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you look pretty damn cool in that pic with the girls 8-) 8-)
I like 4539, 4445 and the one with the girls you already posted are my favorites.

Just another couple of pieces of advice. The black tee in the first shoot looked too big on you in my opinion and I would take the backpack off from any shoot. Also personally I am not a fan of the crew sweatshirt. I think a bomber or some type of spring jacket would look good with your style.
MON 06/06/2022

(1) Dating: Nothing
(2) Body: Gym / Core
(3) Content: Upload interview #2 from partty
Others: Work, go pick up Holden, drop off speakers rented for party, go pick up The Bastard


Busy day, gotta lie up some loose ends post party, pick up the boys, and get this week off to a good start.

Lots of hustle to come!


Busy AF Day!!

Got Holden this morning, chilled with him, checked him into the hostel

Then had to return the speakers we rented for the party, which took 3 and a half hours FUCK so painful!

Because of this I had to send my apologies for missing the Euro Gang Call

Rene Paw Heisenberg

Got home, chatted with Timmy, we're gonna do another and bigger party soon.

Now gotta go get Thebastard and bring him back here.

Then me, Timmy, Holden and The Bastard are gonna chill have a drink and trade stories


THUR 09/06/2022

(1) Body: NA
(2) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle 2hrs
(3) Content: NA
Others: Work, life admin


Hanging out with @Holden and @Thebastard, has been a great week.

We’ve been out and about, cold approaching, living life, and having a good time.

My FWB was with me last night, so sleep is fucked. I feel pretty shit and am not going to push my body. I get like 3hrs of sleep when she’s here because she insists on talking etc until the small hours. Bit of a problem. But it’s OK. I will keep ploughing.

Will writeup the cold approaches I’ve done also.
Cold Approach Logging

1 - Friendly AF dog walking hottie, had to go tho
2 - In a rush
3 - deflected
4 - deflected
5 - She was super nice and said she genuinely has a bf lol
6 - in a rush
7 - married
8 - pushed, didnt give num, gave social - she viewed my stories but thats that
9 - deflect
10 - tiny Asian girl, she was stoked and laughing like crazy, she gave her no but it was 1 digit short


1 - In a rush, picking up kid from school, but nice
2 - Very nice, she was about to exchange socials, I asked if she was single, had a BF
3 - Not receptive
4 - "Not interested"
5 - Edging away
6 - In a rush
7 - said "Have a good day, thank you" and walked off
8 - Didnt stop
9 - Said she had to get the train
10 - "sorry"

We went to the station
11 - she said she was trying to find her stop wouldnt talk
12 - had a boyfriend

Current Breakdown:

Cold Approaches 290
CA Number Exchanges 13
CA Social Media 2
CA Dates 1
Cold Approach Lays 0


I haven't been updating the spreadsheet, I have done more approaches than this, think I'm actually nearer 400 but I stopped logging. I wanna log again now as I want to get to 1k for bants.

Yesterday was awesome.

I was with NG, she kept me up late AF. I was totally wiped out the next day. Had to lay down for 3hrs to regain some damn energy. Then I felt fine. Worked for a couple hours. The Bastard has work to do also. Holden was running around London touristmaxxxing ;-)

Holden then gets back to the area we're staying, we're all done with work now, so we go for food, then go to high volume tourist locations to day game! Session ran from 6-930pm and was awesome. I have never approached at this sort of time.

I mentioned to the boys that I got my first cold approach date in Oxford Street, at approach 10 lol. They told me I should simply approach here.

The quality of women is great this sort of time, and the session was solid.

We enjoyed some self improvement banter and using self improvement lingo and suffixes. Drink water was hydrationMaxxing, travel was geoMaxxing, we had a good laugh ahahaaa.


1 - I bailed, she looked older and when I got close it was like nah, but she was SUPER nice and seemed like a great lady
2 - deflected
3 - in a rush
4 - She was really damn nice, and happy to be approached, but had a boyfriend
5 - OK so she was really fucking hot, total stunner, little shorty but interesting mix (Swedish / Russian) and I could tell she was big time into me. We chatted, vibed, and she was doing the classic IOIs, tossing her hair back, etc. She had a boyfriend, but she thanked me for approaching and told me "you seem like a really good person" lol - Holden and Thebastard watched this one, and they said amongst themselves I could possibly crack day game because there are some girls like this one who fetishise tall men
6 - SO terrified, as I approach she has deer in headlights eyes, and it's like I'm cornering her agaisnt a wall, I am also uncomfortable about this and just approach very warmly and respectfully - she is in total panic and just shakes her head no and looks around. I thank her, wish her a good day, and move on. Thebastard and Holden are witness to how some girls are legit terrified when I approach. HeightMogged!
7 - She was so damn nice, beautiful girl, tall, black hair, just lovely - she had a bf
8 - OK so this one was interesting. She chatted, was nice, pleasant chick, showed her my street interviews etc, and asked her for a drink. She said "OK, but so long as you're OK with me having a boyfriend", I kinda rolled it off like sure, sure, and then changed topic to exit, she was expecting to exchange I could tell, but as she had a bf I am not interested AT ALL. I changed topic and left.
9 - She was rude AF, didn't want to be approached (totally understand and appreciate this - it may be annoying AF for girls)
10 - super pleasant chick, she just had a warm energy and seemed like a great gal, she laughed and said "thanks, I'm going home" haaha

OK bros there ya go.

We wishes Holden well as he's going back home, and we will stay in touch, form a group chat, and continue to help each other and push ourselves beyond.

Thebastard and I went back to my place, he ordered food, and we chatted for about 2hrs on the journey, interesting people he met along the way, crazy daygame stories - man he has seen it all!!!

Gotta fast today as I put on 4lbs from yesterday eating like a pig. Was 212.4lbs. Not acceptable. Need to cruise in this maintenance phase around 207/208. So we fast today and do the self improvement god's work :-)

Hey man took a look at the shoots. First shoot 4360 seemed ok, the beer shot 4438 was the best one of shoot one. Wasn't feeling any of the black shirt pics as they seemed off with the fit.
The edited group pic with the girls looks baller. Def best of both shoots.

Agree with sentiment above, may need better fitting clothes and no go on the backpack unless you're hiking or something. If you're using a wide angle consider using a 50mm or 85mm lens, those are usually more flattering for portrait pictures with how it compresses the facial features.
Great post Doc and this is important re. the lens, the wide angle lens is distorting my face and thats awful! It's why the pro shoots were better than the ones I've done. Ed and Andy both mentioned this, so I will take action and buy a new lens that will work.

Thanks for the reminder man.

Plenty more photos to come ;-)
Hanging w/ Thebastard and Timmy, lots going on, so hard to nail down a schedule.

Nonetheless, working hard and another close call for a booty call....

COLD APPROACH: Went out too late, location wasn't the best, lessons learned
Train station
1 - Deflcted
2 - Deflected
3 - In a rush and pissed off
4 - very pissed off
5 - deflect

Moved to another location
6 - deflect
7 - defelct
8 - deflect
9 - deflect
10 - waiting for her bus, she's nice, we chat, then her bus comes and she's gone :-)

MakingAComeback said:
10 - waiting for her bus, she's nice, we chat, then her bus comes and she's gone :-)

In these situations, go for the exchange as soon as you can, and then if there's extra time, use that to "round out" the set and build extra comfort and what have you
Thanks big bro. I fuck up like this a lot, Timmy points things like this out pretty frequently ngl. Gotta work on: (1) the stop, (2) pushing for exchange, like being WAY pushier.

OK so this Indian chick from Bumble exchanged Friday night, she called me asking me if I'm out Friday night and I pushed for her to come over. She was 10 mins away and said I could come meet her for 1 drink, but she insisted on getting the next train which was in 15 mins. Fuck all that....I pushed for her to see me etc but nada.

Sat, hung out with Thebastard, Timmy and Radical all day. Radical did an in-person shop which was great.

Thebastard is a fucking self improvement LEGEND from GLL and no one has stories like this dude, he has seen it all, been all over, and we talked until 2am last night on my couch. Discussion was amazing honestly, about psychology, society, our own paths, trauma, some of his EPIC wins with confirmed stunners (he showed me pics). 80 lays man all over the world, this man has truly lived life, he has been elite bodybuilder level jacked, and has met and known many legends in this space.

I also picked up a new tee and some shades from our time with the main man Radical.

Sunday is just gonna be an accountability call, some online hustle, maybe squeeze in an approach if I see someone I like, and then just chilling, hanging out.


Tomorrow, back to a proper hustle. Grinding in London until Thurs, then gotta go to my parents place and take care of some stuff.

Let's get some dates & find a way to get #6


Also that Indian chick drunk dialled me last night at 230am. I was talking to my bro thebastard and got triggered she interrupted a legendary conversation so I blocked her ass

She is below average in looks and I cant be fucked with her brattiness, if she smashed that would be different but no drama and agro without box come on girl.......


MON 13/06/2022

(1) Dating: N/A
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: NA
Others: Work, Study game, Euro Gang call, Rene catchup call

Notes: All the boys have left now, was a killer week. Back to the project. Gotta take care of biz and tomorrow will be caught up and back on it.


Ended up not going to the gym as I was very tired from the endless hustle of last week. Todays gym session will be pushed to tomorrow.

Did core work.

Work, life admin (cleaning, washing, shopping), dermapen. euro gang call and call w/ Rene

Did dating work in the end. 2hrs online hustle.

Day was OK. Calls were awesome!

Motivated and ready to go hard tomorrow.

Let's gooooooo

Following call with the Euro Gang, my week's goals:


(1) Dating:
A. Cold Approach Tue, Wed, Thur for 3hrs / Online Hustle 2hrs Daily
B. Soft reset Tinder (DONE), if no difference, Hard reset!

(2) Body:
Continue with maintenance kcal and crush in gym

(3) Content:
Clear backlog

Rene Paw Heisenberg
Soft reset my Tinder, so just created a new account, same pics, diff email.

Will boost etc and see what happens.

If there's no difference, will get a new sim and hard reset this week!

That's new num, slight changes to the pics (orientation etc), new email, the whole shebang

Online hustle is dry RN and slow as fook.

Tinder I think has prolly rekt by account thru the algorithm. Which is fixable with the hard reset. Geuss that'll have to be done this week.

Hinge and Bumble really not bringing in much.

Cold approach is what it is. Tough game I tell ya.

Will keep ploughing.

Fasted all day man. Woke up and was 210lbs, that too much! I gain fat so easy its insane. So fasted, trained hard it the gym, worked, and then cold approached for a couple hrs.

1- deflect
3-she was mad confused I let her dip
5-weak stop she walked on

Hard stop joss engaged
6- had a boyfriend but so nice and she said I was very nice she was awesome long convo
7-stopped for a convo but are refuse the exchange
8- Kept edging away giving me evils lol

Went home.

Logged into tinder on my PC, for some reason this caused my account to be deleted. This sucks as I reset it this morning, and have now made it again. As such it will probably kill me on the algo.

We'll see. Ran a few boosts now I've restarted.

Hinge and Bumble also dead. Really weird. Liking hundreds of profiles but they dont seem to hit. Bumble I also run boosts. Nada.

Few leads I could get turned out to be mega time wasters and when I asked for a meet they just dry up. Weak ass.

Can't say I'm fussed. Have been here so, so many times I dont rele care lol

Back out tomorrow, will keep pushing and try to get a lead or two.

It'll pick up soon

In other news I am gonna pay a day game coach, because I am now many months in with nothing to show at all, like 1 day game date off 318 approaches. WTF

MakingAComeback said:
In other news I am gonna pay a day game coach, because I am now many months in with nothing to show at all, like 1 day game date off 318 approaches. WTF

Maybe anomalous string of bad luck?
Yep I expect so. Nonetheless, still need to take a lot of action to get the process moving properly.

Way Forward

Slow periods.

I think I've been on 1 date, with a very mediocre chick, in the past 7 weeks. It is not through lack of trying, putting in a minimum of 5hrs effort a day.

My Tinder died a death for a while following a hot streak and I could not resuscitate it. I reset my account yesterday for the first time ever and started getting matches again. Got back from day gaming and logged in via PC to buy boosts. For some reaosn this deleted by account, and I had to start over with the same details. Algo must have detected I made a new acc in 24hrs and no matches on boosts, think it shafted me again!

Solution: I will go get a pay as you go sim today, and hard reset with new number, tweak orientation of all photos and flip things around, and make it work.

Hinge & Bumble are also very very slow for me rn and I am getting little by way of leads.

Solution: I will post my profile for review and try to identify something that may be off. Otherwise will continue the process of liking 300-500 profiles a day, and when they match, sending them the opener.

Cold Approach: Currently 6 months in to cold approaching, I have been on 1 date. I will polish off what I am doing and try to improve.

Solution: I'm going to see if I can connect with other guys who approach in London and get some in person feedback on how I may be able to improve.

Otherwise, I am consistent in the gym, am doing a maintenance month on the diet, I see my FWB every week, and I am improving myself.

Need to get #6, and get my goal of 10 lays this year.

Busting my ass I promise you.

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