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Dude, I got so hyped up so much that your copywriting business must be KABOOM, pure fire!

We'll grind again tomorrow!
MakingAComeback said:
This one is for the blowouts, this one is for the flakes, the pointless matches that are always 67miles out, for the shit tests, and the nonsense we as men have to put up with.

I laughed hard at this because I just had my date tonight flake who coincidently lives exactly 67 miles out.

TUESDAY 27/09/2022

(1) Dating: Day Game / Online Dating
(2) Body: Cardio / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) Biz: Work on offer development, work on copywriting study.
Others: Paw birthday celebrations, Axe throwing & drink


Cold approach will be done throughout the day and not in a specific session. Today we honour our bro THE VIKING Paw , a G, and a guy who will achieve a lot in his life. We will all be travelling together a lot and the dirty dogs will be putting in work around the world. MAC just needs the accountability biz and copywriting biz to bring in a few K a month and we’re gonna live a legendary life.

715 Tongue (DONE)
730 BAB / Supps (DONE)
- Core / Accountability messages
- GYM: Back Ext 4 x 15, Hip Bridges 4 x 15, Banded Clams 4 x 15, 45 Min Cardio (May do this outdoors)
- Stretch: ATG Zero
- Posture: 15m McKenzie Extension
- Get Ice for myself and Paw, do some day game
- Ice Bath (20m)
- Lunch
- Biz: Offer Dev / Mewwing: Chew
- Copywriting / Myobrace
- Copywriting / Myobrace
- Copywriting / Myobrace
-Go to Axe Throwing / Vlog and take pictures
5 Axe Throwing & Beer
- Dinner for Paw’s birthday
-Online Hustle
- Myofunctional Therapy, Core, Bed
Bit tired its 20 past midnight and I cant be bothered to do a full writeup.

Worked hard, gym, stretching, core, great time with the bros, celebrated Paw's bday with axe throwing, beer drinking and a great meal. Glad we had a good time.

With the ladies: grinding away.

Running boosts twice daily on Tinder and Bumble. 0 matches. Online dating is not working for me here.

Cold approach: Generally, the women of Poland are totally unreceptive to me, this is a location where I am truly invisible and the first second of an interaction it's clear the chicks are just like, no.........

1 terrible stop, she was flustered
2 good stop had a bf but good work and set was solid
3 totally beautiful gal. she had a girlfriend
4 harsh blowout
5 No english.
6 thrown off because she stopped
7 in the shops, she chatted briefly and then told me she absolutely had to to
8 waiting for a boyfriend
9 she was waiting for her taxi
10 she was fairy nice, she told me she was in a rush, but this person was nice


Big believer in product market fit.

I am the wrong product here. As such, it aint gonna happen in Poland. I'll try. But I know what will happen.

Management of expectations in this game for the low SMV is crucial: be a 4 physically, expect very little. You need to be around a 7 to make dating work. That is humanly impossible for many men in this world, and unless they have something that can make them an outlier, this is the wrong game for them. I may be able to get myself to a 4.5 with a lot of work. That's about all I am likely to be able to do.

The smart man's move is to restructure life to live in a way that is conducive with what is tangible for someone like me. I am looking forward to the day I am not all in. Life will get better.


WEDNESDAY 28/09/2022

(1) Dating: Cold Approach / Dating Apps
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Biz: Biz offer dev / Copywriting

MakingAComeback said:

Big believer in product market fit.

I am the wrong product here. As such, it aint gonna happen in Poland. I'll try. But I know what will happen.

Management of expectations in this game for the low SMV is crucial: be a 4 physically, expect very little. You need to be around a 7 to make dating work. That is humanly impossible for many men in this world, and unless they have something that can make them an outlier, this is the wrong game for them. I may be able to get myself to a 4.5 with a lot of work. That's about all I am likely to be able to do.

The smart man's move is to restructure life to live in a way that is conducive with what is tangible for someone like me. I am looking forward to the day I am not all in. Life will get better.


Poland is like most other eastern europe countries a struggle for foreigners to date (I'm talking about race). It's true that you as the product, don't really fit the market. This isn't something that should drag you down.

You are not a 4 SMV wise. The sub 4 range is for overweight people who don't take care of themselfes and wear ugly smelling clothes, you are above those dudes. You will push a 7 if you hit your physique goals and start that money grind even though your race is less desired.

The sky is the limit for people with that burning desire that you have. I don't want you settling for any less than what you feel like you deserve. You have an amazing group of friends + a community that got your back. We are here for you champ, continue your road to success.




I got a spanking from The Dom this morning, he was clear and firm that my negative self talk must be ripped out root and stem. Paw expressed the same thing. This has been highlighted as a mission critical piece. I have actioned this to be a priority.

The G crew fucking slaying. The Dom smashed a totally beautiful Ukranian lady through day game last night and this was an unbelievable experience for me because I saw it all.

I saw The Dom open, vibe, exchange, he even sent the text from my phone for Gods sake because IG banned him, and then a shortwhile after I hear the chicks voice in the apartment. This was the first time I ever saw something like this. Exactly what we are talking about, like executing the stop effectively, body language, tonality, vibe, he did it infront of me and precisely the way he told me to get it down. And it came together.

I understood beyond any doubt that these concepts work, and it is possible for this to be done.

It just requires effective execution, and proper mechanics, deliberate practice with view towards the development of solid game.

We are working hard, and this feels fucking GREAT.

I like to hustle, apply, and see success.



- Gym: Core & Pull (LOTs of rowing, pulldowns, traps, bicep work also)
- Day Game: Grab a coffee, chill near our place, 5 Sets
- Biz: Offer Dev
- Copywriting: Read / Myobrace
- Copywriting: Course / Myobrace
- Dinner
- Day Game
- Dr Hunt course: Save all
- Zero / Posture
- Myofunctional Therapy, Core, Bed
kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:

Big believer in product market fit.

I am the wrong product here. As such, it aint gonna happen in Poland. I'll try. But I know what will happen.

Management of expectations in this game for the low SMV is crucial: be a 4 physically, expect very little. You need to be around a 7 to make dating work. That is humanly impossible for many men in this world, and unless they have something that can make them an outlier, this is the wrong game for them. I may be able to get myself to a 4.5 with a lot of work. That's about all I am likely to be able to do.

The smart man's move is to restructure life to live in a way that is conducive with what is tangible for someone like me. I am looking forward to the day I am not all in. Life will get better.


Poland is like most other eastern europe countries a struggle for foreigners to date (I'm talking about race). It's true that you as the product, don't really fit the market. This isn't something that should drag you down.

You are not a 4 SMV wise. The sub 4 range is for overweight people who don't take care of themselfes and wear ugly smelling clothes, you are above those dudes. You will push a 7 if you hit your physique goals and start that money grind even though your race is less desired.

The sky is the limit for people with that burning desire that you have. I don't want you settling for any less than what you feel like you deserve. You have an amazing group of friends + a community that got your back. We are here for you champ, continue your road to success.


Don't get me wrong, the city is beautiful, and the people are nice. Krakow is great. I am enjoying my time.

Whilst it is very different and also, yes, tricky for online dating with my current profile, all these things can always be overcome. BTW the girl I went on a date with was very pretty, she was better than all my London girls to be honest.

My game is weak I think I need to make this clear to the forum. I have a lot of work to do on myself. But I am still OK, not a 4 (me and The Dom talked about this a lot this morning, Paw had the same convo with my last night) and with a few years of grind hell bro I may even be a 7.

Thank you for your kind words as ever, I truly appreciate it, and you already know I will give all that a human being can give. I do nothing but work my ass off.

We will keep working brother and we wil try our best. I wish for your success also and I hope you achieve a lot in your life.

MakingAComeback said:
The G crew fucking slaying. The Dom smashed a totally beautiful Ukranian lady through day game last night and this was an unbelievable experience for me because I saw it all.

I saw The Dom open, vibe, exchange, he even sent the text from my phone for Gods sake because IG banned him, and then a shortwhile after I hear the chicks voice in the apartment. This was the first time I ever saw something like this. Exactly what we are talking about, like executing the stop effectively, body language, tonality, vibe, he did it infront of me and precisely the way he told me to get it down. And it came together.

I understood beyond any doubt that these concepts work, and it is possible for this to be done.

Sublime. I wish every guy got to experience a demonstration of Game live. I know so many guys who have had so many misguided beliefs ("it's all about looks") that would benefit. I've even held similar beliefs, until I saw some of my NYC wings making it happen in person. Great game and great vibe is just another level.
The Dom

Let me just tell you, this guy is not a normal person.

He is pulling home for the 7th time. He is entering the door now. He has another girl coming later.

This guy is REALLY REALLY GOOD at game. It is jaw dropping.

He is also tall, powerfully built with a lot of muscle mass, has an extremely well-defined look/archetype which he has utterly nailed. And his game is on another level.

It is impressive but also I must state, it is intimidating and he also worked mind-bendingly hard to get where he is today. World class capacity, talent, intellect and work ethic = well....THE DOM.

There is only one. We should be very harsh to this guy because his mission is to go further in life and it is important that our expectations for him remain very high. Like people expect me to be far, far better. Same principle.

pancakemouse: Agreed. His level of game is quite intimidating and actually, it is easier to make yourself better looking than do what he does.

I am not saying looks are not king - they absolutely are ;-) I do, however, see the power of game.

MakingAComeback said:
The Dom

Let me just tell you, this guy is not a normal person.

He is pulling home for the 7th time. He is entering the door now. He has another girl coming later.

This guy is REALLY REALLY GOOD at game. It is jaw dropping.

He is also tall, powerfully built with a lot of muscle mass, has an extremely well-defined look/archetype which he has utterly nailed. And his game is on another level.

It is impressive but also I must state, it is intimidating and he also worked mind-bendingly hard to get where he is today. World class capacity, talent, intellect and work ethic = well....THE DOM.

There is only one. We should be very harsh to this guy because his mission is to go further in life and it is important that our expectations for him remain very high. Like people expect me to be far, far better. Same principle.

@pancakemouse: Agreed. His level of game is quite intimidating and actually, it is easier to make yourself better looking than do what he does.

I am not saying looks are not king - they absolutely are ;-) I do, however, see the power of game.


slap a hidden mic on him and upload it so we can hear it!
kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:

Big believer in product market fit.

I am the wrong product here. As such, it aint gonna happen in Poland. I'll try. But I know what will happen.

Management of expectations in this game for the low SMV is crucial: be a 4 physically, expect very little. You need to be around a 7 to make dating work. That is humanly impossible for many men in this world, and unless they have something that can make them an outlier, this is the wrong game for them. I may be able to get myself to a 4.5 with a lot of work. That's about all I am likely to be able to do.

The smart man's move is to restructure life to live in a way that is conducive with what is tangible for someone like me. I am looking forward to the day I am not all in. Life will get better.


Poland is like most other eastern europe countries a struggle for foreigners to date (I'm talking about race). It's true that you as the product, don't really fit the market. This isn't something that should drag you down.

You are not a 4 SMV wise. The sub 4 range is for overweight people who don't take care of themselfes and wear ugly smelling clothes, you are above those dudes. You will push a 7 if you hit your physique goals and start that money grind even though your race is less desired.

The sky is the limit for people with that burning desire that you have. I don't want you settling for any less than what you feel like you deserve. You have an amazing group of friends + a community that got your back. We are here for you champ, continue your road to success.

Partially disagree with this comment, while its true Poland is very homogenous and there are certainly plenty of girls who would never date non white guys. There are plenty that are curious or even especially into black guys, asian guys etc. It is a niche thing. i have first hand seen several Asian guys do very well in Poland so its certainly possible.

The thing aswell with Krakow is its extremely overly touristy and Brits in particular don't have the best reputation due to years of dumb fuckery with the stag parties in particular causing chaos over there, a Brit visiting short term can be an immediate red flag to avoid for some girls. Still having said that, MAC managed to get a hot girl back to his place in just a few days in the city so it is not bad really, shows it is possible for him there.
Sure, and thanks for sharing, I value guys chiming in and sharing their thoughts.

We have guys from all over in our crew: white, black, brown. Everyone is hustling and our crew is having a good time - we are enjoying our life and our brotherhood.

Black guys IMO do not have SMV issues. Thankfully, black guys can do well, and this is important - their success in the West is good for minority people more broadly and does trickle down I think. Timmy is here, he is exchanging, he is getting IOIs and he will get dates, get laid, and get some results provided he does the right volume, runs his boosts, hits the clubs and works hard. He actually exchanged with a hot influencer!! We will stay on his case and get him to make GAINS.

Regarding brown guys, I've gotta stop with this talk. I am not allowed to engage in negative talk anymore, The Dom told me the next time I do so I am going to get a throwing axe shoved up my ass and I do NOT like the sound of that lol.

Nonetheless, you highlight that brown men have made it work. Let's focus on that and end the debate. It is possible, therefore we should just work man. FUCK IT.


Got up, myofunctional therapy.

Made breakfast, had a great debrief with The Dom. We had a great conversation about my negative self-talk and the importance of psychology for success. Effective immediately, I have a commitment to positive self talk, positive psychology, and also reading more about this subject and internalising it. The conversation was deep and felt like an important moment in my journey. I am eternally grateful. Nothing more will be said about this, me and The Dom know, this one is just between us.

Grabbed a coffee, went to the gym.


I am loving training here, this gym is great. Krakow is a lovely city man, and I like the cost of living, the facilities, the achitecture. You do need solid game and to be a rock solid guy here.

Did my training, came home, and went to cold approach. Was out for like 3/4hrs. Hung out with Timmy, Lord Rey, and a bit with Paw towards the end.

Warmup set: She darted away
1 Stopped, she insisted she was in a rush.
2 Stopped, didnt square off and distance was too close. I asked her age, too young (17), I ejected
3 She deflected right away
4 She had boyfriend, but this lady was actually nice. This has been the first approach where the lady was quite nice.
5 She had a husband
6 Stopped, really warm and receptive off the bat. We chat, she is asking questions, it hooks. She gets her phone out to show me her salt lamps. I touch her a little, work on smirk, vibe. Ask her what she's doing tonight, she says nothing. I say lets go for a drink, shes like SURE. Exchanged.
7 HARD deflection.
8 In a rush,
9 HARSH blowout, she was very pissed
10 Bad stop, too close, Goblin approach
11 Stopped, but "in a rush", chatted for a bit but just nada
12 Very boring girl. She sucked. So I said BYEEEEE.


WHAT I DID WELL: i focused on deliberate practice and had a specific vision for eliminating weak stops and ensuring good practice
WHAT NEEDS WORK: Stop at times was too short, too close, and I was not always taking a wide berth. Nonetheless, it showed signs of improvement. Also, SQUARING UP. I failed to square up on many sets. The set I exchanged, I DID PERFECTLY. I stopped well, I squared up, I did the smrik, got tonality right, got playful and made it man to woman.
LESSONS LEARNED: QUALITY QUALITY QUALITY. DELIBERATE PRACTICE. This has been said to me ad infiitim by my main advisors: Rags2Bitches , pancakemouse , AskTheDom

ADDITIONAL LESSON LEARNED: Self talk during approaches - often I approach as if I am a low down guy with no value. That isnt true. I am actually going to be a G in a few years. I am even OK now, just need to keep working. I focused on just enjoying it (Andy has told me this in depth also) and also telling myself I am a fucking g - who else would still be approaching after all this shit? Who? NO ONE. That must make me a fuckin legend. I also am alive, I am in the world, I have a shot. I have a chance.

The number I exchanged, funny story.

Lord Rey saw this historic moment, my first exchange in Poland, we walked off and were just SO relieved. He has seen me GRINDING HERE and getting blown out like crazy. He has seen the harsh unreceptiveness. We were relieved she talked to me. And then we texted her on WhatsApp. She responded back: WHO IS THIS?!

I say Ravi from the mall.

She replies: WHAT MALL?! Who the hell are you.

My heart sank,

MAC: Dude, she gave me the wrong number....
Lord Rey: Oh man.....

We then pull up the number, and compare to what I entered in Whatsapp


I then see she is on WhatsApp.


We laugh our asses off.

I ping her on Whatsapp. She doesnt reply. It doesn't even go through.

I get home and text her instead. She replies. Pitch the date. She's down. I'm heading out in 45 mins. If she comes out, this will be a cold approach date! In, what, less than 50 approaches.

In London, I am around 700 approaches and no date.

In Budapest, 7 dates, all platoninc as fuck, no intimacy, not even proper makeout.

Krakow, one really good date from Tinder. And then one cold approach date after only a few days.

Whilst it is a bit hard with cold approach here, because you need good game, I will hold off before making more statements about Krakow. Also the girl from Tinder was hot. I'd say 6.75. That is WAY above my usual in London (4).

Olafsmash said:
MakingAComeback said:
The Dom

Let me just tell you, this guy is not a normal person.

He is pulling home for the 7th time. He is entering the door now. He has another girl coming later.

This guy is REALLY REALLY GOOD at game. It is jaw dropping.

He is also tall, powerfully built with a lot of muscle mass, has an extremely well-defined look/archetype which he has utterly nailed. And his game is on another level.

It is impressive but also I must state, it is intimidating and he also worked mind-bendingly hard to get where he is today. World class capacity, talent, intellect and work ethic = well....THE DOM.

There is only one. We should be very harsh to this guy because his mission is to go further in life and it is important that our expectations for him remain very high. Like people expect me to be far, far better. Same principle.

@pancakemouse: Agreed. His level of game is quite intimidating and actually, it is easier to make yourself better looking than do what he does.

I am not saying looks are not king - they absolutely are ;-) I do, however, see the power of game.


slap a hidden mic on him and upload it so we can hear it!

Haha, I know you're joking, but no chance - he's a G and the homie, we are not going to burden our friend, we are here to push each other, work like fucking animals, and simply fight together for glory and all the marbles until the war is over. The Dom is also on a journey, he has BIG GOALS, and we need to push him also, it cannot be just one way, he needs to keep fucking hammering................All of us are grinding like crazy and there is no quit, not even one step back.

It doesn't matter that The Dom is further in his journey. It doesn't matter if he goes to the moon. We are all here to push to the absolute limits. That is the only thing that matters.

The crew must hustle.

Weak hearted men need not apply. Savage territory.

That said, everyone is welcome to post in his log, ASK THE DOM, he will be going deep in a new project soon and you bros may not have access to him, we will have him all to ourselves..........

Hi Ravi,

If you are a man you take what is yours. No need to 'wait 2 years when my smv might be a 7'. Start tomorrow.


OK, so exchanged.

Get her out on a date.

Date is going fine. Chick is kinda pretty, I find her attractive and shes way better than what I'm used to. WAY better. She is quirky and has a nice body, nice legs.

She shit tests me about how she went on Tinder after her last relationship, and fucked an absolute boatload of dudes and had a lot of fun. I was unphased. I told her I think it's great to be open with sex and did talk a little about how I've had a lot of fun on Tinder (LOL - yeah.....not quite).

Some time into the date.........

"What did you buy when you were in the mall?"

I knew why she was asking. She wanted to know if I was trying to approach. I play it off.

"I was wrong about you, I thought you were a pick-up artist. I saw you were with your friend, I followed you around the mall the entire time"

She then went on about how her ex- was a pickup coach, and how guys just pick girls up just to hookup, and how hard it is for guys, but it's effortless for girls.

She was fun and I liked the date.

Pitch a pull, she's down.

Go back to mine, pour a glass of wine, go to my bed and chat.

Touching a lot. Kiss. She gives me a small peck on the lips.

Chat more, and she tells me she's bi, and doesn't find men attractive.

I play it off. I ask her what girls she likes.

Touch her more. Trying to escalate.

"Can I be honest with you? I'm not OK with kissing, I don't feel comfortable with touch"

I physically escalated the whole date, was touching her arms, legs, back, hands, etc.

"I am OK with just chatting, but I don't want to touch or kiss"


This was about 10 mins into being in my bedroom.

Told her we didn't have to do anything she's not comfortable with, and I asked where her boundaries were. She only wanted to chat and have no physical touch at all.

"I think we have very different expectations about this evening, I'm going to let you out"

"OK" and she leaves.

As she's leaving, The Dom is just entering the apartment - he has fucked 8 girls in 7 days. I introduce the girl, and also let him know I didnt get laid LMAO.

She's gone.

Me Paw and The Dom just chat for the rest of the evening.

The End.



This was a legendary achievement.

This fucker has done some crazy shit, 50+ nightgame lays in 90 days, wild shit.

Remember, me and Paw have been here the whole time, we have seen this, we've heard these chicks being whipped and spanked etc.

8 in 7 days man. Simply unbelievable. But it really happened. Timmy and Lord Rey are also here and we can tell you this shit has been insane.


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