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THURS 10/02/2022

(1) Cold Approach 2hrs
(2) Core / Stretch / McKenzie Ext
(3) Content: 2 tiktoks, 1 youtube video
(4) Copywriting 1hr
(5) Others: Dental app (start ALF expander), dermapen, read Letting Go

Note: I am fasting today! I do 36hr fasts sometimes, just to bring insulin levels down and keep cutting.

BW was 200.2lbs today boyos.

We need to get SHREDDED. So I will need to get to 185lbs.

I will, too. Just got to add the occasional fast into the mix to really bring my hormones where I need them.

At 185lbs, there will be abs. And then I will build solid azz muscle over the course of the year, keeping bodyfat in check.

I think I'll go for a few set of pics in June! May take the month off work in June and head to see my family in the US. I'll potentially be in California for 3 weeks, so will hang out with a bunch of you, colgate already confirmed. And will get over to see the rest of you.


The dental app today is gonna take a few hrs so it's messed with The Phoenix Project. But I am still GRINDING, healing my hormones, and hustling like fuck. Tomorrow we go even harder.

That is what it will take boyos.

That is what it will take.

Started the ALF appliance yesterday. Really interesting, and I think it will be major for me. Airway work is awesome. Postural changes were immediate. Tongue will need to be strengthened a lot now to stay on the roof of the mouth.

Completed a 36hr fast bros. We use fasts because they decrease fasting blood glucose and lower insulin. Without low FBG, you don't lose belly fat and fat from the hips. These 36hr fasts once every week or every two weeks will be major in achieving my goals.

This morning I was 195.4lbs, lowest I've been in 10 years. Goal is 185lbs bros. And then we build up again.


(1) Dating 5hrs: Cold Approach (3hrs) & Online dating (2hrs)
(2) Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Conent: 2 tiktoks, 1 YouTube video
(4) Others: Work, tongue posture work, life admin

Work was super busy, back to back meetings and tonnes of problems to solve. This happens when there's a new project launched. I have to head into the office on Tuesday and train these people. It's how it goes.


(1) Dating 5hrs: Cold Approach (3hrs) & Online dating (2hrs) (FAIL, had to work boyos)
(2) Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE)
(3) Content: 2 tiktoks, 1 YouTube video (Tiktoks done, Youtube video planned will shoot tomorrow)
(4) Others: Work, tongue posture work, life admin (DONE)

Did my best, but ran out of time.

Talked to a gal from Bumble on the phone for an hour. She was cool. 32. Meh looking, but she's quite slim. That's a bonus. We hit it off, she asked me to come meet her for a coffee when I'm next in the West Mids, and asked if I'd be down for a hike in the Peak district in March. I'm down.


Back at it tomorrow. Going to watch some interesting content on ancient Egypt for a bit to cool my brain off. And tomorrow, will be better.

Dam so much online dating time but that swiping can take awhile. How many girls are you looking to cold approach? Once you get quick enough you can do 5 approaches in half an hour
It can indeed bro. Swiping, messaging, all that, it can add up! Thanks for your post Jacob hope ur working hard out there!!

Cold approach, just 5 approaches a day right now is the goal, I will scale it up.


SAT 12/02/2022


(1) Dating (5hrs): Cold Approach 3hrs, Online dating 2hrs
(2) Content: 2 TikToks, 1 YouTube
(3) Work on The Bastard’ interview
(4) Guitar
(5) Copywriting

Others: Potentially have date 13 tonight.

Keep hammering,
The lady I talked to on the phone was very interesting. She was a very free spirited woman who has travelled a tonne, and she really grabs life by the balls.

I was so impressed. She's not necessary the type of gal I want in my life - you ever see that meme "I've got a PhD"? lol. She has a PhD and is working on her CFA. She's obviously very bright and a baller chick. I was quite inspired tbh. She is enjoying her life and really living it.

Not that I felt much attraction, my brain was telling me to hang up the whole time, but part of me thinks this may be some inner resistance I should lean into.

Was a cool convo. Gonna try to push for date 13 now, go for a cold approach session, and I also have a date planned on Monday with a possible mega fatty LOL.

PhD girls can be hit or miss. I've dated a few of them. There's a lot of weirdness going around in the "manosphere" where it's hip to say you don't want an intelligent girl. For me that's not true, I enjoy conversations with intelligent girls.

You just need to screen out the PhD chicks who have an obvious bone to pick with the male gender, and who insist that since they have a PhD, their pussy must be made of gold.

If you find the sweet ones, they're a joy to be around. They're responsible, don't drink or party too much, can hold a conversation, etc.

(1) Dating (5hrs): Cold Approach 3hrs, Online dating 2hrs

Cold approach: 3hrs. Not one single approach. Massive panic attacks/serious rage. The usual. Took a 2 week break like I was advised, did the headwork. It'll take a while I geuss. Just to be able to approach women, like 10-20 a day, will be a major win.

2hrs of online dating work now. Cooking dinner. Then have date at 7. She's nice and responsive. She's also not fat, she will be the 3rd girl I've dated who wasn't obese. Which is good.

With dates, they're interesting and a time you can unwind and just be with another human. Now this is no. 13, I can tell you, they're mostly a prelude to "I'm not feeling the connection" text.

Most women are incapable of pair bonding and actually feeling a connection with most men. There are many reasons for this but they're beyond what I'd discuss here.

It's just a routine thing, it's just how this goes.

I'll ask her back to mine after an hour and a half, and if the answer's no, I'll walk 5 mins back to my place and keep grinding.

And then you go from there.

Now going to finish cooking dinner, then on with grinding, so much shit to do man.

MakingAComeback said:
I'll ask her back to mine after an hour and a half, and if the answer's no, I'll walk 5 mins back to my place and keep grinding.

Self sabotage here (speaking from experience)

Set an alarm clock for 25 minutes after you meet her and 5 minutes after it goes off, go for the pull
Crisis_Overcomer said:
MakingAComeback said:
I'll ask her back to mine after an hour and a half, and if the answer's no, I'll walk 5 mins back to my place and keep grinding.

Self sabotage here (speaking from experience)

Set an alarm clock for 25 minutes after you meet her and 5 minutes after it goes off, go for the pull

OK, damn this feels scary, but I'll do it

MakingAComeback said:
Not one single approach. Massive panic attacks/serious rage.
MakingAComeback said:
Most women are incapable of pair bonding and actually feeling a connection with most men.

Since now you have concrete reference experience, have you considered thinking about Danish girl while you're out approaching? You now know 100% someone like her exists, and that therefore there are other girls like her.

The goal of cold approaching is just to search for such a girl. When you go shopping for a car, do you get angry that there are so many shitty cars? No, you just move on and try to find the nice car. Similarly, and now I can tell you from experience, you are guaranteed to get long strings of girls ignoring you, being aggressively unreceptive, changing trajectory, and being generally rude to your approach before you can meet a girl who's going to be pleasant to chat with. But it's inevitable. I've had days recently at the mall where I'll go like 45 approaches before I even get a contact, and 15-20 of the girls refuse to let me get past hey even if I'm a little persistent. But then you find someone you vibe with, 45 girls later.
MakingAComeback said:

(1) Dating (5hrs): Cold Approach 3hrs, Online dating 2hrs

Cold approach: 3hrs. Not one single approach. Massive panic attacks/serious rage. The usual. Took a 2 week break like I was advised, did the headwork. It'll take a while I geuss. Just to be able to approach women, like 10-20 a day, will be a major win.

That's some dedication to be out there for three hours, so give yourself credit for that. My problem lately has been avoiding going out at all due to being too busy. One thing that helped me in a couple approaches I did this week was to detach from the anxiety (or rage or whatever feeling) and recognize it's just a feeling and it literally doesn't mean anything unless you let it mean something. It's just a sensation like a pain in the arm or something. If you wouldn't let a sore muscle stop you from approaching, then why let the similar physical sensation of anxiety or anger stop you? I'm not sure if that's helpful or not. But it has helped me to think of it that way. Look up Sam Harris anxiety YouTube.
Thanks for the posts bros.

Part of this game is just learning to step into discomfort, and tolerate it, just live there, and accept it. Because that is what we need to do, to overcome our own brain.

I just had date 13. And honestly, I had so much resistance to trying to pull. I couldn't even ask her back to mine. The table next to us was so close, like the pair opposite were so close to us, I just couldn't pull the trigger. Then it got to an hour and a half, and it was time for the lady to move on! She called herself a cab. She was very far from what I'm looking for. She was slim, which is cool, but she had an outlook I just cannot vibe with, at all. And I didn't find her attractive in the slightest. Not to over-think, but she did order tonic water at the start, so part of me thinks she was not into it at all. That kind of was a factor also.

But it doesn't matter. I know she'll text me saying she didn't tell a connection. It's just how this goes. Rejection becomes so irrelevant, it's just part of the thickening of the skin.

Part of this is just stepping into the suck. I could have pushed for the pull and been declined, and that would have helped my growth.

I have tonnes of resistance in different areas, but that's why I'm here, to improve.

Part of this is just a game, man, it's just a process.

As long as you're leaning into discomfort, then doing what you gotta do in order to rebuild yourself again, working on mental health and healing, and also putting in the work on the process, it'll come together IMO.

During the date, another gal texted me asking me if we could schedule a date next Friday. She literally asked me out on Hinge, like that was her first message, lol. The reason? She's 5 ft 11. Tall girl market is real boyos!

So, yeah I worked hard today man, embraced a lot of suck, and that's where there's growth. That is really it. When it hurts, when life is difficult and you feel under pressure, hustling, that's where you're growing.

On the other side of that is greatness.

I've got my interview with Andy tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm gonna relax for 50 mins and watch some content, probably some stuff on healing and mental wellbeing, and then I will perform some life admin for an hour and at 11 spend 30 mins tinkering with editing content. 1130 will call it a night and get up at 6 to keep pushing.

We're really early on, bros. I need to be getting the volume in during cold approach. That's where I will get the real growth. And the online dating and apps, my Hinge has always been solid and my Bumble got wayyyyyy better with my pro shoot. Tinder died and I am going to reset it, I probs got shadow banned, so I'll get a new sim and go through the reset process.

Time to chill for 50 mins. Then just an hour and a half of working before calling it a day.

Tomorrow let's try and get 1-5 cold approaches boyos.

I think you should make a goal of just doing 1 approach a day. I think taking a couple days off is fine. But 2 weeks I think just sets you back. I found that if you gradually increase the number you'll hit a critical point where every approach after that number gets easier.

For me the 6th approach of the day is where I hit flow state and I can just keep going. But that happens from 1 approach a day to ok let's do 2 approaches everyday this week. I don't think your ready for the 3 hours of 10-20 approaches. It's easy to get overwhelmed and then not do any.

Remember (rocky quote from Creed but still fits.) One step at a time. One approach at a time. One day at a time. Just take it in baby steps and before you know it 30 approach days will be on your horizon. Good luck.

Remember the approach is the win, after that you've done your job.
Jacobpalmer123 said:
over-think, but she did order tonic water at the start, so part of me thinks she was not into it at all. That kind of was a factor also

Definitely over thinking it. But grand scheme of things not a big deal.

The Goal for every date should be no regrets.

Not to get laid. Not to pull. Not to have a nice convo.

Just have your goal be that you don't end the date regretting something.

I find that outlook keeps me detached from the outcome while also pushing me to do the right things.
This is it, managing the mental side, coming to acceptance and moving away from what may cause regret, this is crucial. Also, as you say Jacob, even 1 approach a day is excellent, because it can be built up. I will go out there and do 1 approach today!

Interview with Andy coming shortly. Can't wait!

SUN 13/02/2022


(1) Cold Approach: 1 approach (Allocate up to 3hrs) / Online 2hrs
(2) Content: 2 TikToks, 1 YouTube
(3) Guitar
(4) Work: 2hrs work on developing training

Others: The Bastard interview prep work

Keep hammering,
Back from cold approach. Was out for 3hrs and just couldn't approach.

Most chicks you see here are pretty gross, but I saw one lady who looked quite pretty and feminine.

I will have to get over it, and I will have to approach them regardless.

I sucked today. And I will now spend 30 mins reflecting on what the fuck I need to do in order to figure this out.

And then to punish myself, I am going to work until the small hours today and get major shit done. Work is going to be agony tomorrow, and then I have a date with a right fatty. I will try to pull within 30 mins and if she doesn't at 45mins I'll bounce.

Then I will also approach for a few hrs tomorrow.

There is a lot that needs to improve. I am doing terribly right now, and this is poor.

I will fail at my goals for this year if this continues.

That is not an option for me.

The only person who can figure this out is me. I will need to think deeply and find a way forward.

Where are you in the UK that the women are ugly? I can't find it in the last page. And what's the significance of tonic water, that she didn't want alcohol?
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