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Thank you bro! I am going to really consider this year. It's a good procedure and helps a lot of men.

Uploaded content last night. Was meant to go to the coaching call but I worked hard all day and fell asleep.....call was at midnight. ITS OVER.

WED 19/01/2022

(1) AA Program: 3hrs
(2) Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: Re-shoot Female Dating Strategy video, edit and upload it
(4) Online dating: 2hrs
(5) Copywriting: 1hr30

Others: Affirmations, Daily Stoic, Meditation.

MakingAComeback said:
AA Program: Day 6 2hrs - did the time drill, then did time + directions. That was that. I felt fine, no rage, and I celebrated that hardcore when I got back! It is MAJOR.

Congratulation on the small win there man!

It is major for me, really. I am proud of myself for that.

Just gonna keep working and building this brain to be healthier. Whatever the hell is going on in there will stop.

The journalling and processing Now does is very fucking good and I respect his work here. I will do similar work on myself.

Check in:

AA Program: 1hr30 before I had to call it quits before a wellness consult with my advisor.

It took asking 5 women just to get the time. So so rude today.

We share this world with actual monsters.

My faith in the human female is next to nothing, and I am developing a true contempt.

If I have a son he will share the world with these callous demons.

We'll see where my head is at in Dec 2022.

Evening check in: Did my wellness consult right after AA program today, had dinner, then shot and edited content. I wasn't happy with my first attempt at making a video on Female Dating Strategy, which is the woman's Red Pill basically, so I did it again today. I ended up shooting a 3 part series, and edited and uploaded part 1 today. I am getting better on camera!

This work took a couple of hours, like from 7-11pm, sheesh.

Worked hard as fuck today and was solid. Gym was solid. Work was solid. AA program was solid but had tonnes of AA and felt very bad/full of panic and anger, but it didn't tip into the extreme ranges. I got home and got back on my structure.

Tomorrow will keep working hard.

I have texted Danish girl and she is open to meeting me for a drink in the evening next weekend, where I will try to get my first lay. Totally clueless about what to do - do I just kiss her and take my clothes off?! I will fumble through it.

Must lose weight. Must gain muscle. Must find a way to look way better. And must keep attacking AA and breaking it down.

Will do my pics again in 4 months after strict keto and a turkesteron cycle.

Other looksmaxxing will be in evaluation, starting with some hair transplant work later in the year. I will also my open to other possible procedures.

It's the raw reality of life.

You can play the cards nature dealt you, which may never allow you to have anything, or you can take action to build yourself up, and have a chance at something better.

Whatever it takes to win.


Edited for spelling - god I need to go to bed lol


(1) AA Program
(2) Gym: Hip Thrusts & 45mins cardio while listening to podcast / Core / Stretching
(3) Content: 2 TikToks & YouTube video upload → Reposting to Reddit
(4) 2hrs work on interview with The Bastard: Planning, storyelling, key events, key concepts. Send to The Bastard and start working on a shared doc.

Will talk to the older gal on the phone at 8pm. Unless she flakes, lol. And will hustle on online dating throughout the day. A few conversations going, but the girls are all over London, and some just outside London….we shal keep pushing. No solid leads right now.

Will need to find new ways to get leads. Cold approaching will be one way, when I can actually do it. Night clubs will be another, but women are in full on eugenics mode in the clubs so will need to optimise my looks further.

Check in:

(1) AA Program (DONE, 3hrs - failed again)
(2) Gym: Hip Thrusts & 45mins cardio while listening to podcast / Core / Stretching (Hip thrusts, cardio, and core work done - stretching to come)

AA program Week 1 Day 6 Attempt 8. Almost completed 2/5 cycles through the drills, but couldn't get further as even after 3hrs of walking around London pushing hard, many women simply refused to give me the time. Again and again, maybe around 8 times, they would either totally ignore me, claim they didn't have the time (sure) and in the odd case where they would give me the time, on several instances they outright asked me why I needed it, why I was asking them, and were just so rude.

One chick was basically nice and tried to help. She was a tourist and couldn't answer the question on directions.

Is what it is. Just here to finish the program somehow.

Difficult, but that's good, Doing very difficult stuff helps us grow.

Back to work.

I mean if you asked for the time I think its a win. Their reaction is out of your control. I'd say if they walked away, ignored you or made some BS excuse it counts as an approach.

And if they ask you just say cause I would like to know, my phone died. Make up some BS excuse they are making them for you. I'm surprised about the bad reactions. I know Chris says the point of it is that you will not get bad reactions. And for starting that's good no bad reactions. A better route I think is to get bad reactions and realize that nothing comes out of it. They give a bad reaction and then its over.

Yesterday I hit on this girl and then after I asked her out she almost ran away, but what do I care I got my approach in.

You're doing good my man!
Everything Jacobpalmer123 said.

The objective is not:
Get the time off a girl
Have girls be nice to you

Its just do the drill
MakingAComeback said:
Check in:

AA Program: 1hr30 before I had to call it quits before a wellness consult with my advisor.

It took asking 5 women just to get the time. So so rude today.

We share this world with actual monsters.

My faith in the human female is next to nothing, and I am developing a true contempt.

If I have a son he will share the world with these callous demons.

We'll see where my head is at in Dec 2022.


Great. I'm happy you're experiencing these feelings of frustration. They'll make your success even more sweeter.

MakingAComeback said:
Totally clueless about what to do - do I just kiss her and take my clothes off?! I will fumble through it.


God bless you man, I love you. Perhaps ask TimmyTurner to take one for the team and help you practice?


MakingAComeback said:
starting with some hair transplant work later in the year.

I'll insist you look into a hair surgeon I know.

Believe it or not, I tried pitching my services as a marketing consultant to hair surgeons, did a ton of research into the topic, and I'd advise against Turkey. My guy is ethical and, in my eyes, one of the best worldwide. Not sure if he's pricey, but he should be. You shouldn't care only about FUE or FUT. The surgeon needs also to be an "artist" because the way they place the follicular units matters. It's the difference between having hair that looks natural and hair that looks weird and out of place.

Don't you dare decide quickly. Your follicular units can and will die during surgery and you only have a limited number of them. They're literally organs.
Mafia said:
on several instances they outright asked me why I needed it, why I was asking them
just say you forgot your glasses 🤓 can’t see the time so had to ask someone, but also doesn’t matter - can just brush it off or say you needed it. Just checking in bro glad to see you are ok.
Hey boys! Ok so I actually had a typo I put in 3hrs of work on the AA program not 2!

Worked hard, had my accountability call with TigOlBitties , also asked a question on the coaching group and got a bit of coaching which I will action.

I have been advised to take 2 weeks off approaching full stop, and just work on being OK.

A lot does come up for me emotionally when approaching, I think I am legit hideous and ugly and that no girl will ever want to talk to me, stuff like that. It's actually quite insane! But for the last 2 days it was not as bad as it has been.

Nontheless, with the AA program, there are questions around whether this is actually the correct course of action for me, and not just procrastination. It feels like procrastination to be honest. So I have been advised to just get back into full on approaching.

I will reply to you all, but I am in the coaching group to change myself and succeed so there is no option to not action the advice. I will still work on online dating and whatever else, but I will have to take 2 weeks off approaching and just work on healing myself.

I still have a lot of image issues, trauma from the past, and do almost view women as quite evil. Having one girl in my life who is nice to me has helped MASSIVELY and when I begin to think, christ these ladies are just sick creatures, I do think about her and she is a really pleasant soul. The perspective disapates.

The idea of taking 2 weeks off approaching obviously bothered me a lot, but I will have to listen here. Something is not right. And 2 weeks off will do me some good.

Approaching triggers all my issues man. Walking around going to approach when inside you are convinced chicks will be disgusted, will definitely not be interested in me, and also just a bunch of other shit. I will have to find a way to heal this.

There's a lot going on obviously. But I will figure it out.

Day was solid, did it all as planned, but having my accountability call and then a few other bits have taken a bit of time. I will now do a bit of stretching, work on editing some content, and do a bit of planning for my interview with The Bastard.

Will get to bed at 10pm and this is enough for today. It was solid.

Yeah man, it never ceases to amaze me the sheer power attractive women have on men like us. We feel god-like levels of rage and contempt toward them when they are too rude to even give us the time of day. Yet one woman being genuinely kind to us and gentle can erase the pain immediately. Our brain is built on cognitive biases and past data kind of like the pixel of google or facebook. It uses the sum total of all previous traffic and machine learning to make conclusions and judgements. For us, its more of a survival thing and we tend to feel powerful emotions for very good reasons. It is undoing a 'bad pixel' full of negative data that is a major challenge because it depends on us having enough positive interactions with girls in order to feel in your heart of hearts that 'its worth it' to subject ourselves to this hero's journey.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
God bless you man, I love you. Perhaps ask @TimmyTurner to take one for the team and help you practice?

Usually happy to try anything once but I think this a step too far
The guys from the coaching group wouldn't let you slack off, so if they advised to take some weeks off, it's a tactical retreat, to come back stronger :)

No doubt you'll find the way to heal yourself, 2022 is just starting!


Woke up to a text from Danish girl saying she is planning a trip for us to head to a museum next Sat, and she has invited me for a ‘movie night’ around her place. I think I’m getting laid, lol.

I blocked the lady who was only interested in a platonic meeting between us next Sat, and also, a girl from Latam has agreed to a date on Sat, but given that is a totally cold lead, she is not going to make the cut and I am going to see Danish girl and have an amazing time with her. I will potentially see this other chick for a coffee on the Sunday after.

Couple of my London dudes asked if we’re doing anything. Need to relax this weekend. I have been going FULL OUT, NON STOP for weeks now, with not a fuckin MINUTE off!

This weekend, I am recalibrating.

I am taking the advice I have been given across the board to heart and actioning it.

Andy put some good coaching to me, which I reflected on, considered, and am now moving to action for myself.

Because I won’t be approaching this weekend, and didn’t have any dates, I am using it as an opportunity to come spend time with family and unwind. To see my parents and bro and just chill for 48hrs, reading, being effective, but letting my brain and body cool off.

Also I don’t have to spend a penny for 48hrs, which can be nice lol.


Online dating began to improve for me since getting the shots done. Tinder legit died for some reason and I am back at 0 matches for boosts, but Hinge and Bumble improved. On both apps, the quality of matches improved, their receptiveness and effort they put into messages, the whole lot. It is clear – I have made myself more attractive as a man.

I am enjoying this, and it brings with it new parts of the experience.

I am picker now, and even when girls are quite receptive, messaging back and fourth, and clearly fair interested, when it comes to using the script, I am just clear that I am looking for casual right now. That tends to screen out most women. But there is the odd chick who is still down to see me, and what I have right now is enough for them to consider casually. I got 2 numbers this week on my online dating hustle, and that is through several hours of daily effort. They still are, admittedly, quite obese, but one of them is still very pretty. Interestingly enough she is 6 ft 3. 2 inches shorter than me!

One girl re-arranged a date, and the other, a rather bland 40 year old, agreed to talk on the phone, but came up with excuses on two occasions. So thanked her, blocked her, and moved on.

I had an interesting experience of women who I’d matched with before on other apps, matching with me on Bumble with my current pics and the tone and receptiveness changed a lot…...lol

To crack a shot at women who are more in the average to above average range of appearance, there is a lot of ground I still need to cover…….I have started taking a Turkesteron supplement, and will keep working hard on my body and explore anything else I can do in order to looksmaxxx.

I do recall talking to Timmy about this one time, and he did mention, if weight loss hasn’t put you over the line yet, then you need to boost your results in the gym.

But I am improving. And I often have 50-75 or so profiles that I choose to hide on hinge each week because they really won’t be a good fit. Same thing on Bumble. I get 20 or so likes if I run a boost, and then I will often remove a bunch of those who won’t be a good fit, which will leave perhaps 5-10 who I would be happy to meet.

That is MAJOR progress and night and day from where I was.

Remember guys, I have always had nothing, nothing at all.

Through many many many hours of weekly effort, I can, sometimes, get something.

And that is great. I will keep getting better until I have maxed myself out.


I am going to unwind this weekend and work on a passion project, which is developing a really stellar interview with The Bastard which I want to make as a piece of evergreen content for my channel to honour and respect the impact The Bastard’s story has had on my life and the lives of so many hardcases. His story was a sticky on the GLL forum, and I happened to know many hard cases across the world cherished it and I know of one documented case of a suicide that was prevented due to him sharing his story.

My work will continue, and I will get those all important SUCCESSES, which The Bastard highlights ARE critical to accumulate the data-points we need to re-shape our identity.

Part of this will also be about healing past trauma and wounding.

But part of it will be executing the processes and just getting success.

It is about building up positive memories and ‘forgetting’ the old. The anaology The Bastard uses here of the Facebook pixel is very pertinent.

I have a good plan for moving forward, a good structure, and now I have two weeks where in place of doing 3-4hrs approach, I will be reading books on healing and working with the coaching group’s recommendation.

But for today, I am just going to breathe. Because I need to.

I will hopefully chat with The Bastard tomorrow and just built some rapport, shoot the breeze, and also use that opportunity to flesh out some thoughts, allow him to flow, and try to build an overall narrative we can use to shape the interiew.

I want this interview to be fucking epic and I will shoot it 100 times if I need to.


In my own experience, women who are closely entwined with feminism have been liable to conduct themselves in a really abusive, toxic, uncompassionate, unfeeling manner. These people have been made of something else, something cold and dark. Inside, whatever is human has long since left the building. What is left is stone.

I recall Crisis mentioning a date he had with a full on misandrist, an experience he said made him almost despondent.

In David Hawkins’ letting go, he highlights a case of a woman who were through a particularly traumatic divorce, and became involved in a radical feminist group. Among these group, she developed a true pathological rage and hatred for men. I am working through similar emotions. Dr Hawkins talks about how his patient was driven by this hate for YEARS, and how her life became actually quite pathetic, the more she engaged with her feminist group, the more her life became numbing, emotionless, and devoid of any love and connection.

Date #6 for me was with a pink haired feminist. The first thing she said to me was a rude remark about my physical appearance, and it pretty much degenerated from there. I learned a tonne through that experience, about what I am looking for in a girl, and how I would approach building a relationship. I was left feeling bad about myself, but gained deep lessons which were valuable.

One of the girls I am talking to on Hinge has a line in her profile about toxic masculinity. In talking with this lady, I was really stunned by how rude, obnoxious, and borderline abusive she was.

Constant jibes, attacks, rude, gross conduct. “Oh dear. Easily intimidated?”, “You don’t know women at all”, “I have a dark sense of humour and there are so many jokes I could make about you, but I don’t think you have a strong enough ego”.

In her voice messages, she made references to her making a lot of money, owning houses, and she did something curious. I sent her a few voice messages, and she would kind of respond in the inverse.

If your gut instinct tells you there is something not right about a person, often, it’s right.

I have no interest in this lady. She will meet an unfeeling weirdo like her and they will live a life lacking in empathy together. But it was curious to me to observe.

I unmatched her after a particularly gross message from her.

She then matches with me on Bumble today, and has been sending me a bunch of voice messages.

I banter back and fourth, and I cannot believe her level of arrogance, how lacking in empathy she is….then it occurred to me what’s happening.

I am talking to a lady with a narcissistic personality disorder. Blocked, again - numero duex!

In our space, we are just screening for women who will be receptive. We are trying to find women who we can explore with, and screen out those who’re time wasters.

Few of us as men talk about narcissism in the female, and what emotional abuse and unhealthy dynamics between men and women look like.

It reminded me of @Dewm’s experience with a toxic friends.

When we build ourselves up, we do not tolerate this shit. EVER.

No one, EVER, can abuse you. It is a cardinal sin, and as a human being, you have unalienable rights. There are rights given to you by nature and God and can never, ever be legitimately taken away.

Listening to this lady’s voice messages, I was just stunned. Who on earth would tolerate this shit? Who would even look at her twice? She was not attractive at all, and while she was of a normal weight, which is exceedingly rare for me, she was just horrible as a person.

Is the level of simping out there so rampant that women are delusional enough to think anyone worth his salt would tolerate a second of this? It’s like, no, you are sick and degenerate – blocked, goodbye!

I recall a podcast with Andy when he and Imogen went to meet a girl on a date, and she was nice to Immy, but super standoffish to Andy. Andy pushed things forward, and I believe he asked her what the problem was. Her response: “the problem is YOU”. She went on a date with this couple, and only wanted to be with Immy, and though Andy and Immy are together and love each other, this weirdo thought she could send Andy packing and sleep with his girlfriend.

“Alright, peace out”

Andy goes to leave, right away, and the chick sat their totally aghast, in disbelief….

The level of delusion some women live in is truly comical.

As a man, you cannot live in delusion land.

You live in objective reality.

And the market decides.

“The leads aren’t weak, YOU’RE WEAK”
-Alec Baldwin, Glengarry Glenn Ross

Yes, that scene….

People like The Bastard, Andy, Radical, and GLL were pretty clear that the game is about SMV. It is about maximising looks and your offer as a man. And letting the market decide.

The good news is, with self improvement, this is within our control.

With hard work persistence and the passage of lots of time….we get the outcomes we want.

It is a SLOW SLOW process for MAC.

I long for the day when I can start to date average level chicks man. That will be a huge bit of progress for me.

In March I will have been here for 1 year, and I have improved so fucking much. The head piece will come together and there WILL be a way I can date women whose appearance is more in alignment with what I feel some physical attraction for.

I am not going to stop working my butt off this year, and I WILL find a way to get 10 lays man. If Danish girl gives me some love next Sat, then dude, I am making big progress. From there, I will just keep pushing and may only have 9 more girls to be intimate with to achieve my success for the year.

Elite body will be hear by Dec 2022.

And I will beat my AA - throwing myself back in the game of approaching in 2 weeks and I will crack it and be able to approach women with a normal emotional experience.

Back to relaxing. I find it hard to relax. I am so frenetic and driven I can’t sit still. But I will try my best to just slow it down for a few hours…..It’s almost 6pm and even just relaxing for 3-4hrs now will be huge for me.

Dam what a long post. But yeah pink haired feminist with pronouns its funny her hair is a red flag in of itself. I'm glad you didn't put up with it. She is like a dude with tits. Yeah she's a passive aggressive bitch. I'm sure after another 30 failed dates maybe she'll have an awakening moment.

But I'm glad you looked at it as a learning opportunity, instead of how you got a dirty. But some serious growth in this post for sure. Keep up the good work. Looking forward to your approaches and seeing what comes out of it.
As you go on and get more attractive, you'll be able to filter out those feminist types, man. If I see anything about toxic masculinity or patriarchy in a girls bio I usually just don't engage. I might be missing out on some girls that are sweeter in person than their profile, but that shit pisses me off more than almost anything.
MakingAComeback said:
I am picker now, and even when girls are quite receptive, messaging back and fourth, and clearly fair interested, when it comes to using the script, I am just clear that I am looking for casual right now. That tends to screen out most women. But there is the odd chick who is still down to see me, and what I have right now is enough for them to consider casually. I got 2 numbers this week on my online dating hustle, and that is through several hours of daily effort. They still are, admittedly, quite obese, but one of them is still very pretty. Interestingly enough she is 6 ft 3. 2 inches shorter than me!

I'm curious how you make it clear that you are looking for casual. Are you being very overt about it? If so, probably not a great idea as you may be screening excessively there.

You should absolutely go after the tall girl market. They don't have many options, so you have less competition.
MakingAComeback said:
Date #6 for me was with a pink haired feminist. The first thing she said to me was a rude remark about my physical appearance, and it pretty much degenerated from there. I learned a tonne through that experience, about what I am looking for in a girl, and how I would approach building a relationship. I was left feeling bad about myself, but gained deep lessons which were valuable.

One of the girls I am talking to on Hinge has a line in her profile about toxic masculinity. In talking with this lady, I was really stunned by how rude, obnoxious, and borderline abusive she was.

Constant jibes, attacks, rude, gross conduct. “Oh dear. Easily intimidated?”, “You don’t know women at all”, “I have a dark sense of humour and there are so many jokes I could make about you, but I don’t think you have a strong enough ego”.

In her voice messages, she made references to her making a lot of money, owning houses, and she did something curious. I sent her a few voice messages, and she would kind of respond in the inverse.

If your gut instinct tells you there is something not right about a person, often, it’s right.

I have no interest in this lady. She will meet an unfeeling weirdo like her and they will live a life lacking in empathy together. But it was curious to me to observe.

I unmatched her after a particularly gross message from her.
I don't think feminism is the problem here. She just sounds like an asshole who uses feminist talking points.

Adam said:
As you go on and get more attractive, you'll be able to filter out those feminist types, man. If I see anything about toxic masculinity or patriarchy in a girls bio I usually just don't engage. I might be missing out on some girls that are sweeter in person than their profile, but that shit pisses me off more than almost anything.
For me it's kind of hit or miss. I don't like it when girls negatively phrase things, I would rather her say "I am a feminist" than something like "if you don't believe in women's rights and dismantling the patriarchy then gtfo", I would maybe swipe right on the former but probably not the latter.

Side note, why is mentioning toxic masculinity bad? Toxic masculinity is not a good thing, why should men be told that they can't cry or have emotions? Or is it more the fact that girls who use that term in their profile are more likely to have other undesirable beliefs?
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