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She came a lot, like 4 times, pulsating all over like crazy. Fingers and tongue.

I had ED tho! I get it sometimes lol.

She is dying to come back for some more work. I'll let her drop by at some stage.

Hey mac great job with the body transformation, legs are looking juicy. with the weight loss now you can really start packing on muscle
i saw in earlier post that you struggled a bit with text game - i suggest looking up playing with fire on youtube for text game. Andy did a podcast with him too a few months ago im sure he vouch for him too.
MAC's on a roll!

Dude, seriously take a moment to give yourself credit for what you've accomplished. Not too long ago you thought no woman would give you the time of day. And you just slep with two different women - what, twice in one week?
MakingAComeback said:


You're going to get your 10 lays man.

As always you're inspirational. You worked your ass off to get there, and it's just the beginning. A guy like you, women, business... You're going to destroy everything and get where you desire.

Didn't know that my day could even become better until I caught up on the last pages of your log. You are the definition of this website "Kill your inner loser", you became a beast.

Seeing a brother succeed is one of the best thing ever. Congrats on the 2 lays
LAY 3: Fun chick from Tinder

Match with her a few days ago. Banter back and fourth. Tell her I’m not looking for anything serious. She’s game. She’s a short one, 5 ft 5 to my 6 ft 5, bit chunkier than is my preference, but cute.

We schedule to meet at my local wine bar. She’s there bang on time.

Run over to meet her, give her a kiss on the cheek. She’s a bit more umcomfortable than my last girl, but I am flowing well.

We go in. Sit at my usual table.

We talk, we vibe. She matches my energy and vibe. Then it’s a case of ‘solving her puzzle’, a concept I really love. That is, you find topics you both vibe with, and flow from there.

She gets into the subject of trash TV. Here I seed it.

“We need to watch some trash TV together sometime, what do you recommend?”
“90 day fiance, hands down”

More banter. I then say we should watch 90 day fiance clips tonight, I’m 4 minutes from here. She laughs. We have more of our drinks.

“Have you eaten? I haven’t eaten since 1”
“Um, kinda, but we can go to mine and order takeout if ya want?”
“Let’s do that. I’m down for a chill evening”

It’s 30 mins in and I kinda know I’ve pulled.

Finish our drinks and we skip over.

She wants to watch 90 day fiance so we sit in the living room and watch this for a minute. It’s pretty jokes. I order takeout. It arrives.

We slug some drinks. We finish a bottle of wine lol.

We watch more 90 day fiance, and I ask her to come to my room to listen to music and drink.

She lays face down on my bed and tells me she’s going to sleep lol.

I offer her a massage.

She’s down. Clothes come off. All of them. And then massage happens.

Then sex.

She stays over. I walk her to the train station at 6am like a gent ;-)

We had a lot of fun. We text each other saying how fun it was.

I tell her she knows where to find me.

Good times.

Crushin goals & growing.

Back to the hustle,
Bros thanks for your support as ever, every week I get more and more motivated to get it and become successful!

It is happening and the hard work is paying off.

We will get to the moon.

The craziest shit is, not one month ago I was stupidly convinced that I couldn't really make this shit work.

Then I fuck 2 girls in a week.

Shattered my reality and I mean shattered.

No more bullshit limits man. We can accomplish ANYTHING.

EDIT: What you don't see is how much I obsessed about changing my vibe. pancakemouse and Rags2Bitches were a major major reason I broke through and fixed my shit deep inside my psyche. I put in A LOT of work in changing my vibe and I mean a lot. I worked on it fucking all day for weeks man.....nutcase level shit.

Another reason is my housemate and partner in crime TimmyTurner , I observed Turner a lot and just copied things about him. I changed many things through osmosis and just picking up smoothness and chil energy thru osmosis.

Change your vibe change your life.


MON 25/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet
(3) Contenr: 3hrs edit, talk w/ Tim re. Hashtags, upload


Back to getting it.

I have 1 lead, she says she wants to come see me Tuesday, she admits to being very anxious and having never met a dude online. She’s in very safe hands, remember I was once anxious, and will make sure she is extremely comfortable and enjoys herself. You know how it is.

And another one I am working on, she says she’s finished with Uni on Friday….let’s see how she wants to celebrate that.

Otherwise, gonna hustle and create new leads.

Keep hammering,
MakingAComeback said:
EDIT: What you don't see is how much I obsessed about changing my vibe. @pancakemouse and @Rags2Bitches were a major major reason I broke through and fixed my shit deep inside my psyche. I put in A LOT of work in changing my vibe and I mean a lot. I worked on it fucking all day for weeks man.....nutcase level shit.

Can you offer some insights about how you did ? I'm really interested as I need to do so as well
MakingAComeback said:
LAY 3: Fun chick from Tinder

Match with her a few days ago. Banter back and fourth. Tell her I’m not looking for anything serious. She’s game. She’s a short one, 5 ft 5 to my 6 ft 5, bit chunkier than is my preference, but cute.

We schedule to meet at my local wine bar. She’s there bang on time.

Run over to meet her, give her a kiss on the cheek. She’s a bit more umcomfortable than my last girl, but I am flowing well.

We go in. Sit at my usual table.

We talk, we vibe. She matches my energy and vibe. Then it’s a case of ‘solving her puzzle’, a concept I really love. That is, you find topics you both vibe with, and flow from there.

She gets into the subject of trash TV. Here I seed it.

“We need to watch some trash TV together sometime, what do you recommend?”
“90 day fiance, hands down”

More banter. I then say we should watch 90 day fiance clips tonight, I’m 4 minutes from here. She laughs. We have more of our drinks.

“Have you eaten? I haven’t eaten since 1”
“Um, kinda, but we can go to mine and order takeout if ya want?”
“Let’s do that. I’m down for a chill evening”

It’s 30 mins in and I kinda know I’ve pulled.

Finish our drinks and we skip over.

She wants to watch 90 day fiance so we sit in the living room and watch this for a minute. It’s pretty jokes. I order takeout. It arrives.

We slug some drinks. We finish a bottle of wine lol.

We watch more 90 day fiance, and I ask her to come to my room to listen to music and drink.

She lays face down on my bed and tells me she’s going to sleep lol.

I offer her a massage.

She’s down. Clothes come off. All of them. And then massage happens.

Then sex.

She stays over. I walk her to the train station at 6am like a gent ;-)

We had a lot of fun. We text each other saying how fun it was.

I tell her she knows where to find me.

Good times.

Crushin goals & growing.

Back to the hustle,

Masterful seeding the pull examples. Really really well done. It's so funny how a couple of tweaks can make you go from hopeless to hero. You're at a tipping point MakingAComeback it was just a matter of time until you really go off. 10 lays by summer is imminent



Had a blast

Hahaaaaaaa boys it's been fun gotta keep this train rollin!!!!!

Will write the lay report and gotta keep hustling

Off to the gym back taking action


WED 27/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 2hrs / Online Dating hustle 1hr / Another date tonight - pull her & have fun
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: FUCK ain't goinna have time and haven't uploaded in a minute shit is pissing me off
(4) Others: Dermapen, Topical, Cold Thermogenesis, Work, breathwork session


Gonna get these 10 lays no probs and fuck me am I driven to get an audience, build some offers, and start making online location independent income

Next year me, Timmy and my accountability partner from Andy's coaching WILL travel, make bank online, and fuck stunners all over the world.

That will be our whole year

And we will look good doing it, JACKED & TAN, crazy IG clout, the job lot

Gonna have to get this content uploaded shit is gonna drive me fookin insane



Bust 3 big nuts in her, she ripped my damn soul out. Great sex.

She was a big time nerd, her first ever Tinder date, she had 1 boyfriend years ago and also slept with her flatmate in Uni. No sex for years, and then she meets me lol.

Physically, she has long red hair (I like this), pretty face, glasses, very nerdy personality but is fucking sweet and adorable beyond words....

And not to diminish her sweetness, but I could tell from her pics, whilst she dresses like a nerd girl, holy fuck she has a body.

And she did.

Her body was just fucking lush. She's about 5 ft 6, great boobs, great legs, great ass. No fat at all. Slim waist and tight body.

I seed the pull, focus the whole date on solving her puzzle, and then we get onto the topic of life streaming and twitch.

I ask her if she ever watched Ice Poseidon.


We are laughing out heads off talking about his old antics, and I invite her back to watch classic Ice. She's game.

We watch, she asks to cuddle. We drink a G&T.

Cuddle. Then makeout. Then clothes come off. Body is banging.

She is also loving my body, really....she is loving my beard also.

She is the sweetest most adorable girl ever, I like her A LOT

Fuck her 3 times come hard.

Best sex I've had with any chick so far. She gets me to come faster than the other fucks for some reason. Damn. Still fucking for a while stamina is good but she makes me blow hard after fucking for about 5-8 mins each round....hmmmm.....damn that pussy was good

Cuddle and makeout for ages. She really likes my full lips.

She then gets the nightbus home. I offer to pay for her Uber, she refuses.

Walk her to the bus which is on the main road 4 mins away.

Basically. I am a dude who gets laid now.

I pretty much am a Chad now......


Shit this is the craziest part of my life man

For most of my life I was totally unable to do things like this, and always wanted to

Just wanted intimacy and connection and never could make it happen

You guys know the story. Enough was enough, I came here and went to WAR

1734 posts from he here absolute fucking GRINDING

I put my heart and soul into success

100k+ views on the log, this is a journey to fucking TRUE GREATNESS

I came from fucking nothing in this shit, and turned my shit around through SHEER FORCE OF WILL



I can be making BANK this fucking year. I can be location independent and travel the world whenever I want.

My work ethic is proven, consisency is proven, ability to step into the fire and embrace the fucking suck FOR MONTHS is proven

I know I can do damn near anything now

Andy has a new goal for me, told me when I get a threesome, I get to go on the podcast again, and he will come on mine. You heard it here first.

One thing about me is my motivation in life is pretty insane, this is a gift from God, I woke up today like I am going to 100% build a massive audience and sell at scale, be location independent with the team and we are gonna live a truly legendary life

The most insane shit to me is not ONE month ago I was breaking down telling you homies I do not have a clue how I am going to do this. Every date, and I mean every date I go on, fades to nothing in minutes.

The bros step in as ever and saved my ass. Everyone helped me, taught me game, gave me videos to watch, books to read, fucking listened to 2hr audios of my dates and shit.

I can't believe how much help I had in getting here its insane.

When you want success BAD and you are giving every ounce of energy in your brain and body, it is one of life's true miracles that other men who are ahead of you will open doors for you if you just keep grinding

And lord knows I have ground myself into a fine powder at this stage and created something where there was nothing

Not one month ago man, I was fucking losing it. Working SO hard and getting where I thought was nowhere.

But in fleeting moments, lightbulbs were going off. In many hours out there working hard, sometimes suffering in the grit of life, a moment of clarity would unfold and I would have flashes of realisation.

The harder I worked, the more they came.

They began to stack up.

And I changed myself.

At the very core of my being. I changed.

Right now, there is NO DOUBT IN MY MIND, FUCKING NONE that I can have an elite life. Elite in sex, love, friendship and brotherhood, and importantly, finance and joyful life experiences.

We are going to take it all. Why?

Because we deserve it.

Who works harder? Who is more focused? Who is more disciplined? Who sacrified more?

I put myself in true fear, in true pain, I faced my ugliest demons and the most evil parts of myself that were writhing in agony. I pushed past self doubt, extreme insecurity, anxiety, deep stress, emotional hell, not for a week or two, but sometimes for fucking MONTHS

....And on the other side of that was a world I could not even imagine existed.



Crisis_Overcomer said:
TimmyTurner said:
Think we’ve created a monster. There’s no stopping him now.

After his latest shenanigans, someone had to create this pic

release the mac.png

Lol both co-conspirators here

Had many debriefs with Timmy in our kitchen asking him bro why the fuck do these dates go nowhere

I remember when I first joined, Crisis has watched my journey from the jump, you helped me a lot in getting where I am

Just looking forward to us all being rich, abundant with women, and just trading stories in a year or two of the come up.

Then we can watch the next generation go through the same thing lol.

None of my transformation would be possble without you boys, you know this.

This is a beautiful thing, it really is. We built this fucking shit together.

I love success. Growth. Victory.


Gonna keep hustling and riding this wave. Wanna get a cheeky threesome done in the next 3 weeks ;-)

MakingAComeback said:
Shit this is the craziest part of my life man

....And on the other side of that was a world I could not even imagine existed.




This put tears into my eyes. Congrats brother
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