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Went and bought myself a new sim.

WED 15/06/2022



Pinged a few WhatsApp leads, who have ghosted following asking for a drink. Waited a week, pinged again ignoring their silence lol.

BW was 206lbs this morning, so down 4lbs from the fast, which is nice - some will be fat, some will be water, hell maybe the majority of it will be. But fasting itself can be good for autophagy, health and wellness. I will hit the gym, be active, and also do some cardio tomorrow. Probably will fast again on Saturday.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
10 - waiting for her bus, she's nice, we chat, then her bus comes and she's gone :-)

In these situations, go for the exchange as soon as you can, and then if there's extra time, use that to "round out" the set and build extra comfort and what have you

agree with Pankcake here. Easy way for you to to do this is pretty early on say something like "what are you up to today besides chatting with handsome charming (insert your ethnicity) men" She will tell you she's up today and you will get logistics. This is also super important if you want to go for a instadate or same day pull.

i also use this early on in night game approaches as well
1v1mekid said:
MakingAComeback said:
In other news I am gonna pay a day game coach, because I am now many months in with nothing to show at all, like 1 day game date off 318 approaches. WTF

Maybe anomalous string of bad luck?

Could be, but I've listened to some audio of his approaches and there's a lot of structure missing. I think learning from someone who is experienced in day game will be beneficial for him.
Bros honestly the cold approach is something I am really questioning. I have been doing this for 7 months now, am at 328 approaches since starting the project (and did over 100 before) and so far 1 date which ghosted and nothing else for the longest stretch of time.

I am also quite astounded that the interactions themselves are so bad, like they have averaged maybe 2-5 seconds since starting this.

I am going to hire a day game coach to watch me as this is beyond a joke now.

I am doing this for 3 hours a day, 6 days a week.

I must confess, the endless flaking, exceptionally dry dating app experience, lack of leads and just how difficult girls are being right now is bothering me.

I will shake it off. Been here many times as you know. But I wanted to be clear and transparent. 7-8 weeks of nothing but rejections, flakes, and generally very shitty conduct from women will get to you.

I have my FWB who is lovely and caring and is very excited to see me when she's back from her hometown. Which is nice.

I will relax for 30 mins then I need to go for a 45min run. I am feeling quite stressed.

I may stop posting here for a bit now and just log into Andy's coaching every day and focus there so he can give me the help I need.


1 deflect
2 had a bf, very quick
3 totally ignored
4 deflect
5 on the way to meet her bf
6 deflected right away
7 in a rush deflect
8 she was nice enough to stop but said she is in a rush to get to work and went off
9 said shes meeting a friend and put her headphones back on and left

at this point it was gruesome work. totally grim. blown out now for many many days on the trot.

got a push from eugo gang did one more.

10 she was just vile ran away

Cold Approaches 327
CA Number Exchanges 13
CA Social Media 2
CA Dates 1
CA Lays 0

Went for a 45min run to clear my head. Helped a lot.

Now going to stretch for a while, listen to David Goggins and go to bed.

I did my best today. Worked my ass off. 3hrs CA, 2hrs on the apps.

Ran 3 boosts on Tinder, liked 500 profiles on Hinge, ran a boost on Bumble.

Still no leads.

The success I had 7 weeks ago was great. Naively, I thought it would get easier.

In practice, things actually got worse.

If you choose to play this game, understand that it is not a fair one, and some are playing on a level of difficulty that boggles the mind.

You play the cards you're dealt.

Below average in looks, brown and balding was not the combination I would have asked for when it comes to trying to find a partner.

There are things I can do to maximise myself, which I have done for 15 months now. but nothing is guaranteed and my experience of things actually taking a turn for the worse has been very sobering.

You shrug and get back to work.

This may persist for a long ass time, and it is what it is. There is nothing else I can do other than continue to work.

FRI 17/06/2022

OTHERS: Work, return crates, emails.


It is approaching 8 weeks of totally nothing now. I was good for the entire time, didn’t really care, knew I will get laid again soon. Within the last 48hrs, my doubt crept back. 2 months of mostly rejection, no receptiveness, flakes, semi close calls with drunk chicks hmu late at night, and many leads going nowhere at all (attention seeking cunts, women waste many men’s time it must be said they ruin the dating experience).

Doubts were not present for a long stretch.

But they’re present now. Hardcore.

Nothing new under the sun. Been here many times.

It is 40hrs of work on this a week man, it is such a bummer.

You want some form of success for your work……………

8 weeks of 40-50hrs of work a week for absolutely nothing. WOW.

Busting my ass in the gym 5 x a week, cold approaching 6 days a week, hustling on the online apps endlessly.

It’s tough for a dude who is sub-par because you are generally invisible in life and women not really wanting you is a daily part of the experience.

The solution for a sub-par dude is extreme work, like savage grinding.

But even that has limits. And it does not always work.

Is what it is.

We die either way. It is better to die like a man, fighting for a better life. You may get it, you may not. But I know in my heart how much I have sacrificed, the pain I have put myself through, the brutal work every day I put in. I can hold my head high knowing that I have tried.

That may have to be enough and I may have to find a way to accept that.

MakingAComeback You've proven to yourself that you can get laid. If you could do it a few weeks ago, you can do it again. I understand your frustrations but I can tell there's some bitterness there and you should be careful it doesn't seep into your interactions with women. Easier said than done, I know.

Also, consider the possibility that June is a horrible month. It always is, at least for me. Girls are busy with finals. Studying, having exams, then going out with their friends or family. An entire month where meeting new guys isn't on their mind.

These are just fallow periods, and you need to tough them out. Meanwhile you're becoming better each day, practicing approaches and hitting the gym.

The waves are very real, girls aren't equally available all times of the year.
MakingAComeback said:
You want some form of success for your work……………

"You are entitled to the work but not to the fruits" this phrase from the Gita really really shifted my mindset.
I know it's easy to "fall in love with the process and no results" but nobody grinds like a madman just for the process, we all dream to reach the promised land one day.

But like you said, it's a great opportunity to train your acceptance muscles. I come to think about my ancestors and the conditions where they lived, where doom&gloom and hard work where 99% of life or at our grandfathers being enlisted to die on a beach or a jungle across the world and how lucky we are to at least have ONE chance.

I know I will sound obvious but I guess the grind never stops, it's like a lifestyle where you build the muscle to grind and grind so what feels "hard" now becomes "easy" soon
Holden said:
Also, consider the possibility that June is a horrible month. It always is, at least for me. Girls are busy with finals. Studying, having exams, then going out with their friends or family. An entire month where meeting new guys isn't on their mind.

Agree, june is probably the worst month of the year
Thanks bros for the support it is appreciated.

Man, it is what it is.

You are too quick to form the conclusion I can simply repeat what was done. To get leads is fucking huge, huge effort. You realise I get very few matches, few responses, etc right? I have a tiny pool, and tiny margin of error - everything has to be right on point and the stars have to align, otherwise, I remain where I am - the sewer.

This is not easy bros. Not at all. And the level of work it takes to get prospects which are, for the most part, quite unattractive is very ugly.

This is not really a good position to be in and I have been working for 15 months to stop experiencing this nightmare reality.

What are the options? Accept that I may be an inferior male who, at best, can push the boulder up the hill for the rest of his life and maybe get lucky.

Or gut up, block it out, grind my fucking face off and pray that one day I do not have to live like this anymore.

I will take the latter and just hope.

MakingAComeback said:
can push the boulder up the hill for the rest of his life and maybe get lucky.


I know I sound a bit "nihilistic" and perhaps cynical, but that is the condition of Man, if we take Camus approach to this, is a cruel destiny, but Sisiphus in his "routine" and acceptance of destiny, might have found happiness, he just accepted he has to grind eternally in a absurd world.

I wish i could do more to cheer you up but you can find solace only inside you
MakingAComeback said:
Thanks bros for the support it is appreciated.

Man, it is what it is.

You are too quick to form the conclusion I can simply repeat what was done. To get leads is fucking huge, huge effort. You realise I get very few matches, few responses, etc right? I have a tiny pool, and tiny margin of error - everything has to be right on point and the stars have to align, otherwise, I remain where I am - the sewer.

This is not easy bros. Not at all. And the level of work it takes to get prospects which are, for the most part, quite unattractive is very ugly.

This is not really a good position to be in and I have been working for 15 months to stop experiencing this nightmare reality.

What are the options? Accept that I may be an inferior male who, at best, can push the boulder up the hill for the rest of his life and maybe get lucky.

Or gut up, block it out, grind my fucking face off and pray that one day I do not have to live like this anymore.

I will take the latter and just hope.


DM your online profile MakingAComeback screenshots, Let me see if I can give you some feedback on it. You're taller and lower body fat % then me so you should be doing better then me. Maybe I have lower standards? Who knows.

Also feel free to shoot me over some of your interactions on tinder and I will let you know if there is anything I see. I am not an expert (probably intermediate) but I can get plenty of dates from online in the US so I know how to deal with brats and entitlement.

Have you tried cold approach in a mall area or where there are lots of people shopping? Surprisingly my best results are in this one department store called Target in the US. I like it because girls have to stop and look at items so they are stationary and to me that is always easier then a head on approach where you need to stop them yourself. I also like grocery stores and clothing stores like TJ Maxx (another us store) that I tend to do well at.

Lastly have you considered going shaved head like Andy? The worst is being in-between thinning / balding and bald. I got a hair transplant but if that didn't work I would have shaved it off if it got any worse then it was.
countingsheep7878 said:
I know how to deal with brats and entitlement.

That would be super kind of you to share some knowledge, because when i meet these "dominant" or "bratty" girls it's always a miss
Thanks bros for the posts.

Very happy to share my profile - it's here: https://tinder.com/@ravisandy

I was previously getting some matches, sometimes, when running boost. I would run 6 boosts a week, that's 1 a day. Most would yeild nothing. But sometimes, I would get a match or two. I am currently not getting any traction, and for this reason I reset the account on Tuesday.

It has received one or two matches on Boosts. Quality is not quite there - but I appreciate I have a long way to go and it may be a long time before a girl who is reasonable attractive is willing to give me the time of day lol.

Hinge & Bumble are a similar profile. I did get 1 chick to give me her number this week. But that is from liking 500-600 profiles a day. Still better than nothing. She may reply to my text, there's still time.

Cold approaching is one thing that is really bothering me right now. Some of the members can attest but very seldom, if ever, do I get past hello. Sometimes, if I am in the right place at the right time, I can get a girl to talk briefly but they are often really uncomfortable and want to get away. Obviously being treated like thus 6 days a week is not fun and given how long it has been now since a girl gave me her number during cold approach (months) it does really bother me and make me acutely aware of how for the most part, I am not an attractive person and most women are not interested in giving me the time of day. This is also how it goes in clubs for me, I have honestly not been past hello or a 5 sec interaction since I moved here. It is quite shit.

The whole approaching remains so uncomfortable for me, I am nervous, confused, don't know what to say. The lot! And this is after 8 months. I can't blame girls for not wanting to talk to me as I am probably coming off as a right freak. This is a shame it truly is.

I am getting a hair transplant btw! In August.

I am going to find a way forward and have some ideas........

Check in to come
FRI 17/06/2022

OTHERS: Work, return crates, emails.


Overall, worked my ass off. Work lingered on until 530pm. Ran to the gym trained SO hard. Ate dinner around 730pm. Went to cold approach 9pm.

Volume was super low, saw maybe 2 girls who were solo. I simply couldn't approach as it was later than usual, whilst totally light out, I couldn't do it.

I am in a bit of a shit head space and just getting endlessly rejected right now isn't appealing.

I know this is just part of the process man but shit I just don't need it right now.

No need to bury myself deeper in the shit.

Off to bed now. I bust my ass. I worked non stop from 7am-11pm.

I have sacrificed my entire god damn life for a better future and there must be a way to get a better life.

I am going to chill out this weekend, go home, then come back to London strong.

Will keep working. Will keep training. Will keep approaching. Will keep doing photoshoots.

Yes, I am unlikely to get past hello in most approaches I do in the day or in the clubs.

This is something I must draw strength from.

Who in this impossible situation would even have the audacity to try? ME

I am not going to stress it now. I have done my best.

There has to be a way forward.

Slept it off feel way better.

Was in a frustrated headspace and full of doubts etc.

No need for it. Honestly.

Stressing it does not help and fear makes everything worse!

It pushes success away.

I am going to chill out for a while and just focus on Andy's coaching. He has helped me massively the past 48hrs and now I'm in a really great space.

I will post here once I've had lay 6. Then we can resume work.

Obviously I will be hustling every second, of every minute, of every day. But I need to draw on the energy of the group.


Ran a boost got like 8 matches so thats a shift.

One messages first, she's 6ft1 so geuss what kinda men she likes? Yeah shes 77 miles away lol but I like it....

I woke up feeling great, chat with Andy last night, now in a great head space shook off my doubts

I am gonna go approach and ENJOY IT

I suspect this will go well, and I am just gonna put that here.

Otherwise I am going to keep blasting on the coaching group and when lay 6 is done I will be back here grinding like I do.

The reason I put my energies into the coaching group at critical times are, sometimes I need way more help and support than others.

Nature of the beast!

I find cold approach feels weird for the first couple days then it feels weird not approaching them if that makes sense. Its one of those things that is so time and place. Hunk got 8 lays one month from cold approach then zero the next month. So its part your looks part sexual availablitity.

How much is the hair transplant going to cost? What part of your head are you looking to get coverage? Middle or front?
So a bunch of leads trickled in, worked for them and blasted many boosts, but it's good.

And the cold approach session I did yesterday was awesome.

I didn't approach on Sat, I was tired AF, but come Sunday I went for a morning walk (2-3hrs) and saw so many beautiful women it bothered me BAD

I went back home, said to Timmy, look man, I have to approach.

Went out for 4hrs!

Focusing on ENJOYING the session, following Andy's coaching

Did 3 approaches, I had a lot of AA and felt deeply stressed, tired and uncomfortable

But where I was feeling good, I approached, and damn the girls were so nice to me

One gave me her number and she was absolutely dreamy, the stuff of dreams themselves

I texted her last night.

Woke up to a text from her :-)

MONTHS of shit approaches, no numbers, and hell only 1 girl has ever texted me back from cold approach. And this one is legit absolutely beautiful. Soppy comment incoming: girls like this are my sorta dream girl, very feminine, interesting, well spoken and articulate, her responding to me is a massive win and motivates me like you cannot imagine.

The difference focusing on enjoyment made is palpable and I am convinced.

I will continue but focus on ENJOYING as opposed to grinding every day like "I MUST DO 10 AND I MUST PUSH OR OTHERWISE I AM NOT GONNA MAKE IT"

That is loser thinking and always leads to bullshit outcomes

Like Andy said, when I am in a good head space, I fucking move mountains.

When this body is on point, when this money is where I want it, when I have the brand the the audience, the life I will live will be fucking legendary....

Brothers let's keep winning.

Just wanted to share this update & I'll share my body update.

Focusing on the group until I get #6 then I'll be back documenting the rise to #10.

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