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Thanks bros for your posts as ever it is appreciated.

Got off a great call with Euro Gang!!! So inspired.

Man, I am shooting this week with my little bro - Friday, Saturday, and then another shoot with my friend Dave.

So 3 photoshoots this week! Because I am heading home Thursday :-)

Get back to London, will go do like 2 street interviews with Timmy next week and also another photoshoot.

June, hanging out with The Bastard, Holden, Radical, and Timmy - we will do professional photoshoots together, split the cost 4 ways hire a sick ass photographer and get some work in!!!!!!!!

And then last week of June, my boy Rene is staying with me:


He is a member of Funnel Gang, as well as Euro Gang.

He will be staying with me and Timmy from August and we are gonna make fucking bank, fuck stunners, travel the world. connect with the best guys and girls in the world, build massive brands and have insane clout, and have a social circle of beautiful women around us.

His interview with Andy is great, and I am glad Andy caught him early in his career. We are all going places.

So, how did I do today? CHECK IN BELOW

OK, so I mentioned I was getting burned out last week Thursday. As such, I took a light week this week, I am also having to go home and help my parents for a few days. So this is a good time for a recharge week.

I played it by ear and wanted to do things, but my body and brain needs a rest! Today I rested lots and did general self dev like accountability calls.

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle 1hr (FAIL)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (FAIL)
(3) Content: Photography upload – useability check (DONE)
Others: Work, Post office collection, Euro Gang call, Read.

Work was fine. However, I still actually dealing with feelings of overwork, and being beat down. I am back to cleaning up the diet, which is great, and will do so sensibly and carefully. But I am still feeling worn down! Training hard and dieting for as long as I have has, obviously, caught up with me.

And the endless hustle of The Phoenix Project.


The journey of success IS NOT LINEAR

You don’t just push like fuck and get there in a straight line. You hit road blocks man, and recalibrate, re-engage, and move forward.

Today was just light work, as it should be, and this week I am chilling and taking it easier.

I will still obv hustle, and work, but there will not be the extreme intensity.

I edited and uploaded a new dating pic, the dog pic above. And otherwise completed tasks.

Got a date tomorrow, and the girl from cold approach is down to meet next week which is great cause she was fucking HOT.

Life’s good, but I must make sure I relax this week as much as possible and get rested.

I actually feel way better than I did yesterday. This is great. After a week of this I'll be feeling great.


TUE 24/12/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (1hr), Online Dating (1hr), Go on date @ 530pm
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Clean diet
(3) Content: Upload 1min clip
Others: Work, Dermapen, House Party operational tasks, Post Office

Still lighter and easier than the norm. Thurs I am heading home. So Fri and Sat I think I'm gonna water fast. Reason being, I have shoots Fri - Sun.

MakingAComeback said:
And then last week of June, my boy Rene is staying with me
He is a member of Funnel Gang, as well as Euro Gang.

He will be staying with me and Timmy from August and we are gonna make fucking bank, fuck stunners, travel the world. connect with the best guys and girls in the world, build massive brands and have insane clout, and have a social circle of beautiful women around us.

His interview with Andy is great, and I am glad Andy caught him early in his career. We are all going places.

Hell yeah dude, this shit is going to be crazy! Looking forward to the cigars in the rooftop bar at New Years, haha. Let's fucking go!
Rene said:
MakingAComeback said:
And then last week of June, my boy Rene is staying with me
He is a member of Funnel Gang, as well as Euro Gang.

He will be staying with me and Timmy from August and we are gonna make fucking bank, fuck stunners, travel the world. connect with the best guys and girls in the world, build massive brands and have insane clout, and have a social circle of beautiful women around us.

His interview with Andy is great, and I am glad Andy caught him early in his career. We are all going places.

Hell yeah dude, this shit is going to be crazy! Looking forward to the cigars in the rooftop bar at New Years, haha. Let's fucking go!

Yep, this is just the next step for us, we are both finding success and more and more will come now ;-)

Welcome to the forum you fuckin legend!

Date was nice. Had to travel for it, like 1hr, it was in Shoreditch. But that's London. She was a great gal, amazing personality, so funny and easy as hell to talk to. She mostly talked and she was great.

Only stayed with her for an hour, logistics were not there for a pull. I didn't want to be there for hours honestly I had shit to do. So kept it quick. I said I'd like to hang out again, and she was pretty happy about that and said she'll text me. She also gave me a really deep and like longing hug damn it was nice.

It's anyone's geuss what happens next, maybe we vibed, maybe we didn't. I asked her one or two probing questions, it probably wasn't my best date and also because logistics were not there physical escalation wasn't really happening but there was some touch.

Physically, she was very very average. Great personality and she was wonderful honestly.

May have a 2nd date, may not. Either way, will keep hammering.



(1) Dating: Cold Approach (1hr), Online Dating (1hr), Go on date @ 530pm (No CA, 1hr Online done, Date done)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Clean diet (DONE)
(3) Content: Upload 1min clip (FAIL)
Others: Work, Dermapen, House Party operational tasks, Post Office (Mostly done, no post office)

Did my best.

Back tomorrow.

Man feeling even better today, relaxing and taking lighter weeks is a game changer for real. I also increased my kcal a fair bit! Dieting for prolonded periods is a bitch for your wellbeing and energy, not to mention happiness lol.

I will do a day or maybe even 2 of water fasts this week, which can be super healing due to autophagy, and will allow me to leanmaxxx a little as I am doing photos fri, sat and sun like a boss!!!


WED 25/12/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach (3hr), Online Dating (1hr), see FWB
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Good diet
Others: Work, House Party operational tasks, Post Office

630 Rise – Tongue posture work and Sunshine
7 Breakfast:
8 Core
830 Party operations
930 Work
10 Work
11:15 Lunch: Lamb, Rice, Fruits, OJ / rest
12 Work
1 CA / Post Office?
2 CA
3 CA
4 Dinner: Lettuce wrapped burger, OJ, Fruits / rest
5 Light therapy: UV / Red
530 Vin Call & Clear light
630 Hot shower / Online dating hustle
730 Relax
8 See my FWB


House party is gonna be mega! Then got the homies heading over too the following week. Damn life is good.

Gonna keeo hammering man, grinding it out, because August time we gotta make BANK.

When biz becomes a serious focus, we will still find ways to get laid because successful men fuck beautiful women, end of. I have some thoughts: online dating, some cold approach, some night game. It can be done while hustling in biz.

Anyway - one step at a time.

Not feeling the connection from last night's date, which is fine, I didn't really perform well!

And plus, I was not really into her.

It was another rep. And a call to action, to not be sloppy, to stay sharp, to get back to my study of game which has now slipped off for some time, and to keep improving.

Next one will be another opportunity to suceed.

So last night I really honestly couldn't be bothered and did't bring my A game, she went on about work and shit like that, which is a topic that will kill connection

The fact I really didn't feel any attraction kinda meant there wasn't the motivation to operate properly

But, this is a good rep, and awakens me to the importance of putting on solid performances

Out to cold approach shortly, so more reps, and my FWB will come later.

Study of game will resume tomorrow. I got lax.

1) Pretty but both on the phone, in a rush, but fairly warm and nice
2) She was cute, she told me she was in a rush but thanked me and told me I made her day - she was lovely ugh
3) Deflected
4) She walked for about 2 secs was standoffish as fuck and then she walked away
5) very pretty black lady think she didn't really understand English, she just walked off, tourist I reckon

Yesterday was a success, did all my shit, handled biz, and was effective.

FWB came over last night. We watched Thumbs Up with David Choe, one of my favourite Vice mini docs. We watched for an hour, and she was def horny and kept asking what do we do next lol. We fucked, she was crazy wet, went for a while few diff positions, and then had quite a soul-rending orgasm. Damn it was intense.

Chatted for hours, she let me know I could do whatever and go for as many rounds as I want. Lol. She is fun.

Turned in around 1am. She does not let me sleep.

Got up at like 6, drank water, got another 30 mins sleep. Then walked her to her bus.

Chick is super chill, funny, has a good bod and is in the gym so it'll only get better. But I do def. need to keep getting the lays in with new chicks and retain a hottie or two. Not there yet man.

Not really liking how my physique is looking right now, think I really pushed my system too hard dieting and training for legit 6 months straight. I am sticking to the week off for this week, next week we'll see what's what, but I can tell you I am feeling better.

This morning I'm feeling good. I noticed how much calmer and happier I feel after getting laid. It's the one time in my week I'm not in my head and fucking hammering.

Which is why the pursuit of money and women will be one I find a strategic way to combine. But that ain't just yet.

I've been ALL IN for 5 months now, and will keep hammering, this is what a serious self improvement project looks like.

Going home today, will write up the plan.

Condom sex gets quite old BTW, it legit often feels like my cock is being choked!

My FWB asked me if I wanna do it without a condom, I said yeah, but she needs me to do a full sexual health screen. I'll do it.

MakingAComeback said:
Condom sex gets quite old BTW, it legit often feels like my cock is being choked!

Man, I had this for years till a month ago or so, when I finally bought large size condoms. My problem was that I was using too small condoms for me even if they felt okay before. It's because I thought that I wasn't big enough or worthy enough for King Size, but when I finally tried bigger sizes, I realized that I was using too small condoms for all those years. Even having my old condoms regularly broken didn't make me think of buying larger sizes.
Are you sure you're using the right size for you ?

MakingAComeback said:
My FWB asked me if I wanna do it without a condom, I said yeah, but she needs me to do a full sexual health screen. I'll do it.

Understandable terms. Obviously, it's always better without condoms. On my side, I have to wear condoms even with my girlfriend because here in Poland there is an anti-abortion law that makes condom free sex too risky.
Thanks man I will try a bigger condom, also my FWB is on birth control and she doesn't have periods and cannot get pregnant.

So I can def. go raw with her, she is open to it.

FRI 27/05/2022

(1) Dating: No Cold Approach / Online Hustle 1hr / Photography 3hrs
(2) Body: Fasting – 2 Day Water Fast ENGAGED
(3) Content: Photography – 3-5hrs Fri, Sat and Sun
Other: Dermapen, Party planning actions

Notes: Life admin to carry out, then actions to get on top of.

Water fasting until Sunday to leanmaxxx. Why? Because I am going photoshoot crazy rn.

Back to London Tuesday, and will push for dates and lays.

This is probably where I'm getting my hair transplant in August:


I am not doing any prescription DHA blockers to maintain it, I will use biotin, dermapen, and other topicals.

If I have to get another one in 2-3 years, so be it. I will be married at 35 anyway and will be focused on my wife and kids from 40 onwards trust me on that one........next 5 years are my come up and I will do whatever it takes during this time.

Tagging the bros who wanted to be kept in the loop of my HT research:

Crisis_Overcomer Radical
The Phoenix Project: Week 28
SAT 28/05/2022

(1) Dating: No Cold Approach / Online Hustle (1hr) / Photos (2-3hrs) (FAIL – notes below)
(2) Body: Fasting / Body Progress Pic / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Photography - 2 shoots with 2 different outfits, try to get them down well good poses etc (FAIL – brother bailed)


Last night my little bro bailed on my photos. Standard. If you find reliable people in life, stick with them! These people are fricken rare. All good of course.

He then bailed again today. He showed up, complained endlessly, talked a tonne of shit – just told him we’d leave it there and I went home. Sucks when it’s a family member. I prefer to limit interaction with him tbh. No point, honestly.

So day was a bit shit. But. I did the following:

Posture work: 2 x 15 Min McKenzie Extension, 3 x 10 McKenzie Pushup, 3 x 10 Seated Goodmorning
60 Min Run – Outdoors in the sun
Infrared Sauna – 30 Mins
Body progress pics – got these from my Mum lol
Mewwing progress pics – took these and shared to Mew’s fb group
Planned next steps for body – time to course correct.

Body progress pic to come. I have been working and trying hard but I am fucking up. Prolonged dieting has messed up my body composition. Time for a reset!


Current Status:
SAT 28/05/2022

Bodyweight: 204.8 (197.8 – 204.8 over the course of April)

Current Thoughts: Last month, my physique began to look worse. And then, 3 weeks ago, my performance in the gym began to really be impacted. I performed poorly, and was really frustrated. I pushed on for a week. Then, I was so beat down I had to take a week off. My body needs a lot of work, but right now, I need to course correct.

Dieting, in a restrictive fashion, has caused some breakdown of the physique. I was also lax on the diet for several weeks as I was getting beat up and also had ED with one girl.

This needs to be sorted out as my physique is getting worse, and I am not really making solid progress in any direction. I think a month of increased kcal will support this end. And I will just have to re-assess in July.

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Yeah I have improved from June 21 to Feb 22. I was even looking GOOD March. April I was hanging in there but starting to ebb, then I began getting signs of burn out in May and began getting beat the fuck up. The progress has not been as solid as I’d liked, despite trying my absolute ass off.

Time to LISTEN and take advice from good counsel.


Following advice from the bros in the coaching group, I am going to increase my kcal for a month to maintenance, train hard, and give my body the support in kcal it needs.

Protein: 200g
Carbs: 270g
Fats: 70g

That said, I will be fasting once per week. The rationale for this is broken down below, as there is an emerging problem of loose skin and stretch marks.

I have been dieting and restricting for a while, so there may be a little weight gain for a month that will suck…...but I will stick it out and get back to a cut which is sensible, gradual and takes place over a longer duration.


(1) Physique appears to be stagnating and deteriorating, seems like fat gain is taking place. The overall composition isn’t something I’m happy with right now. Time to course correct.

-I have been lax with diet for 3 weeks as I was really getting crushed by like 10 months of dieting.
-Training and pushing for so long I was feeling beat down.
-I have taken a week off the gym and feel better now.

-Adjust diet: Maintenance kcal, clean diet. I will post the plan here, and I will check in daily with my status of hitting the kcal/macros.
-Training plan: I have been on the same program for 5 months, which is good. This has been supportive. I did a full body, 3 x a week program to get into the swing of things. I am now moving away from this, and am going to go with a different beginner based Upper/Lower 3 day split, which I will do for the remainder of the year. This will allow me to get a solid ass 12 months of training in and dial my body in. I will post this plan and check in daily.

(2) Stretch marks and some loose skin appearing

-I have lost 52lbs, I was 197lbs at the lowest of my cut before my body started to tap out and I started getting ED.
-I knew this would come, but now I must act.

-June: Maintenance calories. Give the body time to adjust, gain some stability.
-Loose Skin: FASTING once per week. Why? Fasting enables autophagy, which is necessary for supporting rejuvenation of skin, breakdown of excess skin, and excess protein which contributes to loose skin. Fasting once per week will support smoothing things out.
-Stretch Marks: Dermapen on damaged skin area 2 x a week.
-Stretch Marks: Research serums and topicals for healing stretch marks. Consider speaking to Dr and getting a prescription.


This week of rest was necessary.

Next week, time to heal the body with more kcal, be consistent and focused in the gym. And time to take action to address the skin problem. Fasting (autophagy, skin and excess protein breakdown) will support me, as well as dermapenning the area and applying topicals.

I will execute this plan for the month of June, provide a full update, and resume the cut from July perhaps.

Building a body obviously takes time. Right now, my body has improved a bit, yes, and my looks are better. But I am NOT HAPPY. This past month, my physique really declined. I am upset by this. It is OK, I will get over it. June will be here, and I will execute the plan, and get back to a careful and smart, well planned cut from July onwards until I am lean and happy with my physique.

(1) Diet – hit macros.
(2) Follow ULU / LUL 2 Weeek alternating split for the rest of the year
(3) Damaged Skin: Dermapen where stretch marks and loose skin are emerging. Fast once a week for autophagy and to allow the body to consume skin and excess protein. Find either medication or some topical for damaged area.
(4) Re-assess in July.

great planning but youve been lifting for a while now, why choose a 3 day beginner split (ur not a beginner anymore) when you could do a 5 or 6 one now that your going on a kcal increase?
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