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04/03/2022 MONDAY


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs (DONE, 0/9 but in just 2hrs, Online dating done)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Zero (DONE)
(3) Content: Upload backlog & Edit and upload interviewing girls in London!!! (FAIL, I just pulled the videos and photos off the memory card and began editing. Tomorrow I'll get my side uploaded. Timmy's will come later on so watch out for his)


Woke up late, but SO rested. WOW a recharge day is a fucking hell of a thing.

Hammered all day.

BW was 202.0. Time to ger back to work. Started Chris’ cutting diet today.

Because I got up late it fucked with the flow but I worked HARD man. Killed it at work. Booked ALL of July off, and even the last week of June. Paid leave. Timmy and I will be grinding like crazy hitting the clubs the streets hitting it all man. Content creation game will be locked off.

OK so I nip to the shops, sort my diet out, and then work. After work, core, stretching, GYM. Great session.

After gym, shower up, cook and eat dinner. Out to cold approach at 5pm.

It’s the post commute rush. So way harder. I wanted 10 approaches, but just did 9. Was had man as NONE stopped.

I was loving the session. I felt great. The anger and stuff just hasn’t been there. I have grown a lot. Look at the dedication I put in, I am glad to just have the opportunity to get good at cold approach.

I get back, quite tired. Protein shake with almond milk (Im on Chris’ cutting diet so lowwwww carb).

Rest for 1hr. Rest is important and not resting killed my vibe in the past IMO. Why do I think this? After that day off yesterday I felt amazing today.

I hustle on the apps, match with some STUNNERS on Bumble. Now they’ll ghost. I am screening HARD calling them sexy and telling them Im not looking for anything serious.

And then I work on content. Timmy and I did fucking well with the interviews. They came out great.

Tomorrow I will edit and upload my side, Timmy will do his side, and then Earthbound Mystic and BeingTimmyTurner will push our elbows into the London content creator scene and with sheer persistence and dedication we will enhance our life massively.

We also took a bunch of pics with pretty girls which will be on our IG and we will just keep building clout and becoming legendary.

I’m trying to sleep earlier now so gotta go to bed. Back grinding tomorrow!

Action takes surround you in this journey, I am in contact with beasts every day and I no longer care about normies living their bullshit lives of passivity. I love the grind and I love rejection, the near misses, the struggles and strains.

That is what will make us champions



MakingAComeback said:
I am screening HARD calling them sexy and telling them Im not looking for anything serious.
How's that been working out for you? I've been trying different messaging strategies and have been trying to determine what is most optimal.

The thing that confuses me is, aren't you looking for a relationship? I also feel like telling girls that you aren't looking for a serious relationship puts off a lot of girls who otherwise might be down to DTF. I've heard mixed opinions about this.

I do think "Hey you're sexy" is good for screening, but I've experimented with a variation of it.
Squilliam You can be looking for a relationship but find that best way of getting one might be something counterintuitive. Screening for sex and actually getting laid will get you more leads (for a relationship) than going on several dates but getting nothing. Might not be the case for everyone but in the end you got to do what works. And knowing you can get laid is prerequisite for having a healthy relationship anyway.
Thebastard said:
@Squilliam You can be looking for a relationship but find that best way of getting one might be something counterintuitive. Screening for sex and actually getting laid will get you more leads (for a relationship) than going on several dates but getting nothing. Might not be the case for everyone but in the end you got to do what works. And knowing you can get laid is prerequisite for having a healthy relationship anyway.
I understand that part, I follow the philosophy of sex first, relationships second.

My point is that I think "I'm not looking for anything serious", will potentially drive away girls who are down to fuck, because they eventually want a relationship.

Pretty sure GLL said in one of his articles that you shouldn't tell the girl you don't want anything serious.
GLL isn't right about everything. In this case, look to your own experiences. A/B test. And there is something to be said for being transparent and honest, as I am sure Andy would agree.
Squilliam said:
Pretty sure GLL said in one of his articles that you shouldn't tell the girl you don't want anything serious.

Yeah big disagreement from both myself and Andy on this. Andy has done a full podcast about it
Radical said:
Yeah big disagreement from both myself and Andy on this. Andy has done a full podcast about it
Seems like there's lots of conflicting perspectives, Manga spoke about it here:

Personally, I think I'm gonna stick with "I'm looking for something casual but open to more with the right person". I think it sends a better message, but it's more accurate to begin with.
Manganiello and i have gone back and forth on that

Ive had tons of success screening like that so i think hes wrong. If you think its not working for you personally yeah switch it up tho, everyone falls into their own style eventually
*should note im not exactly following a script anymore unless im being lazy and resort to copy pasting cause i cant be bothered to think
When girls ask "what are you looking for?" I answer "I hate one night stands" and I leave it at that. 9/10 that's their greatest worry anyways - that you're gonna ONS them.

If they see you as relationship material on the basis of your profile or texting style, I think you have work to do.

TUES 05/04/2022

(1) Dating: CA 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs (DONE, just 2 cold approaches)
(2) Body: Cardio / Core / Stretch (FAIL, did core and stretching missed cardio, hit the gym yesterday after 3 weeks and had mad DOMS body was like BRUH when I tried to get up at 6am looool)
(3) Content: Upload!!! (DONE)
(4) Life Admin: Call Thames Water, Dermapen



Was out for 2hrs, just 2 approaches. Missed countless opportunities. My opens were weak af and no one was stopping. Something wasn’t right today. Went home and relaxed for 15 mins, telling myself I’d go back out for 3hrs. But my intuition kicked in: relax, let the nervous system calm down, and just re-pattern your brain. Lay down and had heart palpitations for almost 3hrs. Subconscious resistance. Back tomorrow, changing this brain…..

I’m learning something called Germanic New Medicine (Dr Hamer) I love this hippy shit. Basically man, the theory Dr Hamer had was that when there is a shock or major conflict in one’s life, until that is resolved, the individual will not be in a whole, healthy, authentic, natural state.

It resonated with me a lot man.

Which is why I can have a day or two when I’m killing it, then the programs restart and subconsciously shut me down. Only way through is keep going.

Had a great call with @TigOlBitties

Edited and uploaded the content we shot on Saturday, please see MAC interacting with females below:


This is a vlog technically asking questions related to the self improvement project which is what underpins the video. Hope it's ok to post.

Must keep working on getting 1k followers on YouTube, then building TikTok while I’m at it. This will lay the perfect foundation for online biz and next year I will study online biz obsessively and make $$$ while travelling the world having sex and meeting amazing women.

Coaching call with the big man tonight, gonna pick his brain about masculinity, sex, and brand building with the viral content me and Timmy are going to do.

Gonna rest now and get up at 1am to chop up with Andy

Cold Approaches 206 (+2)
CA Number Exchanges 9
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
Night Game Approaches 10
Night Game Numbers 1
Night Game Dates 0
Night Game Lays 0
Radical said:
@Manganiello and i have gone back and forth on that

Ive had tons of success screening like that so i think hes wrong. If you think its not working for you personally yeah switch it up tho, everyone falls into their own style eventually

It's not about which one has success.
Because honestly both do.

Screening by explicitly saying your "looking for something casual" will filter girls out who will have you wait a few dates to have sex.

So it's faster (generally speaking) by filtering out girls who wanna go slower with you.

Whereas not screening will bring you girls who will have you wait. So you get a broader set of girls.

When you yourself look like a male sex object, and/or your overall vibe is sexual you don't need to screen as much because girls will sense what you're about.

So like Radical says it's a matter of style.

I'm very happy that I've stopped saying "something casual" because even tho I haven't posted much, my dating life has been great last couple of months

And honestly things are going great with me and the Korean girl. I would've never met this girl on tinder using the "something casual" line. She would've been turned off by it actually.

Squilliam I'm not against screening. It's more that I think the "something casual" line in Andy's template is counterproductive.

I think gaining a sexual style of messaging, texting and talking is better then a line you use. And simply having great looks and looking hot af definitely helps. So what I was saying is that if your are gonna screen it's better to not use that line and just portray those sexual vibes really well.

Chris's problem in GLL was that girls didn't know what he was about, and he wanted to be more efficient. So he had to get physical with them to know where the girl stood. And I think in an interview he had with Derek on MorePlatesMoreDates he more or less said he would verbally screen now (vs being physical) But keep in mind his goal. He was trying to get laid a lot.

I am too, but I'm more so looking to build my overall dating skills and be able to date any type of girl I want. So screening super hard doesn't work for my goal as well.
MakingAComeback said:
When girls ask "what are you looking for?" I answer "I hate one night stands" and I leave it at that. 9/10 that's their greatest worry anyways - that you're gonna ONS them.


Exactly what I say.
Manganiello said:

Exactly what I say.
Same, I always add that as a little side note lol.

Manganiello said:
@Squilliam I'm not against screening. It's more that I think the "something casual" line in Andy's template is counterproductive.

I think gaining a sexual style of messaging, texting and talking is better then a line you use. And simply having great looks and looking hot af definitely helps. So what I was saying is that if your are gonna screen it's better to not use that line and just portray those sexual vibes really well.

Chris's problem in GLL was that girls didn't know what he was about, and he wanted to be more efficient. So he had to get physical with them to know where the girl stood. And I think in an interview he had with Derek on MorePlatesMoreDates he more or less said he would verbally screen now (vs being physical) But keep in mind his goal. He was trying to get laid a lot.
I wasn't talking about sexual screening in general, I was purely talking about the line "I'm not looking for anything serious". I agree with you, your personality and style of talking have to be congruent. It doesn't matter how much screening you do through text if you act like the nice boyfriend material guy in real life.

Honestly not even looking for anything serious anymore! Not at all. More you get into this, more you have realisations about masculinity, the feminine, and how a man can get long term outcomes he desires. Too much work to be done on myself. I can't get and maintain attraction in my current state. May take me 2 more years of grinding to be able to be in the position where I can get a chick to like me enough to give me a shot.

So that whole thing is done. I do not care any longer.

Thinking too far ahead is foolish shit.


1: Hey [name], you're sexy. I'm MAC. Watchu upto?
2: [reply]. What do you do for fun?
3: You seem cool. We should hang out sometime and see if we click. If you're up for a laugh, a flirt, and to see what happens, drop me your number and I'll send you a text.

I will no longer be buying any drinks. We rock up to the bar, talk, and go from there. Any bullshit or a chick is just far from into it, I am very very ready to get up and leave nowadays.

I appreciate many have chimed in and given me much to think about. So I outline the text sequence above for feedback and possile tweaking so we can try something new.

What I was doing before was not working for me and I did that for a YEAR STRAIGHT.

So the changes I have made are screening harder on the apps, and deep inside myself, I have made changes and adjustments and overall care a lot less. More of this for me is just filtering them out and filtering them out and leaving behind what will be the very small % of chicks who are willing to give me a shot for something CASUAL.

I want to figure out getting laid at this stage and don't care about the rest.

Using this opener on hinge reduced matches insanely. Previously I just liked their photo and waited for them to match so I can tell them I think they're cute. That would net me 30-50 matches from 300 profiles swiped. I sent the above message to 100 profiles, which took legit 1 hour as you have to keep changing the name, and 5 girls matched.

Weed out the prudes. Weed out anyone who will give you a load of bullshit. Make it easier on yourself and play to win.


This is why I really get very little interest or success in the dating market. The market decides at the end of the day. Having these tendencies is insane. They just bubble to the surface and you see girls body language and overall energy switch immediately. Nothing kills attraction faster than agreeableness, being supplicative, it is disgusting to them and the results speak for themselves.

This for me will be able being ballsy, about caring less what women think, and just finding joy in the thrill of the chase.

I think this addresses much of the discussion above.

Thanks bros.

From yesterday:

WED 06/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3 hrs / Online Dating 2 hrs (DONE: Cold Approached for 4 and a half hours man, then came home, caught up with Timmy and sorted out our financials, ate dinner, and then worked on the dating apps for 2 hrs 1st 40 mins replying and shit mostly then just messaging and trying to get leads)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE, smashed gym, stuck to my diet, good times)
(3) Content: Shoot 1 video (FAIL, I worked hard all day man and at 10pm called it a day)


Raining and windy in London Town.

But I have to approach for 3hrs.

Do I take the day off? Do I do something else? Maybe I plan content and upload some videos?

What is the principal goal for this year? Dating.

Case closed.

Run out and weather is terrible but I start approaching.

1 - she just does not respond

I then bum around for ages and the rain gets absolutely insane. It is fucking hammering down.

2 - I then seek shelter under a canopy for a cafe. A girl is next to me. I make an indirect comment on the weather. We talk for 10 mins. She is really cool. We exchange numbers.


Rain is dying down and I head back to approach.

I bum around for like a fuckin hour. It's been 2 and a half hours at this stage.

Things float up from my subconscious. What is stopping me? What is the barrier? Is it that I don't know what to say? But I can talk to people. Is it that I fear it will go badly? Maybe. But more than anything, the problem is what I call "The Wall"

There is just this layer of resistance around me that when it comes to anything to do with women, just puts a spell on me. It's hard to describe but it is subconscious resistance.

"So how do you overcome this? You have to break this wall down. Hammer it with volume and it will become unsteady. Keep attacking it and it will fall down. Forget the interactions going well, go in there and get rejected. Most women won't stop anyway. Just make it your mission to break this wall down"

I process this for like a further hour.

I've been out for over 3hrs at this stage.

And in the last hour and a half I just bust out 4 more approaches. The women don't really stop, but it's fun. Some just smile and walk off. But as I am doing it, I am gaining confidence.

3 - "in a rush"
4 - deflection
5 - "sorry" and walks off

I go to the shops pick up some flour and go home to hustle on the dating apps.

Day was solid man. Gym. Work. Approach. Online dating. Yeah I could have shot a video. But I did my fucking best and went to bed having worked allllll day.

All you can do is your best.

Back @ it today.

Cold Approaches 211 (+5)
CA Number Exchanges 10 (+1)
CA Social Media 1
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0
Online Dating Dates 25
Online Dating Lays 1
Night Game Approaches 10
Night Game Numbers 1
Night Game Dates 0
Night Game Lays 0

THURS 07/04/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating 2hrs
(2) Body: Cardio (60 mins) / Core / Stretch / Diet
(3) Content: Shoot & Upload 1 Video
(4) Others: Work, Study Game
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