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Running Totals:
Cold Approaches: 51
Numbers: 0
Dates: 4 (maybe about to go on date #5 of the project in a few hrs)
Sexual Encounters: 0

Overall Goals:
(1) 10 Lays
(2) Beat AA

MakingAComeback said:
And a girl asked me out on a date, get a text from lady from Bumble, "Hey handsome....". She wants to go for a coffee and a walk along the Thames. So I am gonna see her after work!

Congratulation man! The hard work on your profile is paying off.


Evening check in

WED 05/01/2022

(1) Gym / Core Training (DONE)
(2) Cold Approach: AA Program Day 2 (1hr) + 2.5hrs approach (DONE)
(3) Online dating: 2hrs action (DONE)
(4) Date: First date with new girl (potentially date #9) (FLAKED)
Other: Work, Stretching, Copywriting, Looksmaxxing exercises (Worked, did some stretching, and the rest was a fail as I needed to regroup)

SpongeBob Thanks bro! It’s crazy man. Like I ran the boost on Bumble, can’t remember what it’s called, spotlight I think – I got like 15 matches. Tinder I ran 2 boosts and got 5 total. Hinge is ticking over. All in all, total transformation of my online dating results. And we haven’t even begun yet. Gym will unlock mad potential for me.

TimmyTurner yo bro! We are gonna make some true life progress this year, your goals in your sig are incredible, and you will def achieve all this and go on to be legendary. Really will come together for us all in a big way, I know this. Glad to hear you’re gonna complete the AA program this year! I am definitely gonna complete it man. Also, in the approaches I am doing outside of that, we can definitely do a few approaches – anytime you want man.

OK brothers so basically, I got in late last night, and unpacked a bunch of stuff. Went to bed at like 1230. Got up early, feeling quite tired tbh. Listened to Caleb Jones podcast and did my processes. Hit the gym and got a great session in. Body is looking better, watch this space, in Feb I will do my progress update and we are looking to put some size on while stripping fat.

This lovely gal has been messaging me a fair bit, she actually asked me for a coffee and a walk, and she offered to come over to me. She actually flaked guys, I went to the gym, smashed it, and then as I left she messaged me saying she has a hospital appointment. Totally normal flake and I wasn’t bothered. However, she did apologise and in her text she asked to re-arrange. I agreed. Did my work remotely, and while I was working, she called me lol. I didn’t answer as I was working as I said. She’s messaged me a few times but I haven’t checked. She seems like a good girl, I will see her.


Did my AA Drills. Week 1, Day 5. Asked 5 women for the time, then did it again but faster. First time took 25 mins, second time took 15 mins. I came back to our flat (I live with the legend TimmyTurner) and had a quick drink of water. Went back out for 2hrs to approach.

Couldn’t make any approaches today, but I felt happy. Didn’t feel so tense and agitated. I will be honest, towards the end, the tension and agitation hit me hard as hell, after 2hrs of happiness with the sun setting on Chelsea and London looking really amazing, like we were in a movie. I have been reading Letting Go, so just did the technique here. Felt it all fully without any judgement.

It’s a noble cause to beat AA for sure, and I look forward to the day when I’ve got it down to a lower level.

Honestly, I just like the improvements it could bring to me as a man.

I came back, cooked dinner, and then I was pretty tired. I haven’t cold approached for like 2 weeks now I think, maybe a bit more, so it was stressful. And I was out there walking for almost 4hours.

I ate and then just kicked back for quite a while and took a break for like 2/3hours. That meant no copywriting study was happening today, as this time was meant to be to learning the foundation of this side hustle. Remember, the MAIN GOAL is dating and body, so I cold approach, gym, diet, supplement, and take action on the apps NO EXCUSES. The rest is not a priority, but I will still do my fucking best every day. On days like this where I am a bit beat, I can chill and rest.

Watching a bunch of people vlog and also just vent about their life is really interesting to me. I love listening to people express their views and challenges, and how they are doing in life. Some of these folks are very very different from me, they’re not ambitious or aspirational, but they have some interesting shit to say and I like listening to them. I find a bunch of different people really interesting tbh and it’s great to see other people have legit struggles with all sorts in life. Puts it into perspective.


Shot this one like 2 weeks ago. Uploaded it today:


All in all, solid efforts, will be back tomorrow and will work hard.

Actions for tomorrow will be

(1) AA Program & Cold Approach
(2) Online Dating
(3) Gym (60m cardio) and core work
(4) Other: Work, looksmaxxing exercises, stretch, and copywriting side hustle.

Smashing it as always! Looks like you hit the start of 2022 for 6!

Glad you are getting into the Caleb Jones podcast. That guy's material is top notch.
Thanks bro. Caleb Jones is quite brilliant, really smart man for sure. Definitely enjoying his content and ideas. Love how he drills the important of location independent income into guys. I know you're deep into this yourself, and I am looking forward to the time when you are clearing 6 figures and out there enjoying life in Latin America, I will bug you to upload the occasional vlog for us in a few months :D

Ok brothers, today has been good!

THURS 06/01/22

(1) AA Program & Cold Approach (DONE)
(2) Online Dating (In Process)
(3) Gym (60m cardio) and core work (DONE)
(4) Other: Work, looksmaxxing exercises, stretch, and copywriting side hustle. (In Process)

Affirmations, read the daily stoic. Core work, listened to Caleb Jones. Off to the gym. 60 mins cardio. Listened to some personal finance stuff. Made a TikTok as I left the gym. Shower, looksmaxxing and skincare routine. Breakfast. Work.

Then, AA program. We're on day 6 now. Drills were:

Day 6 Drill (Level 1)
Time, Leave
Time, Directions, Leave
Time, Directions, Have you been there?, Leave
Repeat this 5 times today, you will speak to 15 girls in total.

I went out, went through the drills, and found them challenging. It felt very uncomfortable, but I pushed and pushed. On several occasions, I could do the asking for the time drill, but would then stumble before it came to asking for directions. It was quite difficult, and the prospect of going through this full cycle, 5 times, was very daunting. Nonetheless, I committed the time and effort and have to stick to my plan of attack for 2022. I am 30, there is no time to waste now, there is no option to stop, there is no option to start something and not finish it. Nothing can be 'I'll do it later'. If it's going to happen, it will be because I made it happen. I relaxed and remained calm. Pushed through and got to the direction part of the drill with an older lady, perhaps in her early 50s - she was quite pretty and she was very nice. I then walked around for almost a further hour before coming near my place and seeing a young lady which offered me the opportunity to do the final piece of the drill, asking them if they're been there. I asked if she'd been to Battersea park, which she replied she had, and told me it's very big (lol). She was nice.

And with that, I felt a tremendous sense of accomplishment, of pride. I really struggled, approaching women is super, super difficult for me. But my willpower is able to beat my excuses. Joy washed over me.

It took me 3hrs to just do this one part of the drill, which is to be repeated 5 times!

Regardless of how long it takes me to complete the AA program, and frankly, it may be quite some time - I will see it through to the end.

I will try again tomorrow. Please don't take this to be a negative post that I was unable to do the full day of drills. I feel good, because I got better.

Every day, what drives me the moment I get up, is that every day, I have an opportunity to get a little better.

In the pursuit of excellence and the achievement of success, there is glory.

Eating dinner now, doing light therapy, working on online dating, and then stretching. Will upload content, and will do 2hrs of copywriting study.

One of my ladies has agreed to come see me for a coffee on Saturday, but it's raining! I don't want her to get soaked. Will reschedule I think.

Just remember doing a little is better than doing nothing. It was difficult but you pushed through and did it that's what's important. No time to lose and before you know it the program will be in week 6 and you'll be doing straight on approaches.
MakingAComeback said:
One of my ladies has agreed to come see me for a coffee on Saturday, but it's raining! I don't want her to get soaked. Will reschedule I think.

Noo!!! If she decides to come despite of the rain, that's a massive proof of interest. If it bothers her, she'll let you know, but no need to shoot yourself in the foot.

And who knows, maybe it won't rain that much. And you're in London, isn't that the habitual weather out there ? :lol:
Hey bros. I had a good day. Gym was good. Work was solid, AA program was good. Dinner, light therapy, then work on the dating apps. Two boosts, 3 matches. Bunch of girls on Hinge to talk to. Bumble is actually going alright for me! Haha. I'm stoked about that.

So, the girl agreed to Saturday despite the rain. She is the sweetest girl, she sends me totally wholesome voice messages and they melt my heart. She is very responsive, and seems like she has a great personality. Really excited to meet her. This will be date #9 on Saturday. She is definitely on the bigger side of things, and that's fine. I will have to learn to love that.....unless I can ascend, I may have to be realistic about what is attainable for me woman wise.

Otherwise, I am getting back into the grind. Gym, work, then the AA program is draining me at the mo. The AA program is 3-4hrs walking for me, mind you. I came back and really did want to upload content and do work on copywriting, but I was quite drained so it would have required a lot of pushing and would have been low quality work. I kinda vegged out for a while. I felt guilty about that and did my stretching haha.

Evening check in

(1) AA Program & Cold Approach (DONE)
(2) Online Dating (DONE)
(3) Gym (60m cardio) and core work (DONE)
(4) Other: Work, looksmaxxing exercises, stretch, and copywriting side hustle. (All done apart from copywriting)

It's draining when your just getting back into it. It's more cardio than I'm used to, though I do have good cardio. And it's emotionally and mentally stressful! So the brain and body has to be eased back in. But in a week or two, I WILL be smashing gym, AA program, content uploading and copywriting every day. All that is doable within my day structure, it just means I have to focus Mon-Fri and do nothing but take action.

Right now, because I am getting back in the fight, I do need a bit of relaxing time to just unwind. For energy purposes!

Def. gotta work hard to be successful and it does require sacrificing.....putting pleasure aside and doing mundane shit for a few years.

Why is your cardio stressful? Are you doing hill sprints or something? I have to make my cardio something I can use to relieve stress. I got into walks after every meal after watching Stan Efferding. I have no opinion how useful it is for health or weight loss, but it has given insane benefits with stress relief and ability to refocus myself 3 times per day. Feels like its impossible to go off track on my goals when doing it.
Hey Zug. I actually typed that part like an idiot - so what I meant was, walking around for 4hrs doing the AA program is more cardio/activity than I have been used to for 2-3 weeks. It was the norm before the festive slowdown lol. So right now I am just going through the adjustment phase. Ideally, I want to be able to do the AA program, come home have dinner, and crank our a few hours of work without too much strain. I need to be there, that is what I want, and I will get there. I have given myself the whole weekend to be less structured, tho I will still be taking action then.

Right now, following the AA program, I have dinner and then just feel like I need to chill the hell out. The program itself is very stressful for those with AA, so Chris was wise in how he thought about goals. Completing this will be a major life win.
MakingAComeback said:
So, the girl agreed to Saturday despite the rain. She is the sweetest girl, she sends me totally wholesome voice messages and they melt my heart. She is very responsive, and seems like she has a great personality. Really excited to meet her. This will be date #9 on Saturday. She is definitely on the bigger side of things, and that's fine. I will have to learn to love that.....unless I can ascend, I may have to be realistic about what is attainable for me woman wise.

She sounds nice and fun... but FUCK that belief you have to settle. You'd be doing yourself and whatever woman you were with a disservice if you did. You're a good looking dude who is making massive steps to improve your life. I've read half your journal and you are a certified sick cunt. In time you will upgrade the quality of girls you see and smash and date. It'll be subtle and gradual but one day you'll be texting a bunch of cuties and realise. Sometimes that boulder will roll back down the hill but that's life and you gotta start again.

MakingAComeback said:
Def. gotta work hard to be successful and it does require sacrificing.....putting pleasure aside and doing mundane shit for a few years.

Monk style shit works for some dudes but is unsustainable I reckon. The end goal for me is a holistic life. I think it's one of those self improvement ideals but in reality turning off all pleasure, distraction, enjoyment, and good things in life is pretty sad and an easy way to burn yourself out. It'd be the same as if you spent your whole life just making money. No one is on their death bed saying "I wish I spent less time with my friends and family doing the things I enjoy".

Keep killing it MAC.
MakingAComeback said:
Hey Zug. I actually typed that part like an idiot - so what I meant was, walking around for 4hrs doing the AA program is more cardio/activity than I have been used to for 2-3 weeks. It was the norm before the festive slowdown lol. So right now I am just going through the adjustment phase. Ideally, I want to be able to do the AA program, come home have dinner, and crank our a few hours of work without too much strain. I need to be there, that is what I want, and I will get there. I have given myself the whole weekend to be less structured, tho I will still be taking action then.

Right now, following the AA program, I have dinner and then just feel like I need to chill the hell out. The program itself is very stressful for those with AA, so Chris was wise in how he thought about goals. Completing this will be a major life win.

I'd imagine it is stressful for everyone who does it. You're confronting it head on. Great job Mac.

FRI 07/01/2022

(1) AA Progam: Day 6 Drills (2nd Attempt) (DONE - spent several hours doing this day again, did the first phase of the drill in like an hour, then brain went into high anxiety and panic and took me into some dark terrain. London was really beautiful today, walking along the Thames, it looked so regal. As I was walking, I had two instances of rather pretty chicks looking at me. I don't know why they do this, as the second you approach them, they are often beyond disgusted, damn near 99% of the time. Humans are strange. Given these were women who were 'pretty', I turned to check if these women were actually looking at me, to ensure it was not in my head (LOL I am aware of how autistic I sound) butthey were smiling at me for whatever reason - poor gals didn't know it but I was in total meltdown mode at this point, in fight or flight, so my brain was scrambled and my thoughts were very far from pretty lets just put it that way lmao)

(2) Gym & Core (DONE - sick workout, smashed the fuck out of those weights. I am such a fucking Chad in the gym I swear. I will need to seriously be consistent to win the competition with Nipple flip)

(3) Online dating (To Do)

(4) Stretching (To Do)

(5) Content Upload (To Do)

(6) Copywriting: 2hrs (To Do)

Others: Work (Done), Read Letting Go, life admin.

Back to work man. Every day just pushing to be a little better.


Notes: The girl who cancelled our date on Wednesday due to a hospital app send me some weird texts today when I asked her to confirm our date for Tuesday. I sent her a text asking her on a date, and she responded telling me I sound like I am planning a work meeting. I sent laughter emojis, and she responded, seriously tho? I told her I am a project manager and planning mode is somewhere my brain does tend to go. To which, she said I am not giving her date vibes, so she is happy just to leave it. I said that's fine and blocked her.

SO I ask you on a date, and you decline because it doesn't sound like I am interesting in a date? OK. Next.

Should have a date tomorrow with a woman who seems to be a very nice human being. I'm happy about that.

So that's it. This is what the process looks like man. There is no growth in doing things that are easy. We're here to work. End of.

Keep hammering,
Colossus said:
MakingAComeback said:
So, the girl agreed to Saturday despite the rain. She is the sweetest girl, she sends me totally wholesome voice messages and they melt my heart. She is very responsive, and seems like she has a great personality. Really excited to meet her. This will be date #9 on Saturday. She is definitely on the bigger side of things, and that's fine. I will have to learn to love that.....unless I can ascend, I may have to be realistic about what is attainable for me woman wise.

She sounds nice and fun... but FUCK that belief you have to settle. You'd be doing yourself and whatever woman you were with a disservice if you did. You're a good looking dude who is making massive steps to improve your life. I've read half your journal and you are a certified sick cunt. In time you will upgrade the quality of girls you see and smash and date. It'll be subtle and gradual but one day you'll be texting a bunch of cuties and realise. Sometimes that boulder will roll back down the hill but that's life and you gotta start again.

MakingAComeback said:
Def. gotta work hard to be successful and it does require sacrificing.....putting pleasure aside and doing mundane shit for a few years.

Monk style shit works for some dudes but is unsustainable I reckon. The end goal for me is a holistic life. I think it's one of those self improvement ideals but in reality turning off all pleasure, distraction, enjoyment, and good things in life is pretty sad and an easy way to burn yourself out. It'd be the same as if you spent your whole life just making money. No one is on their death bed saying "I wish I spent less time with my friends and family doing the things I enjoy".

Keep killing it MAC.

God dammit bro, thank you.

I have come a long way in grinding this process out, and will keep improving my looks and working hard as fuck in the gym. Things are getting better, slowly, but they are. If you've read the earlier part of this, there were some dark times in those days of true desperation, when I honestly thought it was over for me. I am glad I am no longer there.

Your support is truly appreciated and it means a lot to me. See, my looks are a bit below average, which ain't great, but it's what I've got and it's not any type of excuse - just more fuel to the fire!!!!

I'm taking it one year at a time. My objective right now is to achieve my goals for this year. That in and of itself will be the biggest accomplishment of my life. Right now, this shit seems like a true, true impossibility - but somehow, I will figure it out.

Hard work and dedication every day brother. It's a blessing just to be in the fight.

Keep hammering,
Zug said:
MakingAComeback said:
Hey Zug. I actually typed that part like an idiot - so what I meant was, walking around for 4hrs doing the AA program is more cardio/activity than I have been used to for 2-3 weeks. It was the norm before the festive slowdown lol. So right now I am just going through the adjustment phase. Ideally, I want to be able to do the AA program, come home have dinner, and crank our a few hours of work without too much strain. I need to be there, that is what I want, and I will get there. I have given myself the whole weekend to be less structured, tho I will still be taking action then.

Right now, following the AA program, I have dinner and then just feel like I need to chill the hell out. The program itself is very stressful for those with AA, so Chris was wise in how he thought about goals. Completing this will be a major life win.

I'd imagine it is stressful for everyone who does it. You're confronting it head on. Great job Mac.

It definitely can be super stressful Zug, but the great part of that is it that when it sucks, and I mean truly sucks, that's when we grow.

Let's see what comes of it!

MakingAComeback said:
I don't know why they do this, as the second you approach them, they are often beyond disgusted, damn near 99% of the time. Humans are strange.
My friend from the UK says that "cold approaching" is less acceptable there than it is in the US. Does that have something to do with it?
Squilliam said:
MakingAComeback said:
I don't know why they do this, as the second you approach them, they are often beyond disgusted, damn near 99% of the time. Humans are strange.
My friend from the UK says that "cold approaching" is less acceptable there than it is in the US. Does that have something to do with it?

Yeah, this is true dude. Very true.

Many believe the UK is one of the hardest places for dating in the world.

If I can achieve my goals in London, I know I am rock solid.

I'll move one day. I am trying to find a woman who is wife material, which is going to be challenging in this part of the world. There are some good women here. They are a precious and rare thing to come across!

I dunno if UK is actually harder or there are just less attractive women than other countries

It felt like i was playing a smaller pool of girls that met my standards than USA and Australia

I got laid a bunch in the US while i was still a dumb pre-GLL newbie
Australia was easy after i fixed myself and even during Covid sex was easy enough to find
UK was just a fucking grind - my favourite lays were all foreign chicks

You'll break through though living in London, only place with real weight of numbers in the UK
Interesting! There is something to be said for the grind, the path to success in life will require the ability to grind and stay in the suck - what better place to cultivate it.

London itself does have some fricken beautiful architecture and I am loving it here, walking around here is stunning, I could ask for no better place to slay the AA Dragon.....

I will breakthrough one day, I will do this shit 7 days a week 4-5hrs a day.

Few months and the AA will go down.

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