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(1) DATING: CA 3hr (10 Approaches) / Online Hustle Process
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) CONTENT: Download process / Send to V
Others: CT, See FWB

Notes: Another week. I turn 31 this week. Look at all I have accomplished this year. Getting my body and mind right. 0 to 6 lays. Bunch of dates. Started street interviewing. Made movements with content. It was my red shirt year and it was madness, my brain went through a lot of change, I am now a different animal. I will keep hustling. I will be the man. Big g status will come. Work like no one else man. That is what will seperate you. Keep going. I have done well. Keep fuckin going.
Wanted to check in but was getting laid by my FWB. Fucked her silly for about 1hr last night, 2 round but sex went on forever. Was really piping her. Fun. Check in from yesterday:


(1) DATING: CA 3hr (10 Approaches) / Online Hustle Process (FAIL - 3 approaches done, weak shit / Old proess done tho)
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) CONTENT: Download process / Send to V (Did the downloads, still gotta title, then will send to big G)
Others: CT, See FWB (DONE)

Hustled like a mad cunt yesterday

Up, sunshine on my body, bit of earthing. Coffee. Breakfast.


Work report for 2hrs.

Content strategy: blasted for 2hrs while listening to this:


UK hustle music those who know will know

Sorted out payment for the videography work I did for the trap metal band, paid me this morning, £70. First transaction of Funnel Gang. Awakening the hustler within.

GYM! Blasted it great sesion.


Cold thermogenesis 20mins.

COLD APPROACH! Went out, focused on enjoying it and being positive/chill AF. Just having a super chill energy a fair no of women were looking at me I was like what lol.

1 - stopped, she was in a rush
2 - stopped, she was going somewhere
3 - stopped, had a bf

But all interactions were pretty good man.

Think we're onto something.

Shoutout TimmyTurner he is putting in work rn, worked all day, went out on the front lines after work, and then got a workout in. That is the mentality. Repeat this over and over and the Universe rewards your hustle.

We're dogs out here and we are gonna go get it

Come back from approach because my FWB is heading over. Quick trip to the shops to buy supplies for the house.


She heads over. Dick gets hard pretty quick. We hang out.

Smash for hours until 2am.

She wakes me up to cuddle at 6am. I am on 3hrs sleep and cant even speak.

Dick gets hard again. Pound her. She's out the door at 845 and off to work.

I am feeling GOD AWFUL for about 2hrs so tired.

Get some breakfast in me (Salmon and eggs, excellent source of DHA) and bang a coffee. Feel OK now.

This chick is crazy into me, she likes me so much, shes there telling me how attractive she finds me, it's adorable. She wants to fuck like crazy man. It is unreal. Next level. Her pussy is dripping wet non stop it seems.

I'm way better at sex thanks to her. Grateful.

Sending off my STD test so I can go raw on her. She's fully clean, and has only been with me since her last relationship 3 yrs ago.

I always use condoms and am fully clean.

So it's no condom time for the first time in my life next time, she said its my birthday present LOL. Well it is BULLDOG SEASON is it not?????????



Elite life takes elite effort and willpower.

Every day of my life is a struggle and is hard, drains me, hurts in many ways.

For the price I have paid, I ask only for success in my personal endeavours.

The rest I leave in the hands of the higher power that guides me.

TUE 12/07/2022

DATING: CA 3hr / Old Process
BODY: Core / Stretch
CONTENT: Content strategy, send to V
Others: CT, Light, Earthing, Send footage to band.

Notes: Last day of 30. We did good man. Going back home tonight. Next year, 31, we go hard as fuck. Work ethoc + Consistency = Results. We keep working.

I did.

I used the strongest DHT reducer known to man, dutasteride.

And then at month 10 my dick stopped working. Had full blown post-fin syndrome.

One of the few people out there who had post-fin syndrome and fuckin recovered.

Miracle man out here refusing to throw in that damn towel ;-)

Getting HT in August. Plenty of dudes in groups I'm in get the procedure donw and it looks great, they maintain with no meds. I know a few dudes like that.

Either way, it'll last until I'm 35-36. When my first kid is born I am not gonna give a fuck about any of this anymore my family is living the good life.

Want to make my stance on hair loss clear: I think DHT reducers can work if you've got good androgen levels going in. I still use topical DHT reducers, mild things like rosemary oil, etc. I put it on my scalp before bed. I dermapen once a week and use nizarol shampoo 3x a week. I did head massages for 3 years. Did a lot. At best it slowed it down. The final thing I will do is a HT then I'll maintain using the dermapen, the right blend of natural topicals, and things like caffiene shampoo.

Otherwise IDGAF anymore

Cant lie my experience of the big 3 was also a slow down at best

They arent miracle products, they have well examined benefits and will work very well for hyper responders it seems. But if you try them too late and you arent a hyper responder then they arent necessarily worth the cost and sides
One thing to keep in mind is that if the hairtransplant fails or you bald too much on the top or crown so it doesnt look good and you end having to shave everything, you will have scarring where the transplant was done.

Thats what happened to me, it looks pretty terrible so my only option is a hairsystem.
Thanks for the posts bros.

Damn CA is hard when you're on 3hrs sleep I was fucked out there.

Missed endless and really was in my head, felt like such a flop and a pussy I tried hard but no matter what I could not make myself approach. Just did 1 and that was all I had.

1 - "Thanks....Sorry im on the phone"

Back tomorrow, which is my birthday, and Im going home. I will still approach.

I will stay at this daily now man.

I will persist until it is cracked and I am paying for in person day game coaching.

TUE 12/07/2022

DATING: CA 3hr / Old Process (DONE - only 1 approach had mega AA from 3hr sleep last night)
BODY: Core / Stretch (DONE)
CONTENT: Content strategy, send to V (DONE)
Others: CT, Light, Earthing, Send footage to band. (DONE)

Last day of 30 was completed well. Worked my dick off on 3hrs sleep. I was so tired man I was hurting real real bad. I felt like I was made out of lead. SO heavy.

But I pushed and did my work.

Grinding. Hard. Going into 31 a better man. I worked until 23:50 man. All the way up to by birthday.

If someone is up there, give me a break next year. Whatever I have to sacrifice I will. You know I deserve it. You know this.

It was a good year. Big man year!!!!!!!!!

I have accomplished a lot.

It is greatness for me. Nothing else.

I will get ripped, lean AF. I will looksmaxx. I will get better pics. I will get better game. I will get day game down. I will get nightgame down.

I will succeed.

Happy birthday!

Keep up the grinding (both figuratively and literally :D)



I changed myself in ways I couldn't ever have imagined

All it did was make me hungry AF because I know what it possible now

When you knuckle down and do the shit no one wants to do

And remember I am willing to grind myself into a fuckin FINE POWDER for a shot at greatness

For money in the bank, for my dream girl, for a few mini MACs

I will break the cycle, and I will succeed.

You aint seen shit yet. Off to Budapest next week to hang with Paw Rene Heisenberg and our bro from coaching. We will assemble together and find ways to scale our mission and dreams higher and higher, strength in numbers and we are a unit, moving together to greatness

Right now, I am back hustling.

Back to LDN shortly, got some tasks to sort out. Then partying tomorrow for my bday with my bros, Funnel Gang (well sans Rene he needs to hurry his ass up and arrive in LDN lol).

Sat I think I am gonna be on deaths door LOL

Sunday, I will have recovered, and thank for for that too because we have a photoshoot scheduled! ;-)

The Bastard and Radical are currently hanging out at my place, one of my friends got a style consult with Radical, and now Im off to bed after a great day.

Fasted today.

And went 1/6 on cold approach. Pretty Indian chick exchanged she was nice AF.

Did it at a mall while Radical did style work with my friend Carl.

Bed time.....

Bday night was beyond messy and I was fucked up in every way a human being can be

But I felt great to be alive and I am really grateful I am on my mission

Bday week was sick. Was great partying with Radical, Timmy, and our boy Carl.

Got a few of the guys together for a meal and then we got obliterated and went to a rave until 5am. Me and Timmy got back in at 6am.

Today off for a photoshoot.

A lot of work to do.

I am sometimes really bummed about my progress with women. It is painfully slow on the online dating apps, the quality I get is total bullshit and I just can't find a way to connect with women I find attractive.

Just need to keep my head. BW is 207 this morning. At 200lbs I look OK. At 185lbs I will have lean maxxed. Better for me to just get shredded as opposed to worrying about where I am right now.

You definitely can feel some type of way over this stuff. It does not serve you to think like this. There is too much work to do there isn't any time for worrying about the future.

My birthday was good, the week was solid, I got 1 CA number, I am off to see the boys in Budapest on Tues, I will keep cutting, and in general I am feeling good and positive.

I must be honest, I have a lot of fear, the last few months have been so slow for me but not everyone is having this experience. Many guys are getting dates and lays and having a good time with women. While I am grinding my face off for.......not much at all, and certainly not what I wanted when I got into this.

This is the red shirt year. Next year, it may be better.

Bittersweet journey this. It is often like staring into the abyss.......

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