDom. I’m feeling way better. We do some gutter game around the streets of BP!

Take a bunch of lessons from The Dom, understand what needs work right now, and sets actually start getting better. I exchange 3 times.

Thursday, things are normal again.

Anyway, the part you’re waiting for.


1 – Front stop. I have a big smile, projecting a bit too much nice guy energy. She is ridiculously nice and very flattered, but tells me she has to leave to meet her husband.
2 - Weak ass set. Front stop, then I am really fighting to get her to stay and projecting this nice guy energy. It’s not good. She dips.
3 Non stop – shes in a rush.
4 Front stop. SOLID. Engage her well with eye contact. She’s very pretty, super nice, and really happy to be approached, but she legit has to get a train, and when I ask for her num, she lets me know she has a bf.
5 Front stop – good eye contact, pauses, better tonality. Really solid set. Chick is hot! We talk for 5-7 mins. It goes deep. I am trying to tease, but I am very uncomfortable when it comes to teasing, in trying to do it I am rummaging around my brain and over-thinking, it’s really a weak area for me, but I tease her a little about her name not being as rare as she says. I’m like, tonnes of girls on my Tinder have that name. Her heart sinks, “you’re on TINDER? Why are you on Tinder?” she’s really quite saddened lol. I shrug it off. Just to see who you can meet. Convo continues. (Exchanged)
7 Front stop. She’s very happy, smiley. Good convo. She has a bf! But shes loving it haha.
8 INSTADATE: Front stop. Solid. Chick is a bit weird, Latvian chick. Talk. Kinda prying a little. Try to tease by calling her boring, she doesn’t really get it. Ask her for a drink, shes like nah, I say lets go for a walk, she’s down. She doesn’t want to go towards my place, she says we can walk to her hotel. I’m like – OK! We walk to her hotel, I’m keeping good tone, speaking slow, trying to inject some intent. We take a seat at the hotel bar. Talk a bit. She then gets very edgy and says “what is your goal?” I play it off like what my goal in life. “Your goal in talking to me”. I just play it off, “I just thought I’d see if you’re interesting”. She then tells me she is not free, has a boyfriend, and gets pretty passionate about how one man should be with one woman and when couples are together they’re better. I listen to 2 mins of this horseshit and wish her well. BYEEEE.

(1) What I did well: Decent front stops some of the time. This helped get interactions going.
(2) What needs work: I immediately go very nice guy platonic, and this kills attraction and creates the cycle of dates and interactions that go nowhere. Attraction has to be built.
(3) What I learned: I learned that my stop needs a lot of work, and just getting this down will improve my day game interactions. I also learned the nice guy energy that is overflowing like a well from within me will need to gradually be plugged. Being a bit more of a dick will help.

For my next session:
-Work on good stops
-Vocal tone & eye contact
-Playful teasing
AskTheDom said:
No he doesn't hate women, actually he is a golden guy.

I fully agree with this when you meet MAC you couldnt possibly have such an opinion of him

However MakingAComeback to be frank you went a little too far in that Wednesday post. Venting is one thing but maybe actively question some of the stuff as you write it down
Yeah that one was a bit much.

It's a tough game and I am trying my ass off. Daily. For like a significant part of the day.

Easy to get pissed off, but it does not help anything. I find it really hard to simmer down in the times when it catches up with me. Still need to work a lot on stoicism and emotional control. This doesn't happen as often now.

Obv I don't hate women, because that is totally irrational. But focusing on them a lot this year has brought some difficult things to the fore.

The male has the burden of performance. Not the female. And in living up to this, putting in ungodly levels of action, is enough to really get to your psyche. To keep your head above the parapet as a guy, to just not sink, is brutal man.

But on the other side, there is the possibility of a reward. Of some form of success.

I was triggered because I knew I have to go back to the UK now. The grind that awaits is, in a word, heartbreaking.

That's life.


FRIDAY 29/07/2022

(1) Dating: 5 Cold Approaches / Online Dating process / Go on Bumble date @ 9 (PARTIAL: 1/3 CA, Online done, Bumble date flaked)
(2) Body: Core / Extension work / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: YouTube Growth process / shoot Budapest vlog? (PARTIAL)
Others: OMAD, product development document, flight check in, hair transplant deposit. (PARTIAL)


Busy ass day. Did my best. Went out with my boy and did some nightgame, BULLDOGGING in the streets, all over. Was fun as fuck.

Got up. Felt a bit low energy. Was also feeling quite overwhelmed. My brain has been mad, mad busy with all the hustle.

Date for the night flakes early doors, says her friend is having a meltdown and she has to be with her. Fair. Onto the next.

I blast out my copywriting proposals. I said 20 proposals x 3 days. I ended up at 55 because the only jobs that remained were shit. GOOD HUSTLE.

I went to get something from the shops. I see a nice looking chick walking her dog, she ha a great ass. Paw and J are just getting back in, bump into them, and then I’m like bros I gotta approach. Run over and approach. She’s nice, chat for a while. I push for the exchange, her dog starts to poo LOL. I am pushing for the exchange while shes picking up dog poo. She declines but is nice.

Core work and posture work gets done.

I have my OMAD. Head to this nice Hungarian place. Have a little bite before. It’s all within the same window. And that’s that done.

I am feeling a bit low energy. Been applying myself, hard.

Go out to approach and I’m like, lets see if I can get a date tonight. 2 more approaches, theyre super nice. 3rd of the day exchanges and I ask her for a drink later, she says she might, or she might be sleeping. But we’ll see.

Didn't happen but great gal.

Head home. Still low energy. Do some texting. Rest. Agree to do nightgame with J.


Me and J do some nightgame: BULLDOG MODE ENGAGED!!!!!!!

1- They’re dancing super hard, we’re expecting instant blowout But no, they open, and are super nice. The one I’m talking to ‘loves to dance’ and she just wants to mong out all night, but she is a super nice gal. It’s clearly not on, but we chat for a while. Super nice interaction. She took my IG lol

2 – Right hottie, we talk for a while, J is talking to her friend. She takes a while to start talking but she is like quite neurotic seeming and gives me the typical highly superficial hottie energy. I kinda like talking to her but shes not into me. I plough and the idea is you push it into the ground. J isnt interested in his girl, he knows when its not in and is happy to just leave sets. But my girl tells me she wants to go to the bar and tells me to come. I go with them, but they do classical girl stuff, begin talking amongst themselves. I see J didn’t join me. So Im like fuck this. I tell her to put her num in my phone and we can hang out later. All of a sudden she like wakes up and is like “No no no no, sorry! But maybe see you later” – hard rejection, she was just getting attention, typical female behaviour ;-) I don’t care and dip immediately. SCREEN HARD and bounce.

3 - Hot finish, with her friends. I made the rookie error of not introducing myself to her friends. Her friends got jel and dragged her away. Chick told me to enjoy my life haha super nice

4 - She was nice, not a looker, but just was all over me. Danced with me close and seemed into me but her friend ripped her away. After chatting real closely with her and her rubbed up agaisnt me, her married friend had a mental breakdown of jealous and began screaming “BYE, BYE, BYE” and really yanking me. I totally ignore it and hold frame. Her friend is even staying put shes a bit of a gangster. But her married friends temper tantrum does not stop, and begrudgingly she says “I have to dance with my friend” and we kiss on the cheek embrace and say goodbye. Nice Hungarian lady.

Nightgame can be fun with the bros, but it’s full of obstacles, and girls’ friends have weak, frail egos. The second they are seeing their friend get validation and not them, they immediately rip their friend away, so they do not have to tolerate even a second of discomfort.

The comfortable life of the female, and their total inability to endure a fleeting second of turbulence. Children throwing their toys out their pram, spilling their milk to spite daddy. Need their ass spanked ;-)


5 2 girls, they’re not the prettiest, and also just seem weird and off. We chat and they just fricken dip, like in the middle of a sentence after talking for a short while. LOL.

We’ve ran through the bar at this point and its just dudes and mixed groups.

We leave and start talking to 2 random Indian guys. Theyre super chill and take us to this random ass bar, they’re dancing super high energy and throwing out the cringiest dance moves ever, they are so fun its a blast. Chicks here are not pretty AT ALL and its terrible to try to pull. We vibe for a while and leave.

I approach 2 girls just walking in the street. One half stops, the other RUNS up the street. First response like this, and guess what? They were BRITISH GIRLS.


Unsurprisingly, the interaction goes nowhere, and J finds them truly repulsive. He doesn’t even bother winging me he walks away as he finds them gross. My girl is talking a little and her friend is way off in the distance checking her phone. I try to get J to engage her friend but he says “No thanks, I don’t like Manchester girls” and my chick is like “Bye then” lol.

Now contrast this with the next interaction

6 See two girls near our house at 225am lol, opened and chat for a while was great! They’re 2 Slovakians, gorgeous women, super nice, friendly, and chat for a good while. What women. This is femininity. I am so sad we do not have this in the UK. If guys from the UK travelled and went back to the putrid shit we have back home, if they had any soul in them, they’d leave. Like what I’m doing.

These two had bad English, but were fun girls. About our age. My girl seemed to give me some IOIs, but was also walking back a little. She crossed her legs, which is a sign of sexual attraction. Maybe there was some spark of attraction there.

J knows this isnt going anywhere, so he stops his convo. We shake hands with them and leave. These chicks were so chill and they let me jump infront of them and chat at 235am in a totally deserted, albeit super well lit, street.

Contrast this with the previous 2 chicks from the UK, who didn’t have a second of time to talk and were trying to dart away.

Do you see what I mean about the UK?

Consider how in a short time in BP, I’ve gotten more CA numbers than I have in a year in London. Consider how I got dates fairly easy here. Consider how the average chick is NICE when I approach. I even got conversations in clubs and bars, something that I've never had in the UK. I'm yet to isolate, hook, and even be close to the pull.

Lots to work on.


-What I did well: Approached, gave it some effort. Got into soldi convos all night chatted for many mins. It was solid.
-What needs work: Tone, eye contact, playfulness. Introducing myself to their friends. And isolating.
-What I learned: Introduce to her friends or it’s ovER.

Scheduled 2 today I hammered until the end.

Bumble date: Pull, makeout on bed, no lay.

She took so long, she ate into the date with the next chick.

I scheduled the other one with a stunner from CA, it's at 9pm. The other chick leaves at 917, check my messages and the other lady has left! She was super understanding and was like I know its your last day with friends, but yeah.

Now going to meet Paw and J and hammer until the fuckin end

Last night in BP: 2 dates, 1 makeout, I stood the other up unintentionally. She was super sweet. I felt terrible.

Then got a call from Paw, ran off to meet them at the club. Wrapped up the date and then did nightgame for a few hours. Plenty of solid sets and good, long convos. Subtle attempts to get compliance failed, 2 strikes and they're out. Move onto the next after they failed the screen.

It gets 12:30, we leave. Walk home. We just talk until 130am.

I kinda reflect on BP and my experience here until 3am, when I get a cab to the airport and fly home.


Now to hustle like fuck in life and make money and leave the UK. I will travel for a few years, make money online, and find a way to have an elite life.


Got back Sunday morning. Already missing Budapest. Ran boosts across the apps in the evening.

0 matches on Tinder, Hinge or Bumble. Back to it!

In Budapest, I've have 10-20. It was such fun.

In clubs, you can approach as much as you like, the girls talk, they will actually open up.

Back in the UK. It's a different ballgame. And you have to step up and evolve true grit to get something going here.

The women of Hungary are very beautiful, pleasant, nice, and I have genuine respect for them. I feel AWFUl for standing that girl up. They're great women and they do not deserve being treated like that. I apologised, and she still wanted to see me before my flight. But alas, the flight was 6am.

While I am a bit sad that I am now in the UK again, where I am basically invisible and dating here truly fucking SUCKS, I will find a way.



(1) Dating: Online Hustle / See FWB
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Channel process for 1 channel,
Others: Dermapen, CT, Life admin, Euro gang call, see FWB


Bodweight was 198.7lbs this morning. Cut is going well! The lowest I’ve been this whole time was 197lbs, and now I’ve done those 2 months of maintenance, I am sure I’ll be able to get to 185lbs this time. This should be me RIPPED. And this will be a major win!

There is going to be a lot of change now.

I will need to hunker down and make money online.

I will be able to also work to get traction on my dating goals. I would have loved it if I had my 10 lays right now because then I could forget girls for a while, get an online income, and travel.

The upcoming period of time will be such a hustle, I have so much to do. But I will survive.

Time to get my Goggins on.

Quick cold approach on the way to the shops:

1 - Stops kinda, but claims to be in a rush

2 - She totally loses it. She darts away, and then because I am actually going in the same direction as her, I continue to walk and go towards the shops. She then loses it and totally SPRINTS away. I just stopped her, no words were exchanged, and she didnt take her headphones out. She had no business behaving like this tbh. There was nothing improper or otherwise offensive done. Crazy. UK women, gotta love em........oh lord give me strength.

3 - Stops. "Thanks, but I have a boyfriend". I reply by saying cool, he has good taste. She then seems to want to chat. But no thanks. Affirm your ego elsewhere. I say have a good day, high five her, and walk on to the shops.


Great time with my FWB. Such a healing experience to have a chick who is actually into me.

She is a horny little nutcase. Fucked her for about an hour and then was expecting that to be that.

She waits a few mins, and wants to do other positions whilst getting the magic wand out.

I begrudgingly agree, but then really cant be bothered. It's late. She's cool with it.

She is way way hornier than me and just wants to fuck all night. This isn't something I can keep up with!

We try some BDSM stuff at long last. Whip her, put her on a leash, blindfold and gag her.

It was weird AS FUCK and I really couldn't get into it. At one point I was whipping her like crazy lol. It was kinda almost fun. But I dunno!

Don't think I am the kinkiest person tbh. I haven't looked at much porn in my life, it's been 8 years since I think. Not one to fap or jerk off. I took a kink quiz and it came out that I am totally vanilla and have no kinks at all in me.

For a guy who isn't actually a very sexual being, to have the highest number of posts and likes on a forum belonging to a guy like ANDY is quite amusing ngl.


TUE 02/08/2022

(1) Dating: Day Game / Online Hustle / Get 2hr Day Game Coaching
(2) Body: Core / Ext / 48hr Fast
(3) Content: NA
Others: Dermapen, Work.

Notes: Was fun with FWB last night. Off to do some day game which for me is actually fun. I am starting to really enjoy it. Not even the part about getting laid. It is an interesting world to explore.

The final phase of The Phoenix Project! I am slowly going to reel it in and transition away now. I’ve gone ALL IN from Nov to present. I’ve fucked some uglies and obese women. I nabbed 1 who was attractive for a fleeting moment. A hell of a night & I’ll take it to my deathbed. But there’s no use putting in all this time and energy and focus to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

We’ve proven a guy can go from nothing to something. I can get laid once every few months with a troll. I have a FWB, whilst she’s not the easiest on the eye, she’s very nice and I like her.

That’s life. There is much more a human can do. You can make money, you can do some womanising on the side. You can keep improving yourself and see how you do in the years to come.

I'll still keep taking action daily but I need to have a life outside of girls man and build something else up. Like a biz. Just having the girls stuff going all the time isn't good.

Keep working,
MakingAComeback said:
But there’s no use putting in all this time and energy and focus to scrape the bottom of the barrel.

Honestly from seeing your time in Budapest, it sounds like you just need to change your environment to better suit you and get out of the UK. Mark Manson talks about in Models the idea of demographics, the where and in what context you meet women and how you attract what you are. I think maybe you just need to change the 'where' to a place that fits you better.

In which case, focusing on building a business that allows you location independence sounds like a good move. Then you could test out different contexts, figuring out which ones you will thrive in. You have not been everywhere. I promise that in some places you will be much higher SMV and kill it than in others. Go to the environments where girls are more attracted to you.

There is no reason you have to keep playing on hard mode. Putting in the work is great, but make that work more efficient in a place better suited for you. The UK just doesn't sound like that place.

Sucks that I'll have to leave but atleast I tried my hardest.

Had a good day game coaching session today. Gave some decent advice. He echoed what Paw and The Dom said about my stop being trash. And then in the set itself. he gave some useful advice.

Nothing really groundbreaking tbh. The advice was to just keep working, record things, and focus on each individual piece so you can get better over the many hundreds of approaches it takes.

He gave good feedback on body language in set, and also smiling when approaching. He made some interesting remarks on what he perceived to be a lack of actual interest in the girls themselves coming from me and claimed I have a barrier to the world.

In the final 10 mins, he was guilty of not actually watching my final two approaches. I did some weak stops and the girls, whilst they did stop, were edging away and running off. I wanted to know what was going on here, and also wanted feedback on my body positioning, but he appeared to miss this entirely. I think someone was looking at their phone! Fine, because the rest of his session was very solid.

I found it hard to relate to the chap, because he was very adept socially, super charasmatic, and also told me that once he learned the model of day game, made it work and got results FAST. Good for him, but very unrelatable for me.

I will apply what he said and do another session in a few weeks.

What I respect about his session, was he started it with the raw honest truth: he made it clear that LOOKS are the most important thing in day game and all of dating. He was also honest in that he thought I absolutely suck, and thought if I am to make dating work in any capacity, I will need A LOT of work. He seemed to feel slightly bad when he told me, he took a big pause, and said look man, you will need A LOT of work.

ANYWAY, going to go to bed now and just forget things.



(1) Dating: Cold Approach (8 Approaches) / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Youtube Growth process
Others: Work, Product Development, Copywriting proposals, Read Street Hustle.

Notes: BW: 197.6lbs post fast. Good. We’re in week 36! I’d labelled that wrong. I am sure that by our trip to Poland (AskTheDom , Paw , TimmyTurner ) I’ll be 185lbs and fucking LEAN. At that stage. And I will actually schedule a solid professional shoot and put some money up for a good photographer by the end of the year.

I will write up sessions and record all cold approaches for my own study and analysis.

Mentally, I feel better today. The autophagy from fasting can really help clear out the brain. Coming back to the UK, doing online dating here, and experiencing the sharp, sharp contrast between how it was in BP, and how it is here, was a bit jarring. Screwed with my head a bit. Over it now.

You focus on what you can control. So I have other goals in life and other activity I can engage in now. And I will work smarter when it comes to girls, and continue to improve myself.

If I continue to work on myself, continue to achieve my goals, continue to become more competent in every domain of my life, continue to get lean, build muscle, and go through the cosmetic surgeries route. With enough work and sacrifice, there is the possibility of a better life.

There's no free lunch. It's hard work, sacrifice, and gutting up and doing this for YEARS. As was the case for so many.

Coming to terms with the lengthy duration of this process is something I must be able to do. Why do I feel like I should be better? Why do I think my outcomes should be better than they are? What if where I am at, and what I am getting, is in fact completely fair and commensurate with my level of looks, game, and current profile. If so, is this a bad thing?

NO. I must simply be better.

This is hard. And it is OK to suck after, what. 1.5 years of self improvement? I started in March 2021 from nothing. Something in me knew it would take 5 years, and that was the length of commitment I made to Andy, the forum, my peers, and my groups.

Part of being a man is making a cast-iron commitment, seeing it through, and embodying no excuses.

You play the cards you're dealt. This hand is nothing to be happy about. Oh well. No excuses.


Oh by the time in Poland I should be 87kg's which by my frame size I should decently in shape without a shirt so it's gonna be "shredded party time" :D

Solid work amigo, as you saw, there is a lot to work, so let's focus!
MakingAComeback said:
I found it hard to relate to the chap, because he was very adept socially, super charasmatic, and also told me that once he learned the model of day game, made it work and got results FAST. Good for him, but very unrelatable for me.

Interesting. Sounds a lot like me, and this is why I have trouble coaching a lot of guys that come from more introverted or socially-challenged situations.

Overall I think the most ideal coach is someone who comes from the same background as you, but given that he's cheap and he's available, makes sense to continue using him for now until you can find someone that's perhaps more suitable.

MakingAComeback said:
This is hard. And it is OK to suck after, what. 1.5 years of self improvement? I started in March 2021 from nothing. Something in me knew it would take 5 years, and that was the length of commitment I made to Andy, the forum, my peers, and my groups.

Yeah, overall I was confused at this sudden frustration, I mean just a couple pages ago you were referring to this as your red shirt year, and all of a sudden you're angry that you haven't even begun to get average results yet.

Red shirts are supposed to suck. With enough time and enough repetition, you slowly but surely remove the suck and become average. Only THEN can you become great.
pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
I found it hard to relate to the chap, because he was very adept socially, super charasmatic, and also told me that once he learned the model of day game, made it work and got results FAST. Good for him, but very unrelatable for me.

Interesting. Sounds a lot like me, and this is why I have trouble coaching a lot of guys that come from more introverted or socially-challenged situations.

Overall I think the most ideal coach is someone who comes from the same background as you, but given that he's cheap and he's available, makes sense to continue using him for now until you can find someone that's perhaps more suitable.

MakingAComeback said:
This is hard. And it is OK to suck after, what. 1.5 years of self improvement? I started in March 2021 from nothing. Something in me knew it would take 5 years, and that was the length of commitment I made to Andy, the forum, my peers, and my groups.

Yeah, overall I was confused at this sudden frustration, I mean just a couple pages ago you were referring to this as your red shirt year, and all of a sudden you're angry that you haven't even begun to get average results yet.

Red shirts are supposed to suck. With enough time and enough repetition, you slowly but surely remove the suck and become average. Only THEN can you become great.

My guess is that we are all very good at understanding "i will suck" but in reality, sucking at something that you want, really sucks and you can bear it for a certain amount of time before having emotional roller coasters.
THE PHOENIX PROJECT: WEEK 36 (Check in from yesterday)


(1) Dating: Cold Approach (8 Approaches) / Online Dating Process (DONE – but 5 approaches. Goal is 5-8 quality approaches, 4 times a week. 25-35 sets a week MAX. Focus on quality)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (FAIL: No gym, did core & stretching)
(3) Content: Youtube Growth process :FAIL)
Others: Work, Product Development, Copywriting proposals, Read Street Hustle (DONE)


So on the surface of it, this day was slow to get into. Got up, did some myofunctional therapy/tongue work. Core. 15Min McKenzie extension. 3 x 10 McKenzie pressups. Stretching.

Sent my goals for the week to my biz group. Sent over some photos I took of my friend during our trip to BP.

Went to the shops, had breakfast.

Sent 5 copywriting proposals, whilst updating my profile and script.

Did some work for an hour.

And went to cold approach! Went 1/5

Cold Approach Session Write-up:


1 Tiny Asian girl who was waiting for her date. Brief chat. Tease her a little, she seems quite perturbed by it. I laugh and wish her well.
2 Nice lady from Somerset bantered a lil she had to go.
3 Weak stop, instant blowout. I was infront of her, was loud and clear. She just looked up and waved me on. It’s not Budapest, it’s London. You have to stop so, so damn hard or you will get blown out. No mercy for the weak here bros!
4 Totally ignored, my stop was weak again. I got in-front of her, but there wasn’t the hand gesture, and so on. BP was also easier due to the space and openness. In London it’s tight cramped streets.
5 So she walked past we kinda felt a vibe she also checked me out. I ran back and front stop. Good set, Canadian tourist, chat for a while and then exchange. Texted, no response.

(1) What I did well: Once in set, I was able to flow fairly well and be grounded.
(2) What I did badly: Stopping. My front stop needs a tonne of work.
(3) What I learned: The next 300 front stops will be….interesting. This needs focus and attention and is an important piece of day game, the first 90 seconds count a lot for attraction and a strong stop stacks the odds in our favour.

Came back. Listened to the audios on the bus, lol.

Went home. Read Street Hustle. Then had to go get my little brother who is staying with me for a few days to get his tattoo touched up. He only swang by last night, he’s recently single. He opened up his Tinder and floods of matches. Infinitely better quality than the fatties, uggos and trolls I am able to get. Giga Blackpill Shit. The good looking brother mogging the less than handsome, just gotta laugh sometimes ;-)

Dicked around on the dating apps and went to bed.

pancakemouse AskTheDom

Very happy to address the occasional moments of frustration. I felt very defeated and totally frustrated all of a sudden as it did dawn on me that I really am not able to get anyone worthwhile. I, for the most part, aren’t actually able to go on dates or get any interest from women I find attractive.

This is quite disturbing for me, and can fill you with dread and existential angst.

I thought if I worked my butt off, there would come times this year where I could date, perhaps even sleep with, someone I found attractive.

The truth is, some people require A LOT of improvement. I still have a lot of weight to lose, sadly. Like 15-20lbs, to be lean AF. And then I have like a year of muscle gain ahead. Hair transplant surgery will grow to it’s maximum then too.

The bitter thing about going ALL IN, is that you can only do it from where your SMV is at present, and if it’s low, you will have to go through the process whilst in the dungeon of life.

I find it quite insane that there was one night this year where I had a fleeting glimpse of what a ‘decent’ dating life would be like. It was great. Lay #2 was a god send and I reply it in my mind probably 10-20 times a week. It was just when I was at the darkest point in the process so far, when I truly, truly, truly believed I was ‘genetic trash’ and a mistake nature was trying to weed out the gene pool. This was awful. But then I had that date, that lay, and it was life changing. The game gods dangled a carrot before me, and said here you go lowly seeker – now GO!

I got laid by 4 chicks in like 13 days and I was stunned.

Then I had MONTHS of nothing. Not a date, not a number. Very few matches. I tried SO HARD. But nothing.

It has petered out. I am back to deep struggle and grinding.

Past that, the quality of what I am able to get is terrible. With the exception of Budapest where I had a good go. I also do not really get much traction in general in the UK.

I know in my heart of hearts how much work this is going to take, this is climbing mount Everest man. For a beat down stray dog from the sewer to wipe off all his slime, to somehow find a light and start crawling out from the pit, to drag himself out into the surface of the world and to somehow find strength and drive in himself in a situation that often looks fuckin HOPELESS but still keep moving…..to finally find himself at the starting line of the race when everyone else has ran lap after lap and already finished….and to someone summon everything he has to get in that race and find a way to finish. I knew when I started this the journey would break me off mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. But I knew once I started, I would see it through to the bitter end.

And that is what kills me sometimes.

And that is what it will take for me. To go from nothing to something can be done for me. It is possible. But it will take a level of work, consistency, focus, dedication, and downright ability to grind through the endless self doubt, fear, frustration, limitations and obstacles the low SMV male will inevitably come stuck against in this journey.

But there is glory in that. I was once not able to even get 1 match. To even get 1 date. I was a 29 year old virgin not long ago, and I got my first official lay at 30.

I know what it took for me to even just be here, at the very start of the trail up the mountain. I am not even at the base yet.

It is a scary thought to think I have to climb this mountain. But I will have to believe that I can do it. My entire future is at stake. In too deep now. The universe will not deny me.

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