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Smashed my FWB until 2am last night, totally destroyed her LOL she was a convulsing, twithing mess at the end and just cuddled me all night in a state of daze.

She finally got me to do rough play with her, choking her hard, slapping TF out of her. She got crazy turned on and demanded I fuck her brains out.

Lifes good.

Hustling on content rn.

And cousins wedding (4 days) was shit diet and drinking wise. Gotta trim down now.

Hustling and flowing


In this log, there were some dark times, and dark moments of real sickness in my body and mind. There was hurt, pain, and trauma to work through, and fears, insecurities, anger, doubt and low self esteem, anxieties, and overcoming the painful past of longterm loneliness and lack of imtimacy/love etc.

I had a lot of doubts around women and had developed tremendous embitterment and resentment.

They did treat me quite poorly for much of my time on earth and the rejections were endless.

But I was anxious, neurotic, had low self esteem and self sabotaged a lot.

There was a lot on my plate and a lot to unpack.

I was guilty of developing a very negative perception of women after 27-29 years of my journey and did at times begin to sincerely hate them.

I hated them for the rejections which were all I knew, and for the impersonal, distant, and unfavourable way they would interact with me in the world. It hurt me a lot and I found it unnecessary and cruel.

When you want to know them, and they do not want to know you, no matter what you do, of course you will begin to see the worst in that group.

When there’s a lack of contact and inability to have meaningful dialogue with a group in society, and when your interactions with them on the personal level are so harsh and uncomfortable and evoke emotional pain for you, constantly, for 12 years, what do you expect?

You will avoid things that cause pain and seek things that reduce that pain.

What motivated me in this journey at the start was just to be recognised, to be seen, to be heard, and to feel like a normal person. I wanted to do normal things, like have the experience of walking around doing fun, interesting activities with a pleasant girl. This was an experience I was very curious about and had been unable to find in life. I wanted to know about them, how they see the world, what their experience in the world was like. I was curious but also just longed to be seen as a regular guy like everyone else.

Slowly I began to get these experiences. It was a bitter and painful experience and a lot of suffering was involved. But I did begin to come to a place where I could find ways to connect with women, gain favourable interactions with them, and share space with them.

My first ever FWB has brought a lot of positive things into my life, as well as a lot of healing.

More than anything, I have seen things I didn’t think I’d ever see.

In spending time with her, in listening to her, in hearing her concerns, her journey in this world, and learning about what she cares about, what she is interested in, etc, I felt so much humanity and connection, so much compassion and empathy. It was the first time I have experienced the feeling of a woman being nice to me because she likes me as a man. And I must say, it is an amazing feeling and one I do not take lightly.

I went hiking with her about two weeks ago, and we hung out all day. She is an adorable human being, really sweet, loves nature, animals, things like that. She is happy, warm, kind and loving. Likes to be cuddled and is a very pleasant person to be around. She would often stop to take pictures of birds and things. I found myself feeling surprised on many instances, just at her responses to things, her patience, sweetness, general energy and mannerisms.

Very attentive, kind, and caring. There are these moments when she will behave in ways I have never really seen of experienced before in my life and it leaves me a bit aghast. I’m like, wow, she’s really like this?

Had I not met her, I wouldn’t have known women were capable of being this nice to me. It’s the first time I’ve experienced anything of the sort, and it means so much to me, I appreciate it so much.

I am not writing this post because I have caught feelings. I have not. I am writing this post because in this log, there was a guy who was once very hurt and lost, scared, living in fear and dealing with what he perceived to be injustice. This guy would express anger and rage, and be caught engaging in pathetic and infantile rants, and negative attitudes towards women.

Because there were negative things written about women by me in the earlier part of this journey, I feel the need to put this right and also express the many positive things I would go on to learn about women and how in improving myself, and becoming better at connecting with women, my life got better overall and I was able to find the joy and happiness we can experience when we as men are connected with woman and can function synergistically.

The great girls who are out there are wonderful to be around, and are lovely souls who deserve happiness, joy, love, affection, and to be appreciated and cared for because they are able to bring a lot to man, and to enable both parties to realise their highest potential and happiness, together.

Humans, on the whole, are essentially good. They are a complex creature, part of nature, and part of an overall process of evolution which is unfolding in accordance with nature’s design, that is, the plan of evolution or God (whichever you prefer).

We tend to attract what we need, and nothing is happenstance.

There is no coincidence. There is only entanglement.

You Universe manifests the experience you need for you to play your role.

Women can be great. Its our job to find the good ones.

Many aren’t much at all. That’s cool. Same with men.

The good ones however stir something in us and remind us why we love women. I do love their aura, their spirit, their energy. I love how they make us feel whole, valued, appreciated, heard, felt, and in their presence, we find our masculine centre and our path becomes clearer and less foggy. I love how woman can bring us healing, and how despite what is said and what we may feel sometimes in our journey, at our core, we crave a woman’s touch and to hold them in our arms. It is pure fact and healthy, something to be embraced.

It is better to be a woman lover than a bitter, resentful jaded male. You have to find the good ones, we all get this.

I would like to express thanks and gratitude to the girls who have been nice to me on my journey. The girls I cold approached whom, rather than the usual rebuff or swift rejection which they are very well entitled to (I totally respect this), actually spoke to me and were kind enough to let me know they enjoyed speaking to me. The girls I have been intimate with and who really enjoyed being with me, whom I in turn enjoyed and appreciated for the fact that they enabled us to share space and intimacy, and to allow meaningful human contact to be exchanged which was supportive of all parties.

There is a lot of good that women have brought, and a lot of healing in me that has taken place because of them.

I am grateful and I will continue to work hard and become the best man I can be.

For the women whose lives will cross paths with mine.

And eventually, for the one who who I will chose.

In gratitude,
MakingAComeback said:
I am not writing this post because I have caught feelings. I have not.

Stop the 🧢. Jk. As someone who has watched you make the transition, it's good to see you've gone from the resentful MAC to the MAC Daddy who is attracting worthy women into his life.

Even more to come
TimmyTurner said:
MakingAComeback said:
I am not writing this post because I have caught feelings. I have not.

Stop the 🧢. Jk. As someone who has watched you make the transition, it's good to see you've gone from the resentful MAC to the MAC Daddy who is attracting worthy women into his life.

Even more to come

Hahhaha! For sure bro, I am very proud of myself for this and I am truly happy with the experiences, as well as ability to connect with women I have now developed.

There is no concern or worry, I know I can do it. In time, all will come together exactly the way I want it.

And you are gonna do amazing things in your life too man, we are all going to get it, lifes good!



Arrived back yesterday at 9pm. FWB was here waiting. She informed me she missed my dick. OK lol. Lots of fucking, catching up on missed shagging of my 20s now at 30! She left this morning, I had a solid day man.

Work right now is just report writing. Went to Battersea park with my laptop and worked for an hour and a half writing, whilst grounding.

Came back, ate well. Drank a bunch of RO water.

Content hustle: worked on YouTube growth strategy my boy is working with me on. He is doing the back end. I uploaded yesterday and 1 of the channels got 10k views on the first day. JHEEZE.

Will build these 2 channels in the background. Focus is on EarthboundMystic & BeingTimmyTurner. Those brands are street interviews and general lifestyle to get the first 1k!!!!

Yeah so then did some stretching, extension and posture work, did a few rounds of grounding and also did the online hustle process.

Me and Timmy back out shooting street interviews Friday and Saturday btw.

OK so time to hustle. The rest of the week, here’s the plan:

CA: Wed / Thur / Fri / Sat / Sun
Online dating process: As above, so 300 profiles liked on Hinge, swipe some on Tinder and Bumble, 1 boost per night on Tinder and Bumble.
(2) BODY:
My advisor Jan told me I need to trim down. He told me to spent this week NOT going to the gym, and focus on hormones (leptin). I have to get back to keto for this week (or 2) and fast Thursday AND Friday. I should have shed the crap and be looking OK again by Sunday. Will update.
Content Hustle – Viral strategy daily
Street Interviews – Timmy and I will shoot Friday and Sat. I will edit on Sunday, and schedule 7 days of posts on YouTube, TiTok, and IG.

And that will be a banging week. I am going to do some tasks for our next photoshoot tomorrow. I will find some photographers for a shoot for myself, Timmy and Carl. But Carl called me earlier asking for this to be pushed back a week as he wants to work with Radical first.

Lets get it ;-)


WED 06/07/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle process
(2) Body: Leptin reset work
(3) Content: Viral strategy
Others: Dermapen, Grounding, Ice Bath.

Notes: Great day ahead. I will get all my project work in order. Get this body and approaching right.

I did drop 4lbs, from 216 on Monday to 212 now. Will fast Thurs & Fri. I look just fine at around 200 - 205lbs. I have more muscle than I did before. Will work for a bit and post some body progress pics and see what the deal is. I did do the maintenance month that was advised all of June. If it's back to the cut, that's fine.

Evening check in:

WED 06/07/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Hustle process (DONE - 2/15)
(2) Body: Leptin reset work (DONE)
(3) Content: Viral strategy (DONE)
Others: Dermapen, Grounding, Ice Bath. (PART DONE - did the first two)


Hustled hard man. Got up at 450 saw the sunrise, this is needed for increasing dopamine in the brain and enabling clarity, happiness and ability to create a new future.

Went back to bed until 9am - ooops!

Worked on this report for 2hrs. Did it outside my building sat on the grass.


Did my content work for like 2hrs.

Ate. Lots of DHA.

Wrapped up and went to cold approach, linked up with TimmyTurner when he finished work. We approached in Central. I tried to record most interactions but audio was shit. So I will record with airpods from tomorrow.

CA: 2/15

Wandered around with AA for a while. Timmy arrives, I chill out and get into flow

1 deflect
2 Nice danish girl (lol for my boys who followed my journey theyll know) she is leaving tonight, I pushed her to go for a drink with me, pushed over and over, she said she has to get up early and she has plans all this shit. We exchanged IGs told her I'll see you in Copenhagen
3 Lovely Northern lass opens up "ARE YOU DOING THE GAME? You know, the book The Game?" I laugh my head off. She says she has been approached 5 times today. She asks for my IG lol.
4 In a rush
5 So weird, let her go
6 Pushed to stop no dice
7 Non stop
8 Non stop
9 Non stop
10 Deflect but funny
11 Didnt stop but pushed lol
12 She saw me and Timmy, looked back at her phone, I then approach - she nods and laughs as I am about to approach - she fuckin knew I was coming! Me and Timmy both laugh at this one, she fuckin knew she was about to be approached and she laughed out loud. She said she was in a rush lol
13 Had a boyfriend but was nice, pretty black chick
14 Didnt speak English
15 In a rush but I pushed and pushed and got her to chat, she was pleasant but in a rush lol so I left her to it

Great work today

Back tomorrow & grinding

Gonna fast for 2 days, just coffee and water


THUR 07/07/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating Process
(2) Body: Leptin Reset Work & 2 Day Fast / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Shoot street interviews w/ Timmy
Others: Life Admin, grounding/earthing 2hrs, cold thermogenesis.

Notes: Missed the sunrise this morning. Basically I drank a bunch of water after CA, then got up to pee at like 3am, and couldn’t go back to sleep. So alarm goes off for sunrise (451am) and Im dead ass tired lol. So I just get to sleep. End up getting a bit of sleep and getting up at 9am feeling good.

I will improve recording quality for cold approaches today and send to the boys & the day game coach pancake recommended.

Bodyweight wise, I have lost a lot of what I gained during the festivities. I was 209 this morning, down from 216 Mon. I am now fasting all day today and tomorrow. To get my mitochondria where I need them, that is, excellent function, performance, motivation, and clarity. When the mitochondria are functioning well, there’s feelings of internal wellbeing and energy levels are great.

Without solid energy, you’ll never suceed in this game. I have chosen the life of a hustler, the life of a grafter, of an utter dog who does not quit! And I will be as good as my mitochondria. So I make the sacrifices I need to make and do shit that makes me look crazy, but aligns me with nature.

Traditional people and cave people had epic fitness and function. They’re why we are here today. I want to have their physiology and function, with a modern brain.

Evening check in:

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online Dating Process (DONE - 0/10 approaches)
(2) Body: Leptin Reset Work & 2 Day Fast / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: Shoot street interviews w/ Timmy (DONE)
Others: Life Admin, grounding/earthing 2hrs, cold thermogenesis. (DONE)

Hustled hard as fuck, I am now a bit tired man. Legs are beat from working cold approach and street interviews with Timmy from 6-930pm pretty much.

I was fasted so it was hard work ngl.

I am now hustling content for my bro tomorrow until 130am! So I am not gonna fast. I won't survive that lol

Approaches were;
1 - BF
2 - Deflect
3 - Deflect
4 - Deflect
5 - Boyfriend
6 - Deflect
7 - Deflect
8 - Lesbian
9 - Deflect
10 - Chatted and was nice. Asked to exchange, said she had a bf, but I don't think she did. Felt awkward talking to her.

The session was what it was.

Back working today.

This dude is a great interviewer.

He's so socially free, happy, emenates a good vibe. He's just in the moment.

In the sun, with his fellow man, thriving.

That'll be me next year with the Earthbound Mystic channel, running a biz as a main gig, and then just doing these interviews around the world with the sun on my body, sand underneath my feet, and enjoying living my mission in this world


FRI 08/07/2022


(1) Dating: Online Hustle Process (Blast this when I can, run boosts later at night, etc)
(2) Body: One meal & commence fast / Hydrate well / Supps
(3) Content: Spend 12hrs shooting with my boy, learning, asking questions, and absorbing the strategy for victory in content

Notes: Gotta hustle from 130-130am shooting content bros. I am getting paid at the end to shoot for some small artists (its just £70 for an hours work).

Otherwise man, gotta hustle as per usual. I have one date scheduled tomorrow which is a coffee date at 11am. Goal is to get a 2nd date. She seems great. Then, running around shooting interwiews all Sat, cold approaching, taking photos, and hanging out.

Content & filming the emo band on Friday was good fun. The big homie taught me some good shit about marketing.

Persuaded him to let me add him to my biz group, Funnel Gang. We're going to the moon.

I got in at 3am. Sat I felt a bit shit lol. Lots of time outdoors and I came to life.

Had a date at 6pm.

Girl was fairly cute IRL! She was suggesting we meet half way, I managed to convince her to come see me. She did show signs of trying to control the frame which aint good. Seeded future dates and stuff, and then tried to pull back to mine. Denied, insists she has a busy schedule the next day. Sound legit but there's always time for 1 drink with a dude at his place. Not a good sign.

Bid her farewell. She was quite meh in the date, she's a Canadian chick whose just travelling, she obv just wants to meet diff dudes and do a few dates. She didn't seem bothered nor did she have much sexual energy. She was a bit weird to touch also.

I think a not feeling the connection text is incoming.

Man is IMMUNE to this shit now!

Onto the next man.

Daddy has to hustle, gotta upload content, gotta get my brain in gear and fuckin suceed.

Why should I spend the rest of my life STRUGGLING MY ASS OFF to find a decent girl?

Instead, I will:

-Bodymaxx to fuck
-Hair transplant in Aug
-Get tatted

And lock off biz & clout.

Otherwise, in the meat market of dating, we're dealing with women, and women be SUPERFICIAL AS FUCK.

They have a look that they go for in terms of guys. And you will always be in a total uphil battle when your look isn't the one she likes.


In the game of life, life is the ultimate competitor, and it has to know you are a pissed off motherfucker with a true IRON WILL

Life is looking down upon me with a wry smile, like you fuckin crazy motherfucker you are really still going???

Almost at 400 cold approaches now with absolutely nada to show for it in this project. Guess what? I'll do another 10 thousand.

Online dating is so slow it beggars belief. I will persist.

Body maxx further and get some new photos.

If you lighten up and take it easy, there is 0% chance of success and you get what I got for 30 years: nothing.

The male has a hard life in this world, and especially so in dating if you have the extreme disadvantage of looks that do not vibe!

From there, you develop true fortitude and willpower.

Off to gring today, will approach, get my content up, and push for greatness.

What better story will it be if a fucker like me could actually pull this off?????

12 years it took just to get a chick to be marginally nice to me. You wll never know the depths of the dungeon.

On the other side of that I found light.

You got this man. I like the fact that you're incorporating both maximizing looks and game. Bodymaxx, hair transplant and continuing to cold approach is great man! :)
Hydro said:
You got this man. I like the fact that you're incorporating both maximizing looks and game. Bodymaxx, hair transplant and continuing to cold approach is great man! :)

Hydro said:
You got this man. I like the fact that you're incorporating both maximizing looks and game. Bodymaxx, hair transplant and continuing to cold approach is great man! :)

Thank you man.

I can't say to you that I've got this. I can say I think I will get my goals this year, I'll probably find a way to smash 4 trolls somehow.

Long term I am absolutely in fear and abject horror for how my future with women is looking.

That is not a good thing to wake up to every day. Lifes short. Better to be happy and forget about worrying. I know I am doing everything I can do. I will find other ways to be happy if it comes to it.

Anyway thanks bro.



These come and go. I truly couldn't care less about them. Here is what my brain is manifesting right now:

My results are, in a word, horseshit.

But what can I do to improve them? Another 6 months in the gym and a decent head of hair may turn things around. Surgery is in August. I may get some ink too. I am working hard and my body will keep getting better. More professional photoshoots will follow and we shoot as friends fairly often anyway.


I am getting older now man. 31 next week. I am noticing wrinkles when watching myself on camera, signs of age. It is happening.

Girls asking my age and then unmatching is normal. It'll likely be worse with the incoming year.

Oh well.


The experience of mostly having to date unattractive undesirables, whom no one worth their salt would want, does make you see the harsher and darker side of life.

Is this really where I am? Is this what I am able to get? Was this what all that work was for?

What you want, and what you can get, are entirely different things.

And when you are concerned with a creature such as woman, it's just not a good situation. She decides. You need a mechanism to get access to someone whom you'd be interested in spending time with. These mechanisms are: Online dating, Day Game, and Nightgame. Otherwise, you have sheer chance. Sheer chance is proven to be a failure. That leaves optimising the mechanisms that remain. ROI on the applications is, frankly, poor. Day game has so far been quite harrowing, the outcomes are dire, we're talking almost a year of it soon (20hrs a week) with just 1 date who ghosted. Night game I prefer not to talk about and now seldom do it. For the past 9 months in London, I have been unable to get past 'hi' in interactions with women in bars and clubs. I will approach 20-50 at night, and have had nights where I have ran through everyone and everything, until it's 4/5am and only the cleaners are left, and I have honestly even hit on them. This is bad and makes me fear mortal fear for my future on this earth.

Given physical attraction is 90% of it for women, I can accept it. From their perspective, what they see when they look at me is probably not what they want to be with. When I think about it logically, I am OK with it. I have worked so hard on myself for so long that I should at least forgive myself for my shit results and appreciate myself for trying. It is good that I have given a lot of effort.

But clearly, I will need to innovate or find another way.

Classic self improvement, just improving your looks and playing the numbers game, seems to work - to a point.

It may be enough to get laid, sometimes, with totally unattractive women. It does not appear to be enough to actually find a woman who isn't a total undesirable.

This is where I am going to have to spend time thinking: WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO ABOUT THIS?

Innovation will be necessary and I am going to have to think about other things I can do. Making a big brand, getting success, status, these may be the things I have to look at.


The feeling of so much negative feedback from the environment tests your resolve. It is not a pleasant existence to get up and know you are going to get rejected for 20hrs that week. That you are going to like almost 2 thousand profiles that week and perhaps get 1 chick to send a half assed response which will fairly quickly fade into nothing amidst thousands of other messages. Going to night venues, approaching 20-30+ women, getting blown out for hours and hours.

It can give you this feeling that you aren't shit. But then put it in persective: I am applying myself. That is a good thing.

If I could find a way to get rejected a bit less, this would be good.

I will stay consistent with my physical transformation, allow more time to pass, get this surgery done, and see what happens.

I am open minded to the possibility that it could get better.

And if it does, I'll let ya know.


Hung out with my boy Carl this morning which was great. When out, I got a text from the girl I went on a date with yesterday, I asked to see her again, she just responded asking me if I was high last night. Damn, that is rude man. I don't smoke weed. I don't smoke at all actually.

I was expecting a no connection text. While I don't think she wants to see me again, a text like this is plain rude.

Oh well. Onto the next.

I left Carl, and hung out in Central alone for about an hour. I wanted to approach but I was just so defeated today man.

Whilst I saw many attractive women, I just was not able to get the usual rebuffs, rejections, and just bullshit again today.

Had a few flakes last week, all my leads just stopped responding or sent one word responses 'nice' or 'ok'.

We can just chalk all this down to being the nature of the beast.

Next week is fresh and new and gives me a chance to try again.


And that's just the way it is.


Next week is a new week. I can try all over again. I will be turning 31, and at the very least, went from 0 to 6 lays at 30 which is good. I got back into approaching which is good. My future is looking uncertain and prospects for long term happiness are bad. It looks like I will have to fight agaisnt my situation bittetly while I am on this world. And this is so tiring man. it is just so tiring to have to do all this every day to shag undesirable fatties once in a while.
Life is fucking rough man. It can be hard not to lose hope. I can totally relate to the idea of putting all this effort in, only to fuck girls you're barely attracted to. I think you're right, it is 90% physical for women.

And you've done even more than me, doing all this daygame, nightgame, etc which makes it even worse for you.

Sometimes, life just fucking sucks. Try to keep your head high, I know it's hard.

- Squilliam
MakingAComeback said:
This is where I am going to have to spend time thinking: WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO ABOUT THIS?

I have only been here a couple months and have not read your entire log, so please excuse some naivety in the coming response as I don't know you well.

From the few pictures I seen of you in the last few pages of your log, you look decent. And by decent, I mean decent enough to be getting results. Of course you can continue to max out your looks, and good on you for doing so. But at some point you just have to confidently own how you look and play the cards your dealt. From what I read, you understand this.

But it feels like you are sinking way to much mental energy into this when referencing them as a weakness or how you're getting older. There are older and uglier guys getting laid with attractive women.

What you have more control over is how you enter into these interactions with these women.

For example, when you are approaching women, I'm guessing the constant deflection or rejections has made you bitter. Understandable. But then you may be taking this bitterness into every approach you do. So when you go to approach a woman, you have a negative attitude, a bitter vibe, and I'm guessing your tone of voice, facial expression, and overall demeanor is not very friendly, let alone charismatic or sexual. In which case you will have more women deflect, further increasing the feedback loop.

But what if instead you went in with positive mindset, a fat fucking smile, upbeat tone of voice, soft eyes, and enjoyment of life when you approached a women. That's a stranger I would want to talk to. This is how I go into my approaches, despite how the previous ones went, and usually get great responses. I have only had one girl outright deflect me and she seemed to be having a really shitty day.

The same applies to OLD. Focus on the things you know you can improve. You can't change your genetic looks, but you can learn photo angles, photoshop, lighting, poses, locations and other things that can make you look significantly better. It's going to take another 6 months to start maxing your looks? Great, spend those six months taking pictures everyday learning how to make yourself look better now. Then when you are maxed out on looks you have the skillset to make yourself look even more amazing.

What about your bio, your texts, and the words your using? Again, this is something that is completely in your control. Try out different lines, write better bios, learn words and phrases that best match your personality that are also intriguing to a women. I'm far from mastering texting game, and you can read my log and see I have a shitty couple of past weeks with converting girls to dates. But I have started improving my profile and changed up the text in my bio which is helping to produce results for me. My guess is the bitterness is also carrying over into your text conversations. Your attitude will be reflected in the words you use. Again, I understand it's frustrating. But think about it from their perspective. What kind of person would you want to be talking with? A fun, positive, upbeat guy or one who is coming at this with a poor attitude.

Please understand I am by no means trying to undermine your difficulties. It sounds like you have done some great work overcoming your challenges. Seriously, good on you for doing that!

I'm just trying to help you shift you mindset on to things that are immediately in your control: your attitude & your skillsets.
Squilliam said:
Life is fucking rough man. It can be hard not to lose hope. I can totally relate to the idea of putting all this effort in, only to fuck girls you're barely attracted to. I think you're right, it is 90% physical for women.

And you've done even more than me, doing all this daygame, nightgame, etc which makes it even worse for you.

Sometimes, life just fucking sucks. Try to keep your head high, I know it's hard.

- Squilliam

When the light is touching my skin, my bare feet are on earth, and I am in nature, disconnected from the bullshit and in tune with creation - I am happy

When I was walking on the beach, sand under my feet, sun on my body, beer in my hand and my bros around me, I knew joy and bliss

There are ways to be happy in this world

Great health and function, passion, hobbies, study, success in your endeavours can bring joy

Deep struggle is what can create this enormous sense of lack and scarcity, which over time, eats away at your soul

It is also necessary man.

There is more to max out and the possibility that things could, potentially, improve is always there.

Life does not suck man. Life is beautiful. There are just tough times on the path.

When you are pursuing women, many dudes are just going to be in the hurt business I have found and will have to get tough skin.

I can mostly deal with it, but at times, it does get to be a bit much.

I am also a bit fearful because I won’t have time to do all this in the not-too-distant future dude. I won't have all this time.

Then WTF am I going to do??

I do not know :-(

What has been started must be finished. And I'll find a way.

Bman said:
MakingAComeback said:
This is where I am going to have to spend time thinking: WHAT THE FUCK CAN I DO ABOUT THIS?

I have only been here a couple months and have not read your entire log, so please excuse some naivety in the coming response as I don't know you well.

From the few pictures I seen of you in the last few pages of your log, you look decent. And by decent, I mean decent enough to be getting results. Of course you can continue to max out your looks, and good on you for doing so. But at some point you just have to confidently own how you look and play the cards your dealt. From what I read, you understand this.

But it feels like you are sinking way to much mental energy into this when referencing them as a weakness or how you're getting older. There are older and uglier guys getting laid with attractive women.

What you have more control over is how you enter into these interactions with these women.

For example, when you are approaching women, I'm guessing the constant deflection or rejections has made you bitter. Understandable. But then you may be taking this bitterness into every approach you do. So when you go to approach a woman, you have a negative attitude, a bitter vibe, and I'm guessing your tone of voice, facial expression, and overall demeanor is not very friendly, let alone charismatic or sexual. In which case you will have more women deflect, further increasing the feedback loop.

But what if instead you went in with positive mindset, a fat fucking smile, upbeat tone of voice, soft eyes, and enjoyment of life when you approached a women. That's a stranger I would want to talk to. This is how I go into my approaches, despite how the previous ones went, and usually get great responses. I have only had one girl outright deflect me and she seemed to be having a really shitty day.

The same applies to OLD. Focus on the things you know you can improve. You can't change your genetic looks, but you can learn photo angles, photoshop, lighting, poses, locations and other things that can make you look significantly better. It's going to take another 6 months to start maxing your looks? Great, spend those six months taking pictures everyday learning how to make yourself look better now. Then when you are maxed out on looks you have the skillset to make yourself look even more amazing.

What about your bio, your texts, and the words your using? Again, this is something that is completely in your control. Try out different lines, write better bios, learn words and phrases that best match your personality that are also intriguing to a women. I'm far from mastering texting game, and you can read my log and see I have a shitty couple of past weeks with converting girls to dates. But I have started improving my profile and changed up the text in my bio which is helping to produce results for me. My guess is the bitterness is also carrying over into your text conversations. Your attitude will be reflected in the words you use. Again, I understand it's frustrating. But think about it from their perspective. What kind of person would you want to be talking with? A fun, positive, upbeat guy or one who is coming at this with a poor attitude.

Please understand I am by no means trying to undermine your difficulties. It sounds like you have done some great work overcoming your challenges. Seriously, good on you for doing that!

I'm just trying to help you shift you mindset on to things that are immediately in your control: your attitude & your skillsets.


Bman, this is insightful as fuck man. Thank you.

Andy coached me through the same shit. He said the focus for me on cold approach right now isn't results but ENJOYING IT. His rationale was similar to yours here.

Whenever I am in a more positive frame of mind, my outcomes in EVERYTHING are better

The hustler life can sometimes kill sleep and that in turn can bring negative emotions and lead to doubts, bad states of mind, etc

Those are the times the mind has to be tamed like the wild stallion it is as you elude to here.

Lookswise: I will keep maxxing this, there is legit room for improvement, I increased kcal and did put a bit of weight on due to still being leptin resistant. I know what to do about that. I am down a good amount now. I look decent at 200lbs and this time I'll cut further!! Otherwise man yeah I will own it and keep getting into a better mindset about it.

Texting: My texting needs a bunch of work man. I am working on this and have some great help.

Biggest takeaway: positivity when approaching and a way better state of mind. I can do this and get it right, I get a bit wrecked by low sleep and also I work sooooooooooooooooo hard it breaks me down. Thats what it takes. I will just get on top of sleep.

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