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OK, got in last night. Takes ages to get around London. Landed at 9:20pm. Wasn't back in my flat until 12:30 mightnight.

Got up at 630am. Sorted things out.

Now, time to work.



MON 22/08/2022

(1) Copywriting Study: 6hrs
(2) Game Study: 1hr
(3) Accountability: Euro Gang Call
Others: General mobility and movement work, life admin, cold thermogenesis, sperti light, some online hustle. Shoot vlog.

755 Read Daily Stoic
8 Tongue/Myofunctional therapy
815 Core
845 Breakfast / Supps (Take the cortisone med)
930 McKenzie Ext & 3 x 10
10 Zero
1045 Copywriting / Mewwing Chew (1hr)
1145 10m Walk
12 Copywriting – Wear Myobrace (2hr)
1 10m Walk
115 Copywriting - Wear Myobrace (3hr)
215 Lunch: Keto / Supps / Life Admin: Order tests & chase ins
315 Copywriting (Mewwing chewwing 4hr)
415 Copywriting - Wear Myobrace (5hr)
515 Copywriting - Wear Myobrace (6hr)
615 CT (20m) / Sperti Light (10m) / Online Dating: Swipe Tinder & Bumble, 500 profiles liked on Hinge
7 Euro Gang Call
830 Game: Study & Notes (1hr)
930 Vlog: Shoot another hair transplant vlog
10 Mewwing: Tongue Exercises / Visualise / Bed

I will be back on the structured approach. I will alos get up earlier tomorrow, just settling back.


(1) Copywriting Study: 6hrs (ALMOST – did 4hrs)
(2) Game Study: 1hr (Done)
(3) Accountability: Euro Gang Call (Done)
Others: General mobility and movement work, life admin, cold thermogenesis, sperti light, some online hustle. Shoot vlog. (Mostly done)


Copywriting study is fun. As per my learning plan which I outlined, I spent 2hrs combing through the cult of copy facebook groups. I then spent 1hr watching Colin Theriot’s videos on YouTube. I then spent a further 1hr reading the top posts on r/ Entrepreneur & r/ Copywriting. This is just priming the pump.

Lots of bodywork and mewwing. Life admin done, need to order lab tests tomorrow. I called outside clinic opening hours. Didn’t shoot the vlog, will do it tomorrow.

I’ll get on the copywriting mentorship course Lieutenant Lucid recommended tomorrow. I will blast through this, and I will then enroll on the AWAI beginner copywriter course, and blast through that. I will then read the 4 books which were recommended. Thereafter, I will have completed my initial run through and it will be time to push forward with client outreach via the strategies we’ve discussed.

Game Study – 1hr of Street Hustle. Notes taken. Reviewed before bed.

Solid day of focused effort. I like FOCUS. I like putting my whole focus into 1 thing and hammering that. It is WAY harder doing the Phoenix project, which involves a lot of complex and cognitively demanding activity, work, then gym, day game, online game, constantly fucking hustling. That project was, and will be, hell at times. It is what will lay the foundation for my future massive success. Going ALL IN with gaming girls, texting them, getting them out on dates, approaching them….doing this constantly, is very hard work. I will return to that grind in 2 weeks for the final blast of the project with view to getting 3 more lays to seal it off and complete it.

Great call w/ the Euro Gang Paw, Rene, E, K. No Heisenberg yesterday he was away.



TUE 23/08/2022

(1) Copywriting: 7hr Study
(2) Game: No time now because I got up at 730. Yep, that will fuck your structure up. Gotta try again tomorrow now.
(3) Content: Shoot Hair transplant vlog & Copywriting blast
Others: Life admin, book lab tests, some online dating, core, stretch, mewwing, posture work,


830 Myofunctional Therapy
9 Core
930 Breakfast: Keto & DHA / Supps / Aspirin
10 McKenzie Extension & 3 x 10 McKenzie Pushup
1030 ATG Zero Program
11 Copywriting (1hr) (Mewwing chewwing 1hr) / Wash Process
12 Life Admin: Call Clinit / Wash Process
1215 Copywriting (2hr) (Mewwing: wear myobrace 3hrs)
115 Copywriting (3hr)
215 Lunch: Keto & DHA / Supps / Online Dating
315 Copywriting (4hr)
345 Call w/ Radical
445 Dinner / Supps / Online Dating
545 Copywriting (5hr) (Mewwing wear myobrace 2hrs)
645 Copywriting (6hr)
745 CT / Light
815 Vlog: Hair Transplant Post op – Daily washes, Scabbing / The Copywriting Blast: Lucidity’s Guide
845 Copywriting (7hr)
945 Mewwing: Tongue Work
10 Core
1015 IN BED: Visualise your day & Dick Pull (Sleep with myobrace, moutth tape, ear plugs, blackout blinds)


As per call w/ Euro Gang, they were clear I need to take sleep more seriously. So I went to bed earlier and felt a lot better. I will do my best to get into bed earlier. Today I got up later for this reason but this messed the day up a little. Gotta hustle now.......

MakingAComeback said:
As per call w/ Euro Gang, they were clear I need to take sleep more seriously. So I went to bed earlier and felt a lot better. I will do my best to get into bed earlier.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
100hrs copywriting study in 2 weeks

Um, what about client outreach? @Paw pls proceed to digitally spank him.

He did raise this yesterday in the EG call, and I listened. I will also send proposals, I will also take the action you advised Crisis on improving my upwork, Paw's idea of video proposals was great, and I also have a good set of actions from Slickbackhair and my biz group.

I need this time to study some theory as I havent written copy for years and feel uncomfortable about it rn. I did it purely for fun, and I was good at it, legit good according to the fastlaneforum. This was years ago.

It'll come together. FOCUS. 1 thing at a time, and attack it. Tweak, course correct.

Same way I couldn't get a match, then did. Same way I couldnt get a date, then went on loads. Same way I couldn't pull, then did. Same way I couldn't get laid, then did.

Working hard, staying focused, attacking hard and staying at it for longer than anyone - 10-20, fucking 40 years.

It's how underdogs can succeed IMO

Radical said:
MakingAComeback said:
As per call w/ Euro Gang, they were clear I need to take sleep more seriously. So I went to bed earlier and felt a lot better. I will do my best to get into bed earlier.


Bro, I feel so much better today, Serious. I am like happy as hell.

I am deep in the mewwing world and I loved this video about proper sleep & brain function


Master Mike


Every 1 IQ point you lose through chronic sleep deprivation = a loss of 170k!

TUE 23/08/2022

(1) Copywriting: 7hr Study (DONE)
(2) Game: No time now because I got up at 730. Yep, that will fuck your structure up. Gotta try again tomorrow now.
(3) Content: Shoot Hair transplant vlog & Copywriting blast (DONE, see below for the copywriting video)
Others: Life admin, book lab tests, some online dating, core, stretch, mewwing, posture work (Done, ordered lab tests, did online dating, did core, stretching, mewwing).

Tried my best. Day was solid.

I am 4 days post surgery for the hair transplant, it is scabbed and looks grim, but I like to vlog and need to document my journey properly.

I will make videos documenting my copywriting journey like I did for The Phoenix Project. These videos are unlisted and will be released to those who will download my project PDF.

The biz journey is a longer term thing and will also be unlisted for a while....


Lieutenant Lucid

Bed time for me.........back tomorrow

WED 24/08/2022

(1) Copywriting: 8hrs
(2) Game: Read Street Hustle 1.5hrs (Take notes & review)
(3) Online Dating: Message leads / ping girls
Others: Life Admin – purchased a bunch of tests, also going to get a DUTCH Complete. Need to call precision labs to pay for shipping. Body work/Posture/Mewwing.


Another day another opportunity to work hard & get ahead. Learn more and become cognitively sharper.

Still not in ketosis. I will test again in 3 days. I want to get into, and maintain ketosis, for a few months. This is to increase brain ATP. IMO, for biz, the clearest thinking and most capable will win when they have work ethic & consistency. Keto is a great way to facilitate this.

6 Sunrise / Visualise Day / Keto Test (DONE)
605 Daily Stoic (DONE)
610 Tongue / Dick Pull (DONE)
630 Core (DONE)
7 BAB / Supps (DONE)
730 Forum Check In / Chat Check Ins
8 ATG Zero
845 McKenzie
915 Copy: Lucas Course
1015 Copy: Lucas Course
1115 Copy: Lucas Course
1215 Lunch / Supps / OLD
115 Copy: Lucas Course
215 Copy: AWAI Course
315 Copy: AWAI Course
415 Copy: AWAI Course
515 Dinner / Supps
615 Copy: AWAI Course
715 CT / Light / OLD
815 Game: Street Hustle - Notes
915 Game: Street Hustle – Review notes
945 Tongue
10 Core / Dick Pull & Vis in Bed
MakingAComeback said:
915 Copy: Lucas Course
1015 Copy: Lucas Course
1115 Copy: Lucas Course
1215 Lunch / Supps / OLD
115 Copy: Lucas Course
215 Copy: AWAI Course
315 Copy: AWAI Course
415 Copy: AWAI Course
515 Dinner / Supps
615 Copy: AWAI Course

Don't mix courses together because Lucas might say something that contradicts AWAI and vice versa. The best way to do course consumption is to go through *one* of them and apply the info as much as humanly possible. When you're done, move on to the next course and repeat.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
915 Copy: Lucas Course
1015 Copy: Lucas Course
1115 Copy: Lucas Course
1215 Lunch / Supps / OLD
115 Copy: Lucas Course
215 Copy: AWAI Course
315 Copy: AWAI Course
415 Copy: AWAI Course
515 Dinner / Supps
615 Copy: AWAI Course

Don't mix courses together because Lucas might say something that contradicts AWAI and vice versa. The best way to do course consumption is to go through *one* of them and apply the info as much as humanly possible. When you're done, move on to the next course and repeat.

Agreed. FWIW, I did AWAI before Lukas' course. AWAI explores the basics of sales copywriting much more in depth while Lukas focuses more on advanced concepts that might be hard to grasp if you're new to sales/marketing. Also Lukas' course spends some time on how to get clients while AWAI is purely craft

If you're relatively new to sales/marketing I'd start with AWAI first. If not then choose whichever you like
Took your advice and stuck with Lucas' course Crisis.

Lucid, yeah bro this course is way out of my depth as I'm a newb but I'm just following the guide to the letter. I have started so I'll finish it and once I'm done, which won't be long, I'll do the AWAI course.

Pinged Colin an email and he gave advise on how he'd start out now. Cool guy.


(1) Copywriting: 8hrs (DONE)
(2) Game: Read Street Hustle 1.5hrs (Take notes & review) (FAIL)
(3) Online Dating: Message leads / ping girls (DONE)
Others: Life Admin – purchased a bunch of tests, also going to get a DUTCH Complete. Need to call precision labs to pay for shipping. Body work/Posture/Mewwing. (DONE)


Worked hard and loved it. Really enjoy learning about marketing & copywriting, this field is fricken fascinating. Doesn't feel like work just feels like an excited kid in a library.

Your boy loves to sit down and move the needle of his life. This was a great day. Back tomorrow & gotta work hard.


6 Sunrise & Visualise Day
605 Daily Stoic
610 Myofunctional Therapy / Dick Pull
630 Core
7 BAB / Supps
730 ATG Zero
815 Posture Work: McKenzie Ext / Pressup 3 x 10 / Neck Ext 3 x 10
845 Sun break, grounding & text girls
9 Copy / Mewwing: Chew / Apply bio-oil
10 Copy / Mewwing: Wear myobrace
11 Copy / Myobrace
12 Lunch / Supps / Buy train tix for SW rail
1 Copy / Myobrace
2 Leave → Go to orthodontist app. Get ALF adjustment for this month. Read street hustle on transport.
315 Ortho app: Adjust ALF
345 Ortho: See my myofunctional therapist
415 Leave → Read street hustle on transport.
530 Dinner / Supps
630 Life Admin: Home ins / Sexual health test
730 CT (20) / Sperti (10)
8 Game: Street Hustle
9 Tongue / Core / Dick Pull
930 Vis & Bed

Obv not as much work due to the ortho. Will hustle Fri, Sat and Sunday but Sunday my friend Carl is hanging out with me. Will get a bit of downtime.

War resumes Monday, I will blast thru Lucas' course, the AWAI course, read Breakthrough Advertising, and practice.

Then I'll get small jobs, practice a tonne, and go from there.

MakingAComeback said:

(1) Copywriting: 8hrs (DONE)
(2) Game: Read Street Hustle 1.5hrs (Take notes & review) (FAIL)
(3) Online Dating: Message leads / ping girls (DONE)
Others: Life Admin – purchased a bunch of tests, also going to get a DUTCH Complete. Need to call precision labs to pay for shipping. Body work/Posture/Mewwing. (DONE)

Just curious are you working or just doing copywritting full time? How long are you planning on learning copywritting?
Jacobpalmer123 said:
MakingAComeback said:

(1) Copywriting: 8hrs (DONE)
(2) Game: Read Street Hustle 1.5hrs (Take notes & review) (FAIL)
(3) Online Dating: Message leads / ping girls (DONE)
Others: Life Admin – purchased a bunch of tests, also going to get a DUTCH Complete. Need to call precision labs to pay for shipping. Body work/Posture/Mewwing. (DONE)

Just curious are you working or just doing copywritting full time? How long are you planning on learning copywritting?

Whatsup Mr Palmer. I had hair transplant surgery on Friday 19th, so am fully out of commission for 2 weeks. My head itself hurts, and there is an hour by hour procedure within the first 10 days to take care of the scalp.

I stopped working as a Project Manager 2 weeks ago after many years. It was a good gig, but I turned down a promotion earlier in the year, and refued an extension of the contract. If I stay, I will remain where I am financially and never really start the journey towards real money. Money is critically important for success IMO, it's money-women-clout/brand. Without this, a man can never be truly his greatest self in this culture and timeline in the world.

I'll be moving forward with it, this is a 2 week blast of learning. Thereafter, client outreach, the standard noob growing pains, and the agonies and ecstasies of doing anything from scratch.

I'll resume The Phoenix Project from 2 weeks time and push for those 3 final lays. Thereafter, I will intensify my money making efforts and proceed with success with women as a normal part of my life now, and for the next 5 years.


(2) GAME: 2HRS
(3) LIFE ADMIN: Orthodontist / Home Ins / Sexual Health Test
Others: Core, Stretch, Posture Work, Mewwing, CT, Sperti, Bed

6 Sunrise & Visualise Day (DONE)
605 Daily Stoic (DONE)
610 Myofunctional Therapy / Dick Pull
630 Core
7 BAB / Supps
730 ATG Zero
815 Posture Work: McKenzie Ext / Pressup 3 x 10 / Neck Ext 3 x 10
845 Sun break, grounding & text girls
9 Copy / Mewwing: Chew / Apply bio-oil
10 Copy / Mewwing: Wear myobrace
11 Copy / Myobrace
12 Lunch / Supps / Buy train tix for SW rail
1 Copy / Myobrace
2 Leave → Go to orthodontist app. Get ALF adjustment for this month. Read street hustle on transport.
315 Ortho app: Adjust ALF
345 Ortho: See my myofunctional therapist
415 Leave → Read street hustle on transport.
530 Dinner / Supps
630 Life Admin: Home ins / Sexual health test
730 CT (20) / Sperti (10)
8 Game
9 Tongue / Core / Dick Pull
930 Vis & Bed


I have been getting more than 5-6hrs sleep and GOD DAMN do I feel good.

MakingAComeback said:
Pinged Colin an email and he gave advise on how he'd start out now. Cool guy.

Care to share the advice publicly or privately? Curious to know his opinion. Colin is an interesting case because he's definitely not an A-list copywriter but he really knows how to sell himself.
Crisis whatsapp'd you bruv



(2) GAME: 1HR
(3) LIFE ADMIN: Home Ins / Sexual Health Test
Others: Core, Stretch, Posture Work, Mewwing, CT, Sperti, Bed

603 Sunrise & Vis (DONE)
950 Daily Stoic
955 Tongue
1015 Core
1030 BAB / Supps
11 Zero
1145 McKenzie Work & Dick Pull
1215 Prep for call w/ Ralph
1 Call w/ R
130 Lunch / Supps / Online Dating
230 Copy / Mewwing: Chew (1)
330 Copy / Myobrace / Wash process (2)
430 Copy / Myobrace / Wash process (3)
530 Dinner / Supps
630 Life Admin: Life Admin: Home ins / Sexual health test
730 Copy / Myobrace (4)
830 CT / Light
915 Game
1015 Myofunctional Therapy / Core / Bed & Vis


The sleep position post hair transplant is god awful. You have to prop yourself up with 2 pillows and wear an airline pillow so you’re 45 degrees. It’s rough, I woke up 2 times last night. Crazy uncomfortable. I saw the sunrise at 6:03 but was DEAD from shit sleep. Went back to bed instead of starting my day. I started my dat at 9am. This loses many precious hours and I hate this.

My day will be a shadow of what it could have been. But that’s life. No distractions, no bullshit, just pure focus now. I’ll be on day 6 today, so only 4 more nights like this and I can sleep normally.

Hair transplants bring many challenges and they’re a lot of work the month after. After that it’s a slow burn until 12 months where you’re rocking it.

OK bros, time to hustle. You must pay the price. Discomfort and focus.. The cost of redemption.

Yesterday: great biz call, got a recommendation thru a friend for a bit o biz operations work (role as a chief operating officer for a few months) to tide me over and bring some cash in while I figure out copywriting. We'll see. Meeting him in person on Mon to chat.

Otherwise, day was weak. I was distracted and lacked focus. it was ass.

Today will work harder. I also may have a chick coming straight to the crib, from tinder. But of a chubber in some of her pics, one looks OK tho. We'll see.

- Sunrise & Visualise Day
- Daily Stoic
- Myofuntional Therapy
- Core
- BAB / Supps
- Life Admin: Home ins / Sexual health test / Amazon collection
- Zero
- McKenzie & Dick Pull
- YT Growth Process: Download 35 WellnessTips
- YT Growth: Download 35 WellnessTips
- Copyriting / Mewwing: Chew
- Lunch / Supps
- Copyriting / Mewwing: Myobrace
- YT Growth: Title 35 Wellness tips
- YT Growth: Title 35 Wellness tips
- Information Product: Run Through & Review / Mewwing: Myobrace
- Dinner / Online Dating
- Information Product: Run Through & Review / Myobrace
- CT / Light
- Call (830pm)
- Bed
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