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YESSSSSSS Just as I thought. Mac is indeed killing it just as I knew he was. Just imagine 1 year ago from now going on a date with this Danish chick. Maybe you wouldn't have believed the progress you made? And yes, there is nothing better than when cute girls give you 'that look.' It can be very healing and therapeutic.
Thank you brothers for your ongoing support in my journey, I truly appreciate it and these messages are invaluable. It does a lot for your psyche and as each of you know, ever win you yourselves have fills me with joy. I thrive with other people and community. And I have the upmost respect for men with goals who are working hard to improve. Support from you means a lot to me.

Date with Danish girl had me feeling great. Just great. I am learning a lot about women, and also, some pretty shitty stuff about guys. This girl is a good person, she treats me well, we split everything, she is very conscientious, I like the way she touches and strokes me etc. Feels good mayne. Wounded warriors get off on this shit, so ladies need to bring these vibes. She does sometimes attract proper weirdos. She says a deliveroo driver came to see her last year to drop off her order, and the first thing he said when he saw her was "I like your face" and then asked for her number. She told him she has a boyfriend, but the deliveroo guy told her, well your bf isn't here, and I don't mind...she then told him they are going to be married so she is sorry but she can't. Apparently, the dude was creepy as fuck and she just wanted him to GTFO. Anyway, she was just visiting London at the time. She came back a year later - and last week, she ordered on deliveroo again.

SAME DRIVER. He hadn't seen her in a fucking year, but he remembered all her details, asked her where her boyfriend is, if they got married, all that shit, how this and that was. He asked for her number again. She fobbed him off.

The average dude in 2022 is a fucking degenerate man. Women can also be a bit gross in our day and age and finding good ones to spend time with is challenging, But men are NO BETTER.

I am working on healing my pain from the past, I am going to find someone to work with and am going to actually put time aside each week to actively work in healing past trauma. But I am still a woman lover despite my harsh experiences. And it pains me to hear that girls I like go through this shit.

We need to level the fuck up as men, become elite tier gods, jacked to the hilt, amazing style, health, fitness, social skills and confidence, with serious money in the bank - and then we lock one up for ourselves and have a happy life together. That is how we as individuals can make an incredible contribution to the world. Through living a life of excellence and ensuring those you love thrive in life.

I could whine about my past, I could get stuck in that and take the Blackpill, and then I would have failed in my mission as a man. I wrote about this in my life authoring post on the 1st page.

But to me, the greatest glory is taking the burden you carry, playing the hand you are dealt, and not letting ANYTHING make you become a bad person., embittered person.

If people smile when they see you, your friends laugh when you're around them, and every person you interact with is left with the impression you are solid and together as a human being, this is the impetus that turns the wheel of civilisation. And I will push that wheel onwards, no matter what.

For so many years I just wanted to be like the other men I saw, they were walking around interesting cities with women, they were dressed well, smelled good, looked interesting, charismatic and confident. And they had women who loved them. When I would wake up hungover as fuck on a Sunday morning, I would scroll through these guys Instagram and just imagine what it would be like to be them. Their physique, their health and wellness game, just everything about them.

I am moving my life closer and closer to this, and there is nothing but pride I feel in myself. It is a feeling that stays with you.

I hung out with the bros last night after my date. We had a proper catch up and status update on our goals. I led the project planning meeting and got a status update on all KPIs. I cringed internally at how quickly I go into project manager mode. But the guys kind of are cool with it LOL. Anyway, we are are clear about our goals and we are working hard.

Carl, Timmy and myself were going to head out to the local venues, but Carl and I ended up just hanging out at my flat and having a few drinks and just shooting the breeze.

Nightgame isn't really my thing. I want to go down the cold approach and online dating route. And may explore other avenues also. But being out super late in the clubs just screws up my day the next day and at 30, IMO it can really age you and screw with your hormones.

Plus I legit do not really want one night stands, I need something on going man.....

So I was happy to catch up with my friends.

Feeling good this morning.

Women are SO IMPORTANT. They do not understand the power they have over a man, and how much they can either heal or damage our psyches. The Bastard and I talked about this on the phone yesterday and he gave me some exceptional insight. A woman being interested in you and showing you kindness, decency, and being vulnerable with you, expressing her truth, man, it can lift up the entire structure of your being. Sorry, but it can.

I was without that for 30 years. And I am now having to go through a trauma healing process because of it! This however will heal me and unlock my ability to properly cold approach, so I will keep cold approaching every day, but I will keep it at a lighter dose and I will put a plan in place for healing past trauma. Andy will do a bit of coaching with me, which will help kick the process of moving forwards off.

I will overcome this like I did many things already. Like I lost the weight, like I started gaining muscle, like I improved style, like I began going on dates and learning to connect and build relationships with women. I will overcome this no problem, trust me.

Victory will come.

Until then.....we work.


SUN 16/01/2022

(1) Core
(2) Meal prep
(3) Content: shoot 5 videos
(4) Dermapen
(5) Breathwork: 2 x 45mins
(6) Read Letting Go
(7) Research healing past trauma

Working and working away. Did my weekly shop, cleaned the flat, hustled on the dating apps, and shot 3 YouTube videos. I can only upload vlogs here, but the following video topics were shot today

-The Longterm Effects of the Blackpill
-Living In The Void: The Lack of Men's Groups and Peer to Peer Support in 2022
-Female Dating Strategy: Bad Faith, Distorted Consciousness, and Embitterment (Female Incels)

Just shooting my mouth as per.

(1) Core (DONE)
(2) Meal prep (FAIL, move to tomorrow)
(3) Content: shoot 5 videos (partially DONE, shot 3, battery died, will shoot 2 more tomorrow)
(4) Dermapen (In process)
(5) Breathwork: 2 x 45mins (Fail)
(6) Read Letting Go (In process)
(7) Research healing past trauma (In process)


Working hard on the dating apps, 2 numbers: 1 petite looking Spanish chick. Asked her for a drink on Tuesday, she says she might, and she'll let me know tomorrow. We'll see. I'm not gonna hold my breath lol. But she is a good texter, and I get the feeling she is a good girl. Respect her decision either way. The other is a Chinese lady who says she would meet me for a coffee. I'd be stoked to. We'll see

Otherwise, matched with a lovely girl on Bumble, 35, 5 ft 11, and has a lovely big butt. She is a terrible texter, gives short and crappy replies. I just went to shoot my shot and asked her for a drink. She said she doesn't vibe with casual, but she would be down to meet me on a purely platonic basis. I agreed, and on WhatsApp, she is a slightly better texter. I pushed to see if I could get her to meet me this week, as I am away on the weekend. No dice. She said she'd be up to meet me this weekend. I told her it'd have to be next weekend. I'll push to meet her next weekend.

It is very unlikely anything will happen between us, as she is clear that she would only see me on a platonic basis. And that's fine. But, she does seem interesting as a person and the more women I can meet, the better it is for my mind and my overall process. Shit, I am clear in the script I use that I want something casual but ongoing, so just having more girls I can see on an ongoing basis will be realllllllly fucking awesome for me man.

Back at it tomorrow.

Will have to hold off AA program for a day or two as Andy has suggested it may be wise for me raise my issues in the weekly coaching call before I get back into the program. I think I could do like 45mins of just the time drills while deeply letting go and figuring out how I can begin to reduce my deep resistance and internalised emotional responses.

Where there is a will, there is a way. If you want it bad enough you can damn near bring the moon down from the stars. And I want success BAD. So I am sure I will find a way to be able to start approaching women every day without getting really overwhelmed and stuck badly in my deep and intense emotions.

Just being able to approach freely will be success. I don't care if any of the girls ever are interested in me. I have so much work to do on myself right now it's not even funny.

SMV is king and before you're totally maxed out, it is a grinder of an existence where every day is pure hustle.

But for the right girl, for a relationship where we're crazy about each other and are both on our way to elite lives, I would be willing to grind myself into a fine powder a million times over.

For the right girl, it will have all been worth it. I know it will come.

MakingAComeback said:
SMV is king and before you're totally maxed out, it is a grinder of an existence where every day is pure hustle.

Hah. It really does seem like in today's culture there 99% of the rewards come after crossing the finish line.

MakingAComeback said:
think I could do like 45mins of just the time drills while deeply letting go and figuring out how I can begin to reduce my deep resistance and internalised emotional responses.

Just my 2c. the SRA cycle applies to everything. Based on what you wrote, the stress you were applying was very obviously far in excess of what you could recover from before the next session. Sometimes you need to titrate the dose way below what your ego wants to admit. When I decided I was going to start walking everyday, I got so much foot/calf pain/soreness that I realized I literally wasn't capable of walking 6 blocks on a daily basis to start. We're talking about fucking walking, something everyone can do. Talk about humbling. I think your plan is good, and it seems like you have things you need to work through as well. Don't be ashamed to start smaller.
Zug said:
MakingAComeback said:
SMV is king and before you're totally maxed out, it is a grinder of an existence where every day is pure hustle.

Hah. It really does seem like in today's culture there 99% of the rewards come after crossing the finish line.

MakingAComeback said:
think I could do like 45mins of just the time drills while deeply letting go and figuring out how I can begin to reduce my deep resistance and internalised emotional responses.

Just my 2c. the SRA cycle applies to everything. Based on what you wrote, the stress you were applying was very obviously far in excess of what you could recover from before the next session. Sometimes you need to titrate the dose way below what your ego wants to admit. When I decided I was going to start walking everyday, I got so much foot/calf pain/soreness that I realized I literally wasn't capable of walking 6 blocks on a daily basis to start. We're talking about fucking walking, something everyone can do. Talk about humbling. I think your plan is good, and it seems like you have things you need to work through as well. Don't be ashamed to start smaller.

It's true Zug man. You really really have to have it dialed in nowadays. I think once the male in self improvement maximses their physique, is at a lower bodyfat, and has muscle and style, radical improvements in outcomes happen. I think we will see this with many of us. But in getting there, there is a lot of grind.


3-4hrs was just way too much for myself sadly. I like to go hard as fucking shit in life. I am happy to absolutely beat the crap out of myself at every level. But if it doesn't lead to improvements, it's counterproductive and hence an ego exercise.

I am going to have to back it allllll the way down while I let go and heal more. Hell, I think 1 approach a day could be deeply healing for me. I don't know. I will speak to Andy and the coaching group.

I am up to 202 / 203lbs, up from 198lbs, as I have been slightly lax on diet for a few days. My slightly lax, I mean, I may have 1 small bar of bar of chocolate and a few spoons of peanut butter. It was a decent mental break. But I must be strict again.

At 200lbs, I still have the dreaded FACIAL FAT.

Losing it is critical in this mission.

WIll keep pushing and will see where my weight is on Saturday.

I worked hard this week. Tomorrow, I get up and put in another solid week to become a better man,

Edit: if I back down in the approaches, I will have to up the online dating or copywriting/content creation. I can't cruise. I can't live with myself if I am taking the easy road in life. I want to grind. But I need to do in a way that moves me forward.

MakingAComeback said:
It is very unlikely anything will happen between us, as she is clear that she would only see me on a platonic basis.

Seems like a complete waste of your time that could be spent elsewhere man. id politely decline tbh

I understand chasing experience, but you wont learn anything useful hanging out with a chick you find cute that isnt interested in you
MakingAComeback said:
she would only see me on a platonic basis

FOCUS MAC ! If a girl is interested, she'll get you to know it ! You'll just lost 8£ on a fancy coffee for a girl that will look on her phone!

Keep the grind like you do
Alright buddy boyos, I will not go through with this foolish plan of meeting her next weekend! She was down to come down to see me, which was nice. Her reply to my template was basically she doesn't vibe with casual but ongoing, but she would meet me on a platonic basis. Really I should have said No Thanks Jeff at that stage, but because it is the first lady in my journey who is fairly pretty agreeing to meet, I suppose I was keen to get experience through any means necessary. She is tall and has a fat ass, which is my weakness.

There won't be any need for further action on my part, I just won't WhatsApp her again. She won't bother initiating any contact. Women get off on the attention and guys chasing them.....and the male experiences ever increasing frustration in the pursuit, until Looksmaxxing has been seen through to completion, and the tables turn.

I will keep working my ass off.

Today, walked back from the gym after squats, deadlifts, hip thrusts and pullups, my lower body was pumped, quads, ass, the job lot. Walking out the gym in shorts, one girl just gazed at me something ridiculous. She looked about my age, short chick, and she just turned her head and looked at me with raw animal lust. Even after we made eye contact, she held the gaze and we walked quite closely past each other kinda gawking at each other.


According to The Bastard, this is a major good sign that my future will be better than my past providing I go fucking hard and full steam ahead on looksmaxxing and taking action.

King Andy, Lord of The Realm of The Deceased Inner Loser, said something very similar on a podcast he so kindly dedicated to me and everyone else in the struggle.

You need a solid ass physique for this shit and your aesthetics and style have to be on point. This is the way to victory, and Lord Andy and Lord Radical, Defender of the Realm, have always led us in a positive direction. We trust their judgement.

But we have a great group of motivated men here, we will succeed buddy boyos, we will succeed!!!!!!!!!

I need one of these fine ass women to carry my seed buddy boyos, just 3 or 4 babies for my dynasty, until then I will pray at the foot of the squat rack and throw myself at the feet of the gym asking for salvation


Uploaded 2 tiktoks, uploaded a youtube video, cooked dinner for 2 nights. Did a bunch of remote work. Hustled on the dating apps for like an hour and a half. Leads are a little slow right this moment, I have one girl who I'm texting on WhatsApp who is kinda receptive and I'm just trying to nail down a date with her on Wednesday. She isn't going to come to see me, as she wasn't too keen on the distance for a weekday. But we can meet quite Central, and that's still easy for me where I am. This location has saved my ass so much.

Will try to get her confirmed.

Also, the 40 year old chick who is a bit meh but is up for something casual is down for a chat on the phone just to feel things out. I'll chat with her tomorrow night I think and feel it out. If she's up for a drink when she's in London, which is 3 days per month, I am down to see her, and to try and pull. She ain't the easiest on the eye boyos but there ain't many takers for current MAC - it's a jungle out there!

I uploaded a video on the Blackpill today, namely I just find the case of this dude, St Hamudi the Syrian Blackpiller, so tragic. This guy was funny as hell, charismatic, seemed like an amusing fun dude to be around. He was a bit fat, yes, and his style was shit. But he was not bad looking, he was better looking than me I can tell you that. Yet he truly believed it was over and as he got older, he lamented the tragedy of his life and the loneliness he feels. We are built for connection, simple as that. I saw potential in this dude, if he fell in love with bodybuilding or something and got his style on point, he could absolutely have found himself a wonderful gal he could have been deeply in love with. Such a waste of a man's life.

The Blackpill has some important lessons. I wish I knew that looks were basically life many years ago. My dumb ass was trying to be a 'well rounded person' LOL. But the total defeatism and genetic determinism of the Blackpill is truly a sin. It's a sin to waste your life. You will grow old and weep.

Better to try and fail. Better to work hard and dream that someday you can have a better life.

Like your boy MAC!

Self improvement is a lifestyle choice. It's the daily pursuit of excellence. It often sucks. That's why it makes us better.

MakingAComeback said:

Bro as Chris´s son that he does not know about. Its all about maxing your looks and finding who you want to be in this life and act accordingly.

AInt that the truth brother man, hard out here when you're crawling up shedding the fat, losing the bloat from you face, and getting it all on point. But on the other side is greatness!!! Shit I long for the day when I can just travel the world with a great gal and work furiously on making bank. I want that life man for gods sake.

One girl has agreed to a date tomorrow, hope she doesn't flake, and the 40 year old chick is down to chat on the phone on Thursday. This is the hustle it takes man.

When my looks are better and my pics are maxed out, it will get better.

TUE 18/01/2022

(1) AA PROGRAM: Just 2hrs - talk to Andy tonight and learn how to let go effectively
(2) Gym: 45 mins cardio ^ 3 x 15 hip thrusts
(3) Content creation: upload 1 Youtube video & 2 tiktoks
(4) ATG Zero
(5) Copywriting 2hrs

Others: Work, online dating

Check in:

Gym was solid, cardio and hip thrusts.

Work was ace, nailed a tonne of tasks that were building up. Done!

AA Program: Day 6 2hrs - did the time drill, then did time + directions. That was that. I felt fine, no rage, and I celebrated that hardcore when I got back! It is MAJOR. Every time I try day 6 and do not experience intense rage is a MASSIVE WIN. I took several actions to specifically just work on reducing the trauma and nervous system attacks. Will baby step my way there. Will take as long as it takes for me to re-pattern this brain and for me to stop full-on going into panic and emotional hell when it comes to approaching women in the daytime.

Back to the rest of my actions now

MakingAComeback said:
AInt that the truth brother man, hard out here when you're crawling up shedding the fat, losing the bloat from you face, and getting it all on point. But on the other side is greatness!!! Shit I long for the day when I can just travel the world with a great gal and work furiously on making bank. I want that life man for gods sake.

You sound like me at 17. Dont look at the age though, I didn´t have this log at the time like you do now. And I bet its going to get easier with all this motivation for you from everyone.

I am benefiting more than I thought. I was very full of myself. Now I am a tiny bit less, which is good, especially this guy Sprezza I would meet him in real life.

On top of that you are tall as fuck. Are you aware that just because of that basis you are luckier than all of us. Including me. And when I was 17 girls would flirt with me even though I was practically anorexic at 56kg 191cm right? (about 125lbs 6ft3).

Severe acne cover up on back, chest, face, neck. I hated myself. So I understand you very well.

And yet I feel that I am in the same position as you, though its not so much about having sex as it is having fun with yourself.

I get that emotion when I know that Im on my way to some nice experience.

A date, a meeting, a document. You feel on a mission. And you get rejected by a girl you feel good because you are "on a mission".

I find everything is easier this way. Still hard as fuck. I get laid, quite alot too, yet I have the same struggles as you on a different level.

This is whats cool about this website´. I was embarrassed to admit some things about myself even though im at 90 lays.

And because of that Im not living my life at its fullest.

I feel that I just have to do my shit and approach immediately. Its probably on the same level as for you for having sex.

MakingAComeback said:
AInt that the truth brother man, hard out here when you're crawling up shedding the fat, losing the bloat from you face, and getting it all on point. But on the other side is greatness!!! Shit I long for the day when I can just travel the world with a great gal and work furiously on making bank. I want that life man for gods sake.

One girl has agreed to a date tomorrow, hope she doesn't flake, and the 40 year old chick is down to chat on the phone on Thursday. This is the hustle it takes man.

When my looks are better and my pics are maxed out, it will get better.

TUE 18/01/2022

(1) AA PROGRAM: Just 2hrs - talk to Andy tonight and learn how to let go effectively
(2) Gym: 45 mins cardio ^ 3 x 15 hip thrusts
(3) Content creation: upload 1 Youtube video & 2 tiktoks
(4) ATG Zero
(5) Copywriting 2hrs

Others: Work, online dating


You sound like me at 17. Dont look at the age though, I didn´t have this log at the time like you do now. And I bet its going to get easier with all this motivation for you from everyone.

I am benefiting more than I thought. I was very full of myself. Now I am a tiny bit less, which is good, especially this guy Sprezza I would meet him in real life.

On top of that you are tall as fuck. Are you aware that just because of that basis you are luckier than all of us. Including me. And when I was 17 girls would flirt with me even though I was practically anorexic at 56kg 191cm right? (about 125lbs 6ft3).

Severe acne cover up on back, chest, face, neck. I hated myself. So I understand you very well.

And yet I feel that I am in the same position as you, though its not so much about having sex as it is having fun with yourself.

I get that emotion when I know that Im on my way to some nice experience.

A date, a meeting, a document. You feel on a mission. And you get rejected by a girl you feel good because you are "on a mission".

I find everything is easier this way. Still hard as fuck. I get laid, quite alot too, yet I have the same struggles as you on a different level.

This is whats cool about this website´. I was embarrassed to admit some things about myself even though im at 90 lays.

And because of that Im not living my life at its fullest.

I feel that I just have to do my shit and approach immediately. Its probably on the same level as for you for having sex.
Thank you for your post Mafia it means a lot. I am working hard as you can see, I do struggle a lot, but I will just get my physique and overall package to a higher level. It will come. Damn you are insanely advanced with women - happy to have you here and sharing your journey with guys like me who are climbing this mountain one day at a time!

Height MAY help me one day, maybe. I am at a very low level at the moment bro - only have obese chicks who are interested in my at present, which is fine but I am not too attracted to them physically, though I do enjoy spending time with many of them as people..

I have a shit tonne of hard ass work to do to better myself man, right now I am just not cutting it sadly. And the results with women speak volumes right now. Which is totally OK, and I am sure they will improve one day.

I will keep attacking it every day. I personally think with 6 months of hard ass work in the gym, it may improve,

May also have to look into some cosmetic procedures. Considering starting with a hair transplant around July time. And will just go from there.

There must be a way. I will find one.

If you're going to do the hair transplant. I don't think it makes sense to wait. My dad had it done, it definitely works, but it really takes some time after the procedure for it to be a benefit. I don't have any first hand knowledge of it, but he is super dilligent/OCD doctor and flew to Turkey to have it done. It was a small percentage of the cost compared to anywhere else, they put him up in a nice hotel with great food while he went through all the procedures.
Yep it sheds your whole scalp and then you're actually rekt for several months! I will be going to Turkey also.

I am holding off until July because I made changes to my regime which are eliciting some improvements, so MAY not need it.

It looks terrible for the first 3 months, month 4 it starts to improve.

Taking action on my regime now for a few months before could pay big dividends at any rate, if I regain even a tiny bit of ground, the additional shafts will go further

MakingAComeback said:
I will be going to Turkey also.

If you're gonna do it use WhatClinic to find a surgeon, it'll have legit reviews of the clinic, an overall rating of the clinic, gives a price estimate so you know what ballpark they're in and you can also read reviews of people who went to the clinic specifically for hair transplants. Usually the clinic will have someone who coordinates with patients and will book the surgery, hotel, driver and suggest flights for you. Takes a lot of the hassle out of it.

I was a little nervous about going abroad for surgery but honestly if you do your research you can't go wrong, the clinic I went to in Poland was way more modern + clean than any UK hospital I've visited and the service was 10/10.

My hairline has stopped receding thanks to Finasteride so hopefully won't need a transplant but if I do I'm 100% going Turkey fuck paying way more just to get it done in the UK.

Also with the Turkish lira collapsing recently it might be cheaper over there atm, you'd be getting 2x more lira for every £ than a year ago.

Looking at the prices on WhatClinic now and wtf hair transplants are way cheaper than I imagined

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