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Hey Mac! I watched ya interview video it was cool man. Very interesting to see the girls responses.

I have a couple of tips if you want on the video production. Throw some music underneath. You can google ncs (no copyright sounds) or royalty free (insert music genre here) and use that. Also with the text look for stroke in premier and it will put a little outline around the text to make it pop more in a video.

Keep hustling brah. Your work is inspiring as always
Catchup post from yesterday:



THURS 07/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs (FAIL on CA, reasons below, Online dating done)
(2) Body: Cardio (60 mins) / Core / Stretch / Diet (Did cardio, failed core and stretching. Stuck to diet)
(3) Content: Shoot & Upload 1 Video (Done)
(4) Others: Work, Study Game (Worked, failed to study game)


One of those days when you’re SMOKED from the hustle. Great run, 60 mins of hammering in battersea park. Breakfast. Bit of work. Heading to cold approach, and fuck me, I cannot move a muscle.


Lay in bed listening to subconscious reprogramming stuff, Neville Goddard, for 3hrs man. This changes my day a lot and is so interesting.

Made dinner.

Do a Joe Dispenza meditation

One lead on the apps to hang out next week. Let’s see. Did 2hrs work on the applications.

Content didn’t happen.

This was a reset day tbh. Posted in the coaching group and got some great feedback on some reservations I have getting back into the dating process…..Working through it and will take the actions set.

Keep hammering,
Squilliam said:

1: Hey [name], you're sexy. I'm MAC. Watchu upto?
2: [reply]. What do you do for fun?
3: You seem cool. We should hang out sometime and see if we click. If you're up for a laugh, a flirt, and to see what happens, drop me your number and I'll send you a text.

Seeking casual this is perfect. Only thing I add would be one line which is mostly logistical but could be considered comfort building. In between 2&3 I respond with what I do for fun and say “What part of the city are you in? I live in the xxx. I just moved here from xxx.”
FRIDAY 08/04/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs (In Process) [DONE: Cold Approach 0/7 approaches in 3hrs, 1 chick stopped to chat. No exchange]
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet [Gym and core done, diet followed, weighted in @ 198.8lbs looking good. Rest to follow]
(3) Content: Heading out to shoot interviews with hot drunk girls @ 930pm w/ Timmy
(4) Others: Work, Relax & Listen to subconscious reprogramming

Notes: Need to work harder and get the approach volume up and up. No excuses. Will keep working. I recall some wisdom Manga dropped: "don't expect anything before the 500 approaches mark". This was great advice.

Cold Approaches 218 (+7)
CA Number Exchanges 10
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
Night Game Approaches 10
Night Game Numbers 1
Night Game Dates 0
Night Game Lays 0

Some good work going on in the coaching group and got great feedback from Andy and Radical, among others.

Keep working,
Dewm said:
Squilliam said:

1: Hey [name], you're sexy. I'm MAC. Watchu upto?
2: [reply]. What do you do for fun?
3: You seem cool. We should hang out sometime and see if we click. If you're up for a laugh, a flirt, and to see what happens, drop me your number and I'll send you a text.

Seeking casual this is perfect. Only thing I add would be one line which is mostly logistical but could be considered comfort building. In between 2&3 I respond with what I do for fun and say “What part of the city are you in? I live in the xxx. I just moved here from xxx.”


Happy to see you as ever brother.

Thank you for posting and when your next comedy tour is on the road I will be there rooting for you.

Thank for the support as ever, revised script:

1: Hey [name], you're sexy. I'm MAC. Watchu upto?
2: [reply]. What do you do for fun?
3: What part of the city are you in? I'm in [x] and recently moved from [y]
4: You seem cool. We should hang out sometime and see if we click. If you're up for a laugh, a flirt, and to see what happens, drop me your number and I'll send you a text.

CA Today:

1-she ran into a shop but was nice and very pretty (35ish I'd say)
5-she is really weird and I just escape
6-she stops and chats! SUPER awkward but I push for the exchange. She says shes not interested I say thanks and bounce
7-deflect / non stop

Plenty of approaching tonight for interviews with drunk chicks.

And tomorow, we will chill, maybe just edit and upload content, and hit NIGHT GAME

I enjoyed that first videos - you and your buddy seemed like you were having a whale of a time! Looking forward to the newest one.

Week was successful, stuck to diet, trained hard, approached all but 1 day, and shot content all night in Soho last night editing and uploading shortly

Weekends are off apart from night game where we hit it.........

Feeling good and living well.

Night game is another opportunity to become a social killer and confident dude who gets laid

My IG will come on a lot, we took plenty of pics with girls last night






Fuckin killer weekend man.

Friday we hustled all night shooting street interviews. The content was SICK. Had a blast. Get the bus back to our place and pass out.

Wake up Saturday feeling like a champion. Gym all week, cold approach, grinding on the dating apps screening hard, and building this brand man. It’s a good feeling.

It’s sunny outside so I head out for a walk and it’s a party in London. SO many stunning women out it’s insane. Very motivating for me.

Follow my diet and also do some reading, planning etc.

Saturday is party night. We get the boys together, crack some jokes at how some dudes aren’t as game as others.

We slug a few drinks and head out for a killer night of game.


We get a little buzzed and I start spam approaching. Timmy sets me the target of 10 approahes. I do this. Timmy sets our boy the target of 2 approaches. He will get there he just needs to keep working. Can’t wait to see this dude legit just open chicks. Right now he has massive AA, and is awkward as fuck in the interaction. I have work to do myself so I’m not judging the guy he has crazy potential cause he is very very smart and hardworking and also a good dude.

A lot we can work together on in the future.

Andy is phasing me tracking stats out. No excuses, just has to be done. He is my coach and his word is final.


Jackhammering it running through 3 venues, approaching like crazy, interactions right off the bat aren’t super receptive or looking to open, a few chicks say a few sentences, most chicks deflect, have a boyfriend, or just aren’t game at all.

But Saturday was a night of EXTREME PLOUGHING and I fuckin loved it

Fuckin ripped into the first venue it’s our local spot and is absolutely brilliant, smash like 10-12 approaches. Nothing to write home about.

Go to the next spot round the corner. It’s a vibe in here and I knock out like another 5 approaches.

Funny approach: I hit up some chick, say Hi how are you, she doesn’t respond and like shoos me away, so I say “have a good night” smile and stick my thumb up. Her guy friend runs over and has a mental breakdown. Screaming at me saying all sort of bullshit. I am not even hearing half of it dude is less than half my size and I honestly don’t care. I laugh and say “it was a joke”, think this is the only words I exchange, and he blows up screaming “YOU DON’T RESPECT WOMEN!” over and over. I laugh and move on, the first thought that came to my mind was, I could absolutely decimate this cunt in one punch and put him in the god damn emergency room!!! But it would never come to that, I am not even remotely phased by this shit and remember that is very illegal and means you have to change venues entirely for months. Dumb shit. He cries about getting me kicked out. I tell him to fuck off and within 30 seconds I am hitting on other girls lol. Have one interaction with a chick, she is tiny but she is quite receptive. I approach her for my friend and try to get them talking but he is stiff as a board lol so she says your friend is struggling and starts talking to me. I was like NOOO but I just shoot my shot she gives me some IOIs I then push a little and she runs off.

I continue to approach everything that moves, and when the land is truly harvested, it’s 2am and we now filter into the street and approach there. It’s 2am and this area is winding down. We head out and we are just approaching in the god damn street. Approach some wasted chick and shoot the shit. She has a boyfriend.

I call an uber and we hit one of London’s bigger clubs, 3 floors of madness.

We approach here like crazy.

Mostly I am getting blow out after blow out but I approach this cute little chick SUPER DIRECT Timmy style: “Hi, you’re SEXY and I wanted to meet you” she immediately smiles and puts her arms around my neck. I put my hands on her ass and start talking. It’s only like 15 seconds and she runs off lol. STANDARD.

And then at 4am, we filter out again as the club is shut and we approach in the god dan street!

I hit up a very pretty mixed race chick but she works at the venue and is about to start the clean. Not happening tbh.


Sunday was recovery day. Just lay in my bed with the covers pulled over for hours. I don’t tend to get hungover and I can handle my drink big time. I am a bit tired obviously so just chill for hours.

Do my accountability calls with my bros

Talk to Radical about his upcoming interview with me. Can’t wait for that I want to dive deeeeeeep into this guy’s head and paint the picture that is the man he became. An amazing transformation and one we need to celebrate, because Radical not only changed himself, but has now guided many many men to freedom and success in life.

I then just mong out. Order a low carb take out (Chipotle do a keto bowl) and watched some great content on mindset.

Happy days. That’s us caught up. Now into the week!


MON 11/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (2hrs) / Online Dating (1hr)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet
(3) Content Creation: Edit & Upload street interviews from Friday night – Do Nice Guys Finish Last?


Week commences at 198.8lbs. Good bodyweight. Physique is looking fine. Will keep cutting and get to a shredded 185lbs. At which point I may be a little skinny so will be time to lowly bulk up and build some solid azz muscle.

Got up way later than usual, did need the rest honestly. Lighter day overall. This is enough for right now.

MakingAComeback said:
I am not even hearing half of it dude is less than half my size and I honestly don’t care

Fuck these losers man. Good on ya for keeping it cool. (Should have given him the ol’ Mac and cheese knuckle sambo tho)
Adrizzle said:
MakingAComeback said:
I am not even hearing half of it dude is less than half my size and I honestly don’t care

Fuck these losers man. Good on ya for keeping it cool. (Should have given him the ol’ Mac and cheese knuckle sambo tho)

Haha dude he got REKT he had a legit mental breakdown and left the venue and I was hitting on chicks not 15 seconds after he went to run for the bouncers.

Obv he was in that social circle and was trying to look good infront of those chicks. Backfired pretty much with me laughing in his face and tellinh him to fuck off loooool

And quite honestly I could have easily knocked him all the way into next week but I am 30 can't be doing that shit now lol.

Only ever came to that once on the nightscene put the dude out for the count and ran like hell

Living a drama free life is the way ;-)

Hey MAC, hope you're doing good, I wanted to ask, how many matches do you get now on Bumble/tinder/hinge etc, with your new profile and pics.
Shit like this makes me realize how many guys are pathetic and insecure. He sounds like an orbiter of one of the girls.

Good on you for keeping your cool.

Was editing and uploading a street interview until midnight last night oooops. Woke up later to offset this.


MON 11/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (2hrs) / Online Dating (1hr) (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch / Diet (DONE)
(3) Content Creation: Edit & Upload street interviews from Friday night – London Street Interviews: Do Nice Guys Finish Last? / Short: London Girls REPULSED By Nice Guys & Why The Asshole Always Wins (Girls Dropping Red Pills In Soho)

Notes: Cold approach was hard today, just wasn’t able to launch into action at all. It was not there. Some very pretty ladies making and holding eye contact with me yet I was able to do anything. Very difficult and a bit emotionally challenging.

This happens sometimes. I am confident I will be back tomorrow and perform much better.

Morrigan1998 said:
Hey MAC, hope you're doing good, I wanted to ask, how many matches do you get now on Bumble/tinder/hinge etc, with your new profile and pics.

Hey man! I am good, and you?

OK, so it really does depend. I am now screening hard. So things have slowed down a lot!

But, if I run a boost on Bumble at the right time, I can pick up a good number. 10-15. If I run it at the wrong time, I get maybe 1.

Hinge, screening harder and calling them sexy really does thin the herd.

But none of this harder screening would have been possible with my weaker old profile.

My profile still needs improvement and I will keep hammering. Next pic I want to add is a pic with a girl. I have the capacity to shoot tonnes of pics with girls because of my brand.

Some thoughts for you: your online dating profile is an ongoing, iterative process. We should be taking pictures every month, and levelling up in body and appearance, so we can actually put a better offer infront of camera.

How does this apply to me? I am working hard in the gym, dieting, and doing some basic looksmaxxing stuff. The more time spent in the gym, the better I'll look infront of camera. And when I have legit muscle, I will have seriously improved. All along this process, pics can be taken to test new things and move you towards success.

This does require patience and going through long periods of little to nothing though man. Hard screening for me right now has thinned the herd like I said, but it beats going on endless dates that go nowhere. I am here to get laid now. I don't care about the rest :-)

I wanted to have a deep connection with a girl when I came to this group but I came to learn that until you are rock solid as a guy you will be disposable and will be tossed aside fast as fuck. So the male in self improvement must earn his stripes and develop into something that can last a lifetime.

Squilliam said:
Shit like this makes me realize how many guys are pathetic and insecure. He sounds like an orbiter of one of the girls.

Good on you for keeping your cool.

Normies are dumb bro, while a small group of guys are making themselves better and bringing value to society, trying to be successful, which is essentially just bringing value to the world, some don't know or care.

And they are deeply trapped in groupthink, brainwashed like sheep.

Which is why they will never be able to compete with guys like us and every day we gut up and grind the gap between us and them is increasing and increasing until one day, they will simply be so far behind in the race they will never be able to catch up.

And we light a cigar, kick back with the team on the beach and reminisce about where we started, and what we became.

Dewm said:

Thank you Brady it is a changing society huh. Approaching teaches you a lot about people. I remember one of your vlogs when you remarked how you found it amusing that you can call a woman beautiful, and she can look at you in total disgust.

Well, humans can act in strange ways man.

I honestly don't think many of these people are able to control their brain and I think they live their life in a walking daze.

What I love about that is, we get to see through the matrix and take what we want from life.

And that will be success. For both you and me.

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