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Online dating - Hinge and Bumble.

Yeh logistics were on point, she was local, and the venue was 5 mins from my house.

countingsheep7878 said:
@MakingAComeback how are you meeting these dates? Are you not screening for good logistics and flirty DTF chics in your online bio and messages with them? I feel a lot of this could get sorted out before a date so you screen them out so you don't have as many bad date experiences.
Agreed. I think you need to screen for girls better MakingAComeback , and at the first sign that they're the high maintainance "I wanna be treated like a princess" type, you should unmatch them. I have zero tolerance for this type of shit so that's probably why I almost never go out with bratty ungrateful girls.

You seem so focused on the quantity of dates. Maybe try prioritizing the quality of the girls, even if it means going on slightly less dates.
Good on you for staying polite and just getting up to leave.

I did a similar thing years ago when a girl wouldn't stop being on her phone even after I respectfully told her that's impolite.

I like telling that story on dates with other girls. It sends all the right messages: I go on dates, I don't take shit, I have standards. And she'll know not to act that way around you, too.

If I were you, I'd try to turn this negative experience into a positive thing by relating this story to other girls. Usually you can steer the convo in that direction by just talking about (online) dating in general. "Ever had truly horrible dates?" Let her answer, and she'll probably ask you the same. Then you say "not really horrible, but one time I did just get up and left..." and you go into this story.

Just a little gambit to turn this bad thing into a good thing.

The reason MakingAComeback is getting such crappy interactions is because he is trying to date in London. A lot (I know not all) of these online girls are bottom of the barrel calibre and most have more red flags than a chinese communist parade from what I have read. I truly feel it is as simple as that. The only way to be sure would be to relocate to somewhere else but I'm not sure that is an option at this stage.

By the way, I need to disagree with this notion you have that you are the least attractive man this forum has had in terms of overall package. I believe you are not only doing better than I would (at my worst) in London but possibly even better or equal to how I would do if I was there now. In the end, it doesn't matter. Keep getting more attractive until you get results. You are on the right path my man.
Thebastard said:

The reason @MakingAComeback is getting such crappy interactions is because he is trying to date in London. A lot (I know not all) of these online girls are bottom of the barrel calibre and most have more red flags than a chinese communist parade from what I have read. I truly feel it is as simple as that. The only way to be sure would be to relocate to somewhere else but I'm not sure that is an option at this stage.

By the way, I need to disagree with this notion you have that you are the least attractive man this forum has had in terms of overall package. I believe you are not only doing better than I would (at my worst) in London but possibly even better or equal to how I would do if I was there now. In the end, it doesn't matter. Keep getting more attractive until you get results. You are on the right path my man.
Idk man, I feel like it's hard to generalize an entire city with millions of people. There's tons of obnoxious feminist man hating girls here and I've never been out with one (at least not one that openly acted like that).

He's definitely not the most ugly on the forum either. Not even close. But that's irrelevant either way.
To support Thebastard here

UK is the worst place i have dated and by extension UK girls have been the worst to date

I dont tend to say this much because i fear it will become an excuse to newbies that live there not to try. Its not impossible, just depressingly hard compared to elsewhere and my preferred advice to UK lads is leave

Squilliam you seem to be skeptical but you can at least trust our opinion to some degree, knowing that bastard and I are both very experienced in the UK scene and have dated all over the world for comparison
Radical said:
To support @Thebastard here

UK is the worst place i have dated and by extension UK girls have been the worst to date

I dont tend to say this much because i fear it will become an excuse to newbies that live there not to try. Its not impossible, just depressingly hard compared to elsewhere and my preferred advice to UK lads is leave

@Squilliam you seem to be skeptical but you can at least trust our opinion to some degree, knowing that bastard and I are both very experienced in the UK scene and have dated all over the world for comparison
Honestly, given what I've heard about cold approaching in the UK, I'm inclined to believe you.

I wasn't necessarily saying he was wrong, as you said, just a bit skeptical.

I do feel like MAC doesn't do much screening with his dates. He can correct me if I'm wrong, but it seems to me like he will go out with almost any girl who is above a minimum level of attractiveness, if they are willing to, regardless of other aspects.

But I do think that chalking it up to screening only would probably be inaccurate. I guess London is just a shitty place to date.
MakingAComeback said:
Online dating - Hinge and Bumble.

Yeh logistics were on point, she was local, and the venue was 5 mins from my house.


Sorry I wasn't clear enough. I meant, why aren't setting up dates straight to your place as your first option (then only using a bar nearby a secondary option)?

I use this sequence for setting dates at my place for online after the initial opener and vibing phase (this sequence is from Playing with Fire's content which I highly recommend for better text game, he has so many full examples in videos on youtube for free that can you watch him breakdown from his opener to the close getting date straight to his place)

me: So how's your wild Wednesday been thusfar?
her: good, almost done with work, you?
me: Going amazing, just got a killer workout in. Looking sharp for our romantic date
her: Oh ya, a date huh?
me: Mhm, just need to know if you like wine
her: I love white wine
me: okay perfect we should split a bottle of white sometime soon
her: sounds fun, I'd like that
me: So what's your schedule like this week?
her: I am free Thursday and Friday night
me: Friday night works. well split a bottle of white wine in front of my romantic fireplace. I've been meaning try with some chocolate covered strawberries
her: sounds amazing (or sometimes there is an objection about meeting at my place on the first date that would go in this response from her normally; in which case I pivot to a bar within walking distance to me).
me: awesome, shoot me your number for romantic date arrangement purposes
her: 111-111-1111

Obviously it won't go this smoothly every time but here's a few legit examples from me.

Example 1
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Example 2
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Example 3

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countingsheep7878 said:
MakingAComeback said:
Online dating - Hinge and Bumble.

Yeh logistics were on point, she was local, and the venue was 5 mins from my house.


Sorry I wasn't clear enough. I meant, why aren't setting up dates straight to your place as your first option (then only using a bar nearby a secondary option)?

I use this sequence for setting dates at my place for online after the initial opener and vibing phase (this sequence is from Playing with Fire's content which I highly recommend for better text game, he has so many full examples in videos on youtube for free that can you watch him breakdown from his opener to the close getting date straight to his place)

me: So how's your wild Wednesday been thusfar?
her: good, almost done with work, you?
me: Going amazing, just got a killer workout in. Looking sharp for our romantic date
her: Oh ya, a date huh?
me: Mhm, just need to know if you like wine
her: I love white wine
me: okay perfect we should split a bottle of white sometime soon
her: sounds fun, I'd like that
me: So what's your schedule like this week?
her: I am free Thursday and Friday night
me: Friday night works. well split a bottle of white wine in front of my romantic fireplace. I've been meaning try with some chocolate covered strawberries
her: sounds amazing (or sometimes there is an objection about meeting at my place on the first date that would go in this response from her normally; in which case I pivot to a bar within walking distance to me).
me: awesome, shoot me your number for romantic date arrangement purposes
her: 111-111-1111

Obviously it won't go this smoothly every time but here's a few legit examples from me.

Example 1

Example 2
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example 2 page 3.jpg
example 2 page 4.jpg

Example 3

example 3.jpg
example 3 page 2.jpg
You sir are fucking smooth.

I don't drink though. Do you think I could replace wine with sharing a joint or blunt? I usually seek out girls who like weed (literally have a hinge filter lmao), so most of them should be onboard with it.

Thanks all for the VALUE

Dating MILEAGE yesterday but dude I am proud I stood up and left that one it was a good moment for me. I had a bottle of wine at my place and she knew that, but she was pushing for me to spend £40 on another bottle when I have one less than 5 mins away.

Date was obv terrible chick was not feeling it at all and clearly didn't wanna be there after 10 mins she was like NAH! Not bothered BTW she was legit gross as a human being, echoed the typical feminist talking points about men, masculinity in general, and how guys fuck the planet up. I playfully disagreed on her points and she was MAD. Happy I triggered her honestly.

She asks for more wine and I just tell her I have a bottle at my place, the line above.

"Yeah, it's my preference to drink it here, or I'm happy to just make my way home. I need to send some emails"

-"Nice to meet you"
-Walks the FUCK off

She is there like "WHAT" and what cracked me up is some boys on the table in front were like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hahaha they were cheering me on what fucking guys. They prolly heard the convo.

Obv she sat there like a professional victim and I'm sure the people comforted her and told her what a dick I was.

The best thing I can do at this stage in my journey is become more of a dick and stop being nice. IT DOES NOT WORK. Believe me.

The moment I stood up, grabbed my phone, said "nice to meet you" and left felt good, For some reason it really did.

London IMO is a proving ground. The guys making it work are KILLERS. If I somehow make it work here, I am good to travel for many years.

Focus is on just enjoying the process and enjoying my life.

Sun is shining man and I am not stressing.

MakingAComeback said:
Focus is on just enjoying the process and enjoying my life.

Real talk right there my man. The grind is good, but you have to enjoy yourself as well in the process.
I seriously don't get this. If the girls you go out with hate men so much, why do they even go on dates? Just go become a lesbian lmao.

God I'm very grateful to not live in London. Beautiful city but it's clear that it blows for dating.

MakingAComeback said:
She is there like "WHAT" and what cracked me up is some boys on the table in front were like YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Hahaha they were cheering me on what fucking guys. They prolly heard the convo.
Yeah this is what I meant earlier. Many girls are terrible at dealing with rejection. That girl is entitled and clearly used to getting her way.

Now I know what I'm going to do if I ever end up on a date with some man hating bitch.
So it's held that the more you date, the more approaches done, the more your brain is subconsciously calibrating.

Pancakemouse basically outlined 2 approaches up the mountain:
(1) Hard Work: Extreme Volume - Calibrate over time
(2) Maximising Attraction (Game) - Learning concepts and fine tuning a game plan

My response was that I think in my case we should both.

I'm going to pilot this approach.


SAT 19/03/2021

(1) Dating: Cold Approach – 15 Approaches / Apps Process
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Supps
(3) Others: Pack up, go to parents for a week while working in the office.

Me and the boy TimmyTurner hit another session jack jammering today thru London fo 4 and a half hrs!!!!!! Putting in work, loving life, and scoping it all out forming our master plan.

We took breaks, stopped for drinks, debriefed, chatted, all that.

We will be making viral content starting legit next month, we are gonna start hammering photoshoots and learn from the best here until we have clout game locked off and access to elite honies of London thru the brands we will build.

We also stopped to admire the talent and just gaze at some fucking angels who I would NOT PULL OUT OF!!!!!!!! Baby making mode would be engaged. We also stopped in Whole Foods to admire some of the talent and oh my god two girls in there fell crazy in love with Timmy their hearts were absolutely broken. It was really sweet. Timmy's response: "I like this shop" LMAO legend



1 - boyfriend
2 - in a rush
3 - smiles but deflects
4 - smiles and laughs keeps moving
5 - stops, fucking hottie, but says shes meeting a friend

I bitch out on a fuckig hottie who was checking me the fuck out. I also get girls looking at me on the daily but not on Timmy's level, they fucking lose their mind when they see him, which is really adorable not gonna lie. Women are perverts we both agreed but we LIKE IT. Timmy calls me out for missing this one.

6 - doesn't stop
7 - very pretty, just tell each other to have a great day
8 - EXCHANGED. She is very fucking pretty to me, she looks ladylike and elegant, my vibe. She's a fucking journalist for a major paper here in London. Timmy observed this exchange and remarked her body language was very good, She was giggly and loving me. Got feedback from the secret group and there is a lot I need to tighten up but I must apply the feedback and do what they tell me until they can confirm I am getting the vibe right.
9 - didnt stop
10 - EXCHANGED, cute Essex girl, bring her in and kiss her on the cheek, we had some sexual tension and I am pretty sure I could have made out with her
11 - bantered with this Irish girl she roasts me LOL
12 - didnt stop
13 - didnt stop
14 - indirectly open two chicks with view to bring Timmy over to wing but not receptive
15 - didnt stop
16 - confused
17 - she is smiley and cool but she keeps moving after wishing me a good day and I scope her fat latina booty hoooooooly shit bro



Tim and I will work the fuck out of London, approach in all the best locations, museums, galleries, we will rip through it all.

We will be locking off the content creation game here too watch, Timmy is the perfect guy to behind the camera interviewing girls it will get engagement like mad. He is a walking brand.

I'm going to my parents now, and then staying with them for a wee, gotta take my Mum to the airport she's going to India on Sunday. Tim is travelling and being an international playboy next week. When we get back, we are gonna do a killer shoot in all of London's influencer locations, go thru 3 outfits, use different props, and just kill it. We are then gonna get all the boys together in an elite rooftop bar, with a skyline, rent suits, buy cigars, and get a killer shoot up there of the London skyline.

Cold Approaches 157 (+17)
CA Nos 7 (+2)
CA Social Media 1
OLD Dates 25
CA Dates 1
OLD Lays 1

When we get clout it's game over. When I get bodied the fuck up and cockiness is thru the roof lord have mercy..

Squilliam said:
countingsheep7878 said:
Sorry I wasn't clear enough. I meant, why aren't setting up dates straight to your place as your first option (then only using a bar nearby a secondary option)?

I use this sequence for setting dates at my place for online after the initial opener and vibing phase (this sequence is from Playing with Fire's content which I highly recommend for better text game, he has so many full examples in videos on youtube for free that can you watch him breakdown from his opener to the close getting date straight to his place)

me: So how's your wild Wednesday been thusfar?
her: good, almost done with work, you?
me: Going amazing, just got a killer workout in. Looking sharp for our romantic date
her: Oh ya, a date huh?
me: Mhm, just need to know if you like wine
her: I love white wine
me: okay perfect we should split a bottle of white sometime soon
her: sounds fun, I'd like that
me: So what's your schedule like this week?
her: I am free Thursday and Friday night
me: Friday night works. well split a bottle of white wine in front of my romantic fireplace. I've been meaning try with some chocolate covered strawberries
her: sounds amazing (or sometimes there is an objection about meeting at my place on the first date that would go in this response from her normally; in which case I pivot to a bar within walking distance to me).
me: awesome, shoot me your number for romantic date arrangement purposes
her: 111-111-1111

Obviously it won't go this smoothly every time but here's a few legit examples from me.

Example 1

Example 2
example 2 page 1.jpg
example 2 page 2.jpg
example 2 page 3.jpg
example 2 page 4.jpg

Example 3

example 3.jpg
example 3 page 2.jpg
You sir are fucking smooth.

I don't drink though. Do you think I could replace wine with sharing a joint or blunt? I usually seek out girls who like weed (literally have a hinge filter lmao), so most of them should be onboard with it.

Yes it will work without wine or drinks. Weeds works but some girls don't smoke. so you would just ask "do you like weed?" then say "great, we should smoke in my romantic living room and see how the chemistry is" after she says yes.

You can say the following scenarios

"great, we should split some chocolate covered strawberries and get to know each other" (you can also just say desert, chocolate mousse is also super easy to make but you can pick pretty much anything but I don't recommend something you have to bake)
"great, we should enjoy some hot chocolate together in front of my romantic fire place and get to know each other"
"do you like mexican food? (she says yes) "great, I will cook us some dope quesadillas and then we can split some desert on my romantic balcony" (quesadillas are super easy to make and pretty light so they wouldn't fuck up sex on a date)

You could also just say "we should have drink on my romantic balcony." Then you can just take a non-alcoholic beer and pour it into a cup (or the Heineken zero bottle looks pretty much like a regular Heineken) or just have grab a bottle of water and say you decided you aren't drinking tonight to get back on a good health pattern this week when she is there in front of you. 90%+ of girls won't be weirded out by that.

However I really prefer the desert one out of all of them. Desert is super easy to make; chocolate covered strawberries are very romantic and sensual and its a unique experience for the vast majority of girls where it sounds like you tried way harder then you actually did.
good job man on the cold approach, why aren't you getting enough dates from tinder in a city of million of people and thousands of new girls coming in every day?
Still working boyos......

Coming to just accept and enjoy life, the process.

I can tell you I won't feel bad if I fall way short of my goals this year.

It is what it is.

This has been my week off, and it's been pleasant.

Just enjoying my life is what I need to focus on. When it comes to women, I am OK with the fact that it probably won't be happening for me.

And that's OK.

The direction I want to go towards is just backing myself. Just feeling good about about myself. And finding a way to be A HAPPY HUMAN BEING.

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