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Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
V did 1 on 1 coaching with him a few years back and rated Dan VERY highly

OH SHIT. I knew Vin reminded me of someone. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think Vin also got coaching from Dexter Abraham, Dan's mentor.

Small world indeed.

Yes indeed, he was everywhere a few years ago. Dude is very very smart and something of a marketing genius. He's back off to the US in 2 weeks and I'll miss the fucker. Still will talk every day no doubt. He's trying to get me to come over to LA with him. May take him up on it too. Just need to get this money right..............who knows what will come bro? Working hard and achieving my goals has brought me to new levels and greatness is going to come.

natedawg said:
MakingAComeback said:


MON 24/10/2022

(1) Dating: Call w/ potential date / Messaging any of my leads as they come up to fit in a slot (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym (Push) / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Earthing, prep DUTCH Complete test, Euro Gang Call, Cold Thermogenesis, Mindset work & Visualisation

Biz: Accountability work with current clients (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Star, Rene, Antonio, Ronnie (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Call w/ @MilfAndCookies to explore secondary goal and understand our focus (DONE)
Biz: Pitching – Cold outreach across my network, onboarding free clients (DONE)
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith (FAIL)

Copy: Reading (FAIL)
Copy: Course (FAIL)
Copy: Re-write landing page (DONE)


Worked hard man, really. Biz I hammered it for hours and hours non stop! It was fun too. I did the call with the gal. She was so fun to talk to, seems like a great gal. We agreed we'll go on a date, she can't do this week, she said we can do it next week. She also did suggest I come see her in Central one one of the days she's in the office. Usually that leads to CUCK. I will, instead, pitch her to come see me in Battersea next week. That leads to FUCK. Lol. Like a typical Indian girl, she is pretty conservative, hence the pre-date screening call, gods sake........

I liked talking to her and she is pretty. But rules are rules. I can't be travelling around and going on date after date with these gals. Logistics have to be right. So I will text her tomorow asking what we schedule is like next week, wait a day after she's responded, and reply, sure, come see me in battersea next week, insert wine bar, insert time, sound good? BOOM.

Did my best today bros.

Off to bed now to charge the battery. Tomorrow, fasting all day, 60 min run out there hammering the pavement, fasting, and then heading back to LDN. Will hit the gym Wed morn, go on a date Wed providing she doesn't flake, and I have pitched Thur to 2 diff girls. One I pitched Thur and Sun tbf, and she is down for either. The other, I just pithced Thur, and she hasn't replied.

So, if the gal doesn't reply by tomorrow around 2 let's sat, I'll push for more leads and try to plug something into Thur. Otherwise, I have dates Wed, Fri, Sat, and potentially Sun. I will hustle on the apps tomorrow and see what happens but would be great to get something for Thur.

I have something for next Mon, and following the call today, I could get this gal to come see me on Tues.

Nonetheless, will keep smashing it and get these FINAL 2 ;-)


Let's go brotha! All you can do is your best every day.

Did my best G worked hard worked smart but every day is another opportunity to GET IT

natedawg said:
MakingAComeback said:


MON 24/10/2022

(1) Dating: Call w/ potential date / Messaging any of my leads as they come up to fit in a slot (DONE)
(2) Body: Gym (Push) / Core / Stretch / Posture (DONE)
(3) Biz/Copy: See below.
Others: Sunrise, Earthing, prep DUTCH Complete test, Euro Gang Call, Cold Thermogenesis, Mindset work & Visualisation

Biz: Accountability work with current clients (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Star, Rene, Antonio, Ronnie (DONE)
Biz: Onboarding – Call w/ @MilfAndCookies to explore secondary goal and understand our focus (DONE)
Biz: Pitching – Cold outreach across my network, onboarding free clients (DONE)
Biz: Read V’s posts / Read Dan Meredith (FAIL)

Copy: Reading (FAIL)
Copy: Course (FAIL)
Copy: Re-write landing page (DONE)


Worked hard man, really. Biz I hammered it for hours and hours non stop! It was fun too. I did the call with the gal. She was so fun to talk to, seems like a great gal. We agreed we'll go on a date, she can't do this week, she said we can do it next week. She also did suggest I come see her in Central one one of the days she's in the office. Usually that leads to CUCK. I will, instead, pitch her to come see me in Battersea next week. That leads to FUCK. Lol. Like a typical Indian girl, she is pretty conservative, hence the pre-date screening call, gods sake........

I liked talking to her and she is pretty. But rules are rules. I can't be travelling around and going on date after date with these gals. Logistics have to be right. So I will text her tomorow asking what we schedule is like next week, wait a day after she's responded, and reply, sure, come see me in battersea next week, insert wine bar, insert time, sound good? BOOM.

Did my best today bros.

Off to bed now to charge the battery. Tomorrow, fasting all day, 60 min run out there hammering the pavement, fasting, and then heading back to LDN. Will hit the gym Wed morn, go on a date Wed providing she doesn't flake, and I have pitched Thur to 2 diff girls. One I pitched Thur and Sun tbf, and she is down for either. The other, I just pithced Thur, and she hasn't replied.

So, if the gal doesn't reply by tomorrow around 2 let's sat, I'll push for more leads and try to plug something into Thur. Otherwise, I have dates Wed, Fri, Sat, and potentially Sun. I will hustle on the apps tomorrow and see what happens but would be great to get something for Thur.

I have something for next Mon, and following the call today, I could get this gal to come see me on Tues.

Nonetheless, will keep smashing it and get these FINAL 2 ;-)


Let's go brotha! All you can do is your best every day.

Did my best G worked hard worked smart but every day is another opportunity to GET IT


TUE 25/10/2022

(1) DATING: FAST / Online Dating Hustle / Message Leads (1hr)
(2) BODY: Run (60m) / Core / Stretch / Posture
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Cold Thermogenesis, Bank, Prep 3 Q’s for call w/ Andy, Go back to London (Train @ 8, be home 1030/11, bed for a bit, call at 12 ;-)),
Others: Mindset, Sunrise, Earthing, Glute Warmup

-Biz: Accountability work w/ clients
-Biz: Onboarding work, schedule calls
-Biz: Type up notes from Joe’s call & send to him
-Biz: Outreach & pitching

-Copy: Read Boron Letters, Read Colin’s Emails
-Copy: AWAI Course
-Copy: Redraft C’s landing page. I don’t like it atm, it’s not emotionally impactful AT ALL, isn’t compelling for shit, and really needs a lot of work. I will also review Colin’s trainings on landing pages and apply this to C’s landing page. This brand is so good but needs solid MARKETING. C also knows how important marketing is and had this drilled into his head by Caleb Jones much like I did. We need to nail this I am unhappy with it rn…….but I will get it where I need it to be.


Time to hustle. Fasting and cardio to get this body right. Lots of hustle. The gal I had a call w/ yesterday I would describe as a legit QUALITY gal, smart, beautiful, in a high level career and has a brand outside of that which is doing fairly well (stalked her a lil, 30k followers). She is pretty conservative from what I feel, as many Indian girls are, but with the new main (Thanks for the help with this @Radical, revising my prompts and stuff (thanks for the help with this Manly Cockfellow , Astronaut , Bman ) it made all the difference in the world and my quality ticked up.

I also have begun to believe in myself a tonne more, the mindset work is pulling my head out the sewer, and I am developing a bit more self belief. As The Dom said, “Everytime I leave the house, I feel like a rock star. While I may not be, I do have the sex life of one…”. That’s the swagger we need gents.



WED 26/10/2022

(1) DATING: Online Dating Process & pinging leads
(2) BODY: Gym (Pull) / Core / ATG: Zero / Posture
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Mindset, Sunshine, Earthing.

-Biz: Onboarding
-Biz: Networking, Outreach, Pitching
-Biz: Read –V’s posts, Dan Meredith

-Copy: C’s landing page V2
-Copy: AWAI course (1hr)


Great call with Andy and the bros on the coaching group. Always a GREAT way to start my week and pull my mind and subconsicous where it needs to be. It adds up, ‘goes in’ so to speak, and over time, leads to the positive changes we seek.

Mindset work process (done upon waking for 1hr daily) will be as follows:

Mindset Work:
-Inner Child Journalling (15m)
-Mirror Therapy
-Cultivating Gratitude: With intention towards directing this to women
-Writing affirmations (15m)

Date for tonight flaked, but she did suggest we hang out Friday. I have another gal scheduled for Friday. Told her to let me know her schedule for next week, and will book her in lol.

I will keep generating leads. I will probably just hustle tonight, if anyone does pipe up, I may send the old “if you’re feeling spontaneous, let’s hang out tonight” text and see what happens. Tomorrow, I have a slot, which I will push to fill with some hustle today.

Otherwise, Fri I should be seeing a gal, Sat may see my old FWB and a new gal, Sun I have 2 girls booked in, Mon I have one, and otherwise Thurs next week should also be booked soon with another prospect.

Now off to do some serious work in the gym!!!!!!!!

Will keep you posted on today’s hustle.


THUR 27/10/2022

(1) DATING: Online Dating Process & pinging leads (DONE)
(2) BODY: Cardio (60m) / Core (DONE)
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Mindset, Sunshine, Earthing,

Biz: Onboard R and J (DONE, I now have 7 free clients)
Biz: Pitching to my network – pitched Ralph for my free offer
Biz: Read Funnel Hacking Secrets 2022 (my current homework from V)

Copy: Revise C’s copy, create v2 of his landing page (DONE)


Sunrise, core work, accountability work with my guys, went to the gym and did my lower back & glute warmup, 60 mins running through battersea park, breakfast & supplements.

Biz hustle for a few hrs, call w/ R.

Copy, sent C v2 of his landing page.

Now, reading FSH 2022 for 2hrs

at 8pm, ice bath, light therapy, earthing.

9Pm, Swiping on tinder and bumble for 10 mins a piece. Messaging leads on Hinge.

930, keep reading FHS.

10 boost on Tinder and Bumble.

1030 BED

Date tomorrow with an utterly gorgeous 33 radio DJ. Will text her in the morning to confirm. The last few girls flaked, which means I am overdue some cracking dates and lays now ;-)

I will keep going and keep going and keep going, no matter what, and I will simply never stop once I have a goal.

That is the difference between me and many people. It’s not that I am better, I am not, in many ways I need a LOT of work. But I am persistent as FUCK and will just keep working.

This is inspirational. What a great attitude!
NeverSayNeverAgain said:
I will keep going and keep going and keep going, no matter what, and I will simply never stop once I have a goal.

That is the difference between me and many people. It’s not that I am better, I am not, in many ways I need a LOT of work. But I am persistent as FUCK and will just keep working.

This is inspirational. What a great attitude!

Thank you brother for reading me and dropping in I truly appreciate it!

Wishing you success


FRI 27/10/2022

(1) DATING: Date (She’s confirmed) / Messaging
(2) BODY: Gym: Legs / Core
(3) BIZ/COPY: See below.
Others: Content day w/ V, Mindset, Sunrise, Earthing, CT

(1) Accountability work w/ clients
(2) CONTENT DAY WITH VIN: Top focus for the day. Gotta leave @ 6pm, hard exit, must get home and go on date with radio DJ @ 730!

N/A: C happy with his landing page, but it still needs a lot of work, until it feels like it is genuinely painful to not purchase his product, we are not where we need to be. I am going to complete Colin’s landing page training and just discuss with C how we can bring this to the best level we can. Thereafter we have guys in our network who can feedback and let us know if it is absolutely cast iron. Nailing this product is important to me it’s going to be a case study for me, of course, but also helps my mate the legend C.

Tomorrow: Transcribe The Dom’s answer for AMA, reply to Carl.

Another day, another opportunity to become better!!!!!

Enjoy your life out there bros, be easy, be joyful, stay fit healthy, and positive we are definitely on to great things. More happiness breeds more happiness so flow with it, no stress…...If you can draw even one breath, you can STILL WIN, all you need is the ability to breathe. Off of just a breath of air, your mission can be achieved.

Others did not want to do it, they were not consistent, they did not want it bad enough.

They came, they got excited, then they're gone.

Gone with the wind, never to be seen again. So much potential, just wasted.

They left us here to grind alone.

Now task has now fallen to us.


Yesterday, damn, an emotional rollercoaster.
Hung out with one of my best friend's V all day shooting content. He's off to New York to grind for 2 months and we won't see each other. We will still talk every day like we do now but it was a bit emotional for some reason. We have a great bromance. I look up to this guy so much, he is the most extroverted confident person I have personally met in my life, gives 0 fucks and is a killer in biz and with women. Tall, stick thin, long haired emo, and one of my best friends in the world. I used to follow this guy around the internet and be obsessed with him, wanted to live the life he lives of constant travel and abundance (he's a total natural, won't give the numbers but hundreds upon hundreds of lays, all within the alt girl, emo girl niche, his archetype is nailed).
He gave me two books to ponder, one he said for my mind, one for my dating:
-Zero to One - Peter Thiel
-Mate - Tucker Max & Geoffrey Miller
These are his personal copies, and in the case of Zero to One, influenced him a lot in biz. The gesture meant the world to me and I almost teared up. He used this copy of this book to secure several millions in venture capital funding. Top G.
We had a blast and laughed our heads off all day and then hugged goodbye. I'll see him again in a couple months.
Biz work, done, content day, done.
Then off to dates.
This is where the day took a turn.


MAC’S 1stDate Ejects – Hustles & Calls Over Another Gal!
730, date rocks up. She's great looking, but the second she sees me, her energy changes a little. It feels a bit off. I go to hug her, and I feel a bit of resistance for even that, kiss her on both cheeks and she's OK with that, we take a seat and start chatting.
She is a bit aloof and is mostly looking around the room, and not really at me.
We talk, vibe a little, but she is so, so distant.
She doesn't really seem into me. Yep, another one. And that's fine.
I ask her back, she says no.
We talk more, ask her for a second time, she says she's not comfortable. The bar maid hears this and rushes over to ask her if she's alright.
She asks me to get another round of drinks, I say no. She complains a little, and then says shall we go. We walk outside, and she says "let's go out separate ways". I agree. Bye. Onto the next.
(2) DATE 2

So, I get home and then fire up my phone for some hail marys.
The other dates I had lined up that week all flaked, but I remember one gal asked me if I can do Friday. I declined as I was seeing the other chick.
I text her, and ask if she’s up for a drink tonight. She says maybe. I say, I’ll call you a Bolt and we’ll have a wine here in Battersea. She’s down, but says she can’t have a super late night as she has a race at 7am. Chick is very pretty, super athletic and smart.

She comes over. We have a wine, and enjoy a nice evening. She is interesting and I like chatting, but the vibe is super platonic, it lacks any passion or connection, and she doesn’t seem particularly interested. Her body language is a bit guarded and we’re chatting, but there doesn’t feel like anything is there. I just want to enjoy the evening and don’t give a shit. Is this new for me? NOPE. The norm for all my dates since I started is, I rock up, chat to them, and then within a short period of time it’s often clear they’re not feeling me: the signs are that they need to be asking you questions about yourself, have a certain look in their eyes (they call this anime eyes). You can tell when someone is excited to be around you. That has simply never happened to me once in 31 years. I think back to my lays and see patterns: statistical outliers who were so DTF it just happened, often very low quality women who cannot get anyone normal, and also know what you have to do in order to adapt and overcome this.
I ask her back for a drink, she says no.
Keep talking, ask again, she says OK but she absolutely has to leave very quickly.
We leave, walk to my building, and then when she knows we’re about there, she turns around and says her friend just texted her and she has to go home.
Thank her for a good evening and wish her will. She DID have a hard out even before she came over. She was not DTF. But we enjoyed a nice time. WIN.
Text her saying I appreciated her spontaneity and openness. She is a lovely human, glad I met her. Tell her to get home safe. She doesn’t respond. Maybe she will, maybe she won’t. Its OK.

Go home & go to bed. Now, another day, another throw of the dice. Have another date tonight. She is not attractive but I don’t think she’s overly fat so that’s good. Fuck it. I just want to enjoy my evening.

The numbers game. That’s all the underdog in life has.
To win in dating, you need to be (1) attractive, and (2) able to spark emotions & connection.
I am an overly logical autistic robot from outer space who cannot do 2. All I am programmed to do is work. I have tried hard as fuck to make myself attractive. Gotta work with what you’ve got. I got over that & grind anyway.

So, with the curse I am afflicted with, what's the point, right? Nah, the premise I sought to prove was can ANYONE get SOMETHING. Yep, they can. Thats only a good thing, you will have to engage on 2-6hrs hustle on lead generation 6 days a week, and you'll only convert once in a blue moon (it's once every few months for me), but it's SOMETHING. Thats good and I like that actually.


What I have in life is CHOICE. I have approached many thousands of women, went from 0 ~80 dates, did some epic shit. I don’t have to wonder what if? I know the cards I was dealt and understand them. I can decide what I want to achieve in my life. I know what sort of dating life is possible for me. If I want it, I can have it. But if I don’t want it (leaning towards this tbh), I can walk away knowing that I am missing out on exactly nothing.

That’s CHOICE and this empowers me to be able to decide what I want to spend my life doing.

Right now, I have a goal of 2 more lays. That must be achieved. Therefter, if I never go on another date in my life, I can make that choice and go to bed with a smile on my face knowing I did all I could and then some, played the cards I was dealt like literally nobody else I have ever seen in the men's self improvement space, and I will never have to wonder what if, or walk past a lovely looking gal and think what if I have a shot?

The human brain and body can achieve a lot. You try something thousands of thousands of times over 10+ years and you learn a lot about that thing and your capacity to achieve it. What I was looking for was just the ability to understand deep down, yep I tried EVERYTHING and left no stone unturned. I have that now and that is a success.

You should give yourself credit that you can have another girl over when the first date doesn't pan out. That's true player shit.

I noticed in your writing that you talk in a very passive way when discussing the date "the vibe was platonic", "the interest wasn't there", etc.

Did you try things to make the vibe non-platonic? If so, what?

I'm talking specific things. My last date was a dud with a platonic vibe too, but I did specific things like making our knees touch and briefly touching her thigh. She rejected those escalations and that's what told me the vibe was truly "platonic."

If you, as a man, don't take initiative in these things, every single date you go on will be platonic. Unless the girl is somehow predisposed to be smitten with you and gives you really strong signs of interest, in which case you still need to make things happen but you'll do so more smoothly because her interest gives you more confidence.

Just my 2 cents.
Holden said:
You should give yourself credit that you can have another girl over when the first date doesn't pan out. That's true player shit.

I noticed in your writing that you talk in a very passive way when discussing the date "the vibe was platonic", "the interest wasn't there", etc.

Did you try things to make the vibe non-platonic? If so, what?

I'm talking specific things. My last date was a dud with a platonic vibe too, but I did specific things like making our knees touch and briefly touching her thigh. She rejected those escalations and that's what told me the vibe was truly "platonic."

If you, as a man, don't take initiative in these things, every single date you go on will be platonic. Unless the girl is somehow predisposed to be smitten with you and gives you really strong signs of interest, in which case you still need to make things happen but you'll do so more smoothly because her interest gives you more confidence.

Just my 2 cents.

Hey man, sure I mean you know I am a straight dog and willing to go to insane lengths. I am happy I got another girl out within 30 mins of the previous date and I have learned a lot about this game to be able to do that ofc.

So I do try to create vibe on these dates:

-Physical right off the bat, always hug them, give them on the cheek, lead them to the table
-Touching throughout the date, stroking her arm, back, sit as close as possible and yes I generally will be making sure our legs are basically touching
-Talk dating
-Bring up sex in some subtle way

With the first gal she was just a bit of a strange one, she is a DJ so lives this kinda displaced life, she has a residency in Ibiza from Mon to Wed and comes back to London every Wednesday night and has a radio show Thur & Fri. Just spends her life dancing all night and listening to music. She also made references to her boundaries and the work shes doing with her coach. Fine in life, but for Tinder? No.

Second gal was a great person tbh. She just wanted to talk deep and very logical topics. I did touch her physically a lot, grabbed her hand and checked out her rings (she had like 8). The thing is man, there was just nothing there, I did a lot and tried hard, just the look in her eyes, the way it felt, the fact she just didn't give me much to work with.

We don't like to admit our failures and shy away from them. But I have done this a while and can see that this cycle just continues and I have tried a lot, in many ways I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. I'll record the next lot of audios, I have a date tonight, two tomorrow also.

The girls who were 'quality' were yesterday. The rest are very meh at best. 5s. Just passable. BUT, they're fucking nice, and when I text them, they actually reply. I have a lot of time for that.

I will do things like future projection, when a gal clicks a little with me and we share common interests, I can genuinely be excited and tell her we need to do this stuff together. Like the 2nd date of the eve, that lady was so cool, liked the same bands as me, heavy into nature, spirituality. If I could get a gal like this, I would be happy. I got her on a date and thats a win. She was easily a 7 overall, which is excellent. Anyway, point being, I am doing things to try and spike something and create sparks of some kind.

If I never hear from her again, this is the god damn norm for me, I should still be happy.

I am not entirely sure what else I can do tbh, I expressed myself genuinely on the date, listened to her a lot, she talked a lot, I did too, it was quite nice tbh.

Numbers game IMO. Just gotta hammer many many more.


MakingAComeback Sure man, sounds like you did as much as you could reasonably do. I just asked because a lot of KYIL/GLL advice tends to go heavy toward "just move on to the next girl" as a reaction to old school (bullshit) PUA "you can get ANY girl!!!" advice.

Truth is somewhere in between, skewed towards the screening-GLL-framework but not completely there. There is room for game beyond looks & sexual availability.

You've made great strides in your journey, and if you can get one quality girl out on a date, you can get another. And then it's just a matter of time before you get one into your bed.

Lots of bullshit will happen in the meantime too, like my last date that refused all of my touch while I had a threesome literally the day before. Randomness.
MakingAComeback said:
MAC’S 1stDate Ejects – Hustles & Calls Over Another Gal!
730, date rocks up. She's great looking, but the second she sees me, her energy changes a little. It feels a bit off. I go to hug her, and I feel a bit of resistance for even that, kiss her on both cheeks and she's OK with that, we take a seat and start chatting.
She is a bit aloof and is mostly looking around the room, and not really at me.
We talk, vibe a little, but she is so, so distant.
She doesn't really seem into me. Yep, another one. And that's fine.


Most of the time Tinder girls are pretty ok because they know what to expect. Do you maybe overedit your pics as you mention that girls lose energy as soon as they meet you?
Holden said:
@MakingAComeback Sure man, sounds like you did as much as you could reasonably do. I just asked because a lot of KYIL/GLL advice tends to go heavy toward "just move on to the next girl" as a reaction to old school (bullshit) PUA "you can get ANY girl!!!" advice.

Truth is somewhere in between, skewed towards the screening-GLL-framework but not completely there. There is room for game beyond looks & sexual availability.

You've made great strides in your journey, and if you can get one quality girl out on a date, you can get another. And then it's just a matter of time before you get one into your bed.

Lots of bullshit will happen in the meantime too, like my last date that refused all of my touch while I had a threesome literally the day before. Randomness.

For sure man. The screening mindset is pretty good because game is REALLY FUCKIN HARD lol. Guys who are slightly on the spectrum are not going to be able to do that shit I've found. Whilst never clinically diagnosed I have never been 'right in the head'. Most guys who get laid (that even includes me the caveat is the process leading up is too much & arguably a waste of life) are mostly converting yes girls, chicks who are attracted to them and want them. You can just show up, handle biz and get it done.

I have come a long way for sure bro, but do you know I am hustling 2-6hrs a day to get these dates and the odd lay. It's just so tiresome. I am goal oriented as you know and after these 2 lays I am going to have a long hard think about whether I want to continue with dating. I have been feeling for some time that the juice is not worth the squeeze. Everything else in my life suffers because of what I have to do in order to have an opportunity to roll the dice in the dating market.

I used to think, shit man maybe I have a shot. I have learned about the reality for people like me. All you have available is extreme grinding. I will somehow make 2 more happen then it is time to think about whether I want the dating life that is possible for me. I will be able to make an empowered choice from a place of having done the work, no thanks, this is complete crap and I do not accept this as my life.

But what is GOOD: atleast I know. At least I know after all my work, after breaking myself off, pushing the very limits of the human animal, what is possible for me in the dating realm is something I personally do not want, and thereafter, I have the freedom to decline that.

That is GOOD.

I am no longer a slave to my situation. I made things work. I freed myself from the dungeon and the joy that I yearned for, I learned through actual real-world experience, was not realistic. It was not within the realms of possibility. What is out there for me is a process that demands everything to be given over to it, literally everything, and the returns for that?

I refuse them.

To say, no thank you, I do not want what you are willing to give me, is IMO a positive thing.

The last freedom of the human animal is the freedom to choose.

kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
MAC’S 1stDate Ejects – Hustles & Calls Over Another Gal!
730, date rocks up. She's great looking, but the second she sees me, her energy changes a little. It feels a bit off. I go to hug her, and I feel a bit of resistance for even that, kiss her on both cheeks and she's OK with that, we take a seat and start chatting.
She is a bit aloof and is mostly looking around the room, and not really at me.
We talk, vibe a little, but she is so, so distant.
She doesn't really seem into me. Yep, another one. And that's fine.


Most of the time Tinder girls are pretty ok because they know what to expect. Do you maybe overedit your pics as you mention that girls lose energy as soon as they meet you?

I agree yeah. No the pics are pretty accurate, IMO girls go on dates for many reasons, attention, free drinks, they will go with a dude they have little interest in if he's gonna validate their ego. Happens to me all the time, man, all the time.


Ok so fun times last night.

I had a gal scheduled for 730, she asked to reschedule due to work. All good, I offered her another slot for next week.

I hustle like fuck, and on Tinder, get a message from a chick. Attached.

Go meet her, thinking hmmm lets see what happens, I am trying to smash.

Meet her. Hear a European accent, I am like:



She's very masculine, high energy, trying to control the frame and speaks a mile a minute. Not feminine. Kinda hot tho. Latvian. Had I known this, I would have unmatched instantly. No Eastern Europeans for me, ever.

You know how it goes with these people, Budapest, 9 dates all CUCK. Krakow, a pure and simple shit show. No thank you.

ANYWAY, I'm here to win.

She says let's grab drinks to go and points to a bar. I say no, we'll grab drinks later, let's walk first. I will never let chicks control the frame again, if they want to do that, they go home and find themselves a beta - fuck off.

We do NOT play that shit.

I have a sick route here, talk her along the Thames, Battersea bridge, it's beautiful.

Sit her on a bench, and then pitch a pull.

She objects, says are you gonna kidnap me?

Agree and amplify. Standard.

Pull her back, she strolls in like she owns the place and tells me to pour a drink, I make a point of telling her, nah, later. We chat a little, she is so domineering I find this exceptionally gross. Put your dicks away ladies, it's fucking nauseating.

Anyway, slowly start escalating. Touch her ass.

She calls me out.


....Yeah, this will be a fun night.

Slowly escalate, tell her to take a seat on my sofa. She sits way on the other side. Bad sign.

We have a drink, a G&T, slice of lemon, nice.

She asks me a few times to put music on. I don't play this shit and don't take orders. It also brings back memories of when Timmy got cucked beyond belief by 2 chicks who made him blast music all night and ply them with drinks until 730am the next dayt. He lost the frame epicly, just epicly. I vowed I will never do that.

I say, OK, lets listen to music in my room.

She flat out refuses and tells me to play music in the lounge as it's an open space.

I probe and do some objection handling, so we're having a nice time, you're not comfortable here?

She goes on about how we've just met, we need to give it time, she wants to normalise people on Tinder spending a long time getting to know each other.


Kick her out. Walk date was 45mins, she lasted 15mins in my place before getting told to get out ;-)

I enjoy humbling these brats who think they can tell MEN what to do.

Unless we're on the same team, off you FUCK.

You will also have some damn respect for a MAN.


After that, I am like a crack fiend trying to get other girls out. Blast 3 boosts. No traction. 1 match, total fatass. LOL

And then, a gal who cancelled on me the day of and ghosted for 3 weeks gets in touch.

We banter and I try to get her out, offer her a Bolt.

She seems kinda down but then I hear nothing.

2am hits and I give up the ghost.

She texts me this morn telling me she passed out. I banter, tease, and tell her if she's on her best behaviour I can see her tomorrow.


Man, Friday was some G shit. I got CUCKED by the radio DJ who was an epic retard, who sat down and looked around the room and lived in her own fairytale universe. Barely looking at me or listening. Part ways.

Get another gal out 30 mins later. She's awesome but my vibe was destroyed and I think I perfomed badly. Hence, nada. Nothing from her since. Ghosted. She was QUALITY though. Respect.

But the thing is, the wine bar I go to, the female staff hate me!

I do ALL my dates there, and the women there are growing impatient with me and act rudely when I am there. So when I did the gangster move of two dates back to back, they were in the same wine bar man. I brought the next day over, and the ladies in the bar (it's a TINY bar the size of your bedroom) looked at me like "WTF". One of them also tried to cuck me as you may recall and ran over on the previous date to ask if the girl was OK....

So, then the next day, when this chick asks me for a walk, we meet outside that bar and the bar women are closing it up, and they see me walking with this gal. One of them puts her hands on her hips, angry body language, and yells out "OH COME ON!".

That's feminism, man. They pump these women full of hate, full of anger, and they train them to hate us.

Hate cannot ever defeat the truth.

As Churchill said, truth is incontrivertible, malice may attack it, ignorance may derive it, but in the end, there it is.

You don't have to like it. You can hate it if you want. But MEN BUILT THE ENTIRE WORLD WE LIVE IN. Without us, the entire face of the earth falls into the sea within 6 hours. We are the alpha, the omega, the sun, the stars, the moon, and we are created in the image of our creator God who of all the creations he put on earth, chose to give us and only us the divine spark.

We are the most dominant creature evolutionary biology ever created, a miracle of the universe.

And no matter what, we will win. ALWAYS.

I also love women, and I forgive them for the hurt they put on me. I had a part to play in that too. I was weak, I was scared, I was naive. i got my throat slit.

I gutted up and got myself right.

Like Mike Tyson said, when I'm right, I put people in body bags. Period.


The hustle NEVER STOPS

Double booked, text both gals to confirm. One confirms, the other asks to reschedule.

Jump on Tinder, boost, get a lead, and get her to come over at 6 within 30 mins of texting.

So, still double booked.

I have not been laid since Sept 16th. FUCK, I'M A VIRGIN


I will do my best today to pull and smash these 2 girls. They're a bit meh, not the best lookswise. 4/5. But I like their energy.

Where there is true IRON WILL, even an autist, even a guy who most women on planet earth do not have any time for, even a fuckin dog from the sewer like me with sheer relentless forward motion wins sometimes.

You will not win a lot. Average looks may as well be ugly in 2022. Overly logical brain is cancer to woman. It's over for me, right?

No, you're wrong.


Muhammed Ali was the great one. The world idolised him. I idolised him. He was poetry in motion, one of the greatest human beings who ever lived in this world. IRON WILL. CAST IRON CONVICTION. At that time, the heavyweight champion was the title of titles, the greatest title the world had ever known. They enlisted him to fight in Vietnam, he would have never seen battle, he'd have a cushy position doing paperwork, but he knew if he did it, the media would promote it and he knew the black kids who idolised him like I do would join the war in their droves and lose their lives.

He refused. "Take me to jail". He relinquished the greatest title in the world to be a man of conviction because his principles were cast iron, and no one in this world could break them. This is the mark of true greatness. He gave up the greatest title in history to be a man of conviction.

And even so, Joe Frazier beat him one time.

You have to back yourself and be open minded to the possibility that your life can be better. If you are not happy and you wake up in the dungeon, like I do some days, and you ask yourself how in Gods name will I get out of this nightmare, how will I ever find someone, when no one wants me?

In these moments, where there is no hope to be found and the only tool you have is to gut up and work like a demon, how do you keep your heart?

You have to believe in one thing, and that is yourself. You can have the world against you, you can get such negative feedback from the environment only a mad man would continue. Most women I have ever dated did not like me. The attraction was dead by the time I said hello. I am an invisible man, you can say it's a curse, that I should do better. I do not know what to tell you man.

I do not know how I am going to make it.

I often do not think it is humanly possible for a guy with my level of looks and the death sentence of a fucked and atypical brain. It might not be.


I will sit at the blackjack table and bet the whole house on myself.

For the underdog in life, who has so little, and will inevitably have to deal with so much bullshit, we have one one weapon.

But it is the most powerful weapon in the world.




Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
she wants to normalise people on Tinder spending a long time getting to know each other.

I have a royally bad day but this made me laugh my ass off. God bless you man

My Tinder is actually a source of some of the biggest retards I have met in my life.

Tear down what we say about Tinder, it's bunk and goes in the bin.

It's worthless in 2022.


75% of people met who they're with online. The dating game went online. Sex is the hottest stock in town. Everyone's in the race. How do you standout?

The leads I get on Tinder are just tragic. The radio DJ made me question reality. All my last Tinder dates (5 in a row) I had to eject and kick out.

EVERYONE is doing the basic shit we do here.

It's now done & dusted. Finito.

Proven to be a losing strategy.

How much of your life do you waste playing with a hand that will fail?

The thinking now is about archetypes, that is how people win.

Guys are doing it, like The Dom, and they're winning.

Coffee date just now: Done.

Nice person, enjoyed her. Tried to figure out a pull, but she had her route planned offensively tightly and she walked back to Waterloo. Pitched a 2nd date, she said she's down, but that's an oft repeated line.

I have had only 1 2nd date since I started. May it be the 2nd?

I am open minded to the possibility it might be but I am savvvy enough to know it's likely done 😉

On the date, after sitting down, she began to express nervous tics and signs of deep negative emotion. When looking at me, her body language morphed into evaluative gestures, touching the nose, the chin, things we do in deep stress and we're trying to figure out WTF is going on.

I learned this over many dates, so many girls did this with me, and the outcomes were: cuck.

Hinge is still a decent source of leads and this lady was smart, funny, and quite pretty. I'd say about a 5.5. Lovely human, she works for Vice. Cool chick.

I have a Tinder date tonight. Tinder has been a shitshow for me for most of my journey, it's the app that doesnt work for me and I MAY get a match once a fortnight that responds.

That's common for many. But what is interesting is the dynamics of how these dates go, the sheer retardation of these people.

The past 5 Tinder dates I had to kick the girls out of my house or respectfully eject from the venue.

Hinge has been good for me.

Hope this Tinder date is what I'm looking for tonight. Looks wise, not good, about a 4. BUT, not fat. A win.

Always feels good when you have a few rolls of the dice in a day. Thats hustling.

I have not successfully converted from a date since Sept so almost 2 months now. The past 10-15 dates have been CUCK.

When what we want is FUCK

All you can do is keep blasting it and let the chips fall where they may.

Don't like endless bullshit? Don't play the dating game. Go MGTOW. Otherwise, you can enjoy this ;-)

When reading your second last post, I get huuuuuge red pill vibes.

I’m a huge fan of frame control but the key is to keep it fun and lighthearted. When a girl proposes drinks instead of a walk you can say “tryna get me drunk before the walk?” or along those lines instead of a flat “no we do it my way”.
The music stuff was a great way to say “I’ll put your favorite song on but you have to perform it for me” —> you nee frame control but now it’s fun. You can call her out on being to shy to do it,… Remember THIS GIRL CAME TO YOUR HOUSE, THEY DONT DO THAT WITH EVERY GUY.

You said it here before, you’re really cool with the guys because you’re logical and hard working. Here you were too logical with logistics, frame control, being alpha,… That’s also why you get cucked in that venue. I bet you think that spot has the best logistics for the pull but never considered that the staff will notice. You live in London so there will definitely be another bar 1km further, go there next time
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