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LAY #6

OK bros, the drought is broken!

This was an important one as I have been pushing like hell for 2 god damn months with nothing.

Then boom. We're winning again.

Last lay with a new chick was April. Last night smashed a new chick from Bumble.

Her profile says she's looking for a relationship, she's 29. Nice gal, great comms, seems receptive as fuck. Looks wise, about average or slightly below. But nice person and I am down to meet.

We talk, and then have a date lined up with her last week. She texts me morning of saying she's not well, can we reschedule. We move to yesterday (mon),

She arrives early, and is drinking a wine. She chat, she's nice, very fun, talkative as hell.

She checks me out in unusual ways compared to other girls, she's looking at my chest, and also like up and down, including my legs.

We keep chatting. She orders another drink.

She asks if I smoke, I say no, but sometimes I will socially. She says let's smoke and she gives me one.

This was a great sign, as the last date I went on, when I mentioned this, the girl didn't give me one lol. So I knew, ok this is a good sign.

She finishes her drink, and then I say let's grab the next one at mine. She says sure.

I then say I've gotta pee. She says sure, I'll get the bill.

Damn girl you're really gonna pay for our drinks? Sweetheart.

I went to the bathroom and popped a cialis. Reason being, looks wise she wasn't necessarily attractive to me, and I didn't want to risk ED. I HAVE TO GET THESE 10 LAYS.

We go to mine, talk in the main room, drink on the balcony, and then head to my room.

Listen to music. We haven't kissed at this stage. But she is totally cool with touch, and she is also like snuggled up next to me on the sofa, etc.

Listen to music, talk, chill for ages. About 1030 we start making out (date started at 8pm) and then start kissing her neck. Shes horny. ITS TIME

Clothes come off. Smash.

And go to bed.

She snored so I didn't get much sleep at all LOL.

Wake up at 6am. She also gets up. Smash again.

She leaves at 7am.

Now drinking a coffee, feeling a bit tired obv. Will chill, do my work, and regain some energy.


As it had been so long I had to bang a new girl man.

Next one, I hope, will be more attractive.

#2 was so dreamy I just wanna pound another chick like this. Legit beautiful women are so powerful the experience is unforgettable. It is quite sad to admit but I am doing what many women do here - they have a ONS with an attractive person, then this raises their subconscious standards so much they just want to lock down someone of that calibre.

Difference is, I am doing the work.

Anyway, let's not get ahead of ourselves.

We're beyond the halfway mark now. At the start of this year, I had never fucked a girl.

I've now fucked 6, went 90% of the way with another, had a few booty call missed attempts, and come hell or high water, I'm getting 4 more to achieve my goal.

We then sit down and think of the next goal. Biz wise, it' gotta be 5k a month. Women wise, QUALITY. It will be quality man. After these 10, what's the point of more 5s? Gotta up it to the 6s minimum. With a goal for maybe a few 7s. #2 was a 7. If I can bang a few of these I'll die a happy man lol. Next year Funnel gang is getting this fucking money and I am a pissed off mother fucker when I have a goal infront of me trust me, trust me, trust me, that goal is getting FUCKING DESTROYED.

How will I get quality in the future? By being one of the best guys out there. Will do the work in the gym, HT in August, will keep grinding like a man possessed.

Is it shallow I am thinking of quality now? Nah, it aint.

I'm in the gym 5 x a week and have been for a long time now. I work every day to be a better man. I am grinding my face off. The world will not go around rewarding undeserving people. Why would it?




Still so thankful for pancakemouse , Rags2Bitches , Andy and Radical for teaching me how to operate on the dates themselves. I also want to thank countingsheep7878 again because he taught me how to seed the pull and this helped me so much.

Without them I would be fucking losing my literal mind trying to figure this shit out.

This game is hard man, make no bones about it. This dry patch was fine for 8 weeks, then it began to affect me psychologically and I learned the way this game works.

For the underdogs in this game, you just gotta persist like a fricken legend, way, way, way beyond what is reasonable. You gottta persist and stay in the fight until the bitter end. In fallow times, it can test your resolve. But you must always have heart. If your heart is bigger than the obstacle that is infront of you. Geuss what? It will get destroyed.

Anyone, anywhere, can achieve an elite life if they put in elite level work and also get help. It does take work man and a lot of it. Until one's looks are high level, which btw is not possible for everyone, this game involves extreme grinding. Doing repetitive tasks for many hours a day which 99.999% of the time lead to nothing.

The only way an underdog can win is if they have a truly indestructible will and determination.

I get a lot of help and need it too. But I am grateful nowadays I can help and push others.

Which truly gives me joy and when guys who have figured out a way to be successful and come here and share with others, it hits me deep man, something special is happening when we do that man.

I remember when I joined here and was an incel and so fucking sad. So sad, I was like a wounded animal that had been destroyed in battle. It pains me to think of those years it truly does. If other people had not helped me, I do not know what would have happened to me.

Which is why I am here now writing this to you, because if I can be on my way to elite, truly elite, which will be a 5 year journey man and will take me until 35 to be a millionaire and married to my dream gal and popping out some mini Ravi's who will take my savage drive and determination and reach higher heights than I could imagine....guess what? So can ANYONE ON PLANET EARTH

Final point:

These 10 lays are happening for sure. For sure. I am focused and relentless and do not fucking stop,

I am proud of myself because I set the goal, came here in Jan to start The Phoenix Project and haven't deviated from the course or bullshit myself and changed directions.


And it is that consistency and old school work ethic that cuts to the bone that brings me progress in life

I am not talented, I am not the most capable, I am neither the smartest or the most skilled. I, like many, fall somewhere in-between.

But what separates me is just WORK ETHIC and CONSISTENCY.

I will sit down, focus on the task at hand, and give every ounce of effort in my body and brain to that task for days, weeks, months, fucking years if needs be,

In the game of life, it is about HEART.

"Life is the ultimate competitor. It is relentless. It will continue to attack you when you least expect it. We must learn to adapt and overcame any and all obstacles that are put infront of us"

"...when you see Apollo Creed in round 14, turn around like I fucking got him, you see when he turns around and sees rocky, he knows, I was fucking this dude up, he kept coming after me, and I finally knocked him down....When he turns around and looks at Rocky and watches him get up, Apollo puts his head down...it's not so much Rocky getting up, that's big for me. Apollo Creed's face became every mother fucker that verbally and non-verbally, looked at me like you poor thing.....I got all of them in my head in a mental rolladex and I spin that son of a bitch every day. And I know right now, whether you hate me, love me, I'm a dick I'm a that, whatever you wanna think - I MADE IT. And I know a lot of motherfuckers are looking like Apollo Creed did, because I kept getting the fuck up. All I wanted in my life, I don't care about money, I don't care about fame, all my followers could go away tomorrow. I wanted all those people who doubted me to look like Apollo Creed did in that 14th round because I got up repeatedly"
-David Goggins, The King of No Excuses

That is the game of success man. We let go and surrender to the process.

Work in progress and grateful for my peers, mentors and coaches (Andy/Radical), and trusted advisors every day.

Nothing will stop me from becoming elite. I will get to elite or die trying.

And I will fail over and over again.

I will have self doubt over and over again.

I will question whether it is possible, whether I have what it takes, whether I am trying to do something truly insane in out working god's plan and trying to take a guy from the god damn sewer and raise him up somehow to be a champion

....and one thing I can promise you is this


MakingAComeback said:
LAY #6

I went to the bathroom and popped a cialis. Reason being, looks wise she wasn't necessarily attractive to me, and I didn't want to risk ED. I HAVE TO GET THESE 10 LAYS.

Do you? Even if it means compromising your standards with a girl that doesn't pass the boner test? Would have fucked her if you had just fucked #2 a week earlier? I feel like you're missing the forest for the trees here mate.
Next one, I hope, will be more attractive.

It sounds as if you just went through the motions and didn't enjoy it. Would you say that's true? If so, why?

Women wise, QUALITY. It will be quality man. After these 10, what's the point of more 5s? Gotta up it to the 6s minimum.
This is what I meant earlier. This is an honest question: would you rather fuck 4 more girls that are barely passable and make your goal, despite not enjoying it, or would you be happy with 2 more girls this year that you will remember fondly for the wonderful time you spent together?

This is not to say that you won't find more than 2 wonderful girls to have fun with before years end. Do you believe that is possible?

This reminds me of earlier this year when you were going on dates with pink haired hamplanets, who were openly hostile towards you, because you felt that you HAD to. Operating out of a mind of fear rather than love.

You ARE worthy of kind and beautiful women Rav, even if you don't yet believe it...

I will question whether it is possible, whether I have what it takes, whether I am trying to do something truly insane in out working god's plan and trying to take a guy from the god damn sewer and raise him up somehow to be a champion
... even if you talk about yourself as a piece of shit and don't believe you're worthy of love unless you climb mountain X, Y and Z first. You're a diamond Rav, with a heart of gold. You're a bloody hero. Achieving an elite body, social freedom and millions in the bank is all well and good but it won't change who you are fundamentally are or how you feel about yourself.

I just worry the price may be your happiness. Consider what is valuable to you.
I want to see you smiling mate. Preferably after a date with a girl that makes you feel that life is a beautiful gift. You deserve that as the person you are right now, I hope you can see that.
Struggling to discern why you let her stay over given you werent that attracted to her

Ask them to leave mate. Prioritise your sleep over like 3am 2nd rounds and morning sex
Thanks for he posts TigOlBitties and Radical I appreciate it and will post replies in full! Jeff that is a sterling post mate thanks a million and like I said I'll reply in a mo

WED 29/06/2022

(1) Dating: Online Hustle 2hrs
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: NA
Others: Work – finish project report for project #1. Go home for brothers birthday. Life admin tasks -a lot!

Notes: Must get head down and complete report today. Will get work done on my body, and do work on the dating apps. I will now be home with my family until Monday (4th). I have a lot of life admin tasks to do also.
Body progress pic will come Friday.

Gotta get these 2 final reports submitted man, then I can enjoy my annual leave, go hard on the project and see the boys in Budapest.

Lot of work to be done this week. I will complete both these reports this week, then Tuesday of next week I will be on annual leave praise the lord!!!!!!! I will approach 5hrs a day, go hard as fuck, nights out, content like a mad man.

From next week serious hustle is coming you watch.

Gotta get some shit done rn, I'll reply when I'm on the train to go home.

Agreed with Jeff. You shouldn't fuck girls you're not into just for the sake of it.

I know GLL suggests to "lower your standards" as a newbie, but I think he's talking about girls you have some attraction to but aren't crazy about.
TigOlBitties said:
MakingAComeback said:
LAY #6

I went to the bathroom and popped a cialis. Reason being, looks wise she wasn't necessarily attractive to me, and I didn't want to risk ED. I HAVE TO GET THESE 10 LAYS.

Do you? Even if it means compromising your standards with a girl that doesn't pass the boner test? Would have fucked her if you had just fucked #2 a week earlier? I feel like you're missing the forest for the trees here mate.
Next one, I hope, will be more attractive.

It sounds as if you just went through the motions and didn't enjoy it. Would you say that's true? If so, why?

Women wise, QUALITY. It will be quality man. After these 10, what's the point of more 5s? Gotta up it to the 6s minimum.
This is what I meant earlier. This is an honest question: would you rather fuck 4 more girls that are barely passable and make your goal, despite not enjoying it, or would you be happy with 2 more girls this year that you will remember fondly for the wonderful time you spent together?

This is not to say that you won't find more than 2 wonderful girls to have fun with before years end. Do you believe that is possible?

This reminds me of earlier this year when you were going on dates with pink haired hamplanets, who were openly hostile towards you, because you felt that you HAD to. Operating out of a mind of fear rather than love.

You ARE worthy of kind and beautiful women Rav, even if you don't yet believe it...

I will question whether it is possible, whether I have what it takes, whether I am trying to do something truly insane in out working god's plan and trying to take a guy from the god damn sewer and raise him up somehow to be a champion
... even if you talk about yourself as a piece of shit and don't believe you're worthy of love unless you climb mountain X, Y and Z first. You're a diamond Rav, with a heart of gold. You're a bloody hero. Achieving an elite body, social freedom and millions in the bank is all well and good but it won't change who you are fundamentally are or how you feel about yourself.

I just worry the price may be your happiness. Consider what is valuable to you.
I want to see you smiling mate. Preferably after a date with a girl that makes you feel that life is a beautiful gift. You deserve that as the person you are right now, I hope you can see that.

I do appreciate it mate, but I can explain the situation in one simple sentence:

If I could sleep with women I am attracted to, I would. ;)

The thing about this project is to prove to myself that if I set my mind to it, if I really want it bad enough, I can get laid. Had never been able to crack it before and get any intimacy at all so quite pleased with how its going.

It is not about getting laid with women I am attracted to.


Because that is not something that is so unrealistic it is absolute fantasy. This would put a lot of unnecessary pressure on me, I am working very hard to get the odd chick whose passable, I can't get attractive women dude lol I am not there. I don't know if I'll ever be. But I do know if I go hard as fuck on the numbers game I have a shot and have gotten lucky here and there.

For context, understand that I am doing boosts 6 days a week on Tinder and Bumble. I may get 2 matches, I may get none. The quality of these people is, in a word, grim. That’s how it goes. I don’t match with most of them as they’re just shocking. Understand that I am liking 600-700 profiles a day on hinge, and on a good day may get a handful of matches, or I may get none. That is how it goes.

Cold approaching is a shit show but I am working on it. Night game, I have not gotten past hi since I moved here. I don't bother going out anymore, it's just endless rejections, if I go out I just hang with my friends and enjoy it.

I have chosen to see the positive and be happy about the fact that I can still get something. It aint sunshine and rainbows this game. It will tell you the uncomfortable truth about how the opposite sex see you lol.

The plight of the low SMV male is one I could go on about but chose not to, it isn't worth it, and life is too short.

When there simply isn’t the pool to draw from, the choice is, well this person is passable. That will have to do.

I would say I am attracted to women who’re about a 6. No fat, reasonable face. That’s all. Of my 6 lays, I was genuinely attracted to 1. #2

2 were OK (the crazy vegan chick was OK, nerd girl is OK).

The rest were just passable.

That is enough for me and I choose to be happy with it. I choose not to put pressure on myself and wish I was someone I am not. I accept who I am with all my flaws, bad looks and whatever else.

Passable is enough for this project man. There will be going through the motions, there will be a lack of excitement. This should be obvious and I have no ability to change this without many years of work.

To change this, I will have to train my ass off in the gym for 2-5 years, get cosmetic surgery, and build a brand. Oh well.

I avoid this conversation with other guys, because they're often way higher in SMV than me and it is legit pointless arguing with people who will never even begin to understand this experience. Waste of my time.

I am going to enjoy it either way I have only a small amount of time on earth and I will just choose to enjoy it. Biggest thing I am working on is just learning to love it. Life is finite. We must find a way to be happy.

Why about it, why complain? I will play the hand I’m dealt and just find a way to be happy anyway.

Goals are too sacred to go about it any other way.

Hope this clears it up and thanks for your kind post Jeff it made me smile.

After 128 of full pages, I dont think you are progressing at the speed that you should or you are doing something terribly wrong. Come meet me in Spain in real life, you will get laid with a hot girl the same night. I met a dude last 2 weeks ago, he lost his virginity because of me, after 6 hours in field. 5 days ago we brought 2 girls home and one sucked his dick. 4 days ago approached a Eurovision singer from Sweden with her mom and fucked her within 10 minutes. 2 days ago we brought 2 girls home and my friends had a first threesome for the first time in their life. Yesterday i brought 2 girls home and fucked one of them.

And you know what ? You are better looking than these guys. Go check your testosterone levels I already told you.
I see your perspective, but you should aim higher. You’re definitely capable of it and if you choose to “settle” you’d be doing yourself a disservice.
Mafia said:
After 128 of full pages, I dont think you are progressing at the speed that you should or you are doing something terribly wrong. Come meet me in Spain in real life, you will get laid with a hot girl the same night. I met a dude last 2 weeks ago, he lost his virginity because of me, after 6 hours in field. 5 days ago we brought 2 girls home and one sucked his dick. 4 days ago approached a Eurovision singer from Sweden with her mom and fucked her within 10 minutes. 2 days ago we brought 2 girls home and my friends had a first threesome for the first time in their life. Yesterday i brought 2 girls home and fucked one of them.

And you know what ? You are better looking than these guys. Go check your testosterone levels I already told you.

Hey bro I will PM you, I have a lot of messages it is sometimes hard to catch up. Was my brothers birthday yesterday and today it's my cousins wedding pre party so life is just flying.

Will read your message and reply thanks

Mafia said:
After 128 of full pages, I dont think you are progressing at the speed that you should or you are doing something terribly wrong. Come meet me in Spain in real life, you will get laid with a hot girl the same night. I met a dude last 2 weeks ago, he lost his virginity because of me, after 6 hours in field. 5 days ago we brought 2 girls home and one sucked his dick. 4 days ago approached a Eurovision singer from Sweden with her mom and fucked her within 10 minutes. 2 days ago we brought 2 girls home and my friends had a first threesome for the first time in their life. Yesterday i brought 2 girls home and fucked one of them.

And you know what ? You are better looking than these guys. Go check your testosterone levels I already told you.
I know who to contact if I ever come to Spain, lol.
Mafia said:
After 128 of full pages, I dont think you are progressing at the speed that you should or you are doing something terribly wrong. Come meet me in Spain in real life, you will get laid with a hot girl the same night. I met a dude last 2 weeks ago, he lost his virginity because of me, after 6 hours in field. 5 days ago we brought 2 girls home and one sucked his dick. 4 days ago approached a Eurovision singer from Sweden with her mom and fucked her within 10 minutes. 2 days ago we brought 2 girls home and my friends had a first threesome for the first time in their life. Yesterday i brought 2 girls home and fucked one of them.

And you know what ? You are better looking than these guys. Go check your testosterone levels I already told you.

Yo Mafia,

I'm not interested in paid day game coaching services abroad but thank you and I wish you all the best in your endeavours.


Side post / commentary:

There are endless day game coaches in London, so many of whom claim to be 'elite', 'epic slayers' and can all get results instantly and have you banging stunners with just a few tweaks. This has been seen so many times, so so many times, and I have been through this grinder to an extent to which which many will never fathom in your life.

Maybe it works for some. Thats good for them. I am happy for them.

It did not work for me! What did?


Look through the 100+ pages you see here of bone crushing self improvement.

That, after 12 god damn years of this, was what I found to actually work.

I had many coaches before this forum. Took 3 RSD bootcamps. Did work with plenty of other guys. And until I joined this forum, and started working with Andy and Radical, I was a god damn virgin being treated like literal filth by women.

You gotta work hard in this game man. I am back in maintenance kcal mode and bodyfat is higher than it should be. Will get back to cutting in August. I am hammering in the gym, cold approach, and online dating. I am making the tweaks, getting coaching, and will record day game audios. I will keep moving forward.

All this takes TIME, PATIENCE and because dudes read my log (this has 160k views bros), let me tell you that how you get ahead in life is working your ass off with the right help, the right mentality, and living the self improvement life.

In truth, after you've done this for a while, you will connect with people who can help if you're an extreme action taker. It happened for me and I would like to take this post to publically acknowledge the work pancakemouse and Rags2Bitches did for me (and many others).

I am making progress and have access to highly advanced guys, as well as guys who are getting success and will continue to go towards elite. Pancakemouse and Rags2Bitches are proven time and time again, and have proven track records of turning hopeless mother fuckers around and getting them laid. Not instantly or without any effort, but through a level of work, effort and commitment to change that will engender progressively better outcomes and progress in the males development over time.

It is true that I have weak areas and things I need to improve. We are working on this together. This process IS WORKING and I am getting laid because of it. I am not the only one who is getting results, you'll hear more stories to come lol ;-)

There are men who have saved the lives of others and gave hope where there was NONE, spent their own free time coaching and mentoring, and have put time and energy into helping these people to such that we are eternally indebted and will be grateful until our very last breath. These are brilliant individuals whom have made a lasting contribution to the lives of others and did so for nothing other than the desire to help their fellow man who they saw was putting fourth every ounce of energy, effort, and willpower that is in their mind, body and soul to better themselves in this world and to be all they can be.

I have the upmost respect for that.

Its why I'm at lay 6, and why I will keep going for as many years as I need to in order to stop being brushed away and pushed out of life like I'm nothing. Because I too am a person in this world and I too have a chance to be something.

I am writing this post to publically thank great men like pancakemouse and Rags2Bitches for what they have done for me, and that they did this for me for no charge. I will love and respect them until my last breath on this earth.

I am VERY HAPPY with the progress I am making, the help and brotherhood I have, and will keep fucking working with every damn fibire of my being and bearing my soul until I get what I want in this life.

I am willing to grind myself into a fucking fine powder for a better life and for a shot at greatness.

It comes or I will die trying.

End of story.

PinchePendejo said:
I see your perspective, but you should aim higher. You’re definitely capable of it and if you choose to “settle” you’d be doing yourself a disservice.

Thanks Bryen man. I will keep working hard!!!!

I am sure I will find a way to get women I am attracted to, I did it that one time in April, I will do it again ;-)

Just gonna persist

DavidStone said:

I can relate to a bunch of your struggles.
Take what is yours.


Thank you Samuel man!!

"No tree can grow to heaven unless it has it's roots in Hell"
Carl Jung

No matter how disgustingly difficult the road ahead may be, I say FUCK IT, we should go for it anyway!

I simply refuse to allow other peoples perceptions and view of me limit my experience and ability to enjoy life

It is not an easy situation and the uphill struggle is real, make no bones about it, this life is not for everone and it is the warriors path, the path of most resistance. But neither of us were incarnated in this world to sit on the sidelines and be pushed out of life, to have our life limited and to be made to suffer for no reason

We get up, we raise our sword, and we enter the field of battle. Let them know when they hear our battle cry it was forged in the deepest pits of Hell, and if they want to limit us they must know they are battling a relentless opponent who fill fight until the very last drop of blood....

PinchePendejo said:
I see your perspective, but you should aim higher. You’re definitely capable of it and if you choose to “settle” you’d be doing yourself a disservice.


I echo these sentiments. Your log has been a massive inspiration to me and many other forum members

I think you've still got so much potential that you could achieve and settling would be the wrong thing to do

Congrats on Lay 6 by the way - awesome work dude
I just wanted to reappear from the shadows to chime in as someone who's around MAC practically day-in-day-out. I think the word 'settling' is the wrong word in this case. Rav isn't settling, he's playing with the hand he's been dealt whilst working on stacking the cards in his favour behind the scenes.

Yes, he'd love for his next 4 to be girls he's super attracted to but as the person he is, who writes down a goal & failing is not an option, he knows it might not be possible so he's taking what he can for the time being. In time, he'll get those hotter girls & he'll be confident in all aspects of his game from date to lay since he's worked on it on the not-so-attractive girls.

P.S. I know he probably can't get it up for someone he can't see himself fucking (wait - does that sound suss or nah 😂)
Listen to the wisdom of Turner folks Funnel Gang are not messing around

I will get quality

But it will require more GAINS, more confidence, more game, better verbals and more experience!!!

And my hair transplant surgeon in Turkey is gonna help me smash some dimes too lol

LOL Timmy knows some of the stories that don't make the forum ;-) Some of the chicks do didn't make the cut.........my goodness

BTW Timmy smash frenchie before I return she can't be teasing with nudes make her put her money where her mouth is!!!!!!

Spider Jerusalem said:
PinchePendejo said:
I see your perspective, but you should aim higher. You’re definitely capable of it and if you choose to “settle” you’d be doing yourself a disservice.


I echo these sentiments. Your log has been a massive inspiration to me and many other forum members

I think you've still got so much potential that you could achieve and settling would be the wrong thing to do

Congrats on Lay 6 by the way - awesome work dude

Thanks Spider man!!!

Getting access to women I find attractive requires some form of mechanism to contact and connect with them

Online with my current profile is fine but they're not the prettiest tbh

Cold approach could be a solution but gotta keep working

Night game could be a solution but friggen hard work lol

Nothing more I can do brother other than stay in the gym, stay improving myself, getting experience in whatever way I can get it and do what it takes to get better outcomes

Better to be honest than misrepresent things. I would obv like to be able to connect with chicks who are a good match but it is what it is.

SAT 02/06/2022

(1) Dating: Nada – just going to message a few of my current leads
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / 45 min Run
(3) Content: Edit & upload videos – clear backlog. Gonna blast this for 5 hrs min today
Others: 30min Infrared Sauna, Cold Thermogenesis 1hr, Red Light therapy (EMR-Tek Inferno 3hrs).


Cousin’s wedding, will take a lot of time. Outside of that, will hustle and hustle hard. Late night working away getting further along in life.

Ceremony for cousins wedding took forever. Today was a weak day.

Little got done other than fam stuff.

Went for a run, did lots of earthing, consumed DHA, and now going to do more earthing and watch the sunset.

Early night. Up at sunrise tomorrow, something I don't do nearly enough of anymore, I will see the sunrise tomorrow and Monday and get back to life in London,

Biohacking is always valuable. So some good stuff still done today,

Early night commencing........in 30

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