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Crimson said:
MAC fucks a sociopath? What the fuck is going on?

Congrats on the lay though, 2 more to go, keep hammering!


Indeed bro. It happened.

Thats the opposite of what I want in life.

We're out her trying to cross the ocean for a heart of gold.........

MakingAComeback said:

Congrats on Lay 8. This sounds like a crazy one. Few notes.

First, sounds like you rolled it off, but I would not take any of the negs she did towards you about your demeanor, your goals, or what you were reading. It sounds like she might be bipolar and does not know how to relate to healthy masculine men. So she either attacks and tries to be more alpha to protect herself or fucks them. No inbetween.

Second, how are you feeling about it?

MakingAComeback said:
I couldn’t help but feel a little violated that she made me not only go raw, but cum inside her. I was very vulnerable to her as she unloaded so much of her trauma on me, outlined her experience with dealings with the police, and put me on a knife edge where I couldn’t trigger her. Getting up and saying, look, no, this is not OK, could have potentially triggered her to totally lose it and she could have said or done anything.

This was a very tricky situation. It's hard to know how to react when someone with trauma gets triggered. My mother suffers from PTSD from childhood sexual abuse. Growing up she compartmentalized it. After going to college pandora's box opened and she had several episodes. Watching the trigger flip her personality was unreal. It was not even the same women who raised me. You did a great job handling that, which is no surprise seeing how much emotional intelligence you have.

However, it's clear this girl was overstepping some boundaries you have for yourself, like using a condom for instance. And it's hard to enforce your boundaries when your in the middle of wanting to have sex. But I think they are important for how you ultimately end up feeling.

A little story, my second lay ever was in college. I had met a girl through craigslist casual encounters (when that was still a thing). She did not send me pictures though so I was not sure what she looked like. So I drove over to her place 10 miles away. She was obese, probably 2/10. But I was unconfident then, had no game, and thought this was the only way I was getting laid. So I had sex with her. Afterwards I felt disgusting, literally went home took a shower and scrubbed my tongue , and felt shame for it for a long while. I made a promise and boundary for myself to never fuck a girl I was that unattracted to. After that girl, lay 3 become my wife (now ex wife) who was a 7/10 and I had a wonderful 8 year relationship with. My first lesson in game was to respect myself.

I also have a boundary about using a condom. A month ago I had sex with a girl who said as I was going to put on the condom that I was good, she couldn't have kids. I put it on anyways. She was cool with it, but if she wasn't I would have politely told her we were not going to have intercourse then. Who knows if she was telling the truth. I'm not trying to have bastard kids out there, especially since I'm not exactly screening for motherly material on these apps. I also not trying to catch anything.

Having your boundaries overstepped makes you feel violated. Again this was a tricky situation, but still you have to respect yourself enough to still enforce your boundaries.

MakingAComeback said:
“Get hard NOW, you’re a man, just look at my boobs”

Pretty disrespectful, IMO. Again she does not really know how to interact with a healthy, masculine man. I would have playfully told her to give me head, jerk me off, or something to get me excited. But if she continued to be demanding like that I would have ended the interaction. I would have felt disrespected and used if I kept going.

MakingAComeback said:
“I will need to get moving and work. I can call you an Uber?”

Again, a disrespect of your boundaries. It's your place and you told her you got shit to do. A normal person would respect that and not put up such a hassle to be on their way.

I know you're on a mission to get 10 lays. Just be mindful of the lines you do and don't want to cross on your way there.

You seem like an awesome guy. I watched your vid with Radical, and the way you spoke about your own personal journey shows you have a good head on your shoulders. Honestly, someone I would enjoy hanging out with. If I make it across the pond, maybe we could do that. But you don't deserve this kind of treatment. You're worth more than that, brother.
Yeah that reminds me, I had to deal with a girl who wouldn't leave my place too, a while back.

That's such an insane situation. It's crazy how powerless us men are in that situation. Like calling the cops would be the thing to do in a normal world but you just know that won't fly well.

A girl can just say "no I'm not leaving" and there's nothing you can do about it.
Bman said:
I also have a boundary about using a condom. A month ago I had sex with a girl who said as I was going to put on the condom that I was good, she couldn't have kids. I put it on anyways. She was cool with it, but if she wasn't I would have politely told her we were not going to have intercourse then. Who knows if she was telling the truth. I'm not trying to have bastard kids out there, especially since I'm not exactly screening for motherly material on these apps. I also not trying to catch anything.
Agreed 100%. I can never understand how guys on here just go around fucking girls raw like it's nothing. Obviously that's their choice, I just can't wrap my head around it, because that would make me so fucking neurotic.

It's also pretty surprising to me that so many girls are okay with that. I would say that most, if not all of the girls I've been with would not have been okay with it, but I can think of one or two that may have.
I will reply to you all bros. I just want to say, I am presently in a very good head space and feel great.

I spent the day in Columbia Flower Market, hipster paradise on Sundays in London, a cool, bohemian market ran on Sundays which is just effervescent with life, humanness, and the best of London chic.

How I recharge and feel good, as ever, is just being out, appreciating humanness, art, culture, architecture, and beauty.

Using my head for something other than grinding once a week is deeply pleasant.

I will listen to a seminar for 2 hours now, and then probably get an early night.

I will be back tomorrow, cold approach, try to get this girl out on a date, and otherwise push forward with my life and my goals.

It is the Queen's funeral tomorrow. It is an important day for this nation. The historical process unfolds and it is good to observe, feel, listen, and experience. Life is a collection of moments and it is to be enjoyed. It is a precious thing and we are lucky to be here.

I enjoyed my day just walking around London a lot. A self care day will just be part of my process moving forward. It was a lot of coaching before I was open to taking a day off, and then it was more coaching still to open up and understand what I do for FUN and to restore myself. I will continue this habit for my final 4 months here, and then I will continue my life's journey elsewhere.

In the Jordan Peterson talk I attended, his main argument was that traditional virtues are still incredibly powerful for creating a good life.

Look up classical virtues.

Humility. Gratitude. Justice. Prudence. Temperance. Faith.

Things like this.

Jordan talked for 30 mins on gratitude alone. If your life isn't total hell in that moment, he stated, you must learn to be truly grateful. Because it can be. And he began to cry when he talked about the good things in life - appreciation of music, beauty, art, culture, tradition, and history. He emphasised that the human soul is nourished by these things, and in the end, they are all we have. This moved me deeply and fostered a commitment to enjoying my life more. This Sunday was a testament to that. I got an enormous amount out of just experiencing positive emotion from wandering around the endless very cool parts of this city.

I used to avoid this.

Do you know why?

Because I would often wish I had a girl to wander around with. And that would hurt me quite a lot. So I would avoid it. Battling long term loneliness left me with many scars. But I am healing now. I can enjoy my own company and invest in enjoying my life now.


Love the amount of detail you write in these posts man. Got a couple of things I wanted to share below…

MakingAComeback said:
I try to put it in, and we’re not hard enough.

“Haven’t you seen the size of my boobs? Get hard!”

I tell her I need some water, and I’m going to punish her for this.

Good attitude there man. A lot of guys take these things serious “don’t let her AMOG you!” “throw the bitch out” etc… but at the end of the day what do you want more, “to look alpha” in front of her, or to fuck her silly? Had this happen more times then I can remember, I never regretted fucking even if I looked beta or whatever other shit, since my goal there was to fuck her (and I honoured that).

MakingAComeback said:
I then am about to cum and I try to pull out. She literally wraps her legs around me and makes me cum inside her.

As someone who also never wears condoms, I won’t even start with the whole moral shit. We all know the risks and are 100% responsible for own decisions.

But if a girl ever pulled that? She’s out the door immediately. I don’t care what her past was no matter how sad, she violated you there by forcing you to do what you don’t want.

At the end of the day you’re 100% responsible for you, just as I am for me, and just like she is for everything in her life (good and bad). All you can do is learn a lesson here, and not to stick your dick in crazy in the first place. The moment she started to reveal trauma would have been a good time to start winding things down for the night.
Fucking epic story about lay #8 man, that's the shit that adds true colours to life. The crazy ass shit. You'll remember it. The good, the bad, and the ugly. What an experience.

I think you handled it well. It's the kind of shit you just have to learn from experience, how to handle that shit when it gets crazy the next time. Super valuable experience.

I have a soft spot for those sociopath chicks, at least the ones that are just slightly on the spectrum because I guess I'm a little bit out there myself as well. The one you banged though, she's way out there.

BTW also had my first rape flashback thing recently, a girl went blank and stared into nothingness for 1-2min during sex. I stop, she comes back to her senses, tells me she's been raped a few months ago. She decided to deal with the trauma by fucking around and getting comfortable around men again. Mad respect to her for that. But that was a first for me, that kind of experience.

SpicyBoi said:
As someone who also never wears condoms, I won’t even start with the whole moral shit. We all know the risks and are 100% responsible for own decisions.

I used to occasionally bang without condoms with the girls I trusted, but I'm 100% for condoms now. I didn't get an STD myself, but I ended up passing some bacteria from one girl to another that they don't even screen for on the regular tests. She had significant discomfort from it, we both had to take some antifungal medication to get it to go away. OK if you only have 1 partner, but anything more than that, I realized that I'm just being a total dick by endangering my partner's health for like 10-20% more sensitivity during sex. Not to mention the occasional "I wonder if I have some STDs" thought. It's nice to not give a fuck about that.
MakingAComeback said:
I like this girl more than I'd care to admit. She was the first girl in my life who actually did nice things for me. She made me a small painting for my 31st birthday. As pathetic as it sounds, that meant the world to me. I have it on my wall.

There is absolutely nothing pathetic about this.

I think it's actually really beautiful and am glad you appreciate it for the rare and lovely thing that it is.

And for whatever reason A LOT of the best sex seems to happen with crazy women... not sure why, but good job keeping your cool.

Just noticed this. I am often that baffled people read my log, as there are far more interesting people who have their shit together. It also warms my soul. It makes me very happy that you brothers take the time and it means the world to me to read your posts here. I will reply to everyone individually. Today is a slightly melancholic day in England with the Queen's funeral. You can't help but feel it. I'll reply tomorrow.


MON 19/09/2022
(1) Dating: Online Dating Process / Date?
(2) Body: Calisthenics, Core, Stretch
(3) Biz: 4hrs / Copywriting
Others: Euro Gang Call, CT


Bank holiday in England. Queen’s funeral.

Very quiet in my flat as Timmy is in Croatia. Gives me too much space to myself, and too much space to think and reflect. Quiet…...too quiet.

I can hear birdsong outside my window. I watched the sunrise this morning and it was beautiful.

But the quiet serves as a reminder that I’m still walking out here alone.

They will be a way. I’ll remain strong.

Having someone to enjoy life with will be amazing. I am 31, but I am getting better as a man all the time. There are things I must integrate, and things I must heal and strengthen. If I work hard now at 31 and 32, at 33, I will be well positioned to lock down someone who is the best I can find. 35 is the time I want to make a lifelong commitment and start producing mini-MACs.


Bittersweet and sombre mood in England today. But a reminder that life is to be enjoyed and savoured. It is precious.

MakingAComeback said:
“Well your goals wall says you’re trying to lose weight, I’ve helped”
How can you blame her ? :D
Jokes aside, well, there is so much to unpack her that I think i would need an hour..a boatload of red flags
AskTheDom said:
MakingAComeback said:
“Well your goals wall says you’re trying to lose weight, I’ve helped”
How can you blame her ? :D
Jokes aside, well, there is so much to unpack her that I think i would need an hour..a boatload of red flags

This will be an interesting conversation man, one of many. See you Thursday.

MakingAComeback said:
Tonight's date flaked: already rescheduled once, so she's done.

Will do copywriting & play guitar instead.


Better dust off these guitar skills because I'm going to play "enter the sandman" no stop in the house

Still need to reply to everybody, bare with me, lots going on, off to Poland tomorrow to absolutely hustle with the bros, and grinding to achieve my goal.

Yesterday was an interesting day!


Get up and watch the sunrise. It's beautiful. Mood wise I am feeling better than I have in a long while. I think I woke up in ketogenic bliss. I am still keto adapting, and these moments are fleeting.

Get myself together and head into Central London to get a blood draw. This blood analysis is comprehensive, set me back several hundred, and covers a lot. Due to Royal Mail strikes, the first time they sent me the kit, it simply didnt turn up. The second time, they didn't pay full postage and this caused further delays. It finally arrives. This was the reason a 4 day water fast didnt happen - I couldnt do that before the blood analysis as this would throw off my markers.

I go into Central, arrive at 930, and there's just so many beautiful women around. I have planned to cold approach following my blood draw. If I could find a woman like this for myself I could die happy. It's important to me and I want a great companion.

Blood draw is done at 1030. They take 5 vials of blood. I pay for the phlebotomy and post my bloods in a priority mail box.

I sit down and have a coffee and relax for a few mins. Central London is just so beautiful to me now, with it's grand architecture and it's whirring, gushing pace, a hub of activity and one of the greatest cities of all time. London. It took me 10 months just to settle in here, but I have now grown fond if it, and kinda love London now. I know it's not a place I can make work long term, because of the woman situation here. I do too poorly to justify putting more time and energy in here than what I have planned. But I may come back in a few years.

Coffee is done, and off I go.

I wander around trying to approach for an hour. Nada. Full of AA. The hair transplant, weight loss, and style improvements have been good for me as I am catching the eyes of the odd woman and I feel grateful that I have worked hard to make myself more attractive as a man.

This is the case with the deep hardcase brain: a week off approaching, the AA floods back. Week off dating, you're out of sorts again. For the hardcase, you just have to attack without mercy and find a way to make it work. Everything else in your life will suffer, but there's no alternartive.

It DOES get better and whilst AA remains difficult to navigate, you just push through it every day.

1 hour and no approaches done. I am close once or twice, but no. I am in a jovial and upbeat moood and am just enjoying London today.

I then see a very pretty girl, and just open her.

She's super receptive off the bar, and tells me she's a tourist from Europe. She wants to know where she should go in the area. I tell her a few spots.

I then do my usual stack, and tell her we should grab a coffee and get to know each other, and I'll show her some spots.

So we instadate. Coffee, then we walk around for a while. Instadate is 2hrs.

Logistics were horrible, she has to go to an art gallery to meet her friend at 130pm. So she heads off. Exchange IG, hug, goodbye.

Vibe was highly platonic and she put me into tour guide mode. Overall, weak instadate with little sexualisation and man-to-woman vibe. Poor showing. I still enjoyed my time with her, she was a beautiful creature. Pinged her on IG yesterday, while she followed back, no reply to my message yet.

I come home. I have a headache from all the walking, coffee, and fasting for the blood draw.

Eat, and lay down for an hour.

Get up, lace up my shoes, and go for a 1hr run in the park. It's great out there.

Come back, shower off, dinner.


Stretch, and have a girl coming for a date.

She arrives on time. She's very disappointing looking: 30 year old from Tinder, she's dressed super casual in jumper and jeans, has adult braces which definitely look funny, and whilst not a chonker, she isn't attractive in the slightest. I'd give her a 3, Her profile was also weak, I need to up my standards.


She chat and vibe in the wine bar. We're having a good time and flowing well. Pull back to mine, no resistance.

Get to mine at 920. Pour a drink, sit down, start to escalate. She asks to feel my abs, which I allow - I still have fat to lose but still quite firm. She comments that I have pecs and a nice body.

We sit down on my sofa, and she tells me to go get a blanket so we can chat all night.

That's not really my plan....but I slowly escalate.

I go for the makeout.

"NO, hold your horses"
"I don't have a horse, there's nothing to hold round here"

Laugh it off, and we talk.

"Let me know you something, you know what this is?"

She reaches into her purse and pulls out a packet of doxacycline.

"I have chlamydia, I have unprotected sex a while ago and though I had no symptoms, I got myself tested and it was positive, Today is the last day of my treatment"

I am a bit baffled but we talk and I am thinking, man if she's completed her treatment, should she be good to go now?

"And I'm going to be celibate until the end of the year"

OK, I think to myself, this chick has agreed to meet me off Tinder, she rocks up and is undergoing STI treatment, and is celibate, and is meeting me for platonic friendship. This is absolutely not what I am looking for and I check my phone and make a mental note to kick her out within 10 mins.

We're chatting about sex, what I'm looking for, what she's looking for, etc.

"Look, I need to be clear about expectations: I am looking for someone I can build a connection with, and also be intimate with, and given you're undergoing STI treatment and celibate until the end of the year, you're not what I'm looking for. I am going to thank you for a good night, and I am going to ask you to leave"

She's stunned.

"But we can have a connection, we can get to know each other, we don't have to be intimate, you can just get to know me as a person. Don't you like me as a person"

"I do, but again, that is not what I am looking for. I am looking for both connection and intimacy"

She argues a little, and is becoming totally enraged. I am also uncomfortable and nervous at this point.

"Thank you for a good evening, but I am going to ask you again to leave"

"Wow" she gets up in utter disgust.

"You shoud get off Tinder, Tinder is for friendship, you could get on Hinge"

"I am on Hinge, thank you. And I can go for whatever I like"

She heads out the door and is disoriented from blind rage and goes to the stairs.

"Is it down here?"

"No, get the lift, it's round the corner, press LG."

Shut the door, she's done.

Date ended at 935. Kicked her out in less than 20 mins and I am super proud I asserted my own boundaries. This weirdo would have just talked all night and wasted my time. No thanks.

Another day in the game...............

It's an interesting life.

MakingAComeback said:
Vibe was highly platonic and she put me into tour guide mode. Overall, weak instadate with little sexualisation and man-to-woman vibe. Poor showing. I still enjoyed my time with her, she was a beautiful creature. Pinged her on IG yesterday, while she followed back, no reply to my message yet.
Something I haven't done but I really want to try going forward, is when you get an instadate like this, is to just milk her for the IG. Post Stories of her to your IG, in other words. If she's cute, it's a good way to still use a platonic relationship to your benefit, similar to how I "dated" a girl with a boyfriend for a while.
MakingAComeback said:
"Look, I need to be clear about expectations: I am looking for someone I can build a connection with, and also be intimate with, and given you're undergoing STI treatment and celibate until the end of the year, you're not what I'm looking for. I am going to thank you for a good night, and I am going to ask you to leave"

We focus a lot on this forum about how much sex healthy, attractive men are having, but something we ignore is how many women and how much sex these top men pass on, because it is not up to their standards.

This is some of the strongest evidence yet that you are beginning to believe you are a worthy man, and that you have a lot of value and love to offer the women who are lucky enough to connect with you, if they are also offering what you want.

Great work boss.

I am in Krakow with Paw and AskTheDom

The Dom has been here 2 days and has fucked 2 girls LMAO.

I am gonna grind hard and hustle and see if I can get some lays.

Lotta work ahead.

The struggle continues for MAC DADDY but I am enjoying my life and feeling good.

I will log in the evening, some biz work right now and then we're going for lunch, doing some cold approach, and then we shall see what happens.

Tomorrow The Dom has a party planned for us and we have a lot of hustle ahead.

I would love to get my final 2 lays here. I may have a shot.

MakingAComeback said:

I am in Krakow with @Paw and @AskTheDom

The Dom has been here 2 days and has fucked 2 girls LMAO.

I am gonna grind hard and hustle and see if I can get some lays.

Lotta work ahead.

The struggle continues for MAC DADDY but I am enjoying my life and feeling good.

I will log in the evening, some biz work right now and then we're going for lunch, doing some cold approach, and then we shall see what happens.

Tomorrow The Dom has a party planned for us and we have a lot of hustle ahead.

I would love to get my final 2 lays here. I may have a shot.


Yes you definitely have a chance, but again, nothing is granted and luck&hardwork on your side, you'll do 10-10!
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