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Hmmm.....got feedback from The Mouse on the date audio.

As I kinda knew, the girl did like me. At times she was so into me and this is why I feel horrible for not performing like I should.

At the start the way she was looking at me was the reason I looksmaxxed as fucking brutally as I did. Lost the facial fat for the most part now. With Radical's style, it hits where I need it to hit.

Gym grind will continue but backing off heavy dieting now. Can resume in a month. Increasing kcal and no more fasts for a month or 2!

I am writing my feedback from Rags2Bitches and Pancakemouse up every day by hand in a folder.

I will type it up weekly, make it into flashcards and audios and keep hammering.

I will be willing to share the feedback document at the end of the year, if anything, you can see what building a new brain manually looks like. Hard ass work and a group effort from several men.....

I am applying the feedback given tonight, date 23 will be focused on teasing and playful disagreeableness.

I will confirm I am getting this right, that will be me passing level 1.

Whatever it takes

Whatever the price

I will do what needs to be done

No excuses


So I felt really bad for telling the girl yesterday I wasn't feeling it. She was a sensitive girl and it has truly bothered me I didn't bring my A Game. I arrived totally fasted for 40hrs, full of cortisol, adrenaline and stress hormones from grinding for legit 8 hours on foot non stop making content with my friend.

Debrief with the secret group, pancake drops some gems and solidifies the focus of level one of re-engineering my vibe.

Shout out to Timmy who called me out for ranting like a mad man on the forums, lol. He knew I do it to vent and then I'm good, but still, many dudes call me out on it now and I don't need to keep doing it. I will fix the problems or otherwise go for a long walk or take a day off or something.

Level 1 - teasing, playful disagreeableness. Stop aggreeing with everything she says, "that's cool", "that's interesting", I say this hundreds of times.....

So getting over that is level 1.

I have date 23 tonight, cute little thing, girl is 5 ft 3 to my 6 ft 5.

I feel AWFUL for my conduct on the date yesterday and putting on such a poor show for the girl. She was a lovely human and honestly I am happy if THEY ghost or tell me they're not feeling it, but when it's ME who is initiating the cut off, it feels very horrible and also when it's my own damn fault, that is unacceptable.

In order to take action to resolve this, I do not cold approach today, I rest up, do an ice bath, light therapy, and go into the date focused on teasing, playfulness, and just building CONNECTION.

Got some good topics from Andy and Radical and diving very very deep with Pancakemouse and Rags2Bitches.

It's honestly super fun.

Day was like usual:
-Core work
-Instead of Cold Approach today (strategic break), I rested and read Andy's dating guide
-Ice bath (15min)
-Light therapy

.........DATE 23

We text back and fourth in the day, I am trying some new stuff texting wise, she tells me I'm funny. We meet.

She is so tiny. And she didn't know I am so tall. I head over to her. She is a bit taken aback! "You're very tall. I didn't know you were this tall"

I laugh and just proceed.

Bar itself is fucking awesome. Shoreditch, which is a serious vibe. No fees to book. Love it. Music and decor on point. Staff were cool AF.

OK so focus on this date was just teasing, vibing, connecting.

Brought total different energy. Laughed a lot, really let loose. Got her opening up.

Early on in the date she was looking at me is a way girls NEVER used to look at me. She was taking in all the goods, scanning my face, lips, chest, biceps, I caught her looking at it all. When I stood up to go to the bar she again really attentively was looking at everything, legs, butt. Danish Girl actually told me a lot about how women evaluate men and how women actually think on dates. Danish Girl told me when a girl is dating, she is thinking "OK, I like this one - how can I fit him into my life?" She emphasises that girls PLAN a lot more than guys could begin to know. This was very insightful for me and it stuck with me.

Point being: I was obese for 3-4 years, and it was horrible. When a girl looks at me LIKE THIS, I cannot be more grateful I lost the weight. I cannot be.

Date goes on, I am fighting my nice guy tendencies, keep having to stop myself from just agreeing, and saying "that's cool", "that's interesting". I didnt say them, I think I did maybe once and caught myself and thought fuck my game needs major work dude it's going to be brain reconditioning for me.

Overall we vibe and conversation flows easily.

-Talk about work
-Talk about goals & content creation
-Talk about self improvement
-Talk about other places we've lived
-Dating! She just go out of a 2yr relationship, 2 months ago, I am her first date in 2 years hahaha. GOOD. We are having a blast. She doesn't have to see me again but we def. had a good time so I hope she has many experiences of this sort moving forward. I used bits from a video Pancakemouse sent me on talking about dating, bringing sex in, talk about openness and the type of dynamic you'd like - when I told her most of my dating experience in London was casual and they moved on (Danish Girl), she was heavily into that and quite excited. Her eyes def. lit up. This takes me back to the concept of girls planning.....interesting.....
-Talk about nature for a while
-Ask her where she lives, she asks me where I live, and also about my apartment, how many people like here lol.....(just me and Timmy here). She may want the D, possibly
-9pm and I tell her I need to go home

I do 'seed' as countingsheep eluded to. In my case, logistics were poor tonight, as I travelled to see her. I seeded by saying we should go for a hike sometime, or when she mentioned an artist she likes, I said we should listen to them sometime. Me and my friend Matt are working hard on lower body and glutes and we are trying to build serious legs (and booty), and I told her this, and said she can be the judge of our glute contest. Just keeping it light and slightly sexual.

Walk her outside.

She is not in a rush at all, I tower over her, and ask if I can kiss her good bye. She says yeah, sure. It's a quick kiss, like 2 seconds, and she pulls away. I am also only looking for a very quick one. I am unphased and she is very smiley. Wish her a good evening and peel off home.

I was touching her throughout the night, sat RIGHT next to her. Kiss still might be something I drop until I can build better tension and escalate better. Not totally convinced and it does trigger ASD.

Overall, I left feeling HAPPY, and skipped home.

Also, I have been told by Andy and Ed to stop counting dates on the private coaching group. I personally like tracking. But I have to trust these guys.....This will be challenging because I love tracking and this is why I write on the forum so much, so when I have made it, one day I can read it all back.

Good day for me.

So I observe the views on my log from time to time and I noticed I got 2k new views in just a day or two.

That...doesn't happen usually.

More people coming to the communty? We getting our traffic up?

Let's have 10 guys who are as consistent and fucking hungry as me posting. I wanna see it.

Almost 100k views on the log. That'll be the first for the forum.

Shit I got log of the month this month too. Truly stoked about that. I am growing SO much as a person...Killing it tbh. Me last year, FUCK.

This time last year I was an obese virgin who was fucking done and dusted with women, never been on a date, I truly thought it was over for me but I just wanted to be able to say I tried harder than anyone out there.

Today on the tube back from my date, stunning Brazillian looking lady just checking me out up and down, in particular looking at my cock. She was not subtle and the random dude who came to sit next to her got quite nervous at observing this for some reason. But I was just thinking - if you knew where I came from lady......if you knew what I did to get here.......fuck.

Yep! You are getting closer and closer! Every date you go on, brings the inevitability closer. When girls look at you how that last one did, that is when you know your efforts are paying off. This will also serve to motivate you to keep going! Keep optimising that physique consistently until you have a top 1% bod. Then combine that with all the experience you are gaining and its hard to imagine you NOT killing it!

THUR 17/03/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3 hrs / Online Dating / Date w/ 23 y.o nanny
(2) Body: Good diet, increase kcal and carbs / Core / Stretching / Supps / CT (Cold Thermogenesis) / Light
(3) Content: GET BACK ON THIS!!!!!!!! 2 TikToks, and some YouTube videos. For gods sake man.
(4) Others: Work.

Notes: Timmy is gonna be back jack hammering and will be joining me for approaches today!

Timmy and I will work out a game plan, and we will start doing a monthly influencer style photoshoot for each other, high SMV type shit. We are also going to start making viral content for YouTube, his YouTube will come this year, and we start by interviewing hot girls in London.

Andy wants me phasing out counting dates so this will be actioned. I will track metrics for the project but that's that.

Andy also wants me taking a recharge day once per week. Sunday I will just chill, make content, do fun stuff.

Next week will be away from London and it'll be my 'reading week'

MakingAComeback said:
Andy also wants me taking a recharge day once per week. Sunday I will just chill, make content, do fun stuff

That's not recharging mate. Just do fun stuff that have nothing to do with biz or dating
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Andy also wants me taking a recharge day once per week. Sunday I will just chill, make content, do fun stuff

That's not recharging mate. Just do fun stuff that have nothing to do with biz or dating

Alright beast I will play guitar, sing my ass off and just go into nature or see my boiiiiiiiiis


THURSDAY 17/03/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3 hrs / Online Dating / Date w/ 23 y.o nanny (DONE: 1/15 approaches / Date done, no pull)
(2) Body: Good diet, increase kcal and carbs / Core / Stretching / Supps / CT (Cold Thermogenesis) / Light (DONE)
(3) Content: GET BACK ON THIS!!!!!!!! 2 TikToks, and some YouTube videos. For gods sake man. (In progress)
(4) Others: Work. (DONE)


Solid day.

Approached with Timmy. I did 10 approaches in just under an hour, personal best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday it took me 4 fucking hrs to do 10 apps.

Today nailed 15. Got 1 number, hot mixed race chick. Approached, opened, and she was just vibing. Knew she was game to exchange.

Worked on THE ANDY INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! Edited and uploaded. Posting on the forum in it's own thread following permission from Andy.

Date, nice gal. She's fatter than her pics, but she's lovely. Great personality, funny, she left me feeling good. I wasn't too drawn to her but I legit did my best. Saw myself making some mistakes in tension and whatnot. Truly there is still very very little tension, I will calibrate and learn. That said, so far this week, none of THOSE texts. I used to get them like the next day.

The changes I made:
-They speak 70% of the time
-Topics broach dating and try to get a little sexual
-Disagreeing with them playfully, and also not being too agreeable and approval giving (hard)

She came to see me. I went to the wine bar not 5 mins from our place. I didn't even buy a drink, she was sat there with a drink she bought herself by the time I arrive. WINNING.

After 1hr, I ask her to come back to mine:

"let's talk at my place"
"right, I need to go home"


That has happened all 3 times I asked a girl to mine.


She still kept chatting, and then I moved to get us out of there, she didn't rush away or anything. And she also gave me a tight hug and said she'll message me.

This date and the one yesterday DEFINITELY went better than the old days lol.


Another one tomorrow. Going to limit cold approach to 1.5hrs tomorrow so I can keep my energy on the date.

Cold Approaches 140 (+15 today)
CA Nos 4 (+1 today)
CA Social Media 1
OLD Dates 24 (+1 today)
CA Dates 1
OLD Lays 1

MakingAComeback said:
.........DATE 23

Man, fucking good job on this date. So glad you met this chick and had an awesome time. Sounds like a REALLY fun time you had man. You're getting closer and closer, you're having girls check you out, going on dates left and right man. Soon you will have another epic success, I am sure about it.

MakingAComeback said:
That has happened all 3 times I asked a girl to mine.
Happens all the time man. Someone will say yes soon.
MakingAComeback said:

THURSDAY 17/03/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3 hrs / Online Dating / Date w/ 23 y.o nanny (DONE: 1/15 approaches / Date done, no pull)
(2) Body: Good diet, increase kcal and carbs / Core / Stretching / Supps / CT (Cold Thermogenesis) / Light (DONE)
(3) Content: GET BACK ON THIS!!!!!!!! 2 TikToks, and some YouTube videos. For gods sake man. (In progress)
(4) Others: Work. (DONE)


Solid day.

Approached with Timmy. I did 10 approaches in just under an hour, personal best!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday it took me 4 fucking hrs to do 10 apps.

Today nailed 15. Got 1 number, hot mixed race chick. Approached, opened, and she was just vibing. Knew she was game to exchange.

Worked on THE ANDY INTERVIEW!!!!!!!!!!! Edited and uploaded. Posting on the forum in it's own thread following permission from Andy.

Date, nice gal. She's fatter than her pics, but she's lovely. Great personality, funny, she left me feeling good. I wasn't too drawn to her but I legit did my best. Saw myself making some mistakes in tension and whatnot. Truly there is still very very little tension, I will calibrate and learn. That said, so far this week, none of THOSE texts. I used to get them like the next day.

The changes I made:
-They speak 70% of the time
-Topics broach dating and try to get a little sexual
-Disagreeing with them playfully, and also not being too agreeable and approval giving (hard)

She came to see me. I went to the wine bar not 5 mins from our place. I didn't even buy a drink, she was sat there with a drink she bought herself by the time I arrive. WINNING.

After 1hr, I ask her to come back to mine:

"let's talk at my place"
"right, I need to go home"


That has happened all 3 times I asked a girl to mine.


She still kept chatting, and then I moved to get us out of there, she didn't rush away or anything. And she also gave me a tight hug and said she'll message me.

This date and the one yesterday DEFINITELY went better than the old days lol.


Another one tomorrow. Going to limit cold approach to 1.5hrs tomorrow so I can keep my energy on the date.

Cold Approaches 140 (+15 today)
CA Nos 4 (+1 today)
CA Social Media 1
OLD Dates 24 (+1 today)
CA Dates 1
OLD Lays 1


Are you "seeding the pull"? Meaning giving her a reason earlier in the date to come back with you that you will leverage when you want to pull her at the end of the date (usually like after 30 to 45 mins) that you can work on closing at the end. An example would be "hey have you seen XYZ show? I just started watching it and love it. You will die laughing. We should check it out after this." Then towards the end you say "hey, let's check out that (insert show name). Just one episode then I'll kick you out since I gotta be up for the gym (or work or whatever) tomorrow morning."

You can also use something like "Have your heard the song (insert some popular cover song you know how the play on the guitar)? I have actually just been working on it and would love to get your feedback on how it sounds after this." Then at the end you say "alright let's get one more drink at my place and I can get your feedback on my the new song I've been learning. I've gotta be up early tomorrow so just one."

I think the guitar one in particular will work super well for you (but only do it if you are decent at playing since you will probably need to play for a couple of minutes once you are at your place.

If you aren't seeding for the pull to your place you should be seeding for the next date (only if you want to see her again). The concept is the exact same but just on a different day.

Also have you tried doing a date straight to your place? Like why meet a girl out as your primary option if you have your own place? Ask her to split a bottle of wine on your romantic balcony (or patio or fireplace or even just say living room). Then if she says no you just pivot to a drink in public. Getting girls to have a drink with you at your place will really allow you to up the sexual tension on the couch.

Pro tip by the way, tell her "we should split a bottle of wine with some chocolate covered strawberries on my romantic patio (or whatever you have at your place)" The strawberries are a really nice touch and they are crazy easy / quick to make (just melt chocolate with a double boiler see this link https://tastesbetterfromscratch.com/gourmet-chocolate-covered-strawberries/, you can literally do it for her while she is there and it will get her all types of revved up despite being super simple.) Also it's light on calories so it won't hurt your dieting and its a super romantic / sexual food that's light so it won't mess up sexy time like a big meal. If you want to try bananas that works too. Or you can make something easy like chocolate mousse but that is a bit more involved then just melting chocolate.

Also just one other thing to consider. When you're not super into a girl on a date that is the time to really test shit out because if you fuck up and take things too far then so who cares. Like next time you get on a date with a girl you are not as attracted to then make it a point to push the limit on sexuality and sexual tension just to get your ready for when you have a smoke show in front of you its not your first time trying to sexualize harder.

Hope this helps.
Great interview with Andy man.

Good job with all your progress and reflections so far. You're going to breakthrough, I know you will.

Cheers mate
countingsheep7878 said:
Are you "seeding the pull"? Meaning giving her a reason earlier in the date to come back with you that you will leverage when you want to pull her at the end of the date (usually like after 30 to 45 mins) that you can work on closing at the end. An example would be "hey have you seen XYZ show? I just started watching it and love it. You will die laughing. We should check it out after this." Then towards the end you say "hey, let's check out that (insert show name). Just one episode then I'll kick you out since I gotta be up for the gym (or work or whatever) tomorrow morning."

Literally told him something along these lines when he came back to use as an alternative to just asking if they wanted to come back.

Thank u bros

Paw countingsheep7878 SpongeBob and as ever thank you to my bro TimmyTurner watch out for this guy's brand, content and travel/lifestyle content.

Debrief with Tim last night following the date he gave me many pointers, he stressed the importance of seeding the pull.

Tim is a natural and is a champion at nightgame, his philosophy on nightgame is something I am slowly learning from him. He has a lot of wisdom to impart and I can say he is truly certified and has pulling and whatnot down pat. He is trying to work on longer retention now to meet his baseline and also get rich / build a brand.

OK so today I had major bullshit to deal with at work, tonnes of very emotional people sniping at me and playing poltical games. We're restructring the organisation and they will hit us with complaints and shit. In some emotionally charged meetings they sling mad shit at me and I just keep composed and handle biz, Bring it. Bred for this shit.

Anyway, that ties me up for many hours.

I get the chance to hit the streets and I put some work in:

Goal was to just get my daily volume of 15 but its fucking 430pm and I have to prepare for my date (25) tonight at 7pm. I can't be too tired and spent, I keep fucking myself going in from jackhammering.

I tell myself I will only be out for 1.5hrs will hit my volume and go home.

Anyway, I end up staying out for 30 mins, getting a major hardon when I get a great convo with a gal who exchanges, and also get a text from date tonight asking to split a bottle of wine. BRUH. I go home and understand I could have a shot tonight. Ask Timmy for some advice, he tells me to seed the pull, he reads the text and tells me how it can be seeded.

"Go onto the balcony, get the bottle of wine we have, and get the view in"

I don't quite capture the view but it's good enough. Girl is receptive. Pull has been seeded, she is down to come to mine.

That was my work today!


1-In a rush
2 - walked off
3 - Walked off into the road!
4 - She laughed and warmly waved off - cute
5 - She stops, hooks, and we vibe / chat for about 4 mins. She's cool. Very pretty blonde chick. EXCHANGED.

This gives me a MASSIVE HARDON and I check my phone and girl for tonight is like, lets split a bottle of wine. I just run home and get some advice on how I can take the right action from Timmy.

Life's good & we're hustling hard.

Me and Timmy approaching tomorrow and putting in work, then we are planning two seperate photoshoots for us:
(1) Influencer locations: me and Timmy
(2) Elite rooftop bar w/ skyline: Me, Timmy, and we will ask our boys - this will be creating an image of wealth and power so we will maybe rent suits / buy cigars

Have fun with the girl. It's always nice when they make it easy for you.

That's one way to turn a guy from slightly interested to VERY interested lmao. Definitely can relate.


Continued from above.

She comes to the spot, which is 5 mins from my house. I rock up. I test the water and she doesn't seem super into it. She's also fatter than expected and has a visible double chin. Nonetheless, she seems really interesting and I want to talk to her and get to know her.

We talk, I am trying, she is just not into it. I pull back, ask her questions, she gives really low energy answers. "Yeah". She can't really be bothered, but she is dropping hints that I need to buy her more drinks.

I am honestly quite bummed because I kinda liked this girl from her messages and really wanted to get one with her.....

I don't care that she's fat. She seemed very smart and interesting. But she did legit not want to be there at all and it wasn't a comfortable experience.

She makes some disparaging comments about masculinity and I say "Yeah, well y'know, I like my wild man energy, I think it's great and it guides me to where I need to go" and she was properly angry. She made stupid ass points about 'white men' but I think she was partially white herself. Not sure what the hell is wrong with her.

So anyway, I texted her before the date saying I have a bottle at mine and whatnot.

She then pushed for another drink.

I say "Well, I have a bottle of wine at mine, it's my preference to listen to early 2000s r&b and drink on my balcony. I know you've been feeling under the weather, let's go take nature's medicine"

Her response:

"Yeah, it's my preference to have another drink here, or otherwise I am happy to get myself home"

MAC: "No problem, nice to meet you"

I get up, and fucking leave.

She is like "WHAT"

She thought I was such a lowly scrub to her, so below her that I would be down to buy her drinks all night. FUCK NO. LMAO.

Some guys sat infront of me were like "YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" as she was just being a victim.

Came home and reminded myself of the hard work and dedication I have put into my life.

It does not make me sad that women do not like me or see value in me. I am putting my full trust in the community, in the coaching, in our secret group, and just praying one day it will get better.

Overall still feeling good and I am proud I stood up for myself.

Dude, WTF. I seriously don't know why the hell women are so fucking crappy to you.

My "idea" of a bad date is just a super awkward one where we sit there not being able to say much to each other because conversation is just full of awkward silences and boredom.

You on the other hand, have run into a variety of women I'd probably describe as "evil".

I am just making clear I am NOT pissed off or bummed about this. I am legit OK.

I came home buzzed off that glass of wine and took some mirror selfies.

I know the hard work and dedication I put into my fucking life every day.

"I'm gonna fuckin fail, and fucking fail, and fucking fail, and fucking fail, UNTIL I SUCCEED"
-David Goggins, the King of No Excuses

Let them all treat me this way, they can do it for the next 70 years if they want, I will get up and keep FUCKIN HAMMERING.

I do not control the way women see me. I can't do much about that.

What I can do is FUCKING TRY.

Back at it tomorrow.

Please wish me luck that it will get better for me.

Squilliam said:
Dude, WTF. I seriously don't know why the hell women are so fucking crappy to you.

My "idea" of a bad date is just a super awkward one where we sit there not being able to say much to each other because conversation is just full of awkward silences and boredom.

You on the other hand, have run into a variety of women I'd probably describe as "evil".

Thank you bro.

She thought she could use me, but she picked the wrong one.

I am not a guy women like, you know this by now. Probably the least attractive dude who ever used this forum in terms of the overall package.


I back myself even if women do not.

I am truly willing to die trying bro. Truly. I can take it. I can be out here in the grit for the next 50 years.

Some things are unbreakable and that happens to be my force of will.

MakingAComeback how are you meeting these dates? Are you not screening for good logistics and flirty DTF chics in your online bio and messages with them? I feel a lot of this could get sorted out before a date so you screen them out so you don't have as many bad date experiences.
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