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So I am thinking about my online dating and how I ca make it work better. I change one pic for a new pic I have with girls, after Andy and Radical coached a new guy in the group on the importance of vibe and other people in dating profiles.

Pics with girls are a winner. I add mine. It’s Friday. I’m boosting on Tinder, and get a match.

She mentions her height in her bio. She’s 5’9”. We match.

I have added a few things to Andy’s template after reading Rags2Bitches text game in our secret group. First text is: observational opener telling her well I’m 6’5” so you get to sit on my shoulders at festivals for a change. followed by “you’re sexy, watchu upto?” etc…

We vibe. She’s responsive.

Exchange numbers. Tell her I’m not after anything super serious etc. Stuck to my guns.

Head off partying with Timmy and we’re in a club with stunning, stunning women. I’m waved and just go into leering mode. Jeez.

Saturday morning, up and on it.

Head to the local park which is fricken stunning and sat there getting the sun. I always do this after nights out to recharge and reset. I take my shoes off and do earthing. Have a lot of skin out, etc.

We text on WhatsApp. Start with hey sexy, she says hey handsome. She asks me what I’m doing tonight. I’m not giving to much away: maybe I’ll head to Reggeatom with Turner, maybe I’ll see what captures me. I ask her what adventures she’s got planned.

“I’m not up to anything tonight. I’m free as a bird”

I then go for it. Let’s hang out tonight. Let’s unwind at a bar and see where the evening takes us. Lmk and I’ll find us a spot.

She tells me does 7/8 work.

I then need to nail the next text. I ask Timmy and also in the secret group. I am hasty and message anyway. Crisis jumps in and calls me out for such a shitty message. I delete and resend just 2 lines in alignment with what Crisis and Timmy said.

I tell her 8 is good and let’s meet the wine bar near me.

She’s like, see you at 8.


I am stoked. I head out for a walk in the sun and grab a bite.

Head home, jump in a cold bath, change clothes, down a gin and tonic and head to the date.

She arrives. God she is so pretty to me.

Long curly black hair, green eyes, great smile, and banging body. Juicy ass, super slim waist, juicy tits. Fuck.

I am looking at her like, jeez girl, I would fricken destroy you. This is the first time I have ever been on a date with a girl I am super attracted to.


We’re vibing, I am talking slower, just chilled. The whole time I am just thinking, dude, you are close: just don’t fuck this up and you’ll make it happen. It’ll just be like my first lay with Danish girl. I got this.
So it’s all going well in the date and as I learned from countingsheep7878 , I am seeding the pull during the date. Also something Crisis_Overcomer r shared in the secret group about solving the girls puzzle is clicking with me right now, I am trying to move things onto what she likes talking about and I am also interested in. She says let’s grab a drink. Call waiter over. I order a cider, she goes for a large glass of wine.

Touching her lots, her arms, her back. I ask if she works out and then get her to feel my fuckin jacked quads lol and she is impressed. I then get her to squeeze my biceps which again are growing well right now. She is loving it. Then do my standard stuff of comparing hand sizes with me being a giant.

I am seeding the pull, like we get onto a topic, and I’m like “we should watch that sometime”. Keep trying different things. She then mentions an album she loved and I’m like “let’s listen to that tonight and have a gin and tonic on my balcony” and she agrees. I then know I’ve pulled. I tell her we’ll go after these drinks.

We keep vibing. I go to pee, and then she goes to pee. We finish up our drinks and go to pay.

“I’ll get these”

I’m like damn girl, thank you, I appreciate that.


Take her outside, grab her hand and lead her. I’m legit 4 mins away. She holds my hand no problem. I am kinda drunk and tell her I find her very attractive, love her big blue eyes. She’s like, they’re green! I’m not noooo they’re blue, they’re big and blue and pretty. I then throw some bullshit about watching the sunrise and being exposed to so much colour it’s blurring into one. She laughs.

Take her back. Put music on and pour a drink. She has cold hands, and mine are hot. I hug her. She hugs me tight and we’re stroking each other etc. She’s loving it.

We go to the balcony.

We drink, start making out, I’m grabbing her ass and she is getting excited.

I then drop some dumb line about how I’m a strong man and she’s got a feminine energy.

She fucking clams up and says “WAIT, that sounds sexist, tell me what you mean by that”

She is dead ass serious and I am about to lose her

I am absolutely not phased and just bullshit my way out of it, like, tell her she is open and I find her easy to talk to, she is supportive and allows me to express the shit I’m into like watching the sunrise which some find weird, and I appreciate that about her.

“OK, redeemed” and she starts making out with me again

London and feminism man. They’re all on it. Major lesson learned.

Pick her up and carry her over to the sofa, making out, grabbing her big ol’ butt.

“What do you find attractive in a guy”
“Tall and muscular”


“You’re my ideal guy Ravi”

“When in the date did you know it was on”
“The second you walked up, smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. I was like, YES”

We were fucking tonight, this one was just there for the taking.

She is really into my. I pick her up again and carry her to my room and she is like “you’re so strong, you’re the most ripped guy I’ve been with”


Get her to my room, make out, turn a playlist on. Take my clothes off. She takes hers off. Holy shit she has a body.

Put her on the bed and admire her panties.

“I wore these for you”

I am loving this. Take them off and admire them for a sec.

Mow down on her. I’ll skip the details but we are going at it from 10pm – 4am!

Every so often we’re heading to the kitchen to get another G&T, and heading back for more. I am texting the boys every few hrs like broooooo I am still fucking LMAO. It is fricken hiliarious. She goes to pee now and again and I am slugging more drinks and going further rounds.


I then get quite wasted and turn into a total degenerate. I am doing some nasty shit to her, rimming the absolute fuck out her asshole, licking her feet, man you don’t even wanna know looooooool.

Give her an oily tantric massage which she loves for like an hour, and we shower off.

Hit the hay at 4. Feeling like a god.

She takes off at 6am. Calls herself an Uber and bouces real real quick. She asks me what I’m gonna do today and I’m like edit content. Watch her put her clothes on my god her tits are amazing.

She’s outie.

Loving life. Back grinding now to get some more shags in.

You’ll hear the latest.


-Muscles are king. GET JACKED. The way she looked at me when she entered for the date was just “YES”. This was never fucking happening a few months ago. You MUST and I mean MUST put in your gym grind. I don’t care if it kills you. Having solid ass muscle and improving confidence and frame will get us laid.

I am crazy crazy motivated to get laid a tonne now and become a slayer.

She messaged me the next day saying we're really different and maybe we're not the best long term match. Prolly because I am a hustler and a driven capitalist who makes to make bank and live large, and she's a bit leftie feminist sorta thing. All good. I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed fucking this gorgeous chick and just text back icey as fuck like "I'm not thinking long term right now but if you'd be open to seeing each other for something casual from time to time, we can give it a go" or something like that.

Maybe she'll HMU in a week or two, maybe not. I may grind like fuck in the gym and send her a thirst trap in 2 weeks and see if she re-engages. I'll also pipe some other tings out.


Killed in the gym this morning.

Back to the hustle.

Congrats again G, embrace the degeneracy lmao

MakingAComeback said:
She messaged me the next day saying we're really different and maybe we're not the best long term match.

Surprising. Reminds me of the advice to always fuck the girl like it's your last fuck with her. I've been slacking off in that department. Last time I went hard for 6 hours like you was during a threesome

Some advice: the last girl that ONS'd me texted me the same "we're not compatible" thing and I got her over again by texting her "I don't think it's possible to know that based on one meeting". She did came over again but we didn't end up fucking and I broke it off definitively. Just throwing this out there, because it's the only time I managed to bounce back from an ONS-zoning; it might be worth a shot for you
MakingAComeback said:

My lord. I was looking forward to this one. WHAT A READ!

Your progress is evident, from setting a better vibe, to learning to seed the pull, etc.

Isn't it interesting, this was the first girl you went on a date with that you were attracted to and you banged her?

Why did you have a feeling it was going to happen, compared to other girls?

Regarding almost cocking up on the balcony, less said is definitely more, we've all put our foot in our mouths on occasion. Definitely recommend limiting the drinking as well to stay sharp.
MakingAComeback said:
I then drop some dumb line about how I’m a strong man and she’s got a feminine energy.

She fucking clams up and says “WAIT, that sounds sexist, tell me what you mean by that”

She is dead ass serious and I am about to lose her


What an idiot.

Man, that text you initially sent was so bad haha. She would definitely have gotten triggered.

Let's all take a minute to appreciate that this girl saw you as an alpha, took your DNA, and will now go look for a beta provider.
MakingAComeback said:

So I am thinking about my online dating and how I ca make it work better. I change one pic for a new pic I have with girls, after Andy and Radical coached a new guy in the group on the importance of vibe and other people in dating profiles.

Pics with girls are a winner. I add mine. It’s Friday. I’m boosting on Tinder, and get a match.

She mentions her height in her bio. She’s 5’9”. We match.

I have added a few things to Andy’s template after reading @Rags2Bitches text game in our secret group. First text is: observational opener telling her well I’m 6’5” so you get to sit on my shoulders at festivals for a change. followed by “you’re sexy, watchu upto?” etc…

We vibe. She’s responsive.

Exchange numbers. Tell her I’m not after anything super serious etc. Stuck to my guns.

Head off partying with Timmy and we’re in a club with stunning, stunning women. I’m waved and just go into leering mode. Jeez.

Saturday morning, up and on it.

Head to the local park which is fricken stunning and sat there getting the sun. I always do this after nights out to recharge and reset. I take my shoes off and do earthing. Have a lot of skin out, etc.

We text on WhatsApp. Start with hey sexy, she says hey handsome. She asks me what I’m doing tonight. I’m not giving to much away: maybe I’ll head to Reggeatom with Turner, maybe I’ll see what captures me. I ask her what adventures she’s got planned.

“I’m not up to anything tonight. I’m free as a bird”

I then go for it. Let’s hang out tonight. Let’s unwind at a bar and see where the evening takes us. Lmk and I’ll find us a spot.

She tells me does 7/8 work.

I then need to nail the next text. I ask Timmy and also in the secret group. I am hasty and message anyway. Crisis jumps in and calls me out for such a shitty message. I delete and resend just 2 lines in alignment with what Crisis and Timmy said.

I tell her 8 is good and let’s meet the wine bar near me.

She’s like, see you at 8.


I am stoked. I head out for a walk in the sun and grab a bite.

Head home, jump in a cold bath, change clothes, down a gin and tonic and head to the date.

She arrives. God she is so pretty to me.

Long curly black hair, green eyes, great smile, and banging body. Juicy ass, super slim waist, juicy tits. Fuck.

I am looking at her like, jeez girl, I would fricken destroy you. This is the first time I have ever been on a date with a girl I am super attracted to.


We’re vibing, I am talking slower, just chilled. The whole time I am just thinking, dude, you are close: just don’t fuck this up and you’ll make it happen. It’ll just be like my first lay with Danish girl. I got this.
So it’s all going well in the date and as I learned from @countingsheep7878 , I am seeding the pull during the date. Also something @Crisis_Overcomer r shared in the secret group about solving the girls puzzle is clicking with me right now, I am trying to move things onto what she likes talking about and I am also interested in. She says let’s grab a drink. Call waiter over. I order a cider, she goes for a large glass of wine.

Touching her lots, her arms, her back. I ask if she works out and then get her to feel my fuckin jacked quads lol and she is impressed. I then get her to squeeze my biceps which again are growing well right now. She is loving it. Then do my standard stuff of comparing hand sizes with me being a giant.

I am seeding the pull, like we get onto a topic, and I’m like “we should watch that sometime”. Keep trying different things. She then mentions an album she loved and I’m like “let’s listen to that tonight and have a gin and tonic on my balcony” and she agrees. I then know I’ve pulled. I tell her we’ll go after these drinks.

We keep vibing. I go to pee, and then she goes to pee. We finish up our drinks and go to pay.

“I’ll get these”

I’m like damn girl, thank you, I appreciate that.


Take her outside, grab her hand and lead her. I’m legit 4 mins away. She holds my hand no problem. I am kinda drunk and tell her I find her very attractive, love her big blue eyes. She’s like, they’re green! I’m not noooo they’re blue, they’re big and blue and pretty. I then throw some bullshit about watching the sunrise and being exposed to so much colour it’s blurring into one. She laughs.

Take her back. Put music on and pour a drink. She has cold hands, and mine are hot. I hug her. She hugs me tight and we’re stroking each other etc. She’s loving it.

We go to the balcony.

We drink, start making out, I’m grabbing her ass and she is getting excited.

I then drop some dumb line about how I’m a strong man and she’s got a feminine energy.

She fucking clams up and says “WAIT, that sounds sexist, tell me what you mean by that”

She is dead ass serious and I am about to lose her

I am absolutely not phased and just bullshit my way out of it, like, tell her she is open and I find her easy to talk to, she is supportive and allows me to express the shit I’m into like watching the sunrise which some find weird, and I appreciate that about her.

“OK, redeemed” and she starts making out with me again

London and feminism man. They’re all on it. Major lesson learned.

Pick her up and carry her over to the sofa, making out, grabbing her big ol’ butt.

“What do you find attractive in a guy”
“Tall and muscular”


“You’re my ideal guy Ravi”

“When in the date did you know it was on”
“The second you walked up, smiled, and kissed me on the cheek. I was like, YES”

We were fucking tonight, this one was just there for the taking.

She is really into my. I pick her up again and carry her to my room and she is like “you’re so strong, you’re the most ripped guy I’ve been with”


Get her to my room, make out, turn a playlist on. Take my clothes off. She takes hers off. Holy shit she has a body.

Put her on the bed and admire her panties.

“I wore these for you”

I am loving this. Take them off and admire them for a sec.

Mow down on her. I’ll skip the details but we are going at it from 10pm – 4am!

Every so often we’re heading to the kitchen to get another G&T, and heading back for more. I am texting the boys every few hrs like broooooo I am still fucking LMAO. It is fricken hiliarious. She goes to pee now and again and I am slugging more drinks and going further rounds.


I then get quite wasted and turn into a total degenerate. I am doing some nasty shit to her, rimming the absolute fuck out her asshole, licking her feet, man you don’t even wanna know looooooool.

Give her an oily tantric massage which she loves for like an hour, and we shower off.

Hit the hay at 4. Feeling like a god.

She takes off at 6am. Calls herself an Uber and bouces real real quick. She asks me what I’m gonna do today and I’m like edit content. Watch her put her clothes on my god her tits are amazing.

She’s outie.

Loving life. Back grinding now to get some more shags in.

You’ll hear the latest.


-Muscles are king. GET JACKED. The way she looked at me when she entered for the date was just “YES”. This was never fucking happening a few months ago. You MUST and I mean MUST put in your gym grind. I don’t care if it kills you. Having solid ass muscle and improving confidence and frame will get us laid.

I am crazy crazy motivated to get laid a tonne now and become a slayer.

She messaged me the next day saying we're really different and maybe we're not the best long term match. Prolly because I am a hustler and a driven capitalist who makes to make bank and live large, and she's a bit leftie feminist sorta thing. All good. I thoroughly thoroughly enjoyed fucking this gorgeous chick and just text back icey as fuck like "I'm not thinking long term right now but if you'd be open to seeing each other for something casual from time to time, we can give it a go" or something like that.

Maybe she'll HMU in a week or two, maybe not. I may grind like fuck in the gym and send her a thirst trap in 2 weeks and see if she re-engages. I'll also pipe some other tings out.


Killed in the gym this morning.

Back to the hustle.


congrats man, epic report. Agree with Pancake. Less is more sometimes when there are potholes everywhere to step on.

WED 20/04/2022


Thank you to my tribe and mentor above for the love you fuckers got me here and we are gonna do some crazy shit in this life, we win together, 5 years we will be sitting at the winner’s table together turst me you know how it is.


More than motivated to get it in this life. Blood thirsty. You know your boy aint right in the head.

I will reply to you boys gotta smash gym real quick.


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 2.5hrs / Online Dating 3hrs / Test new pic (screen grab of me interviewing) & plan next pics Timmy
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet & Supps
(3) Content: Upload street interviews long & short / IG post / TikTok / Couple screen grabs for the gram too maybe a few reels


I am not the person I was in January. End of story.

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 2.5hrs / Online Dating 3hrs / Test new pic (screen grab of me interviewing) & plan next pics Timmy (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet & Supps (DONE)
(3) Content: Upload street interviews long & short / IG post / TikTok / Couple screen grabs for the gram too maybe a few reels (FAIL)


Ended up doing 4hrs of cold approach because I wanted to talk to women bad. 3hrs solo, 5 approaches. 1hr with Timmy, 5 approaches.

2-Stops, is hot AF, in a rush
4-She's nice but is crossing, hot AF

2nd session
6-doesn't stop and I try really hard lol
9-weak ass open and fuck do I know it

I know I have to open WAY harder around here. So I say, I will find someone I find attractive and open hard and make her stop.

10-Open, she has headphones in, I turn and walk with her a little, and she is really happy and stops. She has long curly hair which I like....

We talk for about 3-5 minutes, it's fun. She is in a rush for a dinner, so I push to exchange, she says she's not single but we can follow each other on Insta and be friends. I say ok but have you got any single friends? She says yeah and I take her IG.

Back working today & gonna see if I can get this chick off Tinder to come see me. She's very average and a bit thicc but I don't really care at this stage lol.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:

My lord. I was looking forward to this one. WHAT A READ!

Your progress is evident, from setting a better vibe, to learning to seed the pull, etc.

Isn't it interesting, this was the first girl you went on a date with that you were attracted to and you banged her?

Why did you have a feeling it was going to happen, compared to other girls?

Regarding almost cocking up on the balcony, less said is definitely more, we've all put our foot in our mouths on occasion. Definitely recommend limiting the drinking as well to stay sharp.

Working hard as you know big man, have the voices of guys like you running in my head at this stage lol.

Shit, it was life changing.

So it was subtle things. When I was touching her, she was totally totally OK with it. With her arms being stroked, her back being stroked. The lot. Other girls I dated when I wasn't screening hard, calling them sexy, and just had a frenetic and intense energy were not OK with it.

When I would try to seed it, she was like 'maybe', kept pushing and then when I let her know I'm just 5 mins away, that really got her attention. Then when we got onto a topic we both could vibe with, and I knew a little about, we agreed to go back to mine and listen to an album. I knew it was game over. Then she pays for my drinks....bruh.....

Good ass bank holiday weekend, best of my life lol.

Now to get laid a tonne my dude. Gotta really dial my Tinder in. Need an abs shot. Need to get an elite bod. Then me Timmy and our boy are gonna have to get some killer influencer level photos around London. We really must get on this. Timmy is game but I need to nail down a plan and make this happen.

You know I'll be approaching and crawling the clubs Friday & Saturday too. Whatever I've gotta do man, I am doing lol.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
MakingAComeback said:
I then drop some dumb line about how I’m a strong man and she’s got a feminine energy.

She fucking clams up and says “WAIT, that sounds sexist, tell me what you mean by that”

Oh modern feminism, what on earth have you done to these poor modern women.

"I then get quite wasted and turn into a total degenerate. I am doing some nasty shit to her, rimming the absolute fuck out her asshole, licking her feet, man you don’t even wanna know looooooool."

My man getting all perverted over here, I love it! Next you'll be entering Andy Territory - pissing on girls, writing "WHORE" on their bodies, spitting in their mouths, let's fucking go baby.

Super happy for you.

Eyyyyyyyyyyyyy we even got Andy posting in this log how about that!

Andy this was absolutely amazing and since I have been thinking just one thought 24/7: I NEED TO GET LAID

Man there is a lot of shit I am gonna get into we heard it here first lol

Holden said:
Congrats again G, embrace the degeneracy lmao

MakingAComeback said:
She messaged me the next day saying we're really different and maybe we're not the best long term match.

Surprising. Reminds me of the advice to always fuck the girl like it's your last fuck with her. I've been slacking off in that department. Last time I went hard for 6 hours like you was during a threesome

Some advice: the last girl that ONS'd me texted me the same "we're not compatible" thing and I got her over again by texting her "I don't think it's possible to know that based on one meeting". She did came over again but we didn't end up fucking and I broke it off definitively. Just throwing this out there, because it's the only time I managed to bounce back from an ONS-zoning; it might be worth a shot for you

Thank u as ever big man. Shit I sent her that message about are you open for casual. She didn't respond. I will give it until next Monday and then I'll double text like well we don't know from one meeting as you say here. By any means necessary!

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
I then drop some dumb line about how I’m a strong man and she’s got a feminine energy.

She fucking clams up and says “WAIT, that sounds sexist, tell me what you mean by that”

She is dead ass serious and I am about to lose her


What an idiot.

Man, that text you initially sent was so bad haha. She would definitely have gotten triggered.

Let's all take a minute to appreciate that this girl saw you as an alpha, took your DNA, and will now go look for a beta provider.

Bro your voice note was jokes

"For the love of God man please stop the wall of text"


My messages are shorter now and seems way better


countingsheep7878 Dewm Jacobpalmer123 Heisenberg

Thank you to the gang for the love as ever!!!!!!!!!

Date confirmed for tonight.

Screened hard, she passed it all. Called her sexy a couple times and told her I'm not looking for anything serious.

She's coming to see me at the wine bar after work.

Let's solve her puzzle, figure out a way to get her to mine, and handle biz.

MakingAComeback said:
Date confirmed for tonight.

Screened hard, she passed it all. Called her sexy a couple times and told her I'm not looking for anything serious.

She's coming to see me at the wine bar after work.

Let's solve her puzzle, figure out a way to get her to mine, and handle biz.


If you have sex again, go crazy with OLD. Boost as much as possible, generate leads, and go on dates. This could be a wave and you better ride it for as long as possible.
nice, whats your lifts? bench, ohp and squats?
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Date confirmed for tonight.

Screened hard, she passed it all. Called her sexy a couple times and told her I'm not looking for anything serious.

She's coming to see me at the wine bar after work.

Let's solve her puzzle, figure out a way to get her to mine, and handle biz.


If you have sex again, go crazy with OLD. Boost as much as possible, generate leads, and go on dates. This could be a wave and you better ride it for as long as possible.

Think we’ve created a monster. There’s no stopping him now.
Hahaaaaaa part of this you boys don't see is Tim is in the room next to me texting me to get out the living room and escalate looooooool


Really fun chick from Tinder

Was a vibe. We did all sorts. She left 2hrs ago to get the train to her job.

You knew it was coming.

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