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Olafsmash said:
great planning but youve been lifting for a while now, why choose a 3 day beginner split (ur not a beginner anymore) when you could do a 5 or 6 one now that your going on a kcal increase?

Thanks, I am a patient guy as you know and am willing to work very hard for many years for a great body that will nab me my dream woman ;-) There's no rush. I have been training for a while yes, but for most of this time I've been cutting man!

And geuss what, I'll be cutting again in a month or two LOL

But I take your point. I will take a lead from the experienced bros on this one.

Yeah the bros told me I gotta maintain for a month and then can ease back into a cut. All good.

Damn I got bailed on twice for photos so I've gotta do them all today! Which means I will have to reschedule my accountability calls.

Photos today, planning diet and training for June, make content, just pushing it forward.

Weekend, I did my best, but it was not on point. I needed to be a lot tighter.

Back for another week and I am grinding.

MON 30/05/2022

(1) DATING: No Cold Approach / Online Hustle 1hr / Review photos
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Edit & Upload Phoenix Project update
Others: Dermapen, Drop family at airport, Euro Gang Weekly Group Call

Notes: 4-5hours sunk into airport duties today. Will review photos taken on Sunday, just a useability check. I will upload anything useable to IG. And if anything is useable for Online Dating, I will experiment.

Back to work...........5 more lays to go.

MON 30/05/2022

(1) DATING: No Cold Approach / Online Hustle 1hr / Review photos (FAIL)
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch (FAIL)
(3) Content: Edit & Upload Phoenix Project update (DONE)
Others: Dermapen, Drop family at airport, Euro Gang Weekly Group Call (DONE)

Day was long! 5 hrs driving, had to sort stuff for family. Accountability calls. Maybe had an hour or two to work, did my best, but was hard.

I will move gym to tomorrow, and that means I’ll have to gym tomorrow and Wed consecutively.

Will tighten up. Ugh.

TUE 31/05/2022

(1) DATING: Cold Approach 2hrs / Online Hustle 2hrs / Review photos
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Review photos for useability, post on SM, if not for dating apps
Others: Dermapen, Study Game, Work.

Notes: Cold approaching in my hometown……….lol……...

Yesterday was solid.


WED 01/06/2022


(1) Dating: No CA / Online Hustle 1hr / See FWB
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / 30 Min Cardio
(3) Content: N/A
Others: Work, Study Game, train back to LDN.


Yesterday was funny. The cold approach number which actually responded, lol. So I text her, say lets grab a drink, she’s game, but says she wants to do it next week. I say sure, next Tues. I send her my dog photo on Sat with some nonsense to see if she says anything. She doesn’t, and I kinda know she’s not game. I text her to say see you tonight Tues morning, she responds with a paragraph on how shocking it was that I wasked her for a drink after only a brief convo, etc lol. She was mad and said I am not interested in meeting you etc.

Blocked, deleted, onto the next.

Reality: she was never going to meet, there is no parallel Universe where she’d want to go out for a drink or whatever. The numbers game is about blasting through them until you can find someone who will be a good fit.

Best part is, I preempted it and wasn’t actually in London at the time haha. I am coming back tonight, will see my FWB, and the girl who went 90% of the way said she may be game for Thurs night so that may be lay #6.

Time wasters, flakes, are all part of this process man. I used to be a bit annoyed. It is ultimately just a game and is the only way to play it.

Nothing else really works. At least, it didn’t for moi.

Gotta keep workin! ;-) I’m liking how I feel on maintenance kcals, and gym also felt pretty good yesterday, it was getting painful while I was deep in the diet lemme tell ya.

MakingAComeback said:

Oh kurwa, don't remind me that. I hate how time flies so fast. :?

MakingAComeback said:
I text her to say see you tonight Tues morning, she responds with a paragraph on how shocking it was that I wasked her for a drink after only a brief convo, etc lol. She was mad and said I am not interested in meeting you etc.


Haha joking of course :) Good luck for your next lay bro !
Hahaha, it is why we have to play the numbers game man ;-)

Every rejection, flake, and ghost is one closer to success.

Gotta blast the numbers game for a while man!

Off to the gym, then getting the train back in to London, where I'll just have a chill evening with my FWB watching fun videos and having sex.

She will hang about Thurs morning, and then I've got a party planning meeting w/ my boy, then Timmy and I will run around and shoot street interviews.

This week will be a bit flying by the seat of my pants, but will get the numbers in most likely over the weekend. Friday is party day and I will have shit to sort out all day. Shit, depending on turnout and what the woman situation is like at the party could see if I can get a cheeky pull in. Logistics will atleast be solid given its happening at my own damn house LOL

Just one of those weeks man.

Next week, things will be focused and hustle mode will be full out. Got The Bastard and Holden coming over and we will grind together, as well as have lots of bro time.

OK today has been good so far.

Gym was rock solid. I feel so much better now I've increased my caloies. Dieting is necessary but jheeze it fucks with you man. Like our nervous sytem, brain, mood, personality etc all require energy to operate. On a deficit the stress hormones are just ever present, your body is tweaking. And then you're training and going through the process of rewiring your brain to be a better man! Wow that was a slog lol.

Anyway, this month of maintenance is needed and is gonna be great. I will be a bit of a thicc boy due to the increased kcal, but I'll train hard, maybe add a little muscle tissue, and see what the physique looks like for this month's update.

Work was alright.

Had to take care of something in the house for my parents, tied me up for about 2hrs.

Then did core work, got the photos I took whittled down ready to upload, and did a little bit of hustle on the dating apps.

No real leads right now. Had some flakes, time wasters, and some leads just become very unresponsive.

So I will need to plough hard next week and generate more leads, so cold approach a tonne, online hustle a tonne, and otherwise I shall get in a few pro shoots. I will be emailing 10 IG photographers this week to secure someone for a shoot next week.Will run it by everyone involved obv.

Now in the train going back to London, am going to study a little game, and then rock up, get myself settled down, and my FWB will be meeting me this evening.

Gonna slug a drink, relax a little, have some good sex and chill.....

Tomorrow and Friday will be madness. So much going on. FWB is staying over, will go for a walk with her in the morning to chill out. Party is on Friday, so my boy is coming over to set things up. Then, me and Timmy will run around doing street interviews and cold approaching.

It's just a week of hustle.

Friday will be tied up with the party.

Sat I will have a bit of space to breathe and will see what's what.

Head down now studying some game......back tomorrow.

Got back to London last night. FWB was outside my door lol right on time to meet me.

We had a good time, she kept me going until 2am ugh....this chick does not want to sleep. Got up at around 7, poor sleep really, and then just vibed with her had a coffee, had breakfast, then went to the park. She is really sweet and fun to talk to. We also got a round in morning time. Fun, and needed man.

Then dragged my tired ass back to my apartment, ate meal 2, then ran to the station to meet my mate to sort out party stuff.

Introd him to Timmy, then we got to work. Took a minute but we assembled the stage for the performance, which was great - we spent like 4hrs working out all the details two weeks ago, I found the crates in the end and made sure they were the right spec, planned how we will make it slip proof, the correct weight, strong enough to hold his weight, and how to lock it together etc. The plan came together and the stage looks just fine man.

We put up the posters. Him and Timmy sorted out the lasers, lights, and speakers etc.

I then had meal 3. Took some supps, drank water. and did some online dating hustle.

Girl who I pulled from a date, who let me eat her out, said she'll come to mine once she's finished seeing her friend for drinks. I will keep pressing this lead and get her over, escalate, and make lay #6 happen.

We'll see what happens the next hour or two. I really want to get this chick to go further, because I have already put some work in.....

House party tomorrow will be sick, honestly it will be fun. This may be a good wave for us, if we get killer content from this one, and we do another one in a couple weeks, if our boy can drive some engagement and get the girls in.....we could be on to a winner.


Chick texted me last night at around 11 letting me know she was still out, so think it was a booty call situation, she expected to rock up prolly 2/3am shitfaced or something. I fell asleep and left her to her own devices LOL

I recall man like Andy's take on this a while ago, think he mentioned he never lets girls stay over, ever, and he gets to bed by like 10pm regardless of anything!



FRI 03/06/2022

(1) DATING: Online Hustle 1hr / Socialise @ our house party
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) CONTENT: Pics & Videos of party / House party interviews?
Others: Shops, Dermapen

I don't like booty call situations like that (and I'd never purposefully stay up just for a girl) but you should be happy you got that call/text man.

If a drunk girl thinks of you in a moment like that it's a good sign. You should be happy you've reached a level like this, considering a few months ago your situation in life was so much more different
I quite like the craziness of the late night bootycalls. Was the source of a few of my favourite Manchester lays

My sleep schedule is more important these days tho
Thanks for the posts brothers, I am blessed and have come a long way in how I am with women, how I am around them, ability to engage them. I really am thankful for you pointing these things out because I worked really hard to become better with girls and I feel like now, I have clearly come so far from where I was in Jan, and then when you consider the months before that, I truly am a different person...

Bootycalls are something I would def. be open to exploring until August, and I am in now way surprised Radical has had his fair share of those lol god damn party animals out here ;-)

JHEEZE our party was SICK. Really had a blast. Head count was 30-40 people, some great girls there, and we had a blast man.

Obv talked to tonnes of girls, mostly the actresses our boy hired, who were all cool AF. We did interviews with them. One of them was a tiny 5ft girl who looked so much much Bjork it was kinda shocking, she also had an identical twin!

Was fun AF.

Was having some fun convos with diff chicks, I was also working the event obv so had a million things to do it was fricken madness. LOL. Anyway, was a blast, memories of a lifetime made.

At one stage, we were heading back for the after party, and two older chicks who swang through pulled up in their care, one of them signalled for me to come over, just grabbed my head stuck it through the window and started making out with me LOL. Invited her back to the apartment. She was legit not attractive and there was no way...vibed with our actresses and they left, but damn this was hiliarious, how many dudes can say that happened to them man.....it felt so cool.

The difference energy and vibe make.

Right gotta hustle now get back on track with content, eat some damn food, shop, and get my life right.


BROTHERS: Can I use any of these for online dating, or for social media more broadly? IG, etc.

Please advise, so I can select some for editing.



I think there may be potential to edit one of the pics w/ girls to replace my current pic.

And equally, there may be something from the designermaxxing shoot for IG?

From your first shoot, I really like 4438. 4313, 4377 and 4695 are cool too IMO. But to be honest, most of the pictures from this shoot are not usable, you're not even in focus in a lot of them. x)

From the second shoot, 4813 and 4821 are great, but these pictures are suffering from a too high ISO and too slow shutter speed, making them blurry and noisy. If you have the RAW files, I can denoise them with DxO and try to make them look sharper.

Yesterday, two girls were at festivals, and were pinging me throughout. One pinged me at 11 asking if I was up, and then drunkenly invited me to join her in her hot tub. Thing is, I was talking to my boy and missed her message, saw it at 12, and then replied yeah I'm up! She then said her hot tub broke (lol) and I said well we can have a drink and hang out. She replied 30 mins later saying shes going to bed.

Pinged her a few times today, including asking if she wants to go for a walk.

She said she's getting an early night.

I said "peace out" and blocked her lol.

I asked her for a drink 3 times in the past month she always cancels last minute and doens't offer any reschedule. No more attention or chasing for her. Plus she is VERY unattractive and is not passable looks wise.

The other chick was the one who went 90% of the way. I do want to bang her purely because I was so close, but she is fuckin terrible with her comms and does not schedule anything. Lol.

Nonetheless, she did text me last night at 11pm saying the festival was good, and when I replied at 12 saying what are you up to, she said "just got home". I honestly could not even be bothered.

In other news, TimmyTurner did some table game last night in one of London's elite clubs where Drake, Rhianna people like that have partied, and he said there was nothing but quality wall to wall. One of whom he pulled back in 45 mins and she left our place this afternoon.

Quality is a different level entirely. I am not there right now. I gotta put in my grind for a year or two. But good to see things like this with my own eyes, one day, it'll be me,

Lord Rey Thanks bro! I fucked up and shot these with a wide angle lens also gonna switch that up. I agree they're probably not useable. I will try again! Got some shoots next week with Holden, The Bastard, and Timmy.

MakingAComeback said:
@Lord Rey Thanks bro! I fucked up and shot these with a wide angle lens also gonna switch that up. I agree they're probably not useable.

Bro, I didn't say that they're all only good for the trash, just most of them, but not all of them haha.
Number 4438 with the beer is very cool IMO. You can use this one, at least for IG or other social media. ;)

As for your party pics, feel free to send me the RAW files if you want me to edit them.
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