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THURS 04/08/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle – No CA because we have a house party tomorrow and need to setup
(2) Body: Run (45m) / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Process for 2 channels
Others: Work, Dermapen, order suit, OMAD


Crunch time.

Today, Friday, and Sat are suboptimal as there are many engagements.

I will find ways to squeeze my self improvement in amongst this stuff of life.

Whether it's ups or downs this log inspires the shit out of me. I'm a noob but it seems like your long-term success is inevitable.
Do you notice any benefits from the dermapen use?
I want you to read this again and again

Krishna instructed Arjuna: “We have a right to our labor, but not to the fruits of our labor.”
What did he mean by that? He meant that the process is its own reward. The only real reward - can you imagine if you were paralized? blind? Don't think that these men have different impulses than you. testosterone works for everyone in the same way.
Enjoy the success if you're lucky, but appreciate the man that comes out of that process not because of the results, but because of the transformation he did.

I do understand your feelings, and I bet any single person here that had to put effort into something would do, but there is no escape from this.
Why all these drugs, videogames, social media, junk food? before we had religion to pacify Men and their struggles, now we have all these commodities to let us forget how cruel nature is. Acceptance and embrace it
Sewerdog said:
Whether it's ups or downs this log inspires the shit out of me. I'm a noob but it seems like your long-term success is inevitable.
Do you notice any benefits from the dermapen use?

Thanks bro!

In theory the dermapen should allow maintenance and in cases where miniaturisation isn't super advanced, some regrowth. It's also good for scars, random skin issues, stuff like that. Microwounding as a theory seems legit and makes sense. You wound the tissue, it then has to heal and regenerate.

I'll probably continue to use it longer term to maintain my hair transplant.

I think I will succeed in the long run, I think I will get my goal of getting rich, being married to an awesome chick, and living the good life with my own little tribe. You're gonna have to bear with me, as this will take me 5 fricken years! ;-)

AskTheDom said:
I want you to read this again and again

Krishna instructed Arjuna: “We have a right to our labor, but not to the fruits of our labor.”
What did he mean by that? He meant that the process is its own reward. The only real reward - can you imagine if you were paralized? blind? Don't think that these men have different impulses than you. testosterone works for everyone in the same way.
Enjoy the success if you're lucky, but appreciate the man that comes out of that process not because of the results, but because of the transformation he did.

I do understand your feelings, and I bet any single person here that had to put effort into something would do, but there is no escape from this.
Why all these drugs, videogames, social media, junk food? before we had religion to pacify Men and their struggles, now we have all these commodities to let us forget how cruel nature is. Acceptance and embrace it

This was an excellent post.

I wholeheartedly agree. I see great wisdom in this perspective, and ultimately cultivating a love of the process of doing the work, of contributing value to society and the world, does allow us to see the impact of the work we do.

In this process, I have become far more confident, competent, able to execute and stretch, and this was all work that was inevitable if I am to become a successful person. Which I, and the others here who are committed, will all become.


(1) Dating: Online Hustle – No CA because we have a house party tomorrow and need to setup (DONE – few leads, god damn)
(2) Body: Run / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Process for 2 channels (FAIL)
Others: Work, Dermapen, order suit, OMAD (DONE)


Self improvement is my mission and commitment. But when you take your life higher, it becomes more complex, and you yourself must evolve to get to the next level.

Mindsets need to shift, new patterns of thought need to be instilled, and positivity must be found.

I can’t cold approach for two days. I really enjoy day game now, it has become a hobby. And I can’t do it Friday or Sat. Why? One of my friends here is throwing a house party @ mine and Timmy’s place. And then the next day, he’s off to an influencer’s award show. And I’m coming with him.

The party is a small performance of his, so there’s a tonne to do. Security has to be sorted, sound engineers, he’s shooting a music video here beforehand, and then people start to arrive. The whole event has to be managed, which is my job, and problems need to be solved constantly.

I love the thrill of battle and making these things work.

Yesterday was just slow. I spent time with my little bro, which was great. He is in London to get his tattoo topped up and staying with us for a few days.

But it was so hard to do activity that moves the needle forward. I got up, did some myofunctional therapy/tongue work, did core work and listened to the GOAT David Goggins:


On “not seeing results”. I remember times when Andy would yell at people for complaining about their results when they were actually getting laid, and he outlined the insane WORK it took for him to start to move the needle forward. And it’s undeniable. Andy did 10 x the work I’ve done to start getting results, and by the time he was 1.5 years in like I am, he was totally lean and he was generally going way way harder than I am. That is why he is a legend, and I have work to do.

I then went for a run, 45 mins in the park. Felt AMAZING!

Came back, took my bro to the station. Then ordered a suit for the awards show, got it off ASOS. Next day delivery.


Didn’t even have time to cook my OMAD as my friend was coming over to set up for the party.

He arrives, he does the soundcheck. I then have to get my bro from the station, and he wants to grab food to take back to mine. This takes about an hour.

Get home, talk with the guys for a while. Get quite tired and realise that’s me running out of steam.

Watch some videos on OMAD. I am going to run with OMAD for a while during this cut to get me shredded. I will spend some time putting together 1 meal that is really nutritious and will help me achieve my goals, and just eat the same thing every day for a while lol. I want to be 185lbs for our trip to Poland. That is another 15lbs of fat to rip through. We’ll get there.

FRI 05/08/2022

(1) Dating: NA
(2) Body: Core
(3) Content: NA
Others: Work, Cold Thermogenesis, Collect suit, House party doors open at 7, show finishes at 1030/11. Small after party maybe?!


I dislike when this happens because it takes away my focus from my goals, but we’ve got a house party and it’ll be intense. Then I’m at an awards show tomorrow.

At best, I will stick to my diet for the cut. I can’t even get gym in. I will also socialise a lot and talk to a LOT of people, including girls, at the party.

This is SMALL action. Too small.

Tomorrow, when the cleaner’s come in to save my place after it’s decimated, I’ll see if I can somehow sneak off to cold approach. I’ll have to get like 2hrs in before we go to the show.

That would be pure dedication and this is what it takes man. At the awards show, there will be girls to talk to, and there’s an after party, so I have scope to work on my goals.

Sunday, I will cold approach, fast, and read/study game.

Monday of next week I am dipping from London for 3 days to do some bloody WORK. I need to hustle with biz and FOCUS 8-12hrs a day man. I’ll be back Thurs and I’ll try to line up seeing my FWB, and some new leads if I can get any.

True grinding from Fri - Now

We put on a show, a party at mine where my friend performed. 50 strangers showed up. Madness.

We also shot 4 scenes for a music video that day.

This was hard work and my battery was spent, went on until 4am with me pulling his choice of 2 girls back for an afterparty at mine, and he didnt hit in the end lol.

One of the chicks was truly human garbage, short obese chick whose been with 800 men and openly propositioned several men, including the videographer who is a married man who complained to me via text at 2am. This chick sincerely disgusted me, she had a thing for black guys and went around talking about how she needs to fuck "2 chocolates" a week. Its OK to have preferences, whilst I do not have them myself for skin colour, I understand some people are attracted to one particular group. I don't really align with this and such people are better off staying away from me. Fetishisation and reducing human beings down to body parts and organs, which is what skin is, is truly sickening to me. To be human is to have a story, a lived experience, flaws, struggles, challenges, all sorts. My group has always been a mixture of men, black, white, Indian, Asian, etc. I typically associate with men of substance and find the idea that someone would not even see any of this, and would not even care, repulsive. This chick was so deluded. She showed me a picture of a guy she asked out, who rejected her, and she told me she has been crying daily for 45-60 mins because of this for 5 months. This guy was tall, very very good looking, had been to an elite Uni and had a senior position in his firm. He politely rejected her, and she was devastated. It makes me sick that women can be so deluded to be literal filth, the scum of the earth, a totally shameless obese whore who has fucked almost a thousand dudes, who truly believed a top-tier dude would settle down with her. In her own mind, as so many men have said yes to her, there is no evidence that anyone could show that would allow her to see the reality of how vile a human being she is.

I prefer to avoid shitbags in life, and I excused myself from her presence. I am a patient person but I find fetishisation dehumanising and somewhat racist. I avoid these people.

Saturday comes around, we're at an awards show. My batteries are fully spent from the party. I go to the show. It's a lot of hustle and graft.

Get in at 2am. My friend moves the stuff hes been storing here out. No more parties here. Bigger venues next.


Go on a platonic date with a girl I met at the party, who lives 2 mins away. Shes my friends friend, and I know a little bit about her. She doesnt allow anyone to touch her, she has some issues. We just hung out, I found her fascinating and also very pretty. We had a coffee and chilled out by the river. Was great. Chilled for 2hrs, and she departed.

Nothing more worth mentioning. Yes, she really does not allow even a finger to be placed on her, and let me know this immediately. We'll not talk anymore about why. Its just part of being human.

I just wanted to walk down the street with someone I had some interest in. It felt GREAT. She obv doesnt like me, and I dont think I'll be able to see her again. But it was a nice experience for me.

Today was soent mostly recovering, my brain feels frazzled.

I basically took Sunday off and listened to interesting audio and read.

I have been having quite a bit of conflict with himself and the realities of my situation. I look at the types of chick I someone get matches with, they're the undesirable sort of woman, so fat and not pretty. And I think to myself, dude, what if in the world of dating, I am the fat chick? What if I am that undesirable and ugly person?

It has dawned on me recently that I am probably getting the results I deserve. I am probably uglier than I thought. It doesn't hurt or sting. It is totally fair enough. I can accept it. because I have done a lot to make myself better looking. I'll keep working at it of course but increasingly I am made aware of the truth of one's romantic outcomes, the true superficiality of women, and how self improvement will kind of show you the brutal reality of life

As Goggins says, life aint always 75 and sunny.

Sometimes it's a bitch. You just gut up and do what needs to be done regardless.

I think some of us develop unrealistic expectations. Along the way in my life, I developed the belief that one day, I could have a partner I feel attraction for. There was absolutely no evidence this would be attainable for me.

This, I'll tell you, was not a realistic goal at all.

Throughout the process I've lived here I have become a bit more aware of life's realities and in relation to women, the harshness of it. You can want better outcomes with perfect utlity. It does not mean you will get them. Nothing is guaranteed. Not all problems can be solved.

Increasingly, I am becoming aligned with the perspective that one should not expect results when they are doing things like self improvement.

Instead, you find meaning in the process of doing the work.

I am grateful for what I have achieved and how hard I have pushed mysef. I am sad about the things I have realised about how life works for a lower SMV guy. It is a very unfortunate thing. A mindset shift will come in time. I can tell you I am already beginning to simply care less and just feel more numb. I have cared so little about the last few flakes I didn't even mention them. I actually just laughed.

Here's some outputs from my last photoshoot. Was a bit meh. Will upload to IG and other places.


I'm quite frazzled and tired.

Will be back tomorrow.

MakingAComeback said:
literal filth, the scum of the earth, a totally shameless obese whore who has fucked almost a thousand dudes, who truly believed a top-tier dude would settle down with her.

So you did like her? Or didn't? I'm confused 🤔

I mean a lot of guys are delusional (entitled) about a lot of things. How much work it takes to be successful in any given area.

Girls can be the same honestly.

Especially... fat women.

MakingAComeback said:
Here's some outputs from my last photoshoot. Was a bit meh. Will upload to IG and other places

A lot of those are good but have some slight flaw that makes them unuesanle for a well developed profile.

Loved the one with you guys smoking. But probably not the best in your arsenal.
Manganiello said:
MakingAComeback said:
literal filth, the scum of the earth, a totally shameless obese whore who has fucked almost a thousand dudes, who truly believed a top-tier dude would settle down with her.

So you did like her? Or didn't? I'm confused 🤔

I mean a lot of guys are delusional (entitled) about a lot of things. How much work it takes to be successful in any given area.

Girls can be the same honestly.

Especially... fat women.

MakingAComeback said:
Here's some outputs from my last photoshoot. Was a bit meh. Will upload to IG and other places

A lot of those are good but have some slight flaw that makes them unuesanle for a well developed profile.

Loved the one with you guys smoking. But probably not the best in your arsenal.

LMAO!!! ;-)

Yeah, we can really underestimate things. It takes A LOT.

That's the way it goes.

Back at it today another week another hustle.

Yeah well, the last decade has been interesting for society, where we tell that even being obese is beautiful - what do you expect to happen...

But the process of stop giving a fuck about outcomes and keep working on goals it's a fundamental step, because finally you appreciate the possibility to do the work and that becomes your reward, instead of going through the ups and downs of a delayed gratification that might or might not come
Totally agreed.

It is seriously NOT healthy to be fat. Our fat is where all our toxins are stored, heavy metals, pesticides, all sorts of nasty shit. This accumulates in our fat tissue and causes havoc for our cells.

Celebrating fatness is celebrating disease. Our world is something of an anti-world, it's anti-life, anti-human. Fucking nuts.

OK bros - I'm gonna head home for 3 days to put my head down and really work. I may have a date with a chick Friday, when I'm back. A right chunker, but she seems nice. That will have to do!

I have to go to the station shortly, I'll update on the other side.

TUE 09/08/2022
(1) Dating: Online process
(2) Body: Fast / Run (45m) / Core
(3) Content: YouTube Growth Process
Other: Work, Copywriting proposals, Copywriting study, Read biz, Product Dev.


Back at my parents until Thurs. Just going to put my head down and work. 15-20lbs of weight to still lose on the cut. Surgery next week Red shirt year almost over. Will keep working.



(1) DATING: Online Dating Process / Go on Date
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) BIZ/FINANCE: Copywriting – Applications & Proposals. Study.
Others: Content – shoot project vlogs.


Got a lot of stuff done. Hunkered down and smashed a lot of tasks. I am going to really work my butt off the next 12 weeks to get myself 4 more lays man. I will get my 10 lays. I will get to 185lbs (I was 198lbs this morn). And I will achieve my goals for The Phoenix Project.

Will then speak to my coaches, and my inner circle, and set the next goal. The PRIMARY goal will be money/biz. Secondary will be girls. The next year of self improvement will be hard ass work in the gym, nurturing my hair transplant and maximising it, and being an elite Ravi.

Pulled from my date last night, got lay #7!!

Was a lot of fun. She was a bit of a chonker, ngl. About a 5. But pretty eyes, long flowing hair, and passed the boner test......only just.......She really does want to see me again, and I am willing to fuck her here & there.

Def. a fatty but we had a lot of fun. Whole experience was great. She was big time into me and it was fairly easy work.

Bodyweight is doing well today, it's 198.2lbs.

Seeing my FWB tonight, and going on a day trip with her to Brighton tomorrow.

I am pushing my life ahead and becoming more successful.

My PRIMARY GOAL this year is 10 lays. That is the measure of success. That will be the most successful year of my life (I was at 0 lays in Jan, for a former incel to get to 10 in 1 year from NOTHING is fuckin heroic). To achieve my primary goal is the equivalent of winning an olympic gold or making a huge sum of cash.

This will be more I proceed in my journey man. Big primary goal, focus on it each year, grind all year and actually make it happen.

Proper writeup to come bros.


We’re getting close now bros! That’s 7 out of 10 for the year. We’re very close now. This will be a huge achievement and will be a brilliant red shirt year. I just need to bang 3 new girls now, and I fuckin did it.

Very happy about this and had a great evening with this chick.

Match on Hinge a few weeks ago. Exchange. Arrange a date, and she ghosts. She gets back to me saying she was feeling unwell, and really apologises. Her comms are great.We arrange something for the following week.

I am teasing on texts, and just making fun of her and stuff lol.

She gets back to me a few days ago saying she may need to reschedule again as she has a property viewing.

I don’t let girls reschedule twice. I was just like: We can just meet later, 830/930, excited to meet you, lets make it happen.

You do need to be firm and push things forward. She actually did the property viewing the day before and she confirmed via text yesterday morning. She also tells me she has a spare zoot and wants to share with me. I don’t actually smoke weed, but I told her sure to seed the pull.

She drops by 830. She goes to the wine bar and calls me.

I rock up 4 mins late lol.

Immediate thoughts are, alright man she’s kinda cute. I knew she was a lil thicc. I was fine with that. But I am liking her big eyes and long brown hair.

She def has a good bit of weight to lose, but she’s passing the boner test. ONLY JUST. But she is.

We meet, hug, kiss her on the cheek. She grabs me quite tight and I can feel her attraction. Alright…..here we go.

Take her to find a seat. We start vibing. She’s talking, I’m asking probing questions, really listening.

She would later comment on how good my eye contact was, how it was really clear I was genuinely listening and interested. All of this I actively worked on. Girls need to know you are properly interested and enjoying it. They also need to feel a grounded, masculine presence. I am not super reactive, I’m just processing it. Reacting just less than I used to – less nodding, affirmations, all that. I watched Julien’s PIMP while in Budapest with @Paw and our friend J. The sexworthiness lecture was useful. Non-reactivity was stressed here. And it clicked for me.

We have our drinks, she is into me and I can tell. I do some cold reads (Rags2Bitches – I am listening) and she is into it.

Also took some advice from the bros in Budapest, and took her for a venue change. Asked her to come for a walk with me, to my spot by the river thames. This is legit 4mins from the wine bar and very visually impressive. The river I flowing, the bridges are imposing, and there are people gathered enjoying the evening.

We walk down, and when at my spot, she gives me a tight hug. She’s so into it.

I then say we can go back to mine and smoke on my balcony.

She holds my hand and we go. Hand holding is consistently a sign a chick is DTF for me.

We go to mine, and in the lift, she remarks how tall I am. I pull her in and we briefly make out.

Give her the tour, go to the balcony. Chat and have another drink. Makeout a bit heavier.

Go to my room. Make out a lot heavier.

Escalate, then my top comes off. She likes what she sees bless her. It’s fuckin time.

Her top comes off. She’s got a bit of a belly. She’s def heavier and borderline.

Smash her once, and she is going crazy. She almost comes. I go for about 20 mins I think. I can go longer normally but the excitement of a new chick seemed to be a bit much for me. I then come and we make out, cuddle for ages.

We then go to the balcony and she smokes her blunt. She passes it to me a few times, I draw a brief drag and just blow it out. Like Bill Clinton, I don’t inhale. Lol. I get a tiny bit high. But its nothing, it wears off quick.

Smoking weed is not for me and I avoid stoners. This is loser shit. You gotta work and grind like fuck, or in life, you will fucking lose. You will absolutely flop. Just my opinion.

So we head back and cuddle for ages. She tells me tonnes of dating stories.

I am so shocked at the stuff girls go through. She went on a date with a guy who was such a cunt, he was the definition of a narcissist. He was tall and super good looking apparently, and just gave her 1 word answers on the date, wasn’t interested at all. And then he realised he ‘forgot his card’ so this chick paid. He was also swiping and messaging on Tinder infront of her. Such a vile bastard. She paid just to get out. She pays and dashes.

He follows her, and grabs her by the wrist, and says “we’re going back to mine”. She explains how she has had a terrible time and he has thoroughly insulted her. “I took you for food” he replies, “I took YOU for food, I paid” was her response. He then changes his tone and really squeezes her wrist and tells her “you are coming back to mine”. She told me she felt a feeling she has never felt before in her life and threatened to make a scene. He didn’t budge, so she ran. He ran after her yelling.

This was in North London, Camden Town. It was Friday night. A bouncer from a venue stepped in and asked her if she’s alright. She panicked and told her the story. The dude then appears. He is screaming etc. The chick hides behind the bouncer and he tries to defuse for ages. This guy was having none of it, and was shouting about how “his girl” was telling people all sorts and needs to come back to his. The guy is trying to grab stoner girl, and at that point, the bouncer puts him in a headlock. He tries to punch him while in a head lock and apparently the bouncer full on judo slams him on the concrete and immobilises him LOL.

Stoner girl then RUNS to the station.
She has had some horrific and clearly traumatising online dates. Dudes are fucking tragic out there. Her last few dates were ‘friend vibes’.

You know why the guy pressed as hard as he did? Because the girl showed up to the date. He thought because she showed up, he was in. These guys aren’t even getting regular dates man, and aren’t performing on the dates. Seems like the level of game is weak out there. Apparently he was a super good looking mixed race dude. Seemed to have a god complex. Very good looking men become entitled. And then get their chicks fucked by grinding dogs like me LOL….

Hard work & passion for your mission in life TRUMPS EVERYTHING

She liked me a lot and we chat until 130am man. JHEEZE.

Walk her to the bus, she makes out with me, and texts me when she’s home.

I will maybe see her a few more times, maybe. I am down to smash once or twice. I have Nerd Girl who is still solid and a girl I like.

Life’s good man.

Gotta keep working. I will achieve 10 lays. I legit thought I was gonna fail this goal in Feb/March. I was at 1 lay and had no idea how I was gonna make it. I just kept working for 8 months. 8 months of hard ass work.

And I am gonna make it.

Consistency and hard work repeated for 5-10 years will make me a success. No one can do this. Too many people live in comfort. There is no option for comfort for a dog. I don’t fit the mould. For me to make it, I will have to snatch it from the hands of life.

It’s a lot of fun right now. Off to cold approach, then seeing Nerd Girl later. We’re going to Brighton for a day trip tomorrow.

I gotta put some focus on copywriting man, once I get this skillset and make money from it. I’ll travel and become a legend.

Gotta do it for the underdogs in this world. For those who thought they can’t. I am 100% for the underdog in this life, for the guy who was told he can’t.

Slickbackkhair said:
MakingAComeback said:
and become a legend.

You already are

Thank you brother from a fuckin legend like you this means a lot.

We will get there for sure man. I will bust my ass every day and keep achieving my goals.

Year after year after year!

And we cannot wait to see you take your life to heroic levels too bro, it is so good to have you here.

For those who don't know, Slickbackkhair is a former coaching client of Andy's, has achieved a lot in his life and has a lot of value to impart. A person you should listen to and also push hard. Get behind this dude man.

MakingAComeback said:
Hand holding is consistently a sign a chick is DTF for me.

I'll say that it's the sign of a 90% pullable chick. Not necessarily a DTF one.

MakingAComeback said:
She went on a date with a guy who was such a cunt, he was the definition of a narcissist. He was tall and super good looking apparently, and just gave her 1 word answers on the date, wasn’t interested at all. And then he realised he ‘forgot his card’ so this chick paid. He was also swiping and messaging on Tinder infront of her. Such a vile bastard. She paid just to get out. She pays and dashes.

He follows her, and grabs her by the wrist, and says “we’re going back to mine”. She explains how she has had a terrible time and he has thoroughly insulted her. “I took you for food” he replies, “I took YOU for food, I paid” was her response. He then changes his tone and really squeezes her wrist and tells her “you are coming back to mine”. She told me she felt a feeling she has never felt before in her life and threatened to make a scene. He didn’t budge, so she ran. He ran after her yelling.

This was in North London, Camden Town. It was Friday night. A bouncer from a venue stepped in and asked her if she’s alright. She panicked and told her the story. The dude then appears. He is screaming etc. The chick hides behind the bouncer and he tries to defuse for ages. This guy was having none of it, and was shouting about how “his girl” was telling people all sorts and needs to come back to his. The guy is trying to grab stoner girl, and at that point, the bouncer puts him in a headlock. He tries to punch him while in a head lock and apparently the bouncer full on judo slams him on the concrete and immobilises him LOL.

Stoner girl then RUNS to the station.
She has had some horrific and clearly traumatising online dates. Dudes are fucking tragic out there. Her last few dates were ‘friend vibes’.

You know why the guy pressed as hard as he did? Because the girl showed up to the date. He thought because she showed up, he was in. These guys aren’t even getting regular dates man, and aren’t performing on the dates. Seems like the level of game is weak out there. Apparently he was a super good looking mixed race dude. Seemed to have a god complex. Very good looking men become entitled. And then get their chicks fucked by grinding dogs like me LOL….

Nowadays, when girls share stories like those, my B.S. detector goes off. I've heard lots of stories from girls I knew and even from my mom. They always present themselves as completely innocent victims that did nothing wrong. But the more you dig, the more gaps you find.

For example, she was in front of the dude and started running away. And she was so fast that she lost him for long enough to have a convo about what happened with the bouncer? So a girl with pounds to lose outrun a tall dude who, I guess, was of normal weight? Yeah, something's missing here.

Also, the bouncer tackled the mofo for her and instead of thanking him, she run away? If the story is true, that was lame of her.

I'm not saying the crappy date didn't happen or anything. I just suggest taking stories from people you don't know with a grain of Himalayan salt. Took me a decade to discover my dad wasn't a monster, nor was my mom a saint. All because I only listened to my mom's version of "the truth"

Good job on the lay brother, 3 more to go.
Great points from the Greek God.

A lot to think about homie.

Man, I got in from last night 2am. Fell asleep prolly 230. Up at 1130. Took a while to get into action.

Did my writeup, few household things done. OMAD and supps done.

And it's like 3pm. FUCK.

Text from FWB, she's coming over at 6pm.

So how can I cold approach, get back and do my life admin that needs to be done? Answer is, I can't.

I've gotta do the following life admin now:
-Amazon return
-ASOS return
-Turkey action plan: Get eVisa, sort out remaining cash, plan process etc

I will do this, squeeze in some online dating hustle, then tomorrow I'm doing the day trip with Nerd Girl.

I have not been able to do my copywriting stuff, or shoot my vlogs.

I did have to work to get that lay and that was great. That has pushed my life forward.

As ever, you will get 1 goal. If you ask for 2, you can hammer like fuck and get forward. But you will get 1 goal for the year.

More than that, you'll get nothing.

For me to become a success, I will need to get these 10 lays, and then really put it all on money making/biz. Day game can be done 1 day in the week, and then Sat & Sun. Online hustle can be done daily for 30 mins with progressively better pics and the hair transplant comes together and muscle gain happens. But FOCUS is everything here man.

If you focus on ONE THING, you'll get it. Focus on too much and it's a haze.

Gotta go hustle bros........will check in but most likely you won't see much true grinding until Monday. Monday I'll blast copywriting, gym, cold approach, and shoot these vlogs.

Fucked last night & will be fuckin again in 3 hrs. But does it matter? NO BULLDOG MINDSET ALWAYS




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