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Big bro did his thing with one


Boys encouraged me to keep shooting like 2 full days photog a month for couple of months

Again me and Timmy know we gotta get on this

We will

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online dating 1hr (FAIL– my boy came)
(2) Body: Week off gym – solid diet, supps, CT & light therapy (DONE)
(3) Content: Finish editing clips / Upload long int pt 1 / Agree titles and hashtags w/ Timmy for the rest of this week’s uploads (partially DONE)
Others: Work, go home. Return to London 9th May.

Back grinding tomorrow today got a lil derailed…

MakingAComeback said:
Big bro did his thing with one


Boys encouraged me to keep shooting like 2 full days photog a month for couple of months

Again me and Timmy know we gotta get on this

We will

MACWhatsApp Image 2022-05-03 at 17.23.14.jpeg

I don't know if this is a tinder or gram worthy pic but its a WORTHY pic of your awesome friendship. Y'all looking like amazing and happy men killing it in life. So proud of you my man.
We'll have to do a couch surfing exchange when you come here and I there. Sending a lot of love. :)

Bro you have to come visit us man, jam here we will have a blast and you know I am gonna always be on your case to see your comedy blow up

Because I KNOW you can do it and you're funny and gifted as fuck

Right now your focus is on the inner world, but when you're ready to grind, come back and we push together

Make $$$$$$$$$$$ with some amazing women by our side alright

It's happening
Needless to say, me and the team going to the top.....

In the office yesterday. Did my work. Came home. Life admin, seeing the fam, red light therapy, and just rested.

Having lighter weeks to chill and rest is good.

Because I will be grinding until the day I die

(1) Dating: Just 1hr - messaging my leads keeping their pussy juice flowing so I can come back to LDN next week & smash a few new chicks if I get this right. Got my plate coming over Monday either way so cheeks will be clapped.
(2) Body: Brother is really pushing me to lean bulk for 2 months, my body is looking solid and good, need some muscle man. I am open minded to it. I can cut again after 2 months or something. As such - body will be CT, earthing, red light, infrared sauna, and rest. Chill body rejuvenating stuff
(3) Content: Upload more street interviews and content for the brand building project me and Tim are on
Other: work, some tasks.


This week in the office and my Mum is coming back from India on Friday so I am gonna spend a lot of time with her this weekend

But back in the Hustle House Monday

Right now it's more like The Pussy Palace, but it will need to turn into the hustle house very soon, we even have Radical coming over next week we are gonna learn from him about building products and sales funnels and also just kick it and have a good ass time

We also have Thebastard coming over for a while and I will show this legend a good time we will really trade war stories

Lifes good

But we want it all

Rise & Grind

THE PHOENIX PROJECT WEEK 26 - Week Off (LOL hard to keep track rn)
FRI 06/05/22

(1) Dating: online hustle throughout the day
(2) Body: week off gym, and decided to lean bulk for a month or two to put some muscle on. Diet has been relaxed this week, gained some weight, but will tighten up this weekend.
(3) Content: Upload part 2
Others: Dermapen, Core, Stretch, Work, Cold Thermogenesis 1hr, Infrared Sauna 45mins, go get Mum from airport


Doin lots of biologic work and feeling good. Got a trim tomorrow. Back to the gym next week hammering 5 x a week. Back to cold approach next week. Get these next 5 lays done, easy work. Seeing my plate Monday, she assures me she's been in the gym. I'll find out. Want to see her develop a real peach over the coming months. God I'm a filthy fucker.

Obv today will be tied up for hrs with work, picking my Mum up from the airport (4-5hr job). Week off was planned in advance for these reasons and coincided with my deload week in the gym.

Will keep my head down and keep working.

Yesterday's check in:

Was OK man. Not the best. Did my thing but fucked up and didn't upload content. Obv airport took hours like 4/5hrs driving.

But we're back today & working

SAT 07/05/2022


(1) Dating: Photography Planning – Study guide Crisis sent over, make a detailed action plan w/ Timmy and Carl, schedule 2 x photography days with the boys and take a TONNE of photos. Forum, Coaching Group, and Group can have a quick browse thru Google Drive and see if anything is useable.
(2) Body: Again, week off gym, and I am going to lean bulk for a month or two now gotta add some muscle can’t be stringy in the summer. Today’s body actions will be 45mins in the infrared sauna sweating out toxins, cold thermogenesis for 30 mins (nature’s medicine), and many hours outside getting light and earthing while I study and make the game plan for the MWC Gang’s glorious uprising. You’ll see man.
(3) Content: Gotta upload part 2, post on IG, then tomorrow I will edit 5 clips and start getting them out. Will hammer this out and I will get a proper routine down.


Will go to the tobaconist while I’m at my parents and buy cigars for me and Timmy. Cheaper than London here. We will use these for some boss ass photos.

(1) Partially done – did a lot of work on it, bought the cigars, still need to do more research!~
(2) Body – did a lot of biologic work.
(3) Content – ran out of time but will get back on tomorrow.


Did my best, worked, applied myself. Biologic work is a good investment in overall function and vitality, but it can be draining. Like sauna, CT, all this shit can create a bit of a detox effect. That is what you want though. High performance body high performance life. It is what it is man.

Tomorrow, I’m gonna have to fast! I don’t really do this much, at all, but I had a week off the gym, stayed at my parents place, had a lax diet – I will fast tomorrow, burn off some crap and get myself back in the gym Monday working hard like an animal.

Train back to LDN Monday my plate will be waiting. Slanging dick.

Keep hammering,


Meant to be a rest day but have a lot I need to catch up on.

Studied the photog guide last night, will finalise the action plan today.

Caught up with content uploads!

Uploaded part 1 & part 2 of do girls think height matters.

Got 2 IG posts out, and shared both videos and both IG posts on facebook.

Shared on 2 subreddits, need to figure out like 10 I can post on, weekly. If any bros have any subreddits I can post our street interviews on lemme know.

Now gonna spend some time outside recharging, texting my tings, and then editing 5 1 min clips.

Then dermapen, core work. Fasted all day today BTW, gotta trim down a little I’m back in London tomorrow so many amazing women to make passionate love to.

Growth hacking work, finalising the photography plan, and then finish it off with some wellness:

-30 min CT
-30 min IR Sauna
-30 min Red Light panel

Then bed in a darkened room.

Back tomorrow, grinding, work, gym, train back to LDN. Smash Nerd Girl. Love life.

Should be seeing Radical soon, we’re gonna talk info products and funnel building. We’ll form a little group, 4 of us will be working in the exact same goal. We will push each other and can meet up for beers every week or something.

Of course I am gonna start working hard AF on getting rich and building an audience but at this stage I am 100% a woman’s man. I want to experience as many of them as I can for the next 2-5 years. Age 35 will be rich and a total boss then we settle down and start having babies.

It’s there for you to go get it.

Check In:

Yesterday, sat down and got lots of work done. Power of focus.

Uploaded part 2 of the street interviews. Edited and uploaded a clip. Uploaded 1 IG post, 1 TikTok, shared on FB and Reddit.

Otherwise, reviewed the IG guide we're working on, summarised it. Will crank out a plan today.

Getting shit done takes hours and hours man.

You need TIME to focus.

With self improvement projects like mine, the noble pursuit of woman takes hours of my day - which is amazing and I love it.

But this makes any time I have for content creation, brand building and thinking about biz mission critical.

Did my best. Got a trim anyway. Did the dermapen. Core work, earthing, red light therapy. Did a decent fast, so fasted all day until 5pm, had one meal, and that was enough to tighten up.

Happy days.

Back to it now, Phoenix project in full wing.

MON 09/05/2022

(1) DATING: Going back to LDN today, will have sex with my plate tonight, then I have dates scheduled legit every night this week. Flakes permitting ofc ;-) We'll see, we know this game bros.
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch (BACK IN THE GYM - enjoyed my week off lets get back to CHADDING)
(3) CONTENT: Just gonna finalise the photography plan while on the train
Others: Work, CT, Earthing, sunrise, sunset, Infrared Sauna, Red light therapy


Lean bulking now. Gotta add some muscle.

MakingAComeback said:
MON 09/05/2022

(1) DATING: Going back to LDN today, will have sex with my plate tonight, then I have dates scheduled legit every night this week. Flakes permitting ofc ;-) We'll see, we know this game bros.
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch (BACK IN THE GYM - enjoyed my week off lets get back to CHADDING)
(3) CONTENT: Just gonna finalise the photography plan while on the train
Others: Work, CT, Earthing, sunrise, sunset, Infrared Sauna, Red light therapy


Lean bulking now. Gotta add some muscle.


dates every night this week? Damn MAC. Looking forward to hearing about it!

check in from yesterday. Right now I'm a zombie my plate wanted her brains fucking out until 2am. Very very little sleep but thats the price you pay in this game, to get the experience needed.

She did have a convo about exclusivity bless her.

She said she's really attracted to me and the thought of me doing this with other girls makes her jealous, she said she isn't sure how long she can do this before she develops real feelings. I just listened and let her talk. In the management world if you let them talk for long enough they solve their own problem. After a while she said "but I want you to see other girls".

She'll be fine. I stressed honesty, how honest we've both been, and how we're on the same team. All Andy's stuff on radical honesty.

I should be adept enough to ensure no one is anything other than happy and fulfilled.

Remember when I got into this, I made a total. total commitment to ensure every girl who enters my life is left better off.

I'll do whatever it takes and I WILL uphold this commitment. It's cast iron.

Any girl is allowed to stop seeing me. I am 100% not on the catching feelings thing, it just ain't gonna happen - the mission is money, clout, women. You know how my brain works. There is a job to be done and it gets done, end of. It's just, I myself can't be bringing anything negative. I want to be a positive chapter in any girls life.

Just being super open, chill, de-emphasising shit and letting the chick solve her problem for herself IMO should work - I have done this over and over again in the professional world dealing with difficult ass people....

Check in:

(1) DATING: Going back to LDN today, will have sex with my plate tonight, then I have dates scheduled legit every night this week. Flakes permitting ofc ;-) We'll see, we know this game bros. (DONE)
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch (BACK IN THE GYM - enjoyed my week off lets get back to CHADDING) (DONE)
(3) CONTENT: Just gonna finalise the photography plan while on the train (DONE, need to do a little more work, but we're nailing it down. Myself, Timmy and Crisis_Overcomer are going to give this approach to IG a real solid effort this year)
Others: Work, CT, Earthing, sunrise, sunset, Infrared Sauna, Red light therapy (Did CT, earthing, and some work. That was all).

OK, it's 947. Going to order in some breakfast as I've not shopped and I am a zombie. Will bang some minerals in (potassium, sea salt) in my morning water (reverse osmosis) and bang my supps when my food arrives.

Then I will just relax, lay on my earthing mat for a while and try to get functional again.

I will then outline the plan for today.

Hydrate, rebalance, rest, then I will get into it.

Today will obv be lighter as I've spent all nigh pounding pussy and may have a new chick coming tonight so gotta get myself rested and bring the A game.

Do you ever daytime power nap in these situations?

Given you get up at sunrise thats only like 3 hrs of sleep
Homies I had to take a like 3hr nap! Jheeze.

Final action for the day:

4pm: Dinner / Work / Supplements
5pm: Call w/ The Bastard
530pm: Email Adrizzle / Light Device & Online app work
545pm: Shower / Brush teeth etc / Set up weekly calls for the Euro Gang (Me, Paw, Heisenberg , and our boys from coaching)
6pm: Stretch & Listen to Matt Maruca podcast
630pm: Shops - grab sone tonic water, few ciders, sip one
7: Date, got a hottie confirmed, let's solve her puzzle and get her fine ass pulled

That's all I've got for ya.

Life is moving SO FAST it's just crazy.

I am riding the wave, I am committed to my goals, and I WILL achieve my goals.

Then we go onto the next thing: ££££££


Firstly, she was gorgeous. Italian yoga instructor & dancer. 25.

She arrives. She's already seated, outdoors. We chat, I get a round of drinks. We chat, then head inside to my usual space. She gets the next round.

I am trying to crack her puzzle. Touching her, but she's not receptive. She's into yoga, I suggest we go back to check out this crazy documentary on yoga I was obsessed with. She says she's not the type of person who goes back to someone's place on the first date. I am icey af. Keep chatting. Touching her, she ain't receptive to touch. I try a few diff angles - ask her if she wants to check out where we'll be throwing our house party, she says "just so you know, going back probably won't be happening". I am icey as fuck and like "yeah, I mean it's just casual". And she's like "yeah, of course, I know". We keep chatting, she still is not really receptive to touch. Like I am doing my standard shit but she is showing resistance.

She's a party gal, big time. Hardcore traveller and likes a drink. I try another angle: "I'll make you a g & t?". "Yeah, sure".

We chat. Pull back to mine, 4 min walk.

Try to hold her hand, she holds for about 10 secs, then slips.

She isn't dtf at this stage but I know I'll keep ploughing.

Get her to mine, drink, talk. Where she sits on my sofa it's clear she ain't game. But I keep working.

Physical escalation again, very subtle, just stroking her arm sat on the sofa. She moves her arm just 2-3cm so I'd have to readjust my finger to stroke her again lol. Just subtle shit like this. She wasn't dtf basically, and that's cool.

None of this phases me you already know.

She has her drink, and it's about 10:15pm (we met at 730pm). She tells me she has to go home. Totally fair. Kiss her on both cheeks european style, and she says we should grab a drink, maybe we can go for dinner and you can talk to me about spirituality. I'm like sure.

She rolls out to find her way home.

I'm like, damn, she was beautiful man.

Pulled this hottie back, but no lay.

Few thoughts: she is a very confident gal, party animal, very hot, and is doing research for her PhD in neuroscience. She also expressed clearly she doesn't smash on the first date. I have Italian friends, spent a lot of time with them and their families etc, I know their vibe, it's VERY similar to my own background (I'm a Punjabi Sikh) so I know girls like this can be hard to crack.

Enjoyed the date, gal was great.

Next steps:

Texted her saying had a great time, get home safe and let's do it again. We'll see what she says but if she's up for it, I'll ask her to come for a drink next week. This time, I'll tell her let's make cocktails, come to my place, and we'll drink and vibe.

She said let's go for dinner when she was leaving my place. I'll just ignore all that and push for drinks. We'll see.

Final thoughts:

Was smooth, operated well. Handled biz. She wasn't there to be laid first night. I did screen properly, called her sexy, all that. Girls bring different puzzles. It's part of the fun. The joy of the hunt ;-)

Anyway, onto the next. Sent text to tonight's proposed chick to confirm. Let's see what today brings.

WED 11/05/2022


(1) Dating: Online hustle 3hrs (gotta get back to cold approach, can hit it from tomorrow)
(2) Body: Gym / Lean bulk
(3) Content: Edit 1 min clip and upload

Others: Collect bathmate and do a session, further work on clout game plan, action steps for a tinder reset. I don’t really want to reset it just yet as I have paid for Gold until July. I can reset in July and lose a few weeks for the gains of the reset. Plus likely to be in Budapest in July going fuckin nuts with the boys, cold approaching like crazy, online hustle like crazy, just living and breathing the noble pursuit of woman.


Girl for date tonight hasn’t confirmed, looks like a flake. All good. Properly back to the online hustle. And tomorrow gotta cold approach. I will push for a new lay this week.

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