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Thank you my dude ;-) Lifes a whole lot of fun rn.

Chick for tonight flaked, she messaged me saying she's in Romania. I responded saying she should have let me know with a cheeky wink and was like you can see me next week, come over Tuesday. She can take it or leave it.

Will send confirmatory text for date with a new chick tomorrow morning and see what's what.

Today was not the best bros. I was honestly just all over the shop, pretty tired from the hectic life I lead, and needed a bit of downtime and rest.

Still hustled on the online apps while in bed for hours, like 3hrs as I said.

Ate well, got good kcal in. Took my supps. Work was pretty good.

But yeah, wasn't overall the most solid day. Sometimes you need a recharge.

All good. Back tomorrow and will go hard. Our boy Carl needs to get his Canadian passport so he is going home for 2 weeks. We will delay our photos until he's back, but we'll still take some. We don't leave any of our bros out, they're involved in this come up, so we do it together like we said.

Will send this game plan to Timmy by the end of the week: TimmyTurner the google doc will come bro and we WILL execute and show the bros some world class IG and dating app photography that builds clout, the image we need for the brand and long term success. It's an investment in ourselves and our online persona which will open doors, bring women in, expand the network and basically it's just a business card. It needs to be done.

That's all I got for ya today. Gonna relax and let my brain neurotransmitters recharge for tonight. Will listen to some comedy and mong out. Early night then up at 5:13am for the sunrise boyos lord have mercy!!!!!!!

MAC Daddy having a chill day

(1) Dating: Online hustle 3hrs (gotta get back to cold approach, can hit it from tomorrow) (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym / Lean bulk (FAIL – will hit gym tomorrow and Fri)
(3) Content: Edit 1 min clip and upload (FAIL)

Checking in. Weak ass day but still got the online dating hustle done.

Like I said tomorrow I will be on point.

Better i'm on my way to the gym while you SLEEPIN 8-) :)
That's motivation my dude thank you ;-)

THUR 12/05/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online hustle 1hr / Push for date, if she flakes → content work and clout gameplan
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet & Supps
(3) Content/Brand Building: Clout Gameplan 2hrs work (Send to Timmy & Carl by end of week)
Others: Work, Call Radical confirm plan for Saturday,
Gal for tonight hasn't confirmed yet so another flake I reckon ;-) Most likely.

Out to cold approach for 3hrs now, havent had time to shop yet so ordered some lunch in and will run around for 3hrs hitting on women.

Work was good, gym was good, core work done. Online hustle done.

Like I said, after lunch is delivered I'm gonna approach for 3hrs. Haven't approached for 2 weeks as I was riding the online wave.

Then cold thermogenesis, dinner, prolly got a flake tonight so will work on the clout game plan, content, and finalise weekly call with the euro gang. Will also read Andy's threesome book.

Nice, I'm joining you soon.. On the 27th of May my log is coming and on the 28th i'm gonna do my first approaching session..
Good shit boy let’s work

Stopping for a coffee been cold approaching for 2hrs rusty as a mofo

2 approaches done so far will blast 3 more

2 weeks off you know how it is

The date for tonight didn’t flake she confirmed, she got back to me like 4pm, so let’s solve her puzzle and get her pulled and give her a good time!

Thanks bro, this is a journey towards success, no excuses.

LAY 6?!

Tinder date. Get her to the wine bar. She chat. I am a bit tired, bit stressed, not feeling it.

But, I know what to do now.

Physical escalation. She's receptive to touch. Seed it. Pull her. She holds my hand - when a gal holds your hand, you are good.

She has mad for drinking and wanted to drink round after round. I handle my booze like a boss so yeah we did a fair bit of drinking.....

Vibe on my balcony.

Take her to my room. Drink more.

She's not a good kisser and has thin lips, lol

We make out. Go to my room.

Talk. Clothes come off.

Eat her out. Finger her. She is a bit weird about it all. I am moving very carefully and gently as we've both been drinking. I eat her pussy for quite a while, 20-25mins.

She says she's gotta go. I am so cool with it. I want us both to have a win and enjoy our lives. No cock and pussy action at all tonight. My condom didnt even go on.

I offer to call her an uber. Which I do. We cuddle for like 15 mins, I offer her water, she declines. I walk her to the Uber, ensure she gets in safe. Tell her to text me when shes home safe. Which she does. And then tell her to drink water!

She'll be fine.

Girls should chill with their drinking dude, god damn....

I will call this lay 6 man.

Ugh spelling is poor in the above post too many gins lol.

Yeah because that was 0 cock and pussy action I can't count it as a lay.

That said, gal was super fun and we had a good time. I'll ask her to come straight to my place and we can properly have sex, with far less alcohol next time damn...

The counter is still 5 man. But I can get to 10, easily to be honest.

I will get to 10, and then enjoy lots of good sex with great women, until August when the focus will switch to business. And I will just be getting laid on the side, because it's fun. :-)

FRI 13/05/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach during content creation (Running around shooting with my boy, he keeps me busy, but I will try to cold approach somehow lol)
(2) Body: Core
(3) Content: 1 min clip

Notes: Meh today is gonna be a minor one. I got up at 515am with the sunrise and now am going to catch up on work from yesterday from 6am-9am! The playa life man.

Debriefed with Tim who is putting in the nightgame reps when sober, and it’s like, I can pull girls from dates and get laid now. It’s something I can do. It’s no biggie. Get to 10, then push hard AF. August, this journey is 100% money making focused. If I am on 15-20 lays at that stage, cool? But we moved here to be successful, very successful, and that means money in the bank and a lot of travel.

By Feb 2023 I want me, Timmy, and our boys to be in Mexico making bank online and enjoying some leisure, tourism, and just getting laid not because it’s a focus but just because we love abundance.

Because that is what SUCCESS looks like. Getting laid is nice, this is my red shirt year and I am doing well. But with 6-7 more months of hardcore grinding in the gym, a hair transplant, a tattoo, and an even stronger frame and vibe, pulling absolute stunners is really gonna be there for the taking.

So yeah bros this is just gonna be a day of activity but not necessarily on the dream. Work, content creation with my boy, and 2hrs work on the clout gameplan when I’m back in the evening, and gonna wrap it all up at 1030pm and sleep. I was with this gal last night until midnight and got up at 5am so I will rest.

Saturday will see what’s what, maybe cold approach, online hustle, and then just kick it with Timmy and Radical, have some beers maybe vibe in the park or something. We can find ourselves some parties or whatever. We’ll see. But we are also going to start the dialogue around funnel building and how we can help each other achieve out financial goals. I need to be making my money online by Dec dude. You know I will work relentlessly for it.


(1) Dating: Online hustle & boosts / Nightgame?
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 1 Min Clip
Others: Dermapen, get bathmate, shops, ct, light, chill…..

TIme to work.

Thats crazy she was willling to go 90% of the way there but once you get close she fights it. Reminds me of that one scene from clerks.

Lol crazy to see your progress after being inactive on the forums for months. I think the last time I read this thread you'd just had a bad date in your quest to get laid and were on some 'women are evil' rant.

Now I come back and you're getting laid like it's some casual thing. Congrats man, inspiring progress and you really went through a lot yet never really came close to giving up. You're a testament to what consistency can do.
MakingAComeback said:

Hell YEAAAAAH!!!! Amazing story. I've been away from the forum for awhile, and come back to see a WHOLE NEW MAC. This is amazing. There is so much progress. Even the way you write your posts and your mentality is so different, and in a GOOD way. You continue to inspire my dude! Keep grinding and give these ladies what they need, good pipe from THE MAC!
THANKS BROTHERS. I truly appreciate it. But I am so hungry, like a starving dog, I want to bodymaxxx like crazy, and get 2 more professional shoots this year until my online dating is elite and my day game is rock solid too.

Nightgame for me is about socialising and developing better social skills honesty which I do want and need lol.

Man amazing weekend with Timmy and Radical.

We had some good business meetings, and formed a new group called Funnel Gang (Me, Timmy, Radical and our boy Rene) where we will be working together in person just sharing ideas and doing critical thinking, and sharing ideas and resources. We will also have a weekly call. Goal is 10k a month online income for each of us and we will grind on this group for years and years until everyone is a massive success.

Same we do with the other group I formed for dating. That is an amazing, amazing space - where total legends just share ideas and elevate everyone.

Anyway, Saturday I met Radical at the station, we dropped his stuff off at mine, Timmy already knew Radical from consults with him etc but we chatted and then Tim went out to cold approach for like 8 hours like a fuckin beast and Radical and I drank in the sun for a couple hours.

We then came back to my apartment and talked biz for a while. Then drank more. Talked travel, girls, style, and just traded stories.

Radical cooked some haddock (lmao)

Tim eventually finished his cold approach session and we went to a techno rave and partied.

Now, cleaned my whole flat mopped etc it's looking and smelling good. Ate. Ordered healthy takeout AGAIN I haven't had time to shop and I feel like a degenerate now. I am going to shop tomorrow no excuses. Accountability calls, and then date with a chick I am super excited about I find her hella sexy her vibe is just so cool. She's coming to the wine bar late tonight.

When Rene arrives, we will have officially formed a legitimately successful KYIL in person group, damn, with actual core members of the community. I feel like that's kinda special.

ACCOUNTABILITY: Trying to slide in women I fucked up and only went to the gym 2/5 times last week. This is the only time I have ever fucked up like this. Now I am getting success it imposes new challenges. For the entire year+ I've been here I've never missed the gym. But when you're with a girl smashing and drinking until 2-3am, fuck, and have work the next day. It's hard man.

I am only at the start of my journey and will grow and evolve again and again at every level.

Next week will be WAY MORE STRUCTURED. It will be a 'grinder' week which is a very disciplined and hard work kind of week where I am in an intense work mode.

Striker said:
Lol crazy to see your progress after being inactive on the forums for months. I think the last time I read this thread you'd just had a bad date in your quest to get laid and were on some 'women are evil' rant.

Now I come back and you're getting laid like it's some casual thing. Congrats man, inspiring progress and you really went through a lot yet never really came close to giving up. You're a testament to what consistency can do.


Nothing in this world can stop something that's relentless ;-)

Even a fuckin hardcase wreck like me was able to figure this shit out beause I did it all day every day for months and months until I changed my brain

And I am not even 5% of where I want to be with women dude.

Like I accomplished other things here, I will lock this off and lock off biz/money too.

BTW - one thing you probably know about me from reading my log

....I NEVER give up ;-)

A bullet takes me out. Excuses will not.

Neo_Primal said:
MakingAComeback said:

Hell YEAAAAAH!!!! Amazing story. I've been away from the forum for awhile, and come back to see a WHOLE NEW MAC. This is amazing. There is so much progress. Even the way you write your posts and your mentality is so different, and in a GOOD way. You continue to inspire my dude! Keep grinding and give these ladies what they need, good pipe from THE MAC!

Hahah bro thank you! I greatly appreciate it and love these posts from guys who read my log and have been here a while.

Yeah I got the change I was looking for bro. It's a testament to my mentor Andy, coach Radical, my friends and peers here, my trusted advisors and everyone who pushed me and helped me to get me where I am today.

And this is only the beginning. A lot, and I mean A LOT more to come.

Hungry as fuck.

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