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i'm sorry if you came to that conclusion, you still have more cold approach dates than 99% of males
Is there any way you can move somewhere else? I feel like you'd have much better luck in a different city.

My friend from London says that he mostly only goes out with foreign exchange student girls because the girls from London just suck.
Squilliam said:
Is there any way you can move somewhere else? I feel like you'd have much better luck in a different city.

My friend from London says that he mostly only goes out with foreign exchange student girls because the girls from London just suck.

I agree with this MakingAComeback. In the US we have this concept of 1st tier and 2nd tier cities.

1st tier city examples LA, NYC, Miami, Chicago, Phoenix, Seattle
2nd tier city examples Albuquerque, Pittsburg, Indianapolis, Denver, Milwaukee

There is a strong theory that tier 1 cities are way way harder for the men for pickup and dating then the 2nd tier cities because the tier 1 cities are much more competitive (even if they are much larger).

The reason why is because men move from smaller towns and tier 2 cities to the tier 1 cities ( pancakemouse is a good example of this with his recent did this with moves to Miami & now NYC. While the tier 2 cities lose a lot of their best quality men the women are less likely to leave regardless of value of the woman because women in general are more likely to stay close to family and where they grew up. This causes an unbalance in the ratio of top quality men vs top quality women that tips it in the men's favor on a macro scale and makes it a somewhat easier for the above average guy who is focused on self improvement to find success and the women would be less rough to deal with and less flakey.

Another example of this concept is eastern Europe where a lot of the quality men leave those countries but many of the women stay (which is why many men have said its much easier to do pick up and get girls in countries like Poland, Estonia, Czech Republic, Austria etc.)

So why am I telling this? Because I believe London clearly falls into the tier 1 city in not only the UK but for all of Europe. So I would see about moving to tier 2 cities. I don't know the UK well enough to identify the correct tier 2 cities but it would be something you could consider is moving to a tier 2 city with over 400k people.

Something to consider.
MakingAComeback said:
Just enjoying my life is what I need to focus on. When it comes to women, I am OK with the fact that it probably won't be happening for me.
Man, don't give up. I know you won't, it's not actually in your reality. You can fucking do this. The harder it is for you, the more epic your story is becoming. Honestly, it's already very epic and inspiring. Look at all the guys following your log. That's not for nothing. We're all incredibly inspired by you.

I think I know what you're saying though. You want to feel OK being you no matter what happens - am I right? I can get behind that.

Squilliam said:
Is there any way you can move somewhere else? I feel like you'd have much better luck in a different city.
I actually thought about this for you too MakingAComeback. Prague, Budapest, Krakow/Warsaw are all great and not far from London. The girls are also way more feminine and accept your lead a lot more, in my experience. You basically have zero extreme feminist BS around here.

I have never lived in England and only visited London for a few days, so I can't speak for how good it is. But I know Eastern Europe is great.
Thanks for your posts bros, I really appreciate it. I obviously will go hard as fucking shit until the year is up. Unfortunately I am a hard headed cunt and cannot give anything up.

Fucking MAC brain is not right, don’t know what the hell is wrong with it. It’s obsessed.

What I am saying is this: I just want to be OK with the process. It is what it is man.

We are all starting from different places – I am starting from NOTHING, and have to build something totally from scratch.

Who knows, maybe I’ll pull it off?

Or maybe I won’t.

But one thing is FACT: I will try, and try hard as hell.

All girls I dated ghosted or told me they weren’t feeling it, a few more texts came thru. I kinda stopped caring. Why even care man? I am alive, I am breathing, I am in this world, I have a CHANCE All I can control is my effort.

I will continue to go hard as fucking shit.

....But guys, I will be here in December and it’s looking like I will have nothing to show for it.

You just need to know I have worked day in, day out, non stop, since the second I got here.

Personallu, just knowing I put in the effort is enough man.


This is why I never take time off…………….but I was getting it from all angles so had to.

To the points:

I am loving life in London despite the women. I am going to stay here for a year, and kill the content game. Build a network. And find a way to be successful.

Women just about anywhere on this earth do not like your boy, I’ve been all over, so you can trust me on that.


I will travel as my bro Paw says. Like you all elude to, Squliam, Countingsheep, there are other places where I may do better. Maybe.

The jury is out ;-)


Can’t wait to wrap up this fucking bullshit week off.

I need to work and grind.

We can’t all get what we want in life. I just wanted a chick to be nice to me, to talk to me and reply to texts. Guess what? THAT AIN’T LOOKIN LIKELY

I could be sad about it, but it won’t change a damn thing.

Oh well man. I am still breathing. That is going to have to be enough.

The chips will fall where they may

Next week, back to London THANK FUCK.

Day gaming daily, 7 days a fucking week.

Will hit the bars / clubs one time a week and begin to ease my way into that. I am fuckin’ uncomfortable there let me tell ya ha ha.

Back on the apps grinding and trying to make it work. Will also get a photoshoot done with Timmy ASAP.

Final thoughts:

So it was a year ago this week I started hardcore self improvement. Lost the weight. Changed style. Lost my virginity. Got my legit first lay (..who then wasn't feeling the cOnNeCtIoN). Been on almost 30 dates. Moved to LDN. Started making content. Made new friends and am on my way to success.

The thing I really wanted above all was to change my situation with women and not have to struggle like FUCK anymore.

I will keep working on that one.

Focus for me is just enjoying life and letting what happens, happen.

That’s all I’ve got for ya.

Next week back to hammering. Nothing else really works for me.

I know it's my week off but gonna do a little grinding, little soul searching, and will debrief with the big man in the coaching call next week get his thoughts.

Better to stay on and not take time off man, time off ain't good for my head I do not enjoy it..........

Eager to go now, big time.

MakingAComeback said:
Oh yeah it was shocking, honestly, I don't understand. Admittedly, some of them were probably drunk, but being kicked and punched for just saying hi was degrading and sucked. I used to write field reports and stuff and at the time I actually found it funny. It didn't happen much when I was 21-25, but when I hit the night scene again at 26, women were absolutely brutal.

It takes a lot of mental fortitude to have very negative experiences with women for a protracted length of time and keep your mind on level footing. I can't let it affect me as I have women in my family who depend on me, colleagues, employees, etc. Just gotta keep it moving man.

I don't know where that happened, but tell me if I'm correct: it happened in a smaller city at a bar/club that didn't have a cover charge?

Regardless, I suggest that you pick better venues, because venues that tolerate that kind of behavior should be avoided. Usually a good venue will have staff that will take care of that kind of thing.

If you're getting consistent negative responses like that, it's very likely that your demeanor is one that assholes/bullies see as an easy target. I'm not trying to be rude to you and I could be wrong, but in my experience that's often been the case, ESPECIALLY when someone exhibiting those behaviors is trying to step up and approach.

Let me know if I'm on the right track and I can give you some suggestions on how to no longer make this occur as often.
Vice said:
MakingAComeback said:
Oh yeah it was shocking, honestly, I don't understand. Admittedly, some of them were probably drunk, but being kicked and punched for just saying hi was degrading and sucked. I used to write field reports and stuff and at the time I actually found it funny. It didn't happen much when I was 21-25, but when I hit the night scene again at 26, women were absolutely brutal.

It takes a lot of mental fortitude to have very negative experiences with women for a protracted length of time and keep your mind on level footing. I can't let it affect me as I have women in my family who depend on me, colleagues, employees, etc. Just gotta keep it moving man.

I don't know where that happened, but tell me if I'm correct: it happened in a smaller city at a bar/club that didn't have a cover charge?

Regardless, I suggest that you pick better venues, because venues that tolerate that kind of behavior should be avoided. Usually a good venue will have staff that will take care of that kind of thing.

If you're getting consistent negative responses like that, it's very likely that your demeanor is one that assholes/bullies see as an easy target. I'm not trying to be rude to you and I could be wrong, but in my experience that's often been the case, ESPECIALLY when someone exhibiting those behaviors is trying to step up and approach.

Let me know if I'm on the right track and I can give you some suggestions on how to no longer make this occur as often.

Haha oh shit that was my Uni days! Bitches be crazy and when they were drunk as hell some would go nuts.

I don't have that any more. I do give chicks meltdowns when I approach them in the club sometimes, but this is just the process.

Somethin' aint quite right and hence I am where I am. I would be very open to any suggestions or tips!

Stuck to taking the week off. Went for a 2hr walk. Felt better!

Will confess to have been stressed this week, as it's almost April and I shit you not, any possibility of getting anywhere with chicks is looking grim! :-O

Had that win in Jan, which was good, but since her ghosting / sending THAT text, have not been able to get a 2nd date or anything like that, and every time I ask a chick back to mine, she tells me she has to go home LOL.

I will just repeat the process hundreds of times and also work on improvement. Read some game books or someshit. Have been given some good resources will work thru them.


Had a date scheduled tomorrow. Had talked to this girl for 4 weeks and we knew I'd be seeing my parents this weekend. I texted to confirm for tomorrow, just checking the venue, and she sends a really crazy angry text, about how I sent a voice note last week that has put her off, that I probably have a line of women waiting and am trying to cram her in, because I am that type of guy. All this nonsense. It came out of nowhere and we'd been talking normally.

The reality: she was never going to meet, she just wanted the attention. When it came to meet, she wanted to cause some drama to create some stimulation in her life.

I am sorry to be a dick, but think how many time wasters, how many shitty experiences the male in self improvement gets. It is literally endless.

And then women wonder why they get ghosted? Why they can't find a good man?

There is karma in this world. Women contribute to a tonne of trauma and pain in this world. You can take issue with that if you want. But they do.

And karma can be a bitch for them, they do have adverse experiences, there is wrong done to them, and the Universe finds ways to equalise the balance.

Why wouldn't it?

When you have a situation where men have to truly put themselves through the grinder to get just about anything, it is no wonder men become picky about who they settle down with.

After having to endure trauma to my very core and more or less break myself down into mineral salts just to fighting for a chance of a future that is better than my past, at this point, there is obviously no stopping.

Truth is, I thought dropping the weight, changing style, all the shit I did, I honestly thought it would make the odd girl like me.

Didn't care if they were all the way obese, or freakin deformed or some shit. If they liked me, that honestly would have been enough.

Thing is, it actually didn't help.

Like....I can get below average or average chicks on dates, but when I start moving my lips, it's often a sinking ship from there.

I didn't really want to get into game again, but what choice do I have at this stage?

I am going to dive deep and learn how to fix myself.

Unless I do, this is how my life will go. I will stay this way until I die. And the only person I can blame will be me.

While I cannot get anyone at the moment, what about after another year in the gym?

What about after cosmetic surgery if it comes to that?

What about after steroids if it comes to that?

I'll just keep going and going.


What will have made it worth it in the end?

If I can produce children, and give them a better life than the absolute brutal bloodbath that mine was, the cycle of pain will have ended with me. I can pass on and leave them a better life than the one I had. That will be enough for me. Being a really, really good Dad and giving them a great quality of life will mean I transcended and overcame the insanity that was my life.

I have thought long and hard about this and reflected for weeks. This is ultimately what I want.


I will try to enjoy this time off fully, and Monday, I am going back to work on The Phoenix Project.

When I go back to London I will really, really grind...........

Will plan a full photoshoot out, and put learning game into my schedule on the daily. Everything else will be executed as per usual and will screen harder on the apps.

If I get like no dates for a few months, it'll be because I am screening harder. Just saying "Hey you're sexy" rather than "Hey you're cute" kills basically all my convos dead.

That is why I went for cute. But time to amp it up.

Unless they're OK with me calling them sexy, likelihood is they will just ghost, waste my time, and bring other bullshit.

Time to screen way harder and also strengthen my profile.

MakingAComeback said:
The reality: she was never going to meet, she just wanted the attention. When it came to meet, she wanted to cause some drama to create some stimulation in her life

Amen. Absolutely. This took me a long time to figure out. Once I learned this, I have had very little time wasted since.

Saw your interview with Andy today. Great job, and it got me inspired! Appreciate all your hard work. You're inspiring to us all.
You aren't being a dick - you are developing boundaries. You won't accept shitty behaviour from women, and over time this will project outwards and you will unconsciously screen those troubled ladies out. This becomes particularly noticeable once you start to get results.

Example: this Brazilian dancer from tinder took umbrage when I did my usual 'lite' screening - 'let's meet at x and have a coffee then if we both feel comfy and like each other, go to my place and chill,' she responded super rudely and gaslighty. In other words she outed herself as the angry, toxic person she really was. And it was easy to just delete her number and forget about her. Because I have succeeded with girls who are her physical equal yet who have MUCH nicer personalities. You become jealously protective of your vibe and what type of interaction with women you will allow and pursue.

I wouldn't start thinking about cosmetic surgeries and even steroids just yet. You have made great improvements to your physique but you have a long way to go yet. I don't believe you are even close to your full potential yet.

As for screening, you don't necessarily need to go nuts with 'your sexy.' I don't even do that because it kills so many conversations in their cribs. Maybe try a more gentle version like the one I outlined above. And keep good records of how those approaches go. If it is not working then you are likely not meeting the looks threshold in the particularl vicinity in which you are macking.
hey MakingAComeback I would highly encourage you to review the free content on youtube for playing with fire. I personally find Alex's online text game to be the best balance of sexual / screening and not being too tight with the screening funnel. I love Andy's content and his tinder guide but for me I don't use his openers because I think its screens far too hard at the beginning and comes in too hot for many chicks that would be a yes to what you want down the road.

here's the fist video you should start with from Alex's content https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8R_BIDyCoRM

I recommend you watch as much of it as you can. He has dozens of full examples from open to close.

If you look at the 3 examples I included a few posts back I didn't screen super hard in my openers. I think the perfect balance is "I like your style and (insert something about her pictures)"

usually its 1 of these 3

and your cute pup
and your sexy tattoos
and your sexy nerd glasses

That some variation of that and you will still do some screening but not screen too hard right at the start., I also highly highly suggest you actually follow the structure that Alex puts in place. I know it works because I use it well.

Also if you want the best date footage examples I would suggest John Anthony's dates product https://ultimateseductionsystem.com/ I think the platinum version has that content (it costs money just as a note). I will put a significant disclaimer that there is a decent amount of stuff I disagree with John on regarding his tactics in that they won't work for some people (especially his night game like his DJ lines and online content which is actually pretty similar to Andy's). With that said, I think he does a good job showing how to run a date and sexualize in his paid live footage videos (I personally think he talks about himself a bit too much with DHVs during the dates but some key concepts he instills really work).

Key things you would watch for in his videos. How he "seeds the pull" or "seeds the next date", how he sexualizes in a flirty way with jokes and trolling, how he just owns it with a casual attitude about sex with how he talks about previous relationships and how he dictates the plan for the date and takes control.

Thebastard I will reply to you on Signal and we can have a Zoom call, proper catch up! I have had a week off and they've had me in the office working like a dog LOL

countingsheep7878 bro thank you I will go through these materials hardcore. It's woven into my action plan.


The Phoenix Project is in Week 18. We’ve been working hard for quite a while!

Month 5 in London, and I am fully applying myself to self improvement.

Dating is the focus. How is it going?


FUCK the poor results. FUCK them.

My outcomes generally are poor. SO WHAT?

Let this drive you, let it become your fuel, let it become your obsession, let it take you further and further until you have become something else entirely. GOOD outcomes are possible.

I am not absolutely ugly. I am about average in looks. I am not totally clueless socially, I can actually talk to people and am fairly outgoing. I need game, and that can be learned. I can play the numbers game. I can strengthen my profile. I can gain muscle and looksmaxx. That is enough for GOOD outcomes.

What I would define as ‘good’ in this regard would be a girl or two who are interested in me, in some capacity. That is, they are willing to reply to texts, to meet up, to just explore whatever there may be to be explored.

This isn’t as far away as I may think right now.

The chinese/turkish stunner still replies to me! She had eye surgery and is out the game right now, she looks cute in her eye patch the little pirate…..lol…..but I will see her for date #2 and that will be MAJOR

A lot of GREAT progress is being made.

I have been on a lot of dates, and have begun asking them back to mine, getting more physical, and pushing for a makeout or just something or other. Often, they’re not really into it, but I am still taking action and that is progress.

The biggest win so far has been my first ever lay, with Danish Girl, lovely human who was quite nice to me before I saw her for like the 5th time and then interest was legit dead.


I fucked her like 4 times, and learned about women. I got experience.

I learned my current level: SCRUB.

She was sitting on a date with me openly smiling as some other dude. I know guys who’re shorter will have some bullshit to deal with around that which I totally empaphise with and it also bothers me, but this chap was tiny, legit tiny, and she was way more into him than she was me a guy whos 6 ft 5 so remember this bros.

The vibe being off and not having game is a serious destroyer of outcomes.


I noticed a lot from her and learned tonnes. She ghosted for 2 weeks after that and then politely told me she wasn’t interested.

My attitude: Thank you for making me a better man! Best wishes and good luck

She met me very early on in my journey. It takes endless experiences of this sort to become a better man, you have to approach thousands, literally, you have to be put through the literal grinder in the dating market, until you begin to embody something else.

It was not date 11 or 12 that I was able to stand up and leave when a chick was being a total vile cunt to me on a date. I didn’t have the guts. It was not even at date 20 I could do that.

Date 25, after being ghosted or rejected 25 times in a row, I grew enough of a spine to say fuck this, stand up 30 minutes into a date, and literally walk off.


The Not Feeling The cOnNeCtIoN eRa

I get these texts coming in all the time. I got a few this week, including this morning. Either that or they ghost entirely.

Jan – April in The Phoenix Project will be known as the Crisis of Connection Era.

During this time, I was rudely awoken to the weak points of my inner being, and have been advised on actions to take.

I am putting together a serious game plan which will be outline below, and I will furiously attack it like I always do.

There needs to be deep change in my psyche and I need to learn how to emotionally stimulate a woman. If I do this, I will get past my current sticking point.

My sticking point has driven me a little crazy and I have been way way more stressed than usual the past few weeks, because I was (A) beating my AA, which took fucking intense effort, and (B) processing my absolute shitty dating abilities.


Let it be known. I hate that I sucked as bad at this as I do. But geuss what?

I hated that I couldn’t cold approach. It drove me NUTS.

I grit my teeth, turned the lock of the door, and ran out to approach 7 days a week, 3 hrs a day, often not approaching a single chick.

I went back again, and went back again, and again and again. FOR WEEKS.

Until my brain said:

“OK, this fucking psycho IS NOT GOING TO STOP. This cunt is willing to kill us with stress hormones before he stops. We are not going to be able to stop him. OK, fine. We will switch off the stress response and let him do what he is trying to do”

It took off the brakes, and I started building up the volume.

And will continue to build the volume, with intent, until I get this shit down.

I am willing to grind for years if needs be. So be it.

The current landscape is as follows:



General Thoughts

Overall, while my outcomes are not good, I am making progress.

I am open minded to the possibility that I can achieve my goals this year, but it will take some fucking going let me tell ya!

9 more lays somehow – haven’t had a date go anywhere at all since Jan.


So what if girls don’t like me?

So what if they don’t want to spend time with me or be near me?

So what if they don’t text?

I am willing to approach 10 thousand more, I won’t even stop, until I get one who will give me the light of day.

And right now, I am able to get texts back from a stunning woman. That, I am told, may be a sign of things to come.

If I just keep working….and make the correct adjustments.

Pain of Failure Vs Pain of Regret

It is better to take action and have it not work out, than to not even be stepping up to the plate. Better that I am out here trying and learning, because with enough practice and work, I will improve.


No, it is not.

Do I have what it takes to succeed with women? Do I have what it takes to be attractive?

Honest answer: No.

You might find that unpleasant to read.

But the thing about it is that this is my CURRENT FORM

My current form will be surpassed in 6 months by something else. And that guy will be better than this current one.

Just because I am not there NOW, does not mean I can’t ever be.


What I am trying to do here is pretty audacious shit.

I am taking a dude who society and nature does not want in the next generation, and fucking FORCING MY WAY into the genetic lineage. LMAO.

I am saying to women: no, FUCK YOU CUNTS, you will not limit me and the possibilities of my life – I will MAKE YOU acknowledge me as a person, and I will succeed in my goals and rejoice at the winners table while the rest of you demons get old and rot.

The feeling will be fucking ecstasy itself.

Somehow, some way, I WILL SUCCEED.


Some get it easy, some have to bleed.

I am obviously in the latter camp.

But what does that mean?

If I some how break through, will there ever be a bigger victory in my life?

Who the fuck, after 30 years of this bullshit, could break through all that bullshit and become successful, with nothing other that the fire inside to not be broken by circumstance. That I know will be some legendary shit that will be a transcendental feeling for me.

I could live in that moment for the rest of my life.

I could sit on the beach and reminisce on that for many lifetimes.
“You’re finished, the best thing you can do is get your parents involved and get an arranged marriage”
-Quote from a guy I used to go out with, year 3 of pick up

Hahah he was savage man. Guy did not give a fuck and killed it with women. Naturally good looking and confident, he cleaned up.

How many times did people tell me this in my life?

My best friend from school, pulled me aside last year, sat me down with a glass of whiskey and took a big gulp and nervously said “I am so sorry nothing ever happened for you, I am so sorry dating apps have ruined our society”

We never talked about dating. We’ve been friends for 20 years. I was the best man at his wedding. We never discussed women.

Without any of us saying anything, sat in his stunning property in the countryside, the sun glimmering down, his wife upstairs asleep, his overall demeanour said it all: you poor bastard, you missed out. Sorry, but you’re done.

Do you guys remember when I went to a Person Centred Therapist? She was a nice woman, but after a few months of sessions, want to know her conclusion?

“Well, not everyone is meant to find someone, and that’s OK”

If most people were to read this log, they would think I am literally insane, mentally disturbed or something, and just a stuborn prick who refuses to take the hint that he is not good enough and that he should fuck off and stop bothering women.

And maybe that is true.

But the thing about it is, I am willing to literally sacrifice it all, put it all on myself, gamble the whole house on myself, just for the fucking feeling of:

“I did it. I actually….fucking…..did it. I won.”


Women can have the rug pulled on them and the tables turned on them.

I am sure they are enjoying how easy they can toss guys like me aside right now, but these idiots do not know that for many dudes like that, there is one psycho out there like me who is willing to grind for literally years to stop them being able to force dudes into limitation and loneliness.

My day will come and I will fucking make hay while the sun shines trust me on that one LOL.

That is the feeling I want, and I want it BAD. The feeling of outworking God’s plan, and going from nothing to something.
For that feeling, even if it lasts just one second, everything will have been worth it.


That I didn’t let life make me quit.

That I didn’t allow women to force me into a lifetime of loneliness.

That despite every fucking obstacle that came before me, despite the fact that I sucked fucking shit and had no aptitude or no innate ability, had no idea how to do this, and had to put all my faith, all my trust, literally the very hope I have for a better life on those around me guiding me the right way as I do not fucking know what to do…...if I pull this off, and there is a chance I could, this will be a truly epic victory.

This ship went off course a long, long time ago.

Turning it back round to calmer waters was never going to be easy.

I expected chaos, and there is much more to come.

Shaking up the very foundations of your brain is not for a weak hearted man.

“When you’re playing with the big boys, you’re gonna get brusied”
-The Bastard

This game claims souls.

I have some fucking LEGENDS around me. There is no better group of people on planet earth I could have assembled to help me do this.

I have Andy and Radical and a whole group of private coaching members pushing me.

I have the secret group backing me 100% and we are grinding like hell.

I am in London with Timmy, I have some solid ass dudes around me in London town.

Somehow, I will make it.

I can’t tell you when, or how, and I am willing to tell you the truth in admitting I know how unlikely me pulling this off is. It should be damn near impossible at this stage.

But I will find a way to do it.

And from that moment on, I will be able to walk into any room, anywhere, and know deep inside the work that it took to build this fucking guy: MAC. We will have built this guy together, a guy who did not exist, and that will be a story for next generation of self improvement let me tell ya.

There will be other motherfuckers like me, rats from the sewer who had nothing but a dream of escaping the dungeon and finding just a slither of light.

Before my time is up, I am going to feel that light on my skin. It will feel good. More than you could ever begin to know.


CA Skills: developing. I can approach in the day. This is a major win and I can begin to get the volume up.
CA Next Steps: Remain consistent and focus simply on bringing INTENT. 6 days a week cold approach. Sunday off.

Night time pickup: Non existence. Need to start.
Nightgame Next Steps: (1) Begin getting a night out in once a week, and go from there. (2) Focus on INTENT and HAVING A FUN NIGHT.

OLD: Improving ability to get dates, often of questionable quality women who seem to consistent be a poor fit.
OLD Next Steps: (1) Plan next shoot, create overview document and have this reviewed by coaching group and secret group, (2) Overall text template, experiment with Alex from PwF’s approach following reccomendation from @countingsheep

The Date: MY CURRENT STICKING POINT. This, for me, sucks. You know what I am going to say – all my dates so far have either ghosted or sent me the not feeling the connection next. A lot of bullshit. This needs major work, and I will take it one step at a time.
The Date Next Steps: Keep focusing on INTENT, PUSH/PULL, and BUILDING TENSION. Lower expectations BIG TIME here, and just practice this over and over and over and over.


Time to actually dive into the theory and brainwash myself. Time to drive endless data through my brain and reknit this thing.

-Spend time watching game related content: start with PwF & reccomendations Pancakenmouse has made
-Spend time reading game related content: study the manual Pancakemouse sent, study the series he sent from GirlsChase. The Pillars of Attraction by Pat Stedman as per Crisis_Overcomer's reccomendation.
-Notes / Audios / Flashcards

You will now really need to learn, study, and fucking obsess over this shit.

Gut up and get it done.

Your life depends on it.

There is A LOT of work to do. No one can do it for you. The help is there, the community is there, the mentors and examples are there. Everything is there.

You just have to shut up and grind for another 6 months and change your brain. Keep hammering in the gym. Make a tonne of content and get to 100 subs ASAP and then work towards 1k.

The drive is there, the drive is actually a raging infero there is no one who can stop this at this stage.

The only one able to turn this person around IS ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



I'm happy you don't give and keep pushing. When i lose hope i listen to this amazing song

Ps. I noticed you are not doing anything about your hair, why that?

just to put an idea in your head... when will you realize you made dates happen out of thin air and it doesn't matter if girl A doesn't respond because girl B,C, or D will? keep grinding, i believe in you.
MakingAComeback , you are going to win this. And even if you don’t win this in London you will win this elsewhere. To that therapist who came to that ‘conclusion’ – she would have said the same to me no doubt. Just about all of my experiences in our glorious country were pointing towards that conclusion.

In the end ‘going where you are treated best’ as Andrew Henderson loves to say (in just about every video) is the ultimate trump card and the one I took in the end – remember that. By earning your stripes now in one of the most cut-throat dating environments on Planet Earth, you are only making it easier when the day comes when you try new places.

I am talking to you now from Bogota airport where I am stuck for a day long lay-over. I am not allowed to go through immigration because of my refusal to take a certain medical procedure and hence am being deprived of what has been the single greatest place on earth for pussy for me. Literally just a few miles away. It is the sheer antithesis of London. But it was only by busting my ass like I did all those years and during the golden eagle project years that I truly got to enjoy the fruits of these ‘superior’ dating environments.

We are all in this together. How you feel about ploughing through dates is how I feel about making money online right now. It is exactly how most people on this forum feel about something. And we will all succeed as long as we never, ever give up under any circumstances.

Back in London town.


Back to work grinding for this project tomorrow.

We will figure out a way.

Your log and your journey has been incredible to read, love the effort that you attack everything with. I feel like I'm at the same point with the no connection texts right now, so when I figure this one out I'll gladly share anything I learned. Can't wait to see your success.
jeff550 said:
Your log and your journey has been incredible to read, love the effort that you attack everything with. I feel like I'm at the same point with the no connection texts right now, so when I figure this one out I'll gladly share anything I learned. Can't wait to see your success.

Thank you Jeff! I appreciate that.

Hard work, consistency, discipline, focus, the charachter traits basically, are the way the underdog and guy who hasn't become successful yet can suceed in life IMO

Right on. I will keep hammering and figure this out somehow! And if you can drop any hints I am all ears bro

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