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Did online dating, did stretching, did life admin, arranged a date for tomorrow (date #9).

Did a little work on getting my content together, will edit and upload it tomorrow.

Didn't get to copywriting.

Got back at a decent time from AA program, had dinner, then did have a few life admin tasks - ordered a desk, sorted out water bill, and a few other bits. Spent quite some time on the online dating apps.

Sat & Sun, no gym, just core work. No approach Saturday. I will have time to put in some graft in content creation and copywriting. Will enjoy my date also. Sunday, I will be approaching, but we're doing that pretty early, like 11 - 2pm or so I expect. I will hammer content creation and copywriting then also, as well as doing a few hours reading.

Things will get better and better.

Gym will help me a bunch. I will figure out other looksmaxxing stuff I can do also. Working on a couple things.

Did my best, pushed forward. Gym was good, AA program was tricky but did my best. Online dating was fine and I did some good life admin and stretching. Content creation and copywriting didn't happen and that does bug me. It is doable with efficiency, it will just take time. Activity for my MAIN goals is being done effectively, and that's what counts - the date tomorrow could lead to my first lay, for instance. Just gotta push like hell and make myself better....I will get there.


SAT 08/01/2022

(1) Date #9 (in 40mins)
(2) Content Upload: 2 x TikTok / 1 YouTube
(3) Copywriting: 2hrs
(4) Read: Letting Go
(5) Nightgame: 2hrs in local spots

Others: Life admin - clean flat, mop, clean surfaces, put towels and tea towels in washing machine, febreeze on bedsheets, air place out, clean bathroom and once over general surfaces. Disinfect dishclothes. Weekly shop - LIDL, done for £30! Looksmaxxing exercises and skincare. Online dating app work throughout the day.


Date from like 1 - 8pm!

Brought her back home. Made out for ages. No sex, she didn't want to on the 1st date. But we will smash soon.

She was an awesome gal. First time I've had blue balls, my nuts hurt like hell LMAO

MAC 1st Pull Summary:

Matched with this lady on Bumble, she’s 24, from Denmark, and has come to London for a year to explore and grow. She’s been responsive on WhatsApp, very sweet. I told her to come for a coffee at my local spot (this is about 60 seconds walk from my apartment) and she came over to see me. She’s a few mins early, I see her waiting. She’s cute. Bit bigger, which I was expecting, but she looks nice.

Give her a big hug, chat, and we go for coffee. Talk for about an hour I think, it flew by.

We walk over the Chelsea Bridge, which is quite an impressive sight with the Thames running below it, and the London skyline in the distance. She stopped and admired it for a bit. Took her into Chelsea, which was lively, and we walked through a market that was set up outside a famous art gallery. Took her for a drink at a nice spot, which she actually paid for as I got the coffee. Talked for another hour.

Walked her outside, went round the corner, asked her to hang out with me next Saturday in Spitalfields Market & Brixton – I do actually want a few ladies to spend time with and explore London with. She agreed, and then I asked her if I could give her a kiss. We made out a little, and she told me she really appreciated that I asked for consent. Score.

Walked around Chelsea a bit more, and we went to another bar and had another drink. Decor of this place was quite nice, it had a good vibe, and great service. I’ll do it again.

I then walk her back over the Bridge. She holds my hand. I walk past a store, and ask her if she wants to grab a bottle of wine and go back to mine to listen to some music. She tells me she would like to, but that she doesn’t have sex on the first date. I tell her that’s absolutely fine, and I didn’t have any expectations at all, just wanted to spend time with her. She’s happy, I grab a bottle of red wine, and walk 5 mins to my place.

It all flows perfectly, me and Timmy have played a blinder with this location. We will continue to refine the dating strategy but this was good man.

As we walk to my place, she asks me to send her friend my full address on Facebook messenger. I am totally happy to do this, and do it without any issues. I’ve spoken to this chick for weeks, and we already know about each other.

We get to mine. Take her up, walk her around. She loves the view in our living room – you can see the London skyline, the London Eye, it’s an awesome view and this really gives me place a great vibe which seemed to make her feel comfortable and as if she’s in good hands. With some more decorating, getting a sofa, and then just making some interior design tweaks, maybe getting the odd piece of art etc, we will create a brilliant location here to achieve my goals and also for Timmy to achieve his. He is hustling hard also btw.

Go to my room, put on some music, Marvin gaye, Isaac Hayes, Cigarettes After Sex. The former was dynamite. Set the mood like a mofo. We talked for like an hour. Told her I am in no rush and we can take our time, but can we kiss. She is into it, and we make out for ages while listening to the ethereal, dreamy vibes of Cigarettes After Sex. Kissed her neck and had her moaning. It was great. I felt absolutely amazing. We talked for like an hour after, and she called herself a Bolt. Which is a ride sharing service I didn’t know exists.

She kisses me goodbye and I tell her to text me to let me know she got home safe. She does so.

I have never done this before in my life. I stop and think to myself: fuck me, I am making progress.

A really warm feeling washed over me for hours, I lay in bed listening to audiobooks and stuff, just kinda blissed out. I hard a hardon for ages when we were kissing but because we didn’t have sex, I got bad blue balls and my nuts hurt like a mofo LMAO

I love that I came to London, and that I am going to work my butt off every single day to be a better man, to move forward financially and start a profitable side hustle, to resolve my past issues with dating, and to step forward in 2023 truly on the path to success and possibly even greatness if I hustle every day like I have been.

When it comes to dates, if I use this configuration, I may potentially have it made. My apartment is in an excellent location, taking girls over the Chelsea Bridge and into regal, plush Kensington & Chelsea to enjoy a few drinks is a major winner. Then back to mine. It’s all super easily walkable, there was no meandering, long winded travel – just a nice chat, easy 10-15min walks to the various spots, and it flowed brilliantly. She actually praised my planning here LOL.

That is why I worked my butt off to move to this part of London man. It’s a god damn winner.


SUN 09/01/2022


(1) Cold Approach: See Matt, hang out, cold approach
(2) Content Edit & Upload: Need to get back on this, date yesterday took the whole day.
(3) Copywriting: 2hrs study
(4) Reading: Engage in weekend reading habit – Life Math Money, Finance blogs, and Letting Go.

Diet will be on point, will do my looksmaxxing exercises, and will push like hell. I will do work on the online dating apps throughout the day. Tomorrow we are in Week 9 of The Phoenix Project. I must be successful. I must succeed with women this year (get 10 lays), I must grind in the gym like a demon and build a solid ass physique, and I must get my content and side hustle off the ground.

This year, head down, fucking hustle.

Just trying to be successful in life, every day is another opportunity to be better

I am not shitting you man, that experience has made me happier as a human being.

Every month that goes by these days, I feel more and more like success is possible for me.

It’s a big deal for me. Today has been a good ass day man. Saw my bro Matt, caught up with Timmy after a few weeks, and working my butt off trying to make it in life. Approached for 3hrs but was also talking to my friend for most of the time not really fussed about approaching tbh lol.

I was way calmer in the approaches and feel calmer socially in general.

We will get there boys, I honestly think I can genuinely get 10 lays this year. If I hustle every god damn day this year, and also work crazy hard in the gym, and maybe do another photoshoot in 4-5 months lets say, I can make this transformation.



Will be good times when I have developed myself as a man and can find a quality gal for myself next year or the year after. Gonna look forward to the day where I can walk around London jacked out my mind with solid azz muscle and money in the bank, hand in hand with Stacy wearing matching “Chad” and “Stacy” t-shirts. That will be my forum avatar from then on and I will be focused on making my first million and being a top 1% father and family man. The same grind I put into my self improvement I will into all other areas of life trust that.


SUN 09/01/2022


(1) Cold Approach: See Matt, hang out, cold approach (DONE, 3 approaches – first girl was insanely receptive, I stopped her and she totally opened up, it seemed like she was about to hug me. This was nuts. Chatted a bit, asked for her number, she had a boyfriend but she appreciated my confidence in approaching her. 2nd girl was a cute Asian lady who looked at me totally confused. 3rd gal I self-sabotaged and just told her I had the wrong person and dipped, but she was super nice, pretty brown gal, she was smiley with it. I will get there)
(2) Content Edit & Upload (DONE)
(3) Copywriting: 2hrs study (FAIL)
(4) Reading: Engage in weekend reading habit – Life Math Money, Finance blogs, and Letting (DONE)

Solid ass day.

Approached for a few hours, also just talked and shot the breeze generally with one of my boys. Good times. Need to arrange some social stuff, will see if I can get the guys together for a beer on Saturday following my date in the morning next week. Think we are going to go for shisha actually because one of the boys is from Lebanon and is big into his shisha,

Gonna keep doing the AA program. I am feeling calmer and happier in general!




Notes: Yes I have a stupid ass sense of humour, lol….gonna read for another hour and get back at it tomorrow and attack it again.

Any sense of humor is great. To be able to laugh at the hard things is the best thing for you. You lose but really you win. I know I'm trying to program 2 hours a day instead of copywriting and man its hard to get it in there but just gotta do it. Lul.

Honestly though I think Chad is Chad because of who he is Stacy is just there as an addition. You're putting in the Chad work, Stacy is merely a trophy. But you'll get your Stacy I'm sure of it
MakingAComeback said:
I am not shitting you man, that experience has made me happier as a human being.

I feel you, bro! I'm even happy for you! Please reward yourself with a beer or something ;)
ovnidos said:
MakingAComeback said:
I am not shitting you man, that experience has made me happier as a human being.

I feel you, bro! I'm even happy for you! Please reward yourself with a beer or something ;)

Thank you homie but this is not 0.01% of what we will both achieve, great success will be ours. Your new pic is fucking awesome, that was some great action you took there. Keep going king and keep us updated with your actions. Rooting for you!


MONDAY 10/01/2022

(1) AA PROGRAM: Week 1 Day 6 Drills (3hrs, about to leave now!)
(2) OLD: 2hrs
(3) Content Upload: 1 yt video 2 TikToks
(4) Copywriting: 2hrs
(5) Gym (DONE)

Others: Looksmaxxing exercises, Skincare, Light therapy, Remote work.

Really feeling excellent cognitive clarity and brain function at work from the AA program decreasing my anxiety, lowering fear levels, and hence allowing my brain to function optimally. And also my supps, exercise, and wellness processes are coming to the fore.

Gym notes

Full Body: Heavy
(1) Squat 80kg 3 x 3
(2) Deadlift 100kg 3 x 3
(3) BB Hip Thrust 65kg 3 x 3
(4) Bench Press 75kg 3 x 3
(5) Pullups: 10 total
(6) BB Curls: 37.5kg 3 x 3

Lord MAC is a little weak right now, as it’s legit my 3rd week of doing the barbell lifts. I have not squatted or deadlifted in 10 years! I am not focused on strength now, just aesthetics. Nonetheless, I will take it one step at a time and keep buiding muscle. I am however lifting very well and smashing everything with good form, with the right muscle groups engaged, and that’s key with squats and deadlifts. Glutes must be doing the lions share of the work. And they are for me, but I will take it slowly.

I think I will stick with these weights for squats and deads again next week but just really, really ensure my glutes are waking the fuck up and we are building neural patterns which involve them doing the work they need to do. I will add weight to everything else.

I do mobility and stretching work every day, the first hour of online dating I am going through kneesovertoes guy’s Zero program which is insane for movement and athleticism.

Nip, I will be doing 4 x 3 on squat and deads next week, and that will be my 4th week of doing them. We can use that to gauge my 1rm in these 2 lifts, and then we can commence the race to adding 45lbs to the 1rm. nipple-flip. Hope you are killing it in the gym.

Solid ass muscle is key in my looksmaxxing journey and for me to be able to lock down Stacy, whoever she may be for me, from wherever, London is diverse and there are a tonne of Stacies from every part of the world here.

Every rep in the gym, replace the cries of ‘ARNOLD’ with CHAD, and you have MAC going ham to put THICK SOLID TIGHT muscle on my lanky brown frame.



Keep hammering,
AA Program: Week 1 Day 6 (DONE, 3hours)

Did 1/5 cycles through the drills. Completed the first one in an hour and a half. Was part way through the 2nd one. Brain entered extreme meltdown mode at around hour 2. Couldn't get anymore done, pushed and pushed, it was not there.

Went to the shops, cooked dinner. Now going to carry on with my day. Will grind hard.

I asked 5 women for the time and they totally ignored me. What if I really needed to know? People are rude sometimes....

It stung a bit. But that's life. Cunt women be cunt women. Nothing new under the sun.

If I am on this same drill for the rest of the year, that's fine. If it takes 10 years to complete this program, that's fine. I will get it done or die trying. And I will be doing it every fucking day.

Back at it tomorrow. Now on to the rest of my day.

MakingAComeback said:
I asked 5 women for the time and they totally ignored me. What if I really needed to know? People are rude sometimes....

It stung a bit. But that's life. Cunt women be cunt women. Nothing new under the sun.

I would get rejected in San Francisco all the time by men AND women for small things like asking if someone had change for a tenner. People would look at me like I'm crazy/back away or sometimes legitimately get scared. And I'm a normal-looking white dude. It's absolutely ridiculous, and trust me, it's not you, it's them.
I was walking back to my car after a concert. Was deep in thought, not really paying attention, and a guy on bike tried to grab my attention. I ignored for them 5 seconds because it didn't even occur to me they were talking to me. Then I was so unused to a stranger trying to talk to me in public I must have given some look of horror or disgust on my face. None of it was conscious or meant anything. The guy wasn't disgusting or doing anything weird at all. My actions and reaction had 0 to do with the person trying to talk to me or how they did it. I was up in my head, not paying attention to my surroundings, and not used to anyone approaching me on the street.

I have to imagine there are tons of people out there like I was in that moment. Think about the violent juxtaposition that occurs when you approach someone in that mindset. I doubt there is anything you can do other than hope they're actually a decent human being and wait for the rest of their brain to come online.
MakingAComeback said:
I asked 5 women for the time and they totally ignored me. What if I really needed to know? People are rude sometimes....
Honestly, when I did this drill in NYC, 2 of the 5 girls ignored me, one actually looked visibly creeped out (unless I'm misremembering lol). I haven't tried approaching since that day.

It's pretty normal for this to happen in cities. We're in the era of smartphones, and there's public clocks too. Given many women have been harassed by strangers before, they might find it weird that you're asking them for something like the time. In city culture, ignoring attention you don't like is pretty common. Heck, I do it with homeless people all the time.

I'm kinda surprised that all of them ignored you though, even when I did it in NYC, most of them gave it to me.
Thanks gents. It's appreciated! AA an screw with your head and amplify what are, essentially, minor inconveniences.

Important to recognise that this is normal.

No point stressing, 8 weeks of this program, and given my truly terrible aptitude for cold approaching, this will be a long process no doubt. Better for me to accept this this and relish the success this will bring to my life following my completion of this goal.

Just did 1hr work on the online dating apps. Going to stretch for 45mins now, and will continue working on the online dating apps.

Hustle mode activated.

Did 2hrs work on the apps. Stretched for 45mins. Uploaded my content for the day.


I've cleared my backlog of videos now. These were videos I shot like 2 weeks ago, I will shoot a bunch of content over the weekend and edit and upload a video a day next week.

No copywriting again. Gotta go to bed in 18 mins.

I was structured and worked hard, did things at the right time, but after the AA program my mind was in meltdown for like 2hrs. It was hard to focus.

AA program for extreme hardcases is a total killer. Just want to document this and be transparent. When I complete this, I need to be proud, this will be a major achievement for me.

MakingAComeback said:
I asked 5 women for the time and they totally ignored me. What if I really needed to know? People are rude sometimes....

It stung a bit. But that's life. Cunt women be cunt women. Nothing new under the sun.

People don't owe you anything. The belief structure around this is a complicated one because "Women are attracted to me" should be at the forefront and it appears to provide contrary evidence. "Cunt women be cunt women" can lead down the lonesome road toward those blackpill losers.

Really though, people are just busy. Most people aren't busy with anything of importance but they feel they don't have time regardless.

It isn't about you so taking it personally is only generating negative thoughts and feelings without cause.
You’ll grow a thicker skin as you progress through the AA program.

I remember when I started the program 4-5 years ago I couldn’t even ask the time from 5 girls for the first two days. Then 6 months later I was spinning girls and hugging them in broad daylight. I never felt more free.

Nothing worth having ever comes easy.
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