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London. There are decent looking women around, but they're not common. Personality-wise, mostly what you will find here is despicable sewage, effluent, degenerate filth that honestly belongs in a zoo. But I think this is the way our society is going.

Not that I even care.

I just want to achieve my goals. I will have to figure that out.

MakingAComeback said:
Back from cold approach. Was out for 3hrs and just couldn't approach.

Most chicks you see here are pretty gross, but I saw one lady who looked quite pretty and feminine.

Without more context, I'm going to go out on a limb and say that this is rationalization for you not approaching.

Even the ugliest cities in the United States (like Baltimore or Oakland), I can find more than one woman that looks pretty and feminine in three hours of hitting the streets.

Also: even if they are gross, you're going on dates from online with fat chicks, so why would you not be OK with approaching fat chicks during daygame?

If location is your issue, I did a quick Google Search, this post seems to have a ton of useful information about where to daygame in London: https://mindful-masculinity.org/2020/10/17/areas-to-game-around-london-a-full-analysis/
MakingAComeback said:
London. There are decent looking women around, but they're not common. Personality-wise, mostly what you will find here is despicable sewage, effluent, degenerate filth that honestly belongs in a zoo. But I think this is the way our society is going.

Not that I even care.

I just want to achieve my goals. I will have to figure that out.


Is it possible that the women you see around can sense that you're bitter and despise them and think they're degenerate and despicable sewage filth and as a result respond negatively and rudely to you? I'm not trying to be a dick, just a genuine idea for you to think about...
SamJ_ said:
Is it possible that the women you see around can sense that you're bitter and despise them and think they're degenerate and despicable sewage filth and as a result respond negatively and rudely to you? I'm not trying to be a dick, just a genuine idea for you to think about...
I don't know if I would take it that far (saying women can sense it), but I would agree that it seems like MAC has some built up resentment that has yet to be addressed.
Thanks for the posts bros. I will take this into consideration.

Working my dick off. 25mins ice bath, cleaned the flat, made dinner, sent some emails.

Now going to work on the apps for an hour, do my weekly accountability call, and then keep working....

I have very mixed feelings towards women. Finding one who is basically decent as a human is like striking gold, a decent, wholesome woman is almost a mythological creature. It is not even funny. I have met less than 5 my whole life, many of them were fleeting interactions from like 10-15 years ago. The interactions may have lasted a minute or less, but I still remember them at 30 years old man. That is reality and what we're working with. The less said about them the better,...........I want to block all this out and forget it tbh.

My goals are what matter to me, and just getting this part of life squared away. I want to be at peace with myself and move on.

The world of woman is callous and superficial to the bone. it is a world where there is little by way of light, warmth, comfort, pleasure, wholeness, goodness. Nothing is sacred. For the most part, these people don't care. They simply don't care.

I cannot allow this to effect me. I must put all my energy on my mission and block the rest out.

If I allow woman to enter my mind and impose negativity on me, they win.

I cannot allow them to win. Because then everything that is sacred has been crushed by what is barbaric, grotesque, and base.

I will grind until 4am today working on my life's mission. Go to sleep for 1hr. And then get up and grind for fucking 18hrs tomorrow.

THAT is sacred. THAT means something. THAT makes me feel like I am something, on my way to being somebody.

Something that will likely be very fleeting feeling in the twisted and sick world of woman.

MakingAComeback said:
Thanks for the posts bros. I will take this into consideration.

Working my dick off. 25mins ice bath, cleaned the flat, made dinner, sent some emails.

Now going to work on the apps for an hour, do my weekly accountability call, and then keep working....

I have very mixed feelings towards women. Finding one who is basically decent as a human is like striking gold, a decent, wholesome woman is almost a mythological creature. It is not even funny. I have met less than 5 my whole life, many of them were fleeting interactions from like 10-15 years ago. The interactions may have lasted a minute or less, but I still remember them at 30 years old man. That is reality and what we're working with. The less said about them the better,...........I want to block all this out and forget it tbh.

My goals are what matter to me, and just getting this part of life squared away. I want to be at peace with myself and move on.

The world of woman is callous and superficial to the bone. it is a world where there is little by way of light, warmth, comfort, pleasure, wholeness, goodness. Nothing is sacred. For the most part, these people don't care. They simply don't care.

I cannot allow this to effect me. I must put all my energy on my mission and block the rest out.

If I allow woman to enter my mind and impose negativity on me, they win.

I cannot allow them to win. Because then everything that is sacred has been crushed by what is barbaric, grotesque, and base.

I will grind until 4am today working on my life's mission. Go to sleep for 1hr. And then get up and grind for fucking 18hrs tomorrow.

THAT is sacred. THAT means something. THAT makes me feel like I am something, on my way to being somebody.

Something that will likely be very fleeting feeling in the twisted and sick world of woman.


You didn't take anything into consideration. You just made another post working yourself up into a lather and ranting about how mean and bad women are and refusing to consider even the possibility that your own bitterness and resentment is the problem. As long as you keep doing this you're guaranteed to fail. I'm saying this not to be harsh but to actually try to help.
2am. Hammred like fuck. That is the price you may.

For greatness to unfold, it is brutality. You have to work until your soul is about to crack. This is what separates us.

4 hr sleep then back to grinding.

Fair enough boyos. LOL. IMO, surviving this game as a sub par male is about resilience, stoicism, and detachment, It’s about not taking these people seriously. Deal with it. I had to. We don’t all get to experience the joy of ignorant bliss. You have to deal with that. That’s on you. Miss me with this plz…..I’ll find a way forward.

Happy valentines day you beautiful bastards. MAC loves you.


MON 14/02/2022

(1) Dating: 5hrs (3hrs cold approach / 2hrs old) - about to go now
(2) Work (DONE)

Date 14 flaked. She texted me some horseshit 1hr before. I thanked her, wished her well. Blocked and onto the next. Vile human.

Now off to cold approach. I will approach 1-5 of these bastards today. I can do this.

Worked from 6am-2pm, just finalising this training and also had to pay staff which is fucking boring and it's the last time I do admin shit like this I tell ya! Gotta go to the office tomorrow & train 'em, then back to Ldn Weds night. To carry on the hustle to become a better man.

Anger is like a faucet, once it's turned on, you're better to let it run it's course. You don't have to like what I'm going through, but it is the necessary course of action and respectfully I will handle my shit. I thank you for your posts but I will figure this out, trust me, I will....

Sometimes the only way out is through.

When you'll meet several Danish girls, that anger will transform itself.

You got this brother
SpongeBob said:
When you'll meet several Danish girls, that anger will transform itself.
I agree. I think MAC just needs more real life proof that women can be great. I used to have a lot of resentment and this is probably what had the biggest impact on me.

That, and lots of therapy lol.
I am way past giving a fuck boyos. Women, I'm afraid, are actually quite a lowly lifeform, they're not far off rats. When we have a goal for our growth, we pursue that, because unlike these demons, our growth actually means something. These people do not care if we live or die, I assure you of that, lol.

K so cold approach, out for 2 and a half hrs, the volume ain't great because many of the whores are repulsive beasts here but I did find 5 who didn't look completely STD ridden.

0/5 approaches. First 2 didn't stop at all, next one was standing and informed he she has a boyfriend/pimp. 4th stopped, chatted, but it was raining like crazy so she kinda backed off. She was quite nice bless her, tiny Asian girl. 5th chick was spooked like hell and kept moving.

I left, victorious, feeling good. I am back approaching.

Now I have absolutely no love in my heart left for women, literally none, I have 0 approach anxiety. I can actually just approach them, because I have nothing left for them. Whatever they want to say or do truly means absolutely fucking nothing to me.


Gonna eat dinner, jump on the train, and work on this presentation. Tomorrow, working my dick off in the office, and will hit the gym, shoot content, and hustle on the dating apps.

The goal will be achieved. I look forward to the day when I can say I achieved my goal so I can move on with my life and put these beasts behind me.

No. I have the upmost respect for her, she is a beautiful human being and I cherished every second I spent with her. She ghosted a while ago but she was an angel of a human.


I am not actually being serious in the rage posts above. This is me expressing my bottled up rage.

Rage gets stored, and you need to express it. This is David Hawkins technique in Letting Go.

It does work, and this is the reason why I went from 0 approaches yesterday to 5 today.

I am allowing the rage to flow through me it has to be used up.

Andy gave me a lot to try but colgate actually gave me great advice, he told me expressing it and processing it will help and he was right.

I am happy to express this in front of men I respect like yourselves because it DOES allow the emotion to dissipate and then I calm down tonnes.

I must become successful, there is no option to fail, I want to be a daddy I don't want this life.

If I look like a monster for 2 weeks, so be it.

Do you know Andy destroyed furniture etc when he was going thru this?

What I am doing is strategic and I am willing to do anything to get myself a wife, I will literally die trying

wow dude thats crazy persistence! thats a good attribute I guess. what do you think is the Problem holding you back? i mean 1000 approaches, Dating apps for years etc, surely some girl will like you??

anyway, only thing you can do is to improve yourself more, be more attractive, try something else besides working out (f.e. surgery etc).

i kinda feel like a pussy now cuz i never approached or went to clubs
It is kind of nice of you to share your raw thoughts, even if they are quite ugly. I got it and that's why I didn't really react or try to comfort you. You've showed us that you're a kind man and a hurt soul. You'll heal yourself, get a great wife and produce some badass offsprings, I have no doubt about it.

Congratulations on your 5 approaches.
Was MIA a bit due to some family stuff, just read your victory report. Congratulations MAC! Wonderful to see all your hard work pay off. Wishing you even more success!
Thanks homies for your posts. The anger release is an exercise I'm working on and believe me I do not like having to do it, it makes me so upset....so so upset. But I have to do it. Read David Hawkins' work. You have to 'use up' the anger. It does go. It does.

I can't have any anger in my. It's not going to work. Children swim in the unconscious of their parents. I must get my shit wired tight. That is what a man does.

So...I am winning right now.

Got the train back to my parents place Monday night, feeling good, called like 5 friends on the phone on the train and just laughed my ass off. Got home. I was so tired my Mum asked if I was drunk, and my bro asked if I smoked a joint. I went to bed.

Got up at 545, and my fucking dental device came out. I was pissed. I tried to put it back in. They told me its super easy and you just pop it back in. I was there for 45mins doing it, and couldn’t get it in. I was pissed.

I sent an angry email telling them to see me ASAP and put this back on.

I missed my accountability call, which I apologised for, and drove to the office no breakfast and had to finalise the training I was to deliver with an hour to go. I worked hard and got it done, JUST, ran to the training, I was a bit late but I laughed it off. Delivered a great workshop on little sleep and no food, felt like I was about to collapse at times, but I killed it and got really good feedback.

“You’re a great trainer”


Remember, I’m a proper manager, but how you do this job well is thru personal leadership.

Finish off work, drive to my parents, where I just mong out for 2 hours and for the first time in maybe a year watched TV. Ozark, the new season. Loving it. Worked on the dating apps, got a few leads.

This is the level of hustle where I feel alive.

I love when I leave it all on the battlefield.

I am going back to London tomorrow afternoon, and because of my fucking ALF, I will have to get off the train, run to the dentist, and get it fitted back in. I will approach 5 women regardless. I will do the work to be a better man. I’ll go to the gym in the evening.

Then, Thursday, proper full approach session, pushing for a date (14), Friday another date (15). Saturday gonna get the train to my parents to help Momma MAC all day, she is gonna need to be driven around to see her friends and stuff, she will need me all day. Sunday

To win this game, you have to GRIND. I was 198lbs this morning man. I am working HARD every fucking day. My body WILL improve bros and I will get a hair transplant. I am mewing. I will do fuck tonnes of approaches and when I’ve gained 10lbs of muscle I’ll do a new set of photos.

I will make it, by now, we all know for a dog like me the path is going to be extreme hustle. I am ok with that.

Anger release work needs to continue. Had no rage at all today, at work have a tonne of women and they’re sweet to me which aint good for me getting the inner rage out. Need to be approaching and need them being nasty so I can drain this wound and get to the other side.

A great guy from the coaching group told me something: when the rage has run its course, this big heart of mine will have more space for love.

Heaven knows I look forward to the day.

Cannot say anything more to you right now than I am giving everything I have got to improve my lot in life. EVERYTHING.

MakingAComeback said:
No. I have the upmost respect for her, she is a beautiful human being and I cherished every second I spent with her. She ghosted a while ago but she was an angel of a human.

Ah, and I was gonna ask "Did Danish girl ghost your chocolatish bootayh" when I was reading those angry posts. All is good man.

Also laughed my ass with your "Ur mom" reply to Marcin in the approach chat. God bless you 😂😂😂
I never post on this forum but I’ve been following your log since the first page. These posts where you dive into your anger are normal, regardless of what others might comment. As you said, it’s necessary to genuinely express your pent up emotions to release them and if they can't relate, that's on them. I’m going through a similar phase right now myself. After I fuck a girl, I lay next to her and realize I hate her. I hate that they made fun of my accent as a kid. I hate that I wanted their validation so badly but never knew how to receive it even though it's so easy and feeble to me now. I just hate.

BUT, I notice you are hedging your bet by projecting your current mental models on to your future self. You have to lose yourself in the emotion until you reorient yourself and realize it’s not helpful. The finish line of this process can be a number of things and you have to be able to accept any possibility of the end game. Maybe, after expressing your anger, you come to the conclusion you’ll never be able to depend on a woman the way you want to. Can you accept that?

Basically, what I see is that you have this idea that if you express all this anger you have of women, you’ll eventually be able to love them. I’m saying that once you express this anger, you need to replace your old view of women with something more accurate and up to date. There’s an almost certainty that this up to date view is going to be beyond your current comprehension and definitely not your current view of love— it will greatly impede your progress if you continue trying to fit your current mental model of 'some woman are unicorns' to the world. Accept wherever the journey takes you man. You’ve been working too hard to not shed this anger because in the deepest part of you, you don’t want to hate women. Full heartedly hate women for a bit.
seanconneryfan_ said:
I never post on this forum but I’ve been following your log since the first page. These posts where you dive into your anger are normal, regardless of what others might comment. As you said, it’s necessary to genuinely express your pent up emotions to release them and if they can't relate, that's on them. I’m going through a similar phase right now myself. After I fuck a girl, I lay next to her and realize I hate her. I hate that they made fun of my accent as a kid. I hate that I wanted their validation so badly but never knew how to receive it even though it's so easy and feeble to me now. I just hate.

BUT, I notice you are hedging your bet by projecting your current mental models on to your future self. You have to lose yourself in the emotion until you reorient yourself and realize it’s not helpful. The finish line of this process can be a number of things and you have to be able to accept any possibility of the end game. Maybe, after expressing your anger, you come to the conclusion you’ll never be able to depend on a woman the way you want to. Can you accept that?

Basically, what I see is that you have this idea that if you express all this anger you have of women, you’ll eventually be able to love them. I’m saying that once you express this anger, you need to replace your old view of women with something more accurate and up to date. There’s an almost certainty that this up to date view is going to be beyond your current comprehension and definitely not your current view of love— it will greatly impede your progress if you continue trying to fit your current mental model of 'some woman are unicorns' to the world. Accept wherever the journey takes you man. You’ve been working too hard to not shed this anger because in the deepest part of you, you don’t want to hate women. Full heartedly hate women for a bit.
Good answer, but the problem is that logically countering your beliefs often doesn't work very well. MAC's resentment for women is clearly deep rooted and not something simple and surface level. That's why I'm saying that with time, as he meets more women he likes, his view should change somewhat. Ultimately your mind reacts far more strongly to real world evidence than logical affirmations.

I'll be honest, some of his comments did come across as very incel-like in my opinion, and made me feel somewhat unsettled. However, underneath all of that anger, clearly there is a lot of pain and hurt. And I know that while living as a man in the 21st century, it's not easy, and our struggles are often ignored and not talked about enough, because they are often overshadowed by other gender related issues and feminism. As a result, I think I need to show compassion. Since this isn't something that personally affects a group I belong to, I can respond and give advice without my emotions getting in the way.

MAC, you are clearly very determined and persistent. I hope you can eventually shed your resentment, because you will be happier and much better off that way.
seanconneryfan_ said:
I never post on this forum but I’ve been following your log since the first page. These posts where you dive into your anger are normal, regardless of what others might comment. As you said, it’s necessary to genuinely express your pent up emotions to release them and if they can't relate, that's on them. I’m going through a similar phase right now myself. After I fuck a girl, I lay next to her and realize I hate her. I hate that they made fun of my accent as a kid. I hate that I wanted their validation so badly but never knew how to receive it even though it's so easy and feeble to me now. I just hate.

BUT, I notice you are hedging your bet by projecting your current mental models on to your future self. You have to lose yourself in the emotion until you reorient yourself and realize it’s not helpful. The finish line of this process can be a number of things and you have to be able to accept any possibility of the end game. Maybe, after expressing your anger, you come to the conclusion you’ll never be able to depend on a woman the way you want to. Can you accept that?

Basically, what I see is that you have this idea that if you express all this anger you have of women, you’ll eventually be able to love them. I’m saying that once you express this anger, you need to replace your old view of women with something more accurate and up to date. There’s an almost certainty that this up to date view is going to be beyond your current comprehension and definitely not your current view of love— it will greatly impede your progress if you continue trying to fit your current mental model of 'some woman are unicorns' to the world. Accept wherever the journey takes you man. You’ve been working too hard to not shed this anger because in the deepest part of you, you don’t want to hate women. Full heartedly hate women for a bit.

This was a great post man. Honestly man, I appreciate it. The fact you’ve read my log since the start blows me away and I am truly honoured. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This means a lot to me. I thank you for sharing here, that is so brave, and I really respect your opneness. It has helped me a lot, bro.

I will take your advice here, because (a) I also am a big Sean Connery fan, I had posters of him and also Muhammed Ali all over my room in Uni, (b) you’re right.

I hear you bro, really, I do.

Many of us were looking for compassion and humanness in woman, and as you elude to here, with contact that is insensitive and dehumanising, over time, the sickness of woman does wear at you. Like a poison, it does seep into you.

But this is where true masculinity must come to the fore. Unlike them, we cannot wallow in our own mess. We’ll figure out a way to find light even in such darkness.

For myself, old school belief systems coming into contact with the modern whore caused chaos. I was brainwashed and it fucked me.

You see it when you spend PERSONAL TIME with woman. Not at work, with friends, shit like that. When you’re sharing yourself with them, you see it.

Overall, I can accept it. We’re not promised a rose garden. There is no use holding on to old beliefs and living in a fantasy. No amount of my wishing can make a cat a dog or turn blue into yellow. Letting go, detaching, and just accepting objective reality for what it is has helped recently. It makes the process easier.

To answer your question directly: I am able to say I accept that on the other side of this journey, when it comes to woman, my view will need to evolve a lot.

Yes, I am able to say, I can now accept that.

But is that a bad thing? No.

I am just a man in this world.

It is my responsibility to be the best man I can be. It is my responsibility to achieve my goals. So long as I am giving all I can give, I am happy, and proud of myself.

I will express the anger fully. On the other side of that, we’ll see whats what.

I will get to where I need to get to mentally, but I can tell you, any form of emotions I had towards them are now long gone. That’s part of this process man. When you are dealing with these people, you do have to slowly whittle yourself down and allow the emotions, childlike fascination and naivete, and sentimentalism to just wash away. Because you are dealing with a creature that consumes the weak. They’re to be fought tooth and nail and even in the face of such darkness, I’ll find light, trust me on that…..you push into the deepest discomfort again and again, into areas where your consciousness feels like it is about to split, and you just push way, way, way beyond what you even thought is humanly possible, and on the other side, is masculine glory that is felt when you leave it all on the battlefield.

Every single day man, every day I am breathing in this world, I am willing to keep pushing into them making them have to acknowledge me, see me, feel me, hear me, and just deal with that.

While I am breathing, I will make them feel my presence.

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