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MakingAComeback vlogs only man - was the allowance Andy and I agreed to regards promotion here

Vids good tho, left you a like and comment for the algo
Sorry man, I will keep it to strictly vlogs. Matter of fact I am gonna shoot a bunch of vlogs this weekend.


Affirmations done. Read the Daily Stoic.

Core work, then gym.

Let's get date #10 done tonight gents.

Then seeing girl #9 tomorrow for a bit, just social stuff, and unwinding with my London network for a few hours.

Sunday, I am taking it off to just read and shoot content. And relax.

Approaching, I have been advised to back off for a while......I honestly don't think I can just stop, because I am a psycho as you know. I can however titrate the dose down massively. I will do 45 mins today rather than 3hrs, and will take the weekend off. Will talk to Andy the the group next week and move forward.

Got 30 subs on YouTube!

Will keep grinding, one day I will get 1k.

Got a few more followers on TikTok this week also.

Gotta keep hammering.

MakingAComeback said:
Approaching, I have been advised to back off for a while......I honestly don't think I can just stop, because I am a psycho as you know. I can however titrate the dose down massively. I will do 45 mins today rather than 3hrs, and will take the weekend off. Will talk to Andy the the group next week and move

What if you just focus on getting a certain amount of approach instead of X amount of time ? You start very very low, like you set up the goal to ask 1 or 2 women for the time each day, and build up from there ? Just 1 and you win, no matter the response. You do that amount for a week and then increase the volume little by little (or go for time + direction).
Honestly man, I just need to be able to sit with those emotions, again and again, just letting them fire off without judgement, without adding to them, without pressure. I need to allow my nervous system to feel FULLY and allow all this tumult to be processed, and in so doing, I will be able to progressively move through the AA program. We will figure it out for sure man. I will keep attacking it. Will talk to the main man Andy about this next week on the coaching call and get the bros to weigh in also.


FRIDAY 14/01/2022

Gym was good day, worked hard! Really must build this physique up, it's mission critical. Doing my best. Progress pics incoming Feb!

Work was ok.

Felt pretty tired, took a short nap. Boss called me (lol) and just bullshit with her on the phone for a bit.

Then went to do a very brief AA session. We'll call it an attempt at day 6, but I just did the time drill. I felt totally fine today.

Shot some content, which is uploading to my youtube shortly. It's on David Hawkins Letting Go concept as it relates to my self improvement process.

My leads are dry atm, lady from hinge who said she'd be up for a drink tonight didn't text. She was working and had to go back up North, so can't blame her for ghosting. Otherwise, many of my matches and leads just unmatched. I need to generate more leads....

I will do my standard online dating process today, swiping a hundred profiles on Bumble and Tinder, then liking 300 profiles on Hinge. I will run 2 boosts on Tinder.

Tinder is bad for me lately, I have been getting 0 matches on boosts quite often, with the odd set of 2 matches, which are usually exceptionally undesirable people for a myriad of reasons (extreme obesity, total degeneracy, among other factors).

Just having dinner now, then will work on online dating. Following that, 2hrs copywriting, 1hr reading (Letting Go). Bed.

Tomorrow, seeing Danish girl for a wholesome date from 11:30 - 2 or 3pm ish. Then gonna come back, do some hustling, MAYBE do 1 or 2hrs AA drills. Dinner and shisha booked with my London bros from 6:30pm, and because I am in dire need for leads right now, will ask Timmy and Carl if they wanna head out on the towns and I will cold approach a bunch of women and see what I can do. There are bars and clubs within walking distance and the best bet for me is to just go there for a few hours, build some skill in trying to pull at night, and see if I can walk 'em back to my place!

Nightgame may have to be done for me twice a week man. This goal of 10 lays is dead ass serious and I must work hard for it.

I will get there bros.

Feeling decent at any rate.

MakingAComeback said:
My leads are dry atm, lady from hinge who said she'd be up for a drink tonight didn't text. She was working and had to go back up North, so can't blame her for ghosting. Otherwise, many of my matches and leads just unmatched. I need to generate more leads....

I will do my standard online dating process today, swiping a hundred profiles on Bumble and Tinder, then liking 300 profiles on Hinge. I will run 2 boosts on Tinder.

Tinder is bad for me lately, I have been getting 0 matches on boosts quite often, with the odd set of 2 matches, which are usually exceptionally undesirable people for a myriad of reasons (extreme obesity, total degeneracy, among other factors).

A couple things:
- Many of your leads unmatched? Is this true, or an exaggeration? If true, can you post some examples of the messaging you're doing? I don't get more than one girl unmatching out of every 30 or so.
- Why are you getting matches of undesirable people? You shouldn't be swiping on them. Or do you mean likes? What percentage of girls are you swiping right on?
pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
My leads are dry atm, lady from hinge who said she'd be up for a drink tonight didn't text. She was working and had to go back up North, so can't blame her for ghosting. Otherwise, many of my matches and leads just unmatched. I need to generate more leads....

I will do my standard online dating process today, swiping a hundred profiles on Bumble and Tinder, then liking 300 profiles on Hinge. I will run 2 boosts on Tinder.

Tinder is bad for me lately, I have been getting 0 matches on boosts quite often, with the odd set of 2 matches, which are usually exceptionally undesirable people for a myriad of reasons (extreme obesity, total degeneracy, among other factors).

A couple things:
- Many of your leads unmatched? Is this true, or an exaggeration? If true, can you post some examples of the messaging you're doing? I don't get more than one girl unmatching out of every 30 or so.
- Why are you getting matches of undesirable people? You shouldn't be swiping on them. Or do you mean likes? What percentage of girls are you swiping right on?

OK I'll be honest, because they were quite attractive to me I considered them my focused leads lol. It was 2 girls who were 'pretty' who'd been messaging me back and forth, just using the standard script, and then just unmatched. It was only 48hrs worth of contact so no biggie. And this was only 2 ladies. The rest are normal. I'm just highlighting it because they were pretty I guess...silly newbie problems :)

Focus is just on getting new leads. Pushing online dating, beating my AA, and I will dip into nightgame because I need the leads badly.

7 of 9 dates I've been on were obese chicks so I am trying to date chicks who are normal weight now. I'm not really too into much larger women. But I have goals and I must achieve them haha.

Yeah I just swipe everyone! I have a small pool to draw from atm if I am too discerning right now, I will be getting nowhere. Trying to lower my standards for now. But I can't lower them too much. Date no 6 I think it was offered me to go to her place but she was obese as hell and I couldn't do it.

MakingAComeback said:
pancakemouse said:
A couple things:
- Many of your leads unmatched? Is this true, or an exaggeration? If true, can you post some examples of the messaging you're doing? I don't get more than one girl unmatching out of every 30 or so.
- Why are you getting matches of undesirable people? You shouldn't be swiping on them. Or do you mean likes? What percentage of girls are you swiping right on?

OK I'll be honest, because they were quite attractive to me I considered them my focused leads lol. It was 2 girls who were 'pretty' who'd been messaging me back and forth, just using the standard script, and then just unmatched. It was only 48hrs worth of contact so no biggie. And this was only 2 ladies. The rest are normal. I'm just highlighting it because they were pretty I guess...silly newbie problems :)

Focus is just on getting new leads. Pushing online dating, beating my AA, and I will dip into nightgame because I need the leads badly.

7 of 9 dates I've been on were obese chicks so I am trying to date chicks who are normal weight now. I'm not really too into much larger women. But I have goals and I must achieve them haha.

Yeah I just swipe everyone! I have a small pool to draw from atm if I am too discerning right now, I will be getting nowhere. Trying to lower my standards for now. But I can't lower them too much. Date no 6 I think it was offered me to go to her place but she was obese as hell and I couldn't do it.


Do not swipe everyone.

Tinder (and possibly other apps) will penalize your account for not being selective, and for 100% swipe right ratio. This could explain why your matches have cratered.
MakingAComeback said:
Yeah I just swipe everyone! I have a small pool to draw from atm if I am too discerning right now, I will be getting nowhere. Trying to lower my standards for now. But I can't lower them too much. Date no 6 I think it was offered me to go to her place but she was obese as hell and I couldn't do it.

Yo, London seem the worst dating place on earth... Even in Erasmus, we'd all agreed that #1 Girls were Italian/greek and worst girls were from UK. In all 400 Erasmus, no UK girls were nice looking. So hardcore place for hard-working man like you !! If you fuck a 8 there, with no 8's volume, you settled for the rest of the world.
For real bro. I personally am not a fan of English women, they are pretty fricken rude, tend to have a nasty attitude and are just not pleasant to be around. I am friends with many and just do not vibe with their energy and the way they conduct themselves. Very masculine and gross IMO. Whiney, bitchy, and self-absorbed. I mean no disrespect to them, but they are not the one for me.........

That said, they also do not like MAC, like at all. This is mutually beneficial!

My saving grace is London is super international. Most of the girls I speak to are from other parts of the world!

The thing is, the average English man is quite nice and decent. I find English men to be easy going, pleasant, and I do not have difficulty getting along with them. I have travelled around the world and I have always noticed how English men are easy to work with. Mostly, they leave you alone to carry on with your own business unhindered, and in most dialogue, they tend to be fair and respectful.

I do not understand why the women are the way they are. No ill sentiment towards them, but it's not something I want in my life. It would be a hellish experience to have many of these women as one's wife.

So far, only 2 girl I dated were English - one was a white lady from Dorset, and the other was an Indian chick from London. BOTH were 1 hr late to the date, and didn't apologise (lol). Obese, check. Boring as hell, check. Limited decency - three strikes, you're out! In both cases, even though they were right fatties and just not engaging at all, I remember laughing at myself when these chicks curbed me LOL "I'm just not feeling the connection"....yeah no shit girl.

The saving grace is London is very international. Most women I talk to are from different countries.

It is going to be intense looksmaxxing for me man. It's going to be hard times until I build this body right. I am working as hard as I can.

Outside appearance, pretty fat.

Inside, absolutely beautiful.

She was so sweet, kind, and I felt amazing being near her.

That day was precious and you know how hard I grind every damn day of my life.

That day was a day that was truly worth it. Walking around London holding her hand, man, I would go through all that suffering and hell again for that experience with a smile on my face.....I was filled with joy and pride.

It will come together for me bro, but looks are so important and it is painful that you can only go so fast. It takes so long.

But we must find a way.

Since uploading content (wrapped that up at 7pm) I've worked for 2hrs on the dating apps. Going to put in another 30 mins work and then do copywriting for 1hr. Then bed.

Tomorrow, date with the girl I am talking about above, hanging with the bros, and off to the clubs to see if I can make anything happen.

MakingAComeback said:
Outside appearance, pretty fat.

Inside, absolutely beautiful.

She was so sweet, kind, and I felt amazing being near her.

That day was precious and you know how hard I grind every damn day of my life.

That day was a day that was truly worth it. Walking around London holding her hand, man, I would go through all that suffering and hell again for that experience with a smile on my face.....I was filled with joy and pride.

It will come together for me bro, but looks are so important and it is painful that you can only go so fast. It takes so long.

But we must find a way.

Since uploading content (wrapped that up at 7pm) I've worked for 2hrs on the dating apps. Going to put in another 30 mins work and then do copywriting for 1hr. Then bed.

Tomorrow, date with the girl I am talking about above, hanging with the bros, and off to the clubs to see if I can make anything happen.


Everything good man, you should be fucking proud. Success is exponential, don't forget. When we'll have figured it out, it's gonna be a hell of a ride like the legend of the forum

We will make it bro mark my words, you do not understand how fucked my head is if I have a goal I am not able to stop I do not understand why God made me like this LOL

Anyway bros lets fucking hustle

Got up feeling good

Few pretty ladies starting the chat with MAC on Bumble. And now, as Manga and Crisis say, they GHOST


Off to see girl from date #9, let's call her Danish girl, in about an hour

Hanging with her for a few hours just enjoying life. And then coming home, 2 hrs copywriting hustle, and then hanging with the bros, Timmy, Matt and Carl having dinner and sisha.

And then I'll ask the homies if they want to do a bit of bar hopping for a few hrs. Even just 2hrs will help us IMO.

Affirmations, done. Read 1 page of the Daily Stoic. Now going to do some core work. Dermapen. Quick bit and we're off to the races.

Will listen to GLL's audios on the AA program on my journey for some self dev maxxing.

I was looking solid in the mirror muscle wise today. Gains are coming. Progress pics coming. My program has me training for one more week, and then taking 2 weeks off! In those two weeks, I will still do cardio.

Wishing my bros out there a productive weekend. Do not back off 1 inch, trench war fare mentality, take every fucking foot of ground you can from the enemy.



Lady who flaked for date #10 yesterday texted me at night asking to talk on the phone, I told her it's all good and we'll talk over the weekend. She is only in London one weekend a month. She is cool with casual. She ain't easy on the eye, but she isn't obese which is positive. One of the metrics I do have is as I go through hardcore self improvement, the ladies have to get progressively less fat - this was Timmy's strategic advise btw lol

I will call her on Sunday or something build rapport and go for a drink with her when she' back in a few weeks.

10 lays in 2022, starting from 0, is a serious task.

You got a goal stick to it, nobody else is gonna do it for you!

Back from 2nd date with Danish girl. She's great, and really fun to be around. Had a coffee in Spitalfields market, went for a quick bite in same market, and then hung out in Brixton and had a hot chocolate in a quirky spot in Brick Lane. We made out twice in diff spots, just briefly. But it was nice, and she did look at me with a crazy look in her eye after I'd get done kissing her.....god damn girl....I needed that

Was interesting with her today, she was flitier, and mentioned a few sexual things which gave me the impression she was want to explore things sexually. I was talking about the outdoors, as in hiking, and she mentioned that she thinks it's really nice "doing certain things" in a tent on the earth. She did also mention that she likes the idea of coming off as conservative, and she is with most people, but with the right person, she likes to explore different things. On our first date, she did ask me if I had any kinks, and like a twat I said "No I'm a very vanilla boy" which she laughed about. Interesting developments with having this gal in my life.

I'll ask her for a drink in the week, which may be tricky as she does work until late and week days aren't usually great for her. But she does like me and she is likely to be down. If I can get her down here in the week for a few drinks in the evening, maybe if she just comes to see me after work. Think we do need to escalate things physically - can try to bring her back to mine and get into it.

It'll be my legit first time (lol) as the only other time was the high class escort, which was beyond awkward. I expect this will also be awkward, but if I can see her a tonne and we smash regularly, that will do a lot for my life and it's direction.

Hustling on the dating apps now. And then we're going for a meal and some hookah. Then, going out with the boys for a few drinks. They may be out later than me, as they don't approach in the day their focus is more towards the night.

Good stuff MAC. I'm happy to see you just enjoying yourself hanging out with a woman. By all means keep moving toward sex, but I think just having positive experiences with a woman will really help heal that past trauma you have with women
MakingAComeback said:
It'll be my legit first time (lol) as the only other time was the high class escort, which was beyond awkward. I expect this will also be awkward, but if I can see her a tonne and we smash regularly, that will do a lot for my life and it's direction.
Yeah, it probably will be. I've had sex a grand total of 3 times, and I am pretty confident that my sexual ability is quite comparable to yours.

Having sex a few times, or once with an escort, you're basically gonna be a virgin in terms of your ability. But then again, you have the knowledge of some (albeit minimal) experience. I'd say remember what Andy said, "My job is just to have fun", that's literally it. Sex is supposed to be fun, if you have fun, then mission accomplished.

Good stuff MAC.
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