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Someone asked what I do for sex drive & ED prevention so here's what I do:


SUPPS: Take this with breakfast and lunch day of the date
Beetroot Powder (for Nitric Oxide)
Maca Root
Aspirin (Potent anti stress substance)
He-Shou-Wu (Herb for sex drive)
Arginine (for Nitric Oxide)

1 x Cold Thermogenesis session, getting your dick and nuts super cold (great for sexual function overall but do this hours before the date)
1 x Hot shower before the date, like 1hr before, really really open up the vascular structures
1 x Breathwork session – Buteyko is good. Anytime before the date is good.

Pop a cialis when the girl has agreed to come back. I seed the pull, and she she agrees to come back, I go to the gents and pop half a cialis. I don’t always need this but the option is there.

Note: I will begin bathmate next week.

OK had a cheeky Sunday night date.

She comes over to see me. The wine bar has closed early because it was too quiet, but we head to another spot 2 mins away, and even closer to my place.

The girl is nice. She's tiny at 5 ft 1. She was hard work to get out, she was not responsive, had to do multiple re-engagement texts, it took weeks of pushing, and she wouldn't give me her number - she gave me her IG instead. But I still pressed and pressed and got her to come see me.

So she is a hard puzzle to crack because she is literally so boring it's unreal. She has no hobbies other than drinking and doesn't do anything other than go to the pub. I moved the topics around and tried different things, she would respond to some things well, and that was good, and then when I was trying to find something to seed the pull with, something we could suggest we do together at mine, it was so hard.

I asked her to come back to mine for a drink but she then let me know she is feeling quite tired from drinking last night and this was just over an hour into the date, she said she wanted to head home. Which was cool. She was generally a bit more awkward than other girls and while I screened properly, called her sexy, and also touched her, which she was receptive to and didn't flinch at all, when it came to the pull, it was clear it wasn't happening.

I did drop subtle things throughout the date, like "we should do X together sometime" etc.

Not every girl is DTF, this one really was not, but you must push otherwise it's done and dusted. You're a pussy with no passion and she feels no connection to you. There has to be some emotionality and even her saying nah I'm not coming back to yours and you being super chill and just continuing talking etc is great and IMO builds some slight attraction.

Anyway - there are other things I am working on. She departs, I hug her and kiss her on the cheek, she is slightly sketch but she then does feel my arm which is a good sign.

I IG her saying thanks for a great evening and let me know when you're home safe. She says she will lmk. This is good and girls tend to like this IMO.

She then texts me saying she got back safe. She also says thanks for the drinks and everything.

Not bad. Overall, not a bad 1st date.

The task now becomes, can I get a 2nd date? I am gonna push and push. I have already messaged her saying how easy to talk to she was, and lets hang out again. Wednesday?

We'll see what she says.

Gotta just push like crazy in this game, the nature of the beast man.

Otherwise, back in the gym CHADDING LIKE FUCK

Radical commented that I've put on size REAL RECOGNISE REAL

Worked hard did my best. Back at it tomorrow. But need a rest now man.

(1) Dating: Cold Approach – 1 Approach / Online hustle
(2) Body: Gym / Core
(3) Content: Nothing
Others: Gym, get bathmate, CT for 1hr, clout gameplan 2hrs, study funnel hacking in spare time this evening

Notes: Dentist day. Appointment is at 230, but requires an hour to get there and get back. It’s on the outskirts. This day rolls round once a month and makes self dev hard. Can still train hard and do my best.

I am falling behind with cold approaching and I have not uploaded, or shot, new content.

I must be better. Today I will work hard, and make sure this shit gets done. Tomorrow I must catch up with cold approach and content. Got a date tomorrow, gotta go see the chick in Central.

Work was solid all done for the day.

Legit haven’t shopped had to order food in again this is not good.

Then jumped in the shower and now off to the dentist to get my ALF adjusted.

I will make myself do 1 approach today.

Following dentist changing my clothes and getting right in the gym.

On the train and there’s a really beautiful and nice lady with her baby it gets me in my feels

I cannot be anything other than a savage I need to become the best man I can be so I can fucking reproduce man

This is very serious for me I must make it in life and this is an absolute must

Making is is being rich af and having a large family

Just helps to write it out sometimes saves me from having it in my mind

Put it out there and forget it. Now back to the mission. Let’s get this approwch done and we I will check in this evening and tell you everything I did.

This week really needs to be solid and I must work hard

Back from dentist. No approach, just a lot of AA and discomfort.

Will change clothes and go to the gym. And will try to squeeze just ONE IN.

Always struggled with approach and taking time off tanks me. Really gotta focus on this.

Proper 3hr session tomorrow.

Post gym all sweaty but got 1 in! She didn't stop but it's a win.

Now got a call with the Euro Gang for 1hr.

Then cold thermogenesis for 1hr

Clout hameplan for 1hr.


Up early tomorrow, 5am, grinding hard as fuck.

TUE 17/05/2022

(1) DATING: 3hrs Cold Approach / 2hrs Online hustle
(2) BODY: 60 Min Cardio (+ Glute work warmup) / Core / Stretch
(3) CONTENT: Just work on the photoshoot action plan for me Timmy and Carl
Others: Work, dermapen, CT, sunrise, sunset, get bathmate, tongue work for mewwing


Been attacking since 5am. Time to snap necks. Has to be an intense hustle week to build up momentum and keep the lays coming.

Girl from date sunday said she aint feeling a vibe but would love to stay friends. Thanked, unmatched, blocked etc. It’s cool but I don’t have time I need lays. Italian chick ghosted it seems, and girl who went 90% of the way hasn’t replied yet but is terrible at replies and she is prepping for a job interview. FWB coming over tomorrow.

Been stuffing my face a lil as I’m bulking and gaining a few lbs which ain’t lean! Up to 207lbs this morning like a piggy. I will need to remain around 202-204 man honestly. So I will fast all day Thursday and trim down. Why? Because I have to fucking do 2 photoshoots with my boys a month or I am wasting my time and letting them down too.


Welcome to the grind.

MakingAComeback said:
OK had a cheeky Sunday night date.

She comes over to see me. The wine bar has closed early because it was too quiet, but we head to another spot 2 mins away, and even closer to my place.

The girl is nice. She's tiny at 5 ft 1. She was hard work to get out, she was not responsive, had to do multiple re-engagement texts, it took weeks of pushing, and she wouldn't give me her number - she gave me her IG instead. But I still pressed and pressed and got her to come see me.

So she is a hard puzzle to crack because she is literally so boring it's unreal. She has no hobbies other than drinking and doesn't do anything other than go to the pub. I moved the topics around and tried different things, she would respond to some things well, and that was good, and then when I was trying to find something to seed the pull with, something we could suggest we do together at mine, it was so hard.

I asked her to come back to mine for a drink but she then let me know she is feeling quite tired from drinking last night and this was just over an hour into the date, she said she wanted to head home. Which was cool. She was generally a bit more awkward than other girls and while I screened properly, called her sexy, and also touched her, which she was receptive to and didn't flinch at all, when it came to the pull, it was clear it wasn't happening.

I did drop subtle things throughout the date, like "we should do X together sometime" etc.

Not every girl is DTF, this one really was not, but you must push otherwise it's done and dusted. You're a pussy with no passion and she feels no connection to you. There has to be some emotionality and even her saying nah I'm not coming back to yours and you being super chill and just continuing talking etc is great and IMO builds some slight attraction.

Anyway - there are other things I am working on. She departs, I hug her and kiss her on the cheek, she is slightly sketch but she then does feel my arm which is a good sign.

I IG her saying thanks for a great evening and let me know when you're home safe. She says she will lmk. This is good and girls tend to like this IMO.

She then texts me saying she got back safe. She also says thanks for the drinks and everything.

Not bad. Overall, not a bad 1st date.

The task now becomes, can I get a 2nd date? I am gonna push and push. I have already messaged her saying how easy to talk to she was, and lets hang out again. Wednesday?

We'll see what she says.

Gotta just push like crazy in this game, the nature of the beast man.

Otherwise, back in the gym CHADDING LIKE FUCK

Radical commented that I've put on size REAL RECOGNISE REAL

Worked hard did my best. Back at it tomorrow. But need a rest now man.


So one thing I have learned is just because a girl is hot doesn't mean you have to fuck her. Personally if I don't get a good feeling from chatting with a girl on a date I won't pursue it for just sex unless she is super down and she just has a terrible personality. There are too many other options for you now that you shouldn't have to worry about forcing a 2nd date with a wet rag personality who isn't showing you the appropriate physical response back.
First you said
MakingAComeback said:
because she is literally so boring it's unreal. She has no hobbies other than drinking and doesn't do anything other than go to the pub.
Then you said
MakingAComeback said:
I have already messaged her saying how easy to talk to she was, and lets hang out again. Wednesday?

Wouldn't reward "bad" behavior dude. If you enjoyed the vibe and/or wanna bang her, you can still try to meet her again even if she was boring. But for the sake of being honest, I wouldn't mention how easy she was to talk to if that wasn't the case haha.
Checking in bros:

Yesterday was fuckin solid.

(1) DATING: 3hrs Cold Approach / 2hrs Online hustle (DONE)
(2) BODY: 60 Min Cardio (+ Glute work warmup) / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) CONTENT: Just work on the photoshoot action plan for me Timmy and Carl (FAIL)
Others: Work, dermapen, CT, sunrise, sunset, get bathmate, tongue work for mewwing (Mostly done some fails)

So worked hard in the day, gym, cold approach, online hustle all done. Lots happened.

Cold approach was as follows:

-1 rude as fuck lol great start to the session
-2nd exchanged with hottie
-3 she said she can’t stop
(Approached a chick and she legit jumped out her skin in sheer terror, gave me a dirty look and kept going lol)
-4 hot girl talked for a while, asked for Insta date, declined, asked for number, she had a bf
-5 boyfriend
-6 deflect
-7 she chatted a little but had to meet someone
-8 smiled but deflected
-9 chats for about a min after some pushing but has to meet her sister lol.
-10 very pretty but had an appointment to get to

Back to it today & grinding.

countingsheep7878 said:
MakingAComeback said:
OK had a cheeky Sunday night date.

She comes over to see me. The wine bar has closed early because it was too quiet, but we head to another spot 2 mins away, and even closer to my place.

The girl is nice. She's tiny at 5 ft 1. She was hard work to get out, she was not responsive, had to do multiple re-engagement texts, it took weeks of pushing, and she wouldn't give me her number - she gave me her IG instead. But I still pressed and pressed and got her to come see me.

So she is a hard puzzle to crack because she is literally so boring it's unreal. She has no hobbies other than drinking and doesn't do anything other than go to the pub. I moved the topics around and tried different things, she would respond to some things well, and that was good, and then when I was trying to find something to seed the pull with, something we could suggest we do together at mine, it was so hard.

I asked her to come back to mine for a drink but she then let me know she is feeling quite tired from drinking last night and this was just over an hour into the date, she said she wanted to head home. Which was cool. She was generally a bit more awkward than other girls and while I screened properly, called her sexy, and also touched her, which she was receptive to and didn't flinch at all, when it came to the pull, it was clear it wasn't happening.

I did drop subtle things throughout the date, like "we should do X together sometime" etc.

Not every girl is DTF, this one really was not, but you must push otherwise it's done and dusted. You're a pussy with no passion and she feels no connection to you. There has to be some emotionality and even her saying nah I'm not coming back to yours and you being super chill and just continuing talking etc is great and IMO builds some slight attraction.

Anyway - there are other things I am working on. She departs, I hug her and kiss her on the cheek, she is slightly sketch but she then does feel my arm which is a good sign.

I IG her saying thanks for a great evening and let me know when you're home safe. She says she will lmk. This is good and girls tend to like this IMO.

She then texts me saying she got back safe. She also says thanks for the drinks and everything.

Not bad. Overall, not a bad 1st date.

The task now becomes, can I get a 2nd date? I am gonna push and push. I have already messaged her saying how easy to talk to she was, and lets hang out again. Wednesday?

We'll see what she says.

Gotta just push like crazy in this game, the nature of the beast man.

Otherwise, back in the gym CHADDING LIKE FUCK

Radical commented that I've put on size REAL RECOGNISE REAL

Worked hard did my best. Back at it tomorrow. But need a rest now man.


So one thing I have learned is just because a girl is hot doesn't mean you have to fuck her. Personally if I don't get a good feeling from chatting with a girl on a date I won't pursue it for just sex unless she is super down and she just has a terrible personality. There are too many other options for you now that you shouldn't have to worry about forcing a 2nd date with a wet rag personality who isn't showing you the appropriate physical response back.

For sure, she was not DTF man and it's all good. Need to do way more photography, keep bodymaxxing and getting more and more jacked, and just hammer cold approach. Need some hotties in my life!

Paw said:
First you said
MakingAComeback said:
because she is literally so boring it's unreal. She has no hobbies other than drinking and doesn't do anything other than go to the pub.
Then you said
MakingAComeback said:
I have already messaged her saying how easy to talk to she was, and lets hang out again. Wednesday?

Wouldn't reward "bad" behavior dude. If you enjoyed the vibe and/or wanna bang her, you can still try to meet her again even if she was boring. But for the sake of being honest, I wouldn't mention how easy she was to talk to if that wasn't the case haha.

True man, she was not a good fit at all but good luck to her

WED 18/05/2022

(1) DATING: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle (throughout the day)
(2) BODY: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: NADA – got my FWB coming over and we will have fun, so this is gonna take a back seat. Painful man. Tomorrow I will work on the game plan and also upload some content.
Others: Work, breathwork, get bathmate, smash FWB, message my other leads and nail down a first meeting.


You will never strengthen your mind without discomfort and gutting up and grinding.


Wed, could not go to the gym, physically body was like NO.

Put my gym clothes on, laced up my shoes, had my water and lifting log book.

For an hour and a half, I was pushing myself to get out the door. I am tired and beat down, but I must train.

In my Monday session, my performance was lower than usual, struggled getting my pullups in, and could tell something is off.

I rested up for an hour and a half, did 1 meeting, and still was not on the level.

Listened to my body, and didn’t train.

This is something I had to learn in life and is why I haven't had the mental breakdowns I used to have. Learning to be happier and letting go is a skillset, and something I learned through coaching and also watching Andy coach the other guys.

FWB heads over, and I’m not even horny, went 1 round and we watched TV and cuddled.

This is a sign I’m overreaching and need to relax a bit. I am pushing and stressing myself and need to chill.

Thursday morning, I was horny in the morning and we smashed again. But man, I felt so overwhelmed, psychologically frazzled, emotionally spent.

So what did I do today, Thursday?


It’s many little things that add up when you’re hammering and doing this shit. At times, you can start to feel like a robot, stressed and frazzled. It happens when you are grinding and is inevitable. Life is about managing state and oneself, pushing, recovering, handling problems and moving forwards.

So I took the entire day off.

Watched one of my fave old episodes of JRE, with David Choe.

At about 3pm I started to feel a bit more normal and watched some biz/mindset stuff for a couple hours, read about funnels.

Did 30min cold thermogenesis session. This is crucial for long term energy capacity.

Now writing this post.

Back tomorrow and I’ll handle biz, approach, work on the online dating apps, prep for some photos this weekend. Will get gym in, cold approach, online dating, work on the clout game plan, etc.

Saturday will be solid: photos, cold approach, and maybe a little night game. If we can even squeeze in some street interviews, that wil be legendary.

Sunday going to spend the day with my boy talkig biz and chilling the fuck out, may fast the whole day and detox.

I am going to keep pushing, another legit 7 days of solid work ahead and that will push my life forward. But I think I will take a little bit of proper downtime next week, like Thurs-Sun. I have to take my parents to the airport anyway as they’re travelling so could spend a few days with them and chill.
June will be a big month:
-The Bastard is staying with us. We’ll do lots of photos. He’ll push me to approach. He will do a style consult and in person shop with Radical.
-My bro from Andy’s coaching & accountability partner will be coming to stay, and we will have a killer time doing day game, night game, photos and street interviews
-I’ll have some annual leave from work so will be able to focus on the project

-Annual leave for the month so ALL OUT HUSTLE
-Endless cold approach, lots of nightgame, lots of photos and a pro shoot here and there
-Me and the Euro Gang are gonna be going to Budapest where we will go crazy

-Biz hustle mode engaged
-Online dating will continue to be optimised, I will find ways to do day game even if it’s scaled down, night game will be done weekends

By the end of the year, I will be making money online and then gearing up to travel and really build an elite and legendary life.
This will be the turnaround year for me.

The girl who went 90% of the way texted me saying she has been prepping for her job interview, lol, bless her.

This is fucking miles and miles better than the months in the wilderness when not one chick would want to know me 15 mins into those dates jheeze it was so painful

Trying to get her out here tomorrow, we had a blast, she is the funniest and really fricken smart. Enormous personality on this chick.

The Phoenix Project: Week 27
Friday 20/05/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle 2hrs
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Fast after lunch (Pigged out yesterday as I was feeling terrible gained a wee bit not good!!)
(3) Content: 1 min clip upload to YouTube, IG, FB, and TikTok


Still feeling like ass, honestly. Got up at 5am, watched the sunrise, took the blissful hit of dopamine and did some of my core routine....then was feeling zombied out so rested for an hour. After an hour in bed I felt a lot better! Went to the gym. Session was not great, was quite hard man. Got it done and bounced.

I noticed a lady was a little smitten with me bless her, she was checking me out from time to time, it's very adorable. I'd have her down as mid 30s, fairly decent looking but no ass. No booty, no deal. Not that I approach in the gym rn anyway lol.

There is a chick who started training here who is just lovely, she has that girl next door look in her face and kinda demeanor, so lovely.


Conditions are not perfect, I am not high energy MAC right now, I am feeling off. But I will press forward regardless.

You can't start tomorrow. You must simply persist and win through consistency.

About to shower now but this will be my day:

930 Dermapen / Biz podcast (Me and Funnel Gang are listening to the same podcast)
10 Work
11 Work
12 Lunch / Supps & Life Admin
1 Cold Approach
2 Cold Approach
3 Cold Approach
4 Cold Thermogenesis
430 Light Therapy
5 Online Dating Hustle
6 Online Dating Hustle
7 Content: Edit & Upload 1 Min Clips
8 Clout Gameplan
9 BED!!!!!!!! Yep, early ass night for MAC Daddy

MakingAComeback said:
FWB heads over, and I’m not even horny, went 1 round and we watched TV and cuddled


Seriously now, how's your diet so far? You cutting or nah? Caloric deficit can fuck you up a lot
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
FWB heads over, and I’m not even horny, went 1 round and we watched TV and cuddled


Seriously now, how's your diet so far? You cutting or nah? Caloric deficit can fuck you up a lot

hahaha absolutely MOGGED by The Grecian CHAD

Bro the cutting was brutal and gave me ED with Danish Girl back in the day she thought I wasn't into her was very embarassing and one of the reasons she ghosted tbh lol

But nah I started eating up about a month ago to put some size on honestly. So I am in a bit of a surplus rn.

Truth is I've been getting fuck all sleep, MAYBE 5hrs a night. Combination of trying to smash women all the time, my FWB, and just hustligng like mad.

I am gonna get an early night tonight.

SIGMA I hear ya too bro.
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