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Hey bros,

Did a cold approach session after a week off. 5 approaches. Pretty pretty girls. Enjoyed approaching them. They were all either 'busy' or 'in a rush' but the last girls reaction melted my heart and is the sort of emotion I am looking for tbh! She was very smiley and happy but she said she had to get to work, I just loved how happy she got though it was nice......

5 apps after a week off = cuck volume

....BUT, remember in the past, when I'd take just ONE day off, I would be stuck at being unable to approach again!

The brain and subconscious DOES change.

I think back to legends in the game, think of dudes like Chris didn't he have AA for 8 months? And wasn't his BAD?

I recall a dude I met in the clubs in my first pick up phase, Indian guy actually, he wasn't the best looking, but he legit had game and I saw him get 3 makeouts on a night out. So I approached him. I sucked shit at the time (age 21) and asked him to teach me. He told me he hit the clubs 2 x a week for 17 months man before he started to get it.

I posted about this on colgate's log but I think some of us have brains that need calibration and subconscious change.

Just hammering data through the brain, new behavious, new actions, new emotional experiences and spending as much time engaging with women as possible is what will be required to change this type of brain.

Back approaching tomorrow, have my wing (Timmy from the forum) and we'll run up some volume.

Having a wing to approach with is MAJOR. The brain just needs volume to change man. You find ways to get that volume, you will progress.

I can approach solo, no problem, but I am savvy enough to know that a wing makes the process faster.

No prizes for making it harder on yourself. Winners win. End of.

Jumping on the coaching call in a bit.......

Uploaded content today, did my approaches, did 60 min of cardio in a local park which is absolutely beautiful and full of absolutely beautiful women who just kill me they really do............when will it be my turn?

Lots of muscle to be build, tonnes of approaches to be done, tonnes of game to study, and ultimately, we will change this brain and become SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE


Cold Approaches 162 (+5 TODAY cuck volume lol)
CA Nos 7
CA Social Media 1
OLD Dates 25
CA Dates 1
OLD Lays 1
MakingAComeback said:
If I get like no dates for a few months, it'll be because I am screening harder. Just saying "Hey you're sexy" rather than "Hey you're cute" kills basically all my convos dead.
I actually think Andy is onto something with that. Sexualizing early on is going to weed out girls who aren't down to get sexual quickly.

But is that what you want if you're looking for a relationship?

I'd say, "Hey, you're sexy" works better if getting laid is your main priority.

Then again, I assume you're following the same "sex first, relationship second" philosophy that most of us do, in which case saying "hey you're sexy" works out fine.

It does attract a lot of timewasters but it does weed out a lot of girls that you don't want as well. Dealing with timewasters is mostly a non-issue if you limit the texting anyways.
MakingAComeback said:
Hey bros,

Did a cold approach session after a week off. 5 approaches. Pretty pretty girls. Enjoyed approaching them. They were all either 'busy' or 'in a rush' but the last girls reaction melted my heart and is the sort of emotion I am looking for tbh! She was very smiley and happy but she said she had to get to work, I just loved how happy she got though it was nice......

5 apps after a week off = cuck volume

....BUT, remember in the past, when I'd take just ONE day off, I would be stuck at being unable to approach again!

The brain and subconscious DOES change.

I think back to legends in the game, think of dudes like Chris didn't he have AA for 8 months? And wasn't his BAD?

I recall a dude I met in the clubs in my first pick up phase, Indian guy actually, he wasn't the best looking, but he legit had game and I saw him get 3 makeouts on a night out. So I approached him. I sucked shit at the time (age 21) and asked him to teach me. He told me he hit the clubs 2 x a week for 17 months man before he started to get it.

I posted about this on colgate's log but I think some of us have brains that need calibration and subconscious change.

Just hammering data through the brain, new behavious, new actions, new emotional experiences and spending as much time engaging with women as possible is what will be required to change this type of brain.

Back approaching tomorrow, have my wing (Timmy from the forum) and we'll run up some volume.

Having a wing to approach with is MAJOR. The brain just needs volume to change man. You find ways to get that volume, you will progress.

I can approach solo, no problem, but I am savvy enough to know that a wing makes the process faster.

No prizes for making it harder on yourself. Winners win. End of.

Jumping on the coaching call in a bit.......

Uploaded content today, did my approaches, did 60 min of cardio in a local park which is absolutely beautiful and full of absolutely beautiful women who just kill me they really do............when will it be my turn?

Lots of muscle to be build, tonnes of approaches to be done, tonnes of game to study, and ultimately, we will change this brain and become SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE


MakingAComeback what is your response when they say they're busy? I know John Anthony recommends that saying Hi can I meet you real quick? and if they say they are busy just say "30 seconds I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you." Like I think based on what people have said about London the "I'm busy" or "I'm on my way to something" may sometimes be a rejection or sometimes if may be a shit test to overcome. I would maybe try this cadence.

I also started using " Hey I thought you were cute (or I like your style) and wanted to spend 2 minutes meeting you to see if you were as cool as you look." Then just go quickly into what's she's busy running off to and try and get her to slow down for a second by engaging in a conversation. Worst case just ask for the number as a hail mary (mayube it will work and you get a response 5% but that is better then 0%)

For what its worth I have never actually gotten this response. I have gotten I have BF or I am not interested in every single one of my rejections but they at least give me the 90 seconds to make conversation.

I am not sure what you are saying exactly on the open but it might be helpful to record some more so we can give feedback on the initial stages if you are getting brushed off in the first 30-45 seconds with an I'm busy.

also another cold approach video I would recommend to get them to stop in the street.

if you are approaching them from behind you are probably startling a lot of them due to your height so that is something to consider.
countingsheep7878 said:
MakingAComeback said:
Hey bros,

Did a cold approach session after a week off. 5 approaches. Pretty pretty girls. Enjoyed approaching them. They were all either 'busy' or 'in a rush' but the last girls reaction melted my heart and is the sort of emotion I am looking for tbh! She was very smiley and happy but she said she had to get to work, I just loved how happy she got though it was nice......

5 apps after a week off = cuck volume

....BUT, remember in the past, when I'd take just ONE day off, I would be stuck at being unable to approach again!

The brain and subconscious DOES change.

I think back to legends in the game, think of dudes like Chris didn't he have AA for 8 months? And wasn't his BAD?

I recall a dude I met in the clubs in my first pick up phase, Indian guy actually, he wasn't the best looking, but he legit had game and I saw him get 3 makeouts on a night out. So I approached him. I sucked shit at the time (age 21) and asked him to teach me. He told me he hit the clubs 2 x a week for 17 months man before he started to get it.

I posted about this on colgate's log but I think some of us have brains that need calibration and subconscious change.

Just hammering data through the brain, new behavious, new actions, new emotional experiences and spending as much time engaging with women as possible is what will be required to change this type of brain.

Back approaching tomorrow, have my wing (Timmy from the forum) and we'll run up some volume.

Having a wing to approach with is MAJOR. The brain just needs volume to change man. You find ways to get that volume, you will progress.

I can approach solo, no problem, but I am savvy enough to know that a wing makes the process faster.

No prizes for making it harder on yourself. Winners win. End of.

Jumping on the coaching call in a bit.......

Uploaded content today, did my approaches, did 60 min of cardio in a local park which is absolutely beautiful and full of absolutely beautiful women who just kill me they really do............when will it be my turn?

Lots of muscle to be build, tonnes of approaches to be done, tonnes of game to study, and ultimately, we will change this brain and become SUCCESSFUL IN LIFE


@MakingAComeback what is your response when they say they're busy? I know John Anthony recommends that saying Hi can I meet you real quick? and if they say they are busy just say "30 seconds I thought you were cute and wanted to meet you." Like I think based on what people have said about London the "I'm busy" or "I'm on my way to something" may sometimes be a rejection or sometimes if may be a shit test to overcome. I would maybe try this cadence.

I also started using " Hey I thought you were cute (or I like your style) and wanted to spend 2 minutes meeting you to see if you were as cool as you look." Then just go quickly into what's she's busy running off to and try and get her to slow down for a second by engaging in a conversation. Worst case just ask for the number as a hail mary (mayube it will work and you get a response 5% but that is better then 0%)

For what its worth I have never actually gotten this response. I have gotten I have BF or I am not interested in every single one of my rejections but they at least give me the 90 seconds to make conversation.

I am not sure what you are saying exactly on the open but it might be helpful to record some more so we can give feedback on the initial stages if you are getting brushed off in the first 30-45 seconds with an I'm busy.

also another cold approach video I would recommend to get them to stop in the street.

if you are approaching them from behind you are probably startling a lot of them due to your height so that is something to consider.

Hey man! Very good points. My opener is "Hey, I thought you were attractive I wanted to say hi". I am very down to experiment with other openers tho dude!

Thanks for this and I will try the line above tomorrow.


WED 30/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old Process (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym (FAIL)
(3) Others: Work, Shoot content (DONE)


One one of the approaches stunning chick was reticent but I pushed, her Dad appears, old boomer, starts quizzing me and is asking me all sorts, lol, whose authority to you have to ask questions all this shit. I just blab and bullshit and bounce. Was jokes.

The girls mostly are in a rush. One I get who is stationary, she chats, but its awkward as fuck. None are really game but we keep hammering.

Timmy sees what we thought was a hottie, and he pursues for a hot minute. It is legit so fun, she is racing into the distance but we keep following. He has a moment of hesitation, and I tell him well either you approach or I do. He crosses, darts over and opens – all that chase and she’s a plain jane, haha. Timmy bounces, and I approach some chick right next to this. Was fricken brilliant I loved this.

We keep pushing but the volume is not there today. All good, back tomorrow.

Online dating: pushing harder following the call with Andy, who has kicked my arse basically and told me he wants me focusing on the following for now:

-MUST tell them they’re sexy on the apps
-Talk about sex 15 mins into ALL dates
-Don’t buy any drinks
-”I want you” thinking (see dating guide)
-Bring a lustful and desirous energy
-Go on dates with a mission to get LAID

Brilliant advice and loved the call.

Came back from approaching, ate dinner, then ran off to meet my friend and shoot content with him for 4hrs. Was brilliant.

Now gonna chill and get to bed at 10pm, nice and early.

Hammering tomorrow.

The Phoenix Project Running Totals

Cold Approaches 172 (+10)
CA Number Exchanges 7
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
MakingAComeback said:
Hey man! Very good points. My opener is "Hey, I thought you were attractive I wanted to say hi". I am very down to experiment with other openers tho dude!


Just wanted to jump in on this. Not saying you should take my advice because I don't have great results to back anything up that I'm saying, however in my admittedly limited experience, that opener is not great if it's not something you would say ordinarily. Last summer I approached around 150+ girls using basically that exact opener verbatim. Results: Around 40-50 numbers, literally ZERO responses to a single text. Then I tried changing my approaches to be congruent with how I would actually start a conversation with a girl talking to her like a regular human being and not removing the mystery and making it obvious that I think she's attractive right off the bat. The results were 4 dates with a girl last fall, and additionally I got a response from 6 out of 7 numbers that I got when approaching this way as opposed to 0/50 the other way. Again, not saying you should take my advice or that I'm an expert because I'm definitely not: just sharing my results. The best results I've had are just talking to a girl in a normal spontaneous, fun way with NO PLAN and not trying to pre-plan what you're going to say in the form of prepared "lines" or mental constructs of where you want to direct the conversation.
SamJ_ said:
that opener is not great if it's not something you would say ordinarily.

I'm going to chime in with my also limited experience to disagree.

I used this on the chick I eventually made out with in a classroom in September.

But my point is "what's a good opener" and debating openers is generally noob af. You can give a cold approach wizard some retarded opener like "I want to feel your cheekbones" and he'd probably still get some success. And likewise, you could use the best opener possible from some PUA trick book but give it to an insecure, mousy guy and he'd get nowhere.

My point is the actual words of the opener hardly matters. Communication with girls is largely implicit. Don't think about your opener, just observe the cute girl and say what you genuinely feel.

This advice is from talking with guys far more experienced than I am, and from my own observations with my better approaches and interactions.
MakingAComeback said:
Then I tried changing my approaches to be congruent with how I would actually start a conversation with a girl talking to her like a regular human being and not removing the mystery and making it obvious that I think she's attractive right off the bat. The results were 4 dates with a girl last fall, and additionally I got a response from 6 out of 7 numbers that I got when approaching this way as opposed to 0/50 the other way. Again, not saying you should take my advice or that I'm an expert because I'm definitely not: just sharing my results. The best results I've had are just talking to a girl in a normal spontaneous, fun way with NO PLAN and not trying to pre-plan what you're going to say in the form of prepared "lines" or mental constructs of where you want to direct the conversation.

Okay, just read the rest of this comment. Pretty much spot on.
colgate said:
MakingAComeback said:
Then I tried changing my approaches to be congruent with how I would actually start a conversation with a girl talking to her like a regular human being and not removing the mystery and making it obvious that I think she's attractive right off the bat. The results were 4 dates with a girl last fall, and additionally I got a response from 6 out of 7 numbers that I got when approaching this way as opposed to 0/50 the other way. Again, not saying you should take my advice or that I'm an expert because I'm definitely not: just sharing my results. The best results I've had are just talking to a girl in a normal spontaneous, fun way with NO PLAN and not trying to pre-plan what you're going to say in the form of prepared "lines" or mental constructs of where you want to direct the conversation.

Okay, just read the rest of this comment. Pretty much spot on.

Yeah I think the problem was it's not something I'd normally say so I felt weird saying it and it made the rest of the approach weird every time. And it's not that I was scared of saying it it's just that 'hey I just thought you were really attractive' is more formal and less 'loose' than how I usually talk. For some it might work great
Great discussion above and happy to see Sam posting. Sam's thoughts here are very much touching on the importance of congruence. Overall, I agree deeply, but one thing I think must me emphasised, and this is communicated by Colgate well: if you're legit good and a social demon, it doesn't matter what you say to open.

Sam, come back and keep us updated you sexy bastard.

OK bros will check in later but had a brilliant approach session.

Went 2/14

Exchanged with a cute Aussie nurse and I just loved her big ass.

And the other chick was pretty cool and had a nice vibe.

Talked to Timmy about initial texts and now when I get a CA number I am just texting "MAC :)"

All in a days work.

Back @ it tomorrow, Timmy is in the office so I'll be rolling solo and I'm gonna jump on the bus and try another area.

Just as we were wrapping up our session and about to head home, pancakemouse shares a brilliant update in the secret group. This dude will be having the time of his life this summer I absolutely know it.

And then I am buzzing reading his update. Walk down the road, an older lady is walking two dogs. She looks over to me, she is beaming smiling, and I smile back, we lock eyes and it's quite an adorable moment her heart is obv a bit melted. Now she is an older lady, while she was beautiful and elegant, she was 50+ bros.

Every dog has his day and when you looksmaxxx hardcore these funny little moments happen.

Life is abundant when you let it be.

Cold Approaches 186 (+14)
CA Number Exchanges 9 (+2)
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1


FRIDAY 01/04/22

(1) Dating 2 Hrs Ca / Online Dating Work (DONE, 5 approaches cuck volume, but screening harder on the apps)
(2) Body: Gym (FAIL) but stuck to my diet, ate well, took my supps, and got plenty of light / outdoors time
(3) Content: Shot 3 videos, made plan for the hustle tomorrow (DONE)
(4) Life Admin: Sort out Water bill (re-opened account and discussed payment schedule) (DONE)


Fucking freezing in London town, decided to get a quick 2hr romp around a new area in. It actually sucked for volume so won’t go there again.

This week gym has been awful, trained with my bro on Monday, went for a run Tuesday, coaching call Tuesday night @ 1am cucks any gym work for Weds morning, went for a run Thurs morning, then had a call until late Thursday with the LEGEND The Bastard which I was really happy about so gym cucked today (friday).

Next week back hammering the gym and working solidly on lifting 4 x a week. Changing my routine now. 4 x weights in the week, 1 cardio session, and then weekend off….

CA Breakdown:

When it’s cold AF and howling wind, volume was always going to suffer. Oh well. We are in this game to gain elite social skills, balls, confidence, and seduction abilities to get the kind of girls we want.

Girl from cold approach yesterday actually texted me bless her! 2nd ever cold approach text response, loving it. The nurse with the big ass didn’t respond nor will she. But I will keep building this skillset up. And I will send her a text in one week’s time like Crisis_Overcomer

Today I was very shit. I went solo, and when not with a wing (Timmy) I noticed I was way less ballsy and more timid. This is what happens when you have crutches, you make progress yes, but you still need to mix up and do solo sessions and put your brain in very uncomfortable bullshit.

Otherwise, as a hardcase, you will not become direct and assertive enough to win at this game.

I think some guys need to go out and humiliate themselves for YEARS.

And on the other side of that is fucking greatness.

1 – didn’t stop
2 – didn’t stop
3 – didn’t stop
4 – Dressed like a slut, I approach, she walks off and yells super loud “WHAT THE FUCK” lol typical London rat ;-)
5 – pretty chick walking out of Sainsburys, approach, she smiles and nervously darts into the fucking road to jog around me. Hahah.

All good man.

Back @ it tomorrow.

Still got some content, did my approaches, and am screening harder on the dating apps.


He stressed the importance of consistency and hitting it DAILY, even if it’s fucking 2 approaches, you never, ever, ever stop hammering.

It's a game of recalibrating the subconscious, building congruency, becoming ballsier and awakening the consciousness of success.


The Phoenix Project Running Totals

Cold Approaches 191 (+5)
CA Number Exchanges 9
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
MakingAComeback said:
The nurse with the big ass didn’t respond nor will she. But I will keep building this skillset up. And I will send her a text in one week’s time like @Crisis_Overcomer

Wait, did she ignore your first text or she stopped replying? If she ignored you completely, I don't suggest remessaging. I've tried a bunch of methods and they never work.

Btw, do you SMS them or do you message them on Whatsapp? I'd suggest Whatsapp instead of text if possible.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
The nurse with the big ass didn’t respond nor will she. But I will keep building this skillset up. And I will send her a text in one week’s time like @Crisis_Overcomer

Wait, did she ignore your first text or she stopped replying? If she ignored you completely, I don't suggest remessaging. I've tried a bunch of methods and they never work.

Btw, do you SMS them or do you message them on Whatsapp? I'd suggest Whatsapp instead of text if possible.

She responded, but then I messaged back like a fricken chode ass nice guy and I'm pretty sure I killed this lead dead in the water!

Since talking to you guys way more in recent times having set up the group I realised a lot about myself, about my nice guy tendencies and what is, in truth, a lack of groundedness in my own masculinity.

It's weak. It's repellent. And it must die.

We'll kill it.


02/04/2022 SATURDAY

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 2hrs / Night Game
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Move a lot, take supps, reasonable diet
(3) Content: Shoot viral type content with Timmy, take pics with girls, and just practice interviewing and shifting gears into content creator mode

Notes: Plenty of action ahead, return to night game! With emphasis literally just on having fun and enjoying it.

Catch up post from SAT below. Sunday was RECHARGE DAY and was really really great. Awesome calls with my accountability parter and also The Bastard.


02/04/2022 SATURDAY

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 2hrs / Night Game (DONE, we sprinked in some cold approach while grinding)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Move a lot, take supps, reasonable diet (DONE)
(3) Content: Shoot viral type content with Timmy, take pics with girls, and just practice interviewing and shifting gears into content creator mode (DONE)

Notes: Plenty of action ahead, return to night game! With emphasis literally just on having fun and enjoying it.

We head out to shoot content and we get stuck in the lift haha, great vlog content.

Cold approach skills came to the fore: approached tonnes of chicks asking if we can chat to them, many aren’t game, we keep grinding and BOOM some start wanting to chat. We keep grinding and get some excellent interviews.

We are interviewing chicks and we’re loving it. Basically Timmy turns a switch in his head and decides it’s now cold approach time.

We switch out of content creator mode and go running around opening beauties.

We go into Selfridges and see some STUNNERS. I approach one legit stunner, 9/10 easy, I say hi, she’s confused but then as she is walking away says hi, and I basically crap myself and walk off but SHE WALKS BACK to the general area we are and looks at something, and then turns around and awalks away again. LOL. I was not sure if she blew me off or if she came back to maybe see if I’d talk to her.

Either way, the girls are sooooooooooo pretty in here and it’s amazing.

We do some thinking and agree next time we will head into Soho and interview hot drunk girls at 10-12! And probably run some cold approaches while we’re at it lol.

We then grind harder, keep working, and then meet up with one of our bros in London – a great young lion who was in Andy’s coaching group.

Timmy bounces to handle biz and me and I kick it with our friend for a while.

We part ways and then I go home, relax for a while, listening to the Mystery Method LOL and then Timmy arrives so we can HIT THE CLUBS.

Timny inspired me a lot to return to the night game We had a fucking GREAT night. I got one girls number in the queue just talking bullshit whilst slightly tipsy, she gave me her sumbrero and bounced to another venue. I then opened tonnes of chicks talked to quite a few, didn’t really go anywhere, then got feedback from Timmy and his friend (two players) who observed one thing I was fucking up. They told me to talk SLOWER and be really direct, focus on intent. I do this for a few girls and man it is ENTIRELY different. Interactions change a lot.

I keep opening in the first venue, which was great, and it gets to 1am and it shuts. We bounce to the next spot and it’s hard to get back into the swing but I try. Open a few more, including quite a hot chick, she has a boyfriend but thanks me for approaching ahd tells me I need to keep doing it LOL.

Overall, I am just happy, this type of day is what gives me life. We hammer all day, shooting vlogs, interviews, pics with girls, we cold approach, we hit the night scene, we took everything from that day and got better.

And that is how you win.

Incremental progress man…...just keep working.


04/03/2022 MONDAY


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Zero
(3) Content: Upload backlog & Edit and upload interviewing girls in London!!!


GREAT recharge day yesterday, great call with my accountability partner and talked to The Bastard for like 3hrs, then just chilled in bed listening to interesting stuff. Feeling good!

Today back to the hustle and BACK IN THE GYM!

As part of our content creation we get girls Instagrams, I won't include that in the stats, but we are gonna reach out to them and try to get double dates and stuff like that.

Cold Approaches 195 (+4 on sat)
CA Number Exchanges 9
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
Night Game Approaches 10 (+10 on sat)
Night Game Numbers 1
Night Game Dates 0
Night Game Lays 0
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