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MakingAComeback said:
BTW, on the Japanese beauty, I was 1000000000000% sure she would ghost because she was so, so beautiful.

She didn't. She replied, like 3 times, and agreed to go for a drink with me.

I'm now automatically interested. Looking forward to seeing how this goes.
MakingAComeback said:
1 – looked nice from behind, was a bit of a munter up front, I bailed

I don't count this as an approach, by the way, but opinions may differ.
MakingAComeback said:
It may not be much for many of you bros, you are beasts and I can never even imagine being like you. But no matter how small, this is a win for little old me. I am so shocked she didn't ghost. It does not process. It does not compute.

Dude, you're the beast here. Give yourself the credit you deserve. You're one of the few that are really out there on the front line, facing your shit head on and you got the number of a top tier woman.

Do you know how few men cold approach women ? You're one of the few. And you do approaches that scare most guys (women on the phone for example).

Congratulations on your win



(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, 5 YouTube videos shot
(4) Others: Cold thermogenesis, life admin, mop flat, copywriting 1hr

Notes: Adding carbs back into the mix after months on keto, morning wood was back. Hormones must be topping back up. Good diet and eating sufficient calories, including from carbs, really does support overall health and function, especially lowering stress response.

MakingAComeback said:
I am so shocked she didn't ghost. It does not process. It does not compute.

Isn't it a great feeling? That feeling of being desirable by a beautiful woman? Yes, at first it's shocking, but just wait.

You'll soon be absolutely comfortable with the fact beautiful women find you attractive.
Your confidence and self-assurance will grow day by day. Just look at how much youve grown already. And this is still just the beginning. Hell yeah dude!



(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Old (DONE, went 0/9 in 4hrs)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (Gym and core done)
(3) Content: 2 TikToks, 5 YouTube videos shot (Fail. Did the tiktoks tho)
(4) Others: Cold thermogenesis, life admin, mop flat, copywriting 1hr (mostly fail, bit of life admin, and work)

Yesterday, worked hard man. Got up at 6, core work, accountability call, then breakfast, gym (awesome session), got to work. Worked remotely for 4hrs solid. Went out to cold approach. Tried a new route, which wasn’t the best. I am going out like 1-5 usually. Well, today I did an ass busting 4hr session! From 2-630. 9 approaches as follows:

1 – deflected
2 – deflected

Changed location.

3 – Chick was pretty and nice. Smiley, but in a rush.
4 – Bailed on this one, approached, and then said wrong person bye (she was not attractive at all)

Several chicks darted away ON the approach, lol, like as I was walking to them making eye contact.
6 – approached, she was HELLA awkward and was looking around in sheer panic. Byeeeeee
7 – Just approached but was not feeling it anymore, was like 3 and a half hours in and I was flagging, just complimented her and left
8 – ignored completely
9 – same deal as 7, but this time she was a lot older than I expected so was justified IMO

Came home, cooked and ate dinner late (730/8pm) which is usually a terrible idea. Said I would get some energy back as I was hammering ALL day, gym, work, cold approach for 4 hrs, and I lay down and just rested. An hour went by and I was well aware, this is not going to go much further today. It was like 930pm at this stage. Sometimes the best thing you can do is rest up and come back the next day.

Mileage. Just mileage. We’re early days with approaching. Shit, at least I am fuckinf approaching now after weeks of bullshit.

Also the stunning Japanese lady has sent me a bunch of texts and does actually want me to take her for a drink, she couldn’t do this week, she sent me screenshots of her lecture schedule lol. But this is pretty cool. It’s a win.



Cold Approaches: 80 (+9 today)
Numbers: 2
Dates: 14
Lays: 1

Keep working,

TUE 22/02/2022


(1) Dating: Cold approach – 10 approaches (I only have an hour and a half today) / Old process
(2) Content: Shoot 3 youtube videos (been such a struggle getting this done man)
(3) Body: Core / Stretching (Gonna chill with the additional 60 min cardio sessions, I am walking 3-4hrs a day….)
(4) Others: Work, life admin, dermapen, cold thermogenesis, light therapy, copywriting, coaching call @ 12 - 2am

Keep working,
Thanks Heisenberg - you're god damn right! ;-)

Just back from approaches. Worked remotely 9-12, ran out the door at 12 to approach for an hour. Volume was low, it's the middle of the working day.

Went 0/1. This lady chatted briefly, but had a meeting to get to.

Then, walking back over the bridge, a cute but young looking girl was walking about and we kinda gazed at each other. She then mouthed something or other. I was going to approach, but when they look young, I tend not to. At the end of the day, I am allowed to ask their age, and if they are 18 or something, I can thank them and wish them a great day and move on.

Approaching needs to remain consistent. Hard today because of work, and hell, tomorrow I have work until 4. But there's ALWAYS a way. I am gonna head out tomorrow and hammer it in the evening, probably head to a busy station or something.

There is no excuse.

Back to work now. Having a bit of lunch, then work again from 2-4. After that, finally get to make content, work on copywriting, take care of one work task in the evening, and then gonna chill from 10pm and jump on the coaching call at 12.


Cold Approaches: 81 (+1 today)
Numbers: 2
Dates: 14
Lays: 1

Gonna book a spot for a drink with Japanese lady, and should be seeing her on Tuesday 1st!

Gonna now grind on with my life, work on online dating, and do other life admin.

Content & stretching to come.

For guys who follow my wellness journey, which is Jack Kruse inspired, I had a bunch of DHA today and did cold thermogenesis.

Withoyt DHA & cold thermogenesis, I would burn out.

You are as good as your mitochondria.

If you are an underdog who will have to hammer the fuck out of life, you need ways to bring your mitochondria up to their highest capacity.

Cooling the body in ice baths evokes carnot's law and enhances overall function temporarily, but enough to support mitochondria. DHA is needed to charge your bodies battery. Without DHA, you won't charge the battery. End of. DHA allows the mitochondria to produce DC electric current and regenerate the body and brain.

Keep working,

WED 23/02/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach & Old
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 2 TikTok, 3 YouTube
(4) Copywriting
(5) Others: Work, cold themogenesis, consume DHA, copywriting

Keep hammering,
Talked to The Bastard on the phone for like 2hrs last night, was a rip roaring call and fuck we have great potential to record content together! Dude is so thoughtful and interesting


WED 23/02/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach & Old (DONE, ¼ in 1hr 15 + Old process)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE, I am working hard as fook in the gym, these are almost 2hr training sessions boyos….)
(3) Content: 2 TikTok, 3 YouTube (DONE, thank FUCK for that. I kept missing this. Feels good mane)
(4) Copywriting (FAIL, it got to 9pm, I had worked every second of the day since 6am, and I decided to rest today ahead of a podcast with Andy tomorrow morning)
(5) Others: Work, cold themogenesis, consume DHA (DONE)


A lovely day. Productive at work, did well. Handled biz. It got to 5pm, was tied up with work, but then shot out the door and approached. Still had light up til 630pm, then it got dark and I don’t like approaching when it’s dark. It makes me fear for women’s safety and I am not interested in making anyone feel unsafe.

So, I approached in C|helsea. So many beautiful women around. Volume at 5pm is fine here, it’s the post work rush. I missed ENDLESS oppottunities and also bailed on a few. Including some very pretty girls I approached, they were super nice, but because they looked ‘young’ I bounced. I have some weird shit in my brain I need to work on. I also had 3 women in a row check me out something insane, they were not even subtle about it, I think one gal did it, then the other behind her followed, and then the one behind her did the same thing. Funny thing is, they all looked very similar also, they were beauties.

1 – Bailed, super pretty, but she looked like 18. She was nice and receptive. Nothing wrong in talking. I gotta get over this….
2 – deflected
3 – Exchanged! Nice gal, she was also young looking, I’d geuss she’s maybe 20/21. Chatted, she was about to start work at a local pub.
4 – She walked off mid approach lol

Wanted to get another one in but couldn’t.

No worries. Mileage!

+4 approaches today. We’re at 85.

About 2 thousand to go lol...

I booked a table for a date with the Japanese girl, and the bar called me to confirm this afternoon. The guy called me because he 'genuinely appreciated' my voice mail LMAO, and told me there was nothing else I needed to do, booking was confirmed, he just liked the voice mail. What a dude.

Did a great interview with Andy this morning! We riffed for 2hrs.

Core, done
Work, done.
Cold approach: Had 2hrs after work, before a wellness consult. Went 0/2. It was about 1hr30 in practice, I wasted some time having to come back and get an umbrella as it began to hail. And I could only approach in my local vicinity. I missed about 2 opportunities in this time, and one of the women was exquisite looking lol.

1-deflect ("sorry")
2-opened, stopped and chatted, she was nice. I was quite nervous but she was very pretty and also super nice. Had a bf.

Back home.

Will crack on with a few more bits, have dinner, and then getting the train back to the West Mids. I will be in the office tomorrow delivering some insight day sessions.

Sat & Sun I will find a way to approach. Then back to London, Monday night I think.

Will also hammer the apps. Had a really crazy message on Hinge of some chick telling me I am an awful person for setting my profile to 25 but stating I'm 30, she claimed this was a violation and that it makes me an awful human being. She typed 3 paragraphs of horseshit. I didn't even message her at all. Imagine the anger and resentment inside this person. I laughed and deleted asap. But just want to share as we all get messages like this. It must be embraced and laughed at.


Cold Approaches: 87 (+2 today)
Numbers: 3
Dates: 14
Lays: 1


Over the weekend I'll try to get myself to 100 approaches.


SAT 26/02/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Online 2hrs
(2) Body: Gym / Core
(3) Content: Shoot & Upload
(4) Others: Dermaroller, cold thermogenesis, work.

Notes: Yesterday, worked in the office, put on an insight day - me basically projecting myself very audibly in front of a flipchart for several hours. Was fun man.

Today, just sharpening the sword. Gym, hammering approaches here in the West Mids LMAO where there is limited volume and the chicks are also very very different in how they act from London. London is the only place where I was able to have any form of dating life in the UK, and London is a different ballgame dude. You are playing with the big boys there, trust me.

Here in the West Mids, life is slow. It's different. An ambitious person won't be comfortable here.

Lets get it.

Bumble for me is a lot of older women, 30-40. I ran a spotlight last night and woke up with 20 matches.

The way women age can be BRUTAL. You see some of these profiles of probably lovely women, but they're 35, 38, 40 etc. And you just look at them and think, what? Why are you here? What's your story?

When a woman's looks have long, long faded, and the fire that once burned so bright has worn down to a flickering ebb, all you can think as a man is WHY didn't you strike when the iron was hot? I can't do anything for you now.....I am curious about going on a date with one of these chicks just to see what they're like, but my god is it scary. You are looking at a legitimately weather beaten, aged, withered form of a girl. It's pretty sad. You see some who are 30 who look fucking 50! That's partying like nuts, drinking, substance use, and just being a total moron and not taking care of your body.

I mean no disrespect, but it really is something I think many men who are in this process at 30 and beyond will go through. You are dealing with wayyyyyyyyy past their prime women whose physical appearance has declined HARD.

My last date was with a 29 year old, and she was a very quality chick, awesome human, and she was even pretty to boot, but looking at her face, I could tell there were hard wrinkle lines forming and age was about to unleash it's attack.

She still ghosted completely, presumably because she's such a Queen? Lol. The delusion of these chicks is nuts. This is how women get to 40+ and are still single, insanely past their prime, and bringing a package to the table that just isn't going to evoke anything from a man - and then they will wonder why there's 'no spark' LOL

I just wanted to share this. It's from a place of logic and stoicism. I want to express that it is important for guys to max themselves out and handle biz, because the older you get, our female counterparts are becoming fucking horrifying prospects to be with. Horrifying. Maxxx in the fucking gym, get yoked, ripped, and max out style etc, numbers game to the moon, and land a lovely chick in her prime. The best way to go.

Clear out the deadwood......deadwood will never even realise......they're always QWEEENZ in their own mind

MakingAComeback said:
She still ghosted completely, presumably because she's such a Queen? Lol. The delusion of these chicks is nuts. This is how women get to 40+ and are still single, insanely past their prime, and bringing a package to the table that just isn't going to evoke anything from a man - and then they will wonder why there's 'no spark' LOL
Don't worry about them. Let undesirable women have unrealistic standards, it'll bite them in the ass eventually. You don't need to spend time being resentful over it.

Although, not gonna lie, this comment really comes across as "You don't like me? You're not that hot anyways.". She could've ghosted you for a number of reasons.
MakingAComeback said:
Bumble for me is a lot of older women, 30-40. I ran a spotlight last night and woke up with 20 matches.

Why don't you just set your max age to 30? Also, what is *your* age set at in the app? You should make it 27 or something.
Squilliam said:
MakingAComeback said:
She still ghosted completely, presumably because she's such a Queen? Lol. The delusion of these chicks is nuts. This is how women get to 40+ and are still single, insanely past their prime, and bringing a package to the table that just isn't going to evoke anything from a man - and then they will wonder why there's 'no spark' LOL
Don't worry about them. Let undesirable women have unrealistic standards, it'll bite them in the ass eventually. You don't need to spend time being resentful over it.

Although, not gonna lie, this comment really comes across as "You don't like me? You're not that hot anyways.". She could've ghosted you for a number of reasons.

Hey man. I'm genuinely not bothered. Just writing some thoughts. I am not spending time being resentful, and have made it clear why I express thoughts on here. It helps for processing. Hope this helps clarify that, thanks.

pancakemouse said:
MakingAComeback said:
Bumble for me is a lot of older women, 30-40. I ran a spotlight last night and woke up with 20 matches.

Why don't you just set your max age to 30? Also, what is *your* age set at in the app? You should make it 27 or something.

Done! It's set for 20-30 now.

While I've set my age on Hinge to 25, with a line "btw I'm 30", for Bumble, because it uses my facebook, it's got my bang to rights with my age! haha.

30 as a male is still prime IMO. Biiiiiiiiig time.

Managing younger guys, like plenty of dudes in their early 20s work for me, and they're basically monkeys. I was a monkey at that age too. More experienced and politically astute people in my sector play them like a violin. I do it myself.

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