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MakingAComeback said:

TUE 09/01/2024

(1) MONEY:
-Coaching Delivery: One on one coaching delivery, review all data, send texts, audio notes, video notes
-Social Media Posting: 4 posts
-Content Machine: Procrastination video guide, make slides, shoot, upload, post on YT, FB, add to the forum thread
-Networking: (1) Study Dan Meredith’s network like a beast guide, (2) Networking: FB commenting 1hr, (3) Networking: IG commmenting 1hr
-Biz Coaching: Study next steps on the program I’m on
-Scotty: Catch up with Scotty messages, prep for our interview of Necro (@necrorules), prep for our interview of models (We are going to have a interview with hot girls type show on Scotty’s channel)

-Rest day

-Online Lead Gen
-CA if I see a set, otherwise, no worries

-Biohacking: Sunrise (DONE, with the viking, and Top G), Fasting
-Life Admin: Pay The Dom, get skincare stuff from pharmacy
-LooksMaxxing Actions: (1) Botox emails, (2) Fillers emails, (3) Buccal Fat removal consult emails, (4) Recomp coach emails, (5) Tattoo research. (6) Contacts order – try green contacts


Morning BW: 197.3

I am not going to back down or relent.

I refuse.

I will work harder, and develop further, and there will be a time when I have improved in every area of life.

I will make solid ass money.

I will keep becoming more successful in life.

I will improve my looks, which are keeping me stuck in Low SMV HELL!

I am going to have to let go of some anger at myself for not seeing the forest for the trees in this one. I dated almost ~200 girls whilst I am a physical 4. I saw how little they were attracted to me, and I kept going. I thought improving “game” would get them attracted to me. I was wrong. It didn't. That, is entirely my own fault. I messed up there. I am sad that I didn't realise what was going on, and just now, I went on 10 diff dates to nowhere, where the chick was not, at all, attracted to me. I was a damn fool.

I will stop this cycle for myself, and I will stop other men falling into this trap.

I can make sure other men do not waste years like I did. Time, that you don’t have to waste man. I am aging, there are wrinkles on my forehead, and I am losing points.

The priority, must be in becoming attractive enough to have a fighting chance. I am shocked I didn’t properly take care of this. Shocked. I did lose weight, I did the hair transplant, mewwing, style, skincare. But I didn't get properly lean, build muscle, fix my bad face, and get tattoos, stuff like that. I got distracted by trying to improve my game, and then lost motivation to improve my game, when I saw the kinda women I am attracting, and how they were still not even responding to me. The cycle of ghosting continued.

I should have known. In my defence, I am entering year 3, and have been quite reliant on listening to those who've been going for longer than me. Whilst, this has been extremely important, I have come to realise, the only people who truly understand dating below the general looks threshold, and the other side of the dating experience, are me and @Thebastard. Learning from others, is good, but for the guys who properly do not fit the mold, and who women do not like due to their physical appearance, I am proof that you will go down a dark road to nowhere if you do not wake up to the specific challenges and pathways for development requires for YOU as a person. The guys at higher vantage points in the SMP, miss all the detail man. They genuinely do not know, and you can't blame them. It's unfortunate, but this is about personal responsibility.

I will be the one to fix this shit, and I will be loud and vocal about it. Trust me.

I will be the one who finds the way for a genetic 4 to ascend. And I will be the one who gives every aspect of the game away, for free, in extreme detail.

My platform, will grow.

And I will make sure, none of the suffering, none of the work, is in vain.

Before I am done, I will make sure the next generation, has the full roadmap. The young men, the teenagers, the guys in their 20s. We will lead them to success. And they will be the men we need in this world.



Worked, no shit, 14hrs solid. Took a 30m break to do breathwork. Then, kept going.....Fucking crusher shit.

I fasted all day. No food, just water and black coffee.

It's not 11:17pm. Ideally, I want to be in bed 1030/11. This isn't TOO bad....


TUE 09/01/2024

(1) MONEY:
-Coaching Delivery (DONE)
-Social Media Posting: 4 posts (DONE)
-Content Machine: Procrastination video guide, make slides, shoot, upload, post on YT, FB, add to the forum thread (HALF DONE, made all slides, will shoot tomorrow)
-Networking: (1) Study Dan Meredith’s network like a beast guide, (2) Networking: FB commenting 1hr, (3) Networking: IG commmenting 1hr (FAIL)
-Biz Coaching: Study next steps on the program I’m on (DONE, this shit, took about 3 and a half solid fuckin hours)
-Scotty: Catch up with Scotty messages, prep for our interview of Necro (@necrorules), prep for our interview of models (We are going to have a interview with hot girls type show on Scotty’s channel) (DONE)

-Rest day (DONE)
-Fasting (DONE)

-Online Lead Gen (FAIL)
-CA if I see a set, otherwise, no worries (NA)

-Biohacking: Sunrise (DONE, with the viking, and Top G), Fasting (DONE)
-Life Admin: Pay The Dom, get skincare stuff from pharmacy (DONE, paid the Dom, paid other guys, didn't go to the pharmacy)
-LooksMaxxing Actions: (1) Botox emails, (2) Fillers emails, (3) Buccal Fat removal consult emails, (4) Recomp coach emails, (5) Tattoo research. (6) Contacts order – try green contacts (PART DONE, did the recomp coach outreach, also scheduled a buzzcut which didn't make it here)

Will carry the other actions over to tomorrow.

Body recomp coaching. Thanks to Kerosene0943 who slid in my DMs to offer some advice on coaching for my body goals. I hit up Adam Hayhow, who may be able to help me. His thinking, align with mine. Winners, invest in themselves. I am a performance coach myself, and I have a biz coach. I have mentors and advisors. And in the areas I need help, I invest. So, I will invest in physique coaching, to make sure I level up this year.

I will be able to get out of the lower end of SMV, which sucks, and be able to talk to girls, and actually have them want to talk to me back.

It WILL come, when my looks have improved and gotten out of this zone.

Details on Adam:


The Dom also has a really good guy, who I'd like to learn more about. Given The Dom has got the track record, knows the underlying thinking at an elite level, and is generally been advising me for years now, I will explore this option thoroughly and see what works best.

At any rate, I WILL progress in my body, For fucking sure.


Details on haircut:

Will go here


And ask for a buzzcut.

The pics I will show them will be:


A still of this little stunner.

I hope the buzzcut improves my look. If I was lean AF, with a chiselled face, and some muscle, tattoos, and a few cosmetic surgeries, I think I would be able to get out of the low end, and at least have a fighting chance for more quality women.

Off to bed. I am fucking SLAYING as per usual.

Good stuff, I wish you every success and am especially interested in following your looksmaxxing progress. Incremental improvements will add up
Thanks bros!


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Wednesday 10th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Client Coaching Delivery: Daily 1 on 1 personal checkins, texts, audios, videos (DONE)
-Deep dive calls: 2 x 1 on 1 clients (DONE 1, 1 later)
-Social Media Posting: 4 Posts FB, IG, LinkedIn. 1 on YT and TikTok.
-Content Creation: Film, edit and upload procrastination guide.
-Networking: 1hr connecting with others
-Networking: 1hr FB, IG, answering questions, adding value.

(2) Muscles:
-Lifting & Movement: AtG & Lifting: Squats, Bench, Rows
-Nutrition: 150g protein

(3) Mindset:
-30m reading Letting Go by David Hawkins
-Online Lead Gen Process
-CA: If you see a set.

Others/Life Admin:
-Self Dev emails
-Biz group: Post about offer, get feedback, sprint week actions.

-Sunrise (DONE), Sunset.
PinchePendejo said:
Good job, brother. When does the PWF podcast drop? Can’t wait to listen.

Thanks homie good to see you posting


Was a killer pod


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset

Wednesday 10th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Client Coaching Delivery: Daily 1 on 1 personal checkins, texts, audios, videos (DONE)
-Deep dive calls: 2 x 1 on 1 clients (DONE)
-Social Media Posting: 4 Posts FB, IG, LinkedIn. 1 on YT and TikTok (DONE)
-Content Creation: Film, edit and upload procrastination guide. (DONE)
-Networking: 1hr connecting with others (FAIL)
-Networking: 1hr FB, IG, answering questions, adding value (FAIL)

(2) Muscles:
-Lifting & Movement: AtG & Lifting: Squats, Bench, Rows (FAIL)
-Nutrition: 150g protein (DONE)

(3) Mindset:
-30m reading Letting Go by David Hawkins (FAIL)
-Online Lead Gen Process (DONE)
-CA: If you see a set. (NO SETS)

Others/Life Admin:
-Self Dev emails (FAIL)
-Biz group: Post about offer, get feedback, sprint week actions. (FAIL)

-Sunrise (DONE), Sunset (DONE)


Tues, I fasted. Worked like crazy. Got to bed 1130pm ish and woke up at 6. Not enough sleep, Wednesday was not full performance mode.

Struggled, had to push, did my level best.

Will be better today. Sleep was better. LETS GO!
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset - Week 2

Thursday 11th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-Social Media Posting: 4
-Content: (1) Filming in the gym, (2) PwF clips
-Network: FB, IG.
-NLAB Plan

(2) Muscles:
-Lifting & ATG
-150g protein

(3) Mindset
-Online hustle
-30m Letting Go

Biohacking: Sunrise, Sunset, Earthing, CT resumes tomorrow (agreed w/ Paw)

LooksMaxxing: (1) Botox emails, (2) Fillers emails, (3) Buccal Fat Removal emails, (4) Recomp Coach: Follow up & Get feedback. (5) Green ontacts order
kratjeuh said:
Curious about the contacts. Are you going to post a pic when you have them on?

I will document everything here bro.

Buzzcut tomorrow.

Will get green contacts ASAP.

I am also fasting tomorrow, to try to lean my face out more.

Will start work with a body recomp coach soon.

Doing botox, fillers, and buccal fat removal.

I will not stay low bro.

Not this year. Year 3, I gotta get beyond this level.

Got a DM from one of the boys asking how to change the titles of the thread

"Alright if you go to your thread, go to the FIRST post of the log on page 1, and edit that post, it gives you the option to edit the actual title of the post. That 1st post, contains the title of the log, so to change the title of the log, you have to change that 1st post there."

A little nugget incase you fellas don't know

MakingAComeback said:
The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset - Week 2

Thursday 11th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-Social Media Posting: 4
-Content: (1) Filming in the gym, (2) PwF clips
-Network: FB, IG.
-NLAB Plan

(2) Muscles:
-Lifting & ATG
-150g protein

(3) Mindset
-Online hustle
-30m Letting Go

Biohacking: Sunrise, Sunset, Earthing, CT resumes tomorrow (agreed w/ Paw)

LooksMaxxing: (1) Botox emails, (2) Fillers emails, (3) Buccal Fat Removal emails, (4) Recomp Coach: Follow up & Get feedback. (5) Green ontacts order


The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset - Week 2

Thursday 11th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery (DONE)
-Social Media Posting: 4 (DONE)
-Content: (1) Filming in the gym, (2) PwF clips (DONE, didn't do PwF clips, filming in the gym took a minute man, 3hr job in the end with all the faff of finding a new and better gym with good lighting, and then sorting the audio, card issues, all this. Footage was killer tho!)
-Network: FB, IG. (FAIL)

(2) Muscles:
-Lifting & ATG (DONE)
-150g protein (DONE)

(3) Mindset
-Online hustle (DONE)
-30m Letting Go (FAIL)

Biohacking: Sunrise, Sunset, Earthing, CT resumes tomorrow (agreed w/ Paw)

LooksMaxxing: (1) Botox emails, (2) Fillers emails, (3) Buccal Fat Removal emails, (4) Recomp Coach: Follow up & Get feedback. (5) Green ontacts order (FAIL)

Did my best.

What threw me off, was yesterday was the podcast with Necro (@necrorules), a rapper Scotty likes. It was at midnight and went on until 3am.

And we had to do prep beforehand.

Had to be done, guy has a billion views on YT, 200k followers on socials, and 400,000 monthly listeners on Spotify.

We are here, to succeed, and get eyeballs and ears on our work.


Will send check-in for today. BTW, I got a buzzcut and skin fade. Looks solid. I am gonna test it in the clubs tonight and tomorrow. Also fasting today, to trim up a bit more. I will be able to tell if I have some frame and reception, or I don't.

Went to 2 places to ask about contacts. They have to give you a prescription. I will get it done. Made an appointment, and will see if they can sort it out. I will try green contacts for a month or two and see if it helps.

-Buccal fat removal consult
-Laser skin treatment for nose
-Eyelid surgery (maybe - I have bulgy bug eyes)
Laser skin treatment.

-Dye hair blonde (maybe)

Today's check-in to come. I am fasted, and hustling. Got podcast tonight also, 1am - 3am.

A little stressed, and will need to breathe this weekend.

Will take a lighter workload Sunday.

The IronWill Project: Money, Muscles, Mindset - Week 2

Friday 12th January 2024


(1) Money:
-Coaching Delivery
-SM Posts: 4
-NLAB: 30m
-Network: FB 1hr
-Ravi's Story Project: Call done w/ Adrizzle. Steps agreed.
-Content: 1 quality long form to be shot.
-Podcast Prep

(2) Muscles:
-Fasting: trim up, lose more fat, improve hormone status and health. Will follow the coaches advice once they're in place, so likely won't be fasting.
-Posture work: McKenzie

(3) Mindset
-Online Hustle
-Night Game: Go to bars, and just test my product now I have done the buzzcut. Am I getting SOME reception? I just need to see signs that there is SOME, small semblance of physical attraction. I will figure it out and test as many things until I am getting a tiny, tiny spark of attraction.

NYE, was Brown Death, could not get anywhere, and I tried, hard. Went home at 4am and as I lay in bed, there were tears in my eyes. It was brutal. Endless sets, where they'd see me, and just weren't into it. A lot of girls friends entering the set, like come on now, you can do better than this dude. The bad moments, where when Ralph would bring me into set, and the women would go from loving it, to just turning off entirely at the sheer sight of me. That, actually hurt. And of course, the usual open racism of Hungarian people, telling me they don't like Indian people and shit. That, ain't about to stop, and I am able to deal with all that. The limited thinking of other people, doesn't matter to me - I refuse to self segregate myself and stay isolated in my house. FUCK 'EM. These people have the culture and education of a fucking potato. I could give 2 fucks about how these people see me. I know how I see myself......

I will improve, and I have learned enough about this game to fix this problem.

I have promised myself, as I lay there for the first night of 2024, tears in my eyes - this will be the year I no longer have to be subjected to this kind of treatment. Remember this feeling, Ravi, and now do something about it.

I have to looksmaxx.

It ain't game.

It has never been game.

It's looks.

I will do what it takes, to become a more attractive person, who isn't treated so poorly based off physical appearance. I will improve myself, and I think with those improvements, there will be SOME women who want to at least speak to me a little. Right now, there is just nothing I can do to make them want to chat. Brown DEATH, just too far outside what they consider attractive.

I feel the hard looksmaxxing route because personally I didn't want dating to feel like the one big struggle in my life, especially you have good self-esteem. I don't see why not make this shit as easy as possible and spend more time and energy on the other things in life that become so much better once you don't feel like you have this weight hanging over you.
Hi guys,

A reminder: no promotion of services here. Ever.

The only person who can promote here, is Andy. And when things have finalised, we'll see how we move the forum forward.

Got a message complaining about a user messaging them, promoting the services of bodybuilding coaches

If anyone has received DMs of this sort, let me know, and I will take care of it.

You come to this forum to sell your shit, the mods ban you permanently. End of.

This is a very open community, and everything will get back to me, I know many of the guys personally, and we are brothers.

This is just not the space where you are going to get leads. You're going to get banned, and you can fuck off elsewhere.

I run this community, to provide FREE help to men and women who are serious about change.

And long may that continue.

Sewerdog said:
I feel the hard looksmaxxing route because personally I didn't want dating to feel like the one big struggle in my life, especially you have good self-esteem. I don't see why not make this shit as easy as possible and spend more time and energy on the other things in life that become so much better once you don't feel like you have this weight hanging over you.

I am actually going to addresss this in depth.

You have met me, and know how hard I have worked.

I worked at EVERYTHING.

Mass approach. Several coaches. Several bootcamps. Style. 100lb weight loss. Hair transplant. Skincare. Mewwing for years. Many photoshoots.

I used my extreme grinding power for 3 years, non stop.

Tried diff locations, worked on all sorts man.

Try as I might, I just could not attract the sort of women I want.

-Treat me well, and want to actually get to know me as a human being (#1 factor above all)
-Decent in looks (6/10).
-Good value system
-Value self improvement & progression

In my opinion, when someone has truly "done the work", and still isn't where they want to be, they have to go back to the performance equations.

For dating, the performance equation is:

SMV + Location + Game = Results

Location wise, I do not, at present, believe a man with a face and body like mine (unattractive) will create a solid situation for himself. Grinding for scraps. Not smart. Done that for years. I can't do it anymore.

SMV, however, WILL make a difference.

Because it is the most potent and valuable factor in all dating, it's literally why we as humans sexually reproduce.

Location is very crucial. Game, also does help, but is a secondary factor. Looks = 1, Location =2, Game =3 but it is FAR behind location.

SMV, hence becomes an invisible barrier. This can cause you to stop, if you don't learn this. Because you will get so frustrated by your results, until you quit.

SMV has to be tackled, directly, head on.

Looking at where I am losing points, it's body and face.

Body, I am going to find a solid coach to help me. 3 months of hardcore training and nailing diet, and I will add some SMV. Possibly 0.25. A full year, could add a point.

Face, I am doing botox, fillers, buccal fat removal, and anything else that might help me.

That will be what I do, over the next few weeks.

To close this chapter of my self improvement, I will get another pro shoot done. And I will then go back to my parents place in March, and train hard for a further month, before going to NYC to then take my slightly raised SMV, improved photos reflecting slight SMV gain, and then be able to make adjustments to the other parts of the equation actually count (Location + Game).

This year, is the year of LooksMaxxing for me.

It will be the year I go from a 4/5 to a 6.

And you watch how that transforms everything.

Absolutely everything.

MakingAComeback said:
Face, I am doing botox, fillers, buccal fat removal, and anything else that might help me.

That will be what I do, over the next few weeks.

To close this chapter of my self improvement, I will get another pro shoot done. And I will then go back to my parents place in March, and train hard for a further month, before going to NYC to then take my slightly raised SMV, improved photos reflecting slight SMV gain, and then be able to make adjustments to the other parts of the equation actually count (Location + Game).

Please don't do any of these cosmetics until you've reached low body fat. You'll be making changes based on your current face without knowing how it will look after you've dropped more fat in the future.

I understand you are frustrated about the treatment you get from society and you want the fastest change possible. You have the option to increase your SMV in the short term at the risk of a lower potential in the future, that's not worth it. It will take me around 2 years for my first real surgery and then I can think of different cosmetics. I don't care because I want to reach maximum results. A smart guy like you surely also wants that.
kratjeuh said:
MakingAComeback said:
Face, I am doing botox, fillers, buccal fat removal, and anything else that might help me.

That will be what I do, over the next few weeks.

To close this chapter of my self improvement, I will get another pro shoot done. And I will then go back to my parents place in March, and train hard for a further month, before going to NYC to then take my slightly raised SMV, improved photos reflecting slight SMV gain, and then be able to make adjustments to the other parts of the equation actually count (Location + Game).

Please don't do any of these cosmetics until you've reached low body fat. You'll be making changes based on your current face without knowing how it will look after you've dropped more fat in the future.

I understand you are frustrated about the treatment you get from society and you want the fastest change possible. You have the option to increase your SMV in the short term at the risk of a lower potential in the future, that's not worth it. It will take me around 2 years for my first real surgery and then I can think of different cosmetics. I don't care because I want to reach maximum results. A smart guy like you surely also wants that.

Second this 100%, especially with fillers
From my personal experience, I do feel like the focus on SMV becomes a little myopic, yes it will help, and yes it matters however I think it matters less than a lot of people make out.

I think your vibe, your social skills, your "game" and your mindset can help make up for deficits in SMV. I am 5'4 and have been overweight most of my life, I have put in the work and run volume, yes I might have a decent face as I have been told but I was rejected so hard in my first 3-4 years of knowing about "game" I did a fair amount of approaching to learn social skills from nothing, I did spiritual work, I learned how to be confident and become really good with sex. I obsessed with a lot of this stuff and worked hard on it for 6 years from 18-24 years old with massive action.

When I was about 24-25 I remember one summer before I got into a relationship and sort of went backward in a sense but during that period from day game and night game I managed to go on dates and sleep with some of the most attractive women I have ever met, one ended up being some high profile onlyfans model, then post that break up the next girl I was seeing is also an onlyfans model now but my point is I didn't really change much in terms of SMV, I just got much better social skills, confidence, sexual confidence improved my vibe.

I think as logical men it is easy to just go oh formula of SMV = L+M+S deerrrr lets just focus on that because its actionable logical steps, but I do believe there is more to it than that.
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