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people wouldn't tell u what time it was?? fuckin clown world LMAO

i almost find that encouraging tho. like it's evidence that people will rebuff you for ANYTHING. "it's not you, it's them" can sound like an empty platitude when someone turns you down when you're actually being vulnerable, but here it's so obviously true that the lesson will carry into everything else.

i see u taking that first step gym MAC, lite work. you'll be back up to a 5 plate dead, packing slabs of lean beef onto your frame in no time.
MakingAComeback said:
Did 2hrs work on the apps. Stretched for 45mins. Uploaded my content for the day.


I've cleared my backlog of videos now. These were videos I shot like 2 weeks ago, I will shoot a bunch of content over the weekend and edit and upload a video a day next week.

No copywriting again. Gotta go to bed in 18 mins.

I was structured and worked hard, did things at the right time, but after the AA program my mind was in meltdown for like 2hrs. It was hard to focus.

AA program for extreme hardcases is a total killer. Just want to document this and be transparent. When I complete this, I need to be proud, this will be a major achievement for me.


Super interesting stuff man!

Funny we both post an update related to asthma on the same day. Recently bought an air purifier in order to improve the air quality at home, effectively reducing my wheezing overall when I'm at home.

Any tips on how I could/should go about trying to figure out if my breathing problems are 'really' asthma, or an underdeveloped airway like you mentioned?

Got up an hour late. Alarm went off at 6, but was a bit wiped out! AA program is emotionally and mentally taxing. Feeling good tho, clear headed and positive.

I hear you gents. You are right, And trust me, when I am in that emotional state and my brain is firing off like crazy, I do hate that resentment, bitterness and even a little weirdo misogyny comes up. It does burn me up and the guilt I experience afterwards is real. This is not a reflection of how I am, the women I meet and who I know in life all get on with me well and our impact on one another is positive. In time, the underlying wounds will heal.



(1) AA PROGRAM: Week 1 Day 6 Drills (3hrs)
(2) Online Dating: 2hrs work (Note: no solid leads right now. Got a Tinder match yesterday, really, really hot Asian girl, pushed for the number, she said we can go for a drink after her exams. I will message her something or order next week. And I will go ham on the apps again today as per, 300-500 Hinge profile likes, 100 swipes Tinder and Bumble, and 2 boosts on Tinder)
(3) Gym: Cardio 45mins + 3 sets of barbell hip thrusts
(4) Content Upload: 2 TikToks (no YouTube today)
(5) Copywriting: 2hrs (I will begin to get into the swing of this....my brain and body will adapt to the AA program and it will stop giving me panic attacks and sending me down an emotional vortex of intense emotions)

Every day we work out faces off to get better, it all adds up, it WILL PAY OFF.

Hard2Focus oh man, I am going to type up a post for you, I know a lot about breathing dude lol. Give me details of your breathing issues, was it asthma, weazing, stuff like that? Buteyko Method is crazy good for that, which I can help you with. If it is legit asthma, that's reversible and easy to work with. Structural work is more complicated and also costs a grip of cash.

MakingAComeback said:
And trust me, when I am in that emotional state and my brain is firing off like crazy, I do hate that resentment, bitterness and even a little weirdo misogyny comes up. It does burn me up and the guilt I experience afterwards is real.
It's great and necessary that these feelings are being pushed front and center for you through your journey.

MakingAComeback said:
This is not a reflection of how I am, the women I meet and who I know in life all get on with me well and our impact on one another is positive.
Maybe you should consider thinking about "who you are" more precisely, and amplify certain traits of your persona towards women, especially on approaches. In other words, if someone gave you a magic pill to eradicate your anxiety and toxic feelings towards women, how would you interact with them? It's hard to do in practice, but at least having some rough ideal will definitely point you in the right direction and you can strive towards that over time.
(1) AA Program:

2hrs, began to rain, so cut it short by an hour and a half. 3rd time trying to pass day 6. Still stuck.

First two women I asked for the time ignored me and I was like wut, this again. Didn’t care really. Carried on in defiance. I was able to pass the time drill, and then got to the directions drill. I asked an old man, and he was super nice, and went above and beyond to help lol. Cheers fella.

Kept moving, really wanted to get further than the last 2 tries. About the hour mark it got really hard.

Massively in my head, a bit anxious, bit resentful, some anger, some resentment, and then glimmers of full blown rage. Really was just a blitz going on in my brain.

Oh well.

How I will beat this is repetition and raw man hours. Week in, week out.

When David Goggins had to get over his fear of the water, he spent up to 8hrs a day in the pool. This man was totally committed. I need to be consistent with 4hrs of AA drills a day. That will be the best strategy for me to overcome this deep issue I have.

Do I wish I didn't have to deal with this shit? You bet.

Every inch of ground I have gained in my journey I have paid for with blood, sweat, tears, and parts of my god damn soul.

The more time I can spend time out there talking to women, the more I can calm my nervous system down and not have my own mind implode on me. When that day comes, I will know I have done something special for myself.

3rd time trying to pass the drill. I suspect I will probably get into double figures trying to pass this drill. I’ll happy get to triple figures if need be. It can take 500 straight days of shit like this. It’s alright.

In going through the grind, I will become better.

That's it. Back to it tomorrow.

colgate said:
MakingAComeback said:
And trust me, when I am in that emotional state and my brain is firing off like crazy, I do hate that resentment, bitterness and even a little weirdo misogyny comes up. It does burn me up and the guilt I experience afterwards is real.
It's great and necessary that these feelings are being pushed front and center for you through your journey.

MakingAComeback said:
This is not a reflection of how I am, the women I meet and who I know in life all get on with me well and our impact on one another is positive.
Maybe you should consider thinking about "who you are" more precisely, and amplify certain traits of your persona towards women, especially on approaches. In other words, if someone gave you a magic pill to eradicate your anxiety and toxic feelings towards women, how would you interact with them? It's hard to do in practice, but at least having some rough ideal will definitely point you in the right direction and you can strive towards that over time.

I would like to be the way I am with my friends. So, happy, positive, free-flowing, enjoying life and the moment. Passionate, interested, just able to express myself....without the firestorm of emotions.

Approaching will be worked out at some stage.

I just want to fix myself. This stopped being about women a long time ago.

Oh, to add, I was walking around Battersea Park which is lovely, and a bloke was sat on a bench looking about. Two police officers were walking alone, and this dude trolled the fuck out of them. He began yelling, "you've got him! you've got him!" and began pointing at me. The officers looked quite annoyed, and the dude laughed his head off and said "HE'S BLACK. THERE HE IS. IT'S HIM!"

We looked at each other and laughed out loud. This dude gave no fucks. Older guy.

Geuss he must have had some shitty experiences with the cops....trolled them like fuck.

MakingAComeback said:
@Hard2Focus oh man, I am going to type up a post for you, I know a lot about breathing dude lol. Give me details of your breathing issues, was it asthma, weazing, stuff like that? Buteyko Method is crazy good for that, which I can help you with. If it is legit asthma, that's reversible and easy to work with. Structural work is more complicated and also costs a grip of cash.

Thanx for getting back to me on this. I don't have severe asthma, like in, get asthma attacks if I don't use my medicine. It's more wheezing-like, and will usually worsen over the course of a day if I don't medicate every morning and every evening. Plus after getting the air-purifier, today I haven't used my regular medicine (Salmetol) all day. I feel fine atm - as in, breath was a bit heavy when I got back home but after chilling for a few hours I feel like I don't need my inhaler - feels like I'm breathing with 5-10% wheezing.
Based on your writings you are definitely going to get laid soon. After such commitment.

Remember to post this when it happens. And then you will realize something for yourself and become a sexual super beast. Your whole life will become more exciting :evil:
OK Hard2Focus, that sounds like a case in which breathing re-training would apply. I will send you a few resources for you to look into and to think about, and we can go from there.

Mafia, hahaaa, bring on the dark side man! Want a better life out here. Willing to do the work and will keep grinding.


TUE 11/01/2022

Solid day. Tightened up.


(1) AA PROGRAM: Week 1 Day 6 Drills (3hrs) (DONE, 2hrs then began to rain so I went home)

(2) Online Dating: 2hrs work (DONE)

(3) Gym: Cardio 45mins + 3 sets of barbell hip thrusts (DONE)
(4) Content Upload: 2 TikToks (no YouTube today) (DONE)

(5) Copywriting: 2hrs (FAIL, did SOME, but not there...it is coming, adapting to the new processes and getting better)

Others: Work, Stretching, Looksmaxxing (DONE)

Working hard. Will keep working.


WED 12/01/2022

(1) AA Program: Week 1 Day 6 Drills 3hrs (DONE, failed 4th time)
(2) Gym (DONE)

In Process

(3) Online Dating
(4) Stretching
(5) Copywriitng



Was out there, and it was brutal. Failed again. Just totally stuck. It was even more challenging than any of the other days. After about an hour, I simply could not break through. I spent a further 2hrs and couldn’t do shit. I am currently experiencing anxiety related heart pain. Yes, it was that bad.

I understand at this point that I am dealing with a whole lot.

The human female has twisted my mind into god damn knots over 12 years of this shit, so it will take quite a while to unravel this and work it out.

And you know what?

Every failure is one step closer to success.

Every day I am willing to fail.

I will fail until the end of my life if need be.


I know what it is going to take for a guy like me.


To kind of help me process the insane shit that comes up in my head when trying to approach, I have been advised by The Volume God (Colgate, Mass Approacher of Mass Approachers) to just write out some post-approaching rage-fuelled thoughts.

As a guy who the human female has attempted to wipe out the gene pool for 12 god damn years, the experience of approaching them is a savage one. At times, I experience a level of absolutely pathological hatred that actually shakes me to the core.

From 18-24 I approached around 2-3k, mostly at night, and just got shit shoved in my face, year in, year out.

I left it for almost 10 damn years, and it just burrowed deeper and deeper into me. Now, having returned, the experience is insane.

My nervous system and subconscious has decided that women = extreme pain, and it does all it can to keep me away from them.

It is a tough situation to deal with.

The mission is to become successful with women. The mission is to fix myself. The mission is to find a good gal and start a family. In this world, it is VERY HARD to find a decent chick who is marriageable. Most of them are FAR from it. That’s the way it goes, and they will find some dude to put a ring on their finger no matter the level of degenerate they are. There is no accountability for women and the cycle just continues. The less said about the state of the modern woman, the better. No offence to them – not that it would matter either way.

There is no option to fail in this mission. It is OK if I die trying. If I drop dead in the process, that’s acceptable. But while I can draw air, the mission must be executed. No excuses.

I can hate it, it can break me off. But I will give everything I have in my mind and body. End of.

Given that I will have to make this work, how can I move forward?

When I approach a woman, I am damn near losing my mind.

I am not joking.

My body enters fight or flight, and rather than going into flight, which there is no reason for me to, I go into fight, and my brain generates truly savage rage. Furious, vengeful rage.

It will probably do this for while. We may be here for 6 months.

I can accept that. That is what it will take.

The level of fight sometimes is so overwhelming I do not approach as I fear behaving inappropriately.

This is not always how I was. When I was approaching in my early years, I never had this.

I was a good boy and wanted a girlfriend. For some reason, wanting a girlfriend was the most important thing in the world to me (sad) and at 18-19 I was damn near obsessed with trying to find someone. And from there, I got my ass schlapped, for no reason.

A tragic tale, right? That’s life.

Got put through the grinder for no reason at all. Brutal, really horrible experiences over and over. What was the sense in it? There wasn’t any. You play the cards you're dealt.

At the start, I didn’t know anything about approaching or whatnot. Just a regular dude who would develop a crush and ask a chick out. I was not received well to put it mildly. Really nasty shit. I remember the first girl I asked out in my life, she gave me her number. I was stoked. She texted me telling me she wasn’t interested but was flattered. I was honestly just so happy she texted me I didn’t even care. 48Hrs later, a brutal night of her friends finding me in a club and laughing at my audacity for asking her out, how I am the “ugliest guy in the year” and how I was insane for thinking she’d say yes. I was actually friends with these chicks at the time, and they stopped talking to me because I asked their friend out. She was actually a really pretty Indian chick and I understand she was out of my league but to lose a bunch of friends and shit was rough on my young mind.

Went to Uni, and experiences with women got way, way, way worse.

After crying myself to sleep after a house party I woke up the next day and decided I would change. Took to the internet, found pick up, and took action.

2 years of straight balls to the wall effort. But I was developing higher and higher anxiety throughout the process. It didn't work.

My mind was destroyed at that point and I lost all faith in women and compassion for them as humans. What I felt didn’t matter, because they didn’t care. My view would change nothing, because I didn’t matter. I checked out for a few months from dating, and then tried the apps.

Online dating was even worse. I tried for YEARS, getting 2 – 3 matches the entire time. And they wouldn’t respond.

It took from 18 – 27, so almost 10 straight years of effort, for me to give up.

I gave up for 2 years, 27-29. Avoided women in my personal life. Had a bunch of them as friends through work and we’d hang out, but I was clear to them that I do not date and I do not pursue women. They didn’t really get it. But they were kind to me. I needed it, and I appreciate it to this day.

The pain never went away. It just sat there and haunted me even though I tried so hard to avoid women, a voice in my head would not shut up, it would never stop nagging at me. “You are not going to amount to shit. You are always going to know in your heart you are a fucking loser who got rejected as a human”

Worked so hard, did everything I could, it never went away.

At 29, I had to face the music. Decided I would either become successful ot die trying.



Killed it in the gym. Smashed work. Went to do the AA program for 3 hours. Had a total meltdown, as is the case every day, and now I am typing this before much more hustle takes place.

12 years of shitstorm with women has put so much horrible shit in my psyche and I am deeply resentful for the pain and suffering many of them caused me. It eats at you, it really torments you, but at the same time, I find a savage drive in it.

If I was to stop, the enemy will have won. They would have gotten their way.

One thing I know about myself is I am one of life’s truly relentless individuals.

And that is why the enemy picked the wrong one.

Even in spite of it’s senseless, mindless wrath, it went for me when I was weak. When I was 18-24, my mind was fragile, I was insecure, lost, scared. It tried to finish me off when I was vulnerable.

Lions are built different from jackals. Even coming from all that shit, I still managed to get 9 dates. Even coming from all that shit, I still managed to get date #9 to come to my apartment.

I suffered for it, I put in a level of work that borders on total obsession, every god damn day of my life.

Yes, I am beat down. Yes, I am dealing with high levels of trauma. Yes, my nervous system is freaking the hell out and it should be damn near impossible for a guy like me to be able to complete the AA program.

And yet I will succeed.

Like all pathetic bullies, the enemy is in fact weak.

It preys on insecurity, on fear, on negative emotions that otherwise decent people feel. It tries to amplify these and uses it’s sick mind games to torment, day and night, for no reason other than it’s own perverse amusement.

I am no longer a scared kid. I am 30 year old, battle hardened MAC.

I have learned a lot in my life, and I know how to defeat this enemy. How you defeat the enemy is you face them head on, every single day, with increasing determination. You attack it relentless, day in, day out, and be willing to fight to the last drop of blood.

It takes true Churchillian grit to defeat an enemy of this sort. In a cabinet meeting that galvanised the British to fully commit to war, when the allies were in a disgustingly tough situation when hope was beginning to be lost, Sir Winston Churchill led a pivotal cabinet meeting where he was able to evoke some really sentimental feelings in the team of senior ministers, which only he really could have done given he was an aristocrat and from a British dynasty: “If the long history of our island is to come to an end, let it end only when each of us lies choking in his own blood on the ground”.

Even when the odds are looking FUCKING MISERABLE, if you have the heart and drive in yourself to go high in life, you make the decision to gut it up or die trying.

No sane person would still be on this journey. I know of hardly any motherfuckers on this planet who have had an experience with women like mine. The only dude I can draw inspiration from is The Bastard. Because it has been done once before by a true hardcase, it can be done for me also.

I do not expect a breakthrough before a year or so of this shit.

If I can pull this off…..If I can complete this program, in my own eyes, I will be a king for the rest of my life.

Just to fucking be able to approach a woman without my brain and body going into full on meltdown will be the sweetest victory I could ever experience.

Even if the hatred I have for women never dissipates, and I fight it until my last breath on this earth, if I can beat this program, I know when I look in the mirror in the morning, I will not see a reject, a loser, but one of the most gritty, determined fucking dudes out there. That is enough for me.

I will be back tomorrow.

And I will keep pushing.

Come hell or high water.

MakingAComeback did you ever share why you decided to start the AA program, even though you could approach a few times per day? I remember reading you starting the program and going "WTF??"
It's so fucking obvious that you're going to succeed very very SOON.

I've heard some guys that said "I've got an advantages on most men, I went to war". It's the same with you, these 12 years have forged you to became the best you are today. You will succeed with women for sure. And then ? I'm pretty sure you're gonna be a rich motherfucker at 50yo with a shit ton of money.

And note this, and I hope you will remember in 10 years :


Thanks for your posts boys, it is appreciated.

The brain freaking out like this is just similar to a phobia, you just expose it to the target stimuli over and over and over until the amygdala gets the message that it can lower it's level of vigilance.

Nuts. it's like a form of PTSD or something! But it's not uncommon I hear. Andy mentioned this happens to a lot of people doing the AA program. I will jump on the coaching call and talk to him about this next week.

I will get there boyos I promise you that, at least you know I will go hard as fucking shit!

Back again man. And another day is an opportunity to be a better man.

My girl from date #9 has agreed to see me on Saturday, where I just wanna take her around some nice parts of London and enjoy time with her. I will then try to arrange something with my London bros, find a shisha spot and chill the fuck out.

I got a lead from Hinge, gal gave me her number. Must keep working and getting more leads.

Another day another hustle.

MakingAComeback said:
My girl from date #9 has agreed to see me on Saturday, where I just wanna take her around some nice parts of London and enjoy time with her.

Um, what about this thing called coitus?
This girl has some issues and she has been upfront that she needs a few dates before having sex because she legit goes into almost shock when a dude puts the moves on her.

But she says is open to getting more physical.

Will keep working.

AA Program today: out for just 2hrs today. At just the 1hr mark, my level of rage was almost homicidal. Called it quits and walked home a further 1hr. Simmered down over the course of that 1hr. I am now back to normal. Failed again.

Back to work.

Will do my evening check in with actions.

Note: Just want to say on the girl, she is a beautiful soul and I don't care if we never have sex...she is a lovely human and I care about her.

Not gonna lie, I am not too physically attracted to her at all.

But she gives me the time of day and I appreciate it.

Well its the first of 10. I think you got it in you my man. I find when my AA freaks out I just remember what David Goggins says. The 2 I use are probably taking souls and the cookie jar those 2 seem to push me through plateaus.
I kind of outlined it in the post above, its composed of adverse experiences and also deep self limiting beliefs.

It's also unjustifiable, irrational, total nonsense and just a waste of energy.

Guys who've been divorce raped and genuinely REKT by women don't even have this experience.

It's not reasonable. But it's what I'm dealing with.

In fight or flight, we either RUN, or ATTACK. My brain just made the connection that I need to protect myself from the opposite sex, so it just goes down the fight pathway.

Simple, but disastrous for one's life.

Changing my brain is the reason why I went for the AA program as opposed to just straight up approaching.

This insane process hinders me so much, I just need it to stop. The AA program will break it down over time. Crisis you asked why I took this approach, hope this highlights the reasoning.

About to shoot and upload some content. Had dinner, worked for 2hrs on the apps, light therapy, and now going to work on content, stretching, and copywriting.

If there's any time, will read a bit of Letting Go.

Hustle every day.

Even though it sucks, it's actually a good thing that this rage is coming out. It needs to be "purified" in a sense. In a year from now, you'll look back at all this rage and laugh at it while you'll drown in pussy juice.

You knew it was going to be hard: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/index/this-process-will-strip-you-down-and-force-you-to-confront-your-demons

You're going to slay your demons, I have no doubt about it.

MakingAComeback said:
There is no option to fail in this mission. It is OK if I die trying. If I drop dead in the process, that’s acceptable. But while I can draw air, the mission must be executed. No excuses.

This is funny it sounds like Will Smith from his autobiography. He say something like "when you have a mission you have 2 options, either you succeed, or you're dead". I'm sure you'd like it, he's similar to Goggins in terms of mindset and you learn quite a lot about the guy.

Anyway good Luck MAC, we're all behind you with this. You're going to crush it
SpongeBob said:
Even though it sucks, it's actually a good thing that this rage is coming out. It needs to be "purified" in a sense. In a year from now, you'll look back at all this rage and laugh at it while you'll drown in pussy juice.

You knew it was going to be hard: https://www.goodlookingloser.com/laid/index/this-process-will-strip-you-down-and-force-you-to-confront-your-demons

You're going to slay your demons, I have no doubt about it.

MakingAComeback said:
There is no option to fail in this mission. It is OK if I die trying. If I drop dead in the process, that’s acceptable. But while I can draw air, the mission must be executed. No excuses.

This is funny it sounds like Will Smith from his autobiography. He say something like "when you have a mission you have 2 options, either you succeed, or you're dead". I'm sure you'd like it, he's similar to Goggins in terms of mindset and you learn quite a lot about the guy.

Anyway good Luck MAC, we're all behind you with this. You're going to crush it

It's uncomfortable as hell brother, but it must be done. This demon has been inside me for 12 years since I had those really adverse experiences with women in my early years. I am not a horrible bastard, I am in fact a woman lover and I care deeply about many of them trust me. So what we're doing here is basically confronting trauma, sitting with it, letting go, and allowing the nervous system to release it in time.

I must do this. I cannot look into my future wife eyes and be carry pain and suffering from the past. I cannot raise my future children knowing I have issues. There is NO FUCKING WAY. Nothing will stop me, absolutely nothing.

I feel immense guilt for having this problem man, it upsets me because I am so far from an angry person. I will repent for this shit one day. One thing I can promise you: no girl who EVER enters my life will ever be treated with anything other than the upmost love and compassion, and no matter what challenges come my way, I will always leave them better off. That is a vow I will make and I will never break it. To keep this vow is victory. And victory is the only option for me.

I am going to get help. Will talk to Andy about this next week. Will see what he recommends, or if he refers me to someone else. No problem. Must become a better man.



<redacted by moderator>

Worked hard man and improving in front of the camera.

Now gonna do copywriting for 1hr and go to bed.

Boys, gotta be honest my online dating got way better.

I get a match on Bumble every day.

Do you know the fucking work I put in to get here?

For years I never got a single match on these apps....now look at me.

Got several matches today on Bumble, and one gal has agreed to a date tomorrow. She's 39, but looks decent. :-) I'll see her tomorrow, she only comes t London once a month, but she's open to something casual. Let's see.

It will all come together boyos.

Grit, hard work, busting my ass in the gym, beating my demons on approach. One day I will be victorious.

1hr of hustle left today then we get up tomorrow and go on the fucking attack.

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