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Hey bros,

Can you take a look and let me know which pictures I should get edited?

I am looking for a new main as a priority.

Within what we've paid the photographer, I can get 6-7 edited. This was part of a group shoot between me Timmy and Carl. I then have the option to pay £5 per additional photo I want edited. So I think I will ask for 8 more edits, for an additional £40. The shoot was very cheap, so this is still a great deal.

Cast your eye over & let me know which I should get sent through. Hopefully they'll give me profiles a bit of a boost. Current profile for background info:




Your help is appreciated. I would like to improve my match quality & volume as it is very slow right now for me. :-)

This one is slightly better than current your main photo, in my opinion: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wXuBN98j4ZsJOb0g6h_Isj8FgiHrWARO/view?usp=sharing
Thanks big man!

I had a great night with my FWB last night. I told her I need to sleep and she was sweet about it.

I am going to send off my pic selections, think there's 6-7 I'll get edited, and may try some new ones for online. General consensus us, for me, I will need more shoots. And to max out further, I have bodyweight to lose!

I am fasting today. And I will be flying to budapest in a few hrs to meet Paw

Me and Paw are gonna have a blast, hustle like fuck, and do some photoshoots etc.

More bodyfat will be lost. More muscle will be gained. I will improve my aesthetics. I will get this right.

Listened to the interview Chris did with Derek yesterday. Chris dropped such great wisdom. He talked about the red shirt year, which is my year right now, and how many guys didn't get solid ass results until they were 3 years in. I am in my first year of this!

I will go into year 2 a different man, and year 3 better yet. If it isn't until year 3 I can find the type of woman I want, so be it.

34 I do want to be in a serious LTR as by 36 I need to get the setup I want....That gives me 3 years bros!

And I will hustle like a mad man to get what I want.


My mantra.

Which in a few years will be whittled down to just money & clout, and then in a few years beyond that, I am done. It'll be one word: family. You'll see my ass jacked out my mind with money in the bank carrying Mini MAC around.

I gotta stay focused I felt legit DEPRESSED yesterday until Nerd Girl game over.

I want success and I am not where I want to be.

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
I had a great night with my FWB last night. I told her I need to sleep and she was sweet about it.



Standard Radical!

She was sweet AF that day, she gave me some birthday presents, funny sentimental stuff: a pack of oats as thats the only thing shes ever seen me eat to this date, a skincare face mask type thing, and she painted a picture for me of an injoke of a chicken. She is artistically talented and it looked awesome.

Now Im in BP hustling and being inspired by like minds

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
I had a great night with my FWB last night. I told her I need to sleep and she was sweet about it.



Standard Radical!

She was sweet AF that day, she gave me some birthday presents, funny sentimental stuff: a pack of oats as thats the only thing shes ever seen me eat to this date, a skincare face mask type thing, and she painted a picture for me of an injoke of a chicken. She is artistically talented and it looked awesome.

Now Im in BP hustling and being inspired by like minds


Wed 20/07/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach – 15 Approaches / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content/Biz: Growth strategy process / Funnel Gang – Work on the offer.
Others: Content editing & uploading
Others: Funnel Gang Hustle – Start process of clarifying offer and structuring it. Go back to the whiteboard session Timmy and I did with @Radical. Start building on this and start putting this course togerher!


Hanging with the main man from Euro Gang, Paw , and geuss who is also in Budapest? The big homie AskTheDom ! So happy to be here with these amazing, exceptional, intelligent, and driven men. Within 2 mins of meeting we are off to the races and working together on our vision.

In the Uk, I’ve never had any likes or matches without boosts. In Budapest, I’ve had about 10 likes on my profile without boosts. AskTheDom said this is because I’m travelling and I have Tinder Platinum, it shows my profile at the top of the stack. But the girls have liked and many are responding. This feels amazing as I struggle so much in London.

Off to cold approach & also do some biz hustle

First full day & night in Budapest was AMAZING.

Got up, core work, posture work, drank a bunch of water, shops, had breakfast. Talked with Paw and agreed I should start taking action on biz and side hustle NOW rather than later.

I went out and had a break cold approach session. 9 approaches and 1 facebook exchange.

I came back to cook dinner, which I did, and then just as I finished eating Paw pulled from a date lol. It was funny hearing her Anti Slut Defense kick in while I was in my room and they were taking their shoes off lol.

I then did some hustling on the dating apps, and a pretty chick whose birthday it was asked me what the plan for the night is. I said lets go for a drink. She was game!

I got a Tinder date my first proper day here man. I wanted to go game with AskTheDom and I was going to go out the door to meet him but then the girl seemed DTF so I sent him the screen shot and said man, I think I have this in the bag.

Paw had plans with his social circle which I was invited to but I went on this date instead, I thought she was down for birthday sex.

Arrive, the girl is great, the date is awesome. We vibe and I do a few things I’ve learned. I break rapport and disagree with her on something (pancakemouse ) and she doubles back and changes her tune. Good sign. These subtle things I learned from Pancakemouse are basically crucial, many guys had this down for instance Paw does playful teasing and he understood it. I had to be taught these things from Lord Pancake. I then ask a bunch of probing questions, I compliment her a fair bit as she is really gorgeous, and she seems into it! Every date I have, I remember the breakdown of my date audios pancakemouse did and his voice is in my head during the dates lol.

This is the difference between the no connection era, and now, where the dates are FUN and shit this chick showed a lot of interest. She was a tall girl btw.

Shes letting me touch her arms, her legs (which were great) and its all going good.

Try to pull, twice, she says she has work tomorrow which she was clear about in the texts before. I say lets see each other next week. She’s down. I say I’ll only see you on one condition, she gets edgy, then I’m like you gotta send me this soul playlist you were recommending. She got her phone out and sent it there and then. Great girl.

We leave. Kiss on the cheek and hug. Awesome chick. Now to get a 2nd date with her and for us to make love. If we have intimacy while I’m here I will stay in touch with her she is an amazing girl tbh.

Even though I didn't pull, it was a great time. And I can game with Paw and AskTheDom today, I am here for another week and tbh I am loving this place so I think I will travel with Paw and Euro Gang a lot more often moving forward.


THUR 21/07/2022

(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Growth Strategy / Product Development work (critical thinking)
Others: Photos while cold approaching, send 20 copywriting proposals, get our friend E from the station.

Notes: Day 2 LETS GOOOOO!

THUR 21/07/2022

(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process (DONE - 3/22 Approaches!!!!! - Ive also got like 30 matches in the past 2 days lol)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Growth Strategy / Product Development work (critical thinking) (DONE growth strategy, no product dev work)
Others: Photos while cold approaching, send 20 copywriting proposals, get our friend E from the station. (DONE getting E, no proposals, did photos tho)



Got up late and got well needed sleep. Late was 10am. I normally rise at 5 or 6.

Got hustling right off the bat. Core work, posture work.

Went to lunch with Paw's friend. I am now doing OMAD during my time here, so one meal a day to see how much bodyfat I can burn through during this epic hustle of a trip.

I do 3 approaches while walking to lunch. Then after lunch, a bunch more.

I get 3 numbers after 16 approaches.

We go home. Paw takes a nap, I message leads.

I do my content blast, execite the growth strategy.

I tell Funnel Gang I will work on product development today. I had good intentions.

Paw then goes on a date with a girl he cold approaches yesterday.

I then get a message from AskTheDom who is about to go approach. I run over while hes getting his beard done and blast more approaches.

I go out, and get a message from Paw telling me he pulled the girl back lol. Think he's fucking as I write this!

Meet up with AskTheDom, blast more approaches, including my first ever two sets.

He gives me some feedback, shares his thoughts from his journey, and a couple of crazy playa tales and some crazy shit he's done and seen. I am quite shocked about one story he shares about a married woman. He had no idea she was married until her husband showed up! We chill and then I gave to go get E from the station.

Finish the day with my highest ever volume, 22 approaches man!

Its easy work.

Come home. Drink water. Go get E.

Bring him back, settle him in, and he goes out to explore the area.

I have had a legendary day. Life is good.

CA: 3/22

1-she had to go
2-chatted had a bf, but very nice girl and we chatted for a bit. She seemed into me!
3-Harsh rejection!
4/didn’t want to stop
5 in a rush to go to work but pleasant girl
6 very nice lady but had a BF
7 Gorgeous girl. We stop and talk for about 5-10mins. We exchange. I asked her for a drink she said shes down, went for the instadate but she was on her way to work.
8 Exchanged Instagram, this lady was super feminine, super nice, and was a real vibe.
9 in a rush
10 boyfriend but so nice
11 I went to approach this chick, and she just was totally distraught. She was like "Please for the love of god". It was super clear she'd been approached a bunch of times that day, she was mega hot.
12 Following the blowout from the previous chick, I just barrelled on unphased and approached a chick behind her! Didnt speak English
13 Exchanged with this pretty, TINY columbian girl half my size lol. The photo Paw took of this is hiliarious loool
14 Deflect
15 Deflect
16 nice person but kinda deflected ;-)
17 didn’t speak English super cute
18 she didn’t like being approached at all, I said you look lovely, she was like "EXCUSE ME?! and stormed off
19 She had a BF
20 Two set they blow me off
21 I wasnt expecting an American accent, she threw me off, this lady didnt let me get a word in edgeways she carried on and on, she was like overpowering lol. Pretty lady, I asked what are you doing tonight, she said shes packing she has a flight in the morn. Fair enough!
22 Two set: Goes well! But I am so confused, I dont know how to exchange or what to do. I invite them both to come party with his and one of the girls just says no sorry we have to go. But they were nice girls and seemed into it.

Sick ass day of true true endless hustle.

Radical what you said about London and London girls rings true man

Girls here are fully gorgeous and so much more beautiful than anyone I've seen in England its just not even funny

And theyre fucking NICE

Its easy approaching here, Tinder is easy, I've gotten 30-40 matches the past 48hrs man. And some real beauties too.

Location MATTERS
i'm happy tinder is going better for you in budapest. i was gonna ask if you tried it in another country but now you have.
enjoy! hope you get some lays.
I was actually thinking reading your log before if you had thought of 'geomaxxing'. London can be a brutally tough place and girls are definitely more attractive/receptive in places like Hungary and Poland generally speaking.

Glad to hear you're having a much better reception there. Budapest is an awesome city all round, make sure to check out the bath houses if you haven't already!
A part of why it can be so hard to do well back home is that a lot of your experiences in youth stick with you. For most men that come to forums like this, those experiences tend to be less than ideal. I had the same mindfuck when I went back home earlier this year too. The average guy back in the old town is barely employed and a loser but I just could not get myself to really be at my peak. Sometimes, we really need to get out and expand our horizons not due to geo-maxxing but just to distance ourselves from things tied to our experiences.

One thing to remark for OP as I have seen it a good deal is that a tall and above average looking South Asian dude can do some serious damage out there, it becomes a serious exotic advantage. Things have definitely changed. One guy I met winged with me in Miami although he is from the midwest. Pulled a girl back to his place in the first night at a bar where guys swear you cannot score because its all pickup artists.

Hungarian and Polish women are quite receptive to brown dudes, steer clear of the Balkans though OP!
Glad to hear you're doing better in Budapest man. I remember I told you maybe 6 months ago you needed to move lol and you disregarded that advice
MakingAComeback said:
Location MATTERS

Amen ! For me that was the biggest game changer with Tinder.

If you're in a shitty dating market place, you're in a shitty dating market place. You can put a ton of effort to do better in that place, but the results will always be disappointing because a bad location is a bottleneck that will yield bad results despite all your self-improvement efforts.

I always remember a quote from Andy for guys who are in a bad location (approximately) : "You can't play the numbers game if there are no numbers to play with".
Aside from what you wrote before, I think you have a killer potential.

You have the grinding spirit that will carry you through the pain of the "thousand sets of hell" (and let's be honest here, most of guys will drop after 200 rejections or less) but to me it's shocking that you did all this work with basically nothing but gut instinct and without the finest art of daygame, in probably the toughest european city for it.

I'm sure that all the crazy hard work you have done will yield results with time
BROS we hustling out here, we're about to go to the gym, I've done my core work and posture exercises, we had a communal lunch, now working in the gym, cold approaching (we will also meet AskTheDom shortly) and enjoying some drinks this evening, having a good time and trying to pull ;-)


(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Growth Strategy / Product Development
Others: Possibly nightgame

Notes: Day 3 Budapest lets go!!!!!!!!!!!!

Check in from last night:

(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process (DONE approaches but only did 3, Online process done got a shit tonne of matches etc)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Growth Strategy / Product Development (DONE growth strategy, no product dev)
Others: Possibly nightgame (DONE)


1-Doesn't want to talk
2 - Get into a 10 min convo with this awesome chick, she JUST walked out of getting a new tattoo, she was a cool person and is friends with the singer from a band I like which I was shocked by. She asked for my socials etc.
3 - Gorgeous girl from Norway, we chatted for a bit but she was waiting for her bf lol

What I did well:

Stop was fairly effective and I made good eye contact before my stops. Conversation, flow and tonality was also good.

What I could have done better:

I feel like it was fairly solid yesterday, the long convo did start with clear intent so she could have mentioned her bf then. Even when she mentioned it, I did want to chat because this chick was awesome.

Volume wise, we were busy man and ended up only having the walk to the gym, and post gym for cold approaching. But everyone approached.


Got up. We start the day going to a local coffee shop, chill for a while.

We then go home, Paw takes a nap as he is destroyed from banging this Asian chick from day game lol. I do my core work and stretching.

I go to the shops. Paw cooks lunch.

We have lunch, do some work.


I do 1 approach before, then 2 after.

Girl off Tinder asks me if I'm out tonight. I say yeah.

I ask her to meet me at a spot near me, she says can we meet at this bar instead? I saw sure.

I do the YouTube growth process. Shower and then leave.

I arrive at 935, 5 mins later. I text saying I'm here. No sign of them. I wait, nothing. She texts 10 mins later saying 'were getting drinks we'll come find you' - I'm like, 'we'??

15 mins pass and she wanders over with her friend. Shes fatter than her Tinder pics, her friend is pretty. 2 19 year old Austrian chicks.

We chat, find a space, and vibe for a while. Her friend then says shes going to the bar and insists we dont move. She gets up and just goes to a table of random men.

I then talk to this girl, escalate, touching her all over. Shes cool with it, touching her legs, ass, etc.

She wants to go upstairs. We go to her friend and she says were going upstairs, her friend is reticent AF I can tell, but shes like, "no he's cool". We head up.

We talk for a while, I get another drink. I go for the makeout. She just stays closed lipped.

I'm unphased and keep talking. I invite her to my, seed future dates, tell her to visit me in London, am hitting her with it all.

We head back down, we're holding hands this whole time.

Her friend is with this random group of 30-40 year old men, and she insists on going to party with them at another venue. I ask my girl if we can meet them there, or if we can go to mine for a drink first. She insists she cannot leave her friend and they have a pact.

I say, OK fine, lets head out for some fresh air. Me and the girl head out, and talk for a bit. I then pin her against the wall outside, and go for the makeout again. Same thing, but this time I remember something Crisis_Overcomer did, so I choke her in the middle of the street, she starts moaning and then we make out heavy for a while tongues etc


I then ask her about her kinks, BDSM, all this shit lol.

We head back inside to see her friend. Shes still with these dudes, but its time to leave. The guys just slowly start to dip when me and my girl rock up. Her friend is then trying to look for these dudes and insists they're partying with us. They basically have dipped. I think they were game, but when they saw me and this girl together, I think they thought, oh shit, lol.....they weren't expecting me.


The friends goes back inside to look for these dudes, and when she cant find them, admits defeat and heads out to walk to the party that was recommended. I tell them we should go meet my friends, that we should go together, etc Not seemingly having it.

We walk to this place. I'm holding hands with my girl and its all going fine, shes pleasant, I'm grabbing her ass here and there.

We get to the queue and they start talking amongst themselves in their language. The friend starts to do some sketchy shit. She says we're not getting in as they're not taking cash, and they don't know if they have card. I'm just like, OK....but people are paying with card. Shes then like, OK fine. Think the little dork thought I was going to offer to pay. No, LOL.

We go in, party for a while. I'm dancing with my chick, and her friend keeps giving her this hand signal. I then talk to her friend, and she then gives her friend another hand signal of a thumbs up. The chick is then really engaged and starts dancing with me. It's weird how much control the other girl has over her friend, their dynamic is weird, because one is better looking she seems to feel like she can control her friend. Its fucked.


So we're dancing, and they go to the ladies. I wait. They then head back, and say they need to go outside.

We go outside and sit down on a bench.

The girls friend then says shes not feeling good, shes feeling like shit, and asks me where my friends are. I say I dunno. She then says well I feel like shit are you going to join your friends? At this point I know theyre trying to get rid of me and its AWKWARD

Theyre talking amongst themselves in their language, and I am just chilling.

My girl asks me, well what are you going to do? I say I dunno I'll see.

I ask whats going on?

Her friend responds, were not trying to get rid of you

Shes so dumb she just says it lol

Im like, its fine, just be honest, if you want me to leave I'll leave. The girl I'm with responds, we'll hang out tomorrow, I let her know that's cool but if you don't want to, I don't mind at all, just be honest and lmk.

They chat amongst themselves, can see I'm not moving, and they get up, the girl I'm with says sorry and they leave lol.

She was pleasant and fun to hang out with, her friend obv is a shitbag.

Having seen this sort of thing many times, I do not believe girls have real friendships with other girls. Their friends are often not wanting them to be happy, and do not want to see other women suceed. Lame.

Anyway, I head home, it's just a 10 minute walk. Paw gets in about 5 mins later. We debrief lol.

I tell him the tale, but the thing about Budapest is, there's so many girls here and it's a decent place for me - I have 2 girls wanting to meet the following day so I don't even care.

Sleep. Then I hear E coming in at 6am, he partied all night like a legend lol.

Now onto DAY 4!

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