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Squilliam said:
MakingAComeback said:
Date #6 for me was with a pink haired feminist. The first thing she said to me was a rude remark about my physical appearance, and it pretty much degenerated from there. I learned a tonne through that experience, about what I am looking for in a girl, and how I would approach building a relationship. I was left feeling bad about myself, but gained deep lessons which were valuable.

One of the girls I am talking to on Hinge has a line in her profile about toxic masculinity. In talking with this lady, I was really stunned by how rude, obnoxious, and borderline abusive she was.

Constant jibes, attacks, rude, gross conduct. “Oh dear. Easily intimidated?”, “You don’t know women at all”, “I have a dark sense of humour and there are so many jokes I could make about you, but I don’t think you have a strong enough ego”.

In her voice messages, she made references to her making a lot of money, owning houses, and she did something curious. I sent her a few voice messages, and she would kind of respond in the inverse.

If your gut instinct tells you there is something not right about a person, often, it’s right.

I have no interest in this lady. She will meet an unfeeling weirdo like her and they will live a life lacking in empathy together. But it was curious to me to observe.

I unmatched her after a particularly gross message from her.
I don't think feminism is the problem here. She just sounds like an asshole who uses feminist talking points.

Adam said:
As you go on and get more attractive, you'll be able to filter out those feminist types, man. If I see anything about toxic masculinity or patriarchy in a girls bio I usually just don't engage. I might be missing out on some girls that are sweeter in person than their profile, but that shit pisses me off more than almost anything.
For me it's kind of hit or miss. I don't like it when girls negatively phrase things, I would rather her say "I am a feminist" than something like "if you don't believe in women's rights and dismantling the patriarchy then gtfo", I would maybe swipe right on the former but probably not the latter.

Side note, why is mentioning toxic masculinity bad? Toxic masculinity is not a good thing, why should men be told that they can't cry or have emotions? Or is it more the fact that girls who use that term in their profile are more likely to have other undesirable beliefs?

Squilliam said:
MakingAComeback said:
Date #6 for me was with a pink haired feminist. The first thing she said to me was a rude remark about my physical appearance, and it pretty much degenerated from there. I learned a tonne through that experience, about what I am looking for in a girl, and how I would approach building a relationship. I was left feeling bad about myself, but gained deep lessons which were valuable.

One of the girls I am talking to on Hinge has a line in her profile about toxic masculinity. In talking with this lady, I was really stunned by how rude, obnoxious, and borderline abusive she was.

Constant jibes, attacks, rude, gross conduct. “Oh dear. Easily intimidated?”, “You don’t know women at all”, “I have a dark sense of humour and there are so many jokes I could make about you, but I don’t think you have a strong enough ego”.

In her voice messages, she made references to her making a lot of money, owning houses, and she did something curious. I sent her a few voice messages, and she would kind of respond in the inverse.

If your gut instinct tells you there is something not right about a person, often, it’s right.

I have no interest in this lady. She will meet an unfeeling weirdo like her and they will live a life lacking in empathy together. But it was curious to me to observe.

I unmatched her after a particularly gross message from her.
I don't think feminism is the problem here. She just sounds like an asshole who uses feminist talking points.

Adam said:
As you go on and get more attractive, you'll be able to filter out those feminist types, man. If I see anything about toxic masculinity or patriarchy in a girls bio I usually just don't engage. I might be missing out on some girls that are sweeter in person than their profile, but that shit pisses me off more than almost anything.
For me it's kind of hit or miss. I don't like it when girls negatively phrase things, I would rather her say "I am a feminist" than something like "if you don't believe in women's rights and dismantling the patriarchy then gtfo", I would maybe swipe right on the former but probably not the latter.

Side note, why is mentioning toxic masculinity bad? Toxic masculinity is not a good thing, why should men be told that they can't cry or have emotions? Or is it more the fact that girls who use that term in their profile are more likely to have other undesirable beliefs?

Hey man. Well, clearly neither of us can conclude whether feminism is the problem in these examples of poor conduct, human behaviour is a multivariate of past experiences, beliefs, culture, ideologies, among other factors, but we can share our experiences, and on the basis of these experiences, we can identify emerging themes and categorise them accordingly. While it may not be as objective as one would like, it's nonetheless the basis of the scientific method, which as of the time of writing this post, is still a valid mode of developing knowledge. ;-) I am sure one day objectivity and rationalism will be held in contempt, and we're maybe not THAT far off, but to me at least that day has not yet come.

That said, I would be wary in being too fast to dismiss feminism as potentially contributing to very awful behaviours and hostile responses towards men.

People tend to have a short memory. Ideologies that purport the oppression of a group by another can bring out human behaviour which simply turns the blood cold. When a group instills the belief that they are being constrained and restricted by another, they can become blood-drunk, homicidal with anger.

When the intellectual in the East proselytised and spun tales of the kulacks being the cause of unsuccessful farmers outcomes, a resentment was built up which penetrated the depths of their souls, to such that they became murderous with contempt, and butchered the kulacks in cold blood. When the leadership deemed groups counter-revolutionaries in the East, neighbours turned on neighbours, families on families, and the most base, vicious instincts in the human animal were unleashed for the massacre to unfold. The hutus lived cheek by jowl with the tutsis for generations, but when leadership espoused that the tutsis were seeking power, a maelstrom of violence and brutality swept the nation that left the bodies of innocents burning on pyres.

The bones of those Other groups, who have deemed to be an enemy, bleach the planes of our world.

Maybe feminism is unique from all other victim-based ideologies, and perhaps women are so noble and gracious that they are somehow immune from developing resentment and embitterment. Perhaps when women engage in feminist thinking and brood on the harms men create, and fester and stew on the systematic, deliberate restriction of the female, though the cherry-picked, selective data which is rich in omission of very important facts, perhaps they are not as prone to creating internal embitterment as other groups. This is a total distortion of reality that sickens the rational of mind. In our culture, we like to repeat memes, to echo ideas and concepts without

Maybe the rude behaviour women who make references to feminist theory have displayed to myself and others are simply anomalies and could be attributed to a myriad of other factors.

Maybe when I attended a comedy gig a few months ago and a lady started her set with "Hands up if you HATE MEN", and the hands of every. single. female. in the building shot up, this was purely in jest and not indicative of a broader contempt and poor regard for the male in our culture.

Maybe in my last job role, when my female colleagues would make statements like "men are trash", and "I hate men" on a daily basis, it was mere words, jokes, and not indicative of a change in attitudes.

But when my brothers are dropping dead by suicide, are in mental health crisis, and see no point in their existence to such that they don't even want to turn up to work anymore, I am more than a little inclined to suggest there our cultures incendiary, sustained attack on the male MAY be something of a problem.

When you begin to view the world through gender based lenses, or indeed, through the prism of any other overarching belief, you taint it, remove the richness and depth of colours and hues, and create an atomistic, reductionist, fundamentally darkened world view.

I despise ignorance of any sort, and I simply avoid dumbass, weak-minded loser cunts. I do whatever I can to get around people who are striving for more in life, whether they're men, women, white, black, hindu, muslin, Christian, Buddhist - whatever. If we are both trying to win, and are both working hard, maybe we can collaborate together and support each other in being successful. That is the only thing that matters to me.

In this vein, I would accept that the label of 'toxic masculinity' being a good thing in our culture if men were happy, productive, and thriving en masse.

But the thing is, they're not.

Men are falling behind on so many metrics, we are even at the point when so many of us are not getting our most basic, fundamental needs met, and in our culture, things are going to get even more challenging. Rob Henderson and Vincent Hariman have outlined some very interesting, data driven insight on the sexual marketplace which concretises the concept of hypergamy as being a force that will be ever present in our society moving forward with the expanding horizons of the dating market and the female scramble for elite genes gaining momentum that will not slow down in any century to come.

Human beings are tribal creatures and we have a deep need for significance and to feel as if we are part of something. When the culture holds the male in such contempt, and characterises them as a carnal animal incapable of feeling, thought, self-awareness, and how to orient themselves in the world, we are engaged in an exercise of dehumanisation, of Othering.

Furthermore, the concept of toxic masculinity becomes quite sick in light of very real difference between men and women. We are biologically different and different proclivities and ways of being that will always exist, and when ideologies are stripped, the distinct biological differences do manifest as different outcomes. Dr Peterson has done some great consolidation of the research here and of particular interest is the scandanavian phenomenon, where in the most gender balanced countries in the world, differences in outcomes have INTENSIFIED. Men and women are different, and to label these differences as toxic is to me a contemptous and evil act.

Delusions of the human mind will come and go, but objective reality will always persist.

And it is a delusion of the highest order for categorise and dissect the behaviours of the male and attempt to recast them, re-forge them, as through a process of social Darwinism facilitated by resentment-driven, spiteful, vindictive degenerate harpies who seek to besmirch the human male through the development and dissemination of destructive labels.

We as men need to come together, unite with each other, and drive each other towards excellence.

I do my best to do that in my life, and you see me putting this into action here, every day.

Like a lot of feminist theory, dreamed up in the minds of deeply disturbed women with personality disorders (Andrea Dworkin - tell me this person was not sick and sadistic), these concepts serve the theoretician in playing their power games and using language and discourse to forward their group interest at the expense of the Other, and in this case, at the expense of men's health, wellbeing, happiness, and long-term prospects. It is an act of ritualistic sacrifice of the male on the alter of an ideology which seeks to capture power and status for the in group.

To me this is the epitome of Nietzschean Resentement....

The WEAK, the Priestly classes, have to invent an ideology and become those who have authority to espouse this Truth, in order for them to compete with, and dominate the STRONG, the Warrior class.

If you know of a mind that was greater than Nietsche, let me know. Maybe 250lb pink haired androgenous hate-filled pigs in gender studies departments are intellectually superior to a literal 1 in 50 billion genius. But I doubt it.

I would like to remind you that the greatest people who have ever lived in this world were men. When I think masculinity, I think people like Muhammed Ali - the epitome of strength, courage, limitless self belief, and integrity that cut to the bone. When his society held that he and people who looked like him were nothing, he told them "I will show you how great I am". When he was drafted to fight in Vietnam, he could have done 3 months in a comfortable, safe security role, but he knew the consequences that should follow if he allowed the media to celebrate his participation in the war. He knew he was a beacon of hope for so many, and that so many would follow him to the ends of the earth. He refused to comply, to compromise his beliefs and he relinquished the greatest title the modern world has ever known, the title of the Heavyweight Champion of the world at the time when this was a transcendent and almost god-like achievement. Why? He knew if he went to Vietnam, many people who idolised him would follow and lose their lives. So steadfast was he, that he told them they would have to take him to jail. That is a man of conviction, poetry in motion, grace, poise, and unstoppable, relentless character. He is honoured across the world to this day and inspires so many people, men and women alike, because we were able to celebrate greatness and see true human achievement without the pollution of these labels.

When you place labels on groups, you can dehumanise them, you can take away their rights, their lands, and you can distort their perceived value in society, their image, their very perceived substance.

Think about how evil this is. For other groups to tell men how they need to be men is a sickening, psychotic level of narcissism. I am my own man, I will decide who I want to be, and who I want to emulate.

I am not a political animal any more, and don't engage in these discussions. I love Radical's stance on theoretical discussions, there is endless insight in this perspective.

At least now you know where I stand, I wanted to express this, and now I can go back to work.

All the time and energy directed into theory and not action is fruitless. I am not going to talk about politics and stuff again.

You know what MAC thinks on this, and we can not get back to work.

I have started this discussion, and now I will end it: respectfully, there will be no more politics on my log.

MakingAComeback said:
To me this is the epitome of Nietzschean Resentement....

The WEAK, the Priestly classes, have to invent an ideology and become those who have authority to espouse this Truth, in order for them to compete with, and dominate the STRONG, the Warrior class.

If you know of a mind that was greater than Nietsche, let me know

Glad to see another Nietzsche enjoyer on here. Whenever I read the first few chapters of the Antichrist, it really gets my blood boiling.

It's NIETZSCHE though :D
CainGettingLaid said:
MakingAComeback said:
To me this is the epitome of Nietzschean Resentement....

The WEAK, the Priestly classes, have to invent an ideology and become those who have authority to espouse this Truth, in order for them to compete with, and dominate the STRONG, the Warrior class.

If you know of a mind that was greater than Nietsche, let me know

Glad to see another Nietzsche enjoyer on here. Whenever I read the first few chapters of the Antichrist, it really gets my blood boiling.

It's NIETZSCHE though :D

Hell yeah man Nietzsche was THE CHAD of Philosophy and I'm happy to hear you also appreciate his work!

I didn't mean to derail into politics MakingAComeback, I know this site is about self improvement. I respect your views and you bring up some good points. I will avoid responding directly as I don't want to derail your thread further into politics.
pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
I am picker now, and even when girls are quite receptive, messaging back and fourth, and clearly fair interested, when it comes to using the script, I am just clear that I am looking for casual right now. That tends to screen out most women. But there is the odd chick who is still down to see me, and what I have right now is enough for them to consider casually. I got 2 numbers this week on my online dating hustle, and that is through several hours of daily effort. They still are, admittedly, quite obese, but one of them is still very pretty. Interestingly enough she is 6 ft 3. 2 inches shorter than me!

I'm curious how you make it clear that you are looking for casual. Are you being very overt about it? If so, probably not a great idea as you may be screening excessively there.

You should absolutely go after the tall girl market. They don't have many options, so you have less competition.

Sure, so I am using Andy's text template, for which the 3rd text is the following which I have tailored a little:

"You seem cool, we should grab a drink and see if we click. I'm not looking for anything super serious, but I do want something ongoing. If you're up for a drink, a flirt, and to see what happens, drop me your number and I'll send you a text"

If we've been texting back and fourth, typically at this stage, they go radio silent or just say they're looking for a relationship. This was hardcore the case with my old photos.

With my current photos, I have been able to push forward a little, with girls saying they are in the same boat, but they still give me a bit of resistance and sometimes it's more back and fourth for their number. This can be quite a time wasting and fruitless exercise and I have encountered some who want to play all sorts of games to 'earn' their number. Unmatched / blocked, moving on at that point.

Regarding tall girls, it is so eye opening. This is a game of SMV and I have seen it with my own eyes. Some want what you offer and will give you responses that are really healing and supportive. Danish girl is 5 ft 10 and on our 2nd date she was clear that she ONLY goes for tall guys, 6 ft 3-5 minimum, and she also does not like younger guys (she is 24) and prefers men who are 30+.

We all have a different market we can tap into man. Mine is very small and niche right now, and if I get ripped / jacked, then I will have expanded my market share a bit further.

Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
Check in:

AA Program: 1hr30 before I had to call it quits before a wellness consult with my advisor.

It took asking 5 women just to get the time. So so rude today.

We share this world with actual monsters.

My faith in the human female is next to nothing, and I am developing a true contempt.

If I have a son he will share the world with these callous demons.

We'll see where my head is at in Dec 2022.


Great. I'm happy you're experiencing these feelings of frustration. They'll make your success even more sweeter.

MakingAComeback said:
Totally clueless about what to do - do I just kiss her and take my clothes off?! I will fumble through it.


God bless you man, I love you. Perhaps ask @TimmyTurner to take one for the team and help you practice?


MakingAComeback said:
starting with some hair transplant work later in the year.

I'll insist you look into a hair surgeon I know.

Believe it or not, I tried pitching my services as a marketing consultant to hair surgeons, did a ton of research into the topic, and I'd advise against Turkey. My guy is ethical and, in my eyes, one of the best worldwide. Not sure if he's pricey, but he should be. You shouldn't care only about FUE or FUT. The surgeon needs also to be an "artist" because the way they place the follicular units matters. It's the difference between having hair that looks natural and hair that looks weird and out of place.

Don't you dare decide quickly. Your follicular units can and will die during surgery and you only have a limited number of them. They're literally organs.

Negative emotion is the currency of progress bro.

HAHAHA, damn dude, Timmy cannot help me on this one - I will have to figure it out.

Oh damn, this is a very important point and it is often made on the groups I use. See, the QUALITY of work is important, and this is why choosing the right clinic is so important, because with the prices in Turkey being what they are, the clinics can become a bit of a factory assembly line and quality is compromised. That said, it is a question of doing a bunch of research, and I will keep learning and finding a solution that will work. The process of looksmaxxing for MAC will continue and I will research this for 6 months Crisis be assured I will keep asking questions, learning and will explore every option before I commit to a clinic.

We're looking at August 2022 I think so we've got tonnes of time!

Squilliam said:
I didn't mean to derail into politics @MakingAComeback, I know this site is about self improvement. I respect your views and you bring up some good points. I will avoid responding directly as I don't want to derail your thread further into politics.

Hey all good man, I did want to express my views after these experiences, they were frustrating and I wanted to 'get it out' so to speak ;-)

Hey MAC, was just perusing your log. But man, you've come a long way baby! You're visibly different from when you first started and are definitely making progress with the ladies and life. Don't let minor recent poor interactions with a few girls affect you, especially a miserable feminist jerk. Dealing with people daily, there are just some individuals who are miserable and lash out on others to boost their own ego, unfortunately. Keep up the good work!
You and I see quite eye to eye on it. The real issue is feminism attracts women who are mentally unstable and gives them an excuse to blame men for all their issues. Which hey it's their choice. But they get no better. They say things like fat women are just as attractive(in what world). Men should do this do that. It's true what they say better to be single than date a basket case. But I shouldn't derail it.

Thank you brothers for your messages and ongoing support in my journey!

Sat & Sun, I chilled TF out and made a plan for my next 2 weeks in The Phoenix Project, where I have been advised to take 2 weeks off cold approach and work on my head and self image.

Andy and Radical have done some good coaching with me, and I will be attending the weekly calls for 4-5 weeks straight.

Lots will change man. I WILL heal. I am learning a lot from Letting Go by David Hawkins.

I will share my process.

But I am going back to London this evening after a weekend at my families place, which was nice. I am back to the hustle and will keep pushing forward. I have 3 dates almost arranged this week - one for Weds, one for Thurs, and Danish girl has invited me to hang out at a museum with her on Sat and chill at her place after for a 'movie'.

I am going to give daily updates like I always do, but right now, they will be focused for 2 weeks on weight loss, healing, online dating, and content.

Then, after 2 weeks, and plenty of coaching / healing work, we're back at it. The full process of focused work resumes on my goals.


I swear just a few days off cold approach has made my whole outlet, stress levels, and wellbeing WAY WAY better.

Finishing up here and then jumping on the train.


My revised structure for the next 2 weeks, which I will not be doing any approaching. This is the basic jist, there are days I have work meetings all over the place, but I can still move things around and basically work on healing myself.

I will also come to the coaching call for the next 4-5 weeks and start sharing and just opening up and processing things.

I MAY actually have 3 dates this week....

Life did improve for me in many ways but it is curious the mind has chosen now to really get me to drill deep. I was reading Letting Go and David Hawkins states that Carl Jung's conclusion was that the unconscious will always, always move towards wholeness and integration of the person, even if this process is deeply traumatic for the conscious mind. The unconscious does not care. In all people, it will move towards wholeness, and for me, now I feel like I have truly made great strides, the call has come to go deep and reconcile the past, and change my self image.

In my training program, I have 2 weeks off! So it is insane to me that this has pretty much fallen into the exact timeframe Andy and Cam have suggested I focus in on healing.



MON-FRI DAY STRUCTURE (2 Weeks: Healing Focused)

6 SMART & Morning Visualisation
630 Core & listen to good self dev content [Goal #3: 30 mins]

7 Meditation: Mindfulness
730 Read: Healing Books (Letting Go / YCATLOANT)
830 Lookksmaxxing
9Breakfast & Affirmations / Gratitude / Healing Homework: “I Love You”

1130 Work
1230 Work

1 Content: Shoot
2 Content: Edit & Upload + Thumbnail
3 Meditation: Mindfulness

330 Read: Healing Books (Letting Go / YCATLOANT) → Healing Homework: 50 likeable traits[Wear Myobrace]

5Dinner & Affirmations / Gratitude

6 Kneesovertoesguy Workout (ATG) & Healing Content (Online dating between sets)

645 15min McKenzie Ext

7 Online Dating (+Chew Mastic Gum 10m)

8 Copywriting: Learn & Practice
9 Copywriting: Read & Study

10 Healing Work: Exercises / Affirmations / Prayer

1030 SMART & Evening Visualisation

MakingAComeback said:
Life did improve for me in many ways but it is curious the mind has chosen now to really get me to drill deep. I was reading Letting Go and David Hawkins states that Carl Jung's conclusion was that the unconscious will always, always move towards wholeness and integration of the person, even if this process is deeply traumatic for the conscious mind. The unconscious does not care. In all people, it will move towards wholeness, and for me, now I feel like I have truly made great strides, the call has come to go deep and reconcile the past, and change my self image.

In my training program, I have 2 weeks off! So it is insane to me that this has pretty much fallen into the exact timeframe Andy and Cam have suggested I focus in on healing.


Lol, all roads lead back to my main man Jung. Dude knew what's up, the unconscious doesn't fuck around. Can confirm :arrow_up:
Glad you're doing all of this!

Some thoughts I had earlier today: the worst thing a human being can to do another human being, aside from straight up murder and physical crippling, is making them believe they're at fault for something that they're not. I don't know the details of what wounded you in your past, but it wasn't your fault - whichever asshole made you believe otherwise was just projecting their own shit.

And ya man, synchronicity all up in this bitch

We're all gonna make it,

My brothers always having my back here man it's a good feeling!

Today is going great


Morning BW: 202.6 (at my parents place I gained a few lbs lululul, back to the Hustle House now and we work our dicks off here mayne)



Had breakfast. Took my supps.

Now @ work, remotely, getting my tasks done.

To follow:


Will need to go to the shops to buy chicken breast and mince beef, will prep a bunch of protein and that'll sort me out for the week.


Will then relax / sleep for 2hrs, and get on the call with Andy at midnight.

Then we keep growing as men and becoming better.

Dude I have had some great chats with The Bastard, he has endless fucking insight and is just a fascinating dude, I WISH this fucker had a podcast. I will just keep pestering him and I will personally make content about him/for him. I find the dude to be insanely interesting. Thebastard And I am proud to call him a friend and in many ways a mentor on this journey.

I swear, reading your log makes me feel like I'm lazy every time I read it.

Then I go back to some posts you've saved in the OP and I really wonder why you haven't started a blog (or if you have, share the link), tonnes of valuable experiences and notes there. But given your current workload, it's understandable, lol.

Sounds like you've chipped the dating wall. Now to start chipping the lay count wall. You've come this far, there's no reason that you can't go further.
BigBrach said:
I swear, reading your log makes me feel like I'm lazy every time I read it.

Then I go back to some posts you've saved in the OP and I really wonder why you haven't started a blog (or if you have, share the link), tonnes of valuable experiences and notes there. But given your current workload, it's understandable, lol.

Sounds like you've chipped the dating wall. Now to start chipping the lay count wall. You've come this far, there's no reason that you can't go further.

Haha, thank you bro. Honestly you just learn about the brain, how to overcome the bullshit and how to just fry your brain every day doing tasks! Most of the time I don't want to even do it but the feeling of getting the tasks done is very positive.

Structure and routine is what makes me productive and consistent. Because I have a solid plan and process, and have trained my nervous system to just work every day, I am able to do the work to become successful.



TUE 25/01/2022



Worked remotely 4hrs.

(4) CONTENT: EDIT & UPLOAD FDS VIDEO (DONE - posted on 2 sub reddits, gained 1 new subscriber)

Did not shoot and upload the vlog I planned, because I had to go to the shops to buy food (chicken breast, beef mince) and for me to remain consistent with diet. I am shredding the fat that is left on me via keto.


(9) COPYWRITING: 1HR30 (In process)

OK so I am only going to do like 45mins of copywriting, as I need to rest and relax before the coaching call. The coaching call is at midnight, and I'll be on it for an hour, so it will naturally change my processes. But it is important. I need a bit of coaching and to talk.

Dating wise: I have a call on the Hinge app with a very pretty gal tomorrow, 5pm, first time I've been able to get a legit pretty chick to talk to me on the phone, big win. Then, 2 hrs later, have a date scheduled at 7pm with a nice chick (she is not pretty, but she is average and normal weight, which is major progress dude).

Thursday, scoping out a date with another chick. She is coming to see me. I will invite her to mine for a glass of wine after.

Friday no dates...yet...

Saturday, seeing Danish girl, probably going to be with her all day and she has invited me to her place at night it seems.

Sunday, working on a coffee date with another lady.

All in all, good work.

I must keep focusing on healing, and must read Letting Go and the other books Andy recommends. I may have to read these over and over again.

I will heal and become confident happy and whole as a person.

And then I will keep working hard to become successful.

Just gonna be honest: an interesting dude who has joined the coaching group recommended a hawaiin healing prayer to me two days ago. I did it this morning before work and just began crying. A lot. I felt so light after.

I haven't cried in maybe 10-25 years.

I will heal. There is hope.

Hi man, great to read your log and about your journey of becoming better. You remind of keep making affirmations, i have never been consistent about it, but it seems to help you going strong.

I like reading Nietzsche too, so glad to see one in here, that shares that interest.

As im danish myself, i wish you good luck with the danish girl. If she invited her to your place, the deal seems to be almost sealed. We have a lot of beautiful girls up here in our little flat and safe country.

MakingAComeback said:
My brothers always having my back here man it's a good feeling!

Today is going great


Morning BW: 202.6 (at my parents place I gained a few lbs lululul, back to the Hustle House now and we work our dicks off here mayne)



Had breakfast. Took my supps.

Now @ work, remotely, getting my tasks done.

To follow:


Will need to go to the shops to buy chicken breast and mince beef, will prep a bunch of protein and that'll sort me out for the week.


Will then relax / sleep for 2hrs, and get on the call with Andy at midnight.

Then we keep growing as men and becoming better.

Dude I have had some great chats with The Bastard, he has endless fucking insight and is just a fascinating dude, I WISH this fucker had a podcast. I will just keep pestering him and I will personally make content about him/for him. I find the dude to be insanely interesting. @Thebastard And I am proud to call him a friend and in many ways a mentor on this journey.


I appreciate it man. Fingers crossed with the Danish dame!
Thanks boyos!!!!!!!!!!!

Did the coaching call with Andy and Radical last night, from midnight til 2am. Fuckin loved it but hardly any sleep. Did my best at work. Had a stressful day and some shitty office politics had me pretty pissed. But I shrugged it off and got back to the mission.

Back from date 10 boyos!! I had a phone call with a cutie from Hinge at 5pm, and then a date at 7pm. She came to see me, and she looked about average on her pics, but damn when she arrived she was fucking lovely. I was so attracted to her. First time I have ever been on a date with a girl I am attracted to.

The whole way, I was just letting go, walking down while telling myself, I like myself, I am attractive, I am worthy....and the date went super well. Fucking loved it.

We riffed for 2hrs, and she had me laughing my ass off.

She split all the drinks bless her. And then I asked her if we can go for a walk. We started walking and I asked her if she wants to come to my place for a glass of wine and to watch a standup comedy set, shes into that.

She said maybe, I'll think about it, we walk for 5 more mins, and she says that's about as far as I'll go as I don't go to peoples houses on the first date. I said that's cool, can I kiss you good bye. She agreed. Very quick kiss and on she went.

The girl I talked to on the phone was lovely and has agreed to come see me for a drink next Thursday. This girl from tonight is cool, I asked her if she would like to see me again, she said she may but will see (lol). But we had a great time and there was a little bit of chemistry between us. Nothing really major but there was somethig.

And then I have another date tomorrow!

I tried to get laid tonight buddy boyos, I did push, maybe I could have pushed more, but honestly it didn't seem worth it.

I will just try again next time.

And I WILL get my first lay man. It WILL come.

Then 9 more this year.

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