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Listen, I am beyond proud of the man I am becoming. This is just the beginning. My life is going to be a brilliant one.

It already is transforming at levels I never imagined.

KillYourInnerLoser said:
Couldn't be happier for you. Looking forward to our upcoming podcast together.

Thank you so, so much for having me on Andy, it is truly appreciated and it is such an honour for me. We have done absolutely brilliant work together on this journey and you know how grateful I am. I am looking forward to our podcast this week!!!

MakingAComeback said:
And she listened to me empathetically, grabbed my hand, pressed it and said “I’m sorry work has been stressful, are you OK?”.

I cried when I read this. Sex is good and all, but girls showing they care about you is a different animal on itself.

Really happy for you bro.

Manganiello said:
Progress is exponential. So you can get easily rack up more lays pretty soon. You kind of realize it's just a repeatable system of interactions, dates and lays. If it were me I'd go for 20 lays this year. It can happen really fast.

Lifetime of wisdom here.
Wait a minute! You were trying to get laid? I had no idea.

JK haha lol man I'm so proud of you I'm gonna call my Mom.

Honestly man the fact that she was so sweet and really cared about you will make all the difference in the world. My first time at 19 I don't even count cause my girlfriend was not really excited about it happening. Put it in for a second then it was over. When I was 22 almost 23 I got a girlfriend who was just as sick of being a virgin as me and through hell or high water was gonna make it happen. Little things really frame her as an empathetic person like listening about your day, the Danish bakery, and having a box of condoms for you - she knew she wanted to fuck you man.

You earned this by changing you, but at the same time, that person was there all along. You are worthy. You are loved. This is the first day of the rest of your life.

MakingAComeback this was an incredibly moving read. I am so happy for you. I am also happy for you that your first time turned out so amazingly. You will cherish this memory forever.

MakingAComeback said:
I fumble around in my wallet for what felt like an eternity for a condom. I find it, and go to put it on. In my total inexperience, I do not even know how to put a condom on correctly, and I totally mess it up.

That was my one and only condom. And now, I am thinking to myself: what the hell do I do?

My heart stopped for a second when I read this :) Do some solo attempts with condoms :)

Also don't worry, I still put on condoms the wrong side up sometimes and then have to take the next one, happens even after a long time. That's why I always keep 2 condoms with me 8-)
I swear to God it’s Monday and I still am over the moon……..God, I LOVE SELF IMPROVEMENT

Look how special what we have here is. Every week, guys come together to fight for a better life for themselves, and we all lift each other up, support each other, push each other, and help each other carry the weight of self improvement. I am in awe of the community Andy and Radical have built.

There are exceptional men here from all walks of life, and some are so far ahead in their journey, but we all come here and are committed to the guy beside us.

It’s a beautiful thing and masculinity is sacred. It is sacred.


What better time to give an update?


As ever brothers, my deepest thanks for you all in helping me become a better man.

Seriously guys. Look at this shit. A regular poster in the community who is committed to his growth and also really cares about the progress of all the men around him got his first lay.



Masculinity is truly a remarkable thing: we are fucking brilliant creatures as men we truly are.

This is the side the media will not show you, the side of true brotherhood and determination to go into the big bad cold unforgiving world with a goal, a dream, and nothing but determination and be prepared to go to the wall for the guy beside you.

That is what builds a legacy, we embody that shit.

I am proud to be here fighting alongside every one of you.

Congrats, that's awesome!. You're a really good writer, way more eloquent than I am in expressing your emotions. I can't even really express my emotions accurately anymore, it's a really good skill to have. Honestly I think you should show some of the stuff you write to some hot women lol, they might be into you even just for that
Thank you boyos!!!!!!!

Haha, for the bros who complimented my writing - thank you so much. I actually love writing, and when I was a wee lad, wanted to be a novelist. Back then in English culture being a novelist was really cool, and some were like rockstars and had a bit of following. They would often be featured on various TV shows and panel discussions where they would chime in with social commentary.

And then I realised I didn't want to be a starving artist. LOL. I want to get paid. But in my older years, like 60+, once I've made my money, produced several children and left a legacy, and shagged the arse off my stunner of a wife for 20 years+, I will turn my hand to writing and leaving a legacy. I always wanted to publish.

OK boyos so today, Tuesdays, I take a lighter day because I do the weekly coaching calls with Andy and Radical, so I just get my work done, do other self improvement stuff, and wind down at 9pm so I can chill and sleep until midnight. Where I do the call until 2am!

Wednesday, back to the processes boyos, and also heading out to buy some clothes for a new look Radical and I are working on. Will do my daily posts etc.

Thursday, date with a new girl, which will be date #12. Plz dn't flake on me gal. She's pretty to boot.

Next week my ass is back in the gym putting in work like nobodies business.

Asked Danish girl to come see me Saturday, I want to check out an exhibition at a gallery in Chelsea and want a girl to do things like this with. Hope she's down. Also asked if she'd like to come to my place and have sex all night. Fingers are crossed I've retained this lovely human. We'd go for breakfast on the Sunday and maybe get a few rounds in too.

It'll all come together boyos.

MakingAComeback said:
They’ve been known by different labels since time immemorial, but we have always know there are moments of transcendence that can occur in life where truth is unveiled and we are graced by the divine.
MakingAComeback said:
It is a time when the Universe says to the committed Seeker: “Your diligence, hard work and commitment have satisfied me. You have earned the right to go further. Now, prove yourself”
MakingAComeback said:
But as I walked further and further, a peace bloomed in my weary heart.

This is poetic as fuck. Most epic post of all time on this forum.
Man it is a feeling of total joy that washes over you when your peers and men in self improvement you respect give you positive affirmation and see value in you. It was such a beautiful feeling to share this with you all and your posts hit me deep, so deep. I am grateful, trust me, I am so so grateful.

We will all become successful bros. In a big, big way.


WED 02/02/2022

Coaching call with Andy & the bros was SICK. Loved it.

Went to sleep at 2am. Got up 7am, give myself some time after the coaching calls to get up later. Visualisation, reading, sunrise & coffee. Meditation. Looksmaxxing. Breakfast. WORK.

Work is done. Now prepping my dinner, going to put a chilli on the crockpot, do some core work, and then go buy a pack of condoms and head to the shops to buy new items for the look Radical is working on with me.

This is my final week off gym and cold approach. So next week, we’re back at it FULL SWING and we WILL be successful in our goals for 2022 brothers. We MUST find a way to achieve our goals.


(1) Online dating: 2hrs
(2) Copywriting: 2hrs
(3) Core & Stretching
(4) Others: Shops – buy grey wool coat, chelsea boots, slim fitting white shirt, flatcap, and dress watch. Buy pack of condoms for my place, learn from my previous mistake (lol).

So now just prepping dinner, going to the shops, and then when I’m back I’m going to read Letting Go, have dinner, put in another hour or two of work on the apps to bring me to 2=-hrs for today. And then I will stretch, do copywriting, and get to bed at a reasonable time.

Also I forgot some of my bros in the shout out.

In some instances, this is due to their inactivity, and I am wary of tagging guys who won't want to be disturbed.

But in some instances, they've gone and changed their damn username so it didn't show up: Adrizzle formerly had a diff username and I couldn't find it! But bro, you have been a great supporter of mine and your success is also important to me so know that you deserve a shoutout and special mention from me here.

Danish girl has confirmed for the weekend, so that means many many hours of wholesome loving for us both. Taking her to a gallery on Sat, and we're going for dinner. Netflix and chill all night from there. Sunday, we'll go for breakfast, and then a lovely walk along the Thames. And invite her back for a coffee and maybe some more sex. If we have sex both Sat and Sun that is major for me boyos. Hell yes! Really want to fully retain her and see her as long as I possibly can. She's awesome.

Another date tomorrow with a new girl. She's a good prospect, we had a great convo on the phone for 1hr.

I am getting back to hustle mode after taking some rest for 2-3 days following my major win.

Grind will resume...........big time.............Back in the gym next week and body progress updates this month. You'll see I am working hard here boyos.



(1) Online dating: 2hrs (DONE)
(2) Copywriting: 2hrs (Not yet)
(3) Core & Stretching (Not yet)
(4) Others: Shops – buy grey wool coat, chelsea boots, slim fitting white shirt, flatcap, and dress watch. Buy pack of condoms for my place, learn from my previous mistake (lol) (DONE)

Shopping took a minute boyos. It was fun, Radical is doing some work on a new look for me. I LOVE it, but he has a vision for it and I need to do more work. I made some errors basically and will need to go back to the shops tomorrow. Radical wants us looking at a very light grey wool coat, but I think the slim fitting shirt, Chelsea boots, and flatcap are OK. He also wants to add a dress watch. I will need to make changes as he's not quite happy with the look yet, even though I myself was very happy with it, Radical has high standards for his clients and is quite the perfectionist. We keep working until we get it right. You do get a very high level of service I can tell you that Radical goes above and beyond.

Pics from today's work on a new look.

Remember, I am in London, and we're going for a very London look here.

In other news, I bought 2 packs of condoms and when I was buying them a very pretty girl was giving me a nasty look....yeeee...

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I am wearing a large in the jacket and shirt. I have never been able to fit a large since I was 21. So 9 years. The work I have done to be able to wear a large again is real and I am immensely proud of it. I am going to keep working my dick off on my body bros. Give me 6 more months and I will have it looking juicy as fuck. In just 2-3 months I will drop my bodyfat down and start looking shredded. And then we build some solid ass muscle.

Physique should be elite by the end of the year man.

Really need that LOW bodyfat for my face to look as good as it can look. I pray to God it looks decent at a lower BF. Right now, its not bad, it's OK, but I think with stripping off 20 more lbs, I will improve my aesthetics a lot.

And then will come the grind of muscle gains and building a sexy as fuck body. Big, thick, solid, tight arms, chest, back, quads, hams, glutes, the job lot boyos.

I believe I will make an epic transformation this year thru sheer consistency, taking action every day, lol. As I always do.

Thanks Matty boy, gonna keep working, I look alright and making progress like a mofo.

Gotta keep working tho, need to get these abs and be lean AF.

Then muscle up over time.

And keep upgrading the look.

Clothes make the man. The way we look is more important than we can fathom.

But IMO personality maxxxing also has supported me in retention and overall charisma / likeability,

Every day we've gotta hustle!!!!!!

Date #12 tomorrow boyos.

Hmm, tried my best today but it was a bit hit and miss. Still got some good items of clothing, work was fine. Just a few things out of place. Tomorrow will be better.

THURSDAY 03/02/2022

Action Points
(1) Online dating (2hrs)
(2) Date #12
(3) Looksmaxxing: Shops – Black turtleneck & try on grey woolcoat @ & send to Radical
(4) Core & Stretching
(5) Others: Work, Read letting go, Mike Mew consult, learn Mewing.

Back tomorrow and will work harder.

MakingAComeback said:
In other news, I bought 2 packs of condoms and when I was buying them a very pretty girl was giving me a nasty look....yeeee...
My mentor calls that “chick crack” when something overtly sexual draws them in and they can’t help themselves. Saw him do it to by accident. He was just saying to me outside as he was smoking “…I never send nudes I have girls sending me topless photos of them all the time but I never send nudes.” At this moment a woman walks by and gives him a seductive look. Then circles back to keep eye fucking him but he didn’t bite cause he has a no mask policy when it comes to hitting on women. Chick crack. Haha.
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