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Thrice said:
MakingAComeback said:
Hit that neck hard if you're not doing it already

Are neck exercises really safe to do?
Heisenberg said:
, if we've got abs, it's time to start the build up.

At your massive height, if you can cut down to full abs @185 you will look thick ad fuck, like a middleweight, you won't need new muscles you'll look sexy as fuck.

Of course bulk, lifting weights is a lifestyle, but someone your height with full abs at 185 can start maxing other areas because body wise you will already look great!

I will watch your interview during my workout tomorrow 💪👍🙂

Thanks bro! Yeah I really hope it adds to my physique and really helps me dial it in, the rippedness I think will bring a better overall shape, really bring out the V taper, and create a more aesthetic body. Let's see hey? I will update you all on my body progress next month.

I am training SO hard in the gym man, truly hammering.


WEDS 02/03/2022

Hammered like FUCK boyos holy shit. This was a bad ass grinder of a day, bust my fucking ass, I am now in bed at 10:14 spent from sheer hard work.

(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3hrs / Date #15 / Old (DONE, only had 2hrs for cold approach tho)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretch (DONE, no stretching man, no time left now)
(3) Content: Upload 1 YouTube video / 2 TikToks (FAIL)
(4) Others: Work, dermapen, life admin (car insurance renewal) (Done apart from insurance renewal(

OK, solid ass day.

Got up. Visualisation and affirmations. Daily accountability call. Core work.

Gym! Trained my dick off. Yesterday I fasted, so the day after fasting, training is harder. I still slayed.

Finish gym. Shower. Breakfast. Dermapen.

Work! Work for 3hrs, and prep for an important meeting today with my project team and the board of governors. BIG OCCASION.

Do all my prep, get all the team ready, run out the door to cold approach.

2 hour cold approach session, just 4 approaches. I missed so man opportunities, with some beautiful ladies who were looking at me etc. I always bitch out if they look young, but fuck, they must be Uni students or something, if they were young they'd be in school. They're probs like 20 but I freak out. So stupid. Plus, they are looking at me - it seems younger girls like MEN. I have noticed this. I think this is natural.....

Cold approach is done, and I have to get home for the big meeting. I have to eat also, and there is no time to cook now. I order deliveroo as I am walking back. Run back to my flat, it arrives just in time, Timmy has to let the guy in lol.


1 - she doesn't really understand English, she's sweet, I wish her a good day
2 - she just smiles nervously and walks off
3 - she's nice but she's in a rush
4 - she doesn't stop, just says sorry and walks off

That was all. Better than 0 boyos.

Walk home. And run some of it!

I have legit 10 mins to eat and change clothes. I eat fast, which is shit and it gives me a stomach ache,

Meeting goes on for an hour and a half. The team do AMAZING. I am beyond proud of them.

It's 530, and I have to run right to the station for date 15. Everything today has been military precision man.

Arrive at 630. She's there. Bar is cool. Girl is not Japanese, she's actually a uighur girl, and man is she beautiful. Can't believe I'm on a date with such a beautiful human. She's clearly tired as she got back from Paris the evening before. She is quite low energy at the start even a little nervous. I'm talking and talking, she is also not fully understanding at times.

But we keep talking, then I shift my energy. I bring my energy right down and just go super authentic, just honestly talking about grow and improvement. She digs it. I just relax into it.

The whole energy shifts and she becomes really receptive.

It becomes so pleasurable talking to her, she opens up more, and we have a great convo.

Ask her to go for a walk, she leaves with me, we walk to the station, give her a kiss on the cheek and get the train home.

Dating Eastern women is a different vibe, they're different, you have to take it slow.

Enjoyed it man. Good day.

Doing this shit, hammering this hard, while also working, takes some serious gonads.


Cold Approaches: 91 (+4 today)
Numbers: 3
Dates: 15 (+1 today)
Lays: 1

Thats me bros.

I'm a newbie as an approach practitioner, at 500 - 1000 approaches, it'll get better.

Considering living off savings for a few months post August to go hard as fuck with it.

We'll see.

Obv I wanted to upload content but I am so tired now and gotta work tomorrow. I will try again tomorrow. No dates tomorrow as its tube strikes. Got a few leads from OLD.


THUR 03/03/2022


(1) DATING: Cold Approach (3hrs) / Old
(2) BODY: Cardio 60 mins + 3 x 15 glute bridges / Core / Stretch
(3) Content: 2 TikToks / 1 YouTube video
(4) Copywriting: 1 hr
(5) Others: Work, cold thermogenesis, light therapy, mop flat, life admin = car insurance, conf. Gas & electric


THUR 03/03/2022


(1) DATING: Cold Approach (3hrs) / Old (FAIL, no CA but did Old, pushed for dates wirh my 5 current WhatsApp leads and messages girls on Hinge and Bumble. Messaged loads of girls, ran boosts, etc. Put in 2hrs work on the apps and that was solid)
(2) BODY: Cardio 60 mins + 3 x 15 glute bridges / Core / Stretch (FAIL, no gym, but did core and all my stretching)
(3) Content: 2 TikToks / 1 YouTube video (DONE)
(4) Copywriting: 1 hr (FAIL)
(5) Others: Work, cold thermogenesis, light therapy, mop flat, life admin = car insurance, conf. Gas & electric (DONE, apart from gas and electric doing that tomorrow)


OK bros. So I woke up, and sprang into action at 530am. But I noticed. Shit, I am feeling tired. Damn dude. I keep hammering, do my visualisation, check in with my accountability partner, and then do some life admin. Run down to the shop to pick up my Amazon delivery, lol. Whey protein. Make breakfast. I notice, FUCK, I am smoked man. But I will still go hard as fuck.

I have a lot of work to get done, and need to get this shit sorted. I log in and start working remotely at 8am. I think to myself, I’ll work for an hour, and then I’ll go get my run in.

Well, in my first meeting, I can tell, shit, I am not right today.

I say to myself: dude, work hard, but manage yourself today. Don’t run, do everything else.

I focus on work, and am looking forward to cold approach.

Get work done at 12. Time to cold approach!

I LEGIT cannot move a muscle dude. I am SMOKED tired. I have been hammering like a superhuman. Today, it caught me man.

I am beyond sad and upset I can’t approach. I keep hyping myself up, and tell myself I will just do one approach and come home, but I am DEAD ASS tired.

So I go to bed, and say, ok, I’ll lay down for 1hr, and then I’ll approach. I lay down for 1hr, alarm goes off, still SMOKED. I drink a tonne of reverse osmosis water, add potassium bicarb and celtic sea salt, take my supps, and lay down for a further hour. Alarm goes off. Now I am feeling a bit better.

I realise. Fuck, I am really pushing crazy hard. I am still so smoked. I am legit aching from head to toe.

Sometimes, when we fast, there is a cleansing reaction when the body is detoxing. I think this is what happened. The cells begin to clear waste and it is super taxing on energy. I fasted Tuesday. I accept it, because on the other side of this, is a healthier body and mind.

So I lay down for a further 30 mins, and then just crack on man.

Chat to Timmy. Just check in with him. Timmy is working hard, settling into the Hustle House, and will be hammering soon too. People need time to adapt. He will find a great way forward and we will all push him. Not one man gets left behind here.

We will all be great.

OK, so then, I eat my last meal. Shoot a tiktok.

I’ll be fasting for 40hrs now. MUST get shredded.

Then, hammer the dating apps. Push for dates with all my whatsapp leads. Message tonnes on Hinge and Bumble.

Core work, and then clean the flat. Sweet, mop all floors, clean the bathroom, clean my room. It’s looking nice, smelling good, I am happy.

I then do light therapy: UV lamp and clear lamp are on my naked ass body, and I grind on the apps for 2hrs.

Life admin: call my insurance company, who are going to renew my policy. Tell them I’m thinking of leaving. They knock 90 pound off my renewal. NICE. I will barely drive it, its just on my parents drive, my Dad and bro use it sometimes, and I use it when I have to work in the office once or twice a month.

Content: edit and upload todays YouTube video. Here it is below:


Stretching happens, listen to David Goggins.

BTW, when David Goggins was coming up, he had many, many, many days he could not move a muscle and lay in bed ALL DAY.

Welcome to adaptation of the brain and body.

All this shit is built, not born.

Hammered like fuck bros.

Off to bed now, 11pm now. Up at 6am. And geuss what? WILL GRIND. I will also be fasted all day Friday, and am trying to push for a date with a very pretty lady for tomorrow. She’s in Fulham so quite close. I will be fasted so she will have an interesting time with me if she confirms lol…..

Great weight loss MAC.
Really really good.

I'm always impressed by your work ethic.

How's online going?

I feel like youre possibly in a position to get some really good pictures.
And with those pics, start a profile that could launch you into the 10+ dates per week life.

Also where you sitting with the day game chat?
A lot of us have moved on from taking Lord Voldemort seriously.

colgate posts a lot but doesn't take the content that seriously.
Crisis_Overcomer got banned.
And I never say a word on there anymore.

I think in general that chat makes people worse not better.
I know from experience how much lack of sleep can fuck you up, if you're that tired your body is telling you something.

We need 8/7 hour and to achieve is better to give yourself 9 hours of bed time, i hear all this self improvement gurus saying you should wake up at 5 am, i tried that and it fucked me up.

I admire your work ethic, your like a tank, but remember rest and fuel ⛽
THANK YOU BROS!!!! I will address your posts. Just back from date 16. Man I am over the moon right now. This was a LOVELY experience.


FRIDAY 04/03/2022


(1) Dating: Cold Approach 3 hrs / Old / Date 16 (DONE - 4 approaches in 3hrs hammering, worked on the apps, and went to date 16 with a pretty 26 y/o primary school teacher)
(2) Body: Gym / Core / Stretching / Fasting no food all day (DONE apart from stretching its now 11pm got back from my date gonna sleep now)
(3) Content: 2 tiktoks (DONE)
(4) Others: Work, life admin sort out gas and electric, because we were smart and waited the prices are now HALF what they were in Jan, found some good deals will confirm with Timmy tomorrow and set it up. Also did an ice bath and light therapy with my UV device and my clear device.


FASTED ALL DAY to shred this fat boyos. Hammred like CRAZY today. Woke up, visualisation, accountability call, core work, GYM hammered in there for 1hr 45 mins KILLING IT. Then came home, showered, listened to 1 song, and started work. Did some meetings with my staff. Sorted out project work. Then, cold approach!

CA was hard today as I missed yesterday due to being SMOKED. Day off always fucks me. So I did 4 approaches in 3 hrs and missed TONNES of approaches including when the girls were locked eyes with me, we just pass each other gazing and it hurts my soul, they glare into my soul....they would snap out of it when I approach, they get flustered and run. But this never happened to me in my earlier years. Age for men is good....crazy man.....

So, I am just driving myself forward, no good and also this is also work and gym, and I am walking and walking for 3hrs, just burning fat, decreasing insulin, improving hormones, and stepping into my inner warrior.

I don't perform well at approaching today. But I notice - I am enjoying this shit. There isn't the anger. It's great. This ONLY happened because I typed it out. I was also working hard in my day to day life to do the releases Andy explained.

1 she says nice to meet you and walks off
2 doesn't stop but thanks me
3 she is edgy af feels crazy awkward i bounce
4 she just says thanks but shes in a rush

Boom! Better than 0. I will be back tomorrow fuckin hammering.

Go home. Call the energy company. They tell me some bullshit. Find other deals. Will confirm with Timmy tomorrow.

Then do light therapy and old fo 15mins.

Brush, shave, change clothes. Run out the door get the bus to Fulham. Date 16!

She's cute, she reminds me of my best friend from school's wife. The second she sees me, she has a big beaming smile. I know she likes what she sees. I worked my dick off to improve my appearance. With the fat totally shredded and some ACTUAL MUSCLE, it'll be game over. I need a lot more muscle boyos. I am cutting and there's just not enough food to build shit. But I am sculpting and building a little bit.

Just need to get ripped.

Anyway, on dates, you learn the SKILLSET OF DATING. I have learned a lot of skills in terms of getting girls to open up, how to be vulnerable, and how to really have a great conversation where you feel good as you exchange energy. It is about lowering the energy to a warmer, more gentle, open vibe for me. I buy the first round, she then asks if I want another round, she buys the next one. She's very sweet and super nice. We talk about different topics.

How I go for the kiss is this: "I'm just going to nip to the gents, but before that, can I give you a quick kiss?" and boom.

It's nice, feels good.

I personally have quite full lips, and so far it's been a long time since I kissed a girl who didn't have thin lips......I need to keep grinding and get a gal with some full lips. Had that twice in my life it was awesome.

We kiss throughout the night. I am right up on her, arm wrapped around her, she is super nice and receptive. No resistance. I even feel her legs and stuff like that. All good. She is into me.

She is super tired from an intense week, after almost 2 and a half hrs, she says its time for her to go to bed for 12 hrs. But she says she wants to walk me to the bus. Bus is right in front of the bar. I miss the first first because I'm making out with her. Next one comes and Im out. Feeling GOOD.

We verbally agree a date next week. Let's get it.

Chinese girl from date 15 also texted me today saying she wants to see me again soon, shes off to Italy for a week today, she told me all this on the date, but when shes back she wants us to hang out. Asian women are a different vibe and I think she will take time.....but she is very lovely and so feminine, she was an incredible human. Any time I can spend around her will be great. She was also BEAUTIFUL. Truly.....that Chinese turkish mix is something unbelievable.

Its 1137 I need sleep. Fasted successfully, apart from drinks, which were low kcal anyway, I will have shred some fat today.

Solid day bros.

Me Timmy and Carl are shooting pics next weekend. We will do pics once a month.


Cold Approaches: 95 (+4 today)
Numbers: 3
Dates: 16 (+1 today)
Lays: 1


Girl from last night texts me saying she doesn't see it going any further etc. Thanked, blocked, deleted. Same shit, different day. All 16 girls so far sent the exact same text, if they didn't completely ghost. Welcome to the grind boyos. Well tbf the Chinese lady hasn't ghosted yet. That'll come, rest assured.

2 dates tonight.

Date 17: she's a middle eastern looking chick, looks mad pretty, and has sent me tonnes of super sweet voice messages telling me how excited she is to meet me. Geuss what? Tomorrow morning, she will be texting me saying she didn't feel the connection.

Date 8: 32 y/o chick, very badass girl, she's Bulgarian. Physically not my type, not attracted to her at all, but on the phone she had an incredible personality and I liked so much about her, respected her tbh she is a driven as fuck chick and a total savage. She'll absolutely ghost. I can sense it.

Good points from Hiesenberg and Thrice as usual on sleep, agree. Recovery is critical and I do implement processes daily to make this sustainable, but need to work on sleep. I am horrible at sleep because my mind never stops, I am so desperate to make something of myself :-( I am lying there often just burning with desire to do more, honestly, half the time even tho I am killing myself until i can't move I still feel like I don't do shit. :-(


SAT 05/03/2022

Broke my fast @ 12. Took a lot of rest, got up at around 10am. I ALWAYS get up at 6am and my body just got up, I just lay in bed and let the adrenaline go down. Got up at 10am, weight is down nicely to 196.0. I will keep doing these fasts this month and shred man. At 185lbs, I should have abs.

(1) DATING: 2 Dates from the online apps (17 & 18)
(2) Body: Core / Stretch / Replenish kcal and nutrients post 40 hr fast
(3) Others: Life admin - help Vin, light therapy. Get to bed before 11.

No cold approach. My friend Vin asked for help, he's out of town and needed me to pick his parcels up from an AirBNB he was in. Went down and took a suitcase to bring his stuff and store it for a while. Always help your friends and put this above anything related to women. Women will come and go and do not give a rats ass about you. The only hope in life is brotherhood and us creating something special.

OK. Gonna make dinner, do core work, eat, stretch, light therapy, quick shower and run out the door to date 17.

She has sent be the most adorable messages all week, she is obv very excited. I will literally send you the text message she will send me tomorrow saying she didn't feel the connection. You watch.

Heisenberg said:
Great work! You'll bag that girl on date 2.


MakingAComeback said:
Girl from last night texts me saying she doesn't see it going any further

I laughed so hard. God bless you guys 😂😂😂

MakingAComeback said:
Well tbf the Chinese lady hasn't ghosted yet.

Is this one from cold approach?

MakingAComeback said:
She'll absolutely ghost. I can sense it.


MakingAComeback said:
I will literally send you the text message she will send me tomorrow saying she didn't feel the connection. You watch.

Good, you're learning. Yesterday I had an amazing interaction with a girl during my session. We clicked, hugged each other, even showed pics of our cats.

Messaged her today, 👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻👻

MakingAComeback said:
No cold approach. My friend Vin asked for help, he's out of town and needed me to pick his parcels up from an AirBNB he was in. Went down and took a suitcase to bring his stuff and store it for a while. Always help your friends and put this above anything related to women. Women will come and go and do not give a rats ass about you. The only hope in life is brotherhood and us creating something special.

I'll call you out here: it feels that whenever something happens in your life, cold approach is the only thing to get postponed. Since you're doing a bunch of other things on a daily basis, can't you skip a few and still approach? Even going out for an hour and keeping the habit helps.
MakingAComeback said:
Girl from last night texts me saying she doesn't see it going any further etc. Thanked, blocked, deleted. Same shit, different day. All 16 girls so far sent the exact same text, if they didn't completely ghost. Welcome to the grind boyos. Well tbf the Chinese lady hasn't ghosted yet. That'll come, rest assured.

look man, from an objective third party perspective: i watched your tiktoks and the interview. you are a kind passionate and interesting person whom plenty of women i know would be lucky to date.

your looks are improving and i don’t think the whole “i didn’t feel a connection” after making out with you on the first date is based on your looks. it could be a statistical anomaly but more likely you’re saying/doing something wrong on these dates. consider recording them.

i have no idea what it is but based on the interview you could be talking too fast, too much, too intensely, mostly about random subjects and a bit about yourself, not asking probing questions of the girl and getting her to open up. “connection” is paradoxically more about what she tells you than what you tell her

Crisis_Overcomer said:
Good, you're learning.

this may be counterproductive. surely you at least know some guys who have good retention and conversion from first dates, even at decent volume. why can’t it be you?

i get it, it’s a delicate and evolving balance between the two extremes of “everything is within my control” and “regardless of what i do 99% of women will ghost me at any stage. none of it is my responsibility as long as i approach”

this forum tends to overcorrect to the latter sometimes
MakingAComeback are you doing anything to explicitly solicit these messages? Like asking for them to send that if they dont want to meet again?

The amount of times you get a txt like that seems out of the ordinary. I get those sort of messages like 1 every 20 girls and its not usually after a 1st date (more commonly after we’ve had sex and im seeing if she’ll come again)
Radical said:
The amount of times you get a txt like that seems out of the ordinary. I get those sort of messages like 1 every 20 girls and its not usually after a 1st date (more commonly after we’ve had sex and im seeing if she’ll come again)
Wait, hold up, you're saying only 1 out of every 20 girls you go out with tells you there's "no connection"? So does that not account for girls who ghost, or are you saying that you can see like 19/20 girls again? I thought most girls not going out with you again was normal.

When I first started, I got ghosted or that type of message a lot. Nowadays, my retention is a lot better, and 3/4 of the girls I went out with this year saw me again, but I feel like that was just a fluke.
Rags2Bitches said:
this may be counterproductive. surely you at least know some guys who have good retention and conversion from first dates, even at decent volume. why can’t it be you?

Good question.

I have two guys in mind, one used to slay but is now married and the other one is active. The former had good retention and took him 2-3 dates to have sex with the girl. The latter doesn't have great retention from what I understand, but slays on the first date a lot.

But as for people who both kill it on the first date and have good retention? No idea where to find them in my city. I used to do that pre covid (sex on the first date most times and would see the girl again and again) and was a bit annoyed with how things changed.

I reached out to the first guy, asking for advice so we'll see how it goes. I think the suggestion will be something along the lines of "do cool shit with the girl and seed something also cool for the next date." The guy would take girls to fancy bars, trips, dancing, and even to a mansion he used to co-rent with other dudes. If that's the case, I'm not sure how to approach this. I'm not really interested in a lot of things and I barely have time for stuff I like.

En suma:

I might be missing something else. But it seems that the bottleneck for seeing girls multiple times before they feel comfortable to have sex is "do cool shit"

Let me know your thoughts
Squilliam said:
Radical said:
The amount of times you get a txt like that seems out of the ordinary. I get those sort of messages like 1 every 20 girls and its not usually after a 1st date (more commonly after we’ve had sex and im seeing if she’ll come again)
Wait, hold up, you're saying only 1 out of every 20 girls you go out with tells you there's "no connection"? So does that not account for girls who ghost, or are you saying that you can see like 19/20 girls again? I thought most girls not going out with you again was normal.

When I first started, I got ghosted or that type of message a lot. Nowadays, my retention is a lot better, and 3/4 of the girls I went out with this year saw me again, but I feel like that was just a fluke.

Yeah i mean the number of actual messages he gets is weird. Most would be ghosts or convos trailing off

I super rarely get this message nor did i get it much starting out. I spoke to Rags2Bitches about it too and he hadnt seen it much in his experience either

Hence im asking if he is actively asking girls for this in some way
Radical said:
Squilliam said:
Wait, hold up, you're saying only 1 out of every 20 girls you go out with tells you there's "no connection"? So does that not account for girls who ghost, or are you saying that you can see like 19/20 girls again? I thought most girls not going out with you again was normal.

When I first started, I got ghosted or that type of message a lot. Nowadays, my retention is a lot better, and 3/4 of the girls I went out with this year saw me again, but I feel like that was just a fluke.

Yeah i mean the number of actual messages he gets is weird. Most would be ghosts or convos trailing off

I super rarely get this message nor did i get it much starting out. I spoke to @Rags2Bitches about it too and he hadnt seen it much in his experience either

Hence im asking if he is actively asking girls for this in some way

I can comment s bit on this cuz I got that message Alllll the time and haven't seen it in awhile.

Before I only went for lays on the first date and made absolutely no attempt to build a connection, project confidence or anything to get the girl more intetested in me.

Got that text majority of the time if they didn't outright ghost after the first date.

.... So now.
I show up to the date with the gameplan of (1) projecting confidence, and (2) having a genuine conversation where Im acting like myself.

Haven't gotten that text since I started doing those two things.

Conversation has always been my strong point but i dont see it as a weak point for Ravi either (ive hung out with him irl 3 times now - tho granted i havent dated him) so im interested in whats causing this problem

I think he just needs more experience with success and he will develop a vibe and confidence from that but be good if we can spot some fix short term too
Radical said:

Conversation has always been my strong point but i dont see it as a weak point for Ravi either (ive hung out with him irl 3 times now - tho granted i havent dated him) so im interested in whats causing this problem

I think he just needs more experience with success and he will develop a vibe and confidence from that but be good if we can spot some fix short term too

If he has any beliefs around women that prevent him from being himself, or if he feels lesser than the girls in terms of SMV, he will come across unconfident/nervous or off... Even tho he'll be normal in real life.

MakingAComeback you're obviously the judge. Do you feel like you need to act a certain way on dates or that you need to win something from the girl in any way? Or anything that you think that would make your conversations off??

I'm not trying to put words into your mouth or highlight a problem that isn't there. I'm just saying that's what made the difference for me.


And ya it could just be the experience thing. Being nervous or whatever during the date.

To clarify, I am legit not joking, I got the exact same text from every girl post-date, apart from a few girls who completely ghosted altogether.

It kept happening, like none of them really wanted to know me, and then with Danish girl, I thought this could help build me up and get some experience. Show me there will be a girl one day who will be interested. We fucked a few times, like on 3 diff occasions, then she ghosted for 2 weeks, and sent the exact same text!

Went on 2 dates after that, they just totally ghosted.

And then had a bit of a gap, then went on a cold approach date. and she actually hasn't ghosted yet, which is great.

Then there was date #16 yesterday. She was nice and receptive, then sent the same text about this isn't going anywhere.

At that point, I was pissed. Like I woke up today feeling so good, then boom, she's not interested. That triggered me and I was pissed, but it was WAY WAY weaker than it used to be. It was not so powerful, it was actually kinda easy to work through.


Previously, on dates, I would NEVER go for the kiss. I am now able to do that, get that, and it's GREAT.

Writeup to come. We'll figure it out.

Rags2Bitches I will legit record my next date, very happy to. Also thanks for the reassurance brother, truly, this means a lot. it has FUCKED with my head getting that text almost every time, as you know I have always been that invisible dude so it often brings forward this idea that I am not right and somehow my creator made a mistake with me and left something out of it. This is one of the most painful thoughts and sensations you can experience, I assure you, I am not joking around - it is a feeling that can truly wound. But I am just going off SHEER FAITH that one day, if I just keep working my fucking ass off, one day I will be better. I am thinking of booking all of July off work to hammer hard, and then go to get a hair transplant in August. It will improve my looks a lot. I will research this A LOT as I know if I don't, Crisis will come down from Mount Olympus and throw me into the river Styx. But more / better hair and more muscle / less fat, as well as mewing and posture work, will get my looks about as good as I can get them man. I am also open to a tattoo. That'll be all I will be willing to do. I can't do surgery and shit. If that is the only option left, I will reinvent myself and create a different vision for my life.

Man, these were good dates. They were very nice and receptive. If these also ghost or send me that text tomorrow, I am going to have a field day. Because these girls were legit actively expressing they wanted to see me again. It would defy logic. And I am sorry but they were not blessed in the looks department to put it charitably, I ain't much, but even I know I can do better.

BTW, these two today, they were very cool and nice girls, and they both expressed they liked me and want to see me. Transparency: both were not the bel of the ball, lookswise they're perhaps a bit below average, but fuck me were there beautiful humans. Legit LOVED these days. These girls were WAY better than the girl yesterday. Date #16 was prettier than these, I mean, she was not pretty by any stretch (sorry just being honest, why should I lie) but she was quite expressive and decent. She did talk about how men are toxic and how Trump and Putin demonstrate why men shouldn't have power and if women were in charge the world would be a better place. I just nodded and agreed. She has no idea of the literature on female leadership and female group dynamics, women actually have a very developed body of research on their group dynamics and they bully and scandalise and damage the reputations of other women to a degree which is legit almost evil. And their are many case studies of women in power, with no overall improvement in stability of systems. Human nature will remain what it is. And btw, the modern male is a product of female's selection preferences. I will maintain that the human MALE is a special creature and is the most dominant creature that has ever, ever existed on this earth. Why? Because we are the most adaptable organism God ever created, and because of that, we will always outlast, outcompete, outwork, outperform, out manoeuvre them all. That is why we survive. And why we will continue to thrive.

Some men's spaces are toxic AF, like Lord Voldermorts group chat, groups echo the level of energy of the leader, and if the leader is a psychopath, the members will go in that direction.

Our tribe is supportive, united, and we move each other forward, even if we're at different levels, we can ALL push each other no matter what our position and outcomes

Writeup to come

Manganiello thanks for your thoughts here they really really helped. But I am not nervous on dates, like at all, I am confident as FUCK on dates and totally in control, in the zone, and can easily and adeptly move the convo around. I am quite savvy and astute and also a good communicator. Those I've hung out from here can attest (my housemate is a KYIL member, I've hung out with Radical, and will hang out with many more). I think it is actually really about those probing questions and physical escalation, shit like that. I am tired now after hammering all day bit I will write i up and then go to bed.

Crisis_Overcomer you are so right man, fuck. I must prioritise cold approach. I feel like dating apps create a weird dynamic, the girls have FIFTHY THOUSAND MESSAGES, unless you're their perfect man, why would they even care? What do you matter? Danish girl told me some crazy shit man abou girls experiences, she was 70lbs overweight but legit got hit on daily, multiple times a day, and it did make her think she was absolutely beautful and she would make remarks about it. She was a beautiful human being, trust me, I liked her tonnes, but damn dude, I knew that just being a guy from the apps puts me in there with these loser cunts who are simping over an obese chick. Madness.

I know I will need to get cold approach down. I will be out there tomorrow bro hammering like a mofo. It is actually so good for you as a man. it is truly a great development tool, I must admit, I can see myself loving it one day. Thanks as ever Crisis.

All of you have been amazing so thanks for this discussion it has helped a lot.

Will write up the dates now and go to bed.

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