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Man I felt so bad today it's unreal. Tired, spaced out, just not with it.

FORCED myself to go to the gym. Got a session in. Was painful and performance wasn't good. But I fucking did it.

Then forced myself to work for a few hrs.

Then, rested for about an hour, and went to cold approach for 3hrs.

Felt so so out of it, spaced out, like just in a total daze.

After 2hrs of walking around I did 1 approach, a really beautiful American lady in Chelsea, she was in a rush but she was very smiley and happy. I then did another approach later but I bailed, she was nice and happy about it etc but I was fucking hating it today man.

But I just ground it out.

I am now doing my online hustle, 1hr done, 1hr to go. Got 1 new lead, she is down to meet tomorrow. Screened her properly, she seems DTF. She is 6ft tall so she is quite excited to meet me lol, and looks pretty nice too, ass looks juicy and pretty face. We'll see whats what. She's coming to the wine bar tomorrow night if she doesn't flake, I'll pull.

Days like this matter man. I was fuckin DYING but I got my gym work and 3hrs of approach done out of sheer will. That counts and that matter to me.

You know I am not a guy who is naturally good at shit like this, I lose it so fast, and I have to put in crazy crazy work every day to get just about anything. Yet I persist every fucking day out of force of will.

That is what I am betting my entire future on

I still have thousands more cold approaches to do, thousands more nights out, 10-20 more professional photoshoots, 3 years hardcore in the gym 5 x a week getting jacked. I need tatoos, hair transplant, maybe some other procedures. I need top 1% money, and internet fame/clout.

And I will get all this. And I will make it.

This is what it will take for me.

Sometimes people may not understand the level of focus energy and fucking consistency it takes for me to move ahead in my journey. This shit is 5hrs a day on dating, then theres gym, core work, stretching, and following a diet every day. Work. And any time left is spent moving my life forward creating content and learning biz / mindset / marketing. Basically I work my fucking ass off every day and anything that comes my way as a win, know that I toiled and toiled and really went through a lot of deep emotional pain just to be here fighting today.

Realistically, this is a 3-5 year process for me to get to where I want to be in life.

And I am willing to do whatever it takes.

Today was hard man but I did my best. Will wrap up the other actions and get an early night.

Tomorrow I will be rested and recharged and will fucking show you some old school work ethic.

Take it one step at a time, one approach at a time, one goal at a time. Theres a million and one things for us to achieve. And you can, but have to do it one thing at a time.

Glad to see your grinding it out.
Thats it man. Only thing that matters rn is dating and getting laid, and I am going all out.

I got the content edited and uploaded, its scheduled on youtube and will go live in a couple hours. Just a 1min clip. Uploaded to IG and TikTok already and will do facebook tomorrow.

Did my online dating hustle.

Time for bed now!

Recharge and get up for lots of approaches, photos, and maybe some street interviews. And then got a date at 9 flake permitting.

Sunday will be talking biz all day with my boy.

Dates scheduled Mon, Tue, and Wed, but again, flakes permitting. ;-) And will see me FWB either way.

One week at a time man.

Did my best this week.

SAT 21/05/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle 1hr / Tinder Date?
(2) Body: Day off
(3) Content: Photograohy / Edit & Upload 1min clip
Others: Shops, CT, Light, DHA.


Time to take some pics!!!
Thanks big man.

Cold approach was fun today with Timmy, we shot pictures in the park, focusing on dog pictures. We did our best and we will see if any come thru that hit. Otherwise we just do it again next week.

Cold approach: 1/14 approaches.

The girl who exchanged was incredible, she was very gorgeous but also I felt totally drawn to her, like I saw her in the distance and I was like yes I am approaching. And she was crazy receptive. I invited her to our upcoming houseparty lol.

And now, as they do, she will ghost :-)

Dating wise, I had 3 flakes and reschedules last week. And a date planned today but her comms have been poor! Shall see how it goes.

Will wait and see, but if it doesn't happen, I will work on other things tonight and tomorrow I have a full day of talking biz and going over to see my boy.

Date last night came over.

We talked, I was not feeling her at all man, but still did my thing. She was fine with touch, she was fine with me sitting right next to her. Pulled to my place, she wouldn't hold my hand, which is the no1 sign she's not DTF I have found. As we're leaving, she also said "Just one drink and then I've gotta go home"

So she's at my place, we're drinking in my room listening to music, she is cool with her touching her all over including grabbing her ass a couple times but she doesn't escalate..

I persist but nothing is happening. And it's cool.

I honestly didn't like her, I didn't enjoy talking to her at all. I was there for the experience and mission. She just blabbed on about all sorts of nonsense all night, lol.

Which is fine. Wish her all the best, texted to make sure she got home safe, thanked her for the evening, she got a couple drinks out me and I got some more experience. We both won.

But seriously man - onto the next!

Have tentatively agreed a date with a chick I'm quite excited to meet tomorrow, but she is flakey AF and this is the rescheduled date. Tues, I have a first date with a new chick who I have to travel to see, which is fine. Then Wednesday, I had a seemingly DTF chick suggest we do Wednesday but then she stopped responding.

Game is the game

Push on today. Going to my friends house to talk biz all day. I am also going to fast to clean myself up a little, trim down, and tighten up.

CA from yesterday, whirlwind session:

1 deflect
2 deflect
3 in a rush
4 very awesome had a boyfriend but damn so nice, we talked for a bit
5 deflect
6 deflect
7 exchanged, very hot. now she'll ghost ;-)
8 deflect
9 didn’t exchange
10 confused
11 cute asian, she was confused AF, but then she calmed down and made me follow her podcast, and asked me to attend a sound healing session with her on monday. LOL
12 Tiny latina lady, who was looking at me and processing what I was saying, and then said "you approached me before" I laughed and she said "do you do this? you approached me last year, and you said the same thing". I laughed and also denied it. She had a boyfriend so what's the point persisting. I just talked to her for the lols. Anyway, I think I approached this chick in the same exact place last year in the winter months when I just moved to London and was earning my stripes in my initial approaches.
13 deflect
14 chats briefly, very nice french lady, had a bf

That's a wrap!


This is meant to be my off day so no major work man. It's not good to hustle 7 days a week it's in fact fuckin stupid and it was what killed my vibe with women for years honestly.

So here's the plan for today:

-Watch TV for like 1hr, like right now,
-Go see my friend
-Hang with him 1-5pm, sort out the house party
-Accountability call @ 2pm, and the one at 5pm I will need to reschedule as I will be going back to my place
-Upload pics from yesterday, post here, coaching group, and Euro Gang discord
-Relax and watch a film in the evening

Then reload, re-engage, and go on the attack for tomorrow. I have eaten some breakfast and I am going to fast now, so that's 1030am onwards. Should be enough to shake off some excess and tighten up for the week ahead.

Monday's gal replied just now but she says she is in a hectic time and super busy, she says she'll let me know about tomorrow night. I will get clarity from her tomorrow, and if she's not game, I'll call my FWB over. Tuesday, I am in two minds about travelling for the date. She's not particularly attractive, but I will see her for an hour and dip. Wednesday's chick has gone radio silent but she was clear about how busy she was.

Overall, remember that anything in life that is worth getting is very hard, involves facing adversity, involves gutting up and having to face the grit of life.

The smartest man who ever lived on the face of planet earth was Aristotle. He was the wisest creature God ever put on this earth. He said:

"The ideal man bears the accidents of life with dignity and grace, making the best of circumstances"

"Excellence is an art won by training and habituation. We do not act rightly because we have virtue or excellence, but we rather have those because we have acted rightly. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit."

That is the raw truth about life, and is from 300BC. This was true then, is true now, and will always be true.

How you level the playing field in life is putting in work, in activity that actually moves the needle forward, every week of your life.

Next week, a lot of gym work for me, a lot of hustle on the online dating apps, planning photos, buying new clothes, reading books on attraction, studying marketing and biz, and planning the next street interviews.

I have The Bastard coming over in like 2 weeks and he is gonna push me every day he is here to cold approach. Me, The Bastard, Holden and Timmy will also do a photoshoot together.

Then my accountability partner is coming over in the last week of June and that'll be a blast. I'll show him a good time in London town.


And I will just persist and persist and persist and put so much time and energy into my goal, which is clear and focused, that ANYONE could suceed.

One random approach done lol as I was getting on the train, she was hot but ‘in a rush’

Left her to it honestly

I should persist when they’re ‘in a rush’ and get them to exchange

Oh well proper session tomorrow

Train is taking forever man to get to my boy I am listening to some old school Detroit house

Man I look fat in the pics we did last week doing my little month long bulk I put on like 10lbs

Geuss I’ve gotta keep cutting.

Back to it tomorrow. I think I’m gonna watch pumping iron tonight to inspire me

Summer is for having a banging body and a running around hitting on girls

Winter will be here and then it’s a wrap

MakingAComeback said:
7 exchanged, very hot. now she'll ghost ;-)
Sure, she might ghost. But don't create self-fulfilling prophecies dude. You'll master getting dates from cold approach, just like you are getting them from OLD.

And she might respond to you, mate. Feel free to upload texting screenshots for feedback.

Also, remember what Andy told you about counting your failures.

You got this dude.
Paw said:
MakingAComeback said:
7 exchanged, very hot. now she'll ghost ;-)
Sure, she might ghost. But don't create self-fulfilling prophecies dude. You'll master getting dates from cold approach, just like you are getting them from OLD.

And she might respond to you, mate. Feel free to upload texting screenshots for feedback.

Also, remember what Andy told you about counting your failures.

You got this dude.

Great post on mindset bro, I appreciate it.

"Now she'll ghost" was quite a toxic joke we had here on the forum when a few guys were cold approaching and I think we should forget that era tbh.

Also - she replied.

I invited her to our house party and she texted me saying she'd be down.

I am gonna text back saying I'll get her on the guest list, and that she seems cool, let's hang out and grab a drink.

MON 23/05/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle 1hr
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Photography upload – useability check
Others: Work, Post office collection, Euro Gang call, Read.

Keep hammering,


Not sure if any hit, but what are people's thoughts?

MakingAComeback said:
Not sure if any hit, but what are people's thoughts?

I'm far from being an expert, but in my humble opinion, numbers 4041, 4078 and 4219 are nice but need lighting adjusted (more light on you and less on the background).

I like 4234 tho, but I think this on needs some cropping.

BTW, I just wanted to say that I really like your YouTube channel. Thanks for all the interesting content you posted !
MakingAComeback said:

I edited 4041 too check it out

Faceapp & lightroom

You're welcome man. It looks truly great now, you edited it really well ! I like how the doggo looks with his tongue out tho haha. :)

Otherwise, your Tinder looks solid. I like your last picture, it gives that influencer/YouTuber vibe. ;)
Solid pics man guitar photo looks sick
Dog pic is great quality, but if i were to critique something it would be your pose as in how your standing, it kinda looks your trying to keep your distance while petting them. I have 4 dogs and if i were to take a photo like this i would be closer to the dog snuggeling them up. Something like my photo attached.
Looks really good dont get me wrong. Thats my thoughts on it!
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