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MakingAComeback said:
I tried to get laid tonight buddy boyos, I did push, maybe I could have pushed more, but honestly it didn't seem worth it.

You know you've pushed enough when she goes from smiling to looking extremely stressed and having a look on her face, as if wondering what's wrong with you and your pushiness.

On a more serious note, try pushing 3-5 X more next time, just to build the habit.
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
I tried to get laid tonight buddy boyos, I did push, maybe I could have pushed more, but honestly it didn't seem worth it.

You know you've pushed enough when she goes from smiling to looking extremely stressed and having a look on her face, as if wondering what's wrong with you and your pushiness.

On a more serious note, try pushing 3-5 X more next time, just to build the habit.

Yeah I fucked up. Should have pushed 5 x more, and risked losing the lead. Reality is one you spend quality time with each other and are properly physical it probably raises the probability of retention.

She was a nice gal and I enjoyed the date. Pretty lady, First time that has happened for me man. Big win for MAC.

The more you improve, the more you get RIPPED and JACKED, the more you just ascend man I really believe that.

MakingAComeback said:
First time I have ever been on a date with a girl I am attracted to.
Wait, why would you go out with girls you aren't attracted to?
I don't have a whole lot of leads boyo, I try to take what I can.

Snap she just messaged me with the standard shit - "I didn't feel that spark"

I legit get this after so many dates it's hilarious, lol.

Onto the next one. Better to know nothing is happening.

Least she messages you. Younger girls just ghost you. I think I'm gonna start messaging them saying either I'm super busy or I'm not feeling it. Nice work on the date. I know people say to keep pushing it and its good but if you feel like there's nothing there, your instincts are usually right. But like they say do whatever you want. Nice work on the dates, you go on enough dates and you'll find what your looking for.
You are making HUGE progress man.

Remember my first several dozen dates that went nowhere? It was just the same - managed to finally start getting quite a few dates but couldn't get laid for the LIFE of me.

It would help if we knew more specific details about the final act where she went cold (though her recent text obviously has closed that chapter regardless). Either way, this is once of those 'work harder not smarter' moments. Get into the habit of doing 'go arounds' like airplanes that are denied permission to land. Just act totally normal and talk about normal stuff or whatever and then try again. In theory as many times as needed until either she unleashes her pent up lust on you or that plane gets shot down in flames (clear rejection or if she starts getting dressed and leaving).

You are making HUGE progress man. You are just reaching the next plateau in the funnel. You will conquer this as you did with all the previous steps.
Thebastard said:
Remember my first several dozen dates that went nowhere? It was just the same - managed to finally start getting quite a few dates but couldn't get laid for the LIFE of me.

Mood. I'm in the same stage right now.
Thanks bros! Some great points here about the nuances of pushing, huge room for improvement here, and I will heed your advice.

So buddy boyos - date which I planned for tonight cancelled, think I lost my deposit on the table for the cocktail lounge which is a bummer, 25 down the drain! Ugh. She has asked to reschedule for tomorrow, which I responded in the affirmative. She is quite pretty facially, but quite a bigger gal - she's interestingly enough 6 ft 3. So very much me tapping into the tall girl market.

BROOTAL BLACKPILL: I actually like my girls taller. I like them 5 ft 7+. Danish girl is 5 ft 10, and I like that about her.



OK so speaking of Danish girl, this lovely human being has planned a date for us on Saturday commencing with a Museum visit, and culminating in me going to her place to watch her try on lingerie for her photoshoot on Sunday.

Now, buddy boyos, is it ever going to be fucking handed to me on a plate like this?

Fuck me, I am so close it isn't even funny.

I can do this bros.

I really appreciate Danish girl being so sweet to me, she is kind and wholesome and such a sweet soul. She has been very good for me and has helped me heal a lot. Yes I am still working through some anger and resentment, but none of that applies to her, she seems like she really is one of the good ones.

They're out there.

You just have to be CHAD MODE personified to get 'em!

Bodyweight today was 199.2lbs.

Race to 185lbs continues.

Ripped abs or bust buddy boyos.

Otherwise, today I got cucked by work, including some insidious guttersnipe on my project team running to HR because I cut some absolute brain-dead pig off in a meeting where they had been speaking for 20 minutes straight and the meeting had over run by 15 mins. I'm the PM for the project and had to get to another series of meetings. This dumbass had a mental breakdown and bitched to the other dorks. I had to speak to them for 2hrs to calm them down and get them back at work. They are actually good at their job, just tremendously stupid....office politics man.

Nothing new and I am used to this shit. But this is why you run your own biz. That brings stresses and strains but at the very least you are captain of your own ship. Thats the dream boyos.

Today wasn't great due to work, date flaking, and many of my processes were interfered with.

Tomorrow will be better. And hopefully the girl who flaked tonight comes through. I made a Peep Show reference on our text.

Bitches love Peep Show references.

I yelled like a little girl when I read the screenshot but I'll keep appearances for the time being

*coughs and resumes deep voice*

Well done man.
MakingAComeback said:
Otherwise, today I got cucked by work, including some insidious guttersnipe on my project team running to HR

Lol. "Insidious guttersnipe" - that's excellent phrasing to describe that sort of person.
Good stuff!
MakingAComeback said:
date which I planned for tonight cancelled, think I lost my deposit on the table for the cocktail lounge which is a bummer, 25 down the drain! Ugh. She has asked to reschedule for tomorrow

Think it's actually good sign when the girl ask to reschedule directly after cancelling, it shows a bit of investment.

Good stuff going on here!

Hopefully you'll taste Danish girl's good
Tall chicks is much focused on the height of the man. I use to reply with: "Height does'nt" matter while we are laying down". Im not tall myself, and find it challenging going for tall girls - and we hav a lot of them here in Denmark.
MakingAComeback said:
So buddy boyos - date which I planned for tonight cancelled, think I lost my deposit on the table for the cocktail lounge which is a bummer, 25 down the drain! Ugh.

I don't understand this at all. $25 for a nonrefundable DEPOSIT for a table at a cocktail lounge? Why not just go to a normal bar or some other lounge where you don't have to pay? Girls will hook up with you no matter where you take them as long as you at least look like you're putting in some effort.

Today has been quite solid


Morning BW: 199.2

Fri 28/01/2022

Action Points
(1) Morning Processes: Visualisation / Core Work (DONE)
(2) Meditation (FAIL)
(3) Read: Letting Go (DONE)
(4) Work (DONE)
(5) Content: Upload Female Dating Strategy Part 3: Why It Won't Ever Work (DONE)

In Process
(6) Stretching (ATG Zero)
(7) Old
(8) Date #11 @ 8pm

Another date, another chance to try to pull home.

Yep I like taller girls, I am 6 ft 5 remember, I have dated girls who were 5 ft 3 and I was just like....the kneeling, the bending over, I could not do this for the rest of my life.

Like Tormund, I wish to marry The Big Woman, and produce savage off spring who can conquer all.


Project Running Totals:

I started Turkesteron last week. This marks 1 week off the gym for my rest period. Next week is another rest week. Then, back to slanging iron.

Swanging & banging.

Get jacked or die trying.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
So buddy boyos - date which I planned for tonight cancelled, think I lost my deposit on the table for the cocktail lounge which is a bummer, 25 down the drain! Ugh.

I don't understand this at all. $25 for a nonrefundable DEPOSIT for a table at a cocktail lounge? Why not just go to a normal bar or some other lounge where you don't have to pay? Girls will hook up with you no matter where you take them as long as you at least look like you're putting in some effort.

For sure man, I will review locations and find other spots. This spot is like 15 mins walk from my place so the logistics were solid.

With the gal the other day, we walked for like 10 mins and she was like, ummm how much longer, actually I've gotta bounce.

She was not receptive anyway, I asked her if she wants to hang again during the date and she was like "this week is busy"

Not that I care.

The ghosting.....the ghosting....


MakingAComeback said:
pancakemouse said:
I don't understand this at all. $25 for a nonrefundable DEPOSIT for a table at a cocktail lounge? Why not just go to a normal bar or some other lounge where you don't have to pay? Girls will hook up with you no matter where you take them as long as you at least look like you're putting in some effort.

For sure man, I will review locations and find other spots. This spot is like 15 mins walk from my place so the logistics were solid.

With the gal the other day, we walked for like 10 mins and she was like, ummm how much longer, actually I've gotta bounce.

She was not receptive anyway, I asked her if she wants to hang again during the date and she was like "this week is busy"

Not that I care.

The ghosting.....the ghosting....



Im being ghosted quite a bit right now broski. Embrace that something very good will come from it. Usually does if you keep thinking positive.
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