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AskTheDom said:
Aside from what you wrote before, I think you have a killer potential.

You have the grinding spirit that will carry you through the pain of the "thousand sets of hell" (and let's be honest here, most of guys will drop after 200 rejections or less) but to me it's shocking that you did all this work with basically nothing but gut instinct and without the finest art of daygame, in probably the toughest european city for it.

I'm sure that all the crazy hard work you have done will yield results with time

^Gonna shoutout AskTheDom

He is an advanced guy who is a great resource for the forum, he's highly experienced, has had a tonne of success with women, has had an elite physique, knows the game of success deeply and has a lot of powerful insight to relay

So if you see his post and get advice from him, know he is a true veteran and has lived a crazy life of travel, fucking hot chicks, and crushing goals

Paw & I can vouch for him.

It is no good being around people who have not made it work, who have bad habits, lack self awareness and are just bullshitting themselves thinking they're making progress. This is a TOUGH GAME. BELIEVE ME. Best thing you can do is get around success, be around proven guys, absorb their wisdom, copy their habbits and ways of being.

Time and time again, I am caught doing stupid shit, I then make small changes, and it amplifies my results. Only guys who have been there and done it can point this out. So best to be humble, a student of success, and be coachable on your way to elite. Which is where Ill be in 5 years.

Giving a shoutout here because we don't have a huge number of high level guys posting, and where we do, we should be clear about it so people can learn effectively.



SAT 23/07/2022

(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process (FAIL, went 1 for 2 in cold approach, and did the online process and got like 15 matches. I came here 4 days ago with 70 matches from London. All of whom never responded. I am at 130 matches in Budapest right now)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch (FAIL)
(3) Content: Growth Process / Product Development (FAIL)


I got in from the club and the night with the 19year olds at 2am and slept badly, woke up low motivation and felt a bit shitty. But it does not matter 1 iota. It’s time to hustle and this is what champions are made of. Most on the field of battle are prey. Most are making up the numbers.

“Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle.
Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.”
Every day is an opportunity to be the one. Life is relentless. It will challenge you in your weakest moments and just when you think you have climbed everest, it will tell you, NOT TODAY MOTHERFUCKER, and cast you aall the way back down into the dungeon

Get up, see Paw and E. E got in super late from a night on the lash but he is feeling just fine. Dem viking genetics!!!

We chat for a bit. Debrief about our nights. I tell the tale of these 2 girls, how one seemed to like me, but how her friend could control her through hand signals. It was a strange tale and E made some funny associations to gladiators in the colosseum getting the thumbs down. :D

We then go for a 90 minute Thai massage. It hits the spot!

We then eat lunch. I am doing OMAD out here.

Then, we run over to meet Paw’s friends at Pride festival. It’s a great vibe, and very fun to be there. We hang out, have a laugh, drink a beer, It’s fun. Some weird guy did try to cause some homopbobic drama at ne point by asking if Paw is from England, and claimed English people are bringing the gaty over. We just turned around it was weird. But otherwise it was super chill, great vibes.

We are both quite sleep deprived and tired we end up sat glued to a bench for a while. Paw says we need to apprroach. He does 1. I do 1.

I get into a 10 min convo with the first girl I approach and we exchange Igs. Its great. I’m like damn I’ve got the @arcade_fire ratio out here.

I approach another very gorgeous chick but she is trying to find her friends.

Paw met up with a chick he fucked from day gaye 48hrs before, we hung out for a bit, then Paw went to her hotel to smash and I walked back for my date at 830.

I shower, rest for a bit.

There is one chick messaging me who I asking if Im going to the pride afterparty, which is an open air festival. I cant be bothered with that. So I focus on my date. She is a gorgeous girl so I am down as fuck

So I get a message from the chick, and she says she’s only just got back home. She wil need another hour. I’m like cool, text me when you’ve left. She does so, and I wait a further 20 mins then leave.


Arrive at the bar. Chick is super cute, pretty little blonde girl. We hang out, chat, and vibe. I get her opening up, she’s funny, interesting, has actual depth, and the date is super fun.

We’re hanging for about 40 mins and sip a wine. I then ask her if she wants a drink at my place, and she’s down.

She does mention she is going through a lot and has had a stressful day.

Her whole energy and vibe on the date is great, this girl is smart, pretty, funny, and we’re enjoying each other a lot. I am touching her arms, her legs, and it’s no probem.

For Holden , who likes his horse riders, she was a national horse riding champion!

Then...the pull.


So as soon as we start walking back to mine, which is only 5 mins away, she shifts. All of a sudden, she is a detective. She starts her quizzing by asking me if I am going to kill her, if I’m a serial killer who likes to rip guts out. I laugh it off and am like nah I got bored of that I don’t do it anymore. She laughs her ass off.

We’re walking back to mine. She is getting edgier and edgier and gets onto increasing high alert and the questions don’t stop flying.

As soon as she’s in our place, she is quizzing me deeeply and it’s honestly annoying.

She seens Paw’s supplements on the counter, and notices one is a powder.

“Is this cocaine?” and she’s really inspecting it.

I laugh it off and am like no it’s a supplement. It turns out it’s NAC powder. A great supplement.

We vibe for a bit, I make her a friend, and then go into my room.

She is seriously paranoid about serial killers. And geuss what?

She sees I have taped bin bags to my windows, to create blackout blinds in effect, because there is a light outside the window. SHE GETS TRIGGERED!

“That is seriously weird and it’s something serial killers do. Is this a kill scene? Have you seen Dexter”

She’s so on edge I have to explain it. This is uncomfortable man.

Her questions go on. Why is there a bike in here? What kind of person keeps a bike in their room?

Her serial killer paranoia goes into EXTREME ALERT when she looks at my bedside counter and sees the book I’m reading.


“You’re reading a book about a hitman?! Do you kill people? Are you learning how to kill people?!”

I whip the book open and show her how it’s about sales. This is getting uncomfotable and tiring man.

She is so neurotic, and despite her pretty head, big beautiful eyes, and girly energy, whatever is going on inside her head is quite sick.

She is still better than 99.99999999% of the girls in England btw LOL. I would still take her over the absolute treacherous, superficial beasts you get in the British isles. The thought of going back and having to deal with those hallow, empty, vicious creatures is truly sad. Anyway……

We sit down for a while, I’m draped over her, she’s cool with it. I give her a neck massage as shes tense. She lets me kiss her neck lightly and lovingly.

I pick her up and she gets super weird about it. She’s like WTF. And asks me why I did that, etc.


We put music on and chill. The music is getting her in her feels.

I change the song. It’s not enough.

Our convo is deep, she is telling me a bit about her life.

So this chick is a gorgeous 24 year old, who was previously married to a fat, gross slob looking guy who was 20 years older than her and had previous kids from another marriage.

She told me how she has seen a lot of shit in her life, been around drug issues, alcohol issues, the lot.

And right now, she is going through a lot of family stuff.

So she takes a seat at the desk near my laptop. I give her a neck massage, and kiss her tell her everything is gonna be OK. I’m thinking how THE FUCK am I gonna turn this into a romantic and wholesome evening?

………...then…….she breaks down crying.

“I’m so sorry, I’m just going through a lot right now. Can I go home?”

I am super comforting, compassionate, and am like yeah of course. I’ll walk you back to the pub.

She’s grateful and sweet and she says she wants to see me again.

I drop her at the spot, and then get texting another girl off tinder who is here until Mon and said she said she’d be game to meet before she leaves. I try to get her out. I text her every 30 mins just pinging. She is just laughing and isnt really game. I go for the nuclear: do you wanna meet tonight? If not its cool, just lmk. She says she needs sleep.

I say cool no worries, see me tomorrow. Put the phone on airplane mode and go to bed. It’s 2am.


Lol ok.

The freak out about the bin bags is funny.

On to the next one

I dont like horse girls at all. Thats interesting they are a type for some people
Radical said:
I dont like horse girls at all. Thats interesting they are a type for some people
Nice legs, great ass, openminded in the sack, only girls who can do cowgirl correctly

They tend to be crazy though
MON 25/07/2022

(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Growth Strategy
Others: Dermapen, get a date, recover from 44hr fast, Euro Gang call, send 20 copywriting proposals

Notes: Yesterday, Sun, was super chill. We had a bro day. We got up, went to the island, did an outdoor workout (I just stretched) and took a bunch of pics. We went to the thermal baths. I did 1 cold approach even tho it was our day off. Chick was totally beautiful. Nice girl but had a bf.

I was fasting the whole day, it ended up being a 44hr fast! You have to be LEAN to win in this game. Pancakemouse posted a funny video of him and his boys who’re slayers. All of them were lean AF. The group know I am leanmaxxing rn.

Have a great convo with @Paw about his whole sexual history and story, which was really a highlight of the trip.

We then go for dinner. I stay disciplined with the fast and have water. I am so tired at this point I go home.

I try to sleep from like 1030/11 but the long fast is catching up with me. I wake up at 3am and am having a total stress response, heart is thundering, mind is racing. This goes on until 530am and I just ride it out and listen to podcasts. I get maybe 2 more hours sleep.

I am tired today, but it does not matter.

Every day, EVERY DAY OF YOUR LIFE, you gut up and you work. It does not have to be perfect. But while we are breathing, we can act. Death is coming. Old age is coming. Will you grow old and weep? Or will you smile with your friends of the conquests and accomplishments you had

When you’re tired and your brain is begging for sleep, you MUST persist. The true greats in this game gut up and get after it. Look at Andy. Does he EVER stop hustling? No. Andy is a SAVAGE because he just hammers it all the time and has found a way to condition his brain for deep positivity. Something I must learn from him if I am to get to his level, and this will come.

Laying in bed after that 44 hr fast, my brain was so clear, all my memories from my early 20s were crystal clear, reading the Mystery Method was crystal clear, all the mistakes, all the hard times, all the times I had to gut up and convince myself that I am not nothing, that I am not genetic garbage, and that if I just keep pushing, one day, I will no longer have to look in the mirror and see a loser.

And today, I am one of the most serious guys in self improvement and I have an epic tribe, and am on my way to success.

To that Ravi who was once so defeated ten years ago, whom suffered so much and had so many sleepness nights spent in deep, deep anxiety, where the world was on fire, and there was no one to turn to and no hope for a better day. All he had was the ability to somehow find the strength to keep going, and push for 12 LONG YEARS to just have an opportunity to live a life worth living and find success: I will not let you down. NOW I AM HERE. Those tears were not for nothing. 2 more years of war. And I will be great.

To the person reading this and thinking, who the fuck does this guy think he is claiming he is going to be great? Laugh if you want. I will keep working. See me in 5 years. I know what I am willing to put in. It is beyond anything you could ever, ever have any concept for and you will never understand me as long as you live.

Many do not tread this path for 12 years.

They come, they go. Like a lead in the wind.

Some are motivated.

Some say they want it.

But there are those few who are a different breed, I have observed they have something which makes them something other than the 99% of those who come to this path of success and fade into nothing. What is that something?



Working hard, few dates scheduled. One tonight @ 9. One flaked for tomorrow. Geuss what? In Budapest, you have MULTIPLE back up plans. One girl from Bumble is coming an hour on the train to see me at 530, and a girl I cold approached is coming to see me at 9. I am gonna try to do what Paw does a fuck two girls in a day. Wish me luck.

Wednesday, another date, with a very gorgeous 30 year old whose energy gives me life. Hope I get to nut in her. Lovely creature.


This period of my log will be called The Budapest Diaries. I am now dead set on becoming a digital nomad next year and travelling with my gang. I have 3 core groups (Sweater Knitting Club, Funnel Gang & Euro Gang) and between the three, there are the most solid men on earth who I can pretty much my ideal team and whom I can hustle and grind until I am a fucking total, total baller.

I am blessed to have legends I can build with, travel with, live and hustle with, make bank with, and game with.

Life is good man and I want to shout out The GOAT, KillYourInnerLoser for making all this possible. Without Andy I couldn't have ever become the man I am today.

Once I have achieved my goals for this year, I am going to write up my entire journey and create a PDF to celebrate my red shirt year. This will track where I was when I joined, and who I will be in Dec of this year - a man on his way to true success.

This will be my first book and it's title will be the following:

Outworking God’s Plan: The Phoenix Project
Rising From The Ashes To Be Born Again


(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process (FAIL at approaches, DONE online hustle)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Growth Strategy (DONE)
Others: Dermapen, get a date, recover from 44hr fast, Euro Gang call, send 20 copywriting proposals (DONE dermapen, scheduled a date, recovered from the fast, did the Euro Gang call, didnt send proposals)


Yesterday I worked hard man. Got up after very poor sleep on Sunday and the stress response. I then had to push myself. Did core work, stretching, etc. YouTube process. Dermapen. Scheduled a date with a chick from Bumble as I had nothing that evening.

Hustling away taking action. Time is getting away from me. I have to catch up with work so it doesnt seem like CA is happening. But I hustle on the online process, and a girl I cold approached on Saturday is down for a date Tues night - shes hot too.

Work & work. Go to the shops. Cook dinner.

I've now re-fed enough kcal to recover from that lengthy fast. I've also dropped bodyfat which is good. Fasting is working well for me right now and is clearing my brain a lot too.

Jump on the Euro Gang call after dinner which is amazing.

Then shower and run to my date.


She's a fatter than her pics. But she seems pleasant and I'd say would be passable. MAYBE. Not the best looking but whatever, I had no other plans for the night.

Date is fun, we're vibing, talking a lot. She opens up. Convo with her is less exciting, it is hard to get really into it because she is just not physically attractive to me. But we vibe well. Turns out she does not drink. Yeah, fun. She's a super prude too. But still touching her and she's OK with it.

Talk for ages, and then PULL.

She comes back to mine, she's easy and chill.

Then comes the escalation. We put music on and try to dance and stuff, and she is super fuckin weird about it, edgy, and obviously mad uncomfortable. I ask if she's OK. She says she takes a lot of time to feel physical things for someone.

This escalation process continues, I back off, I chat, I kiss her on the cheek and she's mad weird about it, but I am able to move the conversation around and not be phased.

I'm draped around her and super close to her, and she asks if I'm always like this, lol. I say yes I am......

She goes on about how she just needs a lot of time to feel physical with someone.

And then she gets into really deep, deep topics and ends up talking for 3hours.


I eventually just have enough. I wanted to kick her out about 2hrs into this but I felt bad as she seemed really into me and it's not her fault she takes it mega slow. Her bumble didnt say shes looking for a relationship and I didnt expect all this.

I say I wonder what the time is, check, and it's 1230!!! Half past midnight.


She calls herself a cab, and it's clear she did like me which is cute. Then I FINALLY get the intimacy I wanted:

"OK, I'll give you a hug now"



She gives me a hug and it feels nice ofc but I am just sitting there thinking, damn this is absolutely pathetic, you're a grown ass 30 year old woman behaving like an infant in primary school. An adult is sovereign over their body and should be able to connect physically with another theyre attracted to.

Walk her out. I am MAD frustrated with another sexless date. She texts me when she gets hope saying she had a great night thanks for a great convo.

Paw also pulled last night but he had a good time and did plenty of sexual stuff. He is walking his girl out soon after mine leaves and we debrief.

I shake it off and then am back to the hustle.

It's just part of the human experience.

Today, another day, another hustle.........LETS GO

MakingAComeback said:
Date is fun, we're vibing, talking a lot. She opens up. Convo with her is less exciting, it is hard to get really into it because she is just not physically attractive to me. But we vibe well. Turns out she does not drink. Yeah, fun. She's a super prude too. But still touching her and she's OK with it.

Talk for ages, and then PULL.

She comes back to mine, she's easy and chill.

Then comes the escalation. We put music on and try to dance and stuff, and she is super fuckin weird about it, edgy, and obviously mad uncomfortable. I ask if she's OK. She says she takes a lot of time to feel physical things for someone.

This escalation process continues, I back off, I chat, I kiss her on the cheek and she's mad weird about it, but I am able to move the conversation around and not be phased.

I'm draped around her and super close to her, and she asks if I'm always like this, lol. I say yes I am......

She goes on about how she just needs a lot of time to feel physical with someone.

And then she gets into really deep, deep topics and ends up talking for 3hours.


I eventually just have enough. I wanted to kick her out about 2hrs into this but I felt bad as she seemed really into me and it's not her fault she takes it mega slow. Her bumble didnt say shes looking for a relationship and I didnt expect all this.

I say I wonder what the time is, check, and it's 1230!!! Half past midnight.


She calls herself a cab, and it's clear she did like me which is cute. Then I FINALLY get the intimacy I wanted:

"OK, I'll give you a hug now"



She gives me a hug and it feels nice ofc but I am just sitting there thinking, damn this is absolutely pathetic, you're a grown ass 30 year old woman behaving like an infant in primary school. An adult is sovereign over their body and should be able to connect physically with another theyre attracted to.

Walk her out. I am MAD frustrated with another sexless date. She texts me when she gets hope saying she had a great night thanks for a great convo.

Stick up for yourself and your needs more.

If you want sex, an interaction should always be moving towards sex.

Give a woman two strikes. If you escalate and she shirks, you move back unflinchingly and try again 10-20 minutes later. If you escalate and she pulls back again, you politely end the interaction.

Yes, it's about the hustle, but how much hustle could you have accomplished with three extra hours in your night?

I have wasted so much time in my life just letting women talk and assuming that if I just sit there and listen to them blab then they'll eventually have sex with me. It never worked.

Women will vacuum up your time in exchange for validation if you let them. Don't.
pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
Date is fun, we're vibing, talking a lot. She opens up. Convo with her is less exciting, it is hard to get really into it because she is just not physically attractive to me. But we vibe well. Turns out she does not drink. Yeah, fun. She's a super prude too. But still touching her and she's OK with it.

Talk for ages, and then PULL.

She comes back to mine, she's easy and chill.

Then comes the escalation. We put music on and try to dance and stuff, and she is super fuckin weird about it, edgy, and obviously mad uncomfortable. I ask if she's OK. She says she takes a lot of time to feel physical things for someone.

This escalation process continues, I back off, I chat, I kiss her on the cheek and she's mad weird about it, but I am able to move the conversation around and not be phased.

I'm draped around her and super close to her, and she asks if I'm always like this, lol. I say yes I am......

She goes on about how she just needs a lot of time to feel physical with someone.

And then she gets into really deep, deep topics and ends up talking for 3hours.


I eventually just have enough. I wanted to kick her out about 2hrs into this but I felt bad as she seemed really into me and it's not her fault she takes it mega slow. Her bumble didnt say shes looking for a relationship and I didnt expect all this.

I say I wonder what the time is, check, and it's 1230!!! Half past midnight.


She calls herself a cab, and it's clear she did like me which is cute. Then I FINALLY get the intimacy I wanted:

"OK, I'll give you a hug now"



She gives me a hug and it feels nice ofc but I am just sitting there thinking, damn this is absolutely pathetic, you're a grown ass 30 year old woman behaving like an infant in primary school. An adult is sovereign over their body and should be able to connect physically with another theyre attracted to.

Walk her out. I am MAD frustrated with another sexless date. She texts me when she gets hope saying she had a great night thanks for a great convo.

Stick up for yourself and your needs more.

If you want sex, an interaction should always be moving towards sex.

Give a woman two strikes. If you escalate and she shirks, you move back unflinchingly and try again 10-20 minutes later. If you escalate and she pulls back again, you politely end the interaction.

Yes, it's about the hustle, but how much hustle could you have accomplished with three extra hours in your night?

I have wasted so much time in my life just letting women talk and assuming that if I just sit there and listen to them blab then they'll eventually have sex with me. It never worked.

Women will vacuum up your time in exchange for validation if you let them. Don't.

Really important post.

I would add this to the OP but Andy's forum doesn't let you include more than a certain number of links.

Next time: 3 strikes & she's OUT!

I could have blasted online dating or read 15-30 pages of a marketing book in this time I wasted.

Never again.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Next time: 3 strikes & she's OUT!

😂 😂 😂

TWO strikes, not 3. The self-sabotage is strong in this one

I just made "two strikes" up, really. I don't have hard and fast rules, but the general idea is that an interaction always needs to be moving in a positive direction, never stagnant or backwards.


(1) Dating: 10 Cold Approaches / Online Dating Process / Go on date
(2) Body: 40 Hour Fast / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: YouTube Growth Process
Others: Copywriting proposals, hair transplant deposit


Yesterday was an epic day but ended in severe frustration and massive doubt, worry about the future, etc. Nothing new really.

I worked hard man. Did the growth process. Set up a freelance profile. Sent 11 proposals, and then created a pdf doc for my portfolio which I can start adding to proposals. I hit 9 cold approaches rather than 10, I was advised to not spam approach, and I ended up in some long conversations so higher volume wasnt possible. 2 exchanges. I texted them yesterday, they both had long convos with me, but haven’t responded lol. I was meant to send 20 yesterday, but after getting back from the date I felt truly awful and just went to bed. I was sleepless and restless all night to be honest and got very little sleep.

The girl I cold approached met me at the pub. Date was great. I told her she looks beautiful, she said you do too LOL. She was just the nicest, sweetest girl. But she was just that. A little girl. Shes 21/22. Convo is great, it’s flowing and she seems into me. I ask her if she wants to come back to mine, she says her parents insist she just stays in the bar.

Another dud.

I chat for 5 more mins, excuse myself to the bathroom, and decide I’m gonna cut this one short. Come back and tell her I have a lot of work tomorrow morning. She’s fine with it. I then chat a bit more and leave. Date was 915-1030/1045pm.

Get home at 11 and debrief with Paw.

Budapest is a great city, but I don’t think it is going to help me achieve my goals or fix my problem. The girls here, while nice, are very conservative and do not really have any sexual energy. They’re quite infantile in this regard.

Tinder, while I get a TONNE of matches, is just time wasting retards who want to check out the shiny object. They will openly talk about sex and how they want to fuck, then go radio silent when you ask to meet. Pathetic.

Dating, it is just platonic friendship, these women aren’t sexual beings, they may aswell me mannequins.

Why I am able to get a little something here and actually be treated OK is because there are no other south asian guys here basically. I am a bit of an exotic curiosity here. But I am exactly that. Just a curiosity.

The dates I did go on ghosted, apart from the chick who talked for almost 4hrs, she texted but I just deleted. FUCK that.

The chick from last night texted but she is super sweet and it’s clearly platonic friendship.

There is no real desire or sexual interest.


I return on Sunday, and while I will work my literal ass off, it is looking like Budapest will yield nothing for my romantic goals. But it was still a killer trip and outside of girls, I have loved it and will return, but I have no expectations of ever being able to get laid or find someone here. I don’t think it’ll happen.

I am not sure where my place will be, or how I will level the playing field, but I’ll keep going.

Sadly, I do have to go back to the UK on Sunday like I said. It is a harrowing prospect. Just walking past an English chick and hearing her accent the other day filled me with dread. It is a bad feeling knowing I will go back to living as a 2nd class citizen. It sucks.

The positive: I will make money and get out of there, and just keep travelling until I can find somewhere that will allow me to have a shot.

In the UK, the litmus test is if you are able to get some form of attraction before self-improvement. I think if a guy is able to somehow get a girlfriend or have SOME interest from women before they do something akin to what I did, they have the potential to succeed and become elite if they so choose.

A guy like me was by design not created to have any success with women in any capacity, it's over. In places like the UK it's nigh on impossible to have success when the look you have is a death sentence. It’s over for sub-par looking ethnics. For this demographic, I’d say self improvement does not actually work and you can free yourself by doing something else, saving your time and energy and exploring the many, many, many other ways out there to be happy. If you prioritise it above everything else in your life and scrape the bottom of the barrel of the gross undesirables no one else wants, has this worked? No. You’ll be able to get a hint of the scraps nobody in their right mind would want. Congrats…..This is why I am leaving the UK.


I will somehow get to my 10 lays this year. Next year, I am setting process oriented goals – x no of approaches a week, working on specifics etc. I will be at this until I am 36, so this gives me 5 more years of extreme grinding.

Overall, I am going to say hand on heart I do not think I will solve this problem.

I think it will be a persistent struggle for the duration of me doing this for nominal, marginal returns. What I am searching for is to be able to say I tried. I will be able to say I tried my ass off and put in more effort, time, energy, extreme grinding than anyone else. And if my situation remains what it is, at least it will be a case study for future generations and they can find another way. That still counts for something.

Hey brah look I dunno why things are the way they are but chin up man. You’ve achieved a lot and will continue to kill your goals. Negative self talk doesn’t help, feel what you need and move on.

If it makes you feel better I know 6’4 blue eyed white guys who’ve had less success with women

Tomorrow is a new day
MakingAComeback said:
A guy like me was by design not created to have any success with women in any capacity, it's over.

i told you in person and i tell you here: stop this self defeating mentality. you were given a big brain and you are tall. but the Gods love to see their creature struggle and win. SO LET'S WIN

1 didn’t speak English
2 deflect
- she was super weird I just let her go
3 deflect
4 deflect
5 deflect
6 deflect
7 deflect in a rush

I was feeling so so defeated and terrible. The feelings of 5 straight dates that ghosted/went nowhere just pissed me off. I was totally chill and then it just got to me.

Came home, rested, did a bunch of copywriting proposals.

8 chatted then ran off lol. We were vibing then she was like I gotta go and ran.
9 Exchanged IG, cool chick.
10 she was a mute! cant talk.
11 exchanged weird chick. She was hot and had a good body but was fucking uncomfortable as all hell. Like it was so, so intense she was freaking out.
12 two set lol. They were little shits, trying to fob me off saying its a girls night, I trolled them a little. Byeeee.
13 on her phone low light bad front stop
14 two set was a lot of fun! I applied the feedback @AskTheDom gave me for the previous two set and this was a lot of fun man, teased, joked, made fun of them. Pushed this set so hard man, ran it into the ground, and then told them to leave. They were like, you can leave. "No, you leave now" they obeyed my command and GTFO out there.

Doing day game every day does improve your frame but critically you need to actually be able to talk.

London & UK cunts in general will not communicate with you in any capacity like they will not enter into any dialogue, so there is very limited scope to understand where you're going wrong or what can be improved.

People say the Hungarians are miserable. Perhaps they are. But try the UK. You will quickly understand what it is to stare into the abyss and see the ugliest part of humanity - which is female, the force of chaos and disorder, the wretched of the earth.

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